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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. A Few Dream Fragments 1

      by , 10-11-2013 at 11:48 AM
      May not be in chronological order. In New York city, Lady Liberty is in Manhattan for some strange reason. I ask people why this is, they say it was always this way in this game (Me thinking it is Spider Man 2, PS2, played that game alot when i was younger). I think this can't be right (Not fully sure on this next Part), i think back at how it 's on Liberty island not Manhattan (Didn't become lucid, ). That's all i remember from this part. Next part is also strange, i am in Times Square (Still in New York) and i am in a bed here Paperdoll So Seeker and everybody-ts.jpg. I am changing clothes for some reason here in the bed and i feel very self conscious (As you would if you were half naked in front of many people), i am with people from my days in school and my brother. My brother leaves to buy something (We must be on a school trip), and people don't seem to mind a half naked guy trying to change clothes whilst trying to block his private parts desperately with the new change of clothes. To be honest there aren't much people around it seemed. I ask one of my classmate's where i can buy something good, the rest is vague and i then wake up. Now, this dream is weird because when i was in school i kept myself to myself and had a very little amount of friends and there was many people there i didn't like, but in this dream no one seems to mind me and i got by fine. This dream must've been made from the reason i am kind of self-conscious and when i had to change clothes when i did sports at school, but even then no one bothered me that much there.

      Note: Forgot to mention a guy was having s*x with someone behind me. Not to get too detailed but in that position where the guy is standing and holding the girl's legs while he lifts her up and down on his P***s, lol.

      Updated 10-13-2013 at 12:20 AM by 65739 (Remembered something)

      memorable , dream fragment
    2. Preparing a meeting.

      by , 10-11-2013 at 04:20 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Preparing a meeting. (Non-lucid)


      This was one of those nights were I have extremely long dreams, with tons of dialogs and scenarios, and you wake up knowing a lot happen, but being so much you can't recall at all... Not the "no dream feeling" but the "huge long dream feeling" that you can't just recall. This is all I got... lousy night haha.

      I was told by a client to prepare some sort of psychic meeting group, so I started to plan in the street for some reason. I also wanted to look for venues to be able to hold the meeting.

      One guy wanted to give me a hard time for some reason.
      Tags: fragment, meeting
      dream fragment
    3. 10th Oct 2013 Fragments

      by , 10-10-2013 at 11:43 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some video game in futuristic setting and something about missiles.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was at home and there was alot of talk going on about whether to go somewhere and then everyone decided to watch some video.
    4. House cleaning / Working late / The island / Fragments

      by , 10-10-2013 at 07:27 PM
      House cleaning
      I'm in bed in a living room. My wife is still asleep. I realize there are shreds of paper towel all over the room and start to clean them up so she doesn't have to. Now I'm still in the same room, but the bed is gone. It's still dark, so I want to turn the lights on, but they're not working. I try a couple of different switches, thinking that maybe the outlet is controlled by one of them, and that's why the Insteon module isn't working.

      Now the lights are on. On the floor near the middle of the long wall, there's a gigantic toy chest with a stack of toys all around it. I start cleaning them up. Now the room is fairly clean. Now I'm in the next room over, the dining room. It's a fancy room with a long table that would probably seat 20. The room looks good. Now I'm in the entry area. It and the parlor next to it look pretty good. Now I'm back in the living room. It's been cleaned up even more since I left. I wonder if my wife and I are moving in circles around the house, never catching up with each other.

      Working late
      I'm at work very late; it's dark outside, and it's near midnight. I need to use the restroom. Now I'm walking into building A. I'm really not sure why I'm doing this, since I had been working in building B. An overweight bearded man goes in ahead of me; I think he must be arriving for 3rd shift for tech support. In the entryway, between the two sets of doors, I realize I'm still listening to my dreaming MP3. I step to the side and pull out my phone to turn it off so no one thinks I'm crazy. Once I'm in the lobby, I again question why I'm in A. I decide to head back to B and use the restroom there. I leave out a side door.

      Now I'm in a part of the building I've never been in before. It looks like a loading dock. I have the feeling I shouldn't be here.There are a couple of doors in here besides the one I came from. I choose one at random and walk through it, not knowing where it goes. Now I'm in the inner part of a nice hotel suite. Some business men are having a meeting and stare at me as I walk past them. I find the exit to the suite and walk out it. It's a strangely narrow short hallway.

      Now I'm back in building B, on the ground floor, walking through a hallway next to the windows. I can see through the windows that it's still night time. When I'm almost to another external door, I walk through a group of programmers, all men in their 20s. One of them, a thin guy, stops me and asks if I've learned Spring yet. I tell him that I've only gone through the intro tutorial. He doesn't look pleased, so I explain that I'm not in his group, that I do all sorts of different things, but not much with Spring. One of the other guys gets an amazed look on his face and asks if I'm the one who wrote the digiclean script. I say that I am, and the first guy changes from annoyed to pleased and says that they love it, that everyone on the team has to run it at least once a day or things just stop working. I realize that none of these people is real, but I keep talking to them anyway, since it's nice to be complemented.

      The island
      Ben is in our kitchen (it actually looks like our real kitchen), describing his trip to <island>. Now I'm swimming around <island>. It's a tiny piece of land; I can swim around it in just a few minutes. I see a lot of trees but no signs of life. On one side of the island, there's a really dark patch of water. Swimming to it, I find that it's got a very strong up-current - so strong that I can actually get on my hands and knees, raising my body out of the water. It feels like I'm on something squishy with an inch or two of water on it. I try to swim down into it, but that's a complete failure. I swim out of the dark area and try again, but I still can't get down into the water.

      1) I'm in a store, checking out. I talk with the middle-aged female cashier.

      2) Something about a plumber in a bathroom. He has to go get his tools. I stay outside the bathroom and fiddle with my phone.

      3) I'm in a building with people. There's some conversation about traveling to other countries and needing passports. Something about a boat.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Fail at becoming lucid during a WBTB attempt.

      by , 10-10-2013 at 10:15 AM
      Had a dream, told myself and others around me that i was dreaming, didn't become lucid (not 100% sure on that, maybe became mildly lucid). The dream was at the back of my house, tried to write "you are dreaming" on the wall with a chisel (Didn't get to fully write it down, took alot of effort, like it would in real life and i must have got bored), that's all i remember. I'm not totally sure how it happened, could have been a DC that convinced me that it was reality. To be honest i recreated the back of my house in my mind too well it seems, too realistic. Then again when i was telling DCs about how it was a dream i maybe became mildly lucid.

      Note: I may have said "I am dreaming" instead of "Am i dreaming?" before falling asleep, therefore forgetting to question my reality in the dream .

      Updated 10-10-2013 at 10:24 AM by 65739

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. In harmony

      by , 10-10-2013 at 12:43 AM
      Date: 09 Oct Entry 2/3

      At this point I just wanted to sleep, so only wrote the key words for this dream.

      LD: No idea how this dream started. I am on one of the streets in my hometown. There are also lots of kids playing here. Having no particular goals in mind, I decide to explore around and get in a shop where they sell crystals, bracelets, etc. My first though is "what am I doing here", since this is an ld and I don't usually do this in lds but non-lds. Anyways, there's some pretty cool stuff on sale - colorful necklaces and I check them out. The shop keeper is a woman that greets me in Spanish. I get a bit confused, does she see me? (I sometimes randomly assume that am OBEing somewhere and the people might be real instead of DCs.)

      I say a few words to her and then she gives me some sort of a wooden board with letters on it. I am thinking this is similar to an ouija board and might use it to obtain answers/info this way. It also looks like a good idea for invention, because I haven't seen anything like this before. There is a text that has been scratched on it (no ink) and I try to read the message, but the letters look like ancient Greek and turn to random ones. I then face her and decide to ask her to give me an advice, anything that can be useful for me. I am hoping of hearing concrete instructions of what exactly I should do. (yeah, I know!)

      She tells me that I have to live in harmony with the surroundings, because everything from the environment (some words I can't understand) changes our DNA.

      I find the answer much more profound than one would assume. I can't believe she just said that. It changes our DNA? She nods yes. Can you repeat this again. (I am trying to memorize it as hard as I can). She repeats the answer again. I want to ask her more things, but at this moment, similarly to inception, lots of DCs - the kids from outside storm the place and I can't talk to her. I tell them to bugger off but the dream ends.

      Almost forgotten short ld.

      LD Frag:I am looking at my feet and decide I want to change my clothes and shoes. Initially, I have the desire to make a pair of purple shoes appear, but briefly see only one. Next, I am wearing a flip flop on one foot and a gray high heel shoe on my other foot. I make some sort of grey leggings appear, then think people won't be very interested in reading this entry.

      Updated 10-10-2013 at 12:46 AM by 61764

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    7. 9th Oct 2013 Video game dreams

      by , 10-09-2013 at 11:46 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some video game and i had to search for something in forest.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing a mod of my ancient doom mod apparently, it was a coop game in some maze and there were dangerous enemies, then as we reached some point suddenly enemy players started appearing, final fight was going on in the room with tables and i've had some pretty powerful weapons that made fight rather simple. Then later we were discussing stuff and trying to figure out what is going on with the game.

      Dream 3:

      I was playing some kind of mix between UT99 and UT2004 and the level was an indoor, metallic, area with alot of ramps in various formations forming some paths up, then on top there was a generator room. I was apparently playing versus a team of two who were doing pretty good due to me not knowing the level and were sniping around using sniper weapons with white beam that worked pretty much like shock rifles. At one point i was dropped down by one of shots and found flak cannon and with it i started doing alot better and noticed that my opponents were actually playing very badly, sometimes not seeing me in a plain sight.
    8. Dream Bits: Sex with Melissa Gilbert, Knott's, and a Nasty Ghetto

      by , 10-09-2013 at 04:02 PM
      [For several days I was having dreams that seemed somehow not worth writing down or recording ... until yesterday when the exponential data center dream seemed worth recording, at which point the last several days of dreams that were not worth recording were suddenly worth recording, even though they are generally more suited for dream bits than full dreams. The mind is a very weird thing!]

      10-05ish-2013 -- Much of the detail was gone the instant I woke up, and several days later even more has faded, but ... I am in a sort of a sports stadium, being half pursued by a sort of a bad guy, but not too much so, still kind of a calm situation. There are hints of the Buena Park Church of the Nazarene, but not much. There are good guys that are helping me and bad guys that are chasing me, and maybe some hints of doing some kind of singing of funny songs, but nothing I can actually remember.

      I am moving into (or perhaps out of) the stadium area again, and find myself facing a naked and very attractive Melissa Gilbert (Laura from Little House, but very grown up) and I decide I want to have sex with her. She has no interest in me, she wants to get together with her 'Manly' (Almanzo Wilder).
      Spoiler for for graphic sex:

      After that nice bit is over, more of the bad guys are after me, and I try to sneak out of the entire stadium area, just to find myself in a sort of railroad yard, dodging trains. Thankfully, even though I am still being chased, I am able to fly, and they aren't, so I am flying higher and higher, and though they are trying to climb buildings to catch me, they just can't keep up.

      Then things start to change, in the way they often do in dreams, and I am having more and more trouble flying, while the people chasing me start flying, and are getting to be better at it than me, so I am only barely staying out of their reach, and then not even managing to stay out of their reach.


      10-06ish-2013 -- Running around in Buena Park, perhaps riding or trying to catch a bus, heading down Beach Blvd (or perhaps Grand Avenue) right past the entrance of Knott's Berry Farm. Somehow in something that half-resembles a computer game, and half ties into roller coaster rides and the like, I end up on a sort of ground-based care ride that carries me along the edge of the property just south of where Montezooma's Revenge is.

      While it somehow is a flat ground-based ride, it is soon on top of a tall building, perhaps 19 or 20 floors up, and I find myself walking along the top of the building, thinking of jumping off, and worrying about if I can safely fall 19 or 20 floors or not. Very strange, and too much is faded at this point to remember well.


      10-07-2013 -- Am somehow visiting with BAM in the old place, and am preparing to cook a meal which involves some very thick steak (actually a couple of very think steaks fitting together like a yo-yo until I cut them apart and make them into two steaks) and a side like macaroni and cheese or perhaps scalloped potatoes. I am also trying to get something to drink, but all the ice cubes are contaminated with some sort of brown alcohol. (Looks like Coke, but it is alcoholic, and I am trying to get it cleaned up, but all the ice is contaminated.)

      Somehow this ends up with BAM and I wandering around right outside (me still carrying the steak and potatoes) in a very ghetto-like neighborhood filled with some very rough people and lots of young gang member-like thugs carrying guns and weapons. Somehow it feels very end-of-the-world, and I can't help but think the whole world is doomed.

      Meanwhile, I am still trying to figure out how to get the meal cooked, and dodging violent crooks. BAM heads off to a new place, and is moving (but only about a block or so over to a mobile home park) and I end up making friends with a particularly tough guy who actually seems to be tough but good, and is helping me gather the weapons I need to protect myself, as bad cops are chasing me and trying to lock me up, and I have to try and speak in a very hip and with-it way to try and food people and keep myself safe.

      Soon I try and make it back to BAMs new place, though I have a little problem finding the exact right mobile home, and she wants nothing to do with me, though there are Christian singers who do, and a dead pastor who is trying to talk to us, and clowns running around. It is all very odd.

      Updated 10-09-2013 at 04:05 PM by 57040

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 9th Oct 2013 Fragments

      by , 10-09-2013 at 02:18 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today"s WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was playing some video game.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was at home and there were some anime characters and a small dragon, i almost realized the dream but got distracted.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      Flying above sea, seeing my wings.
    10. In Captivity

      by , 10-09-2013 at 01:02 PM (Casting Shadows)
      I don't remember much from my dream last night. I know that my father was holding my mother and I captive in the trailer. I once asked him why, but I don't remember his answer (it might have been something like, "Because I love you"). At some point he texted me and explained to me that he would be drinking the following weekend and I asked him why, but he said because he always drinks on the weekends and the holidays. That wasn't what I meant. . . .

      At some point I'm trying to escape from him.
    11. 10/9/13

      by , 10-09-2013 at 10:37 AM
      I think my dream involved my crush and her boyfriend, but I can't remember anything else because my recall has been absolute shite as of late.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Make my Day... 21st Lucid Dream!

      by , 10-09-2013 at 05:35 AM
      Before I get to the lucid dream, here are some others I had from last night as well...

      #1. I was dreaming I was playing for a professional basketball team. We then did this weird coin toss to determine which basket each team was to shoot in. I can remember the other team forgetting we were supposed to use the side baskets, leading to me being able to surprise them and drive down for a full court layup!

      #2. mumble grumble... something about a sports stadium I can't understand over my voice recording from 4AM this morning

      #3. I had a false awakening that I had woken up and turned off my .mp3 player. Then I actually woke up, recorded my dreams, and shut it off

      Lucid: There was a bad dude in the gym where I was working out. I overheard that he had plans to murder someone! hnoez: I then returned home with the uneasy feeling he wouldn't be far behind. I decided the best course of action would be to grab my Benelli Super Black Eagle II (that is a hunting shotgun for those of you out there wondering) However, before I could get to the basement to grab it, the guy showed up! Yikes! However, I guess my fear caused me to become lucid, as at this moment I realized I was in the dream. My fear also had the nasty effect however of making me focus soley on the present situation... totally forgetting I could just change the scene if I wish... -_-

      Anyways... I then just wished myself that my shotgun was there and lo and behold, it appeared right in front of me, all zipped nicely in its case. I removed the gun, then wished that I had some shells and poof! A couple rounds of ammo appeared in my hand. I then loaded my gun and moved in on the bad guy. I got the drop on him and told him to stay right there till the cops arrived. They then showed up and I can remember them handcuffing the bad guy and hauling him off to jail. However, by this point I had lost my lucidity and I can't remember really doing anything cool. :/

      Updated 10-14-2013 at 05:38 AM by 55858

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    13. Second Life

      by , 10-09-2013 at 02:08 AM (Casting Shadows)
      Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2013
      Emotion before Dreaming: Calm
      Emotion after Dreaming: Calm
      Thoughts: Calm down . . . clear your mind. . . .
      Intended Technique: WILD (((please note that I was only practicing the WILD technique--I didn't think that anything would come out of it)))
      Time Spent Sleeping: 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM

      Please note that I DO NOT have any affiliation with the website-thing Second Life.

      There is a particular character that I like to draw who I have named Mimi Mace--the girl on the far left is her. Please excuse my awful drawing skills. Anyway, she, Jasper, and I were all playing some sort of game that resembled one of the places in Second Life a bit. The only things that I can remember from the dream, though, are these:

      1) all three of us were attending some college
      2) we were gathering at Jasper's place--or we might have all lived together--and the "Second Life game" was on the XBox 360
      3) Mimi's character was laying on a bench that was placed beside a clock tower in the game (or perhaps that was the dream world's real life, I dunno)

      Just a cute little mention: Note that I'm pretty skeptical about a lotta stuff, but I just think it's kind of cool that Jasper dreamed of Mimi last night, too. XD
    14. 8th Oct 2013 Fragments

      by , 10-08-2013 at 11:29 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from yesterday"s WBTB/nap.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was talking on dragon forums to one of my friends(I) and his profile avatar became very detailed and animated, almost like alive.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing Hellsinker and level had alot of objects that bumped character all over the screen when touched, which lead to some failing.
    15. Dream Log 10-8-2013 Cookie Slama

      by , 10-08-2013 at 03:20 PM (Structured Chaos)
      Whats up with Paperdoll EP and MUFFINS!!!-concept_prison_outside20000.jpg

      Dream 1
      I ate a subway cookie from a vending machine. Macadamia cookie that tasted ok.

      Dream 2
      Really decent dream. Started off I was watching this youtube video of these two guys interviewing these two girls on a bed. Then next thing I know I am in the video talking to one of the girls. She had just moved into college dorm and she was saying how all the girls there were boring. She accused the superfriendly ones of being lesbians. I talked to her a little and we just vibed for a bit. She then showed me how "fun" and "cool" she was by showing me that she was going comando under her dress. I found this funny and a little try hard but didn't tell her I felt this way. I just told her she "looked" a little weird. She laughed and said that she knew.

      I went outside and looked around. There were house keepers everywhere and I was looking for some cute girls to hangout with. Next thing I realize I in a prison. I didn't recognize anyone there. I eventually realized I was part of a "Scared Straight" tour. A lot of prisoners were just hanging out not doing much. One guy had his son in prison with him.(dream sign?). We eventually began starting leave the prison. I got separated from the group and watched as they were given an exit-speech. I followed them after they left the main gate.

      A lot times I may get dreams which are really personal and I don't want to post the content in full unedited detail or maybe even not at all. My dream recall has seen slight improvement recently so I will try to post more often.