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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. 2015-11-28 LD#155 garden/gangster-house, elevator girl, bowling alley; ice skating, rest stop, drown

      by , 11-28-2015 at 12:13 PM
      + on a driving trip, pulling in to a rest stop area. There are facilities, some are public, some are private, they seem like just lines of closets, some small, some large/long. One has cafeteria, guys with mugs with logos, enter, (talk to woman/), under a tent (wife?) is holding a giant bull penis, about 2 feet long and fist-thick and erect, it wobbles as if made of rubber, I'm standing by a fence, and she throws it at me and I barely dodge out of the way. Later I see the penis thing again with a bloody "bone" spot in the middle of its cross section where it was cut off on the bottom)

      + outdoors daylight, wide open empty plain, a guy is shooting a shotgun into the sky and the pellets are refelcting/falling back down off from the sky onto a large incline full of barrels and hitting the barrels. Then it's night and the guy warns of the jackals coming. I hear growling and see two little green reflective eyes in the distance. Start running and one is near me, I have no gun, it seems to be feigning injury, may be a trick, I'm fighting it off with a stick. The jackals dig into the sand like an arrow and launch themselves at you. Then it turns into a large human baby but I know it's a jackal, it's slippery, I'm at the edge of the sea and know I must down this thing. I get a grip and hold it under the waves, it struggles, I feel very uncomfortable about this as it looks like a human, it turns red, and becomes bloated and drowns and dies, the guy is which me and says "oh man do you think it was a real baby?" I say no, turn it upside down, it is a hollow plastic shell, empty inside except for some straps rolled up and taped against the insides, on the outer rim the words "Human Con" is written in small letters ("human container?"). I say "if this was real, there would be a stomach, heart, lungs, etc. in here".

      + ice skating rink: race (did I participate? I think I could do OK), following girl going counter-clockwise, doing front-crossovers, I'm on hockey skates, girl likes the center ice because it is smooth, it's for figure skating practice.

      WBTB, long BTS, much day dreaming, find determination to sleep/dream more, eventually fall back asleep.

      + FA LD#155 I find myself awake in bed feeling frisky and "ready for action", so I turn to wife and start initiating contact, she seems receptive and we start embracing. Then I notice that across the living room out the window and into the neighboring house there is a figure standing at a window behind a thin curtain I think he's watching us, and very well may see us. So I get up and walk to the wall and close the curtains (the guy turns away as I do this?), return to bed (glimpse of other people walking in other rooms of our house?). I notice that there is a short curtain that has partially closed over the front of the TV set as well and think this is funny/interesting (it's in "solidarity" with the other curtain I just closed). My wife is then up and at the sliding glass door and lets in a little dog, she says something about someone bringing it for us, little dog comes running in, it's supposed to be just like our [deceased] dog L, he lifts his leg and pees on a scooter leaning against the wall near the bed. I think to myself, "now, if that dog looked more like 'L', I'd have to do a reality check!", I do a few nose pinches anyway, determine I can breathe, and get lucid. I immediately head out the sliding glass door to the garden and look around. I immediately see large rock formations against the back of the garden fence. They're very impressive. It is bright daylight outside. I walk to the center of the rectangular back yard, noticing all the stuff lying around, and remember my desire to narrate during LDs. I slow down and pay attention, and I start hearing birds chirping, it sounds and looks and feels *just like* a typical suburban garden. I start saying out loud what I see, "my old red/white/blue basketball [lying on the ground among the wood chips], a lovely BBQ, [turn around look behind me] pink flowers [like lilies, cone shaped] growing in a bush", I see a basketball hoop above the flowers. There is so much to see in this garden, if I narrate everything it will take the whole dream?! I see my wife walking ahead of me in the garden, still feel frisky, should I have sex with her? Decide: no.

      I raise my eyes beyond the garden and see a neighboring house a ways across the hill, super tall (5-6 stories) and non-level sloping roof line sloping up from left [low] to right [higher]. I want to fly up to the roof of that house. I push off against the ground and aim my intention at the top of the roof. But instead, I go straight up very high into the air, several times higher than the roof of the neighbor house. I lose speed and start falling back down, and aim myself to the roof of the house and land there. It is a rich house with lots of security. I want to enter (there are hot girls in there?). The lock on the door seems like a game: you have to request something, do a quest, and return with the answer in order to get in, I think "screw that" and make a "throw away" gesture with my right arm and the door is ripped off its hinges. Inside, video game looking vague bad guys are shooting rifles/guns at me. I run through the hallway straight ahead, making squeezing gestures with my fists and they all "pop" and disappear. Then I know I have to face the boss of the place.

      (discontinuity? Loss of lucidity)

      I turn round a tight corner and enter a very small (one-two person) elevator, I know there's a girl there? There is, and I'm very excited at the prospect of making out with her. She is a petite "hostess" emo girl, not super pretty, with hair hanging down in front of her eyes. She seems annoyed/not welcoming attention. I face her and brush the hair off her face, she's wearing dark red lipstick and has a small mouth. She asks "How long will you want me for/will you be here?" She says that she was with a new customer "and [she] can make a lot of money." I take her in my arms and her whole body is trembling. I understand that the manager sent her to me, but that this interrupted her visit with another customer, I say "you're trembling, are you angry that you were interrupted?", (she indicates yes?), I talk to her and soothe her, tell her it's OK I don't want to take her from her other customer. I kiss her lightly on the cheek. I realize she's stopped trembling, (I say "see it's better now?"), elevator reaches the top, and I give her a light kiss on the lips, we go our separate ways. If the manager sees we're not together, he may get angry with her and she'd have to bring him to me, if that happens, I wonder if I should say she ditched me? No, won't do that.

      Turn around, pass a manager telling waiter next to the kitchen to stop giving out breakfast menus (I see the pile and think I should take one because I want an omlet, but don't), keep going, enter large area (bowling alley?), just before I turn the corner I hear my instrument playing warm-ups, uh oh is it a rehearsal? I don't want to go, I'll tell them my instrument is in for repairs ["remember" this as being true anyway], sit down with group at a table, young guy waiter taking orders, look at menu seems to be pictures of burgers, I ask if breakfast is still available (I want that omelet!), he leaves to ask goes around corner, I say "bet he won't be back for 20 minutes". Briefly see plate of burger and fries on the table (then why did they order if they already have food?)

      Updated 11-28-2015 at 12:16 PM by 65364

      memorable , lucid , false awakening
    2. I Levitated :) but Damn Those False Awakenings!

      by , 11-27-2015 at 10:29 PM
      This morning I had an LD again .

      Here are some highlights and notes I'd like to remember:

      • I could fly for a short distance, finally. It was more like a levitation. I didn't fall but I didn't go higher.
      • I tried to walk through things, but that didn't work.
      • After some time in the LD, I heard a loud noise, and I struggled to stabilize the dream, and I did for a while, but the noise kept coming back until my sister woke me up. I was so mad that she did but I couldn't tell her I was lucid dreaming since she knows nothing about it.
      • Then later when I woke up after a few non-lucid dreams. I realized that the noise and the waking up were a part of my false awakening. I should have noticed that I woke up on the couch and I never sleep there like I noticed the wrong bed in last week's LD.
      • The memory of LD is a little foggy since I woke up after I had some normal dreams. I usually remember it way more clearly when I wake up right after it and replay it in my head.
      • I had 3 LDs so far this month, and I'm very happy I'm getting better.
      • When I used to stress over having LD, I never had it, but now that I know I only get DILD when I nap in the morning after a good sleep especially if I'm just feeling drowsy and not tired, I kind of go to bed for these naps (I never force these naps) expecting an LD without obsessing over it, so it happens. I can't have these morning naps except on weekends, but that will do.
      • I really need to work more on my surroundings control.
    3. Dream Games 1 Dild 1 Mild

      by , 11-27-2015 at 08:03 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I find myself in a remote building with many stairways that cross all over the building. I keep walking and then a game app showed up on my vision saying try out the new game. The dream scene change slightly to adjust to the game which was basically red robots trying to run at me and I had to shoot them before they got to me. I played for awhile and soon find a red car and tried driving it. Every time I drive in this red car it would only go back and forth. It could not turn to the side.

      I get up from the car and continue where I left off by going down the endless stairs. Not long I get another message on my screen of a guy typing he would help me out. He also stated that his brother is annoying with a word like "KMLB" I suppose that could be that he wants to kill his little brother. I didn't know but I decided to try and find him. I soon found apart of the stairs to be blown up making me unable to continue walking. I could see the person on the other side who may have sent me the message.

      They had a toy gun in their hand and dress like they were dessert agent. I took a jump and had an false awakening. I get up and felt like I have left my body. I start hovering around and could see a roach on the ceiling. I ignore and just enjoyed the weightless feeling in till I see a hand on the bed corner. I got to it and I find it looks very similar to my hand. I take off the stuff that was around it and pick it up with my hand. I realize a few things at this moment.

      My hand was transparent, the hand I am lifting up is acting lifeless nor is warm. I wonder if it was my hand and I began feeling a tugging as if I was being drag to it. I begin thinking this could be a dream as I tried backing away but my head felt like it was beginning to swallow itself. Before I knew it I woke up.

      I find myself walking in line with a lot of other people going to a beach? But we all had to get registered through a section in the building. It took awhile but I was getting closer till the railing disappear at the end. This made it difficult to keep my balance as we were all about 17 feet above ground. I struggle and fell which for some reason the ground seem like it sky rocket so I wouldn't get hurt. Since I fell I could not join them and was place in to a classroom. I stayed in the classroom where the lights were off and a teacher assign us to do a math problem of 360 divide by 9. We all began working on it and this kid next to me was trying to cheat off me.

      The teacher is standing right next to us but he wont do anything about it. The kid tells me to erase most of my answer cause they were wrong. I told him I wont do anything while scolding him to get his own answers. Eventually the argument we were having grew out of hand and we began fighting each other. At the end of it, I remember getting hit by a black metal bat that resulted in me having a false awakening.

      I get out of bed to see my father , I also saw one of the snacks I use to eat on the side of the bed. It showed signs that rats have eaten it partially. I then left the room and went in to the living room to my surprise. The color of the walls were all red and they were portraits of Merry Christmas around the house. It look odd seeing the entire place red. I figure I must be dreaming and did some rc's which failed. I wasn't convince I awake as I saw too many chairs and tables flip over in wrong areas like the kitchen, with the addition that vision kept spiraling around like a circle.

      I could see a shadow opening the back door and I attempted to hide. It is my brother who enters the kitchen and tells me he already knows I'm there. At the same time my mother had been walking down the stairs. Around this time I wake up. Lucidity Time: 22 seconds

      Updated 11-27-2015 at 08:06 PM by 67903

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    4. Nov. 27th, 2015

      by , 11-27-2015 at 07:14 PM
      Total sleep: 0:58
      Daytime Techniques: Dream Journal Mindset + hypothetical RC's
      Lucid Techniques: "I am a boss Lucid Dreamer" and know it. WBTB
      + Easy Lucid Dreams Video + (1-10) "I keep my awareness." + plan a title for your next dream experiment BEFORE I dream it + put in 9 DJ templates and tell myself that for my next dream, I just need to focus on getting ONE Dream Experiment done because I have EIGHT more shots to get others done.
      Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams I'll have tonight..."
      + "I remember my dreams when I wake up."
      + Easy Lucid Dreams Video + (1-10) "I keep my awareness."
      Asleep - Awake: 6:53 AM to 7:33 AM
      Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 9
      Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): Lucid
      Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 57 mins
      Emotions: puzzled, desperate, frantic, happy
      Dream Signs: Dream feeling
      Lucidity Trigger: Dream feeling

      -I wake up in my bed and it's very dark. Things just feel weird. I know that it's a dream but, it seems so real. I get up and try to make it bright. But, it doesn't work. I try to remove my sleeping mask. But it doesn't work right away and everything is still dark. I am trying to use a MapleStory Luminous move and it doesn't work even though I point out my hands and say,"Reflection!" and really believe that it will work. (Reflection is a move that shoots out white light.) but, somehow, my vision gets brighter and I can see clearly now. I am still hearing the lucid dreaming audio that I was listening to playing as the dream continues. I decide that I will try to do my one lucid dream experiment for the moment: seeing what it's like to go through walls in my dream world. First, I walk to the wall that is on the right side of my closet. I think I run into it head on. But, when I impact wall, nothing happens. Then, I walk over to the wall in my room that has my marker board mounted on it. I decided that I will slowly reach my hands towards the wall and act as if it is water. However, my hand does not go through. The wall still feels as hard as ever. My left closet door is open and apparently there is a blue pillar that is the same shade of my wall in there. I try to think of that wall or pillar as water as well, but, when I press my hands against it, it still doesn't go through. Now, I decide to walk around and just explore the dreamscape. I decide to go to my mothers room. I think I'm floating in the air a little bit. When I push my mothers door open, I find JJ and my mom on the bed. I start talking to them just for the sake of it. I am still hearing the lucid dreaming audio playing pretty clearly as background music. I look on my mother's bed while I am on it myself and see iPhone with a grey case that has a circular hole in it to with a black Hollister bird on the actual gray iPhone. I think that the stylus that I have connected to my iPod touch WL is connected to this phone as well. I think that mom makes me feel uncomfortable and I decide that I should get back to my dream experiment. So, I decide to leave the room and resume my dream experiment. I walk down the hall, go down the stairs, turn right into the dining room, turn right again into the kitchen and am now in front of the door that leads toward the washroom. I see JJ in front of the sink washing dishes. She has her hair in a bun, I think a pink t-shirt, and pink and white pajama pants with black stripes separating the colors. I walk down the stairs and look left at the bottom of the stairs. I see JJ again walking towards the right in front of the washing machine and dryer. I say to myself, "Whoah. That's weird." I look in front of me and see that the same iPhone that I saw on my mom's bed is on the wooden, brown clothing holder. I say, "That's weird as well." I walk back upstairs, look to my right, and see JJ still washing the dishes. I've this point, I'm tired of trying to find a way to go through walls and I'm desperate for someone to tell me how to do so. So, I ask JJ, "JJ, do you know where I would find my dream guide?" She says something like, "Oh. You mean (I forget what she says, but I know that it is a positive answer to my question.) However, I don't think that I understand her fully. She repeats herself and I don't know how I react to it. But, I decide to go to her anyway because I feel like that's what she called me to do. I wrap my arms around her and she does the same to me. Then, suddenly, we take off flying straight up at a crazy fast speed, phase through the ceiling, and are now outside of our house. I notice that as we're ascending, I am peeing... like crazy. And seeing as how JJ and I are still holding onto each other, it's getting all on her. I'm thinking to myself, "Oh crap! I gotta stop this! This is really bad." For some reason, although I realize that this is only a dream JJ, I feel as though real WL JJ would be mad at me. However, dream JJ seems to be ignoring this situation completely and is just looking up and is focused on flying and getting me to wherever she wanted to get me to. We finally stop and are high in the air above a huge ocean that is a really blue. JJ points down to an island that looks like lumps of chicken. She points toward the bottom right middle piece of it and says something like, "That's where you want to go." I think the dreamscape changes...

      -I am on an island that has sand with some naked girl. She seems like a healthy size, average height, has tan or yellowish skin, and long, red, wavy hair. Apparently, she has a lucid dreaming app on her iPad that is apparently the same as my Dream journaling one, except it has more features on it. On the app it says something like we can start planning our own adventures now because we are past the beginners mark and it's showing us a whole bunch of RPG games to use for as a reference for imagination for our lucid dream adventures.


      Date: Thursday November 26 2015, 12:35 PM
      Important: No

      ---Let the Games Begin
      Lucid Dream #> >

      Total sleep: 4:51
      Daytime Techniques: Dream Journal Mindset + hypothetical RC's
      Lucid Techniques: "I am a boss Lucid Dreamer!" and know it. FILD + WBTB + DEILD + natural mental imagery + holding onto my consciousness WITH Dreams
      I put in 9 DJ templates and tell myself that for my next dream, I just need to focus on getting ONE Dream Experiment done because I have EIGHT more shots to get others done.
      Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams I'll have tonight..."
      + "I remember my dreams when I wake up." + Easy Lucid Dreams Video
      Asleep - Awake: 1:00 AM to 5:52 AM
      Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 6
      Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 4
      Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 30 mins
      Emotions: excited
      Dream Signs: F-A-C
      Lucidity Trigger: >


      -W, DJ, M, some other people I don't know, and I are in some unknown place. We are playing some game with teams of two. M pairs up W and I to do a three legged race. I am on the left side and Willy is on the right side.

      -I also remember Dragonball Z people being there and saving an evil fish's life. Krillin has really beady eyes and the fish was torturing him and his friends.

      -I also remember hearing Mom on the prayer line.
    5. [LUCID] XKCD shirt / Smartish watch / Long FA chain

      by , 11-23-2015 at 11:09 PM

      Alarm @ 0230
      Bed @ 2240
      Woke @ midnight, used bathroom, BTB

      XKCD shirt
      I'm somewhere with Allan (a coworker I haven't seen for about five years), and I'm thinking about XKCD. My initial thought is that he's a programmer, so of course he saw the most recent comic, but then I figure there's no harm in asking. It turns out he's never heard of it.

      Now I'm ordering an XKCD shirt. It's white-on-orange, and they have a choice of about a dozen shirts. Now it's arrived. I'm pulling it out of the package, thinking about how I blew half my monthly allowance of "do anything " money on a silly shirt just to tell my coworker about an online comic. Oh well. I pull it out and look at it, realizing with horror that I must have ordered the wrong shirt by accident. It is an XKCD shirt, but it doesn't have a print of a comic, only some kind of list. I wonder if I can return it, but I probably can't, and the return shipping would probably make it not really worth it anyway. My wife sees it and asks me about it, and I explain it's to introduce my coworker to XKCD. She gets a sort of "wow, that's weird, but whatever" expression on her face.

      Woke around 0100 with a crying baby. Woke around 0130, ditto.
      Woke @ 0230, BTB @ 0245.
      Woke @ 0320 after feeling something on my head. After flinging it away with my hand, I did a nose-pinch which indicated reality.

      Smartish watch
      I see an ad for a watch on sale: a nice Casio men's watch. It's not a "smart watch," but it is a very nice digital. It's got a lot of nice features, including an mp3 player, a stand (how does that even work?), something that changes how the watch acts depending on your current activity and time of day, and a bunch of other stuff. The list is very long, covering the whole right side of the page. I see a URL on the page, something like www.move2watch.com (whatever it is, it's two words separated by "2") and visit it. I see that that all the extensions for the watch are currently on sale. I didn't realize this watch even had extensions; that's pretty impressive. I glance briefly at the list of available extensions, but none of the descriptions make any impact on me. I wonder if I misunderstood the flier - maybe the extensions are the only things on sale, not the watch. Looking back at the flier, I see that the watch itself is on sale for e$49.99. I'm not sure what that works out to, but I'm guessing about $60.

      I see a note somewhere indicating that if you're going to get a law changed, please do it before commissioning a new extension. If a law is changed and it requires updating an extension, you'll have to pay a re(something) fee. Email Allison (someone) <some dept>, Allison (someone) Heating Dept to request it. Reading further, I find details about the process. It says she creates a VM based on the current law to simulate how the watch will respond, so she'll need to make a new one after a law change. Her simulation uses four units: witches, guards, citizens, and <something>. I see a whole lot of colored wooden kids' blocks stacked on the floor in a bunch of piles: yellow for citizens, blue for guards, red for witches, green for <something>. Each pile has different numbers of each blocks, but each pile has all four colors and has them stacked in the same color order with the entirety of each color grouped together (e.g. 5 greens, 3 blues, 6 yellows, 2 reds). According to the rules of the simulation, witches kill citizens, guards kill witches but lose their own lives in the process. I see blocks starting to disappear from the stacks as the simulation runs its course.

      Before returning to bed, I try to set the intention that in my next dream I'll see the watch and become lucid.

      BTB @ 0345
      Woke @ 0530

      Long FA chain
      I'm in a house, in a small bathroom, getting ready to leave. My wife and family have already left. I notice that something is wet and look up to find what looks like a pipe sticking out of the ceiling and dripping - but as I look, it starts pouring. There's a whole pile of clothing on a counter under the window, and it's soaked in seconds. I try briefly to think what could be above us to do this but I'm drawing a blank. I call my wife, but the connection is terrible - then I realize that I'm not talking to her over the cellular network but instead over a barely-connected Bluetooth connection. She's a couple of miles down the road - how is Bluetooth even working?? - so I hang up, intending to disable Bluetooth and try again. I realize something is off about this whole situation and nose-pinch, finding it really is a dream.

      Now I'm driving on a four/five lane road through a commercial area with shopping centers to my left and right. I see an ad for something, and it seems really familiar. I do the nose-pinch test and realize I'm dreaming, though it takes a couple of iterations to really sink in that it's working - I can tell I'm still breathing with my nose pinched, but at first I think I'm accidentally breathing through my mouth.

      Now I'm parked in my car in the parking lot. I find myself moving really slowly so as to not disturb the dream, and again I realize this is silly - I need to intensify the dream, not move as if on eggshells. I remember my goal for intensifying is to do the first few Fibonacci numbers, so - keeping my eyes open - I count 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 - which was as high as I'd intended to go - but it seems so easy I keep going - 13, 21, 34, 65 (I think I must have accidentally added 21+44 instead of 21+34). It's starting to get hard, and I don't want to lose the dream because I completely lose focus on it, so I stop there, pleased with how well I did.

      Now I'm standing on the parking lot, and I decide to fly. I remind myself that this is a dream, that everything around me is a creation of my mind, including my body (though I don't go so far as to remember that my real body is asleep in bed), then try to lift off. Nothing happens.

      Now I'm in an alley behind the stores. Ivy is growing everywhere. There's quite a lot of exposed wood - something like trellises - along the side of the alley. The far end of the alley is completely blocked, though I know there's a road behind it. Again, I walk around touching everything, feeling it, yet remembering that it's not actually there. The ivy is a dark green with large leaves. I touch the ground, some wood, the leaves. I think about how I wish I had some way to record this so I didn't forget it after I wake up, and I remember my project with my DIY dream mask to attempt to record Morse code from inside the dream state and read it back later. Unfortunately, that project is benched for the time being, so I'll just have to remember everything as best as I can. Oh well. I decide not to fly back here but want to get back to the front of the store for the extra room, but the way back is blocked. Somehow I dig through a wall of dirt, but I'm not happy with the feeling of dirt clinging to my hands. I look at my hands and at the grayish dirt clinging to them, remind myself that the dirt isn't real, and mentally command it to fall off. To my immense satisfaction, the dirt does just fall off, leaving my hands almost (but not entirely) clean.
      I wake up.

      As I lay in bed looking around the (well-lit) bedroom, my wife walks in. She's talking to John and Jenny who follow her into the room. She notices that I'm awake and asks if I've had any success with my lucid dreaming. I excitedly tell her that I actually just woke from a lucid dream, that I couldn't manage to fly, but that I did manage to get dirt to fall from my hands. They're clearly enjoying my enthusiasm, but my wife - who's always thought that the whole lucid dreaming thing is pretty silly - turns to them and mock-apologizes for me, saying something like "I'm sorry, he really is a good man." Something seems off, so I discretely nose-pinch and realize I'm still dreaming.

      Details are really fuzzy for this scene. I'm walking through a field towards a small building build in an Oriental style. Getting closer, I see a patch of dirt under an overhang. Somehow I use my dream powers of dirt manipulation to dig down into it and/or toss it aside to form a path to the evil queen.
      I wake up.

      I lay in bed with my eyes closed and try to perform a DEILD chain. I can hear the sound of the rain/ocean playing through my pillow speakers. I'm a bit disappointed when nothing happens (though not too much, since I've never gotten a DEILD to work); but then I remember that I had a false awakening just a few minutes ago and this might be another one. With my eyes still closed, I slowly reach up a hand and do the nose pinch, finding that I'm still dreaming. I have a moment of "what do I do now" since I'm in blackness; but then I open my eyes and find myself in a bedroom - to my sleeping mind, it's the one from my parents' house in Virginia.

      I find myself in a house with a rather rustic feel to it. I walk over to the window and look out to see a landscape covered with snow. Trees stand out here and there, and dozens of snowmen - some large, some small - dot the yard. I think how much my kids would love to be here in real life. I have a passing thought that it would be fun to summon a blizzard. I give a brief mental "push," but nothing happens. I decide I don't really care and shouldn't spend my mental energies / focus on this. I can't really fly too well indoors, but then I remember Ophelia's story from one of her podcasts about how her eyes changed when she looked into a mirror. I head off down a nearby hallway in search of a bathroom.

      I quickly realize the hallway is stretching off into the distance, and I decide I'm NOT going to lose lucidity to something stupid. I turn left, intending to try to find a bathroom that way, and come face-to-face with a mirror mounted to the wall of the hallway. Looking at myself, I'm dressed as I am for bed during the summer: wearing a pair of boxers and nothing else. Thinking back to Ophelia's story, I start out by closely examining the reflection of my face. The shape is a little off, the bottom half too triangular, the eyes too large, the skin too smooth and light, the whole impression somehow too childlike or perhaps Anime-like? I don't even watch Anime - but each individual change is fairly subtle. I turn away from the mirror to see what else I can do in the house, but I wake up.

      This time I'm expecting it to be a false awakening, but I keep my eyes closed (again hearing the speakers) and attempt a DEILD chain just to be sure. After a few moments, I again do a nose-pinch, and again I find I'm still in the dream. I open my eyes, get out of bed, and find one of my kids waiting for me. I pick her up, thinking to myself that if she starts fussing about something I'll just put her down and walk away - after all, she's not real. I decide that even if I can't lift off the ground, maybe I can step into space and not fall. I get up on the bed and walk to the foot, noting (but not questioning) the nice wood chest a few feet away and the stairs beyond. Disappointingly, when I put my foot down on the air I just fall to the ground (though somehow I remain standing). Oh well. I think about other ways to start flying, and I remember people talking about baby steps, of using means to achieve flight before you just will yourself into the air. I decide to go outside, hold out my arms, get a good running start, and launch myself into the air. At the very least I should be able to glide a few feet off the ground as I have before. I go down the stairs, turn right towards the front door, unlock the deadbolt, open the door, go out onto the front path (detached garage to my right, house to my left, lots of greenery - I note the snow is gone), and
      wake up.

      Again, I try to DEILD chain, do the nose pinch, and find myself in my real bed. I note that my real bed felt different from my dream beds - rougher, perhaps, providing more sensory input than the fake ones did.

      BTB @ 0605.
      Woke @ 0730.

      Fragments: Someone is playing a side-scroller on a console, about to fight a boss.
    6. 231115: Morbid Mittens, Jeffrey Dahmer in the Trunk, Semi-Sleep Paralysis?!?!?

      by , 11-23-2015 at 09:59 PM (The Dream Journal)
      Only recall some pretty vague dreams as I punched my alarm clock into snooze mode...

      I see Bart, Milhouse and Nelson from The Simpsons in a metro tunnel. They all have super powers. Bart starts showing his stretching ability until he is electrocuted by Milhouse's electric ability that is then absorbed by Nelson's super strength.

      Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury is playing bad cop as he interrogates a prisoner in a children's clothes department. I see mittens meant for children, colorful, with words like "dying", "cancer" and "paralyzed" knitted across them. Pretty morbid.

      Nick Fury and his partner are outside an American suburban house. They throw Jeffery Dahmer in the trunk of the car, they finished interrogating him. I don't want to sit in the back seat in case he starts stabbing me through the cushion. I go to the front seat thinking Fury's partner is going to sit in my lap (or I'd be sitting in his) but to my surprise the seat is not taken.

      I have a false awakening, I get up and I'm walking in my old childhood home. Where is everyone? Did I sleep past my alarm and miss school? I'm pretty upset. I try to make out what time it is by looking out at the grey sky outside.

      I wake up in my real bed, but my body is very heavy, can barely swing around and get my feet on the ground. My body suddenly collapses into itself, I'm back in bed again. I try and try, never getting further than my feet onto the floor. How can this be so hard? I then wake up for real.
    7. Ahhh... The Wonders of SSILD

      by , 11-22-2015 at 04:01 PM (The Nightly Dreamer)
      Date: 11/22/15

      Report: I used SSILD. I fell asleep at 11:00(ish). Woke up by alarm at 4:30, thus making it 5 1/2 hour wbtb time.


      1) Women, the solution(and source) of all life's problems; 10 min(?); V8C5R7E0W4

      Synopsis: The first real lucid I've had in a dry spell that begun in June. Although i had limited control, It was the longest and most vivid dream I've had in while.

      Dream: I wake up in the middle of the night. My Mom is standing at the foot of my bed, telling me she needs some help with some boxes. I'm slightly weird-ed out by the fact she brought this up in the middle of the night, but decide to just get it over with. I'm starting to doubt that this is real, so i glance at my clock, look away, then glance back. The time's changed. Realizing that i'm dreaming, I quickly stabilize by running out, reminding myself i'm dreaming, and start shouting "Night to day, Night to day, ..." The sky slowly get's brighter. I decide to summon a talking cat, so I shout "Show me the cat!". My actual cat appears, which is not the kind of cat i was hoping for. I look around me, and realize how real everything is. It's so detailed. I try, but fail, to fly. I decide I want to jump off a skyscraper to see what it feels like, so I successfully teleport to New York. Unfortunately, I'm in a subway station. I stabilize again, then try teleporting to the top of a building. Everything goes black. I am, however, able to remake the image of the subway. I give up the skyscraper idea, and remember the night's goal: To go to Riven. I try teleporting again, but arrive back in my room. I sit down at my desk, and realize how cool it is that the time changes each time I look at the clock. I ask once again for the cat, but I look outside to find my IRL cat sitting on a dead tree in the middle of the road. I think, "Well, asking for a cat isn't going to work" I instead ask for my dream guide. Silence. Then I decide to go outside, but as I pass through the living room, my mom says: "Now you're talking to yourself." I ignore her and head out the door, to see Bertha and Micaela(IRL spanish class classmates) coming down the stairs. I decide to try and bang Micaela (she's really hot IRL). The excitement, however, destabilizes the dream and wakes me up.

      Results: In summary, SSILD has been working spectacularly to break my dryspell, and has resulted in the some of the most vivid dreams I have ever experienced. It is clear, however, that I need to work on my dream control, as it has deteriorated in the several months since my last real lucid(The creation of Trenzalore). I hope that SSILD continues to work for me.

      Dream signs:
      None that I recognize.
    8. Lucid dream, False Awakenings, Recurring Nightmares, and more...

      by , 11-20-2015 at 10:15 PM
      This morning, I had a long LD with many false awakenings (I think 4), and with every false awakening I realized I was dreaming immediately .

      There is a recurring nightmare that I've had many times before. The repeated pattern is that I feel something coming out of the the back of my neck and I can't stop it, and it is like at this moment I lose conscious or control. Usually I have a false awakening at this point in the non-lucid dream. The scene and feeling is like when a demon or so comes out of a possessed person in movies , a strong force coming out, and I can always watch it in a third person view.
      This time I was aware I was dreaming and it was much more painful. I tried so hard to stop it from happening by thinking it was gone, but it kept happening. I also had false awakenings, and everytime I thought I woke up, and I found the same nightmare, I realized I was still dreaming. I was totally aware, and in control of my dream character except of what was happening in the back of my neck. Finally, I decided that just thinking it was gone, was not working, so I used a trick. I convinced myself it was just a pin or something like that stuck there, and I removed it with my hand. When I did this, the pain stopped , but the feeling of something coming out lasted a little longer, then eventually it stopped.

      The dream was all in my family's apartment, so after that I went to the balcony, and decided to jump to fly. I was scared because I read somewhere if you believe it will hurt, it will. I decided to overcome my fear though. I tried the finger reality check to reassure myself that it was just a dream, and jumped. I landed slowly and nicely, but I didn't fly up.

      Then I recall trying to fly down through the house and I think I did, but this part is foggy, and I think I had another false awakening then. I recall waking up in a different bed, and realizing I was still in the dream because I knew that wasn't my bed.

      I also recall smelling a yellow flower because I read how things smell and feel great in the dream. It smelled nice, but I don't remember the smell now. I also recall looking at the sky expecting some beautiful scenery, and I saw a beautiful sky with colors in the horizon. The scene kept changing but I didn't choose to see anything in particular.

      I met my family in the dream, but they ignored me at first like I was invisible. Then I decided to let them see me, and talked to them. They answered some questions I asked, then the dream faded and I woke up in reality.

      That was my longest lucid dream. It is only my 5th overall anyway. I'm very happy that I overcame that silly nightmare at least once. I'm also happy I jumped from the 2nd floor for the first time. I still need to work on my my control and flying skills though. I'm also very happy that I became lucid after every false awakening, and that I didn't need to use spinning to stabilize my dream.

      Updated 11-20-2015 at 10:22 PM by 63687

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    9. Living in ruins, short FA

      by , 11-19-2015 at 10:58 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      An enormous earthquake striked, causing many buildings to collapse and I was one of many survivors. I was trapped in one of the buildings, and had to crawl under the rubble in search of food and water. I tried to clean out my way through the collapsed complex, up to the surface, but some parts of it could collapse further. Once when cleaning my way, I found a passage I haven't explored before. Four cats ran out of it, and I went inside. There was a huge wardrobe. It was in fairly good condition. I opened it, and in the darkness I saw a horrifying face of a wraith. Even though I closed my eyes, I still could see it. Suddenly the way to the surface has been cleared, and my family came inside to ge me out.

      False awakening

      I woke up in the middle of the night. It was really dark, I couldn't see anything. For some reason I woke up in a weird position. My pillow was moved to a different corner, and I was lying sideways to the bed itself.
    10. October 15th - November 15th 2015 Hotel Fun, Stars Galore, Duck Down Teleport

      by , 11-17-2015 at 01:26 AM

      10/18/15 dream action DILD = float

      10/20/15 no induction but awareness up=Open Beta 1-4 during day, waking life inconsistent=wife jumper cables

      10/22/15 dream scenario initiated/general dream sign, odd sign in carnival setting


      10/25/15 LD#1 don't remember trigger but did hand RC. LD#2 waking life inconsistent=little girl outside my bathroom.

      11/1/15 I am killed but realize when I come back into the same dream that I am dreaming. 1st time for this exact dream sign.

      11/7/15 at least 2 LDs. SSILD/FA theory. LD#1 wild style entry flying through HHs. #2 FA but notice different people that wouldn't be here when waking up at home.


      posted written details of the above LD here: http://www.dreamviews.com/tasks-mont...ml#post2178472




      11/12/15 Awesome surreal NLD:


      LDs #396-410
    11. Distant Demo 2 DILDS

      by , 11-14-2015 at 05:18 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I keep hearing this noise as I am trying to fall asleep. Eventually it gets too loud and appears to be coming from the TV. I pull the blankets off and said knock it off, my eyes caught a glimpse of slash marks surrounding the carpet floor despite having all the lights turn off. This TV has done strange things in the past before so I shrug it off and tried to go back to sleep. That's when I began feeling ill and felt heavy but only in my head general area.

      The pressure began getting too intense so I got up and decided I should try to focus on something else instead of sleep. I struggle getting off the bed and I struggle even more when my feet touch the ground. I could hardly walk, the pressure in my head began to sky rocket to the point where I heard a loud bang. I attempted to open the front door of the room to get some help but quickly got dizzy. I started having clarity that I am in a dream as I could feel someone taking over my control of the dream body. Moving it and even thinking in a different way, feeling confuse didn't take long for me to wake up.

      I appear on the bed in different position than I was in before, I had still gained some lucidity and could still hear a noise around me. Every time I attempted to move the blankets would tie all around my legs. I kept feeling a prickling sensation through out my lower body. This went on for 10 seconds, that's when I lost awareness. I wake up again thinking I must've had a lucid dreaming and disliking how I didn't get the time to do anything adventurous.

      I got up and saw the bathroom lights were on and had running water flooding the floor. It was turning in to a real mess, I turn shower off and got out. I could overhear my mother speaking to someone but didn't really care to listen. I tried putting my socks to prepare for the day. It was only once I wake up again that I realize I had a false awakening. Lucidity Time: 31 seconds
    12. Success with different ways of Teleportation; memorable Lucids; TOTM; Rhino & Unicorn and more

      by , 11-13-2015 at 05:40 PM
      Bettime: 23:15 no meditation, visualisation

      missed first awakening because fall asleep before tagging and had a dream where i wrote down some notes about interesting thoughts/some energy i felt?

      woke up at 4 am. i had a dream, tried to remember a fragment and lost the dream. i squeezed my brain and got in the end 4 short fragments. the squeezing made me pretty awake.
      i´ve tried to wild on my back but noticed after some minutes that i am to awake. got negative thoughts cycling in my head like i hadn't it for nearly a year before i start with meditation. was awake for about 2h...
      at 5:36 my roomates fu**in alarm clock ringed every three or four minutes for half an hour... so i stood up go to the toilet and sit down on my meditation cushion and tried to calm my mind. after about 15-20min i got back to bed again and noticed that i now had more control over my toughts again and could block the negativity. i noticed how i drifted into dreamy toughts and repeated my mantra. (fall asleep aprox. 6:20)

      7:30 LD:

      some NLD stuff with transition from a room into a bus into a room again with a baby turning into my brother and crazy stuff like that. back in front of the building where my brother and i was inside. a house party is going on. some windows are open and i see young adults that seem pretty drunk and on drugs kissing and yelling. i enter the building and on the entrance there are two bowels of food. i recognize that one of them is mine and i put it there previously. i pick it up and see a lot of fruitflies and similar stuff. i´m wondering a bit and wave them away with my hands. the food consists of pretty big balls with food that is nonexistent in real life or maybe can be found in asia somewhere O.o (i´ve had an NLD where i eat similar stuff) my awareness rises and i remember that this is a dream. i eat up the last spoon and move up the stairs. its pretty dark and while moving im doing a RC and think about the dream. i open a door and wonder that my subconscious rendered this room i was before although i was in my thoughts and looking down. the party is over and on my left site i see a dude lying on a couch sleeping. i keep going and there is another door. i wish to myself to find at least an attractive redhead somewhere behind. i go thru the door and turn right in the direction of the room i saw from outside with the open windows. i see a lot of sleeping people. a dude builds up in front of me and is trying to tell me that its private here. we somehow start a little talk and he tells me that he watched up the whole time for the others. he smiles and looks proud of himself. i walk some more and look around but find nothing interesting. i turn around and walk back. on my way an average looking redhead girl crosses my way. i turn around stop her and kiss her directly. i´ve ask her if she might tell me a joke. "hmm nah dont know one...". my hair is in my face and bothering me. i put it away and fall into the void. i know i am still dreaming because some music is playing so i am singing with it and move my hips like i would do naughty things or lets say dance. i wait some time and suddenly are in my bed. a really really beautiful girl with relatively short reddish purple hair is sitting on my and wants to kiss me. while she approaches me i do a nosepinch just to be sure. she kisses me and i tell her something like "unfortunately this is just a dream" she looks sad for a moment like i would have degraded her. i smile to her and we talk a little. i ask her if she wants us to undress our underclothes. i start with my boxers and she with her top. while we undress i ask her if she might tell me a joke. she answers straight forward: "hmm all jokes i have are incubated" i look at her and am surprised. she lay down on me but a sleeping bag is between us. i put it away and we lie now skin on skin and i wake up.

      she made me think. she was really really beautiful in a very natural way and seem to be more intelligent/independent than all the previous DC. she was sad when i mention that she is "just a DC" and irritated me with her answer for my joke question. i would love to see her again. maybe i can summon her again but dont see her face clearly anymore... but maybe it can work nevertheless! i wouldnt say this is my dreamguide or anything but it was an extraordinary encounter!

      take some notes and fall asleep again

      8:35 LD:
      i wake up in my bed and instantly know this is a dream. i am in a dull room with white walls and nothing inside. i stand up and hear my roommates alarm go on again i start singing something to not hear the alarm so i dont wake up (the alarm must have been in my dream because at this time my roommate wasnt here anymore i think) i think about what to do and remember that i want to practice teleportation. i dont want to try blink eye teleportation and think about lay back in bad and fall asleep. i sit in my bed but i remember ~Dreamer~ way of teleporation. i stand up again go to the wall and point my finger on the wall and think "Red" so i can paint. i paint a oval portal that is not red but more a faint line. i try to push it some times and it the wall give away. i push so hard that i just fall right into the hole and find myself in the void. i use it to incubate where i want to go because i forgot to do it before. i think and repeat "meadow with a tree" and suddenly after some moments i´m standing on a way and infront of me is a field. a little further are some trees and a railway lines. i am alone. not what i aimed for exactly but close enough i think and start flying near the ground over the field. i see some flowers that have deep blue stems and leaves and bright red blooms. i pick one while flying, land and try to smell it but it has no odor. i look on the ground and notice that the soil is pretty dry and there are alot of ankle high plants with short little spikes. hm no barefeet walking i think to myself and start flying again in the direction of the railway lines. i land there and look around. i see some mushrooms and some plants that remindes me of a yellow narcissus flower. i see a feet big snail. with a second look i see that it is made of earthenware. i look around and see an old truck and a little further a rhino i fly over to the truck to get a better sight on the rhino. i land there and look at him. he is lying down. i think about fly a little closer but in this moment it notice me and runs in my direction. its an big adult rhino. he stops infront of the truck and scrape with the hooves. i remember the tasks of the month again and see that it wont tell me a joke but i might communicate with it via telepathy. i climb a little bit down so i get closer and hold my hand on my temple and think "let us be friends". i repeat it over and over. i decide to climb down a little further but the rhino starts running again furious in my direction i go up a little so he cant hit me. he runs past me and i think telepathically "HEY!" and he stops and turns and look at me. i again repeat let us be friends and he runs back where he was standing before. i repeat the sentence some times more and decide to climb down "what the hell should happen. this is a dream he cant really hurt me" i climb down on the ground and he starts running in my direction again. i kneel down and open my arms. he turns into a small (baby?) rhino who jumps into my arms and starts licking my face like a dog would do.
      i wake up and feel really happy.

      i think about standing up but still feel tired and fall asleep again after some notes

      10:15 LD:
      I have a FA in my bed. this time my room looks more realistic and i am a little confused although i am pretty sure i am dreaming. i stand up and look around and see for example my couch missing. i still do a nosepinch and remember that i could teleport again. i search a wall with some space and draw a small portal like before. i push again and the cycle falls insight the wall i feel a pulling force again but can resist to fall insight. i sit infront of the hole/portal and climb insight. i feel like falling and this time i dont see black but greyish like when you pick the wrong tv channel. it changes a bit and gets more sharp like a loading screen and suddenly i hear a sound and enter a game? everything looks a little pixelated. it is a futuristic theme and i think i see some startrek guys. i am a bit confused and move around. i enter a bath and look into the mirror. i look like a pixelated game figure but my appearance is changing. now i look pretty normal but have black curled hair with some dreads. in those dreads is some metal ring that looks nice. i pick the ring and put it in my pocket for later. i smile because i know i cant bring it back to waking. i move some feet away but then thinking about that i could teleport right again this time with a mirror. i go back but now the mirror is just a small vertical stripe. i tap against it and after some times it gets fluid. i put in my arm till my shoulder but then it doesnt go any further because the mirror is to small. i back off and while heading to the next room i yell "Commander i need a bigger Mirror!" i enter the next room and see "Data and Riker" (i dont watch Startrek so dont know what rank they have or anything; i talked to a friend one or two days ago about Startrek because there is an episode about lucid dreaming he told me). Riker starts going away to get me a bigger mirror while data is just standing around. i see an mirror on a shelf and take it. it is a little dusty and i put it on the ground thinking this might be big enough. i strife of some of the dust and tip on it again. it starts to be fluid again and i stand on the mirror sinking in. i leave with a Ciao! while Data is just looking at me with no motion. i fall again into the void and imagine my "meadow and tree" i appear on a forest path and see a farm infront of me. some feet away is a guy working. hm i think people... i move in the direction of the big building and see some horses. i look closer and notice that they are no horses but unicorns. one has cut of wings. i pet him a little and keep going. i see an orangutan crossing my way and again i put my hand to my temple and say telepathically "hey come to me" he looks shortly at me but keeps running. i look determining and he stops and approaches me. i sit on the ground and he jumps into my lap and i pet him. we communicate a little (cant tell if with words or telepathically) he tells me something i dont remember and i tell him he smells good (i actually cant remember a smell) he says thanks but the thing he put in his fur is itching or something. i stand up and keep going to a table where two or three men are sitting. i talk to one of them a little and then ask him if he might tell me a joke. "nah i dont know/remember any jokes......... no good atleast" i say "nevermind tell me one" the second guy intermeddle with some stupid stuff i dont remember. next to him is a box or a travel case with some small items and stuff. i try to get something with telekinesis but it only moves a little and dont levitate to me. he tells me that i am not allowed to take something from there. i get a little angry and decide to Kamehameha the table away. i connect my hands and notice i have something in them. a bag and something different in the other hand. i put both into my pockets and start over again. i do the motion and the words but nothing happens :/ i move some feet away from them and try again and i feel shortly some energy between my hands but nothing to see and nothing happens again. one of the guys stands up and approach me like nothing happens. i am in a room now and another guy stands next to me. he has three eyes like the dude from dragon ball. i ask him if he might show me how this works and he says yes but not now its not the time. i say: now please? have no time! but he just walks away... never mind i think and see some big coins. i take one and start to levitate it in my hand. the guy from the table stands next to me and is watching. i do some tricks and try to hold it in the air without movement. i have some problems but change my mindset to i want it to freeze in the air. the coin stops moving around and just spins a little but this stops to and the coin stands motionless in the air. the guy is cheers and i explain to him that the trick is to think that it freezes in the air. i want to morph the coin into another but then i wake up because of our postman...
    13. November 10th 2015

      by , 11-11-2015 at 07:20 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      So today I had to wake up way earlier than usual to watch my friend's dog. I went back to sleep at around noon and set my alarm for 1:30PM. The first half of the sleep was very frustrating because I didn't think I had really slept at all but was thinking about a lot of things. Then, I was in sleep paralysis for a couple of seconds before waking up. Out of nowhere, I become determined to lucid dream. So, I lay on my back and start thinking 'Okay keep your mind awake.' My eyelids showed a light blue scene. My imagination brings me to this open field with green grass and an expansive light blue sky in the background. In the distance are rows of houses. I try to imagine my house and spin right to see it before me, but I don't see it and I fall a bit. I float down to the ground as two tall men dressed in flannels approach me. For some reason my mind thinks they might have a gun and sure enough they both do. One of them shoots me in the right hip and I fall back onto the ground. They come up and start talking to me before my mind is focused on something else, the moon. I've always wanted to go hangout on the moon in a lucid. My mind pushes the thought away before I decide I really want to do it. So, I tell myself I'm floating upwards to the sky where I can see the moon in the distance and sure enough I float away from the field. Now, I'm surrounded by black space as small star-like figures pass by me quickly, 100s around me. As I get closer to the moon, it turns out to be way different. The moon is a sphere but not solid. It has silver streaks coming from inside the core of the moon and around it. It was actually quite empty besides the 5 or 6 streams of silver making up a sphere shape. I float over it before falling into another scene.

      I start at the ceiling of a large middle school-like gym as I think to look at my hands. They are very real to me. I sort of spin down onto the floor so I see the entirety of the room. There are about 15 people in this pretty big gym. It's a school dance happening before me. Young kids are dressed up with their respective dates. It's weird because I've actually come to this gym before in another dream but didn't remember it until I was there again in this semi-lucid. So, that thought hits my mind as I look around the room. Red ribbons decorate the outer edges of the room, even going over the basketball hoop that is still down. For some reason, my mind thinks it knows the plot to this story. Suddenly, I'm next to these two middle school girls. One says to the other, "the only reason I'm going with my date is because he's cool." My mind knew she was going to say something mean before she said it. Then, I'm part of their conversation. The girls are different now. I get a good look at them to see one of them is holding close to her date on the right, while the other is very close looking at me. Turns out, I know this girl in real life. I have 4 classes with her and kinda have been crushing on her for the entire semester. I grab hold of her and we start to kiss.

      My mind turns to sexual things. Her and I are suddenly swept away into my bed. We continue to kiss as she's in my bed on top of me. We start to go into other things for about 20 seconds before we sit up and talk. I don't really remember what was said, or if anything was said, but then I go down on her. She starts to moan very loudly.

      I have a false awakening where my friend walks in and I realize the girl isn't there with me. Disappointment strikes me as I lay back down. Then, I hear the girl from the left of me go "phew, he didn't see me."

      Another false awakening happens where I hear zipping. Like someone zipping up a jacket but it was very loud right next to me and continuous. I sit up to see this older deformed man looking at me with a jacket on. He tells me "I live in your closet."

      Third false awakening, all I remember is there are bunk beds in my room and my friend and I are yelling about each other stealing things. I end up with a notebook in my hand walking in some park towards swings, before thinking that I'm too young to be there so I turn around and walk down these steps that have handrails and people laying on them.
    14. Minor Difference DILD

      by , 11-10-2015 at 08:58 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself in my father room and for some reason I was already semi lucid. I felt like I knew it was a dream, so I got up and open the door to the living room. Once I saw that one side of the sky from the windows were blue and one the other side was orange which indicated the sun. I agree that I am in a dream. I made my vision zoom in on the walls to see if everything look like it would in waking life. The difference was that the color of this wall was orange while it is suppose to be brown.

      I decided to check the garage and see what look different there. Once I open the garage door what I notice first was that there were to air bags lift all the way up to the ceiling. I didn't find here to be much of a change. I then lost focus of the fact of being in a dream and became non-lucid. Soon after having a false awakening, I wake up in my father room with a person telling me did I have a lucid dream? I said barely, he then stated could've been a false awakening. I didn't understand that he was trying to tell me I had a false awakening and that I am still dreaming.

      I wake up not long after this. Lucidity Time: 55 seconds
    15. 08.11.2015

      by , 11-09-2015 at 09:27 AM (Chessica's Dream Journal)
      Tried a WBTB today. I woke up after about 5 hours, and lay awake for about 30 minutes. Felt like I just would not get back to sleep. I heard the traffic outside and got a bit annoyed by the noise. I sort of gave up on the WILD attempt and put on a podcast on my phone (using ear phones). It was Lucid4life podcast.

      After a while I must have fallen asleep, but I was dreaming I was still in my bed trying to WILD. I got up, thinking it was hopeless, and went downstairs. It was a mix between our current home and our last home. I went into the office room and looked out the window. It was dark outside. I didn't want to go out for a cigarette after all. Somewhere around here I was thinking that this big, almost empty, office room should be furnished with the furniture we don't have room for in the living room. I went to the kitchen. On top of the fridge there was several paper/plastic bags filled with huge brussels sprouts. H. apparently had discovered that they were ripe and picked them from the garden. When I saw the brussels sprouts I immediately knew I was dreaming, I heard H. come downstairs and hurried to do a nose plug RC just in case. I knew I was going to be able to breathe, and I was! H. came around the corner, I resisted the temptation to tell him it was a dream. Instead I just kissed him and we started some sexy time. This woke me up in just a few minutes, and the Ld was over.
      Tags: wbtb
      lucid , false awakening
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