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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. #64: FA / Race

      by , 12-26-2015 at 12:04 PM
      I think I went to bed around 01:30. Not sure what time I got up anymore. It's now 12:00.

      I 'wake up' in my bed. I can hear my little brother in the living room. From the sound of it, he's still playing COD, even though it's 05:30 or 06:30. Damnit man. I get out of bed. I walk from my room, through his room, to the hallway. I stop in his room for a moment as I realise that I can't see anything. I feel as if my eyes are closed, except that they're open. I blink hard a few times and even consider that this is very dreamlike. Then I regain my vision and carry on. I swing the door to the living room open, ready to bust my brother. The lights are on and the two sons of my neighbour are on the couch, a bit freightened by me. I'm surprised and happy to see them. I get down on a knee and hold out my arms. They come running to me and headbutt in the process. I'm certain that somewhere I was lucid for just a moment.

      I'm not sure if I'm playing a video game, but the image that I see is fullscreen. It's off a sort of worm which is floating against a bit of an orangey, cartoony, clouded background. It's head and tail are nearly touching in a circle. Someone (me?) is racing along the outer edge of the worm. When making a jump you have to be careful not to jump too far away, else you'll fly out of it's orbit.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. The dream of partying with strangers.

      by , 12-24-2015 at 06:27 PM
      Had several dreams last night, only one was Lucid.

      First dream took place at an unfamiliar house, but in the dream the house belonged to me and it seemed as if this place was part central. All of the dream characters were strangers to me. Just your standard party dream with drinking and being stupid. Things got out of control eventually and faded to the next day where me and some dude were talking about maybe not having another party the next night. [ This is funny because I had just joined this site and my dream was full of strangers celebrating ] Later in the dream I was throwing a football with one my old college fraternity house brothers. I was telling him about the time i smoked dank and passed out standing up hahaha. He was like, "Yeah dude you can't hold that shit in too long or you will fall out". I have started actually talking outloud to characters in my dreams, and this has become a trigger because I wake up but stay in the dream state, because I can hear myself talking in reality, but the dream keeps right on playing. I have been tempted to try to stand up and remain in the dream state. For some reason I resort to whispering to dream characters because once I start talking out loud, I can't go back to mentally thinking what I want to tell everyone in the dream. So, later on in the dream it turns into my typical first person shooter [ Playing too much Farcry will do that] I rocket launchered a semi carrying a load of canned ham...then had to explain to police why my dream boiled over into reality and that I didn't really mean to shoot a RPG into traffic [ false awakening]. Then i woke up, saying WTF?
    3. Light Bow Shooting, False Awakening, Confessing Love to Relative

      by , 12-22-2015 at 10:52 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Light Bow Shooting In The Skyscraper Building (DILD)


      It’s a rainy environment, and very dark with streetlights as the main source of lighting here. There’s this green overtone that’s dominating the atmosphere, and has a Matrix-esque vibe to it. I believe I’m wearing a black trench coat, and I’m on my way to reach a huge skyscraper.

      For some reason, I felt the elevator outside was only capable of going down, but I was able to press a button, and wait until I reached whatever floor I intended to go to. I noticed I had the Light Bow akin to Twilight Princess, but I’m sure if I paid more attention to it, there would be more nuances.

      I reach the floor, and the first entity I counter was the Great Fairy Queen from Windwaker just casually power walking her away perpendicular to me. She looks up at me with a smile, and proceeds to go about to wherever, which seems to be the end of the wall.

      I start walking around, and I noticed to the right of me is a base with a desk, computer, and a few office chairs. It’s too quiet, and I felt I’ve been doing this a few times before. I expected guards to come out, and they did wearing your basic agent attire.

      I start aiming my arrows at them, but didn’t pay too much attention on the outcome of the light arrow disintegrating their existence with light. I’m getting closer to the base that either has a door behind it, or an elevator. I keep moving while getting these weird vibes surging from the sides of my body and neck for what’s to come the more I venture around.

      I forget what I’m doing next.


      False Awakening Gets Me Again (Non-lucid)


      So I wake up to look at the alarm on my phone, and it states 10 AM, or so. I get up to do stuff, but then dozed off somehow.

      Woke up some other time, and it was around 8 AM.


      Telling Relative I Love Her (DILD)


      I tell her that I love her, and her retort is being shocked, and then smiling.
    4. Ld #1000

      by , 12-20-2015 at 07:33 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I had 4 LDs last night to reach #1000!

      RelaxAndDream asked about this LD so I'll share it in case anybody else is curious about it.

      I woke up from a dream and heard a child in my room screaming some nonsense. The little (Caribbean?) girl came up to me to where I could see a part of her from under my blanket. I tried to get up but could barely move. I asked her to pull the blanket for me so I could see. She pulled the blanket to reveal a male adult dc beside her covered with white make-up it seemed. I asked his name out of curiosity and he said something I couldn't understand. I asked which country he was from as he spoke with a bit of an accent. He said he was from France and Costa Rica. I woke up.

      So, yeah, my 1000th LD was less special that I was hoping it would be. That's okay, though! I had plans to summon and eat a cake and then summon and ride a dolphin in search of a cave to explore, but barely being able to move and being distracted by DCs made a dent in those plans.

      5 more LDs and I'll be up to 365 for the year. It's been about 3 in a quarter years since I joined Dream views. When I joined, my LD count was at 20.

      As far as LD technique, I've gone back to simply setting my dream control intention and then staring at the blackness behind my eyelids until I start dreaming. With this, I had and caught 3 FAs last night. I've had multiple LDs the last few nights after a dry November and start of December so I'm excited about the future. I really want to get better at dream control and stabilization, though. It's kind of frustrating!

      Updated 12-20-2015 at 07:38 PM by 57896

      side notes , lucid , false awakening
    5. longest false awakening ever.

      by , 12-20-2015 at 07:11 AM
      this was a while back, but I'll post what I remember

      I was in bed with my boyfriend, and I woke up cause I was rather thirsty. I turned in bed and got a drink, at this point I think I actually was awake but I don't know for sure. Either way I rolled back over, hugged onto my boyfriend and fell asleep, I started having a weird dream where I was in this room with a bunch of guys I didn't recognize. I don't remember what was going on but I do remember one of the guys kept like coming onto me, he touched my arm and I jerked awake still hugging my boyfriend. I felt really light headed and tired though and soon fell right back asleep ending up in the same room as before, this time there was one less guy and I just walked around kind of exploring the room. it seemed like a hotel room and I have like brief flashes of faces and people I encountered but I still don't remember what happened, the guy soon returned and was a bit more forceful this time and tried to kiss me, again I jerk awake, even more lightheaded than before and trying desperately to stay awake but I soon passed out again. this happened like 15+ times and I have no idea if I was actually waking up or if it was a false awakening. the last time the guy like tried to tug my pants down and I jerked awake, actually managing to sit up and look around my room unsure if I was actually awake or not, it legit had me too scared to go back to sleep but I did and the rest of the night was uneventful.
    6. Basic Task Completed!

      by , 12-18-2015 at 07:47 PM (The Dream Cauldron)
      (Unconnected dreams indicated by a *. Connected dreams indicated by a •. )

      This dream was written in past tense because I was so excited at completing the basic task that I forgot to write in present tense.

      • I fell asleep at 7 AM and soon found myself in a dream. At first, I only thought I was waking up after my nap. But after I witnessed time shifting (first I saw the evening star, then it was morning again, then night) in front of my eyes out my window, I did a nose pinch RC and realised I was dreaming. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. I looked into the dining room where I saw my mom. I then had a false awakening. My suspicion caused me to do another RC. I could breathe, so I knew I was still dreaming. I went to the fridge and opened it, and saw it was full of pudding cups. I decided since this was a dream, I could eat as many as I wanted. I ate a burger and it tasted like the real thing but the flavor was a bit weaker. I tried to utilize some dream control by conjuring up a backpack to put the pudding cups in. The backpack didn't appear even after I believed it would (heard you should believe, not try), but I just pretended to unzip the backpack and put the pudding cups in. I then walked out the door, pretending to be carrying a backpack, and decided to take a walk. I then remembered that I wanted to do the task of the month, which was laugh in a DCs face. I walked past a few people, then came across a guy who was fixing his fence. I walked up to him and proceeded to laugh right in his face. It was weak laughter, but that was probably due to it being a dream. I DID try to raise my chin and laugh like a villian in a cartoon, no matter how weak the laughter was. The man didn't give me a response.

      Updated 12-18-2015 at 07:56 PM by 64918

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
    7. Stalker

      by , 12-18-2015 at 06:19 PM
      I’m in New Zealand mountain biking by myself. I’m catching tons of air and biking on very narrow and uneven passages but I’m not scared at all. Something happens that keeps me for a long time and when I go to return the bikes it’s night time and the gates are closed. I don't know what I’m going to do. Then I realized that the blue gate is motion sensored, so i get in. The workers take my bike and I get ushered to the front of the line.

      I’m playing a game with a group of people. We are listening to a recording and watching a screen of random images and we have to come up with a good catchphrase in under 1.5 minutes. My recorder isn’t working at first. I see an aerial view of the flight paths to and from New Zealand and think of saying something about a plane but I don’t know enough about them. There is an underwater mountain range to the north east of NZ and an island called New Delhi.. Then I see an image of a woman in the ocean and one her breasts is sticking out of the water. I decide on “Tits: Because everything in the ocean is naked anyway” and I think it is so hilarious. All of a sudden I’m in the ocean swimming with B&A. There’s a koi fish following me and I try to bop it away because it grosses me out. A looks scared and tells me to swim fast. I assume it’s a shark and know that I’m not fast enough to out-swim a shark. I swim toward the boat and am amazed how fast I am. Turns out it was a massive group of koi fish chasing us. I wake up within another dream and tell my husband about my hilarious catchphrase.

      I see a series of small children doing a funny hobbit dance in hobbit style clothes. It is so cute. I find out that they belong to attractive, young, trendy lesbians. All of them adopted except for one girl who claims to be the only one with both of her mothers’ genes. I’m not sure how that’s possible. Perhaps a three way mixture of both eggs and the donor sperm. I’m in the dining room and one of the lesbians who looks a bit asian american is painting henna free-hand on the wall. She tells me I need to unleash the intense creative power within me.
      I’m renting out a duplex with my older sister. There’s a couple that live next door, but our places are also connected from the inside. Sometimes we use their bathroom. Once the man knocked on our door, asking to hang out. My sister is uncomfortable but I feel like we owe him so I allow him in. I go to sleep at some point and wake up in the middle of the night with him next to me. He’s pinning me down. He tries to tickle me a little bit. I scream at him but can't make any sound. I weakly realize it's because I'm dreaming. I try to get away. I finally break free and he follows me. I get my sister and tell that we need to leave now. She’s paralyzed with fear so I carry her out to the side of the road that looks like my parent’s street. There are a lot of white cars and I don’t know which one is ours. I unlock one and he gets in the driver seat and drives away, thinking I’m in there with him. I unlock my mom’s van and we frantically get inside and peel out. We’re taking an alternate route to my mom’s work. When I get to her work I write what happened with a quill and ink on a belt and in a black and white fashion magazine. Then I go to work, which happens to be a high end fashion show. He’s there and part of the show. Everyone loves him and thinks he’s so sweet and innocent. It makes me sick. My husband is there. After the show he goes to work an Asian breakfast restaurant and ignores us when my husband gently confronts him. I go home. I turn on the light in my bedroom and he’s laying in my bed with sunglasses. This is the second time he’s done that. “I told you you have to stop doing that!” I yell at him. At this point I decide that my best strategy is manipulating him, since resisting hasn’t worked. I get in bed and ask him why he’s doing this. We have an argument about dolphin swimming and water depth. He tries to impress me by showing me the millions of “stickies” he has under the covers for his cell phone. We go together to a different room that looks like my mom’s room. We’re playing baseball with a bunch of older kids in there. He’s the coach. Everything is disorganized. I bide my time and then after a while, say I have to go to the bathroom. I grab my phone that I left the previous night and I go into my bedroom. I contemplate that it’s a lot like Becky’s old bedroom. I try and think of a solution to my predicament. I think of asking people on dream views how to get rid of a stalker. But I realize it would be a dream stalker, following me and assaulting me in all of my dreams.

      Updated 12-18-2015 at 07:46 PM by 70665 (Remembered more)

      Tags: semi-lucid
      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    8. #183 - True SC1 / Boar hunt / Bomb shelter / Balding / Restaurant / Disgusting Toes

      by , 12-18-2015 at 06:43 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      SC1) 12:51
      True SC1
      I woke up and had some small memories of dreamlets but nothing solid enough to put on paper. I did a WBTB to let the cat out of my room and also to eat some apple crumble (because why not? )

      I don't usually wake up at this time so this is the first I've woken up for the 1st sleep cycle of the night.

      SC2) 02:32
      Dream - Boar hunt
      I was in my house, yet it didn't exactly resemble it at first. It seemed that we were on a camp (university camp?) and I found out there was a huge pig/boar running around in the house. I decide to deal with it, it's in a small room that has a refrigerator and other food stuff in it. I knock the boar unconscious somehow and wonder if I should put it into the freezer and let it die that way? Hmm oh well I'll leave it for now. I decide to go ask for help, I head outside and on my way out of the small room I see a stack of bagged pig meat and blood and guts. When I get outside I see 3 guys and maybe 4 girls all sunbathing. The guys have their shirts off and the girls are bikinis, they're all lying on beach towels on the back deck of my house (though it's clear it's not my 'house' if that makes sense). I also remember one of the guys who was called Alex Sigley. I speak up and ask if someone wants to go half with me on the boar I just killed, 3 of the guys say yes but none of the girls want any. One girl then gets up with a sigh as she knows how to deal with the boar (butchering it or something) which is what I wanted, I have no clue how to deal with this thing.

      My current WBTB alarm is set to 02:00 and I need to set it to 02:30 I think, as that seems to be the right time to wake up.

      SC3) 04:18
      Dream - Bomb shelter
      I'm on a road near where I live there the road forks off. There was quite a few people here on the road with me and we were chatting (though I don't remember who they were). We must have been doing some sort of roadworks. Things were pretty happy during most of the dream but towards the end a train arrived. It turned the corner out of one of the roads that forked off and headed onto our road (this is impossible, and also there's no train there in RL). We alert each other to the train and head over to the pavement, I have to pull along a retard who was clapping his hands. There's a person doing the announcements, he berates us and I notice we're missing some people. The missing people had been 'dealt with'. "Keep away from the manhole cover!" the announcer announced angrily. I can tell he's evil. The manhole cover he spoke of was a sort of 'time capsule' for the rich, so they could be protected in the case of nuclear fallout (Fallout 4 reference I guess). There's a bunch of rich folk (who look like they're from the 1950s) streaming out of the train I think, but they had also supposedly just exited the manhole, but they were walking towards the manhole (rather than away from it), and also seemed to be walking past it. (Poor dream logic but I didn't catch on so no lucid ).

      SC4) 05:58
      Dream - Balding
      I'm in the bathroom looking into the mirror, WHAT THE HELL. My hair has bald patches all through it! Ugh, oh no... This can't be real? I have a FA and I'm in the bathroom again, but this time my hair is normal. Phew, it was just a dream . I keep looking at the mirror just to make sure, my reflection is quite accurate. But as I look at my eyes... My iris' don't seem right, they look like solid green disks with a black pupil that isn't quite in the center. Hmm??? It changes a couple times, why is it doing that? Oh wait, I must be dreaming. It all seems so obvious now. I take a step back and my vision is that of a severely drunk person, why can't I see well? I decide on going straight to doing telekinesis on the toilet. I raise my hand and will the toilet to float but to no avail. Meanwhile I'm still seeing the world in a sort of drunken state. Geeze maybe that's why I can't do telekinesis? Oh! It must be because I went cross-eyed looking at my reflection earlier? ( best dream logic) I 'uncross' my eyes and the dream becomes less shaky. That's better. I walk out of the bathroom and to my room, I try to do telekinesis again but my vision kind of becomes a bit drunk once more and I'm unsuccessful at telekinesis.

      SC5) 07:00
      Dream - Restaurant
      I remember being in a restaurant and I think I'm an employee. The restaurant has a dark wooden texture and has an appropriate dim mood-light setting for dining out. I'm at the checkout talking to an Indian girl who is a fellow employee, I think we're talking about something and she might be teaching me how to work here. Her face is next to mine, side by side with a bit of a gap between us. She says something and it's a bit flirtatious and she moves in to kiss me. Our lips touch and I'm like 'Oh shit, have I just cheated on my gf? Well... I'm in the middle of the kiss, I'll wait until it's over' (for some reason I thought this was the only option ). The kiss was very vivid, I remember closing my eyes to it and feeling the texture of her lips, they soft and have a smooth feeling which made me think it wasn't quite right for how kissing should feel. She gets into the kiss, I wake up before it finishes.

      I tried writing this down but all I wrote was 'Kiss in restaurant, I'm an employee'. I must have really struggled to stay awake O_O

      Dream fragment - Disgusting Toes
      I'm in the living room at home and see that my mum has just gotten home from work. She's taking her shoes off as I go and talk to her about my toes. They have these absolutely revolting, putrid, disgusting bubbly veruca wart growths on them, mostly on my big left toe, the bottom of the toe next to it and a couple other toes. My mum doesn't take it seriously enough, can she see how disgusting it looks? I'm a little stressed and anxious about the whole thing. I remember that I may have gotten them from an earlier dream in the night where I was running at night time with a couple people. Something happened and there was broken glass on the ground which had the blood of someone else I was with on it. I got a few shards in my toes and that's how my foot got infected it seems.
    9. #56: Laptop / Friend's place / Saggy shelf / Superman / FA

      by , 12-17-2015 at 09:09 AM
      I went to bed at 23.30 and woke up several times between I think 07.00 and 08.00. I finally decided to get out of bed at 08.30.
      I didn't take any notes in between (lazy & stupid).

      I've walked towards a shop and I'm now in it. I'm buying a new laptop. I've found one that i want and I take the box with me. I don't handle it carefully enough and it bounces on the floor for a moment, though from a very low height, so it should be fine. I put the box in my black laptopbag and I start walking towards a specific point in the shop. An employee stops me as he sort of believes that I want to steal the laptop. I'm about to go pay for this. I open up my laptop bag and I see the box with the laptop in it, as well as my older, scratched up Asus. I take the box out to ensure that I took the right one. It's a Toshiba or a HP. Huh? I really thought I took the right one, but apparently I didn't. Glad that that employee stopped me, else I would've bought the wrong one, though it comes very cheap (around €14). I put the Toshiba/HP on a table and open it. It's really a hideous looking thing. I don't want to buy this anymore. I've already configured it with my name and everything though. I need to figure out how to get rid of that so that I can return the laptop.

      Friend's place
      I'm in the house of one of my close friends, though it looks quite different from reality. I'm with several of my close friends. I'm sitting in what seems like a sleeping bag with one of the staff members of my Indonesian uni. We're fooling around a bit. Considering that I have a girlfriend [in this dream I'm still/again together with my first girlfriend] I am taking things entirely too far. We're in the middle of the hallway and it feels like we're sitting on an unused eastern style toilet, which feels dry. My friend's sister or mom opens the door to the actual toilet, which is also eastern style. Yuck. Someone mentions that there is a western style toilet upstairs.

      Still in the same place I think. I have a bowl of food and one of my friends keeps trying to take food from me. Damnit man, let me eat in peace. He says that I can't eat this anyway since I'm a vegetarian. I tell him that I'm eating everything but the meat. He starts eating the meat of my plate. I'm starting to get really annoyed now. I let him know that he can have the meat after I'm done.

      At some point in the dream I think the staff member is gone and my girlfriend is present. I act very distant towards her.

      Saggy shelf
      I'm in my student room, though it looks quite different. I'm not sure who I'm with, but that person starts to lean on one of the low shelfs on my wall. Don't do that! Too late. The shelf sags until it pretty much hits the ground. I'm very annoyed by this. I specifically remember thinking that my shoes won't fit underneath the shelf anymore. I try to prop it back up several times, but it's not working.

      There's a guy without superpowers who is taking on Superman. He has a cell build for him, with walls covered in kryptonite paint, though he calls it slightly differently. It's in a tower. Superman is outside, x-raying through the tower to find the guy. He eventually does and he falls right into the trap, bursting into the kryptonite room. His uniform is a bit different from reality. Also, if he wants to use his laser vision he needs to charge it, which is visible from a 'thermometre' filling up on the front of his suit.

      I dreamt I got an email from the person I'm supposed to be interviewing in reality tomorrow. That person apologised for not going to be able to make it. I think the reason was that it was the birthday of one of the colleagues and thus everyone would be unavailable. I also recall checking my phone after waking up to see if it was a dream or not, and seeing the message on my lockscreen (so I had an FA).

      Updated 12-17-2015 at 09:19 AM by 71740

      false awakening
    10. DJ#42: Maths Problem

      by , 12-17-2015 at 01:01 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      I forgot a lot of what I dreamed
      There was a fragment about an elf and repairs.
      I had to solve a super hard maths/logic puzzle, got there eventually.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    11. Motion OST + DA + CMood + YWave + DILD

      by , 12-13-2015 at 06:57 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am living in India, it appear to be night as I look around the wide field of the desert. I kept my body lying down on the ground for a form of cover as I am expecting snipers to take their shot when they see me. I do routine check ups to make sure I have not been followed. I look around and realize my eye sight is beginning to get blurry. I soon couldn't see a thing, this is bad I thought. I want to get down there so that the power there could be obtain. However I decided to retreat and assume this could be an enemies attack.

      I go down from the hill and back to my base. There was an elderly woman seeing on a couch telling me she is tired of complaining about her life. I told her I am done for the day and went in to a room as she continues to want television. The dream scene has now change in to the room I am usually in. It is dark and from the shades from the curtains covering the window I can tell it is night. I had awoken from the usual leaf blowers who carry the loud machines. I decided to went for him to be done however he began banging at the window.

      And demanded that I let him in. I had a feeling something like this could happen and notice that the window was beginning to crack. I got up and tried to go to the living room, I then continue to open the bathroom door and lock my self inside. I hear him bash through the door with a weapon and for some reason the restroom tiles kept making sounds with my feet against them. This allowed him to know where I have been hiding. My eyes stare at the door handle as he uses some ping pong racket to phase through the door handle.

      That didn't make any sense to me but he's here and I begin to tense myself for a fight. To my surprise the door opens up to a boy who looks 13 years old wearing a purple hoodie and khaki shorts. I get out the restroom and demanded what is going on. He looks at me expecting me to stay still but I push him aside and can see my family inside a car while the front door is opened. The boy look at me as he prepares to attack but I ignore this and walk outside. I am still frustrated but is now more curious to why everyone is outside. It seems they were preparing to leave, the sky is now sunny which is odd considering it has been dark not too long ago.

      I go back inside the house as I just remember the boy was still inside. I look for him and can see he is in the kitchen making himself something. I prepare to grab him but he quickly pulls out a knife. I told him to calm down and that I wasn't going to try anything. I then check my father room and notice he has stolen some of the pages in my dream journal.

      More irritated than before, I turn around to go look for him no longer caring that the boy is wielding a knife. However no one is in the house, go outside the front door and see that everyone has left. The sky is now dark with a couple of bright red showing the sun set was just ending. I begin to think maybe I can still catch up to the car even though I didn't know where it was. I begin running anyway and soon notice that the pathway around this area is now different from how I remember it. This isn't right I said, I soon realize I am in a different location. This place look very expensive and the people around here were all well dressed. I see railings and a fence, so I ran to it but realize as I got directly in contact with it that it was much bigger close up. I look down one of railings and can see I am on the top floor. I tried finding a way down passing through a couple dancing and see a slide that looks like the mouth of a sea creature. I slid down it thinking it was odd.

      I walk pass other people going through a small tunnel , one guy pointed at this board we were all near to and said all the numbers mix with words were quantum mechanic. Some were debating with his assumptions as me and others struggle to get through the line. I manage to get out and enter this weird grocery store, I decided to get a couple of things since I was on my own now. That is when I met up with the kid who stole some of my dream journal. He continue to follow me through out the store. He then grabs my head and makes funny gestures. I turn around ask what did he want. He tells me to be quiet and continues to put his hand on my head. I told him why did he rob me? He replied that it didn't matter and that he just did it to do it. I yelled out that wasn't good enough and demanded to know why again. He decides to say that he has robbed me plenty of times before and that it has become a habit for him.

      I told him I had been aware of numerous items going missing lately. It made me angry that he didn't have a good reason for stealing. I snap and threw all the grocery items I had in the cart in the air. I told him I am ready to fight as he begins to tear up. I couldn't believe this, suddenly a woman working in the grocery store came to his aid asking what is wrong. He drops to the floor and continues to cry. I grab the child by the neck telling him he should know better. The woman grab my arm trying to throw me off the boy. I elbow her and could hear a lot of people beginning to hear the situation. I then ran off from the store. Passing a police officer while looking for a car.

      The sky was now grey and partially raining. I find a car and enter inside and continue to drive off. Many of the cars were driving fast and some were trying to slow down as the rain made the road very slippery. I tried driving up to the next lane however due to how fast I am going I lost control and landed on a muddy swamp. My car wouldn't move anymore and I had now transition in to third person point of view. The car took a turn for the worst as it was getting suck in to the muddy swamp. I can feel myself getting out of the car and having trouble breathing through the piles of mud. I started thinking I should try to wake myself up now. But I manage to get all the rocks and mud off of me before drowning.

      Another car had lost control and landed in to the swamp as well. He however was too far in the swam to even get out of it. I decided to leave and run up the road, however the road seem to have been slice off making me drop down. I landed on some grassy rocks and continue to walk from there.

      That is when I saw this very odd building. There was this voice in my head telling me that I had to go up there. I decided to listen and went up there. There was this weird creature that told me if I am ready for the next challenge. I didn't give an answer and woke up.
    12. Alarm Interrupts Experience at XXX Shop, False Awakening, At Tennis Courts Without Tennis Attire

      by , 12-12-2015 at 07:30 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Alarm Prevents Me From Trying Out Some Toys (DILD)


      I was actually going to attempt 12 hours of image streaming before thinking that 30, or so minutes of it was more than enough, and that I could always do it on my next day off. Fortunately, the image streaming session beforehand proved to be advantageous in remembering some dreams.

      So I’m doing some grocery shopping, but not sure who for in particular; maybe just myself, but later on in the dream, it probably was for a relative, or even one of the co-workers I was trying to image stream in being with. Whatever the case, I remember that I’m finish with the shopping, and I have a huge paper bag with some vegetables on top; your stereotypical visual cue of produce being bought along with some random items underneath.

      The size of the vegetables were a bit larger than they should be, but I had a one track mind towards something else-finding the near XXX store to buy a sex toy for myself. I eventually stored the paper bag filled with items inside of a car that was probably white, but fairly old (in the 2000s, or even 1998), and proceeded to casually zone around the area. It’s an evening setting, but it really feels like it’s 2AM, or something.

      There’s streetlights around, but they’re emitting a faded white light, and this misty aura that’s shaped like a cone penetrating the ground. The ground itself-side walk and all, consists of a melange of blue and gray colors, and by looking at that, it has this chalky, semi-realistic vibe to it. I eventually reach a section of the area that looks like it could sell sex toys, but the layout looks weird.

      You get the impression that whoever owns the store is about to move out, or that they’re sold out, and probably needed to stock for the next day. I go ahead and open the glass door anyway. Inside of the store, the walls are light brown, and the milky, yellow lights make it more caramel. The flooring is a generic white checkered pattern, and to the right of me is a Caucasian male. He’s wearing a gray hoodie with the hoodie resting on his back, some brown pants, and a generic cool colored shirt. He has light, caramel hair, but he could have dirty blonde as well, and based on certain features of his visage, he looks like he could have originated in the East.

      I wanted to feel that his overall clothing scheme would be shady, but honestly, I’m not surprised based on what the shop was in general. I go up to him, and started to get down to business. I first had apprehensions on this people a XXX store, but he clarified things to me in vague ways, almost as if he’s trying to have external ears deter away from that probability, I think.

      He turns to the right, and I promptly follow him, and wondered how we’re going to pass through this brown wall that will clearly make him face plant into it. Then, a concealed door opens, and I hear this futuristic Zwooomp sound for a few seconds, and became even more confused. It felt like this guy was over playing it in hiding the real intent of the shop.

      I continue to follow him upstairs for a bit, and there’s this bright, white light above us. When we reached the apex, I noticed this grandiose area that’s covered in white. There’s some white tables stacked in rows along with some white metal fold-able chairs that are spaced out about two feet from each other. There’s all sorts of dream characters, but the ones that I can remember at the moment was this Asian female that looks like she’s in hear early thirties that’s wearing a white dress shirt that’s tucked in nicely into a faded black skirt that accentuates the contours of her thighs, and ends a few inches above her knee.

      She looks like Lucy Liu, and she has a hairstyle akin to the one Jady Nguyen had in Hitman: Absolution.

      She’s handing papers to everyone that seems to be in the building, including me. I look at the paper for a moment, and noticed that there’s nothing of sexual connotations whatsoever. It looks more like complicated math formulas, and some scientific context thrown in there for good measure. I’m confused once more, but I continue to follow the guy around, as this is probably his second layer of hiding the fact that he owns a XXX store. This still seems like he’s over-playing it, especially when there shouldn’t be anything to hide in this dream.

      I could’ve said that this is only a dream, but I couldn’t be bothered with opening Pandora’s Box that comes with the reactivity levels of said dream characters. I had a feeling he was talking to me, but it was filtered out as background noise for a few seconds while I was processing the general layout, and more of the dream characters. I noticed a second dream character looks like one of my co-workers. She’s of dark complexion, has her black hair tied in a hair bun, and her visage really looks like it’s fleshed out with barely any noticeable nuances to it.

      She’s looking at me, which feels awkward, and she has the demeanor that she’s out for some toys as well, but we just dart our eyes somewhere random in space. I think she’s participating in the pseudo class being set up, when she’s probably trying to get more information on toys in general. I follow the guy, and get a little impatient, and started to ask if he had any toys for sale. He magically pops out like three Flesh-lights-one green, one blue, and a black one. He makes me privy to the function of each one. The blue one seems to have vibrations set up along with some ring that fluctuates horizontally, which seems to imply that it sets certain amounts of pressure if you put your rod in it. The green one seemed to be alien related, I think, and the black one was just your generic Flesh-light. They looked like actual flashlights from the base, and smaller than the actual Flesh-lights.

      I asked him how much each of them would cost, and he starts throwing out figures like $49.95, $59.95, and $XX-95, and he literally just hands me all three of them. I ask him more questions as to why he’s handing me them all at once, and he states that I can go ahead and try them out before I buy. Then I started to question if these things were used, and how the packaging for each entailed of Bubble Wrap. Then again, he took it out of a large box, but I was kind of concerned on whether or not there was a metal rod in each of them in the first place.

      Started to reconcile that it’s just a dream subconsciously, and thanked the guy. Now, I had to dart out of this place, and then realized that it’s fairly late in the night. I look at my phone, and noticed that it’s 11:02PM at the moment. I realized I probably would have caused moments of consternation for whoever I was supposed to bring the paper bag of groceries to. So, I utilized my phone, and wanted to text them that I’ll be back soon in about 30 minutes or so. First, it started out with “BRT in XX minutes,” but when I rejected this for something else, the moment I was about to send it to them, the phone in waking life sets off the alarm.



      Typing Tags To Recall Previous Dream (Non-lucid)


      When the alarm rings for the dream before, I believe I woke up in waking life, or so it seems. I think another alarm rang for the actual time, and the dream itself was just a false awakening.

      I can feel myself feeling tired and groggy, and trying to gain mental fortitude to attempt a WBTB seemed so difficult for me inspite of sleeping very early (around 8-9PM). I'm waving my hands over, and realized that my phone should be located on the floor.

      I somehow have a notepad app that I took the liberty of typing down some quick tags for the previous dream I had with the shop in order to remember some of the content, and expound on it later on. Once I finished, I went back to sleep.

      Dang it.


      At Tennis Courts Without Tennis Attire (DILD)


      I’m inside of a school facility, and it looks like it could be a High School. There was a class that I was in, but I can’t recall too much of the events other than seeing a Caucasian female about to sit next to me that’s wearing a gray shirt, and a white hoodie on top along with generic skinny, blue jeans.

      Then the bell rings, and I felt a little apprehensive, and figured there had to be one more period to attend. It turns out, based on the professions of an Asian male that looks exactly like an Asian Jon I used to know in real life, there’s only 7 periods, and the rest is up to the person to revel in extracurricular activities.

      I told him how awesome that is, and I wanted to attend tennis practice, even though I didn’t have a racket. I was so caught in the moment that I went to the tennis courts only to see that they’re occupied at the moment. Some are red courts, and others are green courts, and there’s a mixed race of people. I see an elderly man with a dark complexion wearing a white shirt, cap, and maroon colored sports shorts. He’s wearing sunglasses as well with a small silver necklace. I don’t know what he’s doing, but it seems like he could be warming up.

      The other people are just people about my age, or in their early teens rallying with each other. I pass through one of the courts, saw that they were looking at me and waiting before they presumed their rallying, and I felt odd being here at the moment in my current attire. I had plans to buy a racket pretty soon, but didn’t really think about just fabricating one along with a sports attire.

      I’m in pursuit of a racket, clothes, and shoes to go along with it for the rest of the dream.
    13. Mean Neighbors, The Adventures of Cartoon Boy's Parents, and a False Awakening

      by , 12-12-2015 at 06:39 PM (The Dream Cauldron)
      (Unconnected dreams indicated by a *. Connected dreams indicated by a •. )

      I am finally back on Dreamviews to update my dream journal. I will be keeping this journal in sync with a private journal, that way I can get in an entry every day without having to worry about posting anything embarassing.

      *I am on my driveway. Two people come up to me and start critising me about my shyness. I try to threaten them by asking them where in my neighborhood they live, then tell them to lay off the mean comments.

      • A cartoon boy and his dad shrink down very small and the dad is looking for the TV remote, all while blaming everything on his son.

      • The parents of the same cartoon boy are vacationing in the jungle. A huge green boa constrictor wraps itself around them. The mom screams.

      * I am watching a videogame ad that seems to be from the 80s, as it seems to treat home gaming like something cool and new

      * I go to the bathroom while trying to remember my dream.

      Updated 12-13-2015 at 03:08 AM by 64918

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , side notes
    14. Fantasy Venice and a man I will never remember

      by , 12-12-2015 at 07:48 AM
      In this dream,I woke up and saw that I was living inside a huge tree.I was wearing a unique attire and I didn't seem to realise that this is a dream,I thought it was real,so in a way,maybe this is a false awakening?Because I really believed I was a shaman in it and have a strange superpower,connecting the realm to another realms.

      I went out of my 'tree',and did I mention that everything was black and white?It was like a classical movie and everything was so slow motion and it was killing me.A description of the place outside my 'tree' will be a river.A long river,with lanterns floating on it.The lanterns were not lighted.The river was like,a road,people walked on it just like we normally do on real surface.It was beautiful,really.And there was the biggest tree which I guessed to be the mayor's house,and I went there.(Oh,the roots of the trees were flooded because of the river,it's like the town of venice,but replace the houses with trees.)

      What I saw inside the mayor's tree were four different people,two women,two men.(I was a man in this dream)The two women were both mage and healer,and the men were warriors.The mayor seemed to give us a mission,and the entire scene shifted to reveal the five of us outside,but this time,the peaceful and serenity of the village was changed to a chaotic environment.Evil dragons and witches attacked the village and we fought them.

      The scene immediately changed again to a big tree.The 'door' was locked from the inside,but I found a way to get in.Apparently,at the top of the tree was a big hole,and I jumped into it.My comrades were waiting for me unlocking the door from the inside,but I met an enemy.

      The enemy was my 'friend'.I never saw him before,but I got the feeling we'd met.He tried to kill me,and I yelled at him for being a betrayer.I quickly ran to the door,because it was impossible to fight him,and went out of the tree,then everything became pitch black.

      I tried to see through the darkness but to no avail,so all I did was appreciate it,and find comfort in it.After some time,I woke up for real,and thus,the dream ended.

      Updated 12-12-2015 at 07:50 AM by 89449

      false awakening , memorable , non-lucid
    15. #173 - Carny / Black Leech / Tripppyyy / Herion

      by , 12-05-2015 at 10:43 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Carny (02:00)
      There's a park and forest, a few snippets of a carny that I walked past (it resembled one I had seen a couple days ago). I also remember there being something about a dinosaur fossil in the ground, reminded me of a t-rex (probably due to going to the museum recently).

      Dream experience: 0 (meh)
      Dream awareness: 0 (meh)

      Dream 2 - Black Leech (04:04)
      I remember a meandering river flowing in a flood plain near some mountains. The flood plains were lightly forested and the river had some large rounded oval pebbles in the river bed.
      Later I was in a neighbourhood where I live (not in RL), I remember thinking that some creepy guy might end up attacking me with a black leech/slug (it was about the length of a persons hand and quite thick). I looked out of my window to the neighbours house and saw that there was a black slug doing a little sideways scuttle up the inside of their window (it looked like it was trying to 'walk'). Poor thing, it's retarded, and it's struggling at the corner. I wake up (FA) and reach around to my back (with a pseudo arm) and touch the tip of what I imagined was the head of the slug. Ugh, I might die :/ damn. Though I'm not too panicked for some reason, like I know that nothing bad will happen. My reasoning is also that it's only halfway up my back so I can pull it off before it reaches the place it's supposed to bite to kill me. I think that creepy guy must have ordered it from the deep web. I kind of realize that all this is going on in my head and wake up properly.

      Dream experience: 5 (pretty vivid, the leech was pretty interesting)
      Dream awareness: 2 (a little more and I may have been lucid)

      Dream 3 - Tripppyyy (05:33)
      I woke up and tried recalling my dream, doing a mediocre job at it. I don't think I actually moved, and ended up doing an unintentional DEILD (does this mean I win Emnition? ). I was thinking about another lucid I have had in the past about Adventure Time (never happened). We were in a cart being pulled along and I was Finn, next to me was Jake the Dog (in full cartoon mode too). From the get go I was semi-lucid, knowing it was a dream without really properly thinking about it though. Things were a little.. trippy. Hmm, I want to be me though. I change perspective and become Jake now. Still not what I wanted, I look at Finn now and see a little mini Jake jumping around slowly, his colour looks darker than it should be, and I know that he isn't Jake because I'm Jake right now. I want to try be me again, so I slowly will my own body to be formed, I separate from Jake and move in between Finn and Jake, sitting between them on the moving cart. It's a weird thing to describe because I felt a bit.. formless, and things around me were still a bit trippy, I guess I should elaborate on the 'trippy' thing. Basically everything had a liquidness to it, seeming to have slightly shifting forms, unstable. Ugh, everything kind of intensifies slightly in that trippy state, to my right I look at Finn, hmmm? His chest now has... Boobs. They're growing and shrinking and moving around in slow-mo (not at all like a boob should). It reminds me of a slime monster or something. Both Finn and Jake are asleep on either side of me.. Things become way more lucid and I know I'm dreaming for sure but I have no way of taming the intense instability and liquidness of the dream. I reach out and grab Finns boobie. I feel it slightly but my sense of touch is a bit dim. I involuntarily float forward and turn towards him so we're more or less facing each other, but he dissolves into a new image. The whole world is changing around me like crazy. Colours and spiraling stuff.. It reforms into me looking at the side of a red car, just at where the petrol goes into. The cover over the petrol tank has a flat red face on it and it's smiling at me (same red as the car). What the? I give it a little slap/pat on its face and it keeps smiling at me. This is so weird. I try to properly stabilize the dream now, 'Stabilize!' I shout, I clap my hands, but did I? I feel like I'm clapping them in RL. Am I waking up? I open my eyes. Hmm.. That was, something? I decide not to move and keep my eyes closed, not because I wanted to re-enter the dream but because I wanted to listen to it fade away and feel the other sensations.
      "tzzzzzzzzzzzz" a static fills the air and there's black and white tv-like shimmying lights in front of my eyes. Did I just DEILD again? Lots of faces start forming in the static, just black and white outlines. This scares me quite a bit and I feel like my heart sped up. "Calm down, something bad will happen if you think it will" I manage to quell some of the rising tension about my current state. The faces kind of dissole and the black and white static merges to a dark background. In the middle is the statue of a pharaoh looking at me, unmoving. It begins floating off to the side now, out of my line of sight. In front of me the dream world forms once more and I see a wrist resting on a table. The wrist has a watch on it, and I think it might possibly be my wrist. It must be late at night since the background is still quite dark. On the watch there are glowing numbers since it's digital, the number '7' sticks out to me. There are other things on it but it changes a bit too much so I don't bother with it. I think I tried getting up and moving a bit but I can't remember anything else and I think I woke up shortly after. It was still a bit unstable but not nearly as trippy as the last.

      Dream experience: 8 (Wow so trippy, I think I've had trippy dreams before but this one takes the cake)
      Dream awareness: 4-5 (I was completely aware I was lucid, I could control things but I couldn't stabilize or actually do things properly)

      Dream fragments
      - I remember there being a really long rope suspended like 100m in the air which a whole bunch of people (including me) were standing on, there was another rope above it which you could also hold onto. I remember seeing a video a while ago about a woman in a gym straightening her legs on a weight machine which caused her leg to uhh.. bend the wrong way? And pretty much snapped. It really grossed me out, why do people post that stuff on FB :/. Basically in the dream there was a guy who had a similar thing happen to him, he stood underneath the top rope and straightened his legs pushing it up, but the rope was too strong and pushed down.. It broke his legs and they bent the wrong way and he fell off and died. I remember thinking that he was an idiot though

      -Something about alien civilization which has been buried, they had the ability to teleport.

      Dream 4 - Heroin (07:38)
      I remember thinking that the Nazis had one big regret during their time of power, I turn my head and look at a bunch of high school kids bustling to get into a big auditorium. Some had been locked out, but everyone was organised from tallest to smallest so the really short people were at the back (this meant mostly girls were at the back). I'm now a part of the school, and for some reason I had an idea to flirt around with those chicks who got locked out. I approach and the idea is gone and I'm now thinking of a way to get inside and decide to just teleport. I teleport in and open the door for everyone else. I think I'm a little annoyed with everything, and plan to hit the fire alarm and then make a run for it... There's cameras around though. I manage to find a way, I smash an alarm in then bolt out a door on the side of the auditorium just before the teacher could turn and see who did it. "Phew" I think, now I just need to avoid the cameras. I run around and skirt the edges of the auditorium to avoid the cameras, but they're the black orb type and I have the feeling that they can see everything around them. I rejoin the masses evacuating from the main entrance and follow them. But I see some students getting told off for doing their Maori dance hobby. "what the hell? Why can't they do it?" I wonder, I walk over to a white roguish character who seems to be in charge, and he tells me the story (which occurs in a flashback with me present). The teacher tells them they can't do it it for some lame reason like "it's because it's not official you can't do it as a playtime hobby" or something. I was annoyed, since I thought it was impressive for these guys to group together and form a dance group without any supervision. I can't remember what happens next.. But I think I'm talking to the white guy leader of the group, he's gotten into heroin now since they can't do the dance group. I try and smack some sense into him, he's going through withdrawal and wants another fix but I stop him. "Do you even know how much pain you'll be in when you're going through withdrawal? The spasms haven't even started yet. This is why people don't even let themselves do it once, because they get F*cked up" (I said something along those lines...). I also remember thinking of analogies, like how people say to try everything once, but I told the guy he shouldn't do heroin even once. I used the analogy of me falling off a cliff and how it can effect you for the rest of your life. Then I make heroin sound worse since it causes neural injuries rather than physical ones. There's another skin head dude hanging around who keeps squeezing heroin out of needles and shooting them like water pistols at me. What a dick. I think I end up doing heroin but I'm not sure why? When I wake up he's hovering over me and I get the feeling like he may have stabbed me with a dirty needle while I was passed out. This guy really is scary looking O_O.

      Dream experience: 6 (felt pretty emotional during this, passionate about the dancers and trying to help them, it was quite vivid)
      Dream awareness: 2 (only a little bit more and I may have been lucid)

      I think my awareness rating is 0-2 = non-lucid and 3+ is lucid.
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