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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Football and Germany Day 1

      by , 06-14-2012 at 06:39 AM
      A very short fragment from the first page of my dream journal!

      I was playing football for some random team and I recall using the Bathroom and hearing about Germany and how we are now at war with them
    2. soldier dream

      by , 06-14-2012 at 05:54 AM
      im a US soldier in another country, I think south korea. Im with my 3 other brothers and Ghost Leader from ghost recon: future soldier. we are walking along a dirt road into a small town, I think we just got back from a mission. It is very hot and we are all tired. we are thinking of transferring here permanently. we get to the house were stationed at. we enter the house and I realize the living room looks the same as my grandmothers with all her furniture. there is a married couple living in the house with a daughter or niece who is about 30 years old. ghost leader talks to us about staying here, he wants us to reconsider and leave to fight in another mission. we decide to refuse and stay. my brothers go to their rooms, I sit in the living room for a while, but I become uncomfortable around the married couple and girl. I get up and check all the rooms.

      I dont remember anything after that.
    3. The Important Seeming One...

      by , 06-14-2012 at 03:22 AM (My brain and I)
      dream : comments : lucid
      I don't really remember anything from last night, so let's go back through the archives and post one of the most standout dreams I've ever had which was lost when that hacking incident occurred. This is a slightly smaller version of the original post due to me forgetting a lot of it during the interim.

      It has a really vivid series of characters, most of whom I know from real life but only in vague sort of ways.

      Shit gets a bit full-on at the end and I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on it:

      10th of February, 2012

      It was mine and Nooks' wedding day but I'd forgotten to organise a suit or even groomsmen.

      Eventually that fact changed and the wedding was to be tomorrow instead, so it all worked out. To celebrate this new fact, I went to a casino-type place and ate oysters covered in absinthe and vodka (*shudders*)
      After a fair bit of rowdiness and haziness, I awoke in bed with Danni (a random girl who sold Nooks her car) but it was a purely platonic thing; I was just sleepin'.

      Danni told me that her wedding to Arin (her boyfriend at the time) had been particularly average at best, and that he'd most recently just gotten her porn for her birthday. She was pretty upset and we talked for a while with her warning me to do my best or some such thing.

      At one point I must've left because I next found myself coming home, where I discovered a bunch of people (Danni included) moving our bins out onto the kerb for collection. They were bringing them out of a strange little indoor glasshouse/bike shed so I went to help them and casually mentioned that today was my wedding day.
      To clear my head I went for a stroll/ride down the street where I bumped into Seon's dad, who was apparently a doctor. He looked at me then ran into the street and began yelling out this amazingly lovely speech about me- things like "His eyes are truly open!" and semi-profound dream statements like that.

      During his little moment, Arin came up and was talking to him and crying. We asked him what was up and he said that he and Danni had broken up but that it was okay because she was beautiful and wonderful, but not the girl he really loved.

      After that he went off and began working at a corner-store which I followed him to and ordered a spring roll. He got one from a bookshelf and gave it to me and I thought it was only half cooked coz it was all soggy on one side. Turns out it was actually half cheese, half spring roll. D'uh.

      I realised I'd left my phone and wallet on a table outside at that moment, so I went out to collect it and eat my gross lunch. From the doorway, I noticed Tabitha taking my money and gleefully counting it. I accused her of stealing but she refused to give it back so I started getting physically violent with her. I decided that the best course of action was to have a People's Court and asked those around what they'd seen. Somehow they sided with her so I grabbed her by the throat and threw her inside the store, warning her that "I reckon at least one prostitute is killed by a man every day... It's a bad day to be a prostitute." Then I laughed coz it was a bit of a stupid insult.

      Somehow she became a deputy of some kind that I reported to a Sheriff who was having a cup of coffee nearby. As I was doing that, I noticed a TV playing in the background which I entered the vision of:

      It was a woman sitting on a deck in a rocking chair, slowly cutting up a baby in this profoundly, excruciatingly, extremely graphic nature; just sort of peeling it and getting covered in blood. The baby was just sitting there staring straight at me and blinking every now and then. Not making a sound as she slowly cut off it's arms and feet. It was mortifying but I couldn't look away.
      After a while of watching this I began to vomit grey goo over the railing and then I woke up, disturbed yet intrigued by the contents of such a dream.
    4. The Party's Over, But Not At The Pool

      by , 06-13-2012 at 09:05 PM
      I'm in the kitchen, cleaning up after a party. There's a couple guests that I don't recognize and they are helping me wash dishes. My ex-stepmother is also there. She's not really helping, though. She's decided to rearrange the kitchen to suit her. She decides that the cabinet we use for plates would be better suited for food storage. I ask, "Well, where are we going to put the plates, then?" She chooses to put the plates away on the top shelf that I can't reach. I point out that this is pretty useless for me since I'll never be able to reach that shelf. She ignores me, so I appeal to the guests to understand my problem. They don't respond.

      I must have left because now I'm at a pool. There's a mushroom-shaped hut on one side of the pool where the crew of a visiting spacecraft is staying. I come up with a clever idea of using a note to ask one of the crew members to have a drink with me at the poolside snack bar. It works, but he brings his commander with him. I get another girl to join us, but we end up in a booth with me sitting across from the commander and the guy I want sitting across from the other girl. Then they start bringing in other people, and I keep getting pushed further away from the guy I wanted to talk to.
    5. Worrying over a foldable bike

      by , 06-13-2012 at 08:55 PM
      08.06.12 - 09.06.12
      I'm going to a festival with my friends. We are using a bike to get there. As we arrive I see that there are a lot of bikes already here and I'm worried that my bike gets stolen. So I fold it and put it on a fence (there are also a few other folded bikes on it). Now we are entering a building and talking about stuff at a stone stair where there is a window (with no glass inside). After a song (can't remember which one) I go outside and a friend with a wounded eye comes to me and asks me if he drives me to the hospital. We don't have a car so I'm searching my bike and can't find it. My friend says, that I should screw my bike and just get one so I'm using one nearby. On my way to the hospital I see an ambulance, but they don't see me and are driving away. I'm coming to a crossroad and meet someone who takes over my friend.
    6. Weird Event

      by , 06-13-2012 at 08:07 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      The dream started to fade in where I was walking around this airport/museum/mall (there was a lot going on) that was in some sort of dome. I could tell that we were in a dome or place that is similar to an inside amusement park because I could see the light from the outside shine through a open structured window through the top.

      It was funny that I noticed this because this wasn't the main focus of the dream it was just scenery that I noticed at a glance.

      So, i was drifting through this place for awhile, passing people and different districts and kiosks in this place but nobody was very formative about where I was and what I was doing in this place.

      It ended up that there was some sort of big event where a bunch of people where getting together.

      Everything seemed to happen way too fast to really recognize what was going on in the dream, it was like rush hour or something.

      I ended up with this chick with blond hair who was my partner or something. We got together at this event and it was weird because there were these Alien looking children up high on this pedestal area and this whole crowd of people where looking at them like the were performing but they were just standing there smiling. I was saying in the dream to my partner how some of them were cute and some of them...well some of them had issues but really I didn't think any of them were cute because they looked like aliens and they kept changing appearances. I remember thinking in the dream that they were selling these children, it was like an auction. I asked in the dream if that was the case and somebody said "yeah" like it was a normal thing that happened and then I said "well, no wonder they look so different" because I was thinking about how scared some of them looked.

      The dream was also mixed with some talk about world views on same-sex marriage, adoption, and hitler. It was like this was being discussed by that background people in my dream or something to that effect.
    7. Driving Danger; Alien Golf

      by , 06-13-2012 at 04:40 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Driving Danger

      I was in a car with a couple friends; a girl was driving. We were going to my house and we were close, but somehow she took a wrong turn and we were immediately in a very bad part of town.

      By a false memory, I recognized where we were. I told her to be careful and don't stop for any of the people on the street. We There was debris from trees all over the street as though there had been a storm and city workers had piled it up into huge piles.

      The street was littered with debris. We drove over the leaves and came to a pile that I wasn't sure we could get by. The pile was about 10 feet high and took up almost the entire road. There were 4 or 5 guys talking by it and we had to drive by them. They were drug dealers. They were the guys I was afraid of.

      We made it past them and kept driving. There were more piles of leaves everywhere, and the street was still full of debris.

      Alien Golf

      I was in a restaurant at night. It was a weird floor plan as though it were in the trees and you had to take narrow walk-ways to get through the restaurant.

      There was something going on but I can't remember it really. I just remember coming out and there was a guy standing in the center of a circular platform in a sheet that made him look like the statue of liberty. It was a guy that I met at a softball game IWL. He had a red shirt on at the game. Outside it was day time.

      I thought it was weird that he would be standing there in that sheet, and I thought it was weird that it looked like stone, just like the statue of liberty. I looked more closely to see how it worked and saw a pattern on the sheet. It was little orange things. Maybe they were rabbits.

      Now I looked up to see what he was looking at. There were two construction cranes. On opposite sides of statue-man, their long booms reached out. Things were attached to the booms as if welded on until the cranes formed a circle around statue-man. The things welded to the cranes were metal circles, but they were more artistic than simple discs. There were lots of figures of different sizes, but as the circles met at a certain point, there were just these jagged discs until the circle around this city square was complete.

      The man and I looked up at this towering thing. Where the two objects met, the cranes were now as arms creating metal golfers a hundred feet tall. They were getting ready to put.

      Now the putters were little smurfy alien type creatures, no a golf course, and it was night again. The balls were glowed green. The course seemed to be all lit up by the glowing balls in holes around the course. It also seemed as though there were glowing bushes, but only a few, because the balls seemed to be the major lighting force. It was a beautiful course all lit up at night.

      One of the alien things took a ball out of a hole. The ball belonged to another alien. The alien was upset because the balls cost about $500,000.00.; the dollar amount was completely out of context vs. the alien's net worth however.

      The alien that was just ripped off decided to go home. In his little villiage, he was outside his hut and decided to go home. His place was glowing also, and since his pool was glowing (I didn't actually see the pool), an alien who didn't live there said, "Time for LOVE IN THE POOL!"

      The alien who owned the home looked distrought because his day was going so badly.

      Dream skip

      I'm in a kind of class room. I have a bunch of albums, some new. I bought them, but I have no idea what the new ones are. The class is discussing how everyone is saying that something is not popular when it is. I chimed in how it was like Syd Barret. Everyone says he's not popular, but everyone keeps talking about him.

      Then I start singing one of his songs Opel. Statue-man is by me but acting more normal. I think he was wearing the same red shirt he was wearing at the softball game.

      When I would get stuck on a line, he would finish it, though it was obviously me finishing the line as a dreamer because I was having trouble creating the line for the guy in the red shirt...as a dreamer.

      Dream skip

      I'm watching a soap opera in real life? There was a building you might see in a Mexican/Spanish soap. There was a fancy structure with wrought iron designs that you could see through into a courtyard.

      The building was on fire, though I didn't see the fire. The wrought iron was broken away from where it was supposed to connect. There was a space about six inches to get through.

      A big, hansom man went through the tiny space to save someone. I noted how ridiculous it was that he could get through that tiny space. He went through, and then helped a man get out of the structure.
    8. Two last day of school dreams in a row, one VERY long and crazy

      by , 06-13-2012 at 04:23 PM
      Last day of school dream #1 (Non-lucid)


      It was the last day of school and we were getting ready to leave. I was in the high school at first, and I don't remember much about this part, but I was walking around with a kid I know named Chris. We talked, but I don't remember what about. Eventually it was time to leave and I was now at Junior High East for some reason. I looked for my mom outside because she was supposed to be picking me up. I realized I had told her two days ago, that yesterday was a half day, and today was a full day. Which I was wrong, the day before was indeed a half day, and she picked me up on time, but the day I was in was ALSO a half day. I realized I would have to sit here for a few hours, but then I realized I could just get on my bus! I walked a little far, and had to jog back up to the school to get on my bus. I checked the time on my phone and it said 2:41. I jogged up, and started hearing the buses make their squealing sounds. So I started running. I ran in what seemed to be slow motion. Once I reached my bus, I got on, and it was extremely small inside. Only about 8 seats total. I just got on and sat in the back. A girl named Alissa briefly spoke to me, and I remember waking up when I saw a close up of her face.

      Last day of school dream #2 (Non-lucid)


      I was at my "school" which looked nothing like it. We could roam around roads and everything, like we were on a large campus. I don't remember how this dream started off, but we were kinda split up in groups. I was searching for my girlfriend, yet she did not even attempt to make an effort to find me. Like, even though she saw me, she would just ignore my presence and keep going, which she does in real life sometimes. :l but anyways, I was at tech and I had to use the restroom. They were apparently locked so I asked somebody for the key. He was a black dude, and he couldn't figure out which restroom was for the men or the women. I told him and he opened the men's restroom door. After I went in the dream skipped and I was back at my "school". We really weren't doing much, besides wandering around the "campus". I was in a room where my group was at, still searching for my girlfriend. I saw a girl bent over in the distance and some dude was touching her all over her legs, and I thought it was my girlfriend, but as she stood back up, it wasn't her, lol. I saw her with her friends a couple times, and walked RIGHT past her, but she just ignored me, so whatevs lol :p Eventually I was in the field at my old school in Brookline. There were dudes playing some triangle catch game. But there was a certain way to play it. A demonstrational video came up and showed me how to play. It was some crazy ass dude with clones of himself, and sometimes garbage bag dummies playing the roles of the people in the game that weren't there. Basically, two people tossed the ball back and forth, and then after two tosses, the person with the ball would LAUNCH it pretty far to the third person, who would then catch it. A kid named Jesse that went to Brookline was playing it and told me to play. I said something like, "Oh... I don't think I'd catch it." The dream skipped again and I was in my room, which apparently would be getting wiped clean after I left "school". JUST LIKE THE OTHER DREAM I HAD AWHILE AGO! But anyways, I realized there was a lot in my room I wanted to take. I could only take a few things. There was my accordion, my guitar amp, my guitar, my bass, my digital piano, and "wood for my subwoofer", lol. I tried playing the accordion and it was much easier to apply pumping pressure to it than in real life. I found headphones that matched it. I put them on and could play the accordion with buttons on the side of the headphones. I remembered playing the Tetris theme(which I do know on accordion in real life). I remember altering it in many ways to make it sound cool, and even altered the sound of the accordion. Eventually I took the headphones off and I found other headphones that came with my guitar, though they were just very basic, and looked like they were used to prevent sound from getting to your ears, or something. I ended up grabbing my huge digital piano, and the "wood for my subwoofer". I remember calling my girlfriend asking her how I was going to get the wood out from my wall, because it was attached to my wall. She asked her stepdad and then she explained to me, and I got it. I then told her I was going to meet her somewhere. As soon as I left my room the dream skipped and I was walking around the "campus" with my stuff, lol. I told Angel(my girlfriend), to meet me somewhere. We said where to meet, but right after I said where we would meet I saw her walk around the corner. She didn't notice me at first, but as I got closer she did. She laughed at all this shit I was carrying. I told her, "My arm is going to get tired very fast." In real life my digital piano weighs 30lbs. I know not heavy at all, but after holding it in one arm for 5 minutes it gets heavy. Anyways, it never tired my arm out. Me and her were apparently in a car now, and we were discussing these crazy houses we were seeing alongside the road. At first they were shitty rundown houses, but as we went on they got nicer. Most of them were an icy blue color. The one house I liked had dips of ice in the backyard, and it was strange looking. We kept going by. More houses were very nice looking, and one had a snowy theme to it. I told her I had been in most of the houses a "couple hundred times", even though I had never been in them at all. She also said that she had too, if that makes any sense. The dream basically skipped and I was in the car with my grandpap, grandma, and my uncle ward was driving(he doesn't drive in real life, so I don't know how I didn't realize this?? Hell, I didn't realize ANYTHING in this fucking dream, lol). Apparently, my dad had died in a car accident. I was about to cry as my grandma was discussing how he never came home from his band practice last night, and his bass player Brian was worried and told my grandma. Nobody could get a hold of him. Now I realized why I wasn't picked up from "school". Uncle Ward was driving and soon the dream skipped and I was at what was supposed to be my grandma's house, but was actually a house I had never been in before. We were watching the news about a group of cars that had fell in an incinerator, or something. I was looking for a white cavalier(even though my dad drives a orangish/red Dodge Neon, lol). I saw several white cars, but none were Cavaliers. So I ignored it. I woke up around here.
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. 13/06/12 - Two old lucids and two new ones

      by , 06-13-2012 at 03:25 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Figured I might aswell write down two lucids I didn't care to write down last week in here aswell as two I had last night.

      Sith training with Nito DILD
      I'm semi lucid in a dark room with a Sith Lord, an apprentice and Nito. "Relax and seethe" the master tells us. I close my eyes and relax my body whilst letting the rage within me flow freely. I start to levitate with my legs crossed. After a while I leave the room. I realize I'm dreaming and head up some stairs. "Nito! Where are you?" I ask out loud. I run up the steps. "You've got ten seconds to answer or else!" I say. "I'm coming dude, hold on!" he replies from below. I continue up to the top of the stairs and arrive at an attic. I wait for Nito there. A few seconds later he appears with my youngest brother. "Okay so, we'll play a game. Hide and seek in bedclothes" I say. They look at me confused. "Bedclothes?" Nito asks. "Yeah, you know you can hide in them." I hear something outside and walk over to the lone window. I look out and can see a fountain in a courtyard and a few people around. I throw myself out of the window and start flying right away. I fly around them in circles before I land and the dream fades.

      Highway mayhem DILD
      I'm lucid right away and I'm with a few guys from work. We're near a highway and there's a big bus next to us. "Everyone get on the bus!" I say and as soon as we're all on it it takes off. We go down the highway and have a blast in the bus. Everyone's laughing and joking. I stand up in the middle of the bus and look ahead. We're on a two lane road and there's another two lane road going the other way on the other side of a fence. I reach out with my hand, palm towards the cars. They all start sliding away from us, even the cars on the other lane. "Hey guys, check it out, I'm the one doing this!" I say and push even harder. The cars start piling up and flying over each other.

      We arrive at a big building. "Stop the bus!" I say and the bus stops. We get out, only one coworker follows me into the building. It's one huge room painted in white. There are balconies all around the room all the way to the top. I start flying around the room doing loops and just chilling. After a while I figure I've had my share of fun and decide to wake up.

      22.00: Sleep

      06.15: Friends house
      I'm sitting at a table at my friend Jonas's house. His mom is there with my friend G. "I can't believe the five of us has a girlfriend now, a few years ago we were all single" I say. G has shaven his head and looks ragged. I grab a black pen and intend to write something. "Don't waste too much of that ink" Jonas's mother tells me. I grab another one instead.

      06.15: WBTB 10 minutes

      08.00: At work MILD
      I'm in my dad's car just outside of work. I realize I'm dreaming right away and I smile at them as I close the door. They smile back and head off. I've been dropped off at the same place I'm always dropped off at. 'This'll be interesting.' I cross the road and head for the fence surrounding the establishment. I can't walk very fast and figure I'll have to stabilize a bit. I focus my eye sight on a cinderblock a few yards away and the clarity increases tenfold. At the fence I jump lightly and float over it. Two guys are heading inside. "Hey guys!" I say and go in before them.

      I sit down at my usual spot around the big table and just relax a bit. People are joking and I go along for a little while. "Bah, I won't waste a lucid at work" I say and get up. I fart at my coworker and then jump out the window. I land on my stomach but it doesn't hurt. I hold out my hands to the side and start to levitate. With a mental push I shoot straight up into the air and the establishment beneath me shrinks to the size of a dice. I change the push so that I fly towards a bit city.

      I gain some speed and the wind is roaring in my ears. Ahead I see a huge white building and realize it's "The Globe", a big domed structure in Stockholm. I focus on it as I fly but suddenly a few clouds block my line of sight. I descend a bit but when I should see The Globe I can only see the regular city houses. 'Okay dream destabilizing, time to land.' I shoot straight down into the city and just as I land everything goes black.

      I end up in SP and decide to go straight into another lucid. I lie still and wait for it.

      Give me your car! DEILD
      I'm standing in the woods next to a road. There's someone next to me. "Time to steal a car!" I say and walk out on the road. There's a bunch of cars coming towards me. I hold out my hand and the first vehicle, a truck, stops. I get in. "Get out of the truck!" I say threateningly. "But, I'm a midget, surely you don't want to hurt me?" the tiny man says. "Oh, yeah ofcourse" I say and jump out again, who'd hurt a midget? I let the truck pass. An older sportscar comes up.

      "Stop!" I yell and the car stops. I recognise the driver, it's a guy from my hometown. "Get the fuck out!" "Please don't take my car!" he says and tries to get away from me. I grab his legs and drag him out of the vehicle and throw him down on the ground. I get in and hit the gas pedal. The car accelerates and I'm really enjoying myself. The windshield is in the way however so I punch it a few times before it breaks apart. Not all glass falls away but enough for me to get my arm out of it and rip the rest away. "Wohooo!" I scream into the wind. All of a sudden I'm sitting in the passenger seat and my brother is the one driving. We arrive at a ghostly house. 'Oh damn, this schema can get nasty' I don't really feel like being near a ghost house in my LD so I start to wake myself up just as we park outside.

      10.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 12 hours

      Supplements: 1 x Lucid Dreamer and 100 mg L-Theanine at WBTB

      That's it! Had a whole bunch of non-lucids aswell which were pretty cool, but I can't be bothered to write them all down.

      Keep on dreaming!
    10. Music in the Darkness (fragment)

      by , 06-13-2012 at 01:52 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: June 13, 2012 – 7:00AM (USA Eastern)

      I am running through the darkness while Nemesis by VNV Nation is echoing throughout the area in which I am running.

      Tags: music, running
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Cycling up the Mountain Road (fragment)

      by , 06-13-2012 at 01:47 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: June 12, 2012 – 8:00AM (USA Eastern)

      I am bicycling up the mountain road with my brother to go pick up my box truck which I left behind a few days ago. Along the way, we stop and pick up some bamboo, then go down a narrow dirt lane. I tell him that I parked it back here near one of the ponds. We arrive at the truck and find that the parking pull-off is flooded and it is up to its frame in flood water.
    12. Walking Through a Development (fragment)

      by , 06-13-2012 at 01:46 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: June 12, 2012 – 5:30AM (USA Eastern)

      I am walking with a friend through a development where I spent a few years of my childhood. We are walking around a few of the streets, remembering who used to live in which house and talking about old times.
      Tags: déjà vu
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    13. Psycho Hungry Kid

      by , 06-13-2012 at 01:28 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Creepy dream.
      I went to spend the night at a friend's house, only to find out she had a little brother I knew nothing about. This little brother was actually a psychotic, people eating monster that hungered for people every few days. Worried, I just had to ask.
      "When's the last time he ate?"
      My friend said, "A few days ago."
      I panicked and wanted to get the crap out of there, but for some reason, I decided to spend the night still. I woke up really early the next morning, packed my things, and quietly snuck out of the house. As I was sneaking out, I looked over and saw my friend and her brother patrolling the end of the street. I silently cursed to myself, knowing that the little boy was hunting for food. I ran as fast as I could through a shortcut to my place, running through the woods and cutting through a person's yard. I apologized to him and kept running. Once I got to my street, I started running even faster, but FOR SOME REASON, pulled out my phone to check my twitter feed.
      IDK what was going through my head here, but apparently checking the twitter feed was more important than saving my life
      I was checking my twitter feed while running, and then suddenly heard what sounded like a car approaching. I quickly put my phone away and ran as fast as I could, my house being really close now. I glanced behind me to see a large white van going down the road. It's them, it's them, oh crap it's them! I thought frantically. Once I got to my driveway, I ran up to the number pad to open our garage door, only to discover that my parents got a NEW number pad. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??! I screamed in my head. I glanced back, shaking and scared as the white van approached. I quickly ran up to our front door and knocked like mad. After a few seconds, my father came to the door and opened it. Before going inside, I turned to see the white van passing by, and the people IN the van were just our neighbors, and not the psycho kid who was looking for someone to eat.
      That's all I remember from there.
    14. Fish

      by , 06-13-2012 at 01:22 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was going to eat pizza with an old teacher in Africa, and he said they did it differently there. The thing about it though, I was really caught up in the pond near by. It had these huge colourful fish that I couldn't help but look at. One of them had a silver belly but the top of it was bright orange. I stared at them until the dream ended.
      Tags: fish, pizza
    15. Lost Bags

      by , 06-13-2012 at 12:58 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I took a bus. When I went down, I don't have any of my belongs anymore. I think I forgot it on the bus. I recall carrying 3 bags. I saw my high school classmates and some clan mates back in Bacolod.
      Tags: bags, bus, classmates, lost