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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 11-10-2011

      by , 11-10-2011 at 07:49 PM
      I was moving into a large several story honey wood house with many other people. I didn’t seem top know them very well but it didn’t seem to bother me. I was walking around the house watching the bustling of my fellow roommates. It was snowy outside and large odd shaped icicles were forming on the edges of the house. I pulled a big one off and began to suck on the end of it. My mother, step father, and little sister came to visit the new place. They had brought a large green tree painting for me as a welcoming gift. I showed them around the house and to my area. I apparently had my own living space with a stairwell leading to my personal bedroom and bathroom upstairs. The living space was strange, the walls were all mirror with little gold flakes everywhere to form different shapes and patterns. Though I would never choose this for myself, I didn’t seem to mind it.
      *memory laps* Changing a shitty dipper. I was really bad at it and it was taking me a long time to do. I was extremely grossed out and I am not sure why I had to do it or who’s baby it was
      *memory laps* My mom, step father, and sister are about to leave. I said my goodbyes and watched them leave. I began to walk around the house again and noticed that many of my female roommates were dressed like in Katie Perry’s (sp?) California girl video, wearing pink and blue wigs, dressed in brightly colored skimpy outfits. I was really excited to dress like that too and be apart of their group. I then suddenly realized that I was a professional dancer, the kind who went on tours with artist. I went back to my living space of mirrors which was still empty because I hadn’t fully moved in yet and I began to dance in front of the mirrors. It was really fun and I was laughing and smiling a lot.

      I was living in a house with a bunch of females. We had just moved in together so I didn’t know them very well. As a bonding ritual, we all went to some concert type thing at WAMU theater, dressed nicely in all black cocktail dresses. Allen came with. Everyone had drank heavily throughout the night and was really drunk except for me. I had gotten into a fight with the fat brunette in our group. When we got home she lunged at me and began to smack me with her purse on my thigh. The girl was wayyyyyyy bigger then me and the other girls pried her off of me. I decided that it wasn’t going to work with me living there with these insane girls and I told Allen I wanted to leave. He was wasted, laying on his back on the wood floor. He said that he was too drunk to leave and that we should stay for the night. Then one of the girls who had helped get the fat one off of me came over to Allen and started to try and make out with him. She was the oldest looking one in the group and not very attractive. I pulled her off Allen and called her a psycho. Allen quickly popped up and said that it was time to go. I grabbed my stuff and we both piled in my car. Allen was drunk and nauseous in the seat next to me. I was planning on taking us to a hotel so that he could rest but I first needed to buy a hairbrush at Bartell Drugs. He told me to hurry up. I went inside and tried to checkout but the fat balding white man behind the counter was taking FOREVER to ring me up. I began to grow impatient and I stormed out of the store.
    2. Frustration builds with two nights of no sleep, false awakenings and now no LDs

      by , 11-10-2011 at 07:35 PM
      Last night I got into bed around 11:00, did a relaxation exercise and closed my eyes.

      I tried to concentrate on any visuals I had going on (not many) and consciously think about having a Lucid Dream.

      Hours went by with nothing happening. I tossed and turned but couldn't even fall asleep.

      By around 3:00 am. I got up went to the bathroom and laid back down and tried again.

      What happened next was very confusing. It felt like from that point on I got NO SLEEP at all. I just tossed and turned all night. But as the night wore on I realized I was falling asleep for very brief periods of time (Not sure exactly possibly 5 - 15 mins) and dreaming. Then waking up... laying there, then falling asleep.

      The dreams were all segments of one large dream. I have never had this happen before to this extent. I have dreamed, woken up and fallen back asleep to the same dream but never anything like this.

      There were a few times where I remember falling asleep to myself thinking "you are dreaming..." and it carried over into the dream but it wasn't enough to cause lucidity or if it did it ended right away.

      I also know I had at least one false awakening. I fell asleep and "woke back up" frustrated I couldn't fall asleep but I wasn't in my room. (I realized this after the fact and put together that I was having false awakenings.

      So between not sleeping, having small dream segments each time I dozed off for very brief periods of time and then having false awakenings mixed in it was a very confusing and frustrating night / day.

      I never did manage to fall asleep for any considerable length of time.

      The dream segments added together were rather interesting.

      It took place in a subway station. Like the underground kind you take in Boston. I remember waiting for the T. A few trains went by but they weren't the ones I needed to take.

      I remember a group of girls dressed for halloween. They were dressed like Pac-Man and some of the ghosts I believe, but they weren't very good costumes.

      All of a sudden I realized I had been waiting for the wrong train. The train I needed passed a while ago. I got very upset and frustrated.

      At one point a train came by and it was the one I needed, a bunch of people crowded to get into the train but before anyone could get on, they took it out of service. I remember a sign saying something like "Service people only". So I wasn't able to board it.

      The next portion of the dream I was still in the station and I remember seeing this girl next to me. Long curly black hair. She was topless. Beautiful. I remember saying to her I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world.

      The next thing I remember I was talking to a different girl near bye and saying something to her. Possibly hitting on her. She got offended as if she knew I was just talking to the other girl.

      I remembered doing it then suddenly I didn't and I felt like the guy from "Memento" where I couldn't remember what had just happened. Everyone in the station was staring at me as if they knew I was faking... maybe I was at the start but by that point I wasn't. I remember feeling terrified.

      I remember feeling that I wanted to go home very badly and still wasn't able to get onto the train. I ran outside of the station where it was raining.

      At this point I think I started to recall that I was dreaming during some of the segments because I remember thinking I could fly home.

      That is all I can remember. The bulk of this took place between 4 - 9 am. Each portion of the dream broken up by waking or false awakenings, then continuing when I fell back asleep for very brief periods of time.
    3. 10/11/11 - Driving like a fool deserves a smack or two

      by , 11-10-2011 at 06:20 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had a pretty long and weird dream last night. No lucidity though.

      22.00: Sleep

      05.30: Dad's pissed
      I'm with my dad in his old car. We're on our way to work like usual when a car suddenly appears in the lane next to us, going against the traffic. "What the fuck is he doing?!" my dad yells. The car passes us with everyone honking. My dad decides to turn our car around and teach that guy a lesson. He makes a U-turn and goes after him. After a while the other car goes on an exit that takes him back to the proper road again. My dad doesn't feel like doing that, he waits for the right moment and then pulls the handbrake. The tires screech as we spin around and then go again. Atleast two other cars starts swaying and almost goes off the road.

      "See what he does to the traffic?! He's going to get it" my dad says and goes after the car again. We take off on an exit and heads into a neighbourhood with some nice villas in it. "Prepare yourself" he tells me. "For what? I can't fight for shit with these wrists" I say. "Well, atleast look dangerous and be prepared to scare him then." The other car stops and the guy gets out and heads into a few ruins. We get out and follow him. We pass under three buildings that must be home to homeless people, clothes are everywhere and there's trash all around.

      At a corner we catch the man. "You guys are pretty persistant" he says with a growl. He's around fifty with a jeans jacket on. I start punching him all over and he falls to the floor. All of a sudden my dad is gone, but my friend Eric is there instead. "He's got two types of cancer" he tells me. I can clearly see that he does. "Oh, he's in stage two cancer mode" I say as the man pee's his pants. I get some pee on my hand and decide to go wash it off. "I've followed you on twitter" he tells my friend Eric who's a pro gamer.

      "I'm your biggest fan!" he says with a laugh. "Oh shit" Eric says. I wash the pee off in a sink when the bum does something disgusting, can't recall what it was. We both go: "Eeew!" and I puke a bit.

      05.30: Fragment
      *I'm up on a very big mountain, like Mt Everest or something. There's a big cabin up there with people trying to survive. I want to go down though, but my friend tells me I can't because I've got a snowboard. "You'll get stuck in the roots" he says. I get a picture in my head of a guy hanging on a cliff in his parachute. He must have gotten stuck there then froze to death.

      05.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 7½ hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! I'm going to note down each time I wake up from now. I'm pretty sure I wake up after almost all my dream cycles. Becoming conscious and then remembering it that is.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. Box and Workshop

      by , 11-10-2011 at 04:54 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      I am watching a webcomic about this male protagonist carrying a box with woman? in it during Josun dynasty. he's not kidnapping her, he's trying to save her.

      scene jump

      it's at night. I am a male wearing beige coat. I think I have black hair...(probably he is from the movie Source Code; the teacher, Sean) I am carrying a huge box with green cover, female person in it and a paper bag. I want to buy something to feed her. I walk cross the street and I see a McDonald down the stairs. I get in and for some reason there is my art teacher working here. -.- she recognizes me as 'real' me. I give up buying a Mc burger because it's not healthy, so I try to find other store. when I get out of McDonald, I see two people who are on my blacklist. that one bastard tries to fight with me, slightly kicking my leg. I resist and try to walk away. I have to protect the box. then this bitch tries to fight with me too. I get so mad, I put down the box and beat them up.
      at this point I recognize that I've been helping this woman in the box at the street every night. she has a baby. I suddenly feel sad about this...

      dream 2 - I am in kinda of workshop. there is my favorite webcomic Dieter room! cartoonist Neon B let me in. she looks toatlly different than I thought. I see Caramel too. I sit in the back with teenagers ...I volunteer for making something like photo-animation.
      Neon B shared ice cream with us...
    5. Driving on the freeway...backwards!

      by , 11-10-2011 at 03:42 PM (Pop's Dream Journal)
      In my dream last night, I'm driving down the freeway in my truck. A friend of mine is riding in the passenger seat and he seems a bit nervous because I'm having a little bit of trouble staying in my lane but otherwise my driving is okay. I look at all the other cars on the road and they're giving me a wide berth. And then I realize...I'm driving in reverse at high speed. That explains why it's difficult to keep the truck centered in the lane. I'm actually having fun and marveling at my mad driving skills when I notice a second vehicle coming onto the freeway and it's going backwards too. He comes up right behind me but I accelerate and get way ahead of him. I want to do one of those manuevers where you whip around 180 degrees and keep driving without slowing down, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. So I try whipping the steering wheel around while hitting the brakes...but before I know if it works or not, I wake up.
    6. Jumping on the Beach

      by , 11-10-2011 at 02:22 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in my room, on the bed, one evening. Cat was there as well, lying closer to the wall. He was wearing a white shirt. He (or I) was reading something, then he lied down on his back, his eyes closed. I lied next him coz I wanted to look at his sleepy face. When I got closer, I saw his eyes are still open slightly. When he saw me, he suddenly looked funny at me. I told him I just want to watch him as he sleeps. He turned around, facing the wall.

      I went somewhere and went back. Cat was talking on the phone, facing the wall (or maybe pretending that someone called him). Then he said he has to go. I got sad. When he was about to go out the door, I reached for his hand and asked him where he's going. He said he's just going to the bathroom. I slowly let go of his hand as he slowly walked away into the bathroom, while both of us still looking at each other. I finally lost sight of him when I closed the door.

      I went somewhere far. Bacolod? Morning. I was looking at eye/sunglasses in a store. I went out. I was in downtown Bacolod. I ran, sad and depressed, because he left me. Then I wondered, what if he just went somewhere, and he was going to return, but then he didn't find me at home, so we just went away? I got more depressed.

      It was near the pier in Toledo. I ran. I was near the pier. The beach, with clean, white sand. There were some plants. I jumped over into lower ground on the beach, which was more than six feet high (I'd normally feel very uncomfortable jumping from that height). I felt sad, but at the same time, I didn't mind getting hurt physically, because the pain in my heart hurt more.

      Then I reached a place on the beach where there are more people. There is a family of two male parents; they're married and they have three kids, having a blast at the beach. I checked the next "jump," and it was a lot higher. Too high. I saw a bamboo ladder going down. I told myself I'll go down and once I'm lower, I'll jump backwards onto the sand. I then hid my mobile phones in my short pants in a way that they won't get damaged.

      I crossed stepped into the bamboo ladder and started going down. Then, at a height I thought I'd still be uncomfortable, I let myself fall backwards. I landed. It was closer than I thought.

      Updated 11-10-2011 at 02:32 PM by 47454

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Keep looking up

      by , 11-10-2011 at 01:18 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Well...I missed one of my more recently occurring dream signs tonight, the sky.

      I'm outside, and it's day time. I look up and I see this jet flying by our house. It looks like one of those leer jets except it has two solar panels attached on each side. The jet keeps making passes while opening and closing the panels. Someone was frightened of it because of how it was moving, but I was simply amazed.

      Suddenly it became dark, and skyscrapers sprouted from the ground, changing the entire horizon. The scene went from being dull to a retro futuristic setting. Like something you'd see in a old Godzilla movie. Buildings from all types of eras of what the "future" was supposed to look like. I started taking pictures of it all (don't even know where I got the camera from) and suddenly there was a crash. There was an ambulance crew right on the scene, and from what I got out of it, I was in the middle of some movie.

      H showed up, and I was telling her that we'd be able to play the part better, since we did crap like that for a living. Later on I found myself waiting on some kind of review, and on it, it said I did all these things that were completely out of character.
    8. 2 Dreams 1 Frag

      by , 11-10-2011 at 10:58 AM
      Dream 1
      I was in my old school's computer room and was listening to my college teacher say stuff about my current project. He said it was due on friday.

      Dream 2
      I was in a futuristic city, the rays of the Sun reflected off the buildings and made the city glow bronze. Three/Four girls (I can't remember) came to me and we started having sex (yeah all 3/4) like a foursome/fivesome. One girl really caught my eye, she had greenish/blue hair and a nice body. I spent most of my time on her.

      I was on the Island of Sodor, yeah Thomas The Tank Engine land and I saw loads of diesels in te work yards. I saw one truck tied to a train that was on a track next to the train. It was weird.
    9. Amnesia and a Knife Stab

      by , 11-10-2011 at 07:21 AM (Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind)
      I dreamt that I saw photos of me on Facebook that I never had seen before and I thought "Why can't I remember these photos?". I asked a friend and he said that I had probably got so drunk that I had forgot everything.
      I thought that was most likely, but I discovered that I had done really weird things on that party and I begin to look for clues to understand the complete story. Like in the movie Hang over.

      Then I was standing it felt like I woke up from that dream and I saw a man infront of me with a knife. He was about to attack me but I managed to take the knife from him and I stabbed him and I started to cry, because it was a horrible experience. Then I hear the police behind me they grab me and take me out of that house.
      [COLOR="silver"]Then I woke up and was very relieved.[/COLOR]
    10. A weird work day in Wal-Mart

      by , 11-10-2011 at 12:03 AM
      I was at work, Wal-Mart, on the toy aisle, with a female coworker. We were building a display that had toys from two separate movies, both pertaining to being directed by Steven Spielberg, Star Wars and Jurassic Park, and I mentioned how it would be nice if he were to suck my dick. I think it was a joke, but either way, at one point, she laughed and told me that Steven was coming for me. That he just got in the store and was on his way over. I don’t know if it was to fight or what, hope it wasn’t to suck my dick, but either way, she told me he was coming, for me.
    11. Running through Security in Military and Airport,

      by , 11-09-2011 at 11:42 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      Some kind of orange cat that looks like it’s Garfield. It was trying to avoid security from dogs and then the alarm starts. I was running away from these dogs and people, and some were very close to catching me.

      After a while the security got even tighter and more Canines started to come out, and the dream kind of mixes with another dream. I was also hiding from a General and some tall dude and they were walking in the military base. I could see them from the mirror and sneak by them.

      Then they manage to find me, and were like “There he is!”

      Then I’m running away from the dogs and then I’m back to the other dream where I turned into a different person. I’m still running away from security in an airport. I had to go through this docking area that went downward.

      Everything goes slow and there’s this guy who looks like the suspect, but I’m the one who is taking the blame. He goes off as if he doesn’t know anything. He has a bag and then someone said he can only be the suspect if he did something bad.

      Then some lady thought she was going to kill the same man. He was trying to prevent her from coming into the real world. There’s this light near the area and the guy goes after it and she falls on the floor and decides to dive into the same empty white light.

      Then she saw her children trying to hold her hand, and they’re both smiling. Dream fades..

      Then a girl looks like a girl from Imari from Bible Black, she wore this blue swimsuit. But I can't remember much on what happened though...

      Then another dream I’m walking through a restaurant and Antonio Banderas was fighting his clone and said that he’ll take off his shirt to fight the other one. Then this girl is fantasizing from this, and she was with two guys.

      One looked like the guy from The Big Bang Theory…

      after the girl watches the fight and is happy, the two guys near her did some random things. They were poking each other hardcore and slapping each other. That’s all I remember.

    12. Wolverine Is My Teacher. November 8th, 2011

      by , 11-09-2011 at 10:44 PM
      No WBTB because I needed my rest, and I tried MILD, but no LD.

      First, I remember there was this crazy, deranged, disturbed, dangerous, wizard serial killer on the loose. Like he had the power of the devil or something. I don't remember his name, but it had the number 18 at the end. He was very tall, and kinda big, and he had very curly brown hair. At the end of this dream segment, he came into our house (I think it was DE that only I knew he was evil) and I shook his hand to meet him, and he seemed like a nice guy.

      Next, I was in a boat with Radiohead (I don't know why they keep showing up in my dreams, I don't like them that much) and my mom and her friend, Debbie, were in a boat ahead of us. My mom was writing down on this paper things that we were going to order from this pizza place. We had a bunch of stuff on the list, and then my mom puts the list (it was a notebook) in the water, so it would float to us, and we could write what we want. But since the drift was pushing us backwards, the list moved forward, away from us, and we had to start over. There was also this part where Debbie and her daughter were in this weird abandoned warehouse.

      Then, I was in school, but it was just this hall with a bunch of tables, like a lunch room, but it wasn't a lunch room. It was like a conversation hall or something. I wrote "convention" in my dream journal, so I guess it was that. Anyway, I was sitting next the Kate, and across from me was Rebecca. There was a TV near our table, and we were about to watch something. I got up and walked around. I found Lawrence (that annoying kid from that other dream) and I found out he was getting his life together, and he had a job. I was actually happy for him, and he pointed to his girlfriend, who looked like a dude, and I said, "Boy she's hot," just to humor him. Anyway, I went to sit down again, and everyone had these lists. On them was like a catalog of things we could watch I think. The list was set up like a chart, and it looked more like it listed classes and such rather than movies or something. Either way, I noticed that each column was a different category, like on any normal list, with things like names of classes, numbers, and other boring things. But then I noticed that one column mention Lulu (In regard to the Metallica/Lou Reed album) and that each category had obscenities rather than boring statistics, like "tits" and "rape". I thought this was funny because it stood out, and I laughed out loud. Kate said, "What's so funny?" I explained the whole thing to her, but she didn't get it. Eventually we were watching the TV, and it was this weird movie that would sound like the Matrix if I explained it here, but it wasn't anything like that. In the movie, one part had Madonna materialise without her clothes on, and then gradually, her clothes materialised onto her. I made a joke saying, "In real life, Madonna's clothes don't usually go back on that easily."

      I might have had another false awakening. I remember writing down in my dream journal the events of the Radiohead/boat dream. Actually now that I think about it, I woke up, and I was thinking of what to put down, but I was doing it with my eyes closed, and I started to fall asleep thinking about it. So I wrote down a bunch of stuff, then I realised I was falling asleep, or I fell asleep, or something...then I woke up and had to write it all again. I don't know...I'm not counting this one as a false awakening.

      The next dream was more vivid. The first part was that I was this hero or something, and I had to fight Wolverine, who was the villain. We were in this room with a section of floor, but then parts that dropped off to spikes down below. I kept knocking Wolverine into the spikes, and I almost killed him, or I killed his partner (I don't really know) by crushing their head. Then Wolverine retreated. I was left in the room with the Penguin from Batman, and he took a notice to the walls of the room, which were made of trees. The walls had large scratches in them, and the Penguin mentioned, "I remember when I got these scars," as if the scratches on the wall were scars on his person. Just then, the scratches started to bleed. The Penguin looked at me and said it was amazing that I didn't have any scars on my face (presumably from fighting so much). Then I exited the room from this high-up balcony. Suddenly I was in a Hogwarts-esque school, and I had to get to class, and I was late because I was fighting Wolverine. When I got to the class room, which actually looked a lot like something from Harry Potter, I noticed that Wolverine was my teacher, and we had to put on this act because no one was supposed to know that he was evil, and I was a hero. In this part of the dream, I was a very Harry Potter-like character, but I was Harry Potter. For example, I was pretty well known, and I didn't know anything about the world of magic because I was raised by muggles. I entered the classroom, and Wolverine mentioned the next page of the text book that we had to read. Since I was late, he chose for me to read it. I hurried to my seat as the class watched me, and made fun of me. I took out my text book, and tried to remember what page he said. I asked the kid next to me, and he refused to tell me, so I looked at his book. Apparently, this was enough to prove his point, as Wolverine didn't have me read the passage. There was something very off about the social norms of this place, as well. Then this girl across from me, told me to scoot this stool over to her. I did it, assuming it was hers. Well, it turned out to be this popular girl's stool, and she yelled at me for giving it to some "unpopular pig." I looked at her and said in frustration, "Well, I don't know! I was just introduced to magic! How am I supposed to know who's stool it is?!" As if it had something to do with magic. The unpopular girl kicked it back over to me, and I kicked it over to the popular girl, who was at a table in the row in front of me. She went to stop it with her foot, but when she did, it shattered into pieces. She looked at me, like she was going to blame it on me. I stood up and screamed at her, "YOU kicked it! YOU broke it!! YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!!" I was very tired of everyone making fun of me. Then for some reason, the whole incident was forgotten as one of the students was whispering to a friend about how there's a rumor going on that their teacher might be the one with "the metal hands" (referring to Wolverine's claws. Remember, it was kept secret). Wolverine overheard them and said to the class in a reassuring and parental tone, like an uncle to a nephew, "No, I am not the metal man." Then one of the kids mentioned syphilis. Don't ask me why, but it was DE that this was a good thing. It wasn't referring to any disease, but rather just a likable trait. Anyway, everyone knew that the metal man had syphilis, and one of the kids mentioned that their teacher, Wolverine also had syphilis. In an effort to mess with his students in a playful way, he mentioned, "But I DO have syphilis. I don't know, kids, maybe I AM the metal man after all." He was very charismatic with the students. Then, suddenly we were doing this experiment. Wolverine turned off the lights, and we had to observe these jars. In the jars, there were apples, and applesauce with cinnamon, but it was DE that it was sand, and a sand storm. We had to observe what was happening, and anything important that we saw. Like I mentioned earlier, the social norms were very strange. It was frowned upon to work outside of a group, although everyone in my group wasn't talking to each other. After observing, Wolverine turned the lights back on, and he asked the class what they saw. People were raising their hands, and mentioning things like the colors, and the shapes, but not the obvious. I went to raise my hand to mention that there as a storm inside the jar. But people got mad at me, and Wolverine called on the top kid in class. He mention other things but not the storm. Then Wolverine called on this kid in the front who had to pay the top kid in class to be able to say the correct answer, which was the storm.

      The last part of the dream was only a fragment. It had something to do with a computer program that was essentially a bicycle kit, and the name of it was this pun for bikes, but I'm sure it wouldn't make sense in waking reality, even if I did remember what it was.
    13. 11/9/11 - Sweater Sam

      by , 11-09-2011 at 10:35 PM (Dandelion Wine)
      My dad was driving me and two of my friends somewhere off the highway, but as we were driving through the parking lot of a strip mall we passed by some chain restaurant and suddenly the male friend in the back seat and I decided we want to go on a "date." Megan, who was also with us, didn't seem to care. But my dad seemed bothered about spending money because our initial destination was either free or very cheap. I brushed off his concern and my friends and I went inside.

      Later on I was in the bathroom of the restaurant which was actually a dingy old basement with cement walls and floor. There was a small ground-level window and through it I could see my dad talking on his cell phone outside. He was explaining to someone that he was stuck here (because of money or gas?) but he didn't seem angry, just tired and distressed. When I got back to the table I was going to tell my friends we had to leave.

      I saw Sam sit down on a bus with Lauren and he was wearing a bunch of oversized cable-knit sweaters. I saw the bottom fringe of a green one sticking out below a big white one with the sleeves bunched up around his wrists. I thought he looked hilarious and I wanted to text him just the word, "sweater," and I did this by reaching over the seats and sticking my hand underneath one of them where he seemed to be hiding his phone. Lauren was the only one who seemed to notice this but she pretended not to. I typed my message directly onto his phone but because I couldn't see what I was doing I accidentally typed "single." He then suddenly started making a big deal about how he was single, implying he and Lauren had broken up, while she sat there smiling uncomfortably.

      I was on some dreaming forum on the Internet describing a problem I had with dream recall. A guy who'd been assisting me throughout my thread said something like, "Now rub your hands together and meet me in a dream later." I thought this was punny, like: rub your hands together in anticipation, and also rub your hands together to stabilize your dream.

      Steve wanted to show me something he made or helped create, so I followed him. An alternately docile/aggressive female lion leaped at me while we stood in a small wooden shed. I huddled up against Steve for safety. He seemed distracted and confident I would be fine. A Brian Froud-y looking creature which emanated the melody to I Lay Stretched on Your Grave from its ears. I wanted to tell Steve how emotional the song made me but I didn't get the chance. I felt so affected by everything but he remained calm and stoic.

      Updated 11-11-2011 at 09:14 AM by 50986

      Tags: dad, money, music, steve
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Parkour and Internet Blocking

      by , 11-09-2011 at 10:33 PM (The Absurd Adventures of CWHunt)
      Dream fragments. Nothing too special.

      I attempt to get online in school, but the internet is blocked. This makes it hard for me to finish a research project and everyone gets really mad.

      The next dream I am doing some pretty awesome parkour in a floating city.

      Told you it was boring...
    15. Chatting with Katsuno and Floatinghead?

      by , 11-09-2011 at 04:34 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      dream1 - I am on chatzy chatting with Katsuno and Floatinghead.
      Katsuno says something about being a new leader or second leader beside Floatinghead for IOSDP.
      then Floaty says "I know IOSDP is going slow but the next experiment for targeting is me(Floatinghead)!"

      dream 2 - I am with my friends. we were taking test and when it's over, someone got 110 score. -.-
      we linger around somewhere. we chat...(it was mostly useless conversation) this whole thing is really vivid and too long. one of my friends tickle my arm. I laugh out loud...