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    Side Notes

    1. Cersei

      by , 08-26-2014 at 07:48 PM
      I started questioning the dream in a fairly dull IRL-based scene, and then questioned why I was questioning it - but I did eventually become lucid. Once becoming lucid, however, I as Jaime immediately started looking for Cersei.

      (Side note: this was an interesting level of lucidity. Fully lucid in most respects - lucid about the fact that I was dreaming, lucid about my ability to control the dream, no desire to stick to the previous dream storyline - but I wasn't lucid about my own identity. On top of that, I only started playing Jaime's role when I became lucid - up until that point I'd been my IRL self. It's standard for me to play the role of other people when I'm non-lucid, but I'd thought that conflicted with lucidity - apparently not.)

      I was still in a room that was meant to represent my IRL home, but it had no doors, which I understood signified a resistance against me taking control and changing the scene. I had the feeling I had to get out in a hurry if I wanted to maintain lucidity. So I turned around in a full circle in order to create a door that would be there when I turned around again. It was a wooden door, rounded at the top, and when I opened it I saw a scene that was meant to represent my IRL neighborhood.

      I closed the door, called out to Cersei, and opened it again, understanding that this will have changed the location it links to. Now on the other side of the door there's a dark stone enclosed walkway with large windows overlooking a castle courtyard. Better, but this isn't the place I was looking for. I have a mental image of a glittering gold-and-white castle that I want to get to, where I expect Cersei to be. I try again - I close the door, call to Cersei, and open it again. The scene on the other side of the door hasn't changed this time - it's still the dark stone walkway. I decide that this means Cersei must be in this scene somewhere, so I walk through the door.

      Recall gets increasingly shaky after this. After walking through the castle a bit I found Cersei in the courtyard, and after a short conversation she took me to a rowboat that we'd both have to row - she gave me some explanation involving the word 'knowledge,' and I made an (apparently less than successful) effort to remember her phrasing so I'd recall it after I woke up, it seemed symbolically important. The boat carried us briefly along a waterway running through the castle, and I think I began losing lucidity at this point. There's a memory gap, and very little recall after that - before I woke up I'd wound up back in an IRL-based scene, and I'm unsure how much lucidity I had by then.

      Updated 08-26-2014 at 09:18 PM by 64691

      lucid , side notes
    2. 00:00 Tuesday 2014-08-26 LDs #56, 57, epic long multi-waking dream, bunch of shorter dreams after

      by , 08-26-2014 at 09:27 AM
      22:30 1 scoop UYM protein powder with cup of milk
      22:57 pre-bedtime: day memory review, set intention for recall and lucidity
      23:17 bedtime
      00:00 Tuesday 2014-08-26

      05:19 epic multi-waking(?) long continuous dream of previous adult home, 2 lucid dreams within the mostly non-lucid content

      I'm outside my old adult home watering a patch of grass. I look down to see what sort of grass is there because I want to change the grass of my current-day home lawn because it's too thin. I look down and chuckle: it's not just one kind of grass, but several different types all closely blended together: there's a patch of light-green thick-bladed grass, and next to it are other patches of 2-3 different kinds of grasses of varying shades of green and blade thickness. I stand on the big front sloping lawn and continue to water it a while.

      I move to the left side of the front lawn facing the house where there is a strip of succulents my wife planted, and see them and tell her "your succulents are doing great, they really enjoy the heat" and I see some other plants that are not doing so well in the heat, they look sort of wilted.

      We suddenly hear a sound, voices, coming from the open living room windows, it sounds like my wife's voice and kids voices? Is someone in there, or is it a recording playing? We run inside and there's a party going on, my son S2 is very young and sitting on a couch, it's (his birthday party?) there are friends there. My wife asks me what moment that was and I tell her "don't you remember? That was S2's birthday party".

      I'm standing at the front door, heading outside, I look into the empty living room and see the beautiful wood floors, I want to always remember this place, and wonder if the memory of that room would fade in time. I look again and the floors are now dark brown, seemingly covered in the same granite tiles as the small entryway is. That's not right, I think, it wasn't that way before (WTF #1).

      I'm lying on the couch (my head to the left facing the big window), busty milf IJ is near my feet, crawling on the ground on all 4s moving up towards my head, I see a mirror on the entertainment center is reflecting some part of her but it doesn't match her position. At some point in there I get lucid and
      Spoiler for NSFW, explicit, 18+:

      the dream ends / transitions.

      + back in the same house, it's night-time I'm walking around closing up for the night. I'm there alone. I go out the kitchen door to the garage, the garage is empty and dark, I look to the right of the door and the washing machine/dryer are gone, how will I wash clothes? I think that the light from inside the house will be visible from the street shining out underneath the bottom of the garage door, I close the door and slide the dead-bolt.
      Moving into the dining area I notice something strange: the high window (false memory) has been removed and there are only some thin transparent sections that I slide around and move left/right, I see the screen has been cut (WTF #2)! Someone in our absence has removed this window to gain access to the house! I think of turning on the house alarm and hope that the motion sensors will catch them if they try to come in. I'm going to have to spend time replacing these windows calling a window place, how long will that take?

      I hear the jingling sound of my old dog's collar when he moves but I don't see him.

      All of a sudden I notice it is bright daylight outside (WTF #3), I'm really confused by this, wasn't it just 3am? How could this be? I look out the window and see bright blue daytime sky, I go outside and look at the sky and look for an artificial light source or some reason for this, (I see a faint 'morning moon' in the sky?).

      I'm indoors it's (time for bed?) I'm on my laptop and all sorts of videos start playing, my wife is nearby, they're not necessarily NSFW but I panic at their appearance, and start quickly pounding on the ESC key, trying to hit alt-F4, the videos keep popping up, I finally press and hold firmly the power button and the laptop eventually turns off.

      I'm standing in the family room it's dark, I'm looking out the glass door and see a reflection of something moving on the futon to my right, I get scared/startled (WTF #4), I turn and look at the real futon and see a pile of clothes there but nothing's moving. I look back into the glass door and notice (movement again?) from the futon, I go there and see some chip bags, one is open, it's cheetos, I look inside and a fly flies out of the bag, there are cheetos (and pieces of paper?) in there.

      I see my wife lying on the futon, her head towards the kitchen, she has a mischevious expression on her face and she says slowly/seductively "I saw over your shoulder, I know...what...you..were... doing...on...your... laptop!" this is very out of character for her and I recognize this is a dream. I'm not nervous at all about being "discovered" since this is clearly a dream.
      Spoiler for NSFW, explicit, 18+:

      I wake up.

      Heading back to sleep, I'm awake, didn't make it back into the dream, so I decided to get up and get a snack: piece of wheat bread with a small slice of cheese, a medium banana, and a cup of milk with another scoop of UYM protein powder, I always wanted to try it in a WBTB scenario, I have at least 3-hours of bedtime left so I decide I have time for more dreaming and want more lucids. After snack head back to bed and it takes a while but I eventually sleep. Did SSILD and relaxation and MILD.

      + I'm heading to McD's, I see my friend MR drive off from the drive-through. I'm heading towards the front door, step up on to the curb from the parking lot, a young black guy is standing there and he kicks my shin a few times, rapidly. I'm annoyed by this and stop and look at him and say, "Really!?" 2 more young black guys appear and I don't want to be bothered by them and head inside, but I turn back and say, "How old are you anyway, 13? You should be working in your community to make it a better place," at this I see some black girls who were sitting down stand up and prepare to leave, but one of the young guys says "give me your wallet!" and grabs for it in my waist bag. I'm holding my bag and struggling with them and trying to look to see if they got my wallet or my passport.

      + I'm standing in a house looking out a window at neighboring houses. The houses are built on a hill all right next to each other, wall-to-wall with no gaps. The entrances to the houses are up the hill, the body of the houses down the hill, so I'm looking up the hill into the windows of neighboring houses. I think I've been up there and remember the view looking down to the patio outside the window where I'm standing (false memory). I then see some girls in bikinis going out the front door of the other house and try to get a good peek. Then people are going out of and entering the front door of my house. A topless young person with longish hair and dark nipples comes in, is it a girl? It turns out to be a guy, yuck. Another blonde young surfer dude comes in following the other guy and gives me a "what are you looking at?" look, I feel a bit embarassed. I walk by a woman in close quarters and say "excuse me" to get by, she says "We've claimed the landing!" (?), I realize this house and the neighboring houses share a common elevated front door area and a common living room area. The walls are right next to each other with no space in between (so you can hear the neighbor noise?)

      + I'm playing cards with two other people. I check out my hand, I see a bunch of Aces and 2's, I think I've got a good hand, the player across from me plays the two of clubs, I wonder if I can play a trump to start getting rid of my cards, I'm arranging my cards in my hand, my cards suddenly fly out on to the table, I'm concerned about the other players seeing my hand, I gather them up, my hand seems MUCH thicker than it was before, I say "hey you guys added cards to my hand!!"

      + I'm playing a side-scoller video game, the game view fills my vision, I have some trouble controlling the character, I move him around, try to avoid a monster, have him fly/move up and to the left, there's a treasure on the ground I try to remember how to pick things up, maybe if you just move over it, there's a door to the right and I know inside the door is a chest with a book that raises your magical ability, I plan to go in there and get it.

      (Some time awake, back to sleep)

      + I'm on stage at a sad memorial, I start to make a speech, I move towards the podium and a big black woman to my side knees the back of my knee to make me move a bit forwards and kneel down, I speak in a slow, tearful, sad voice and say "I realize that there are things you can change.....and things you can't change...." and I realize I may never see this big black woman and her famliy again and this makes me sad, I see a plane/helicopter, and say "... and I realize that it's hard to track a plane via radar from a helicopter"...I'm DO viewing the helicopter/plane chase, a missile is fired at the plane, the pilot ejects before being hit but he needs to wait before deploying his chute or the missile may target him instead.

      + I'm in a strength competition doing pull-ups. They think I won't do many, I'll show them. I need to decide on my grip: palms facing away or towards me? Towards is easier, will they comment on it? I choose facing me. It's hard to get the first pullup but I make it, the pull-up bar is too close to the doorjamb top and I hit my head slightly at the top of the pullup. I do more and more, counting higher and higher, then it gets easier. At one point I start falling from my position on the bar, I was using white athletic socks for grip under my hands, but they're torn now and streching and I'm holding on to the socks and falling from the bar, I reach up and get a new grip and keep going and counting. A young man with a young woman come and the young man starts competing. I'm then inside a gym's weight room (the pullups were done on the door entering into this room) and I'm doing pushups on a bar, continuing to count, up to around 30, the bar mechanism falls apart, and two women comment on my progress. A body-buidler shows up and asks is it OK for him to strap himself into position, and I say that's OK with me as long as it's OK with him that I take a break to repair my equipment since it fell apart.

      I'm then going pushups immediately to his left, and I see a magazine/comic book on the ground. The dream transitions to seeing faces like the cover of the comic book, in expressions of shock, and one "wipes" his face it's very wet. At the end I see some image of a celebrity walking with a small dog like a dachshund.

      Updated 08-26-2014 at 10:30 AM by 65364

      lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    3. Breaking Her (26.8.14)

      by , 08-26-2014 at 09:26 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)

      I'm with Sammy K, and we're both walking on the footpath leading to the park near the skate park. It's night time, and I see that people have locked up their trailer and bikes at the skate park.
      We reach Jamie Smith's house and we begin to make our way into his backyard, when I am approached by their dog. I think it's a Rottweiler or Labrador, it's hard to see in the dark. I hope it doesn't start to bark or attack us, but ends up being friendly enough to let us pass it.

      Spoiler for Mature Content:

      Before I could really get into the massage, I can hear noises and voices outside the garage. I thought it may just be workers coming in to feed the horses or something.

      I see the door open to the room we're in and see two men who look to be twins or brothers at least. We have a brief convocation,

      Man: ''What are you doing in here? you better not of had sex in here''

      Me: ''Sorry, I didn't realise this was your room, and no we're friends, we didn't have sex. I'm Jamie's friend and needed a place to stay for the night''

      I get out of bed and continue having a convocation with one of the men. I get a close look at them both and they're ugly looking. The man doesn't really come off as a friendly guy, probably due to sleeping in his bed.

      Dream Fragment

      I mention about the best part was when you were bring attached to the car.

      Side Notes

      I've decided to change to a more basic lucid dreaming technique which is MILD. I'm going to be consistent with performing MILD before bed + MILD with WBTB + Dream Yoga during the day. A fair bit to do, but I will fit it in.
    4. Supermarket Request (25.8.14)

      by , 08-25-2014 at 04:26 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream - 7.00AM

      I'm at a super market and I'm heading towards the exit with a trolly full of items. There's 2 automatic sliding doors, and I think about going through them for some reason and then come back in. After contemplating what I should do, I see a women near me with a trolly (she was a larger women, maybe in her early 30's late 20). She tells me shes afraid to go outside and would like to know if I am willing to escort her out. I tell her ''not a problem. I can do that''.

      We're now on bikes together, just sitting on on the road. I get off my bike and look down towards my back wheel and see that there's an issue with it. There's a long bolt which needs to be connected. I attempt to fix it without a problem. We begin chatting about things and she brings up that she would like to have drinks with me one time. Soon after we begin looking at our phones.

      I have a False Awakening, which I fail to recognize. I wake up and I'm feeling horny. I'm in my bed when I hear my Brother yelling out to me something about glad wrap. I look above my door and I see 3 types of wraps. A roll of Glad wrap, Nonstick paper and Aluminium foil. I think of what to say to my Brother when he comes into the room, and I come up with a scenario if he was to ask for some Glad wrap. I was going to say look to the heavens, and hopefully he would see the Glad wrap above the door.

      Side Notes:

      I listening to some Stephen LaBerge mp3 files, expecting it to be the stuff I used to listen too, but it wasn't it (produced a FA, so I guess that's a plus). I downloaded the one I used to listen to today, so hopefully it puts me in a more of a lucid dreaming mind set before bed.

      I'm not using my alarms anymore due to not being able to sleep too well upon awakening. A swap back to my harder mattress has helped with sleeping. I recalled quite a few dreams last night upon awakening through out the night, but would zone out half way through and lose what I had recalled.
    5. 00:00 Sunday 2014-08-24 LD #55 (short), multi-phase sleep night

      by , 08-24-2014 at 09:15 AM
      00:00 Sunday 2014-08-24

      Messed up night, taking family member to airport EARLY.

      00:30? bedtime

      03:15 alarm
      03:45 alarm wow felt awake the whole time but that went fast.

      07:00 back from airport, BTB, slow to sleep

      Lost of vibration moments, haven't felt those in a while. Lots of HI but no dreams forming, almost start to see skyscrapers forming from the HI and hope to enter an urban city scene but it never happens.

      10:30 final waking, try to sleep again, get relaxed and close to sleep but decide to get up to keep the new sleep schedule

      11:30 (actual dreams distributed over 3.5 hours, the lucid was early on and the first one of the bunch) up out of bed

      + I feel totally awake, I'm in some house walking around a corner from a hallway into a living room, deep in thought, do a random/habit nose plug RC for no particular reason (this is hopeful, maybe I'll get more of these now!), I can breathe, that gets my attention, I do it again, yep I'm dreaming! OK: slow down, engage, meet Sensei [major ongoing new dream goal], but I feel dizzy and the dream ends just afterwards.

      +(f) yellow-vested subway workers like to ride on the roof

      + I'm at the dentist he's working on my right lower backmost molar, I can feel that there is a big valley in the tooth now an tell him he went too deep. Riding the dentist's customer shuttle bus standing up near the front with wife, the dentist is driving, he wants us to clean the bus for him (in payment?), I'm confused about when we're going to do this, I think we're going to do it on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We need to get off and I don't want to clean it now, he says just a quick cleaning and wiping down of the hand-hold bars that line the bus. I look around and see piles of dirt on the floor and a small pool of dirty water on the floor against the back seat, we get off. I see a restaurant to the left and one to the right, to the right is a Mexican restaurant with a name and neon lights ("Mexican slide?").

      I'm standing outside a food vendor kiosk, I take a look inside, it's a real total mess, garbage strewn everywhere and tons of wrappers on the ground, I think that the food cookers don't clean it and a specialized cleaning crew comes to clean it the kiosks. I pick up a toasted hamburger bun and a (slice of tomato? a pickle?) and intend to use this to soak up the pool of water in the van. I should bring some paper towels, a half of a sponge, and a cleaning bucket to help. My wife takes the hamburger bun out of my backpack because it's nasty to be carrying that thing around.

      Pee in a toilet at the top of some stairs, using a portable toilet bucket as a container for the sprouting cup, I wonder if I should carry it in there

      + I see a pile of bright coins outside sitting on their own, I look for subway tokens and choose one bright copper-colorer coin and leave the rest. I'm walking/running somewhere and I see across the street a former work colleague out for a jog, he's talking to someone.

      I visit my "old workplace", it's very dimly lit. I enter a work corral area it's an open square area room with a large square "lab" area in the middle with cube/desks placed all along the perimeter around the outer edge of the square work area. This is my old group, I see they're still working on the project. They ask me if they should close the circuit on the trucks, I say I don't remember. The lab is made up of long rectangular boards/platforms that can tilt up and down, and they're testing (little toy trucks?) to see how well they roll, I inspect some switch to the side. I say this is a really cool area with the cube/desks on the outside of the lab area.

      I suppose I should walk around to say hi to all my former colleagues, there's SunSh, she says a really small head and is wearing a cap that looks like the tip of an eggplant including the stem which is sticking up in the air, she's just staring at me. I walk around and say a short hi to people sitting at desks, mostly young women (see a redhead), nobody responds to me hardly at all, I feel sort of humiliated by this complete indifference to my presence, and very unenthusiastically say "hi...yeah...great to see you...".

      I walk by a cube and see a pile of trays of taco casserole. A woman says that the chef will be giving a very boring presentation, and that I should just tell the wifes/mothers (sponsoring this lunch) that I can't make it, I plan to do just that.
      side notes , lucid
    6. Waking life memory?

      , 08-24-2014 at 05:15 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      had dreams, and good feeling from them, but no recall.

      Something interesting happened today at work though.

      [20:45] <@gab> have you had past life regression done, omkar ?
      [20:46] <OmkAR> no, but i asked to see my past lives in a lucid dream once
      [20:46] <@gab> have you?
      [20:46] <OmkAR> and i was about to teleport to my past life . . and some guy grabbed me out of nowhere and said "YOU DOn'T WANT TO DO THAT YOURSELF RIGHT NOW MIKE"
      [20:46] <OmkAR> and then i was all spooked out ever since
      [20:46] <OmkAR> er do that too youreslf
      [20:46] <@gab> oh lol, damn DC
      [20:47] <@gab> or was he?!?
      [20:47] <OmkAR> it was a strange vibe though, i was thinking maybe . .. geeze, what happend to me in my past life
      [20:47] == OpheliaBlue [[email protected]] has joined #DVLounge
      [20:47] == mode/#DVLounge [+o OpheliaBlue] by DreamBot
      [20:47] <@gab> hey OpheliaBlue
      [20:47] <@gab> I'm sure you had good ones and bad ones
      [20:48] <OmkAR> maybe i was gangbanged in medieval times
      [20:48] <OmkAR> u never know
      [20:49] <@gab> would that be a good one or the bad one?
      [20:49] <@gab> 0_0
      [20:49] <OmkAR> in medieval times .. probably bad
      [20:49] <OmkAR> lol
      [20:49] <@gab> hehe
      [20:49] <OmkAR> oh OpheliaBlue is here
      [20:49] <@gab> I just had a weird experience at work today
      [20:49] <OmkAR> we were just discussing being gangbanged in our past lives
      [20:50] <@gab> she not talking, so maybe she is not here
      [20:50] <OmkAR> did you get a de ja vu
      [20:50] <@OpheliaBlue> sorry, comp ran out of juice while I was watching Divergent
      [20:50] <@gab> I got more than that
      [20:50] <@OpheliaBlue> some big lucid and shared dreaming themes in that movie
      [20:50] <OmkAR> Divergent is out
      [20:50] <@gab> oh she is here
      [20:50] <@gab> so I'll tell you some other times omkar
      [20:50] <@OpheliaBlue> almost over, brb
      [20:50] <@OpheliaBlue> !brb
      [20:50] == OpheliaBlue has changed nick to OpheliaBlue|BRB
      [20:50] <OmkAR> oh ya DIVERGENT
      [20:50] <OmkAR> i watched that
      [20:51] <OmkAR> it was 100x better than hunger games
      [20:51] <@gab> didn't see either
      [20:52] <@gab> so omkar, you gonna be here for 5 more mins?
      [20:52] <OmkAR> ya
      [20:52] <@gab> I was at work and doing my stuff and thinking about this japanese warrior female mismagius told me about
      [20:52] <@gab> tomoe gozen
      [20:53] <@gab> and why I kinda identify with her
      [20:53] <@gab> and with my sig picture of a warrior
      [20:53] <@gab> and decided to change my usertitle so something reflecting the worrior thing
      [20:54] <@gab> and that moment I just started crying out of the blue
      [20:54] <@gab> I had to leave the room to collect myself
      [20:54] <@gab> just the strongest feeling of something with past life warrior
      [20:55] <@gab> no clue what to make of it
      [20:55] <@gab> and add my frequent dreams of being a leader of some freedom fighters
      [20:55] <OmkAR> oh weird
      [20:56] <@gab> I never felt anything like it
      [20:56] <@gab> as if I just connected with something
      [20:56] <OmkAR> could be legit, u should try a TELEPORT to your old 'home'
      [20:56] <@gab> I will do that
      [20:56] <@gab> I wanna know so bad
      [20:56] <OmkAR> i had these weird experience in the astral once, i saw this old log house, looked like it was from medival times
      [20:57] <OmkAR> there was straw beds
      [20:57] <OmkAR> and the feeeelings i got being there were sooooo strong
      [20:57] <OmkAR> i USED to LIVE THERE
      [20:57] <OmkAR> sleep there everynight
      [20:57] <@gab> oh wow
      [20:57] <OmkAR> kinda feeeling, it was reallly intense
      [20:57] <OmkAR> and scary too
      [20:57] <@gab> this feeling was so strong, not preceded by any warning or thought
      [20:57] <OmkAR> trying to imagine how . .. it was . .. just a straw bed like that, stone/wooden walls
      [20:57] <OmkAR> i mean, no books or computers
      [20:58] <OmkAR> just RAW
      [20:58] <OmkAR> raw living
      [20:58] <OmkAR> nostalgic feeeelings
      [20:58] <PKJacker> Sounds pretty interesting
      [20:58] <@gab> I now what you mean, omkar
      [20:58] <@gab> since today, I do
      [20:58] <OmkAR> ya i never had that in waking life though
      [20:58] <@gab> I see
      [20:58] <OmkAR> that's interesting you did
      [20:58] <OmkAR> ive only had that on the other side
      [20:59] <@gab> I was cutting strawberries at work, like a ton of them, so my mind kinda wandered away
      [20:59] <@gab> and the thought of tomoe gozen, spartan warrior and MAKING IT MY NAME
      [20:59] <@gab> something clicked
      [21:00] <@gab> started crying and I'm like "wth"?
      [21:01] <@gab> insane
      memorable , side notes
    7. Forgetting A Necklace (24.8.14)

      by , 08-24-2014 at 03:56 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream - 9:30AM

      I'm at Stone Hill house with Josh and Brother. I'm having some pre-drinks before heading out. Brother offers Josh a beer, but he declines. He say's that he doesn't want to wake up with a hangover and that he will drop $20 on drinks as soon as he gets there.

      I'm now sitting in the backseat of a car. Daryl is driving, Josh is in passenger seat and Brother is sitting in the back with me. We're driving down the road where epilepsy OP shop is when my Brother realizes he has left his necklace at home. We insist that we will drive back and get it, but Brother say's no due to being a hassle. Daryl looks to second guess himself a couple times, missing the turn off each time. Eventually he pulls into the turn off and begin to head back to get the necklace. I tell my Brother that he was using reverse psychology
      I begin to think if I have left anything at home as well. I see a checklist of things that pop up in my vision. Some of the text is different colors. Designer underwear isn't checked, so I must be wearing normal underwear.

      Dream Fragments


      1. Jail

      2. I see a picture of a famous person being used for a meme

      3. Talking to Josh about leg size decrease due to not training for a month

      Side Notes

      Head had larger amount of pressure last night due to big day and cheating on my diet

      Updated 08-24-2014 at 03:58 AM by 24939

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    8. Very Short Lucid Side Notes

      by , 08-23-2014 at 03:25 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Okay so two nights ago I a very short lucid dream. I all recall is becoming lucid, trying to do something, having a false awakening, and then becoming lucid again, and then having another false awakening and then waking up. I think I'm only going to count this as one lucid dream, because I never actually woke up.
    9. 00:00 Saturday 2014-08-23

      by , 08-23-2014 at 07:00 AM
      22:52 pre-bedtime Day memory review: first let memories arise, feeling that each one is a dream, then run through the day in order in detail

      23:30? bedtime

      00:00 Saturday 2014-08-23

      multiple wakings with recall, lost early recall, later recall fragmented, lots of long dreaming sequences most lost ARGH! Must get myself to record or at least seriously try to DEILD on the earlier wakings. I recall trying to determine during one waking if one early dream was lucid or not.

      07:40 up and recall (15-20 minutes at least), quick keyword journal, try to sleep again, get close but just too awake

      +(f) a guy is messing with my computer print-out, "stop wrinkling it!"

      +(f) rub the completely flat head top of a really big/fat kid, the flatness is due to the haircut, the head is mostly normally shaped but the hair is grown around the side and back of the head so that it forms a flat surface.

      +(f) kids are breastfeeding other kids? Medium-length sequence, forgot most of it.

      + leaving the seats the kid runs past me to his dad in another row, I stand and bow and let the people past me in the aisle (that's all, short).

      + big people have a purpose: they make great store clerks lifting heavy things, I see these big guys carrying large things around, one gathers my order with me in the back, I remember my machete and go to another shelf, I see lots of my things, I find my machete / large knife, pick it up, gesture towards the clerk showing it, I hold the handle and realize it's not very comfortable, the handle is a bit too short.

      + computer competition with MO and PMcC, we're tasked with finding a bug in the system (like in The Internship), we walk up a stairway through a door and sit down in front of some terminals (like old ADM3A terminals) How did you find your way to this forum?-adm3a-small.jpg, one in front of me, one on the ground near my left foot. I take off a glove (it looks like a gray/black rubber dish glove, I wonder what my friends will think of me wearing such a glove), I toss off glove towards the ground, and it lands on the right-side of the keyboard of the terminal on the ground, three fingers separating and simultaneously hitting the CTRL, ALT, and DEL keys which light up as they're pressed. I say "Hey, guys, did you see that, the glove hit CTRL-ALT-DEL!".

      + I'm watching a game of baseball, I'm standing behind a short fence along the first-base line. I see the pitcher wind-up and pitch: it's a fast-pitch softball circular style of pitch, the batter hits the ball, it's a pop fly, the fielder is right there, it should be an easy out, he lifts his glove and the ball bounces out of it so the pitcher can continue running the bases. I realize that a fielder and the pitcher are giants: at least 2-3 times the size of a human. The pitcher signals the outfield to approach closer, this is because a human has come to the plate. Next a female giant comes to the plate and really hits the ball out of the park, I see it come down out of the sky beyond the fence (by some Eucalyptus(?) trees), it's a home run. After the game, the giants eat the humans? Later on there is a casting call for another baseball game, it's a TV show. Females are not allowed, but I say I saw a female giant in the last game, the guy says that's because it was her personal show.

      09:09 up out of bed, DJ on DV
      non-lucid , side notes
    10. Dome of Ra

      by , 08-22-2014 at 07:36 PM
      Pre bed: 3 mel, 500 arg, 500 lysine

      Wbtb: 1/3 latte (other)

      The dreams were somewhat unstable although the cycle lasted about 1:30, with deeper than usual sleep in the beginning, around 5 mins of non-ld and chain of lds in the rest. My recall is very fragmented.

      Frag ld: In the classroom. I'm about to take some stuff but get very confused with the desks. Awareness increases. Tked a knife and tried to tk control the movement of a fly (partial success).

      LD frags (I think one of these was a DEILD): In an underground passage and my awarness is higher, I go up the stairs and possibly get out in the next place I recall.

      Inside a house, everything is quite vivid as I go to the balcony outside and see an unbelievable sight. At this point I am thinking about the Pyramid challege and this influences what I'm seeing ahead. It's a valley and a city in the distance but unlike any city that exists. More like a mix of classic and fairy tale architecture. In the middle of the place is a magnificent hexagonal/octagonal dome shaped monument made of dark rock with the eye of Ra on the sides. I'm quite excited by the sight of it but before I can get closer, I lose my vision. Really pissed off that this is happening, but the dream is still here and I can actually hear a number of nearby teenagers talking loudly so I call them for help.

      My sight returns in small portions, but I think I lose the dream after that. My recall is bad between different scenes.

      It's almost as if I have memorized the structure of the previous house as the next scene begins in a similar place. I recall looking at a number of windows and want to leave the place to go outside. At some point before that I was in the bathroom and left the tap running. Made a mental note about this feeling happy about not caring. There is also snow outside and I am sparsely dressed but say it doesn't matter.

      I end up in a room with my parents (maybe after climbing down and then up a balcony), where I see my dad and a doppelgänger of him. It's a bit creepy and I want to go outside so leave the room.

      [New scene] Vaguely recall examining and opening a window and imagining outside to be something awesome like the dome before that. Another fantastic sight, this time I watch the entire landscape build in front of my eyes. It's the sea in the distance as well as another amazing fairy tale medieval type of city. The only problem is that the whole background is quite shifty. I want to wait for dream stability to improve before working on a pyramid summon. Something about acting around to give the background city time to stabilize.

      Memory gap but this was still related to the previous part of the scene. It's as if I have gone down and am now looking at whatever has become of the surroundings. There are lots of peculiar rocks surrounding me, like rocky mountains with very soft pastel colors. I make a mental note. Then all of a sudden a huge bolder displaces and starts rolling in my direction with great speed. Luckiliy for me, my subcon seems to have assumed a slightly different trajectory and the rock quickly passes at a small distance just above me. I briefly wonder about what would have happened had it hit me and why did it fall in the first place, did my thoughts cause it. [End of memory]

      [New scene] The last place I recall, it's more of Asian type of scenery with a grassy hill ahead as I watch two rabbits and something else going down the slope. There is something going in front of the house at the bottom of the hill where we are. The rabbits turn to two crazy looking monkeys with clothes and a tribal man that are coming towards us. I use a part of a plant to block their way. My awareness goes from low to slightly higher and I become interested in seeing what happens once they come close. I approach the two dressed monkeys and turn to talk with the tribal man who keeps switching appearances. The dream soon thins out and I wake up.

      Updated 08-22-2014 at 07:41 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    11. 00:00 Thursday 2014-08-21 LD #54 (KILD)

      by , 08-21-2014 at 03:11 PM
      22:30 pre-bedtime, 1mg melatonin @ 22:00 for resetting bedtime, memory review, set intention for lucid dreaming in the night

      22:52 bedtime (yay on schedule!)

      (didn't need to consult notes for anything but time of the entries, <but used the one-sentence summaries post as a reminder>)


      + childhood neighbourhood: on a bicycle at the top of the park on F blvd, old bully MB is there but we're on good terms, I say "this is what you can do a on a bicycle!" and I ride to park-left, up over the curb, and gain speed and ride towards a place where the curb forms a jump and jump WAY up in the air, performing several (3?) back-fiips together with the bike, then steady upright slowly floating down to the ground spin the bike side-ways underneath me in a circle several times, and land on my feet with holding the bicycle up in the air by the seat stem in my right hand (ta da!).

      Walking up towards A. blvd above where it meets F blvd past the park a group of girls is there and they're talking about something (networking?) which I disagree with, then they talk about wine, why not grow it here? I think you won't get much, and say "What'll you get, 100 cases? Well, we could sell it at the park for $3/bottle".

      At the base of the hill where A and F blvds meet I go DO up in the sky and observe the scene of an accident up on the F hill towards S ave. There are 4 what appear to be motorcycles stopped with their riders, there was some accident there. Close up zooms in to one young Asian man trapped in his "pod" his internal organs are all failing due to the heat inside the pod, he says "No, don't try to save me, save the <ones who come after me>" (who aren't there yet?).

      + I'm standing outside observing lovely golden California hills, standing on a long steep slope (right side facing down the hill), I see to the right the hills go way down to city/the bay. I think I really want to do some hang-gliding here, from here all the way down to the bay. I think that it would be good to try out the hang-glider on a short flight first to make sure it won't collapse on the long, high flight down the hills.

      I'm indoors talking with some guy about an <antennae?> that will raise altitude, either he or I make a comment about the updraft winds that would be involved.

      The MOTHER of all "wake can't get back to sleep"s at this point. Some SSILD variants.

      05:10 can't sleep, get up to kitchen, sit with cat on lap and drink milk, read a bit from "Nine Princes in Amber" (zillionth reread).

      06:15? try back to bed. Still can't sleep. Another hour goes by?

      Should I get up again? No. Argh. Counting breaths. Too aware. Fast SSILD

      Letting go. Yes, there's some drowsiness there but it's really remote. I just *KNOW* there are some LDs in me waiting to happen, just waiting for me to sleep. My strong intention setting at bedtime is probably keeping me up. Also, I went to bed earlier, in a very firm strict re-setting of my sleep schedule.

      Let go on exhale, let go on exhale, total physical and mental relaxation, empty the head, LET GO on exhale....and at some point I fall asleep.


      There were a lot of little scenes, very jumbled, took me quite a while to make sense of them during recall, didn't totally succeed.

      + I found the cat's laser pointer pen, it was by the sink in a <glass of water?>, I try the controls, I poke around and find the button that activates the laser. A bunch of weird stuff has grown around the head of the pen, sort of a ferny-forest of white plastic tendrils, I have to move them all out of the way so that the light beam can shine. I mov e down the hall to the room where the cat is (it's dark), I shine the beam, I see the beam shining through the air and hitting a chair, and the cat <bats at it?>

      + I drive my son S2 to wine store, and I remain in the car, and wonder if anyone will say anything about that, I see a little bit of the store inside the door I see containers on the walls. I watch S2 through the glass window being shown the wine by a clerk, they walk to the left side of the store at the edge of the window, I see the clerk take out a sommelier sampling cup-thing and pour two samples from what look like thermoses, I wonder if I can try the samples but I'm driving. <S2 is too young to be drinking, should he be sampling it?>

      + girlfriend montage:

      My GF invites me over to her place on the phone, she wants me to arrive at 11:15pm, I say I can't do that because it's too late and my parents won't let me, I think she may think I'm a wuss for being controlled by my parents so much.

      I'm with my GF, she's really mad at me, the way I speak to her, she gives several examples of phrases I've used which make her mad, she thinks I'm being impertinent and short with her, I disagree and ask her to give me a concrete case where I did this, and I give an explanation that I was <talking to a friend in some way that made sense that I used that phrase?>

      I <follow her?> enter her room feeling bold about we can have some "action", I catch a glimpse of someone else <her sister?> in the room and immediately turn to leave back out to the hallway, I get a bit bolder and think "no I'm going to do this" and re-enter the room, <don't see anybody else there?>, see my GF then make for the door again to leave, I see her mother (darkish skinned middle-aged woman wearing glasses quietly sitting in a chair not paying me any attention), I walk past her without saying anything, I think, heck, it's my GF's mother, I should at least introduce myself, I go back to her, extend my hand to her saying "Hi, my name's <my name>" and wait for her hand, she offers it and I shake it, I notice that she's REALLY small, like midget-proportions about 2-3 feet fall max and think that this explains why my GF is so petite.

      I can't remember my ex-wife's (false memory) name, and that bugs me. She had blonde hair and I recall taking her to my bed in my room.

      + I walk up to a "sleeping" girl lying down and bend down to kiss her, as I'm about to touch her lips her lips pucker up, her eyes are still closed, I get lucid at some point during the fairly long (10 seconds, yeah that's long for me when lucid, sigh) deep "snog", I'm thinking about trying to maintain focus and awareness but I wake up/transition (not sure which).

      + Walking into a party in a fairly dark room, some guys are mixing/distilling a drink flowing out of a tube into a (blue?) pot on the ground in front of them, a girl is standing against the wall and puking on the floor, something about little gummy candies (either in the puke or the drinks) and she was looking at them. I recalled after walking around a bit that I should gave goosed the busty but unattractive girl I saw when I first entered the party.

      Heading up a spiral staircase don't want my friends to see me, they see me, I look into their bright blue eyes, one is a young JoDu, they say something to me but I quickly walk on past them (prelude to the party?)

      + closely contemplating a home-made electronic telephone. The handset is to the right of the phone body which is large and square (1 square foot) and is covered in some sort of plastic/cellophane. Inside underneath the cover and top of the phone body can see a glimpse of a circuit-board. The handset does not sit up right against the body of the phone, I reach in there and pull out a <sock? wool cap?> and it then fits better.
      lucid , memorable , side notes
    12. Welcome to my Dream Journal!

      by , 08-20-2014 at 11:51 PM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      Welcome to my DJ! This will document my dream journey. I love it when people give me feedback on dreams, so feel free to comment anytime. I hope you enjoy!

      Updated 10-13-2014 at 04:27 AM by 70090

      side notes
    13. Playing Football (20.8.14)

      by , 08-20-2014 at 04:16 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream - 7:40AM

      I'm on range bank's oval playing Aussie Rules Football. I'm standing in the forward line talking to the opposition teams player. I see Brent Macaffer (Professional AFL Player) and he has a word to me about something. I think it may have been something to do with chatting and not playing.

      I think I kick two goals for our team.

      I run over towards one of the oppositions teams players and man up with him. The ball goes over our heads and we both run after it. I beat him to the ball and side step passed him. I see one of my team mates a little too far away for me to kick, but I try to kick it as far as I could, which ends up just being enough to go over the oppositions players head but not far enough for my team mate. I feel a little bummed considering the shitty distance I was able to kick the ball. I think about strengthening my legs so I can generate more power in my kicks. I relive the moment and this time I kick the ball differently. I kick a torpedo, which makes the balls spinning formations similar to a spinning spin top. The ball goes further this time.

      I'm now at my old house, standing in the kitchen. I see Arpie and I explain to him and my Dad about my dream I had. I mention about a female and dating, and that I was playing football where I kicked the ball over the oppositions teams head. I mention to Arpie again that it's just a dream, cause he starts talking about the girl and dating part as if it was real.

      Another scene change, I'm at a random house and I see two females fighting in the lounge room. One of the females gets pushed over a chair.

      I begin telling Dad about the dream again.

      I'm standing up heading towards a door. I think I'm a female, a somewhat famous singer named Joelle, or maybe I'm just promoting her, I dunno. I see my profile open up and I edit it, putting in something about Joelle.

      Dream Fragment:

      I bite the tip of my finger nail, and bite some off. I'm a little disappointed due to biting them, as I've kicked the habit in real life.

      Side Notes:

      Felt uneasy last night and couldn't sleep for at least 3-4 hours due to having heart palpitations. Weird. Assume they're water detox symptoms.
      Been practicing visualization with great success. I feel it flowing instead of being forced and stressful. It's more of a passive approach.
    14. Suspecting Reality and Dreams

      by , 08-19-2014 at 03:43 PM
      I have been trying to train myself (while awake) to periodically suspect that I might be dreaming, in hopes that the habit will carry over to my dreams, via:
      • Closing my mouth and nose and seeing if I can still breathe.
      • Inspecting the world around me, seeing if anything appears amiss.
      • Attempting to float, or conjure up imagery, or change the scenery around me.

      In my dream last night, I realized something was off with the world as I was climbing down a tree. When I let go of a branch, I fell down to the ground slowly, as if I were a feather. It seemed rather suspicious, but I was busy trying to avoid being caught so I quickly put it out of my mind.

      Normally, when strange things like this happen in a dream, I think nothing of it. But this is the second time recently that I suspected that the laws of the universe were not what they should be. Perhaps I'm creeping my way closer to a DILD. Perhaps.
      side notes
    15. Wasted lucid

      by , 08-19-2014 at 10:43 AM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      * Took a nap after I posted something in the TOTM thread

      non-lucid, lucid

      .../I'm in the university campus. I have just left my car parked in a parking lot behind a building. I'm carrying a lot of papers I have to deliver here thinking to myself, it's safe to let the car there because of it won't take much time. I walk behind a lot of buildings hoping to get to one of the main libraries. I'm getting to the Electronic Engineering building when I realize I parked in the wrong place; it should have been behind the next building. Anyway, a decide to take a walk because of it's nice to be back here from so long. I see some folks playing on a platform. I walk on the bleachers, and see one of my first pals who left the career because of his girlfriend got pregnant. There's a lot of people here, and I'm recognizing many of them. It has been so long that I didn't see their faces, saluting here and there. I see the 'philosopher' playing soccer, he doesn't see me because he's with his back turned to me. Finally we got to see each other, but he doesn't seem so enthusiastic as he usually used to be. I wonder there must be something strange here, it hits me, of course it's a dream! Then I remember I wanted to do some of the TOTM. But first, I want to leave all these papers I have in my hand. The best idea that comes up to my mind: Let's deliver all of these using Telekinesis! I throw the first brief in front of me, waiting it to take flight and look for its destination by its own. On the contrary, it falls some meters ahead. Perhaps I didn't give it the time to take flight. I take the next one and throw it up to the sky. It falls on the roof of a building. The throw the third one, it flies better and makes some curves on the air, like a paper plane to finally fall on some dirty waters. I don't care, but I got obsessed with the idea. At least one, although I want to throw the whole packages to fly to their destination. I throw one after the another, and some of them take flight to my back, I see them disappear behind me, I don't follow them, I consider it a success because of I don't see where they fall! Good, the next one, and the next one/...

      * Wake up hearing my neighbors talking and thinking to myself How stupid!
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
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