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    task of the year

    task of the year dreams

    1. Nuke myself... and as many bastard zombies as possible.

      by , 02-29-2012 at 01:03 AM
      Nuke myself... and as many bastard zombies as possible. (DEILD)


      I haven't been remembering my dreams as much recently. It could be due to focusing more on university and taking less naps. However, today I was exhausted after class, and hit my bed like free willy not clearing the wall. I was asleep in under five minutes.

      I had a short, strange dream about walking the queen of England through a busy city centre and helping her onto a submarine which was docked in a canal. I woke up after the dream, but didn't move or open my eyes. Instead I "looked around" with my eyes, just to see what would pop up. A table solidified in front of me. I was sitting at it. A few seconds more and it became clear that I was in a booth at an american-style diner. I drummed my knuckles on the table and looked around. I was sitting beside the window, and it was pitch black outside. The only light came from small oil lamps scattered around the diner. The diner itself was bare and run-down. I remembered that part of the task of the year was to survive the Trinity Test of the first nuclear bomb, and it struck me that the diner could be part of a purpose-built "nuke town"- built cheap and designed to be blown up. In thinking this, I made it so.

      A man approached my table from the right. He appeared to be a sheriff, and looked almost exactly like the sheriff from the start of Kill Bill. He said something to me in his southern-american drawl, adjusted his belt, and walked out of the diner into the dark. I can't remember what he said, but I inferred from it that a nuclear test was about to take place, and I should make myself scarce. Standing up from the booth, I noticed a huge, bright red metal cylinder in front of the till. It was about a metre and a half in diameter, and went from the floor all the way up through the ceiling. I assumed the first nuclear bomb must be inside at the top, waiting to be dropped.

      With this in mind, I went behind the counter and into the kitchen, where I found a ladder and trapdoor leading to the roof. The wind on the roof was incredible. It roared past me, and I could see the changing course of the streams of air all around the building. It was very dark in the streets below, but the occasional light was on outside buildings. In the gloom I noticed strange dark figures running back and forth. They were jagged-looking, like they were crudely-cast shadows. A little curious, I turned to the top of the bomb container. There were still two army grunts working frantically on a complicated control panel. Their sense of urgency was compounded by the howling of the wind, and every so often they would make reference to "zombies". I wondered then, whether this nuclear test could have an alterior motive- the eradication of a population of zombies. As most people know, I am a firm supporter of zombie rights. Namely, the right to a swift and comically violent death. To attract as many of these shadowy zombies into the kill zone as possible, I ran to all four sides of the roof, shouting like a maniac. Dark shapes in the street below darted through patches of light towards the diner. They were quick and waif-like. Some even started hopping up the side of the buildings nearby. I looked over my shoulder at the army guys and motioned for them to hurry it along. I turned my back on them and saw a dark figure peering up over the edge of the roof. He jumped up, and everything froze.

      The wind stopped howling and everything fell silent at once. Within a split second, a white-hot, orange light expanded from behind me. It was hot, and covered everything in my field of view in an instant. All I could hear was a high-pitched whine, and I could feel the blast burning. I roared as loud and long as I could -which I noted felt a lot longer than I could have done on a normal lungful of air- and the roar became part of the noise of the explosion. By the time the roar was finished, I had lost touch with any kind of physical body. My point-of-view had zoomed out beyond the town, which I could now see was on a narrow penninsula. The explosion obliterated it entirely.

      In what seemed like only a few seconds later, I zoomed back in and found myself in a body again. I was deep underground, beneath where the town had been. I had a pickaxe in my hand, and was listlessly tapping on some loose rock.
      From there, the dream became a bit like Minecraft, -which I have tragically never played- and I lost lucidity.
    2. Announcement

      by , 02-28-2012 at 09:26 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      In the past month and a half, I've had 2 lucids. I don't quite recall them much, but I've been far too lazy. So, this March, I'll be back to my relugar thing, MILDing, and DEILDing. So I just wanted to confirm that with my readers. I do remember do the January task and the Twin Tower task in one of the lucids though.
    3. My current Dream Process

      by , 02-12-2012 at 05:21 AM
      Hi, I am new to LDs, my DJ will consist of only 1 main post edited continuously until I have a solid process down for WILDs+DILDs+WBTB. I keep my traditional DJ on my nightstand, I may share important ones and progress.

      WBTB (general for all types)
      I use the CANWILD technique here, a timer set to go off between 4-7 hours. Only beeps for 20 seconds than shuts off by self so I can keep my sleep paralysis



      If not CANWILD
      1. Tense/untense exercise
      2. Blink thingy
      3. Rollover every 10 min.
      -allowed to itch+swallow

      If CANWILD or not CANWILD
      -don't move eyes (or really anything)

      Awareness Maintanence:
      -Counting up 1-100
      -increase speed=more awareness
      -decrease speed=less awareness
      -Start high speed, than gradually decrease until hit spot where can maintain conciousnes but don't fall asleep. Experiment with it.

      After shit hits the fan (hallucinations, SP)
      -remain aware=count
      -stay calm

      Basically just sticking with ADA-all day awareness (see resources)

      Visualizations/Auto suggestion
      I will have a lucid dream tonight
      I am the Best lucid dreamer in the world

      Current resources:
      -with the links at the bottom of the article

      Updated 02-12-2012 at 05:38 AM by 53040

      task of the year
    4. Possible Shared Dream and the TotY

      by , 02-10-2012 at 07:07 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      (This entry was actually this morning, the last one was from two nights ago but I wasn't able to get on my computer yesterday)

      I was in a classroom of some sort which I couldn't recognize as any I had ever been in before. It did look like one I had seen on t.v. though, but I wasn't sure from where. I was sitting in a desk in the front left corner right by the door and there were about 15 other people in there with me. My history teacher walked in and set his stuff down on the table in front of the class. He looked at me and said, "Do you have your wings?" I didn't know what he was talking about but I instantly got up and ran out of the classroom. I burst through the door and ended up in a narrow corridor which was high above the ground. It didn't have walls or anything, just guard rails. I looked over the edge and could see that I was about 30 feet in the air.

      I ran down this path and at the end there was a small, sqaure room with an opening on the right. I turned and jumped right off the edge which at this point was only about 8 feet. This brief section of the dream turned into a fixed view point from about 20 feet in front of the room which I had just jumped out of and was facing me. I saw myself round the corner and jump off, then continue on off to the right. The dream then returned to a first person point of view and I continued to run through this strange complex. It resembled a plant store, like the gardening section of home depot, with some parts outside and others indoors.

      I ran into the building again and turned right into another hallway but this one was completely enclosed. I ran down the hallway and got to the end which was just a dead end with a small rope. I was on the second floor again somehow. I looked over the edge of the rope and could see a small cliff drop off into a rain forest type landscape. Off in the distance it looked like a hawaiin rain forest which are very mountainous. I turned around and dashed back down the hall. About halfway through I saw an opening on the left and dashed through it. This led me to another outdoor area which was filled with various plants and tables. There was a middle-age women standing there and turned at me saying, "You haven't gotten your wings yet?"

      I still had no clue what she was saying and ran around to one of the tables. I looked on it and saw two metal cups/bowls. They resembled a harmon mute for a trumpet. I grabbed two of them and went over to the end of another table. I took one of them and started to tear it up into little pieces. I spread those pieces on the table and when I put them down they all proceeded to melt. The liquid covered the end of the table and for some reason I felt like I had accomplished what I wanted to. I turned to my left and did the same thing only to a wall which had seperated this side from the other side I had ran through. For some reason I got very suspicious of things and preformed a couple RCs.
      They all passed! I was in another dream .

      I quickly calmed down and rubbed my hands together to stabalize it. There were a ton of kids running in, all about late teens in age, and I recognized a few of them. One of them who I had previously mentioned lucid dreaming to, walked over to me. "Hey burke," She said. I grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Liz, calm down, don't get too excited, but we're in a dream right now." Her eyes got really big and she gave me a funny look as if she was saying are you joking. I told her to follow me and we crouched around the tables and gathered with the crowd. We were all surrounding this middle aged women who had a top hat in her hands. "Okay, lets see who won their wings!" She said. It must be some sort of raffle!

      She reached in to pull a piece of paper out and ended up pulling a large card out which was about 10x20 inches. She looked at it and smiled, then turned it around to show us. All it said was "You Won." I felt excited for some reason and just tried to calm down. Then, the TotY popped into my head. I only needed one more: Titanic. I turned to my friend and asked her, "Is it alright if I head out now?" She gave me another funny look and said, "Yeah sure, see ya." I imagined being on the deck of the Titanic right as it was about to hit the iceberg. "Bye," I told her, waving my left hand and snapped my right. In an instant I was on the titanic but in the back of it, not the front where I had wanted .

      I was walking around along the edge of the ship when there was a very loud bang, accompanied by the ship shaking violently. I figured this had to be the iceberg. I ran around to the bow and could see eveyrbody on the deck panicking and running towards the life boats. Just like I had learned in history class the boats were being deployed with only about half occupency. I got to the very tip of the boat where the famous scene from the movie had occured. (You know, "I'm king of the world!") Right as I got to the railing I heard a veyr loud creaking sound like metal being forcefully bent. The nose slowly started to rise up into the air and I looked back. I could see the ship tearing in half just like in the movie.

      I climbed over the railing and got on the very tip of it and planted my feet on the railing which had become the ground. Everybody who was on the ship and didn't make it into a lifeboat was falling into the water. The half of the boat that I was on was slowly making it's way down to the botton of the sea and about a couple feet a second. At this rate it was taking some time for the ship to go down but I remembered I had to "experience" the sinking so I just waited it out. I looked around and could see the various people in the lifeboats and a lot of people clinging to wreckage in the water. After a good 2-3 minutes of slowly sinking the ship was finally about to go completely under.

      I climbed up as high as I could until I was at the very highest point of the ship and the water was coming up faster then I had thought. My feet dipped into the water and wow, it was cold! I jumped up out of the water and just levitated a few feet above the surface but not before the water had gotten up to my waist. Wow, it was seriously cold. I felt bad for those people . I felt very satisfied, knowing that I had completed the TotY and figured I could have my own little celebration. I snapped my fingers and teleported myself to a room with a large bed. I proceeded to have quite some fun with a few pretty ladies (thanks sexy hawt females thread ). I'll leave the details to your imagination.

      I talked to the person in my dream whom I had told was dreaming about what had happened and asked her if she remember any of her dreams. She said yes and I then asked her if any of them involved me. She said she didn't think so but she wasn't sure. It could've been a shared dream but I'm not 100% sure.

      EDIT: I get it now! My "wings" from the non-lucid part were for completeing the TotY

      Updated 02-10-2012 at 07:16 PM by 31951

      lucid , task of the year
    5. Hotel Fights, School Killings, and the TotY

      by , 02-10-2012 at 06:33 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was standing in some type of room next to a table holding my new ipod (nano). I was just flicking through it looking at stuff when a large crack suddenly appeared. I tried to slide the page again despite the crack but the glass of the cover just brushed off in a hundred little pieces. Beneath the screen was just a dull gray square

      Dream 2: I also remember a dream in which people were telling me that I have nice teeth

      Dream 3: I was in some sort of hotel room which was very small while half-lucid (aware but not in control) There was a small closet to the right of the door, a large air matress for a bed, and a small desk in the corner with a computer on it. I just sat on the air matress over the cuvers and leaned my back up against the wall. Suddenly, there was a loud commotion outside the door and about a half doezen people burst into my room. I knew some of them but there were 3 I didn't recognize. The few I knew waved at me in a "join us" motion as if they wanted me to help. Then, everybody just burst into a fight.

      I jumped right up just as one of them tackled me. We were fighting without any weapons and unfortunately I couldn't remember much of the details. At one point he had gotten behind me and I snapped my fingers/teleported behind him and kicked him in the back. The next thing I knew we were on the ground and I had a hammer in my hand trying to hit him on the head. He had his back up against the wall and fell down to a sitting position. I slowly moved towards him and he put his hand behind his back, pulling out a machine gun! It looked like a tommy gun but I'm not completely sure. He told me to get back and drop the hammer. I took a few steps back but I refused to let go of the hammer.

      Then, one of my friends lept behind him and tackled him to the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand. I jumped at him, swinging the hammer down right on his face. Right as I was about to hit him I was teleported into my school band room somehow.
      I had no memory of what had happened, I believe I lost lucidity. I was sitting in a seat with a bunch of other kids with me. Then, somebody game in through the back doors with a large metal object, what looked like supports. He set them down right next to the podium and went back outside. He made several more trips and kept bringing in more stuff. After a couple minutes he had everything inside and assembled it.

      When it was finally built it looked like some sort of cannon. The top part started rotating back and forth and the person who had built it was just standing there laughing. Suddenly, the cannon fired and a massive metal ball flew out and hit one of the kids, killing him instantly. Nobody else seemed to notice and just carried on with their individual conversations. The cannon continued to fire and kids were falling left and right. Suddenly,
      I became lucid but I did not have very much control, similar to the first part of the dream but I did have some. For some reason this scene really freaked me out and I tried to wake myself up. I closed my eyes tight and opened them as hard and fast as I could but I was still in the dream. I then tried imagining my self falling back into my bed. I closed my eyes and pushed myself back and could feel myself falling though it was very slow, like sinking into water with some weights.

      After a few seconds of this wierd sensation I had a false awakening into another dream,
      but I wasn't lucid. This time, I was still in the band room and there was still a bunch of people, but there was no cannon. A different person came in through the back doors carrying a large rope and made a couple more trips just like the person before him. He assembled it in only a few seconds and this one ended up being a guilotine! He took out a remote and pressed a button on it. The guilloting, which was really just a large axe hanging from the ceiling, sung back and then sped forward. It hit a person only 2 seats to the right of me and sliced right through his head. His head just sort of peeled open very slowly and it looked like a red glob inside.

      This bumped me into another semi-lucid state and I, for some reason, only wanted to wake up. I shut my eyes as tight as I could and opened them with as much force as I could imagining myself waking up. This time it worked the first time and I woke up, but it was yet another false awakening. It was just like last time onlt this time I didn't lose lucidity and I had complete control now. Another person walked in through the door and I decided to wait and see what this person would do. He pulled out a small note book and wrote a couple words down in it, but I couldn't see it. I got up from my seat and walked towards the back room right where this new person was standing.

      As I walked past him I looked closer at his note book. I realized that he was using the note book from the anime "Death Note" and had written somebody's name in it. I didn't recognize the name and when I looked up at this person he gave me a puzzled look like he didn't know my name. Lucky me . Finally and idea popped into my head for the TotY. I had two left, the Titanic and Sputnik. I decided to save the Titanic for last since I figured that would be an interesting way to finish this. I walked towards one of the back rooms and thought to myself, "When I walk through this door I will be at Sputnik." I opened the door and could see the base of a rocket shit of sorts but it looked a little wierd. I didn't think much of it and just thought it was because it was russian.

      I stepped through the door and walked towards the space shuttle. I could hear a voice off in the distance coming from a loudspeaker talking in what I presume was russian, or at least what my mind though russian sounded like. He said a new word about every second so I figured it was the countdown for launch. I ran up to the shuttle and jumped up as high as I could which was perfect for getting on the sattelite. There was a little outcrop on the shuttle right beneath sputnik itself so I landed on that. I stood on this little ledge until the countdown had stopped and the bottom of the rockets ignited. The shuttle slowly lifted up into the air and it gained more and more speed. Unlike in my last space dream there was no force in this one pulling me down from the acceleration.

      I just stood on this ledge holding on to the sattelite while we flew up into space. After a minute or so the main body of the shuttle had fallen off and it was now just me and sputnik. Suddenly, my feet started to float up off this ledge I was on and I figured I was in space. Sweet, got one down and now there just one left, the Titanic. I looked around and could see the earth right below me, not nearly as small as it was from the moon, but still not that large. I looked up and could see countless stars and various planets and also an asteroid. The asteroid gave me the idea of dive-bombing to the earth into the ocean to finish the last task.

      And took a small step back and rubbed my hands together for a little extra stability. I took one step forward and just leaped off the edge. For some reason, at this moment gravity kicked back in and I started to fall down to the earth. I always wanted to go sky diving so I figured this would be pretty close. I dove straight down, head first, and tried to go as fast as possible. Man this was a hell of a lot of fun! After about 30 seconds my head started to get a little warm. I looked up (or down, in this case) and everything had a reddish tint to it; I figured I must be on fire! I must look awesome doing this . I put my head back down and just tried to go as fast as possible. After only about 10 more seconds I looked up and could see North America. I tried to picture it in the 1910's for the task and looked in the north atlantic where the titanic had hit the iceberg.

      I was probably about 20 miles above the surface now and could easily make out cape cod and long island. I looked just north of there to where I remembered the ship had sunk. It only took about 5 seconds for me to get a mile or two above the ground and I opened myself up trying to slow down. I kept thinking "brake, brake, brake!" to slow myself down. I could see a large ship on the water which I assumed was the titanic. I was slowing down a little bit but not enough. Only a few seconds after I had tried to slow down I smashed into the water going extremely fast. I pretty much did the biggest belly-flop ever. The force was so great that I
      woke up. Damn, I wanted to get two done in one night. I looked over at my clock and could see that it was 5:09, I still had a little over an hour.

      Unfortunately I didn't remember anymore dreams that night
    6. Task Of The Year Attempt #7

      by , 02-09-2012 at 11:21 PM (Ezpata's World)
      I still had time, more than enough to finish this. Traveling back to '69, I went to the Apollo 11 launch site. The thing had just taken off, so I had to race past him. It was nice, because this made it interesting.

      They were pretty fast, but I was faster. I eventually caught up with them and overtook them. I sped to the moon as fast as I possibly could, and got there.

      A short entry, but all it took was to get to the moon before them, and I could've done that by traveling back a day before and coming here. This was by far the easiest task so far.
      lucid , task of the year
    7. Task Of The Month; Feb. 2012 & Task Of The Year Attempt #6

      by , 02-09-2012 at 11:10 PM (Ezpata's World)
      [B][U]Task Of The Month[/U][/B]
      Why are the walls purple? Oh yeah, dream. Before going to bed, I had just freshened up on the ToTM and the ToTY. I decided to work on the ToTM first, since it was smaller in scale to the ToTY.

      I flew around until I found an art gallery. Plenty of paintings in there. I saw that one painting, "The Scream", and figured it'd be interesting enough. It took a few minutes for me to devise a way in. Eventually I just put my hand on it and told it to let me in. I was drawn into it then, almost absorbed by it. I found myself inside now, and it looked very... artsy, I guess? I don't know, look at "The Scream" and that's what it looked like. It was then that I heard a sound that was like someone was scratching the chalkboard in the innermost region of my mind. Looking over, it was the screamer. I turned off my hearing to keep him from killing me with such an awful sound. I remembered that I was one a time clock, so I looked around for something to bring out of the painting. Someone was carrying a plant for some reason, and I thought: Why not? It'd look cool on my fireplace mantle. I took the plant, and left the painting. I told it I wanted out, and it graciously acquiesced. I took the plant back to my place, and put it on the mantle next to the Brownie Camera. Time for ToTY.

      [B][U]Task Of The Year Attempt #6[/U][/B]
      It took a minute to think about, but I remembered I had to go to the launch site of Sputnik 1. I found it just as it was about to take off, how fortuitous. I latched on as it took off, and rode it like a horse into space.

      It was moving pretty fast, and I felt like I was going to be thrown off at any second. I kept my grip as firm as I could though, and managed to make it into space. There wasn't much to see, and it was kinda boring. I wondered if there was some time limit as to how much I had to stick with this giant hunk of space metal before I could leave. I waited for about ten minutes, but we just kept moving... in some indeterminate direction. It's space, man, it's hard to tell what's up or down. I decided that I'd been here long enough, and grabbed one of Sputnik's smaller antennae and went back to the cabin. I decided it would just be better to teleport this time, so I would conserve time. I put the antennae on my mantle next to the Plant from Screamland. Then I woke up to check the ToTY and to try in the next dream.
    8. Task Of The Year Attempt #3

      by , 02-08-2012 at 10:04 PM (Ezpata's World)
      Woke up, looked around. It seemed normal, but my alarm clock said "Donkey", so I did an RC. Yup, dream.

      I thought about what I wanted to do now... oh yeah, ToTY. I tried to remember the next one, and it took a few minutes to remember the TV thing. Traveling back to 1925, I raced for.... okay, why the hell is there a brontosaurus? Must have gone too far back.

      Went to 1925, correctly this time, and sensed for a TV I could watch. I found one a little ways to the west. I didn't bother knocking on the door, just walked in. There wasn't anyone there, guess I got lucky. I walked over to the TV and flipped it on. There were a few images flipping across the screen, a guy, a lady, a few logos, a dragon, a car... wait a dragon? It ran on a loop, and yes there was a dragon. Odd, but I guess such is the nature of dreams. I needed to wake up; my goal is to be the second person to complete these things, and I needed to be quick.
      lucid , task of the year
    9. Old Fashioned Televisions, Big Bands, and the TotY

      by , 02-08-2012 at 04:13 AM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was sitting on my bed in my room and it was dark outside yet light in my room. I got up and walked out the door into the bathroom. I looked at the clock and it said that it was 6:30AM, right on time that I normally wake up. I turned on the shower and brushed my teeth while waiting for the water to heat up. Once it was warm I got in and went through my usual shower, nothing out of the ordinary. I got out of the shower and when I stepped on the ground I slipped and hit my head right on the ground. I had forgotten to put the mat down . My head didn't hurt at all and I got right up as if nothing had happened. I continued on with my morning as usual. I walked down the stairs and it led right into the gym locker room at out school

      I walked outside the locker room into the gym where my classmates were playing this game called jugball. It's a game in which you have to get a tennis ball to your "goalie" on the opposite side of the gym using milk jugs with the bottom cut off (you can't run). Anyway, when I had walked out I grabbed a jug and got right into the action. I casually walked down to the end of the gym and saw two of my friends just standing there, not doing anything. "Hey guys, having fun?" I asked in a casual, sarcastic way. "Tons," they replied, equally as sarcastic. I turned around to look at the other side of the gym where the ball had gone and saw one of the more sports-oriented kids down there getting the ball. I turned around, looked at me and chucked it as hard as he could
      (this part actually happened a few days ago)

      The ball flew at me and I quickly moved my hand over my stomach to stop the ball and actually ended up catching it!
      (This happened too only it just bounced off my hand, I didn't catch it ) For some reason, this made me start to question whether or not I was awake. I looked around more carefully and didn't see anything wrong with the dream. All my friends looked normal and there were no irregularities. I looked down at my hands and noticed nothing was wrong with them, all 10 fingers and no differences. "Hey, Burke, pass it over here!" One of my friends yelled. I tossed it over and proceeded to do a nose-plug RC. To my surprise, It worked! I was lucid! Quite an interesting way to get lucid .

      I hadn't had a lucid in a while so I didn't want to waste this one. I thought of what to do and decided I would do the TotY. The first one that came to mind was the first television broadcast so I imagined a room back in the ealy 1900s and a small T.V. sitting in the corner. I snapped my fingers and I was brought to a small room where everything was in black and white, except me. The room was completely empty, no doors or anything except for one small end table with a modern-day t.v. on it, only it as really small about 6 inches across. I walked over to it (the room was only like 10' by 10') and there was one knob on the side. I turned it towards the part that said "on" and waited for something to happen.

      I stared at the screen and could see a very static-y screen like when you don't have a signal. I waited for about 10 seconds for something to happen and after nothing did, I looked around the t.v. for an answer to my problems. Coming out of the back of the t.v. was a power cord but it only had one prong, similar to an auxiliary cable. I looked around the room again and tried to find an outlet but there was nothing to be seen. I figured I could just summon one so I turned around and thought to myself, "when I turn around, there will be an outlet for this thing right behind it." When I turned around there was indeed an outlet, but it was a modern day, 3-pronged one. This wouldn't work but I figured I might as well try. I stuck the jack into the round hole where the 3rd prong would normall go.

      It fit right in and there a couple sparks but no flames or anything. I looked at the t.v. screen and it was now a faint blue, almost gray, color. I reached behind the t.v. expecting there to be a remote and there was! Man, I'm really getting the hang of summoning stuff . The remote only had a few buttons: power, channel, and menu. I clicked the channel one and saw the screen change to a faint green and a small number appeared in the corner saying "02." It makes sense since the first one would've been one, and this one was two. I continued to flip through the channels but there was nothing broadcasting, only various colors, some brighter than others while a few were so faded they almost were just a shade.

      Around channel 8 when the t.v. had turned to a faint red, almost pink, color I noticed that the room had changed color too, the same color as the screen. I turned it back to 7, which was a deep purple, and the room changed accordingly. Getting a little frustrated I just yelled at the t.v. "Just show me a damn show!" I waited a second and after a brief moment the screen started to flicker. On the screen a group of people started to form with what looked like big blocks of wood in from of them. After another few seconds I saw that is was a band! A stereotypical big band from the 1920s and 1930s. There was about 20 of them in total and on the front of their music stands I saw a circle with some sort of letters around it and a clarinet lilted to the side in the middle.

      The entire broadcast was in black and white and thus the room changed accordingly. The conductor up in from raised his hands and all the musicians raised their instruments. I started to waive his hands and all the players took a big breath. I could tell they were playing some sort of music but, this being the first t.v, there was no sound. What's the point of a concer on t.v. if there's no sound? I was a little disappointed and wanted to hear what they were saying so I decided to try something new. I walked up to the t.v. and kicked it with my left foot. As I had expected, my leg went right through the screen but it didn't break it, my leg actually went through the screen and into the scene that had been filmed. I squeezed the wrest of my body through and ended up in some sort of concert hall with a large dance floor and tables surrounding it.

      Once there I could hear some music and it seemed very familiar. I looked around and could see a lot of people in the room, some dancing, talking, and others just sitting at the tables eating some food. I walked over to one of them and asked what song this was. They responded in a stereotypical New Yorker accent which I found rather humorous saying, "Eh? Oh yeah, thems guys. They's the Glen Miller Band or sometin' with this new fangled doo-hickey called 'jazz.' It's not too bad. I actually like it, personally and it seems like a lot of others do to. So, whad'ya say? You wanna dance or somethin'?" Wow, he had a really heavy accent but it amused me nonetheless. "No, that's not what I asked. What is the name of this song?" I asked him again. "The song? Uh... I ain't got a clue, but that Firo ova there, he knows what new and fancy and whatnot." He pointed to a younger person, probably about 16 with a brown suit and tan fedora on. "Thanks." I told him.

      I walked over to this kid and tapped him on the shoulder. He immediately spun around and tried to hit me in the face! I quickly ducked down to avoid it. "What the hell'd ya do that for!?" I yelled at him. "You're pretty quick." he said, "I don't see many people with moves like that. What's ya name?" He had a slightly less pronounced accent but it was still noticible. "I'm Burke," I told him. "This man over there said that this guy named Firo knew what this song was called. Is that you? Do you know?" I asked him. "Yea, I'm him, and this song here these guys is playin's called 'In the Mood' or somethin'. It's not bad, I like it." He told me. Ah-ha! That's what it was! We had played this in our local jazz bad a couple years ago. It's actually a pretty good song.

      "Now, since I did somethin' for you, you gotta do somethin' for me." He said suddenly. "What's that you want?" I asked him. He smirked and brought his fist back as if he was about to punch something. "Ye see, I'm kinda a jerk, so I just want one thing. I want you... to wake up!" He quickly brought his fist forward and it slammed right into my face. It pushed me back a few feet and I could feel the dream start to fade, but it didn't immediately wake me up. The dream was very unstable though so I quickly rubbed my hands together and focused on my surroundings. The band had changed songs! I dind't recognize this new song but I wasn't really very curious. "Ya quite the sturdy one," He told me, "But I ain't never not woken someone up before when I say I'm gonna!" In an instant,
      I was lying in my bed, eyes open, completely awake. Damn. Did he really wake me up or was it just time for the dream to end?

      Oh well, I got part of the TotY done and had a dream which had quite a few real-life elements in it. A "sport" we played in gym class, music by a band I knew, and a character from an anime I had recently watched (Firo from Baccano!). Not a bad dream
    10. Task Of The Year Attempt #2

      by , 02-08-2012 at 12:52 AM (Ezpata's World)
      I don't normally dream twice in one night, but doing the ToTY demanded I do it. Next was the Titanic.

      Looking around, realized I have no idea what I'm doing in the middle of a desert, do an RC. Remembered I had to work on ToTY.

      Traveled back to 1912, in front of the docks where the Titanic would be shipping off. I didn't feel like fighting just yet, so I conjured a ticket to fool the sailors. A nice relaxing boat ride ending in tragedy would be just what I needed for some R&R.

      Using time dilation, I managed to keep myself there for the full five days. The first two days, I didn't do too much. I played some chess, wined and dined with a few uppercrust socialites, and spent some lazy time up on deck.

      The third day was pretty interesting, got into a few fights when drunk sailors decided I looked like I could be picked on. Didn't feel like causing too much trouble, so I beat the shit out of them and tossed them overboard while no one was looking.

      The fourth day I spent mostly in my cabin (I had thrown someone overboard one the first day so I'd have a place to chill). Let's just say I may have a few more children. And that women will be really experimental on a boat.

      The fifth day. The day of the wreck. I waited for what seemed like hours until night fell. I had told a few people that we were going to hit an iceberg, but no one believed me. The ones who called me a fool met with... unfortunate accidents. I finally saw the iceberg ahead, and watched as the giant ship lumbered toward its fate. People were freaking out, screaming and shouting. It was rather annoying. I decided I'd experience this from the ship, so I pulled up a deck chair and sat while it all happened around me. People were shouting at me now, wondering why I wouldn't leave. "I'm here to watch this historic moment. Besides, if I didn't, I would fail at my attempt for the Task of the Year, wouldn't I?" They didn't know what I was saying of course, but it felt good to say it. When the ship hit the iceberg, all hell broke loose. The details are sketchy, even to me, so I won't try to recant most of them. but the ship went down like everyone thinks it did. I gave one last look out to all the people in lifeboats. "What a bunch of pansies." I thought. I sank with the ship, and floated for a few minutes before deciding it was time to wake up.
    11. Task Of The Year Attempt #1

      by , 02-08-2012 at 12:08 AM (Ezpata's World)
      Looking around, see that the sky is purple, decide this is a dream. I'm right, of course. I figure I should try doing the Task Of The Year, I skipped over it last year.

      To add a little challenge, I'd try to do them all in chronological order. The first one was The Brownie Camera thing, If I'm not wrong.

      Travel to the year 1900. Head to Boston because... why not? I look around for a Brownie Camera. I land in the middle of the street, and ask some guy where I can find a Brownie Camera. "That guy looks like he's got one." I look where he's pointing, and there was a guy with what looked like a box with a tube sticking out of it. I don't know if that's what the Brownie Camera really looked like, but the description never said it had to look like the actual Brownie. I walked up and took it from the guy, something he didn't really appreciate. "Hey! I just bought that!" "Your point being?" "You can't just walk up and steal something from somebody!" "Well I just did it." I put the camera back in his hands, and took it again. "And I just did it again, what are you going to do?" He got mad, and tried to attack me. I threw the camera into the air, ripped the man's eyes out and shoved them down his throat. I caught the camera as it came back down. I decided to document my awesome achievement, and took the photo with the camera. The picture was developed a little while later. It was grainy, and really hard to see what was in it. I traveled back to the present time, and went to my house in the woods. I framed the picture, and set it out in the living room. Drunken debauchery was next on the list, but I do that every night, no reason to journal it.
    12. forth attempt. Failed.

      , 02-06-2012 at 06:27 AM
      DILD. I jumped in the portal thinking about time machine and setting 1900. I found myself in my flat. Found Brownie camera on the table. Met father and took picture... Loked at the picture - father was in pink suit and the picture was changing. Thought that the task has done and went to real And here understood that it wasn't 1900...I m sure that fifth attempt will be succesful.
      lucid , task of the year
    13. camera. failed again:)

      , 02-04-2012 at 05:20 AM
      ordinary dream. I'm in the present make picture with my brownie which i got in the last LD. Several roses and the picture is like the painting with the color pens. I was so happy that I know how the picture looks like... But a bit pity that I make it in real, and not in the LD. Then I remember of LDreaming in real I always make RC. Made RC . six fingers. I flew and began to think what to do- to take this browny to the past or to find the camera there... and awoke
      lucid , task of the year
    14. ToTY: World Trade Center Completion

      by , 02-03-2012 at 01:34 PM (The Dreaming Journey)
      Yesterday, as I was quite energetic because of a WILD in the morning, I decided to try a MILD, which actually worked. I managed to finish another ToTY task, and I'll be flapping my wings in 1 week, that's a bet with one of my friends...

      So, getting back to my dream. After repeating the mantra for 15min, I managed to pull an insta-lucid, without having to RC. After a bit of looking around a room I "spawned" in, I looked at a wall, then said "This hotel room from WTC is really nice". I think most of you got what happened... passive control. After this, I got out of the room, and headed to the elevator... in which I had a surprise. It seems that in dreams elevators don't work like they should, resulting in a lucid dreamer being put on a random floor...
      I got a little bit revengeful, and, after throwing a fireball at the elevator and exploding it off the building, I just tried a little trick I heard about in DV...
      ...And learned that it's easy to turn into a human fireball and going straight through the building until the roof. I walked slowly on the building, and as I was about to jump, someone stopped me.
      "No! Don't end your life!"...
      ...I also learned I can rip the head of a DC using telekinesis. Sweet.
      I finally jumped, going right through the clouds... I could literally feel the rain drop on my skin. When I was close to the ground, I turned into a fireball, and landed... safely.
      After stabilizing the dream, I began to form an big fireball, which I shot at the towers... it almost destroyed them completely, but the remaining parts were used to crush other buildings, with telekinesis..
      After a while some marines(may be a DS) appeared and start shooting. This reminded me of the dino dream, and one little tought was enough for 6 tentacles to spring out of my body. I could control them, but I could also let them act for themselves, and that's what I did.
      After some good ol' fun I decided to leave, so I could remember my dream...
      and thats what I did.
      After about 30 min, I decided to try my luck at a morning MILD, which I will detail in my next post, which will come in about 1 hour.
      Stay tuned!

      Updated 02-03-2012 at 01:46 PM by 52939

      Tags: lucid, mild, on3down, toty
      lucid , memorable , task of the year
    15. ToTY: The Trinity Test

      by , 02-02-2012 at 07:19 PM (The Dreaming Journey)
      So, I've just taken up ToTY, but since I joined late, I had to move faster than ever. That's why I love WILD, which will allow me to LD more than 1 time a day...
      ...now, let's begin with the dream.
      As I enter the dream, even if I WILDed, I didn't realise it was a dream. I was just floating around in a void... until the dream started to form around me, causing lucidity. While I was gazing at the colors and shapes, there it is. My dream, formed.
      The shapes around me seem futuristic, and my immediate thought is just to to fly. As I was looking around, I see a nuclear power plant, which makes me remember ToTY...
      That means one thing. PORTAL TIME! While in the portal, I can see the dream reforming, and finally, I reach my destination. The nuclear test zone. I immediately thought to ask them to drop the bomb so I could get under it, but they've got ahead of me. The nuclear device was falling, and I couldn't be happier about it...
      The next second, the atomic bomb hit me.. I felt a slight tingle, then a force, a kind of air pressure, pushing me down.. I was able to stand up, but hardly. Fortunately, in 5 seconds it stopped, and everywhere was just white. After 10 second, some gray entered the white, extending, expanding...
      The gray surrounded me, then floated away, making me realize it was just smoke!
      All of the DCs there looked amazed at me as I was walking to them, but while I was waiting to be greeted as a hero, they started to shoot me... which resulted in some old, good, fireballs kicking their asses... after some fighting, my dream started to blur a little, and they actually throwed another bomb on top of me, confusing me even more... I began to hear a faint BEEEP which got louder and louder until
      I woke up, because of my alarm... Sadly, this wasn't a WILD, but at least I did one of the ToTY taks...
      I'll try in my next posts the Titanic one, so take care!
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