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    1. Saja, the Mirror-self and the Dragon

      by , 01-25-2013 at 07:05 PM
      The room is laid out like the paint desk at work, but it's all stone. Everything is grey, the room is closed and open at once. I'm standing at the mouth of a hallway, a ramp descending. When I turn my back on it, a man in the hall is abducted, dropping his coin purse. At the front of the 'paint desk' there's another man. He's kind of ugly, but I try not to hold that against him. He's holding out his hand in a gesture of terrified defiance. When I hear the man taken behind me, I turn to see the coin purse and try to gather the spilled coins (a smattering of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies), then back. I see a creature drop out of the sky and snatch him.
      "NO!" I yell, and try to run for him, I drop the coins.
      The man and his captor have disappeared in a moment of distraction. Now there's a woman standing there, the light makes her look blue and purple. As she draws closer, she looks familiar. It's my face, sort of. I throw myself at her, one hand clutched to my chest, the other outstretched. I hit the ground. She falls too, her hand stretched out just like mine, other to her chest. I'm confused. I notice how she's dressed, an ankle length pale lavender dress with a white apron cinched at neck and waist. Her hair is dark, one long thick braid. Her features are delicate, eyes green. She almost looks animated, idealized.
      Saja? I think, frowning. Why is she a villain here? Is it a trick? Ever before, if Saja appears I am her, we have never been divided like this. Her confusion mirrors mine. I make a grab at her face, she grabs at mine. 'Saja', however, changes form. She becomes a dragon...thing. She's all round and soft, and a shimmering purple. I try to climb onto her back, she glances down at me, about to take flight. I assume she'll take me to the others. She crouches, ready to leap, I can see the square of dreary sky overhead.
      Tags: dragon, purple, saja
    2. Recurring House 1/15-1/19

      by , 01-25-2013 at 06:48 PM
      I become aware. I'm laying on my back, on a mattress on the floor. The first thing I see when I open my eyes is a skylight. Something about the glow of the day outside is incredibly soothing. I sit up and say to my dad who is standing nearby "I've never thought about how comforting it is to wake up with a window overhead."
      He keeps looking in my direction when he thinks I'm not looking in his. I realize that this is not a regular house, but a ward. I've been brought here because I'm crazy.
      I frown a little, then the skylight catches my eye and I decide I don't care. The worry that I'm no longer sane slips away. I am comforted.

      There's a door to my left, I know it leads to the garage, it slams open and a woman bursts in. Her face is bloody. Her eyes search the room, she doesn't find what she's looking for so she leaves calling to someone outside.
      "I remember this." I think. "This is an episode of Supernatural." ((It's not actually)) I know what's going to happen. The Winchesters and their friend (the woman) go to live in a house out in the country. The place is infested with pests, raccoons, rabbits, rats. They kill them and only later realize that all the animals they killed were actually shapeshifters. They're remorseful about it, which even in the dream seems odd to me. My subconscious doesn't even try to come up with a plot hole filler like it usually does.
      I see them do all this, I think I may have tried to talk to them about it. The scenes I see are at night, but when I actually leave the house to find them it's mid-morning.
      I run out of the house and look back at it. It's narrow but wide, a flat-faced 3 story blue colonial with windows on each floor. The back of the house faces vividly green rolling hills, and just past the house I notice another line of buildings. It looks lovely, sitting there on a hill. All the windows are open, with each gust of wind white/yellow striped curtains billow outward.

      1/16/13 (dream fragment)
      I'm sitting at a round dinner table. Across from me is Liam. It's like a snapshot, the space between breaths, the break in a conversation. We had been talking, but we have since stopped. He's how I saw him in the first dream, wearing a loose white shirt. His hair looks a little more shaggy. He stares hard at the table, head tilted down and a little to the side. He clenches his hand then opens it. He seems frustrated.

      I'm in the house again. This time I become aware while standing in the bathroom. The house doesn't have any furniture, the bathroom is bare. Behind me is an elevated tub. The bathroom itself is in the corner of the house, joining two bedrooms. The walls are a pale warm yellow.
      "This is the house I was in before." I think, smiling. I walk into the master bedroom. The walls are blue, the trim white. The window to my left is open, and the day outside is bright and cheerful. I become entranced by the wood floors, they're a blonde wood but the grain almost looks like scratches. In a way I'm lucid for this, because I'm aware that the floor doesn't look quite right. The more I focus on it the more realistic it becomes.

      I've returned to the house. I become aware while standing in the living room. Just like in the other dreams I'm standing in a spot where I can see into a couple other rooms. To my left I can see the entry hall and a small room right next to it. In front of me is a short hallway and en exit door. I can also see the side of the stairs going up to the second floor. I know that across from the stairs to the left is the kitchen, but I haven't been in there yet.
      "I'm here again." I think. My return makes me happy, but I can't quite say why.
      It's no house I have ever actually been to. I turn around to look out the window behind me...

      I'm in a sort of hotel. All the shelves, trim, and tables are deep walnut and almost look black. I turn to put something in one of the mail cubbies and I hear a voice. There are two maids standing at the counter, intercepting a message. The man standing on the other side of the counter reminds me, achingly, of Liam. His face structure doesn't seem right, but his personality fits. He is sharply dressed, a black vest over a white shirt and black slacks. I try to get his attention, I can actually FEEL myself turning into a moron. (Well...not literally)
      The women keep getting in the way, they think he's attractive and don't want me to talk to him. I stand off to the side, frowning. I see myself as though I'm standing right behind myself, so the side of my face, and the way my hair is pinned up. The fact that it's curly and black and not really my own anymore. While he's talking to them I doubt that he looks like Liam at all. I give up trying to get his attention, which just seems to get his attention.
      "Sorry, I've got other messages to run. I'll come back by before I leave town." His eyes slide from the other two women to me as he's turning to leave and gives me a crooked smile. The familiarity of it strikes me hard, he's gone before I can react.
    3. The Peanut Sandwich Song

      by , 01-25-2013 at 06:47 PM
      (I don't know why I bothered making this a thread, I should've just done a Dream Journal entry =/ oh well)
      Okay so I dream that I'm leaving work. It's raining outside, and it's really dark. I come to a four way stop and then I realize I'm not in a car, and that if I want I can just run through traffic to get where I want to go. I look left and then right. There's a semi-truck turning very slowly and across from me a car arrives at the stop sign there. I'm afraid he'll just cut through traffic so I turn right and run down the street. I decide I can run where I want, so I leap up onto the sidewalk and ignore the light, since I'm not in a car I don't have to obey traffic laws. As I'm running I can feel the rain soaking through my clothes.
      I come to an alley, and on the ground I find the book I'm reading IRL. I pick it up, I have no idea how long it's been sitting in the rain, but it's soggy. I hope it's not entirely ruined. I climb up a fire escape a little ways down the alley. It's then I realize I'm not myself, I'm a teenage boy. I wonder briefly why I would be leaving work so late, or even if I'd be allowed to work at my age. My subconscious comes up with a plot hole filler: the world has become so expensive to live in that they lowered the age requirement for most places. A girl I work with lives in the house I'm climbing in to.
      I worry because I know her parents wouldn't be happy if they found a boy in her room. I go through the window, open her door and see a flight of stairs immediately outside. I can see the front door from here. I make a run for it. The girl comes around the corner and gasps in shock.
      "What are you doing here? You can't be here!"
      "I know, I'm sorry. It's just that--"
      Her mom shows up. She looks over my shoulder and I know she's looking at the open door to her daughter's room.
      "Were you hiding a boy in your room?"
      "No momma."
      I cut in, "I'm sorry, I just left work and it was raining and--"
      The woman narrows her eyes at me.
      "What's in your backpack?"
      I hand it to her. She starts rifling through it, I have no idea what she expects to find. She pulls out my lunch, it's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich still in the ziploc bag. She makes fun of it, poking at it and squeezing it until the peanut butter comes out. She brushes past me and goes up to her daughter's room. I try to follow her to explain what I was doing here, but by the time I get there she's playing the piano under the open window. She's singing in a high pitched voice:
      "Liiiiiiiittttttlllleee sandwiiiich! Littttttllllleeee PEAAAAAANNUUUUT SAAAAAAAANDUWIIIIIIICH!!!"
      Somehow I know she's making fun of me. I turn away to talk to my friend.
      "Don't mind her, she gets like that sometimes...quick! Leave while she's still distracted!"
    4. 24th January 2013

      by , 01-25-2013 at 06:45 PM
      Sleep – 10:45pm
      Wake ups – 2:45am
      Finial wake up – 6:30am
      WBTB – N/A

      - I was installing something called ‘e-wires’ into the ground.

      - I was round a friend’s house. I was looking at what books he had and they were really strange looking books.

      - I was teaming up with someone to steal car keys from a person’s house.

      - I was at the zoo with a couple of friends.

      - It was snowing lightly but the floor was already covered with snow. I walked up some steps and sat at a table up there. The floor starts moving and it turns out the table was ontop of a van that had started driving off.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Chased by a Shapeshifter (LD)

      by , 01-25-2013 at 06:40 PM
      I only ever see a part of the city I live in. It's huge, with wild swaths of forest around residential areas, and divided by a wide river. I follow Sam into his apartment, in the dream he's my co-worker but in the waking world I haven't seen him in years. We gather here after work sometimes, but this time I see many people I don't know. I round a corner and Sam is lifting pizzas from delivery boxes and laying them out on platters.
      "There's enough for everyone." He says. For some reason I feel unwelcome. A narrow room runs alongside the kitchen, like it's the top bar in the letter T. I step into the kitchen feeling uncertain. The kitchen is dimly lit, with white tile floors and two short lengths of cabinets, all white. On the left is a set of cabinets with the sink, on the right is the stove.
      There's a man in there, he reminds me vaguely of a guy I knew back when I knew Sam IRL. The resemblance does not please me at all. It's something in the shape of his nose and the way he speaks. He's dressed all in black too, just like Jason, but his hair is cut short.
      "What are you doing?" He asks me rudely.
      "Um...he said there's--"
      "He didn't mean YOU." He shoves a serving tool into a plastic container with a couple inches of water, under a slice of pizza. It looks odd, like it's not fully baked and there are no toppings. He smears what looks like chocolate over the top. The whole thing grosses me out.
      "I didn't realize..." I decide to leave, the food isn't appealing anyway. I brush past him out the door on the other side of the kitchen. Apparently he can't just let me leave, he has to follow me, all the while making comments.
      "People like you, it's unbelievable! How you just worm your way in anywhere, no matter what anyone else thinks."
      I walk a little more quickly but he keeps pace with me, and I don't want to actually run.
      "This is a gathering for his CLOSE friends and family. His sister, and ME who is her fiance. Do you see where you fit in there?" He asks, chuckling meanly. "Because I don't." He pauses. "Really, I want to know."
      I run the last few steps to the door, someone is on their way in so I pretend I'm trying to catch it before it swings shut. I do. I even almost make it out with my pride, but I turn to him and I do something. I can't even remember what it is, some sort of insult that sounded better in my head, a petty jibe, or a slap, maybe I shove the door at him. I don't know, but it makes me feel childish and unjustified.

      I leave, feeling like I'm going to cry. The city is built in tiers, outside this level of the apartment is a wide pale cement walkway with a curved metal rail. Behind me the walk slopes downward. I'm heading toward the bridge though. Sam and several of my co-workers have followed me out, there are maybe 5 of them, including his sister who looks nothing like him. Sam has dark hair and eyes and olive-toned skin. He's wearing a grey t-shirt that has a smiley face on the front. His sister, is more pale and has shining blonde hair pulled back into a pony-tail.
      It makes me happy that they cared enough to come after me. For a second I doubt that notion, I wonder: are they here to ask how or why I've upset Richard?
      "Hey, you heading out?" He asks, it's not like me to leave without saying goodbye.
      "Yeah, it's just..."
      "We heard, we're going to have a talk with Rich about how he interacts with people." Sam says, glancing over his shoulder, hands on his hips.
      "We just wanted to make sure you're okay." His sister says, smiling at me.
      "Yes, thank you. I just wasn't prepared for other people to be there." I'm tempted to tell him his brother-in-law reminds me of Jason, but I don't want him to think (in any way whatsoever) that I spend any of my time thinking about him so I keep it to myself.
      "We'll get together again later."
      They go back to the apartment, I continue on my way to the bridge, feeling better.
      The bridge descends, becoming a set of stairs. It lets out into a park of sorts, more like a plaza. There are many of these around the city. This level is a little closer to the water (though we are one above the bottom level), the plaza is filled with tables and benches where people have gathered to relax. There's a wall across from me with wavy metal bars from end to end. There are 8 sections of bars, none of the bars line up with the bars in the section to either side. There are places where they hug the wall closely, and others where they bow out. They're painted white, pink, and yellow. I see what the others are doing, storyline dictates that I've played the game before, I only have a moment where I don't remember how.
      The wall sits at the center of the plaza, there are curved ramps on either side, connecting the bottom tier with the tables, to the top tier with benches sheltered by trees. Many people lean on this wall, the bars are a couple feet below the lip, though at each end (the starting points) the wave of the bars is level with it. I take a moment to enjoy the view. From here you can see an entire level of switch-back city. It's beautiful.
      I climb over the top of the wall and drop down at the center of the bars. I can feel them under my hands. You have to dodge all the other people playing but you must move constantly, as much to keep up the rules as to avoid getting hit. There's a girl heading my way, I drop down a couple bars and sidle over a step. A man appears next to me, so I leap up a few bars as he's taking the spot I just occupied. I can actually feel my muscles, the bars under my shoes and in my hands, the air moving around me, and each breath of cool air I draw into my lungs. I make it to the left side without hitting anyone and start to make my way to the right.

      There's a lapse, I become aware again, I'm laying on my side sandwiched between two people. I don't remember how I got here, and I'm afraid. Especially once I hear them talking. The man pressed to my front, the top of his head level with my chest, sounds like Spike from Buffy, I can even make out his leather trench coat and the peroxide blonde hair...he doesn't have a face though. His head is a blob with hair, given a little structure by his skull. He's talking to his wife, the woman pressed to my back. My arms are pinned to my sides, and their legs are twined through mine. I can't move.
      "Darling, I think I'm turning." He says, sounding excited.
      I get an image of the woman as she begins to speak, like I'm seeing one of his memories. She's standing in a doorway, wearing a sexy nurse costume complete with nurse hat, she's wearing her blonde hair in pigtails. I realize somehow that she is Sam's sister. She's like an ugly Harley Quinn without makeup. She kinda looks undead. There's bruising around her mouth and eyes, the inside of her mouth past her teeth looks dark and oily. Her skin has an unhealthy purplish cast.
      "Good," she begins, in this image I see. They've had this conversation before. "You can turn, and then you'll turn me and I'll be healed!"
      "Yes dear, but first, I have to feed."
      "Well, we have your meal right here don't we?"
      I struggle against them and they laugh. "Good, she's awake."
      I have a frustrating moment where I know I'm dreaming but I don't think I can do anything about my situation, like there's no feasible way for me to break free so I can't implement my lucidity. He presses his featureless face to my throat, and somehow bites me, though he doesn't have a mouth. He seems to be having trouble. Before I can hurt him, he needs a face I think, and his face gains features. I somehow wrestle my arms free as he's shifting to get a better biting angle, and I box his ears as hard as I can. He screams in pain. The woman seems to be too undead to do anything to me.
      As I'm fleeing from the bed, Spike sicks one of his friends on me. It's a cat about the size of a fox, it snarls at me. It looks vicious. It stands between me and the sliding door on the north wall. I run across the room, striding across the mattress to do it, and head for a railing that overlooks the tunnel. Each floor has one of these, where you can lean over and look down the stairway tunnel. I dive headlong over the polished wood rail. They had crafted this for easy traversing, there are polished wood bars running from the top floor to the bottom. Not all one bar, but sections of them. I right myself as I grab one of these bars and start sliding. The game I played earlier helps me here, it makes my instincts sharp. Before one bar can end I leap to another, and another.
      "Well, GET HER!" I hear him yell.
      I smirk to myself. The cat creature is catching up with me, it even tries to grab me by leaping from one side of the stair tunnel to the other, but I'm too fast. Instead of taking the bars on the last ten foot drop, I let go. I land in a crouch then make for the door. I run outside and slam the door in the cat's face, laughing just to rankle her. Since she's a cat, it's not like she can open it, she'll have to wait on the vampire to get it for her. I flee. I'm not really concerned, I know she's as vicious as they come, but I'm faster...and if she catches me, well, I'll just have to find a way to deal with it.

      I'm on the top tier of the city. It's high enough that there are clouds drifting by. I hear the door open behind me. Oops, better get going. I look over the wall. There are trees that have grown so tall, their crowns press against the bottom of each layer, the branches grow toward the sun, hugging the wall. Well, I guess that's my way down. This next part is kind of a blur. I remember dropping over the side, and using the vines (I can feel the texture of them and the smooth coolness under my palms) and tree branches to descend. At one point I slip and fall, I'm caught in the arms of a massive cherry blossom tree. The limbs are about as wide as I am, with the tiny beginnings for flowers for the season. It creaks in the wind, but my weight is not enough to bother it. I can even smell the flowers. I consider trying to jump to the other massive branch to my right, and then realize just how high up I am. The wind is sweet, I hug the branch and relax a moment. The clouds clear and the river far below is hazy. Nope. I am NOT jumping.
      You'll be fine. My subconscious whispers. Logic tells me I will not, so I climb back to the base of the tree.

      There's another lapse. I'm almost to the bottom tier. The river is on a hill, the only way to get to the heart of the city is to swim or take a boat. I can hear the cat behind me, I know now that she's a shapeshifter. I slip into the water hoping that will deter her. She follows me without hesitation. I climb out on the slightly lower level and the people there gasp in horror at the creature. They have never seen one before.
      "Stay in line beside me, she will not harm you. I'm her target."
      The people line up by a wall. People ahead see what is happening where I am and they line up on either side. The streets, I notice, are cobbled.
      Whispers meet me as I run, "She's here." they say, "She's leading the Beast.", "Make the way ready." I can see a stone archway, the people have made a human barrier, and before that there is an...obstruction. I'm not sure how to describe it. It's actually an offering, I know I'm supposed to walk on the top of it. The people take my hands and help me hop on top of it, since the thing is about chest high. The base is made of loose pink stone bricks, the top has pastries on plates. A woman, I know she's a tour guide for the city, hands me a piece of pastry as I walk. I pop it into my mouth.
      Something strikes me, a think I know the people will see as very symbolic. As I reach the end of the walkway, I grab a raspberry and cream cheese pastry. I tear it in half, I wait until the Shapeshifter is at the end of the walkway, she sniffs at it but does not get onto it. She eyes me uncertainly. I hold out half of the pastry. When she takes it and eats it, I eat my half. She almost looks more dog-like, with a brown/black brindled coat, and narrow muzzle.
      Together we pass under the arch into a tiny courtyard. There's a house wedged between all the other houses with a robin's egg blue door. I go inside, she follows.
      Once she passes the threshold, she becomes human. I don't know if she's forced to, or if she has a choice. but I have not seen her yet.
      "Of course you would lead me here."
      "Of course." I agree.
      "Why not? I need to know the story, from your lips. You've murdered people for your master, here we will determine your fate." I reply.
      She looks a little smug as I turn to face her. She has some sort of white garment with big pockets all over it. Kittens leap down from several of them, I know they are her children. She removes the carrier. Kind of like a tabard. She's willowy, has a tiny frame, with long bronze-brown hair.
      "So arrogant, all of you."
      "Maybe, but I don't murder people."
      "What exactly do you think they'll do to me once they've heard my story?"
      "Prison, probably. We'll decide that once we know your...caliber."
      "Fine. My husband and I have the ability to shift for a day each year. This year we spent as animals. He shifted first and said to me, 'let's have children', so I said 'why not' and followed suit. My master put us into service, keeping my husband and children hostage if we did not do his bidding. But I won't lie, mostly because I can't at the heart of the city, I enjoyed every moment of it. I'd kill you all if I thought I could get away with it."
      Two people appear and lead her (and her children) through a bright red door at the back of the property...

      AAAAAAND my phone rings, waking me up.
    6. Worst dream ever.

      by , 01-25-2013 at 06:04 PM
      I was in a place I know I had been before, but I couldn't make it out. Everyone was recognizable and definitely played a part in my life (i.e) family, friends. Something went wrong, every person I knew was at a sort of pavilion and then it happened.

      My mother had grabbed me, and started pushing me back, I could feel everyone there watching us as it happened. My mother began fuming, telling me she has always hated me, that I wasn't even her child.
      I took things pretty rough, and started to get close to other people in the dream. No matter who I got close to the end result was the same, I was disowned.

      I've never had a dream like this, and I can usually control my dreams, or at least wake up from the ones I have a negative feeling about. I don't feel like I'm losing people in the real world, and I know that my mother would never say such things. I'm not afraid of moving on, or even change. I embrace everything that comes at me.

      What could it have meant..?
    7. Last night I almost did it.

      by , 01-25-2013 at 05:59 PM
      I stayed up late with my boyfriend, watching documentaries about conspiracy theories, and couldn't fall asleep. It got to be about 4am, and since I knew I had to wake up at 6:30a, I decided that I wouldn't try to LD and just used the relaxation techniques to try and sleep.

      All of a sudden I saw sparkly lights fluttering in front of my eyes and felt like I was going through a blurry tunnel. I realized what was happening and said, "OMG it's happening!" In my head. Then I became fully awake

      I'm positive that if I had calmed down, it would have happened!!!
    8. who

      by , 01-25-2013 at 04:53 PM
      it was a strange dream. i think i was in like this comfy lil area with lots of people and it was kinda like smash mouth themed and there was abed. i got in there and olivia followed in behind me in got inside as well.

      earlier in the dream i was in like this knid auditorium place with lots of drama kids and there were all setting up for somtihing any i saw asame naked director running in
    9. Nothing is Solid. ★★★☆☆

      by , 01-25-2013 at 04:45 PM (Zödra)
      I forgot a dream I had yesterday:


      I was on a place that reminded me of the island in Jurassic Park (the second island they go to) on the landing strip. Except everyone was wearing space gear and bouncing around like we were on the moon. Really fun! One dude fell over though and his oxygen tank exploded and killed him. kind of sad.

      The mall again!

      I was at the same mall I have been lucid in before and had lots of normal LDs there. became lucid. A little weird because I had a bunch of control I normally struggle with, I just wasn't worried about it. I didn't remember my goal and I just flew around and walked around for like 10 minutes. The flying was awesome because I normally don't, and I saw a frozen lake and started flying in and out of it without breaking the top. It was so fun!

      midwife Brandon

      I had a dream that my sisters were both midwives and we were all invited to a birth . I really wanted to help , and when we got there, there was a huge party just waiting around. Some dude invited me to help in the kitchen. I decided that that would be fine. He was really nice and started talking about LDing. He then proceeded to show me his lucid dreams. They were amazing and awe inspiring. It was like I lived through ten LDs. Impossible to explain them really. I left the kitchen realizing that I was dreaming. not knowing that everyone was fake though, just knew it was a dream. I was helping with the plates and someone asked for a clean plate. I flipped the plate over and flipped it upright. It was clean then. She asked if I could get her some food. I tried flipping it again, but all I managed to do was make it dirty like it was before.

      If I make it to that mall again I am going to buy a nerve gear. .

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 11:42 AM by 58222

    10. the time machine

      by , 01-25-2013 at 04:20 PM (The Dreamer)
      I was in a car with a few other people I didn't know where I was going but we stopped at some ally and everyone got out and walked into this building I stayed out side for a min and their was a dog so I told it to sit and shake and it did then I heard these guys saying that's stupid I said faggot and they started coming after me so I hit them with a black umbrella but it wasn't working so I ran inside they where still after me but I saw a elevator so I ran into it a pressed a button that said speed the elevator was makeing a weird noise and I saw vivid lights of colors moving and then it stopped then the doors oppend and I saw a store that was like food city I walked out and a guys that looked like a boy from my 4th block class and he started to fight me before I knew it we were destroying the store and I was doing all these ninja moves then I ran back into the time machine and so did he but he said sorry and we ended up back in the ally and those people where their that got off the bus with me they said stop using the machine so much its old we will have to use time packs if you breakit then the government bursted in and said you are elegaly time traveling but I couldint get to the time machine I passed out from gas then I woke up the the peoples mouths where sitting there and the kids where walking around then I woke up.
    11. Kids Going Crazy at a Thrift Store

      by , 01-25-2013 at 03:15 PM
      I’m at a thrift store. I’m wandering around looking at dresses. There are a lot of sleeveless dresses with cool patterns on them, and I’m thinking about trying on some of them … but then, suddenly, there are all these kids running around in the store and I guess it turns out I’m supposed to be playing some kind of game with them. So, for some reason I have to hide under a clothes rack. And I’m just lying there on the floor, and then kids keep like, leaping over me and I’m afraid I’m going to get trampled.

      Yeah, that’s all I can remember.
    12. Old Friends and Lucy Lu

      by , 01-25-2013 at 02:21 PM
      I was in a large courtyard at a party with friends from all stages of my life. Everyone was having such a great time and at one point I couldn't stop myself from laughing. 'What a great time in having' I thought, 'I should spend more time with these people'

      As the dream progressed it turns out one of my friends took a picture of me surrounded by lines of cocaine, only for my father to see if later on and confront me. 'You promised me you woudn't do this again!'. 'I know', I replied, 'but I can't promise you this again, only that I promise to try and stop'.

      To escape the situation I went to work selling magazines on the beach, each worth 10p and the bus home cost 80p. The result meant I had to sell 8 magazines on an empty beach to get home. Sure enough I didn't sell enough but a gorgeous girl said she'd take me home on her surf board.

      We floated through an endless series of caves in which I slept on multiple occasions. When I woke, we had arrived in a large cavern inhabited by Lucy Lu and her gang of Samuri thugs. I wound up the dream by killing a girl by throwing a sharpened drum stick into her forehead. Unfortunately her brother, also part of the gang, proved to strong to overpower and I woke up.

      Dream signs: old friends, Fighting, the sea.
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. Non-Lucids

      by , 01-25-2013 at 01:57 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I recall that I awoke from an earlier dream. Probably about 5 hours of sleep. I tried to commit some detail to memory but I can't remember now.

      Mother, Sister, Basketball
      I'm in a house with my mother and sister. It's like the SAV house but not totally. I walk into my sisters bathroom and see points out the new sink. It's strange. The knob for the water is very high at eye level but the faucet and basin are at my knees. My sister is happy with it.

      Then there's a delivery man at the door and my mother lets him in. I meet them in the living room. The delivery man is really tall, burly, and has a scraggly beard. I think to myself something like "wow, he's a big guy." There are a few boxes opened and scattered on the floor. There's also a huge basketball the size of a beach ball. I pick it up and dribble it. It's a little flat but it bounces. My mother turns over some of the other boxes. There's another basketball, this one normal size. I take that one in my other hand and dribble both. As I dribble them, they quickly become flat.

      There's a song playing that has the name Jack in the lyrics. My mother and the deliver many sing along. Then delivery man exits through the front door. On this way out, he says to my mother "goodbye Jack". She corrects him, "no, I'm Josh". After he's gone, my sister says to my mother "if thought I was Josh." I reflect that they are both pretend to be men as some kind of cover to hide their identity.
    14. Beach

      by , 01-25-2013 at 01:10 PM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was at a beach, in the water. The sky turned gray and the waves got violent. I tried to leave but the waves kept pulling me in. I finally managed to escape and went back to a hotel room/rental apartment I was staying at with my family. I took a look around, walking outside too. There were two buildings, separated by a metal staircase that let you see into the windows of the houses. I saw a blonde lady in the top floor window. I walked back down and into our room. My phone rang, but I didn't remember giving my number to this person, so I didn't answer.*
    15. 25 Jan: Ninja challenge with my Sensei

      by , 01-25-2013 at 12:56 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I'm with 2 girl friends at some otherworldly scenario, of giant white sand dunes and an eerie grey sky. There is no one and no sound and we feel like floating on clouds. It's hard to describe the feeling.
      We climb to a dune trying to get a view of what's around but there's even higher dunes surrounding us. They give up and decide to stay in a valley but I feel energized enough to climb to the highest dune around. They look tired and do not follow me. After I reach the top, I still only see more dunes across the horizon, but in the distance, the sky has some weird clouds coming in our direction. When they are closer, lightning starts and 5 or 6 tornados form and I'm like "not again!!!" I scream to my friends to take cover because we're gonna be hit, but when I look at it again, I realize the tornados are the least of our problems. A giant tsunami just appeared out of nowhere and is covering even the highest dunes. It's so fast I only have time to say "f*ck!". I am engulfed by the gigantic mass of water and I say goodbye to life. After a few tumbles on the giant waves, I realize I'm not dead.
      I don't get fully lucid, but I'm a bit aware of the nature of the experience.
      I lay down on the sand, my friends are gone and then I'm surrounded by 10 persons who start throwing ninja knives at me. I only have something like a piece of wood I found on the floor, to defend myself and I throw back the knives at them. I still get some bad cuts, but I keep on fighting until they eventually stop attacking me and retreat. I'm tired, injured and with my clother torn apart. Then my sensei appears and says "Well done, but can you do that in sexy?". I think to myself "What???" Then he hands me a box with what appears to be blue fabric. I pick it up and it's some kind of long tunic. He disappears again, I dress it up and start walking around. I find a rudimentar house and he is sitting on a chair outside. I pull up a chair, sit down, cross my legs and say "Yes, I can do it sexy. And I'm not wearing any underwear." His concentration flicks for a moment and I throw a ninja knife at him. He escapes it, but barely and looks at me like saying "You got it!".