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    1. A Sorta Hat-Trick

      by , 12-16-2012 at 03:21 AM
      I found my self waking up and getting ready for school, I left in a rush and went to go car pool with my friend. I noticed after getting into the car I did not even bother getting out of my sleeping clothes and even walked outside with my blanket still around me. So I went back to my apartment to find something terrifying on my door, I saw an evict notice and then looked around and saw they had thrown only half of my stuff out of the apartment. I went inside and I saw they had removed all of the sanitary fixtures as well (Toilets, sinks, bathtubs). I started to get really scared and then I started thinking that I always pay my bills on time and this doesn't make any sense, and being evicted doesn't mean they will start throwing plumbing fixtures outside the apartment. At this point I realized I had to be dreaming and there was no way I was being evicted. I pushed my finger through my palm and realized it was a dream. Once I realized a dream I started to feel the world collapsing and I closed my eyes trying to stabilize the dream, I failed and the dream crashed. When I woke up I was in a totally new environment and had forgotten I achieved lucidity and I ended up with people I didn't know, I forgot why I did an RC here but I did and regained lucidity. I was in another families house and they were all staring at me smiling except the only one I payed any attention to was the little boy. I screamed "CLARITY NOW" and his face became more sharp, then I screamed "BRIGHTER COLORS" and his face had this greenish and purplish colored undertone. I waved my hand across his face trying to change the color on his face at will. When my hand passed his face hatched colored lines appeared around his face. Every time I waved my hand the colors of these lines would change but not his face, I was trying to change the colors to orange but it did not work, the colors changed to everything but orange. After I finished playing with this kids face I decided to fly out of their window. I ran towards the window and the blasted right out of it and straight to the clouds moving at incredible speeds, I could feel the power of my flying and the view of clouds everywhere was amazing, even while flying I yelled "CLARITY NOW" to make the clouds look sharper. I then changed direction and went straight down into the ocean, I was moving to fast to notice anything though even in the ocean. Then it ended and I woke up in my bed again thinking I just woke up from my lucid dream. Then my parents rang the doorbell and I let them inside, they came in and started complaining about how messy my apartment is and how there was shit on the counter-top. I never even noticed there was shit on the counter top, and I knew I could be a bit messy but shit on a counter top messy? I don't think so. I tried to do a reality check to see if I was dreaming and it actually didn't work this time. I don't know why it did not work but because it failed and I convinced my self I was not dreaming and this was reality, then the dream ended and here I am now on my laptop typing this journal. I basically had 3 lucid dreams, and every time a new dream started I lost lucidity and had to regain it (these dreams happened right after each other with little down time). I only wish I had experienced this before I feel like I could of done more with this lucid dream.
    2. cuts and gashes

      by , 12-15-2012 at 10:57 PM
      I was in my kitchen showing my mom two new tattoos I had got on my arms. I realize I have deep cuts, burns and glass deep in my flesh. Some of my skin was peeling back off the wounds, exposing my muscles and tendons, blood was squirting from cuts in my hands, and I could see shattered bones protruding from my elbow. I asked my mother if I should go to the hospital, and she said, "No, you'll be fine", and folded some of the skin over to cover my injuries and pulled some colorful shards of glass out of my skin. By this time, I could feel the sensation of burning and stinging up my arms. I end up going to the hospital, and walk into the check in room, and I see a lot of people sitting waiting. I approach the glass window that is shielding the nurse from the waiting room, and show her my hand that is still squirting blood and ask her if I can see a doctor. She gives me a blank stare and says, "You should go home and let it bleed out." At this point, I am kind of shocked that the woman refused to help me, so I lifted my sleeves to show her the rest of my cuts. I say " I need a doctor, I need stitches." and the room erupts with applause and cheer.

      Here I am woken up by my little sister, and I vaguely feel the stinging and burning I felt in the dream.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Half-awake

      by , 12-15-2012 at 10:15 PM
      One night, I fell asleep in the bed with my laptop on my lap. Then I kind of woke up, but it was very different than usual.
      I could feel my physical body, even see something (the dim light of my laptop), but I couldn't move.
      Then I realized something, except for my usual "physical awareness" there was something else, like a dream construct, filled with fog, but it was a dream. Then immediately I had the thought "Yay! Let's have a lucid dream!".
      Then the fog went away, I was in a forest area, with a large path. My dream body "spawned", and I kind of dropped on the ground from something like a meter and immediately started running (against my will). I could control the direction of my running, I could look around with my head, but I couldn't stop.
      Then I tried the classic example of dream control: I shouted "there's a bunch of ninjas!" believing strongly that ninjas would appear but nothing.
      After that, I completely lost control. I was running towards a huge tree (against my will), so I pointed my hand towards it (that WAS my will) and I wanted to make it burn, to make myself passage.
      That didn't work either, and I just woke up.
      The "dream construct" disappeared, and my physical body "gained priority" in my brain.
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Same Classroom, Different Teacher

      by , 12-15-2012 at 08:45 PM
      I had this dream more than once. It's the same classroom just different teachers. As a matter of fact, I don't think there was an active teacher here, only me and several other students. It was Pacific High School and I sort of thought I would forget about this school. Nothing much happened in the dream besides talking to fellow classmates. I was happy but it's all I could remember. The classmates were strangers I've never seen before, though there was only one male student I think I met somewhere before. I want to say someone I met on the streets while walking but, I know his face from a very old classroom I walked in to before...
    5. Old Friends Come Back

      by , 12-15-2012 at 08:31 PM
      I'm somewhere in the same city I grew up in when I was a kid. I was no where near my home but I was somewhere near a friend's house. Her name was Trinh. I've only seen her face in a few dreams before. I felt like I've been here before. This place looks a lot like a dream where I once became lucid by noticing the no need to catch my breath after a long run.

      At first, it made no sense to me what I was doing here. I wasn't here for long. I got teleported back to my old home in the same city. I don't remember much from being in the house once I teleported but, I do remember the time walking outside.

      I was hanging around outside waiting for Trinh, me and her are going to walk together back to her home. I was in this area for a while until someone finally decided to show up in front of our house. The people who arrived were a few of Trinh's friends, and her. They came in a car. I fell to the ground once I saw them. I'm not sure why. I laid with my face towards the ground, looking at them. I saw everyone come out of the car and walk straight towards the house in the neighbors house. I saw Trinh walk in as well. I assumed she didn't want to go walking with me anymore. I didn't know what to do. It felt as if I was of no importance to her.

      I got back up from the ground and walk over to my right, the garden. From there, I thought of another idea. Perhaps Quynh would like someone to walk with. After all, she is going to walk down this street in a couple of minutes. I noticed that my relationship in these types of dreams, Quynh was always my friend, never a stranger. I never did take a walk with her. I woke up instead.
    6. Floating

      by , 12-15-2012 at 08:22 PM

      I'm taking a nap before work and I'm dreaming that my alarm didn't go off. When I try to figure out what time it is, the numbers keep shifting around or include letters. There's a tv at the foot of my bed that isn't there IRL, at first I'm looking at a website and then it's a video on the television. I get out of bed and start walking into the living room, trying to use my phone to call work to let them know I'll be in as soon as I can.
      I start to become suspicious that I'm dreaming. I think "This is all pretty weird. If I look at my phone again and the clock isn't there then I'm dreaming." I look. The clock is missing. "Yes!" I think. I make it into the living room. For some reason there are two televisions in there. One is playing a movie about a dog. Suddenly I'm really small. I try to return to normal size but instead I just start floating. I can't seem to make my feet stay on the ground. The movie is annoying so I try to turn it off. Nothing works.
      "Off!" I say, pointing at the TV. Nothing. I try that again in a few different ways, even just believing the TV will turn off when I say doesn't work. I start to get pissed off that I can't do something so simple. The screen gets static bars across it. Then the sound of static is annoying. I focus on the sound and it ceases. The static increases. "Guess in here I have no subtlety. Leave it to me to just destroy something when I can't make it work the way I want..." both televisions gain more static, I clench my hand into a fist and they become pure static. I laugh a little and realize I'm wasting my time. I could be doing something fun right now! I see a small window over the sink in the kitchen out of the corner of my eye.
      I run at it, the sky is a perfect blue with puffy white clouds. I want to be flying. I open the window and I start climbing out----

      My alarm goes off. sigh

      Updated 12-16-2012 at 06:07 AM by 54746

      lucid , non-lucid
    7. Antigravity room

      by , 12-15-2012 at 08:19 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I actually had a bunch of non lucid dreams last night, but I can't remember a thing, other than well, this.

      So, I was at a Christmas party with my entire family. I can remember seeing the Christmas tree as well as a table with turkey and a bunch of other foods, set up like it was thanksgiving.
      My uncle (who doesn't really look like my uncle) started telling me about the newest thing that he had gotten in his house, a zero gravity room. He led me down this hallway into a room on his house that I have never seen before in real life.
      The room had only one window, and one door. And a really high ceiling. The only other thing in the room was a computer at a desk. My uncle sat down and started typing. I can remember seeing a bunch of graphs and numbers on the screen.
      He said that he turned on the anti-gravity, and sure enough, I started to float around. I found that I could sort of swim through the air, but then I began to push myself off of walls and such.
      Eventually, I was flying through the room, literally bouncing off the walls. I started practicing different maneuvers like flips and jumps. Toward the end I was getting pretty good and stared doing these advanced maneuvers.

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 03:37 PM by 53527

    8. Dreams of Dec 14th

      by , 12-15-2012 at 04:18 PM
      So we were in Fort Mac cause my cousins just got back from Vegas or something like that. We were all talking in the streets. My eldest brother climbed an overhead bridge, he was wearing a monkey costume. He was talking with some people, and adjusting the tail, he then dropped, but was supported by the tail (which was REALLY long) He stayed hanging for a moment. Seems to me, someone did something that deserved clapping, but no one did. To my right was my other brother, and to my left was my aunt. My eldest brother started to swing heavily, he got to the top, and just bounced off a few times, but eventually grabbed the ledge where he was before. I started to clap, and so did everyone else. My Aunt was yelling something out at him (it was something that he did that she thought 'oh yeah, he always useds to do that') I was walking away and she asked me to get a phone, she wanted to call him "Yeah, then I can call him, the way he patted his arm too!" I was leaving, then I turned to ask my other bro if he had his phone, I thought it would be dangerous to phon ehim. He was up high. but they did. Then my aunt said that the window above where we were, some guy was just throwing stuff out the window , I said "Cool! I want to do that someday. Alright well Im going in here now, because I never have" I was talking about a restuaraunt that was open, no walls, it looked like a vegas type place. I sat down, and kind of slid forward and bumped into the waitress "Sorry" then I heard a BEEP BEEP BEEP, and I was at home, the alarm was going off.
    9. Physical Sensations Lucid #105

      by , 12-15-2012 at 03:39 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Non lucid about my sister and DECA.

      Feel like I was lucid but can't remember.

      4:00 WBTB

      4:20 back to bed coffee 200mg b6


      5:30 wake up feed baby. Vague memory about being lucid or dreaming about it. Something about trying again.

      6:00 back to sleep one more coffee sip

      vivid non lucid about some cops.

      Wife's alarm 7am

      I move around some but really focus on DEILD. I think I can hear the alarm again but I know she just hit snooze. Ignore it knowing I am about to be lucid. Now, I feel vibrations. I notice the sound from the box fan goes away completely. I can't move yet and I feel like I am not quite there. I wait a few more seconds. I imagine my feet moving over the side of the bed but its not working. I relax and notice the vibrations. Now my legs feel like they are floating and I move them over the side of the bed. As soon as I feel it I rush like the wind out of the bed and through the door. I didn't even bother to open it nor did I realize that I was phasing through.

      Now I am standing in my dining room. I see light coming through the windows and the area I am standing in is lit but the rest of the house is dark. I run to the front door but everything goes black and I can feel nothing. I pause not wanting to wake up, I step back while rubbing my hands together until I am back in the light and can see.

      Instead of fighting the dream I decide to try something else. I raise my hands in supplication and tilt my head back like I am praying to God. I say to the dream in a loud and clear voice, "Show me something important... PLEASE!" I pace around while asking this and end up walking into the kitchen. For some reason I always feel like I am really talking in my sleep and I worry that I will wake my wife up. This thought of the physical world makes the dream to begin to fade. I get the same visual as when I went to the front door. Dark nothing. So I back up rubbing my hands.

      Now there is no light in the window. I can still see my hands but nothing else. Then, I can't even see my hands. I can hear the sound of the box fan again. I hold still for DEILD.

      I feel vibrations and the fan fades out once more. I think instead of transitioning out of my "body" maybe I can visualize a new scene and skip all this escaping the house. My mind draws a blank and I just end up visualizing myself walking. I can feel my feet like they are moving in my bed. I feel the blankets rising and falling and the feeling of it on my toes. I laugh to myself knowing its not real. I rub my hands and together and it feels like I am really doing it. I lick the back of one hand. My mouth opening my tongue reaching out and touching my hand. The warm moisture of it. All of it feels as real as real life. Now for some reason, perhaps I am thirsty, I feel like I have a cup in my right hand. I am still blind and feel like I am laying in bed but I know the cup. It is the green plastic MSSU cup we got at the art walk. I put it too my lips and drink. The taste is amazing. Cold wet and sweet. It tastes a little like Dr Pepper but flat. It is the best taste ever. It feels like pure ecstasy in my mouth. The feeling beyond real and indescribable. At some point I feel like the dining room table is pulled up over most of my body and it feels like a part of the table cloth is tucked under my chin. I think that is fine I don't want to feel like I spilled it on myself. I continue to take little sips and after each one I smack and let out a "mmmmmm" sound. I just enjoy the sensation so much that I get lost in it for a while.

      Then I hear my wife. She makes a sighing sound like she had just woke up. "What are you doing? You're drinking something out of the back of your hand?" For a second I think this is real. I think I am lying in bed making out with my hand. Then I realize that I am probably still dreaming. In fact I know it. I laugh to myself again. I try to get back to drinking this wonderful stuff but now it really feels like the back of my hand. I allow myself to do a check. Somehow I can now feel my real hands down by my side and my dream hands at my face at the same time. This is shocking and I begin to wake up. I can hear the fan come back into my reality and I open my eyes.
      The snooze alarm goes off again. 9-10 minute dream?

      Updated 12-15-2012 at 04:39 PM by 5967

    10. Interconnection

      by , 12-15-2012 at 03:02 PM
      Last night I had what I would consider a successful dream. The dream started off in a city I used to live in a few years ago, I was in a blue hatchback style car as we drove through the park. the car was moving towards the west of the park, and I remember actually choosing how I was going to wave to the group of people sitting at the benches. (which is very exciting) I must have been thirsty because subconsciously I kept making drinks appear. First the destination of the car was over to grandstands that I somehow knew had a blue jug of kool aide there, but before I made it much farther I decided to walk. I started walking towards a wooded area, not far from the bench the people I waved to were at. I stopped at a water fountain and took a drink, and it had the most awful chemical/metal taste to it. I spit it out, and continued walking up into the wooded path. I soon met a dog on the path, it had barked a couple times which made me skeptical of petting it, but I did anyhow. I remember backing away from the dog a few times, not really sure what its intentions might be, but everything was fine and I carried on. As I moved on, I started meeting up with people I know in life, and we started to travel in a group. I think I may have been in the realm of my dreams where every dream I have ever had was interconnected like some sort of dream world, it was amazing... I visited many places I had dreams of, and they weren't far apart at all. I guess I never knew they were so close, because I never had the notion to explore my own dreams? I'm new to the concept of actually taking control of your dream, I mean I have always had dreams with a degree of control and choice, but this is a new level for me. I woke up so excited and ready to tell everyone what had just happened!
    11. Sat Dec 15 (2:40-7:12)

      by , 12-15-2012 at 02:58 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      • something about getting up on time
      dream fragment
    12. Tory

      by , 12-15-2012 at 02:34 PM
      This is for the morning of December 14.

      I was sitting with my legs spread in front of me and an old friend of mine, Tory was sitting in between my legs. She was arching her back and running her fingers through her hair in a suggestive manner. She let me know that she wasn't with her boyfriend any longer, and they were probably going to get back together, but at that particular moment they were not together.
    13. Car and Brother; Tittle Litties

      by , 12-15-2012 at 01:37 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Car and Brother

      I had picked up a new used car. I drove it home to where I used to live with my mom. It seemed like a long drive.

      When I got there, my brother gave me a phone. It had some kind of absorbent material and it was wet. He'd been crying, his tears got all over the phone, and then he gave it to me. It was kind of gross.

      I shook out the phone to let his tears drip off. Then I noticed he was going somewhere with my kids. I didn't want them leaving with him, but they wanted to go somewhere. I told him I would drive them, but I didn't have enough gas. He said that was OK and that they were going to walk.

      I didn't like it, but I let them walk.

      The End

      I had a dream that was like an interim dream between these two dreams where I was walking through a school trying to get to the outside. I kept walking through class rooms and trying not to disturb anybody. I walked through a band class which I saw pretty clearly, and then other classes. As I made it out of the school, I tried to see a reflection of myself with a hat and sun glasses, and something else that I had on, but I couldn't find a mirror to stop at, and I kept seeing teachers looking at me. At least I was outside now.

      Tittle Litties

      I was at a friends house (M-Bub). His girl bent down and showed me her tittle litties. They were beautiful. I asked her to show me again and she said "No" but then she did show me. It wasn't the same that time, but then she started showing them to me more and I got that same good angle again.

      She kept moving them. I wanted her to just lean over and let me look at them without moving around. Then she did stay still. Fantastic! Finally, I turned around and there was her boyfriend. He asked if I got a look at them. I was scared, but he wasn't mad. He smiled, and I told him, "No, I didn't want to." My intonation me said, "No, I didn't mean to."

      I then walked away and went to a blanket on a grassy hill. There was a bunch of stuff all over it. It might have been picnic stuff. I couldn't even sit on the blanket.

      Someone asked me to bring a couple of their things over to the blanket, and I brought something to the blanket also, but I don't know what it was. The other person wanted to get away from a shark. (I guess it was a land shark )

      Then I woke up.
    14. 15 dec - My very first LD!

      by , 12-15-2012 at 09:44 AM
      Okay, I think I know the reason as to why I don't recall very much of this, I had one very scary dream before, and one really damn odd right after it, which I think takes over in my memory.

      Nonetheless, it finally happened! Thank you DV!


      Me, and two classmates were driving around, I don't know the destination, but it was a typical snowy landscape around me.

      I saw a yellow sign in a field to my left which said something stupid, I can't recall what, but it was something that would never be put on an advertisment sign.

      Around this time I felt myself slipping out of the dream, started to feel my bed covers, etc, and realized, 'wow, that does sound really stupid, why'd anyone put that on a sign?', and then slipped back into the dream. But, the lesson had stayed, I knew it was a dream!*

      I looked at my hand, and it was, not blurry, but ghostly almost, and it had maybe seven fingers. Oh yes, I'm dreaming, I thought!

      A big field of snow came up to my left, and I felt like I had to try to do something in an open space. Unfortunately, I can't really recall what I did .. It had something to do with swords.*

      Nonetheless, when I was out on the field, I felt myself slipping out of it again, but I know I had read that spinning gets you back in, so I tried it, and it worked!*

      And around now .. I'm not entirely sure what happened. I think I slipped into another dream, or maybe woke up. Oh well!*
      lucid , memorable
    15. Executioner pigs O.o

      by , 12-15-2012 at 09:24 AM
      I was a sausage, literally a sausage. Around me were other sausages and we were all working in some kind of prison. Looking through the bars of the cells I could see pigs, the idea was that we slaughter the pigs to make more of us sausages. Unfortunately someone hit the button that released the doors, we all ran for our lives to avoid being eaten. I ran down the hallway and into what seemed like an air vent. I looked behind me to see a pig charging after me, he could fit into the air vent as well. I ran further, turned a corner and arrived at a dead end. I turned around slowly to see the pig now wearing an executioners uniform and wielding an executioners axe. I took out the same set and put mine on, ready for a battle to the death. We faced each other and started to make our moves and the dream faded to black before I woke up.

      When I woke up my heart was racing and I was breathing fairly heavily, it was like I'd actually being running. The dream was very vivid and clear. I'm getting closer and closer to that lucid!