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    1. The dumpster trash truck killing

      by , 10-01-2012 at 05:16 AM
      I was standing on a 2nd level balcony of an industrial type building, looking out into a somewhat large empty parking lot. There were several other people on the balcony with me, male and female. Off to the left was a tall brick wall of either the same building or another building, I'm not sure. I became aware of several people having an verbal altercation across the parking lot, straight out from where I was standing. There was a dumpster there, with some boxes and trash bags on the ground because the dumpster was overflowing. The people there were mostly younger, probably in their 20's and 30's, mostly male.

      All of us on the balcony were just watching, not really talking or saying anything. The fracas over there was becoming louder and then became violent. Some people had big sticks like thick broom handles and were hitting other people. One of the guys with a stick hit a couple of the trash bags and ripped them open - when he hit them, two of the bags had young children inside of them. One of the children was very young, a toddler that appeared dead. The other bag had an older child about 7-8 years old, female, and I realized she was alive. The man with the stick started to hit the older child. Though the dumpster appeared to be across the parking lot, when the man started hitting the child it was as though the balcony was above the scene somehow. The fellow beside me was quite large, and he leaped over the balcony railing and landed on top of some of the boxes, rolled over on top of the child to protect her from the stick. The man with the stick started hitting this guy and as this happened, a trash truck ran into the dumpster ramming the dumpster and people and trash in front of the dumpster into the brick wall. It now appeared across the lot again as it had before. The entire mass of people, trash, dumpster were all mashed into the wall spilling the children out of their bags, and the man that had leaped from the balcony as well as the guy with the stick were all dead now. All of the other people in the parking lot became more violent to each other, the people on the balcony all went inside of the building. I stood there, shocked at what happened and how fast it had happened.
      nightmare , memorable , lucid
    2. Nice WILD

      by , 10-01-2012 at 02:29 AM
      I had a WILD last night.

      I woke up to use the potty around 0530 then went back to bed. Picked up my dream where I left off. I was walking up a city street when I noticed there wasn't much detail to my surroundings. So I stopped the dream....turned 360 degrees to verify that the buildings were really bland. Then I thought, "I've gotta do something about that." Then I changed my clothes and kept walking.

      I was aware that I was dreaming and could change things to my liking. Yet I couldn't figure out how to change buildings.
      Also, the quality of my dream was different. It felt different. The characters and emotions seemed very real.
      Tags: lucid dream, wild
    3. dream life

      by , 10-01-2012 at 01:46 AM
      non lucid
      My and girlfriend had on the same blue striped shirt.

      So happy to see my old friend egg and with a long hug.

      The guru told that me in Tibet monk and nuns eat very little compared to Americans. I feel strong gratitude to be in such good conditions.

      My girlfriend dropped me off to run by harry hines. When she left I said, why are you leaving are you fucking someone else?

      I became lucid in my living room. I started my task of finding a wish fulfilling gem and then wishing to transferee my self to tokyo. I find this yellow long crystal in my living room coffee table. I thought this is it. I held the glowing crystal which made my body tingle as I wished when I open my front door I will be in tokyo. After I walked towards the door, open it, and everything appeared the same. I then tried to draw a door with the wish fulfilling gem, walked through it and nothing again I woke up after this.

      Next task it to fly to tokyo. I'll keep you posted.

      Updated 05-27-2013 at 08:23 PM by 54557

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Where is the White Dragon?

      by , 10-01-2012 at 01:40 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      I don't usually have many risqué dreams, but this one was pretty interesting. ((This contains some slightly mature content, so don't read if you're not comfortable with this, please.))

      Night of 9/30/12

      ["Where is the White Dragon!?"]
      I am looking out the window late at night, when I see what appears to be two large dragons fighting high up in the starry sky. As I watch, their fight grows closer and closer to the ground until they are right outside my house. I can now see that one is white with scales and the other is a black-feathered dragon. Both are about as big as the house itself.

      The white dragon soon kills her opponent and begins to feast upon him, when she suddenly sees me watching from the window. I don't believe she'll bother attacking me since she has just made a kill, but I am wrong. The dragon sticks her head through the open window and makes a snap at me.

      I run to the other end of the house--- she follows. Eventually I am forced to jump out a window and make an escape. The dragon soon follows me, however, eyes glowing bright yellow in the dark.

      When I reach the graveyard, I realize that I will never outrun such a massive creature. I stop and wait for her to approach, thinking desperately for a plan. "Don't kill me," I say, "I can be of use to you."

      The dragon suddenly transforms into a girl who looks perhaps a bit older than I. "And what exactly do you have to offer me?" she purrs, looking at me in amusement.

      I sigh, realizing what she wants. "Myself," I tell her resignedly.

      She grins. "Hmm. That sounds like it might just be a good deal. Okay then." She giggles and pulls me forward, lying back on the ground and positioning me on top of her. "Touch me," she orders.

      I lift up her shirt and slowly trail my fingers along her smooth stomach while she watches me with an interested expression. After a few moments, she complains that I'm tickling her. Smiling slightly to myself, I deliberately stroke her stomach a few more times before moving my hands a bit higher and kneading her breasts. She closes her eyes and moans.

      Before I can take things even further, bright lights suddenly shine all around us. Oh crap.

      Apparently the sounds of the dragon fight alarmed the neighborhood, and authorities were sent to deal with the matter. Some of the men present are leaders of an important club I had joined a few hours earlier, and I am somewhat embarrassed to be caught in this situation. I look down at the dragon-girl, chagrined. She seems more alarmed than embarrassed.

      I get off of her, and while I am distracted with the leering looks of the moronic men standing beside me, some people (dragon hunters, I believe) grab my dragon-girl and run off with her. As soon as I realize this, I become filled with worry and take off after them. I have to save her!

      Some friends of mine are now helping me track the dragon hunters down. They are slowly climbing the side of a building. "Why are you wasting time climbing when this is a dream?" I shout impatiently. "Fly, you idiots!" I leap on top of the building and jump from rooftop to rooftop until I reach some old ruins where I find the hunters.

      They are armed to the teeth, while I must rely on my own hands. Soon, however, I manage to kick one of the hunters off the top of the ruins and steal his knife. I then hold one of the others at knife point and yell, "Where is the White Dragon!?" He refuses to answer, so I slit his throat.

      Suddenly, I hear dragon like noises to my left, at a large seemingly vacant area where there are chains. I "remember" that the dragon can turn invisible, so I rush past all the other hunters to where she's lying. She reappears, in dragon form. She's lying on her back, bleeding badly from a large wound in her gut.

      "It's gonna be okay," I tell her as soothingly as I can manage, gently hugging her massive form. "I'll get you out of here." But she seems to be in a really bad state, and I don't know how I will manage this.

      I wake up shortly afterwards.
    5. Night of 9/29/12

      by , 10-01-2012 at 01:37 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      I've been gone WAY too long. But I've missed lucid dreaming, so now that I'm in college I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.

      [Escape from Mary's World]
      Through some twisted turn of events, I become trapped in a horrific world governed by an evil little girl named Mary. I am with two other people, my dream dad and a boy similar to Prince Soma from Kuroshitsuji. We spend a very long time attempting to escape the world, but the only exit is blocked. The rest of the world is comprised of a small expanse of forest that extends behind Mary's mansion.

      After days of searching, the boy I'm with finally finds a special key. We know that this must be the secret to escape, so we barge into Mary's house. As soon as we set foot through the door, we are ambushed by evil dolls and headless mannequins. Armed with giant hedge clippers, I violently mutilate each of my enemies. At one point, Mary throws an entire dresser at me, which I barely manage to evade. My friend accidentally drops the key during his own fight, but I pick it up just as I figure out that it must fit the locket around Mary's neck. It's the key to her heart, I realize. I manage to put the key in the hole and turn it--- the locket breaks.

      Suddenly, Mary turns into a doll and shatters like glass. At her death, the entire world begins unwravelling, leaving us little time to hurry for the exit. I wake up just as we make it to the door.

      Updated 10-01-2012 at 01:45 AM by 47876

    6. Slam Dumk Contest

      by , 10-01-2012 at 12:19 AM
      Non-dream Dream Lucid Dream

      I was on a camping trip with my wife in the Sequoias and I was able to recall a piece of a lucid dream. I had a really bad headache most likely resulting from altitude sickness and therefore I did not get much sleep. I wasn't able to write these down immediately upon waking so I only remember a small portion of the dream.

      I am in a slam dunk contest in front of a small crowd. The fans are all sitting in fold up metal chairs. We are not on a basketball court, just concrete stage with a hoop. My first couple of dunks are really lame and I am trying to figure out what to try next. I think back to my younger days when I used to do through-the-leg and 360 dunks
      . This recollection makes me become lucid. It is now my turn to dunk again. I jump incredibly high, 360 spin to my right, put the ball through my legs and windmill dunk the ball. The crowd is very impressed and wants to know how I did it. I walk up to the front row and say "check this out." I jump up and freeze at the top of my jump. I hover up in the air for about 10 seconds.

      Next I am watching a swimming competition. The event the is going on consists of diving in the water and gliding about 10 yards. I think to myself "I am lucid so I can dominate this event." I enter into the competition and win.

      Wake up.
    7. Lucid! 25/09/12

      by , 09-30-2012 at 11:04 PM
      Finally found time to post this one, came as a complete surprise to me since I wasn't trying at all (I had college early the next day).

      Dream time:
      I was on a pirate ship but digging for something, there was a lot of sand/ dirt on this ship for some reason and I was digging in it with around 6 or 7 other people looking for something. Looking around I could see empty or half empty bottles of alcohol, I think it was mostly cider or beer.
      Then the captain of the ship came down some steps into the area we were working with what I'm assuming was to be his first mate. She was a witch, wearing purple and holding what seemed to be a crystal ball in her hands. She came over to me and told me to go to the back of the room and when I got there I was overjoyed to see my girlfriend Katie. The witch looked at us both and asked where we wanted to go and I said a forest. Two portals opened up in the wall in front of us and they both had changing images of scenery in. They eventually slowed down and settled on a forest like area, the witch then told us to walk through.

      We landed on a small gravel path with open grass land all around us. Looking off into the distance me and Katie could see the forest we asked for at about 11 o' clock. Looking past that we saw 3 huge tornados but neither of us were panicked or frightened. This is where I became suspicious, I looked again and realised that no way could this happen in real life (well not where I live anyway) and that I was actually dreaming. I was about to carry on walking when surprisingly I remembered to stabilise, quickly dropping to the ground to feel the rough gravel path beneath me. Katie gave me a questioning look, without wasting time in waiting for her to ask I said "Look around you, does this look normal? You're dreaming Katie!" I didn't think it was a shared dream but worth a shot anyway. I expected the usual DC reaction of "Don't be silly of course you're not dreaming" but instead Katie gasped in shock and amazement. We both jumped up and down in excitement which didn't wake me up like it normally would, This is probably due to the fact that I've never managed to stabilise myself so well before this dream. We both continued to walk forward (clearly not a good connection to the conscious brain, usually I would have flown). Then the tornados hit us, they were so powerful, it was like running into a brick wall several times over. Luckily after a couple of seconds it passed and we decided to head back. On the way to the portals we had to make our way around this massive dinosaur that had fallen on the path. It was laying on its side and wasn't moving so we thought it was dead.

      We went back through the portals but instead of being back on the boat we arrived in Katie's garage... in her dads car.
      The dream carried on but at that point I'd lost lucidity and the only other thing I can remember about this dream is that Katie's dad was throwing bricks at windows O.O

      Dream 2 from the same night:

      I was playing a game, but no normal game (this one will make you laugh). I was holding this + or cross, whichever you want to call it. It was about the size of four hands in a square and on it in every direction were small LED lights. What I had to do was stick this device behind a window and then lick the window in a specific way to get all the lights to light up. So whilst I was licking the window (look I wasn't lucid okay!! ) a few of my friends came down the stairs laughing at my "poor" attempt of window licking. We then ended up discussing techniques and how to win.
      Strange right?

      Forgot to mention - Conditions

      None at all, the only thing that could possibly help me is that all day I was wondering if reality is in fact just a huge dream. This must have been what made me lucid!
    8. Uncle, Tracker Jackers, Tidal Flood

      by , 09-30-2012 at 10:36 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      This dream is vauge. I get stuck in some embarrassing time loop where I show up at a rich uncles house in only a t-shirt. He drives by in a white Royals Royce and yells at me to do inside.

      Then I am talking to my father-in-law. He wants to go to the uncles house. I say, "yay I can be dressed this time." And I point to my nakedness. As I walk though the bedrooms I thought about wearing a bra of my daughters (They were older) to be funny but decide against it.

      My house was a good replica of real life.

      Tracker Jackers
      I am on the back porch of the old trailor house from when I was 5. I see my father working in the yard. I look that the sky. It is Twilght. Then I see a swarm of colored lights in the sky. I stare in awe. Some are light blue, dark blue, and redish pink. I watch as the swarm around. I see a few bright flashes of light. (Dreamsign strange things in the sky)

      I am trying to process all this and perhaps I was about to be lucid but suddenly the swarms comes at me like angry wasps. I turn to run back inside and I hear a commentators voice say, "Oh look, it's Tracker Jackers!"
      I think, "No it's Backer Jackers. Tracker Jackers is from Hunger Games."
      I feel a force knock my on my stomach from behind. I feel 3 distinct stings on my back.
      The commentator says, "He better get those stingers out, fast!"
      My vision is blurry and I feel drunk and afraid. I am face down in the grass and I can see my father's feet walking by but not helping me. I some how get up. (maybe he helped me after all) And stumble into the house. I am in some strange living room. I see my ex wife and tell her I need the stingers out.
      I notice the blinds are open and I take the time to lower the blinds in a window. (A habit of mine in real life. I just feel like people are watching me.) Then a colapse on the floor. Now the woman in the room is my wife now. But I see her lying naked next to me. I see her flat belly and think about how not to long ago I was in the delivery room with her and watched my son being born. The world transitions to black.
      I think I was trying to imitate hallucination.

      Tidal Flood
      I am on the beach. I see the tide coming in. The shoreline gets smaller and continues to shrink. I run past a beach house as the water continues to chase me. It is dark and black and I feel the need to escape. It begins to rain heavily and I take cover in a shelter and wait to see if the water will come closer.
    9. Two in a row

      by , 09-30-2012 at 06:21 PM
      I'm sitting on my grandparents couch. My uncle is next to me along with the girl I'm dating a another whom in the dream i know. I decide to walk down the hill from there house and find my friend and his brother digging at the turn to the main road. I asked what they were doing and they responded "digging" plain and simple. I walk closer and notice that everywhere they dig there is a bulge of water coming out of the holes. It does not leave the holes but it is very deep and flowing quite rapidly. I fell in one and managed to grab the side of the hole and pull myself out. The water felt weird, very aerated. I walk back up to the house and sit on the table under the tree in the front yard. The girl that i knew in the dream, (note: she was extremely beautiful. Dark brown hair, chestnut eyes, olive skin, and an absolutely perfect body), storms out of the house crying. I try to ask what is wrong and she yells at me saying, "you dont even know how bad your fucking up with me." I say, "im sorry but Krystal was here first and I cant drop her like that." She then responds, "What the hell are you talking about? You and Krystal havnt been together for years and you and you and i have been together for almost 2!" then she walked away and i woke up. looked at the clock and i had only been asleep for an hour.
    10. 9/30/2012

      by , 09-30-2012 at 05:30 PM
      Dream Fragment 1:

      The Winco Freight Crew and I were outside my apartment at some kind of machine in the nighttime. I was operating it, appearently we were setting up for a pretty big troll. The guys joked around while I worked the machine. I finished quickly and realized I had no shoes, so I begun to head back when the manager, John, told me,' Dont worry we'll wait for you,' with a bro smile.

      Next thing I know we are out on my street with a overly fat warthog. Apparently it was ready to explode at any minute. We guided it to start walking towards a pedestrian. Everyone was spread out in different parts of the street, giggling, waiting for the troll to unload. But then the pig started to come over to us and by the look on it's face, it was going to explode really soon.

      I started to jog away, keeping a good distance. For some reason, one of the females stayed at that position.

      Dream Fragment 2:

      I was falling out of the sky. Though I spread my arms and legs out, so that slowed me down considerably. I landed in a city, next to a highway bridge. I remember something about my grandma. Then a black guy and another white guy are falling with me. I tried to fan out, but that only put me upside down. The guys were having fun and try to quickly get into position to better fall. I tried a couple other things but couldn't get into a good position. I was calm. As we neared the bottom, the guys just decided to sit on the plastic suitcase and land it on the wheels. In a videogame we played, when you would do that you would hit the ground with no momentum. Which worked for them. I hit the ground with no preparations, but was fine.

      Dream Fragment 3:

      A tragedy is befalling my area. I'm still in my neighborhood, but everyone's gone. I go down my street a few buildings and happen across a new building, where I 'worked'. I go to the entrance where I meet a young woman, who I now realize in Juliet from Lost, she told me that there are people in still in there, but that we should go. I deny that, and continue into the building (another testament to the nature of my basic/intuitive-self). The inside has the architecture of what an early human combat spaceship would look like. Though the ceiling goes up a few stories. And there is a fall off point on the opening walkway. I find a few workers in this secret facility and tell them about the state of emergency, so they leave the building in a hurry. Some of the cooks remained and declared they are a part of the disaster and intend to stay for when it comes.

      I just decide to go with a there's-no-time-for-bullshit attitude and just leave them, hurrying back out. Well now there's a lake instead of a parking lot. I swim across it and meet up with Juliet hiding behind a dumpster. Another guy had just finished making a boat and paddled off. I told Juliet that we need to return to our land, (a small island in the middle of a small river deep in the forest) referring to the other 12 people around us and ourselves. She doesn't reply, so I start making a boat anyways, even though it's gonna take at least 9 hours.

      Dream Fragment 4:

      Apparently the Nazis were the source of panic, in that they were coming. I was in a metal room in the secret facility. For some reason water was in the room going all the way up to my belly button. I was standing in line with other boys, I was about 10 yo. We were all carrying these Chinese ornaments, they were four horizontal lines of wood held together with tow pieces of string. Hitler came up to me and made a quick cut on mine. I felt pain, as if he actually slashed me on the torso. I stood out of line, but thought that I should obey him since he was my superior. So I got back in line. He slashed my ornament again, and like a voodoo doll, I felt pain on my torso, and I got out of line, then got back in line. He slashed it again and it really cut me this time and hurt the worst. It was pretty deep, and I stumbled out of line, and couldn't recover myself to line, but I stood back at attention in front of him.

      Then he got an evil satisfaction face and said,' Yes! Yes! I'm in complete control.' Then he stabbed me in my guy for real. At least 3 inches deep. It was some of the worst pain I've ever felt. So much that I was being pulled out of my dream. I could tell because everything turned black and I could see the lights from the back of my eye lids. The pain subsided after I was fully conscious that I was awake.


      Upon subtly sensing, I believe that fragment 4 was the result of my subtle dark side being able to gain control of my conscious mind. I believe that my darkside wants to reign supreme over my mind and felt satisfaction that it had temporary control of my mind. I think that Hitler was the best personification it could've chosen. Hitler: the enemy of innocent humans, betrayer, deceiver, selfist, evil; also not to mention with the power to accomplish his tasks. It can try to take me over.
    11. Sun Sep 30

      by , 09-30-2012 at 05:11 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      A recent event has caused a member of the party to turn around and run back in the direction whence he came. The other five or six party members (all of whom are friends in real life) joke about how he's on a renegade quest for revenge--he's so angry about what happened that he's willing to go back an face a werewolf alone, rather than wait to ask for backup. Actually, he hadn't been planning on going back for that reason . . . but a few minutes later, as he comes in range of the werewolf, he decides to kill it. He activates the werewolf transition animation for himself, then (as a werewolf) raises a long, thin sword above his head and charges. He worries about missing, since it's difficult to get the timing right, but he manages to hit the werewolf. With the damage bonus from a charging attack, it turns out to be a one-hit kill!


      I'm sitting in a room with my parents and my youngest sister. Apparently she heard something at school today, because she asks, "What are tist-estic-cles?" She stumbles over the word as though it's unfamiliar. Oh, dear. As a male, I feel like I should be the one to explain this, but I can't decide where to begin. But then my parents jump in ahead of me and start explaining. I feel like they're not doing a great job of it.

      [IRL, that sister is in ninth grade, so she definitely already knows what testicles are, but I guess my unconscious is a bit behind the times.]

      Car Solves Relationship Problems

      A man on a game show has just explained to the host that he's having some relationship problems with a woman. As far as he can see, he has two options, but both of them have disadvantages. The show host then jumps in to say that all is not lost, because he there's a third option by which he can get the best of both other options! Then the show jumps into a thirty-second explanation of the new option, which is something about buying a new car, because this thirty-second "explanation" turns out to be, basically, an advertisement for a shiny red sports car. The man is a bit nonplussed, and he wonders quietly (so that only I can hear) how many lights they needed to use to get those highlights on the car. By "highlights," I assume he means the horizontal white lines of reflected light along the side of the car that make it look extra-shiny.
      Tags: car, gaming, sex
    12. Weird High School Reunion, and Quitting an Unjust College

      by , 09-30-2012 at 04:48 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was watching something that looked like Pokemon with Jake on the TV in the living room of my house. It was nighttime, and I was gonna try to sleep, so I paused the show. Then, Jake unpaused it. We kept going back and forth like that, until I got irritated and told Jake I was trying to sleep, and that's why I was pausing it.


      I was watching some movie, or was involved in some movie-like situation, where the woman who plays Dr. Cameron on House was a photographer, though she looked like the character she played briefly on How I Met Your Mother, Zooey. Yes, that's right, I was in the band again at my old high school. My old band teacher wanted some photos of apartments made. Apparently, this got done every year. My band teacher really liked her photography for some reason. She was supposed to be taking pictures of apartments for him. He started to look at them, and they were obscure pictures. Like weird pictures of inside the apartments. I remember one being of right outside the apartment, the stairs leading up to it and the sign above the door which read "APARTMENT".

      Well, the band teacher didn't like that. He was looking for pictures of the apartments from a bird's eye view, not this weird abstract stuff. He fired her, and then, someone told her she was going to die at 25. She didn't believe it, since she was 24, but apparently, she did end up dying.

      Leonardo DiCaprio was in there somewhere too, but I'm not sure where he came into play.

      I was going to some high school reunion thing (IWL a couple of weeks ago I went to a brief choir reunion to sing the National Anthem at my old high school's 10 year anniversary, where they named the football stadium). I remember Kayla being there. I put my purse in a locker in the girl's locker room, which, in the dream, was underneath the stadium. Many other people were there as well. The lockers were very tiny, and I didn't have a lock, so I just put my things in a locker in the middle of the wall of tiny lockers and hoped for the best.

      I also saw a girl I knew of in high school and actually met and had classes with in college, Megan H. In IWL, she's very conservative and Christian. In the dream, she was a photographer, and only put on the front of being very conservative and religious, though I seemed to be one of the only ones who could see that. She had apparently gotten in big trouble with the law at some point, like gotten arrested, but I'm not sure why. She still acted like her bubbly, Christian self in the dream, though it seemed almost strained. She came up to me with a smile and started talking to me. She was holding a camera.

      Megan, Kayla, and I all went up into the stadium, which was HUGE and very packed with people who had gone to the high school in the past 10 years. It was nighttime outside. As we were walking, I heard the brass players that were on the field play this one chord, and I got annoyed, because they were going to start playing some silly song that they always played in high school (the brass sections were such goof-offs in high school IWL -_-). They were a few of the brass players that went to high school with me. I remember specifically a trumpet player named Micheal being down there. They were wearing their high school band uniforms.

      We sat down on the far right edge towards the top of the stadium. Megan sat behind me, and I think Kayla as well. Megan started to talk and talk and talk to us. I turned around to listen. She started talking about weaves, and some black guy with, and I quote, "plastic in his hair". A big black girl with a weave and a white V-neck shirt that was sitting next to Megan (who btw is very white haha) turned to her and said "Mmmhmm!" as if she was agreeing. I then turned back around, and everyone around us was quiet and turned around staring at us, as if they were waiting for us to shut up so they could do the National Anthem or something. I felt a little embarrassed at first, but Megan kept obliviously talking, and I just ignored the stares since I had barely said a word; it was all Megan. I then thought about a waking life memory, how the choir alumni had been down there a couple weeks prior doing the National Anthem instead of the band alumni.

      Then, I wanted to check my phone for the time or something, but it was dead. I would hold down the button, but it wouldn't turn on. I had had a feeling it was going to die, since when I had gotten there the battery was so low. I got up to leave during this part for some reason, when everyone was waiting quietly for the National Anthem. I was the only one getting up to leave. I started to go down a stairway that lead to underneath the stadium, but the dance team was under there doing some slow, almost interpretive dance, and then behind them, I saw pom-poms and only a little bit of the cheerleaders. I went down another way.

      I was then back at the lockers, and lots of people were there again. Part of the wall and lockers had been removed, and you could see to the other side of the wall, which was the guy's locker room, I believe. It reminds me now of Minecraft; it looked as if "blocks" had been removed from the wall. I asked someone who did this, and I think they said some Freshman girl did it or something. At any rate, my locker was still there. As I opened it to grab my purse, I hoped no one had stolen anything. I felt the bottom of my purse to see if I could feel everything that was in there. I was especially checking for my wallet. At first, I didn't feel it, but then I did. Thank goodness!

      I checked my phone again, and it was still dead. It came on very briefly, and then died again.

      I was then riding home with Megan's family. Megan's dad was driving. We got into my neighborhood, and he dropped me off at where my street starts so I had to walk a couple houses down to get to my place. I got out, and was holding this blue notebook. Papers and folders were crammed into it and falling out. I was trying to get it all together, when I said to Megan's dad
      "I've been unemployed for 9 months," and I said other things as well, but I can't remember what. We had been talking about how I'd been, I guess.
      He responded with
      "Good morning, Superman." He smiled when he said this.

      I then woke up.


      I was at my college again, but it was like it was mixed with Minecraft. I remember going through some caves, seeing obsidian and torches and some wooden doors. I saw lots of zombies too, and they would change appearance randomly with the light levels. I killed them.

      Then, I was heading out of the cave and onto the campus. A tall, handsome, kind-looking Arab man then approached me. He didn't speak English very well. He offered me a single pink rose, and asked me to walk him to class. He told me his name, but it was something really complicated, so I can't remember it, and couldn't throughout the dream. Anyway, I took his hand, and I walked him to his class. We were walking over blocky, stone Minecraft terrain that was imposed on the campus. It was daytime outside. We talked while we went to his class.

      This happened again too, where he found me standing at another cave entrance, and asked me to walk him to his class. He gave me another single pink rose, and we walked around campus to his class. He was so kind, a very sweet person whom I really enjoyed being around. This time, before we parted, I gave him a big hug. It was so warm and loving, a beautiful embrace. We lingered for a while, just hugging.

      For a little bit, I thought about how JP had been represented in some of my dreams as an Indian or Middle-Eastern man. I then thought that this man was nothing like JP or the character that represented him, and carried on, walking by myself now that the Arab man was gone to class.

      Then, he stopped showing up. I was really upset, because I knew it was because the dean of the school, who looked like my old high school principal, Mr. Nolan, didn't like him because he was Arab, which automatically made him "suspicious", as if he were a terrorist or something. I was absolutely furious. The area I was in at this point was cave-like, and had another, older looking Arab guy around, and some other people as well. I think I asked him where the other guy went. When I asked, I simply referred to him as Ahmed, because I couldn't remember his complicated name. I don't remember what he said, though I already knew what happened. I was going to take action; this was absolutely disgusting and ridiculous.

      I went into the dean's office. Apparently, Mr. Nolan wasn't there that day, and the guy standing in for him looked kind of like an old assistant principal, Mr. Lichens, except for he had a bowl cut and was much skinnier than the real Mr. Lichens. He had the same color hair, red, and glasses though, as the IWL Lichens does. He looked up as I entered. I immediately started to go off. I began by throwing a small object, and yelling, filled with rage, (this isn't word-for-word, but it's as close as I can remember it)
      "I quit this school! You bastards, Ahmed is not a terrorist! He is a nice person who just wants to learn! You're just afraid! Not every Arab is like Osama bin Laden!"
      I'm sure I said some other things too. Lichens lookalike started to look angry the second I started to yell. I stormed out, and he immediately got on the phone with Mr. Nolan, telling him that I just quit the school, which I could hear through the door I had come through. God damn, I was angry. I was so very, very angry. It was so unfair that they did this! I turned around and yelled at the door, hoping he could hear me through it as I could hear him. I think I called them bastards again.

      I was then standing with some people, one I remember being a girl named Melissa that worked at the job I recently quit. She was standing with another girl, apparently her partner. They were so in love, it was so sweet. I hugged Melissa, and she was whispering to me about how happy and in love she was with this other girl. I was very happy for them.

      I was then getting some things out of a cubby in the band room from high school. My tennis shoes were in there. I thought about all the high school band kids there.

      Updated 09-30-2012 at 05:30 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    13. 9-21-12

      by , 09-30-2012 at 04:41 PM
      I went into high school. I remember looking out the school through a window and looking at my old school, missing it.

      I also remember tiny fragements of the dream, such as doing work and the teacher talking to us and stuff.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. 9-19-12 (Warning, contains masturbating)

      by , 09-30-2012 at 04:39 PM
      I was masturbating to what looked like a blank white screen, then my mom and her boyfriend came in and saw me doing it with my earphones in. They did not mention me doing it, instead they asked me if they could borrow my headphones. I told them they did not work correctly, they asked why and i showed them. Each of them put on one earbud and i put on some music on my iphone and they listened to it. They figured out why the shouldnt use them and left.
    15. Gift and Aunt from New York, Let's See Who'll Die + Girl in Asuka's Red Outfit, Lecture Study Group?

      by , 09-30-2012 at 03:43 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Gift and Aunt from New York (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of my apartment, probably busy reading something, and then I hear a doorbell. I only have a my white underwear on, but I still take a peek through the hole on the door to see who it is. I didn't see anyone there, but as soon as I looked down, I saw a small Black boy wearing a Black shirt and gray shorts.

      I quickly try to find some clothes to wear, since it would be awkward being half naked in front of some kid, so I grab the nearest clothes, but I can't remember what I wore exactly, maybe a dark colored shirt and dark blue jeans. I open the door, and looked down at the little boy and asked him what he's doing here at my apartment.

      He responds with,

      "My momma said to give you this."

      I replied,


      He extends his left arm to me, and opens his hand to show a small plastic container, a really really really small one, like the size of a paperclip. The boy leaves after he gives me the small plastic Ziploc bag, and I quick opened it up to see what's inside. It was transparent, but I wanted to know what they really were by zooming my vision on them more.

      This looks an awful lot like the spare nibs and nib holder in waking life that's in a small bag.

      However, for this dream, the metal holder that would've been the nib holder to take nibs out of drawing tablet pens serves as some kind of scratcher. To scratch what exactly is what boggled me, and from this point, I can't recall what happened next other than a dream shift.

      I'm not looking at things above me, as if I'm lying down on the floor outside of an environment similar to my apartment. I'm still wondering who is the mother of the little boy who gave me the small gift. Then I see a blonde guy come downstairs to go somewhere, the stairs are similar to my apartment. A dark blue or black layered railing on the sides, and gray colored steps.

      It looked like it just rained, because the skies were dark gray.

      He was wearing a light gray shirt, and dark khaki/butterscotch shorts (the baggy ones with a lot of pockets). He's really skinny, and his visage, he looks like he could be British. He meets this lady that's not too far from where he went downstairs at the time, oh, and he looks like he could be 19 or in his early 20s

      As I'm still in this awkward position of being able to see people from bottom to up, still feeling as if I'm lying down on the surface, I noticed that the lady talking to the same blonde guy looks familiar to me. I take a closer look at her, and she looks exactly like a lady I know from New York.

      Let's nickname her "Gl."

      Gl was fairly obese, she had quite a belly, and she looked pretty much in the same condition as she was the last time I met her in New York a few months ago. She's dark-skinned, and has her hair cut off, but she isn't bald at all. Think of the hairstyle corp cadets males would have to get...the buzzed off haircut, except for Gl, she didn't have it cut that far.

      She's surprisingly able to talk to his boy fairly well, because in waking life, she had some kind of mental problem with communication, and would end up repeating some things over and over again. She's gotten way better the last time I saw her, and while she's talking to this boy, she's really exhibiting fluent language.

      I shift my focus on her, since she seems to be the only interesting person at the time in this gloomy environment that looks like it had rained before.
      (Funny, the environment is just like this in waking life as well).

      Gl is asking the boy some simple questions like,

      "What are you currently majoring in?"

      The boy responds,

      "Parapsychology." (or something like that)

      She then finds a way to extends the conversation more by asking more general questions, and there's one question where the boy is a bit shy and worried of answering properly. I believe it could've been a question on why he wanted to do the major in the first place.

      As I'm still lying down around the grass near my apartment looking at them, I can't remember what happens next.

      Let's See Who'll Die + Girl in Asuka's Red Outfit (Non-lucid)


      Someone is pointing a gun behind my back, and I'm forced to comply to whatever they want me to do. I raise my arms up to show that I don't plan on doing any kind of suspicious acts of bravery. They guide me to an area up a ladder where there are a few people inside already.

      When I reach to that area, I noticed some person sitting down at some kind of dark gray crate I believe. I looked around the room before paying too much attention to him, and the walls are all covered in turquoise. I have a lot of feelings piling up, and I get worried on why I'm lined up horizontally with people and perpendicular from the guy sitting in front of us.

      It's hard to make out his visage, pretty blurry. Apparently, we're lined up so he can pick which set of people can die, while the rest are able to live.


      He starts moving his fingers quickly doing a "test" run on who could be killed, that heartless bastard.....

      He eventually points at me during the process, and then a few others to the left of me I believe, which means the ones on the right are considered "alive" for now. The guy doesn't do anything at all, and by this point, there's another dream shift because I cannot recall what happened next.

      It seems a girl in a red latex suit, or a suit that looks similar to Asuka's from Neon Genesis Evangelion, is escaping from the same environment I was in, but not, I'm spectating what she's going through.

      She quickly goes down the gray ladder from the top floor, and there's some huge dude that somehow managed to either go down the ladder or come from the other side in the new floor she's in.

      This girl had dark brown hair, and she kind of looked like Asuka, but some features made her look different. One, I believe she had a few freckles on each of her cheeks, and her face was a little bit more defined than the simple pointy chin structure of Asuka's.

      She gets a light gray metal chain, and wraps it around the big fat guy's neck coming after her. She tries to choke him manually by going behind him and pulling the chain with all her might to hopefully choke the man.

      However, something ends up going completely wrong, instead of trying to choke him completely, she lets go to quickly make the light gray metal chain into a noose formation, and lets the guy hang there to die. Because of the man's extreme weight, there isn't any need for him to be at a high elevation and drop down to be hanged.

      He starts making faces of being choked to death, and he makes quick random motions with his mouth trying to find some way to breathe, but it's pretty much futile. The man dies, and there's blood dripping down on the floor near the girl in Asuka's outfit.

      For the first time in my dreams, I actually see the explicit portrayal of someone dying, and blood dripping down as well. It wasn't too bad though....but still...after getting the censored treatment of not being able to see someone dying ever since I came to this forum....it's a pretty big step...

      The girl gets back to focusing on escaping, and I'm wondering if what she did to the man just now was an unconscious sublimation due to her being traumatized and over-burdened with having to stay alive....

      Anyway, the girl beings to run away from the guy she just killed, and there are guards coming in her direction. She turns around to go back near the guy she killed, and more guards come her way.

      She trips on the same pool of blood from the guy she just killed, and as soon as she got up, the guards were already close to her....she's pretty much caught, no way out. Of course, she tries to struggle her way out, making grunting sounds as well, but to no avail.

      She's brought back to the top floor, but it seems this same floor had another floor above it.

      A floor within a floor? Floorception!!!

      Superman appears out of NOWHERE, and casually walks in the opposite direction the captured girl in the red suit is going.

      From this point, it seems I'm taking on the perspective of the girl in first person view, but I'm not able to control her or anything like that....maybe because she's still bound by the guards still.

      However, Superman stops and reaches his hand out towards her so that both of them would do a bro fist.

      As soon as this happens, her red suit starts glowing like crazy. It starts from her fist, to her lower arm section, and then to her elbow, and then a quick canary colored electrical surge forms around her body and disappears. Superman is already gone by this point, but now, the girl is charged up and is ready to kick some ass.

      I can't remember what she did after that, but I assume she was on the start of destroying the guards behind her.
      Lecture Room Study Group??? (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a lecture room that looks similar to my Organic Chemistry Lecture class, except this time, the lighting is completely different. It's saturating the atmosphere with a gold color, and I'm sitting near at the top section to the left.

      Still sitting alone, with the rest of the people in the dream going into their own little groups, despite the seating arrangement being one long table going horizontally. I rest my chin on my hand, and just wait to see what's going to happen next. There seems to be no professor in the room at the time, and I noticed the few people in this room are starting to flock around this one girl.

      From my perspective, I could only see the back of her head. She had light brown hair, wore a maroon jacket I believe. And like birds to a feather, flock together, I get up from the seat and join the group. I go to the right side of the steps to get to the row they're in.

      They don't seem to mind me being near them, and it's mostly just females here. There's one girl that looks like another Alyssa that I knew in waking life during High School, she's wearing mostly black clothing, and has her hair tied in a ponytail.

      Then the girl everyone seems attracted to glances over me for a while, and then I noticed I'm sitting or standing on what would be the left side as you're looking at this screen reading this. The girl takes more glances at me, and each time she does that, I feel a shock of energy....I feel that I need to pay attention to her more, despite her just being a counterpart of the waking life version of the girl I know in my University.

      Every time she looks at me, I feel as if she's just shy towards me, seeing as when I look at her, she glances over somewhere else. It feels like this is a study group of some sort.

      I can't remember much after that.