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    1. 2011-01-17 | ?

      by , 01-18-2011 at 03:04 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      No Recall
    2. 2011-01-16 | ?

      by , 01-18-2011 at 03:04 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I remembered the dream for about 5 minutes after I woke up then lost it
    3. Re-Entry

      by , 01-18-2011 at 02:00 PM
      Re-Entry (WBTB)


      My friend rang me this morning to remind me to get up and study for today's exam. I said ok and promptly lay back down.

      A few minutes later I heard someone rustling about beside my bed. It was definitely a person- I could hear footsteps. I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or if someone had indeed invaded my room- in which case, what the hell was I doing??

      Then this person got into bed beside me. It was a woman. I moved one of my hands over and found one of hers. Then she
      flung me out of bed.

      I stood up. My bed was empty, and the covers strewn everywhere. I knew it had to be a dream due to the fact that my room was red. It's mainly blue in real life.
      I can't remember what happened next at all.
      lucid , false awakening
    4. 18.1.11 Non-lucid again.

      by , 01-18-2011 at 01:10 PM
      Well, I remember discussing family oddities with Fonzie while my little sister did something involving dolls in the other room, then I woke up and crashed again.

      Then I dreamed that I was desperate for a place to study, so bad that I broke into the first church I ever went to. Now, this place is a common element in my dreams, but it's always a building with one of those layouts that you can never escape from. Open an exit, it opens to the entrance on the other side of the building, and all that.

      Well, I opened a door to one of the classrooms, hoping for a table and chairs to work with, and found a pastor there. He said he was going to call the police unless I watched a video the church had prepared. It seems that they had been having problems with burglars, and even with all my homework on my back I couldn't convince him that I wasn't interested in theft. I just wanted to study. I had homework due.

      But he made me sit down and watch a cartoon (with anthropomorphic animals, no less!) about how no matter what my friends thought, breaking into buildings was "not cool." Very cliche.

      "Look, Miss. The person breaking into that church is a rat. You don't want to be a rat, do you?"
      "You do realize that I'm 26, right? Not 5?"
      "This isn't funny, Miss. This is very serious. This is your future we're talking about. You're on the road to drugs and prostitution."
      "That's nice. Can I do my homework while I watch this?"

      Finally he let me go, so late that not only had I missed my assignment, but the class it was for. I had flunked my class. He asked me if I ever wanted to break into a church again, and I told him that I was never setting foot in any church again. I think I added a "you bastard" to that. On my way out, I found his a woman by the side of the road with a blown tire, and offered to give her a ride. Turned out she was the pastor's wife, come to pick him up from guard duty. I dropped her off back at the church, and the pastor started cheering that he had saved another lost youth. I flipped him off as I left.
    5. class

      by , 01-18-2011 at 01:09 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Had a dream where I was in class, and some girl forced me to be her partner. We were going over the answers, and Dwight was our teacher. He announced that someone was from the town of sephiroft and mentioned the FF reference.
    6. Stupid Fragments

      by , 01-18-2011 at 12:51 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      Bleh. I'm done taking B6 for a while. A whole bunch of weird fragments.

      1- Perverted Doctor
      At the doctor's office, though I don't seem to be there for a checkup. I pass by my doctor, who is sitting at a table with tons of cookies, eating them. I ignore the strangeness of this and merely say "Hello," as I pass.

      He stops me and strikes up a somewhat awkward and hesitant conversation. Though he doesn't say it, it's apparent that he wants me to have one of the cookies. "Uh, can I have one of those?" I ask, although they don't seem very appealing.

      He brightens up. "Of course! Have as many as you want!" I take one of the cookies and eat it. It's actually pretty good.

      After I leave, my brother notifies me that the doctor has a secret crush on me. Ew, he's like three times my age. "I'm definitely changing doctors."

      2- The Two Small Dogs, and the Small Dog and the Bird
      A narrator first begins explaining the story of "two small dogs" as they forsake society and vow to live on their own.

      He then goes into another story about a "small dog who became friends with a small bird" and remained friends throughout their lives.

      3- Wreck
      My brother goes crazy and drives the car directly toward a gully. I leap out at the last second, but he stops the car before it falls. My mother gets mad at ME for jumping out of the car and forces us to redo the experience until I behave properly. I again jump out as the car crashes into the gully below. "You could have saved the car if you weren't so anal!" I yell and run home.

      I climb inside my cabinet and hide there like a little kid. Sadie is sleeping in there. I startle her, and she makes that cute little "mrrw!" sound.

      4- Swallowed a Fly
      At lunch, my friends and I are discussing a silly music video that we saw a long time ago about a lady who swallowed a fly. It was by someone called Hot Christine.

      ((I feel like I've seen that video IRL, but I can't tell if it's a false memory or not!!!))

      There were more, but they're gone now.
      dream fragment
    7. Art Museums

      by , 01-18-2011 at 12:08 PM

      I open my dream with a conflict involving a woman in my community, unfortunatly I can't remember any of it now.

      I then find myself in an art museum in Chicago. A quick look around tells me that this is not the Art Museum, but merely a small studio. I look around at the walls and see mostly landscapes. None of them have very intricate frames and often are simply displayed as the painting itself. I notice my sister is there and tell her to follow me to the second floor. On the second floor there is only one large room with paintings lining the walls. It is really amazing to she such a large room and I begin to wonder how they got some of the higher paintings up seeing as there are no ladders high enough to reach. Soon after we move downstairs again and I find my Dad who tells me that we will be having lunch on the sofa/automan object in the corner of the room, and that he needs to go out and get food so we should stick around. After he leaves I am approached by one of the many Frenchmen I now notice are walking through the building. He tells me that it is a shame this museum were not in better shape and cared more for how it displayed its paintings, and that in this current level of care it would "remain a museum and never become a true art gallery." Suprised by his comment I look around at the paintings trying to find the flaws that the frenchman so obviously saw. However as I looked around, though I noticed the plainness of some paintings and the bad orientation of others, I thought the talent in the gallery was immense and that the curator had an eye for art. While looking through paintings my eyes were caught by a line of text in the corner pointing out a smaller replica of the sculpture envisioned by Pablo Picasso that is displayed in Daley's Plaza. The line of text pointed out that this smaller sculpture is the model for the cover of The Reader a well known Chicago magazine. I try to figure out how this is possible and then spot a camera attached to the roof of the ceiling pointed directly at the mini-sculpture that takes pictures periodically. I am amused by this and go to the sofa/automan to greet our lunch guests and find more frenchmen. The one sitting says goodafternoon and invites me to sit. I am slightly apprehensive about sitting as it would force me into conversation with someone completely new and who by his predecessor seemed a bit uppity. I instead turn around.

      And wake up

      Lately I have been having trouble getting back to sleep after doing WBTB, last night I stayed up 30mins and had the same problem

      Around 8:00 I finally got to sleep even though I had to leave the house in an hour and a half

      I wake up to find myself in my room. I don't recognize this as a false awakening and instead prepare myself to go to school. As I am getting out of bed my sister shows up at the door and tells me that there is a huge mess in the shower and for some reason I am to blame. I shove her off for the time being, annoyed at being accused of a crime I did not comit. And begin walking downstairs to start going to school. As I walk down I realize I have around an hour and a half before I need to be leaving and that I have been woken up when everyone else in my family is leaving for school. Annoyed at this I go to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I find my mother in the breakfast room and she tells me that I need to go upstairs and clean up the mess I left in the bathroom. Now annoyed at her for waking me up early and falsly accusing me, I make my way to the family room, (having finished breakfast), to watch television. I get to the family room and I hear a yell coming from upstairs. I come up to investigate what is going on and find that the cleaning service is here and have discovered "my mess." Everyone in the house is crowded around the bathroom and are pointing to the towels that are strewn all over the floor and the water that has semi flooded from the tub while they look at me with disapproval. I feel overwhelmed but continue my insistence that the mess was not my creation.

      At this point the dream changes and I find myself in a sort of outdoor camp area, and I am running through the forest from a kid who is yelling for me to stop. I become aware that I have stolen something from the kid which for some reason makes the chase enjoyable. I come to the end of a cliff with a log connecting it to the main camp area that is obscured by bushes. In one quick motion I push the bushes out of the way and slide down the log with one foot forward and one under me. The kid looks at me with dismay, unable to follow me. I then see my mother who tells me to get in the car, because we all need to go downtown. I then find myself walking down the sidewalk with my mother who tells me with disappointment that if I really don't want to do X (don't remember) with her than I should go work out in the gym. For some reason she continues to lead me into the gym lobby where all assortments of supplements and work out equipment are sold. The interior is rather small owing to the cramped nature of downtown property. I then leave the brightly lit room and walk up the stairs into a darker hallway lined with lockers. All this time my mother is giving me looks filled with disappointment. I make my way into the gymnasium and notice that it is filled with many of my friends from school. I wave hello as I walk through and exit out the back door. Time seems to rush forward as I meet up with my mother who exits from a different building with my sister, and we all drive home. Back at the campground my mother discloses to us that she is having a divorce, and that she would like us to meet our new father X (don't remember). All the time I get the odd feeling that the whole process is my fault, but whatever. I then flash to the next day and see myself going through the exact same car-gym-car routine, except my mother is even more despondent. When I get back, I run away into the woods until I come to the same log and go through the same motion of sliding and come to rest at the campground just in time to see my new step dad walking out of somewhere. He waves hello and I tell him that I may think he's my dad, but he is only someone I know, and that no matter what he does he will never replace my father. He tells me he knows that, and that he only wants to get to know me. He then offers to be my partner in the Mario scavenger hunt that is going on (no idea where that came from). I agree and we head across the campground to a cave. On entering the cave we take a few steps and find ourselves in an open air area surrounded by rock formations. In the center of the area is a hill, and on the hill is a floating block with a question mark on it. My step dad grabs the block and we run through the cave, back to the campground, down to the sunny beach, across the long dock that juts out from the beach and right to the judges hut where we show them our block as all the other teams which had started long before us came rushing back. The judges inform us that we have won, as we have found the one winning block they placed around camp. Throughout the entire process I had been having a lot of fun, but at this I become elated. I yell out "SQUARE ROOT OF THREE OVER 5! WE FOUND IT," (I have a math final in a couple hours). The crowd watching erupts into applause and as the sun shines down on everything, the rays intensify as my step dad raises me on his shoulders, (he's a really muscular guy). After a few seconds the sun becomes too much.

      And I wake up
    8. Night of 01/17 - Hey she's mine!^^

      by , 01-18-2011 at 09:15 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 8
      Recall: 1/5
      Vividness: 3/5

      I'm swimming in an huge pool. Suddenly a lot of people appeared out of now where and jumped into it. All of them couldn't swimm I help some of them to get out of the pool, but they were too many. I clearly needed some help.
      Finally, 15 hot female life guards jumped into the pool to get them out. After 5 minutes or so everybody was out of the water. But on of the guards, the sexiest from all, was gone and was lying at the ground of the pool. So I rescued her.
      She was really thankfull and we started to play some water ball.
      Suddenly a friend of mine swam towards me and said:

      DC friend: It's time to go!
      Me: WTF dude? Are you insane? I don't want to go, it's too awesome!
      DC friend: But it's already late!

      Suddenly, she started kissing him and kept on 5 minutes or so. I got angry and yelled at the life guard:

      Me: Hey wtf does this mean? I was trying to hook up with you and than you just kiss him? Hey bitch, it's me who deserves a kiss because I saved your life!

      Awkward silence.

      Life guard: Ok, I guess you're right.

      And she kissed me and that woke me up.
      Tags: epic, friends, kiss
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Fiji Trip

      by , 01-18-2011 at 06:25 AM
      Dream number 8

      dream, lucid

      This was back at Fiji, and we were at the buffet seating part of plantation island. Scott Vaughan Appel was there with me, and the islanders that served food eventually all left. All of us guests went to end of the hall near the grass and looked out. The islanders had all gathered in choir lines and began a dramatic work.

      Then it ended
    10. Middle-East City/Mr Potato Head?

      by , 01-18-2011 at 06:11 AM
      dream, lucid

      I was in a Persian desert close to a city. There was a huge old tent and there was me, mr potato head, and some other characters around it. There were red fabrics with a few black flames on them with writing as to where you would go if you walked through it. We went underwater, and in the desert. The desert marquee had little circle faces like biscuits along it's border. As I saw them I thought "wait, this would NEVER happen- I'm dreaming!" with this, I told myself the other characters wouldn't follow me anymore, and they didn't. I began walking into the city.

      Once I was walking through the city (it was a cross between Israel and Sydney) I noticed a 2story run down building in which Marycarmen was sitting in, puffy-eyed as if she had been crying.
      "what's the matter?"
      "my friends haven't been talking to me, because they think I've been messing around with John. They're on the floor below me".
      With that John walked up from behind me and sat down next to me, also puffy eyed. I looked at the 2 school desks near the window and told John to hold my ankles, as I tried to smash the downstairs window by leaning out n swinging the table. I missed with the first one, to which John laughed, and then missed with the second one. I then pulled the school-like window out of the frame and managed to push the other window almost all the way out.

      Throughout looking at the city and the desert tent, I kept looking closely at objects to see their detail to make it last longer, but it was still very very short.

      ADDED At 12:06pm-
      I remembered being slightly skeptical about whether or not I was dreaming (even tho I was with mr potato head :/) because I used the RC of closing my eyes to check whether I could see, and I couldn't. So I then pinched myself and it didn't hurt, so I went off that RC to assume I was in a dream
    11. Deception, VILD and My New Home

      by , 01-18-2011 at 05:40 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      January 16 and 17, 2011

      Synopsis: Yesterday, I dream a girl deceives then. Then I have a fun morning VILD. In two weeks I'm moving out, and last night I dreamed of my new apartment!

      There was a gathering happening right here in the neighborhood. It was taking place in a make shift tent-dome large enough to hold over a hundred people. Inside was a teacher, and he was going to teach us something important. It was very secretive, well despite the fact that you can see the dome for miles.

      It felt very special inside the tent-dome, and I was really looking forward to the teachers lesson. But then this girl started to ask me questions about oil painting. I try to help her with her painting problems. Now she wants me to follow her. Where I don't know. But she made it sound important.

      I decide to help her and leave the tent. I follow her all across the suburb for what felt like miles. I kept wondering, are we there yet? Finally she turns around to look at me, she's standing at the intersection. I think she's finally going to tell me what she needs help with.

      But I don't like her expression, there's something, not so nice about it. Suddenly she disappears. And I realize I followed her for nothing, now I'm lost and I don't know which way is the dome.

      Fun VILD
      I woke up but I was so sleepy. I just wanted to close my eyes. I started to fly over a beautiful scenery. Green mountains with tall peaks. I can still feel my body on the bed, and hear my sister talking in the room. But the green was so vivid, as I soared, the VILD became more and more stable.

      Afterwards the landscape became cold. I was flying over snowy mountains which slowly flattened into a valley. The scene became bleak and ugly with some industrial buildings in the horizon. I wanted to go the other way instead. But now I'm stuck. I can't fly, I can barely move, I'm so heavy. I must be waking up from the VILD because all I can feel is my body sleeping on my bed.

      I slowly made my way towards a train. I thought, I'll take the train to carry me. I opened my eyes for a second, but when I closed them again, I was on the train fast moving! But then I woke up for real

      My New Home
      I wake up and look around me. My room is completely different! The furniture the orientation, everything. I look out the window and I don't recognize where I am. There's no ugly highway or ugly fast food buildings. Instead its green, so green! I know where I am, I'm in my new apartment right next to the park!

      My mom walks in the room and tells me my sisters are waiting for me. I quickly run outside and me and my sisters have fun exploring my new apartment. I woke up shortly after

    12. Drayums!

      by , 01-18-2011 at 05:38 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      something about Sam... But I forget what it was....


      I briefly remember being at Jay's house... but he wasn't friendly like usual... He was being a prick... I forget what we argued about.


      I was walking around in some weird building. I there was chunks of teeth falling out of my mouth. I desperately wanted to know what was wrong. I searched around for a mirror for a while. When I found one i looked in my mouth.... Chunks of a lot of my teeth had fallen out and my mouth was all bloody... I started panicking and tried to put the chunks that fell out back in my mouth... so much blood,

      Asuka's training.

      Was in some place with asuka. we sat down and held hands into a meditation. We went into a training scenario to control her rage when she fights.

      Wound up in an inner dreamscape overlooking a large city. I was across a lake overlooking the city. The scenario is to kill the shadowy figure running at you but do not touch or harm the woman running close by. I did this scenario over and over again.

      When the light came up in the city everything went vivid. I was looking at the futuristic city and was thinking "Is this 2012?". no matter. I ran along the lake. I saw the woman run by and ignored her. The shadow figure came and I teleported to him and beat him to death. I pulled the black hood from his face and saw that it was my brother lying on the ground dead. and I killed him... I started screaming from the shock and it sent me back into the meditation place with Asuka. I could feel her holding me to calm me down as I woke up all the way.

      Sleep paralysis stuff

      First I was seeing Asuka's face... and it started stretching around me and I woke. FA in another bed and I see chris highestridge. He's sitting on a chair and his right leg is half gone like and amputee person. He's saying that he's a warrior and can hanle this. But then he yelps in pain and starts swearing about his damn leg. the scene fades


      Was driving to Edmonton with my dad to see Scott's work place. We went into a building with a circular driveway that led up. I've had many dream like this before. anyway we enter the tp place and see a lot of construction going around. I remember doing specific tasks on the job and then later seeing scott and Yves.


      I remember having a bath with Asuka and she was crying about something but can't remember what.
      Tags: asuka, chris, jay, saim, scott
    13. Grease Lightning and a Little Car

      by , 01-18-2011 at 04:26 AM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I had just awoken from another dream which i could barely remember. I think it was something about a video game, but wasn't completely sure. I had plugged my nose and tried to breathe, as i usually do when I wake up, and good thing, it had worked and I became lucid! The dream was a little "iffy" and felt really strange. I figured that it was starting to fade, so i rubbed my hands. I focused on the warmth and feeling of the hands, thinking the dream was going to fade away, but it didn't. Instead, it became one of the most vivid and real dreams i had ever had.

      I contemplated what to do, and, like usual, the TotY popped into my head. I thought about what to do. It was a choice between racing grease lightning and casablanca. Having never seen Casablanca, i decided to try grease lightning. I wanted to try out my new way of changing the scenery, by just snapping my fingers and not even closing my eyes. I thought, "drainage pipe, classic cars," and when i snapped my fingers, the scene instantly changed and i was in the large drainage type thing where there were a bunch of people dressed like in the movie talking and fighiting.

      I walked up to who i thought was grease lightning and told him that i would whoop his butt in a race. He laughed and scoffed at me. I took it that he gladly accepted my challenge. I nearly started crying... He had one of those little plastic electric cars that you see little kids driving around with. I looked over and summoned a Lambo, birhgt red and ready to race. I hopped in and started it up. It was awesome. Never being in a lambo before, i was eager to see how it preformed. I drove over to him and told him, "Hey! Nice car!" He just laughed again and said, "watch this." He suddenly reved the engine and it sounded just like mine. WTF!? The little plastic toy was going to compete with a lamborghini!?

      We both pulled up to a crack in the pipe and all his friends drove up along side me. They were in their normal '50s cars, like they should've been in. One guy stood there with a checkered flag. He yelled, "Ready, set! GO!" And we took off. I was way ahead and noticed that the other's hadn't even moved. I was nearing the end of the pipe and saw the others already there! WTF again!?!? They were cheating! I quickly turned aroudn the pipe and could hear them finally driving. I floored it. The others had caught up to me and were on the side. I have to admit, it was kind of funny seeing a little plastic car going over 200 mph, but I was starting to lose focus. There were passing me! I imagined a nitro button right next to the shifter and, of course, it appeared.

      I quickly pressed it and was launched back into my seat. I saw the speedometer quickly rising. 300, 350, 400, 450. The finish line seemed to move further and further away the faster i went. I was still catching up on the others though. I decided, "the heck with this." And i teleported myself to the fnish line. The guy was still there and waved the flag again. I won! or so i thought... I looked around and noticed the other people were sitting there drinking and laughing. I had lost! The guys started to walk over to me, but i could feel the dream fading. I jumped out of the car and tried to spin to stay in the dream, but it was too late.
      I woke up in my bed, a little disappointed that i didn't get to stay in the dream.
    14. Crumbling Ashes

      by , 01-18-2011 at 03:52 AM (Wandering in Dream Debris.)
      I find myself in my father's living room where he is sitting comfortably on his couch taking a long drag of his cigarette. My brother, who is standing next to me, is trying to convince my father to stop smoking because of his poor health. I join the discussion when suddenly I see my dad's right arm crumbling off of his body. Not in a very gory way but it was definitely disturbing.

      It was as if whenever he'd take another drag from his cigarette more and more of his right arm would turn into ashes and crumble off piece by piece just like the cigarette. He saw this happening but continued ignoring us and kept smoking till both his left and right arms were completely gone. He suddenly had a brand new, but unlit, cigarette in his mouth and was looking at us both as if to imply "Would you please light it?"

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 08:22 AM by 37090

    15. 17.1.11 Non-lucid, WTF???

      by , 01-18-2011 at 02:53 AM
      Somehow, I wound up neighbors with Duncan McLeod, and he was teaching me to swordfight. I wasn't an immortal, it was just for fun. There was something involving My Little Ponies, and my old church, and of course a fight. I don't think I want any more details, really. This was quite enough 90's flashback for me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment