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    1. Audio File Produces Lucid - 05/18/06

      by , 08-05-2010 at 04:16 PM
      [size=18]Audio File Produces Lucid - 05/18/06

      I let the audio file run from 4:30 until 6:00. At the very end of the morning before I was going to get up, I saw myself walking in the mall, I noticed my son's mom was walking towards me and I hear the file say "look at your hands to check your reality" so I did and when I moved them they were leaving major tracers and I could swipe one hand right through the other! I was very excited and told my son's mon this is a lucid. Unfortunately it was time to get up and my body knew it.
    2. Audio File Produces a Lucid

      by , 08-05-2010 at 04:13 PM
      [size=18]Audio File Produces a Lucid - 05/13/06

      I had my alarm trigger the lucid file around 4:00 AM. I let it looped until I woke up. At one point I woke up at least I thought I did at 6:00. I heard the voice telling me I'm dreaming. I didnt think this was true because I was lying in my bed. I had a false awakening, when I put my hands up in the air to look at them, I had missing fingers and my hands were mis-shaped. My view was really cloudy. When I stood up in my room, which no longer looked like my room, I was calling out to try to speak with my deceased father. He didnt answer (that's only happend twice). At that point the dreamed changed, I was outside with 2 other people and we were practing making things move with our minds. I must have had another false awakening because I couldnt do it. The dream continued into a much stranger direction.
    3. Audio File Produces HILD 05/07/06

      by , 08-05-2010 at 04:12 PM
      [size=18]Audio File Produces WILD - 05/07/06

      I setup the MAC alarm to trigger the ZenVortex lucid file (modified) at 3:00 AM due to problems with volume I snoozed it twice (it was kinda loud). After the second snooze though it seemed to trigger a lucid. (A SEX lucid to boot!) After the 2nd snooze I started having a WILD, I imagined I was in bed with a mystery girl; I was feeling her body and we were making out all of the sudden. I knew I was dreaming but I wasn't going to stop this. Shortly after I had a false awakening and I thought I woke up next to my wife. I was still dreaming, the dream later went in different directions and fragmented.

      I'll be adjusting that volume tonight for sure!
    4. A dream of Alaric.

      by , 08-05-2010 at 03:53 PM
      I can't remember the date of the dream exactly >_>
      I had a dream about one of my story characters. His name is Alaric, I didn't recognise him in the dream, but now I'm certain.
      I was this japanese/chinese girl with black hair. I had a red cellphone. I went around the building, showing various people some footage from my cellphone that proved that Alaric was a bad person or something like that. I felt safer that way, as I had to go meet him. Something was wrong though - the person that was bad and that I remembered had brownish hair in a ponytail and we met in a pool. He was not Alaric. I didn't understand how they switched places in my head, but just shruged it off. I climbed to the top of the sky scrapper we were supposed to meet at. I climbed on the roof. He was there. Then, I got scared. I thought he would try to hurt me or to throw me off the roof. I clinged onto the middle of the roof(it looked like a water tower roof...). I tried offering Alaric dollar bills, but he didn't take them. Instead, he took out some more money from his pockets and threw them all over the roof. I was clinging onto my red cellphone. Then he walked to the edge of the roof. He stood facing me, with his arms spread like he was going to fly. Then he fell backwards.

      He seemed expressionless the entire dream. He had black hair. He was dressed in dark clothes, but didn't wear this red scarf that comes with his design. I wondered why he didn't have it, then realised I told people on the shared dreaming thread that I'd show up with a red scarf, while thinking of Alaric's scarf. I suppose I stole it from him xD
    5. Aug 5 2010 - Meditation

      by , 08-05-2010 at 03:52 PM (Mah Journal)
      I started off playing some game. Then as I was playing it I realized that I was being hacked, because my "money" was being drained as I played it. I hastily went to change my password, but I realized that it would probably be too late. I shrugged. I would only lose 350k of this "money" apparently; the other 1 million and then some would be safe in the bank, which required my new password.

      Then I was at school. I think Mr. VA was there. He was teaching the class or something. I then decided to go outside to get something. I went downstairs and climbed out the window. When I got out into the front yard, I saw all the little kids there. Then, to my dismay, I saw giant spiders creeping around. They were only about the size of my hand, but I noticed that they had little red splotches on their bodies, and I was scared. Were they black widows? Giant black widows? Then there were some even bigger ones that were furry and had red, green, and yellow stripes going around them.

      I was really creeped out at this point. I tried to climb back into the window, but I got stuck. Then someone found me and tried to help me, but I couldn't get my hips past it. I thought it odd that I could emerge from it, but yet not return.

      Then, I was suddenly back in the school, and lucid. I did something that I can't remember, but then I stopped and tried to think of some of my dream goals. I decided to try and meditate. And so I sat down cross-legged and focused on my third eye, as that has always been the hardest to open and quite painful IRL. I saw a purple dot flashing over my head, and saw a sort of shadow in front of me which reflected that purple dot. Then I slowly made my way to the other chakras. It wasn't so powerful of an experience or feeling as last time, but when I woke up my third eye did not hurt, and it was opened.

      The last fragment I remember was me playing WoW. I had some character and I remember being around harpies in some forest-desert area, and following someone else.
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. 04/08 - Salt and Zebra Parrots

      by , 08-05-2010 at 03:15 PM
      Generally fuzzy recall

      Zebra Parrot

      A Macaw parrot, with patterns like a zebra, was stood inside a small circle of pebbles. It had a ritual of going round each pebble and rubbing the each side of it's beak on each pebble. I had the notion of MILDs floating around but quite how the two went together was beyond me.


      I'm a detective in special branch. I've been on Salt's case for a while now, otherwise kown as Angelina Jolie. She's working as an assassin, in partnership with another unknown party. I've tracked her down to a warehouse, dispatching the guards along the way.

      When I get to her she calmy offers me a deal to become her partner. I guess she's pretty compelling because I accept immediately, however, I have to take out her current ally.

      I go to his warehouse (I guess assassins like warehouses). It's a large building with a second floor walkway suspended on high tension wires with a steel grill floor. The assassins henchmen come in two types, each stationed in pairs. The grunts wear yellow overalls and are pretty easy to kill from cover. The better trained commandos wear green overalls and require flanking manouevers, sometimes I need to get up close and personal. At the end is a tall dark store room, shelves packed to the rafters 15 metres above. It's here that the fighting gets fierce and I find the assassin, larger and dressed in blue overalls and holding Salt hostage. After killing him she reveals she's been playing me against a third person she might recruit. She's already leaked to him what I'm doing and where I am. The shouts outside start to echo through the building, his men are moving in, he hasn't come himself. More fighting, more killing, and I'm still standing.

      I have a plan, I arrest Salt and throw her into the back of an armoured police van, much to her displeasure. If he won't show up in person I need to lure him out, present a target he can't resist. In the driver's seat I put out an open channel police call that I'm bringing in Salt, all units to assist, knowing he'll pick up the message on a scanner. With most of his men dispatched he'd have to come do this himself.

      Barreling along a dark, industrial city street it turns out he does have some men left. Kicking open the back door of the van we have a high speed gun fight, flames everywhere. I've taken out the first assassin and his men, most of the second's men. He appears in a car, right in my sights. Everything is going to plan.
      Tags: iarpo
    7. The 4Chan Van

      by , 08-05-2010 at 02:21 PM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      Bizarre set of dreams last night. I'll leap right into it.

      The dream I remember most vividly is about this thing called "the 4chan van". I dreamed that there was this trailer/van set up and if you went into it you were pretty much locked in for the duration of "an event". The "events" you experienced inside of the van were inspired by 4chan memes and such. So I walk into the van with my friend Phil and we go into the main "room". Everything is tinted red and there are a ton of people in there. Music is loud and I realize there's a band on stage. They remind me of the band from "The Ringer". My friend Phil is into the music (he's into all music, pretty much) and we're watching quietly when suddenly people behind us start throwing stuff at Phil and I and making fun of us. I remember feeling embarrassed and angry at the same time. The other guys in the "van" start making fun of Phil, myself, and the music.

      The next dream fragment I remember is being out in the middle of nowhere. There is a big flat of plains and trees everywhere. For some reason I go out and start climbing trees until I'm in this sort of ravine. Once into this ravine I see a path of trees, that fell down, that lead for quite awhile. I remember thinking I might fall if I try to cross but then I remember that bigger trees were leaning in just the right angles for me to walk on the downed trees and hold the big ones for support. So I start crossing the trees and then I reach the end of it and I'm on a flat area, that is elevated, that is simply grassy. Suddenly something pops outta nowhere and says something freaky to me. But I can't remember what it is..

      Two fragments. At least I'm remembering a little bit now. Side note: Practice Mantra to SP: "I am dreaming."
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Calea zachatechichi + melatonin

      by , 08-05-2010 at 01:52 PM
      1:30am - finished one cup of Calea tea and went to bed
      2:30am - still wide awake, take ~2mg melatonin
      3:30am - still awake, lying still and trying to sleep
      4:30am - still awake, lying still and trying to sleep
      4:45am - move to couch, hoping to sleep more easily there
      5:30am - still awake, get up and read, make a cup of catnip tea hoping for sedative effect
      5:45am - sun is rising, drinking catnip tea, wondering if it will be possible to sleep yet
      6:15am - go back to bed, cat takes an interest in my catnip breath, kneads my pillow, cute but whiskers tickle
      6:20am - cat lies on top of me as I lay on my left side, comfortable and obliging me to be still
      6:30am - around here I go to sleep at last
      7:15am - wake up and recall two dreams, clarity good, content and recall average
      7:16am - focus on remembering the dreams for later, need sleep too much to write them now
      7:17am - carefully extricate myself from cat and blankets and visit bathroom
      7:18am - discover cat is now somehow hogging entire pile of sheets, blankets and pillows
      7:19am - grab another comforter for myself and try to go back to sleep
      11:15am - wake terminally and write down the previous two dreams in bedside journal
      11:20am - as I'm writing, suddenly recall two more dreams I had during second sleep period

      Conclusion: Results negligible apart from the sleeplessness, since I normally remember multiple dreams when keeping an active journal.
    9. Wave 7: Oh...The Irony

      by , 08-05-2010 at 01:50 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      First Double Dream that i remember last night, wich I guess is a small consolation for the epic lucids I missed this morning. I had TWO dreams with the same theme: Lucid dreaming. Could it BE more blatant? Here they come:

      Number 1: Me and my father go to some sort of party and have a picnic on the grass. My dad says we should change spots and sit somewhere else. We sit with Adam, Edward, Thierry and Oliver. Edward is nice with me and trades his carrots for my cucumbers. But then it turns into a fight as me and Adam start beating each others. He throws me way up in the sky and I do a backflip before landing on my feet. Then I grab his neck and give him a facewash before trying to squeeze his skull. Noone wins, and im mad. I walk away thinking (watch this): If I was dreaming, I would have kicked your ass! How could i miss that? Dont ask me.

      Now the next one is WAY worse. The whole storyline is centered on it.

      Number 2: It starts with me watching some kind of kids show with my dad. It is about an entire family that teaches to kids lucid dreaming (geez) while keeping it educational and fun. They are wearing pink, but when they start dreaming the background turns to white. While going up some kind of tower, the brother in the family breathes fire then starts educating kids about it. I think I made my dad watch it to realize that Inception was real. My mom kicks me out of the house, and I have nowhere else to go but to my uncles LD camp (sigh). I go back inside to pack my stuff and find a flute in the back of my garage. I bring it with me, and play the Song of Healing on it (LoZ OoT). On the front of the house, I see a hot women with my mom. I ask my mother: "Whos this?"
      She says she will take care of my brother and sis while she takes me to the camp. We make a stop to what appears to be the place you go to renew your license. While not my mom but my dad sits on a chair to wait, I go to the counter. There is a person in front of me. I go and pull out my health insurance card (im canadian )

      She charges it and ask me why im doing it. My reply: In case I ever break a dream leg (GODDAMN IT) Then she gives me a tiny watermelon piece that I start to eat before stopping, thinking I will need it later to fall asleep. I tell my dad: Alright im done with my errand, lets go!
      Thats the end of it.

      A dream about dreaming. Now thats a first. What is really amazing is that through the entire dream I was anxious about wether or not I could have an LD. Now thats a fail.

      Updated 08-05-2010 at 01:52 PM by 34603

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Ouch...

      by , 08-05-2010 at 01:47 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      I had quite a few dreams last night, but this is the only one that I remember.

      1- Alex the Cursed
      At school, I am in a gang led by a boy named Alex. (Who, by the way, seems to be the same Alex from my orphanage dream a while back.) This isn't a normal kind of gang. Alex's father is a leading figure in the Mafia; our gang is designed to undermine his malicious schemes.

      In a tragic turn of fate, however, Alex is discovered. Furious, his father beats him unconscious before my eyes (I am chained to the wall). Then, to my horror, he pulls down the boy's pants and chops off his penis.

      "You sick bastard!" I screech, straining uselessly against my chains. "He's your son! How can you be so cruel!?"

      I am released without any (physical) harm, and I carry Alex back to his room. (Although, "carry" isn't the right word. I more or less had to drag him due the fact that he was considerably larger than me.) I feel sorry for him when he wakes up...

      *time lapse*

      The gang and I seem to be under some sort of sleeping spell. I drowsily wonder why I haven't gotten out of bed the past week.

      Suddenly the nurse brings in some "medicine." She says that Alex sent it. Throughout the dream, we had been taking some particular type of drug to enhance our fighting abilities. I believe that this is the same thing, despite the fact that it is clearly labeled "Furniture Cleaner." One sip of it and I am abruptly wide awake.

      I rush to the nearest sink as fast as my legs can carry me (which happens to be the one in Alex's bedroom) and begin spitting the stuff out. It has started foaming, and takes quite a while to get it all out. Blech! "I... I think I prefer the other medicine," I say to Alex weakly. "Although this one DID get me out of bed."

      He is angry that we haven't been to see him since his... incident. I apologize profusely, making a mental note to slaughter whoever put me under that damn spell...

      *time lapse*

      It is time for the school election, and since two girls from the Yakuza are running, it is important for our gang to send two candidates. Alex and I are the popular choice. I know that I will end up doing most of the work (since he's going to be disabled for a while), but I put on a brave face and accept the offer. (I really, really hate positions where I must speak in front of people.)

      For some reason, part of the pre-election activities consists of hiding seven slips of paper in the kitchen. The opposing team who finds all of the other team's papers wins the challenge.

      But the Yakuza girls are cheaters. I catch them spying on me as I hide the slips of paper, so Alex and I start devising a scheme of our own to sabotage them.
      Tags: school
    11. Undercover cops, bar zombies, female dance class, and infusing movement with feeling

      by , 08-05-2010 at 01:41 PM

      I'm walking down the street across from where I work, it's night. Some girl, mid 20s, black hair, wearing a professional navy colored suit, is handing out cans of beer - like how some people hand out promotional flyers to everyone who passes by, except it's cans of beer half as tall as a normal can. I take it even though I don't drink. The top is already open when she hands it to me.

      I continue down the road and these two older guys start following me, late 30s, one has very light blond hair, almost white, especially his eyebrows, mostly bald... reminds me of Hank from the show Breaking Bad. Don't remember anything about the other guy.

      They keep within my personal space, and somehow I figure they must be undercover cops. I look at the Hank guy and call it out, "so, you must be..." He pretends not to know what I'm getting at. I say "nevermind" and cross the street toward work, they follow me.

      When we get to the other side, they reveal their identity and ask about the beer, if I've been drinking or plan to. I say that I hadn't drank any and have no intentions of doing so, which is true. They hear the sincerity and conviction in my voice, believe me, and leave me be.


      The thing that stands out most to me is my conviction when I told them I wasn't going to drink, and the fact that they believed me.

      Perhaps a message about the importance of sincerity.

      - - -


      I go to a bar with my dad. There are couches... all of the patrons are sitting silently, staring off awkwardly. Men and women in their 40s, at least some of them are dad's family. I realize that they're just there because they don't want to be alone.

      There was a much more complex storyline involving dad as well, but can't remember...


      I think the important part of this one was the realization that they just didn't want to be alone.

      It makes me think of how people will lower their standards in relationships (romantic or otherwise) just to avoid loneliness.

      I was feeling oddly lonely yesterday and spoke to someone who I'd previously dismissed as too irritatingly trivial to interact with, just to talk to someone, anyone. I did so more on my own terms than before, however, not changing the way I acted to match theirs. Instead, they changed to match mine. It actually did make me feel better.

      - - -


      I'm in a dance class meant for females. I can't do the movement properly for some reason, I keep swaying back and forth with my arms, but it's not correct. When the session ends, I do a backward roll over my left shoulder.

      Teacher is in mid to late 40s, neck length brown hair, taught face with some wrinkles.


      I generally consider myself fairly feminine in certain ways.

      I'm not sure what would trigger that sense of not being able to "get it right," however.

      Except perhaps losing repetitively as Zerg in Starcraft, but that seems a bit of a stretch. Oh well, I always try to come up with at least one possibility for each part.

      - - -


      I think this is the same class as the one above.

      A male teacher - 40s, quite fat, longer hair (ponytail?) - challenged by a student that they "can't paint," demonstrates in front of the class by making 2 simple marks of a dark blue. They're very slow and deliberate, he twists the brush to make two marks each conveying movement into the other, like a yin yang. I can see he's infusing much feeling into the movements.

      I'm able to recognize it because this is something I do naturally. I allow the feeling to take over my hands. I remember clearly the feeling of my arms moving involuntarily with the brush in the air.


      The feeling or lack there of conveyed in movement is something I notice in people at all times.

      Perhaps this theme of feeling in movement was the result of being quite focused on the sensation of swaying my arms in the previous part.

      In fact, thinking about it now, I was really quite aware of it in the moment. I think this may be the first sign of greater dream awareness. It makes sense that it would begin kinesthetically for me. Focusing on body awareness first in dreams may be my personal key to achieving lucidity.

      I feel that this is a very important discovery. Progress!

      - - -


      Walking down a street, cars and shops, downtown in some city, night. Someone is impersonating Immortal Technique, one of their lines ends with "poke them in the eye," I think this is weak and not something they would say.


      Possibly triggered by a post I made on here mentioning IT.

      When I first woke up, I thought I would have no dreams to report today. It seems to take some time for me to recall.

      For me it's not a matter of "getting it all onto paper quickly before I forget," it's more "keep waiting around until some random thought triggers a memory, which triggers another one..." and so on.

      Updated 08-06-2010 at 03:32 AM by 30838

    12. Swimming...on the roof

      by , 08-05-2010 at 10:32 AM (Purple Trees and Zombies: Trippy Dreams of an Artist/Writer)
      I'm taking my sister home from somewhere, have no idea where. It's night and we are on the highway, the only car. I stop at my apartment for some reason, and Stephanie (my sister) wets her hair down - why, I have no idea. I am irritated she's taking so long and tell her to hurry up. I think I get snacks or something from the fridge.

      We stop at a church next...and there is an old couple sitting in the pews. Just them, no one else. My sister and I get bored and leave. I don't remember much about this part of the dream.

      Still traveling at night, still the only car. But for some reason, I miss my exit and run out of road - literally. The pavement ends and there's a drop off (not huge, but a couple of feet) to this dirt road that's horizontal to my vertical freeway.

      We abandon the car and arrive in this town. Everything is run down, and what isn't run down is really old, vintage style places. The library is a shack, the store is a booth in the road, etc.. I want to use a phone to call my dad and tell him Stephanie is going to be late. I end up using one in one of the shack places. Dad on the other end isn't happy with me, and I hang up with the sense that I disappointed him.

      There is a nice house in town, a mansion. Somehow, getting Stephanie home isn't priority anymore, exploring this house is. I go in, and look around. Everything is luxury from the rugs to the furniture. I go upstairs and the maid tells me I can go swimming on the roof. I take off all my clothes and sit outside the window, in where the gutter should be, but it's the pool. I'm not worried about being naked as there's a huge privacy fence around the house, and a well manicured lawn. I remember it being really really green.

      The pool is the size of a gutter though, and I scoot down until it gets wider and wider. Now the water is covering the entire roof, inside the attic. It's really clear, no dirt at all. I swim and explore the waterlogged rooms, and my sister pops up, asks me what I'm doing. I tell her to come in. The maid starts making us drinks. I sit on this bench that suddenly appears and look into a mirror. I have these weird patches of hair on my chest and get embarrassed. I think I have to go home and shave them off.


      At least no one was blond this time. *sigh*
    13. Nazi

      by , 08-05-2010 at 09:51 AM
      So me and some friend are standing outside a city. We were chatting about something when nazi's rushed in and occupied everything outside the city (including a small airport). As they sit in the airport, a plane comes into view. They somehow hit it and it starts falling (no it was not a rocket launcher). We rush towards the crash landing site. We run into the city and run around searching for the plane. When we finally find it, the plane is clearly untouched and landed normally. A guy steps out of the plane. We ask him something (along the lines of "what happened?") and he replies something. He says there are no nazi's here. We run out of the city to check and, truly, there are no nazi's.
    14. Cowboys

      by , 08-05-2010 at 09:46 AM
      I appear in some place i seem to know, but i can't put my finger on what it was. It has a street, a few trees on the side of the streets and multi-place buildings further. As i am standing a friend of mine approaches. He is dressed up like a cowboy (let's call him Arnie). Arnie gets in a word fight with some guy i don't know (let's call him Sol). They decide to figure this out like men. So they jump into water (which wasn't anywhere close) and they start blasting their guns at each other.
      Later on, I'm checking a wikipedia entry on that fight. It says they used solidifier (wut) guns and next to their names is a flag. Sol has a flag I've never seen before. Arnie has a Lithuanian flag. It also says that the fights outcome is unknown.
    15. The day I met Serwen Ninjascript

      by , 08-05-2010 at 09:41 AM
      I went to bed during my vacation and had this dream-

      I was walking down the street, and this hand pulled me into a alleyway. The hand turned out to be a crazy haired girl. She pulled me in close and told me her name was Serwen Ninjascript and she wrote a book about another land. She made me read it and it transported me into another land, there I met the dragon toothless from the movie "how to train your dragon" and then I rode him through the skies then I saw this giant rock. Then toothless told me nobody has ever come off that rock alive then all of a sudden, this women went on this rock and a pack of black scaly dragons took control of the women. Then the dragon said only one human had successfully killed off almost all of the dragon species. Then the dragons took their slime army they made (they kind of looked like the slimed from dragon quest) then me and toothless went off to fight the slime army. As we were fighting the slimes a timer went off and big red letters and a deep voice that said failure, then I was in a caffe with Serwen Ninjascript and she said she had a new book and then picked up a giant bible looking book that said "adventure" then I woke up.