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    1. Pyrokinesis

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:06 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in a friend's house. The floor throughout the entire place was dark brown hardwood, polished nicely, and the walls were beige. It looked like a fairly modern house; the living room contained two dark burgundy leather sofas and a loveseat, and a brick fireplace, slightly misshapen. I was walking around looking for my cat, Meepy. I found her eventually though, which was good. I was picking up large vases and even the couches looking for her, and found her underneath a large tan vase, more round than tall. How could she be hiding under a vase? Maybe she flattened herself out. I dunno. It didn't occur to me that this was strange for a while, but then finally I became lucid.

      I decided to finally attempt the Advanced Task for June 2010, creating and controlling fire, also known as pyrokinesis. This would be easy, I knew, because I had done it before. I used my usual spin-around-to-summon technique to summon a cigarette, sizzling on the hardwood, and then used telekinesis to make it float in the air. Just to have a bit of fun, I sat down cross-legged as the cigarette floated up, and I began to float too. It took a bit of effort to keep myself up, but it worked. Both I and the object were floating now, and I was still floating as I held my hands out, pulling a stream of fire from the cigarette, reeling it in using a pulling gesture. It touched my hands and looked more orange than red now, and also looked more like a ribbon. Regardless, I completed the task.

      I eventually lost lucidity, going on to sit on the ground, petting Meepy. After doing this for a little bit, I went to where the fireplace was to find someone sitting on the brick, crying. He looked up and I realized it was one of my friends. "Why are you sad?" I asked, sitting down beside him. "I don't know," he told me.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:59 AM by 28408

      lucid , task of the month
    2. Humanburgers

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:06 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      Alien beings have traveled from a far away planet to invade the earth. They are here to harvest humans as food. To do this, they have converted their spaceships into giant meat processing plants that grind humans down to pulp.

      I find myself a prisoner in one of these huge meat processing concentration camps. I am there with several other people waiting in line to get shredded alive by a giant spherical meat grinder. Everyone except for me seems to be in a drugged trance. Like zombies walking to their horribly painful deaths. I am horrified, but somehow realize that this is a dream. I reason that I am lucid, but everyone else is still dreaming. This is why they are all zombified.

      I start yelling at people, shaking them, trying to get them to realize that this is a dream, and they don't have to be killed. I try to save them. No one will listen to me. I watch helplessly as they are ripped apart one by one and ground down in giant pencil sharpeners. I remember the task of the month as a way to wake people up. I get up on a platform and yell to the crowd, "This is a dream! If you become Lucid like me, we can escape! I will prove it by jumping into this grinder, and coming out unharmed."

      I lower myself into the top, and feel the wind from the spinning blades blow against my feet. I lower myself further down, and my foot gets ripped off in a spray of blood. I feel the pain, but it feels distant, so I am reassured this is a dream. I jump in all the way, and feel a thousand blades close in around me. They close in from the bottom up, and the outside in, like a giant pencil sharpener. My legs and arms are torn off first, then my entire body is ripped and sliced into a thousand pieces.

      My consciousness remains, and I feel myself pass through the machine, and slop out the bottom in a pile of gore. I form the puddle of my remains back into a body, like the Terminator or Alex Mack. Somehow my survival has destroyed the machine. I see them failing all over the factory. The lights shut off, and alarms start to sound.

      Everyone runs from the building, and I meet up with a group of survivors in a burned out house. I recognize several of the survivors as DV members. I recognize Adam, Burns, Twoshadows, and Aquanina We discuss our plans to retake the earth from the aliens, and save all the people who are still not Lucid. It appears that my lucidity destroyed all the meat plants all over the world, and the alien Alien spaceships. The aliens were planning on harvesting us as food and then returning to their home planets. Now that we destroyed their spaceships, they can not go home. They have given up on killing humans, and are now gathering all the world's energy and fuel to create portals home.

      We scramble to pack our things. I run through the house gathering everything valuable to me. As I pass by a copy of Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams by Stephen Laberge, I am reminded that this is a dream. I look at the bag of dirty socks I am trying to stuff into my suitcase. I think of the other task of the month, and dump the socks out on the ground. As they fall, I will them to life. They turn into mice that still look like socks. They start squirming and inching all over the floor. Burns laughs, and pulls two kittens out of her suitcase. They chase the sock mice, and disappear under the furniture.

      As I gather my things, I feel the dream slipping. I try to imagine what the outcome of this dream will be. How the story will end. I get brief flashes of the future, like a movie preview. Myself, Adam, Burns, Twoshadows, and Aquanina piled into a car on a road trip for the rest of our lives. We run from town to town in a post apocalyptic wasteland trying to find enough gasoline to keep driving. At one point, stuffed in the back seat with all our suitcases and pillows, I reach over and take Aquanina's hand. I know that we will have a love story that is crucial to the plot of the dream. I think how great this will be that we will all become such great friends.

      I see a view of the closing credits. It's Burns's kitten walking to the car with my dirty sock in its mouth.

    3. Adventures in Bodysitting

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:05 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      I was able to string together around 10-15 brief lucid dreams early saturday morning. They were all very unstable which made them unpredictable and crazy fun. I was able to change the scene dramatically by just casually thinking about where I wanted to be or what I wanted to do.

      I'm in my bed after just waking from a LD. I don't move, but imagine myself getting out of bed and running out of my house, out my front yard, out the gate, down the street running as fast as I can. By the time I reach the street corner, I am completely in the dream and lucid. I think about the lucid task of changing genders, and I am suddenly snapped into a richly decorated hotel lobby. I am a little surprised at the abruptness of the scene change, and I wonder why the hell my subconscious chose a hotel lobby.

      I see the walls are mirrored floor to ceiling, so I walk over to one of the mirrors. My reflection looks normal, and I start to think about how to turn into a woman. I see, reflected in the mirror, a long line of travelers waiting to check in at the front desk. There is an attractive blond woman in a business suit who makes eye contact with me in the mirror. I smile at her and think about maybe swapping bodies with her somehow.

      By the time I look away from her and back at my own reflection, My reflection has completely changed into a middle aged woman with dry frizzy black hair. I look a little like a haloween witch without the hat. I am a bit surprised at how easy that was. I look down at my body to make sure It's not just my reflection that changed. I run my hands down my body, feeling my new womanly curves through my clothes. I am amazed by how convincing the change was.

      I look back up to the mirror, and notice that I have now turned into my girlfriend. I look exactly like her when we first met, 10 years ago. I'm a little creeped out and upset by this change, especially since I was just feeling myself up. I notice the line of people has all stopped what they are doing, and they are now staring at me in a horrified way. I turn around and yell "Hey! Mind your own business. Nosy dream characters. Nothing going on here!"

      I am very uncomfortable being in my girlfriend's body, and having all these people staring at me, like they're about to cause some trouble, so I wake myself up.
    4. 6/3/2010

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:05 PM
      Quote Originally Posted by Sean Lennon View Post
      The Parking Lot (Non-lucid)


      Two fragments, but here they are: I remember parking my white Buick Century in a parking lot on a hill. It wasn't a very high hill, maybe four a five feet up from yet another parking lot. I was with a female friend whom I don't remember, probably because her identity shifted as the dream went on. We exited the vehicle and proceeded to walk through the parking lot, down the four concrete steps to the next parking lot, through yet another parking lot separated by a small median of grass, and finally we came to whatever building in which the event we were attending was. The building was very modern, with brushed steel and glass structures that were the entryway. I have no idea what the event was or why I was attending. That is the missing fragment of the dream, and even as I first woke from it I could not recall it.

      The next thing I remember in the dream is leaving the building. There was a crowd of people, but my eyes focused on one person: Lindsey. I haven't spoken to her in two years, because we broke that friendship off on such nasty, regrettable terms. In my waking life I would think that my reaction towards her would be fury and venom, but in my dream she looked at me like a puppy that knows it's done a bad thing. I walked up to her, and all my anger melted. I knew even then that I would never trust her again, but there was no resentment for her in my heart. I said, "Hey, Linds, how are you doing?" If she responded, I don't remember, but she and a high school friend of mine, Lisa, all walked back to my car together.

      Lisa kept telling me that the three of us should go out on a semi-date of some sort, and I laughed and told them that it was just impossible. "I'm too in love with Jen to even think about hanging out with other women." At this point I couldn't find my car. It wasn't in the parking lot where I thought I left it, but then I realized that it was in the parking lot on the hill, and we made our way up there. I said goodbye to the girls, got in my car, and woke up.
    5. My Hillbilly Doppleganger

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:05 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      I always get the feeling there is someone in the room when I'm in SP, but this time it was strange because I was positive that David Hasslehoff was right behind me. I'm not a 'Hoff fan at all, and sort of forgot he even existed until he appeared in my room last night.

      I step out of my bed (and out of my body), and walk out to the living room. It's too dark to see anything, and I can tell the dream is very unstable. I try to 'will' the lights to turn on, but I can feel the world slipping away when I focus too hard. In the darkness, I have this feeling like there is someone next to me who is about to attack me, and I'm worried this is about to become a nightmare. I run into the bathroom, hit the light switch, it doesn't work, but the lights are on anyways for some reason.

      I keep worrying that there is someone next to me, just outside my vision, with a knife, and I know that the more I worry about it, the more it's going to come true. I turn quickly and turn him into someone non-threatening... My brother. When I see the mirror, I remember the task of the month, and decide to give it a try.

      I lean across the counter toward the mirror, and inspect my reflection. It looks perfectly like me. I start to wonder if this is really a dream. It's so convincing, almost too detailed. Just then, my reflection winks at me, and I say out loud "Tight!". As I open my mouth to say it, I notice that my reflection has messed up Hillbilly teeth. I then also notice that he's wearing a white softball tee, with black 3/4 length sleeves.

      I put my hand on the mirror to try to reach in, but the surface feels way too solid. I decide to try to pretend the mirror is not there, and try to reach through like it's a window. I put my had down, and then quickly reach up and right through the mirror to grab my reflection's shirt. When I hit the surface of the mirror, I get the most intense pain in my hand and arm. It feels like peeling off a really bad scab, or what I would imagine peeling the skin off your hand would feel like.

      I pull my reflection forward, and he doesn't resist at all. He floats out of the mirror, and it seems like he's just a head and shoulders. I ask him "Why do we dream?". He smiles his hillbilly smile and says "I guess, at a certain point, we just need something to keep things interesting".

      I let go of him, and he sort of refocuses back into the background of the mirror without moving. I sort of wonder if I hurt him pulling him out, since my hand hurt so bad going in.

      I spend a bit more time flying around outside on the lawn, changing my size so I can fly between the blades of grass. Things go downhill from there. I find my dream journal to write the dream down. It's sitting in a sheep pasture, it's about 2"x2" in size, and is filled with mini travel photos. I end up having a picnic on the lawn where I argue about whiskey vs bourbon with some really bossy lady.
    6. 5/31/10-6/2/10

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:04 PM
      Quote Originally Posted by Sean Lennon View Post
      I've kept a dream journal for a while, but it's been about a year since I've documented my dreams. I have a pretty good dream recall, and I think that this will help that even more.

      Let's starts with the dreams I've had the past few nights. These aren't as clear as I'd like, but I'll do my best to recall the details.

      The only scene I have is this one. I was standing at the shore of a small lake, and the sun was going down. The sky was mostly dark, except for a small patch of color on the horizon. There were lingering bits of orange, pink and yellow, but soon there was nothing but the moon in a starlit sky.

      It was then that I realized that there was a man and a woman lying down at the edge of the shore. They held each other close until the sun was completely gone. Then the man broke free from the embrace and started convulsing. His figure grew and contorted. His limbs twisted in strange angles and his head expanded until it burst into the head of a daisy. His feet took the form of petals on a stem. What was left after the transformation was an intensely masculine figure with green skin, petals for feet and an enormous bloom where the head should be. The man and woman continued their embrace, and I awoke in a very confused state.

      Last night's dream was frustrating, because it was so close to being a really great LD. I'm not sure what went wrong.

      The pool opened up in my neighborhood on Monday, and in my dream I was walking back from a swim. The street I live on is a cul de sac, and as I turned on to my street I almost stopped in my tracks. There was music coming from the top of the street, and as I got to the end of the street I found twenty or thirty open, black instrument cases ranging in size from trumpets to baritone saxophones. They were just lying in the street, but since it is a cul de sac I didn't care to move them.

      Just to the left of the cases was a very large circus tent that took up the rest of the end of the street. The music I had heard was coming from within the tent. I walked closer to it and saw that it was made out of blue plastic painter's tarp. I walked towards an open seam of the tent to peak in. Inside I saw a man in his mid twenties practicing his baton spinning act. His skin was a golden brown, and his hair was cut very short. His clothing was like something out of the Disney movie Aladdin. Pants the were baggy at the feet and close fitting at the waist. His chest was bare except for a light brown vest.

      I closed the tent flap and made my way up to the house. The inside of my home had grown exponentially. The hardwood entryway was converted into a viewing space for a stage that was used for some sort of dance. there were about fifteen black folding chairs in the entryway facing the stage. The stage was relatively small, its center point of it was a metal structure comprised of 4 metal poles about ten feet tall, and connected at the top with similar metal poles. I would have liked to see the dance, but it was at this point that I noticed that the walls were covered in the same blue tarp as the tent outside. I made my way into the kitchen. All blue. My dad was there, and I told him that he couldn't do this to the house. He asked me why, and I told him, "Because I'm dreaming, and I'm in control."

      It was at this point that I tried to stabilize the dream by saying aloud "Increase lucidity" out loud. Unfortunately, before I could do anything to actually make that happen, the dream disintegrated and I woke up.

      I tried to a WILD, and it started to work, because I could feel that my whole body was in a parka and snow gear. I could feel the gloves on my hands, but it was then that my cat started meowing in real life, and I couldn't fall back asleep. So. Close.
    7. The Bitch Party

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:04 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      This was an extremely long lucid. It was very strange. It was like I was aware of my body in bed from start to finish, but that did not at all interfere with the dream's stability or length. The dream appeared from me imagining the scene in HI, and never really felt like it evolved to a full dream. I was on a bunch of cold medicine, so maybe that has something to do with it.

      I am at my old house from college, hanging out with my old roommates. We are getting ready to go to a party. For some reason we are all drinking in the laundry room. I realize I am still wearing my work / office clothes, and that this will not do at all. I strip down to my boxers, and all the girls start making cat calls. I joke around with them, then head upstairs to get dressed. 'E' yells to me to wear a suit as a joke. It will be highly inappropriate for the party we are going to. I agree that that would be a funny joke, and put on a 1970s brown Double Cleaveland with a bolo tie. The room I change in is my old bedroom from my childhood home. I notice its all screwed up, with furniture in the wrong places and the room is covered in green and red picture frames with gold bows on them. I am reminded that this is a dream, although I never really forgot. I can barely move, like I am so sore from weightlifting that none of my muscles work anymore. While getting dressed, 'E' is telling me how hes bringing cherry bombs, so when we go to Roys (a very nice restaurant in Hawaii) after the party, we can flush them down the toilets as a joke. I agree that this will be a riot!

      I wrongly remember that the task of the month was to go to a DV party, so I am excited that this is going to work out so well. As I walk out of the room, I notice that everyone from DV is in my living room. They are all played by actors, so I figure I will have to ask them who they all are.

      I talk to a couple people, but they are all very cold and mean towards me. I wonder if its because I wore the suit. Suddenly I feel like an ass hole. I walk up to Steve Buschemi in the kitchen, and ask him who he's playing. He is in the middle of a conversation with someone about how he hates Architects because they don't know anything about construction. I feel a little akward, because I'm an Architect. I try to defend myself, but I soon realize he is only saying all this to piss me off & provoke me. I don't want to ruin this fun dream with violence, so I move on to the next person.

      As I approach Claire Daynes, I remember the real task of the month, and feel like an idiot. Maybe this is why everyone was being cold to me. I ask her, "Can you tell me something about myself that I don't already know?" She thinks I am hitting on her, and makes a comment about what a bad pickup line that was. I tell her this is all a dream, and to prove it to her, I jump off the top of the stairs. Right before I hit the ground, I do a little float-bounce so I am lying horizontally on my belly, floating inches from the ground. I reach out and touch the ground, walking along on my hands with my feet in the air at a 45 degree angle. Like swimming along the bottom of a pool. I float up to the ceiling, back down again, then back to where Claire Daynes was standing. I ask her again, and she replies, "I will tell you something you already do know. You're an ass-hole!"

      I think there must be some confusion. What did I do? I turn to another girl at the party to ask her, "Can you please tell me something about myself that I don't already know?" As I'm talking to her, her fat girl friend is telling me to get lost because she has a boyfriend. I turn to tell her friend that I'm not trying to hit on her. I'm very frustrated now. When I turn back to the gal I was talking to, she is gone, and her boyfriend is there in her place. He looks aweful, like a corpse. He is wearing a hooded sweat shirt, and his face is yellow, and covered in pockmarks or real bad acne scars. As I am looking at him, I realize he is made of Malt-O-Meal (that terrible Cream of Wheat/porridge stuff). He suddenly explodes / melts into a puddle of porridge and clothes. This is so unexpected for such a normal dream, that I decide I better leave. People are too hostile, and this is getting weird.

      I figure I'll go see whats going on upstairs. When I get there, All my old roommates are hanging out. Its like a dance club, with people partying in the middle of the room, and a few people asleep/ passed out in the corners. I decide I am done with this dream, and want to try to have another one. I reason, that if I go to sleep, I can have another dream. I lie down next to my old roommate 'V', put my arms around her, and spoon her. I fall asleep thinking of how much I miss all these old friends.

      I transition directly into another lucid dream that was even more vivid and longer than this one. I would post it here, since it's technically part of this dream, with many similarities and synergies. It is very long and sexually explicit, so I think I will spare you. All together, these two back to back lucids lasted over 2 hours! I wonder if the cold medicine screwed up my REM cycles or something.
    8. Incubated Combo

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:04 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      4:00 AM I got up and ate a banana and some B6. I went back to bed and did a VILD for an hour and a half. I was visualizing three scenes. My front yard sculpture garden, my favorite beach in Hawaii, and a Monteverde jungle in Costa Rica. Around 5:45, I finally felt some vibrations, and started seeing some HI. I grabbed onto one of the images of waves crashing on a beach, and started imagining bodysurfing. It became very tactile, and then I suddenly found myself crashing into a family making sandcastles on the beach.

      I stood up, apologized to the DCs, and then had a look around. The beach was a great combination of the three scenes I had imagined. Rocky jungle cliffs terminated into a white sand bay. The beach disappeared around a corner with an interesting rock formation - like one of those natural sandstone bridges that form along the coast of northern california.

      I remembered the task of the month, but was disappointed to leave this beautiful place after I worked so hard to create it. The idea came to me to see what this same beach would look like on an alien planet. I raised my hand and snapped my finger. The world flattened out into a 2D image, rotated to be seen on it's edge as a single line, then rotated back to form another scene (My girlfriend was playing paper mario last night). Now I found myself on the same beach, only everything was slightly different. I felt strangely disembodied and floating, like I was a camera transmitting images back to myself in bed.

      The sand was a dirty brown color. The light was a very strange color and sparkled in a hazy way. I looked up to the cliffs, and saw that they were all carved into crazy geometric shapes. The family that had been with me a minute ago was now a single old man with pale blue skin. Instead of a sand castle, he had a giant green marble slab. He was planing it and polishing it with a flat metal bar. It reminded me of an old man waxing his surfboard.

      I looked to where the natural bridge previously was, and saw a huge temple or palace built of cyclopean masonry. It looked like something out of an HP Lovecraft novel, or a Myan temple on a giant scale. I felt as though I was being controlled remotely, and I shot off towards this temple. It was built on a carved stone bridge that projected from the cliff face to be supported by a carved mountain jutting up from the surf. I orbited the building like a camera in a 3D modeling program. As I passed below the bridge, I looked upward to see all kinds of pictograms and hieroglyphs carved under the bridge. I wanted to move closer to try to read them, but I woke up to my alarm.
    9. A Morning of Time Travel

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:03 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      I was having breakfast with my girlfriend this morning, trying to explain to her that I just figured out how to time travel. I was telling her that all I had to do was imagine a memory from a few minutes ago, and hold it in my mind like I do when I VILD. That visualization of the past would then become reality, and I could enter it like I enter a LD.

      I demonstrated it to her a few times. She dropped the cap for the soymilk, so I picked it up and time traveled to 2 minutes ago, caught the cap when she dropped it, so now I had two caps in my hand. I was a little weirded out by this, but she seemed fine with it.

      The only thing that bothered her about it, was that she kept looking at the clock to time my experiments. She was commenting on how the clock kept changing, and was showing unrealistic times. I told her the clock does the same thing in my lucid dreams, so maybe there is more of a connection between time travel and dreaming than just a similar induction technique.

      Of course, it never occurred to me that MAYBE I WAS DREAMING! Freaking Idiot.
    10. Wall Climbing Wild

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:03 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      I was on my back imagining my body falling backwards, and that my bedsheets were like a parachute that the wind was pressing against me as I fell. Like I was falling through space while wrapped in a bedsheet.

      I hit sleep paralysis and started feeling my body humming and vibrating like mad. My girlfriend kept kicking me, so I kept popping out of SP. Once I was in, it was pretty easy to return, so after about an hour of trying not to get mad at the lady, I finally hit a great bout of SP.

      I decided it was time to finally enter a dream, so I started imagining the feeling of floating upwards. I was trying to make it as vivid as possible, and next think I knew, I slammed against my ceiling. I reached out my hands and felt the texture of the ceiling for a minute or two to make sure I was 100% locked in the dream, then I opened my eyes. I then started climbing around on the ceiling like spiderman.

      This whole time, I was listening to a man and a woman discussing Tax Law. They were talking about the alternative minimum tax and how it didn't allow for the deduction of wholesale grocery purchases at your farmer's market.

      I was crawling on the ceiling trying to figure out what the hell they were talking about. As I turned the corner to climb down my bedroom wall, I felt a huge gust of wind, and looked down to find myself outside, on the side of a tall building above an outdoor farmers market. The two people talking were walking along the street far below me.
    11. Night Sky Lucid

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:02 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      I woke to a FA in my bedroom, and immediately recognized that I was still dreaming. As soon as I realized it, I felt myself waking up for real. My bedroom began fading to black, with everything turning to shadows and silhouettes. I struggled to hang onto the dream. The walls of my bedroom melted away into blackness, and my bed beneath me began to disappear. I watched as my bedroom disappeared around me, and transformed into a beautiful black night sky lit by millions of stars. It was like the kind of sky you see when you are far from the lights of civilization, only much clearer. It was as if I could see forever, into layers upon layers of stars. It was not a void. I could feel the ground beneath me, and could see the silhouettes of mountains on a distant horizon line. I was sitting on a high ridge, looking across to the opposite side of a dark valley.

      After a moment just staring at how beautiful everything looked, I realized I needed to move if I wanted to hold onto the dream. My peripheral vision felt limited, but I could barely make out the shadowy forms of a person on one side of me, and a seated chimpanzee on the other side. I was still halfway aware of my body lying in bed, so I reached out to shake the hand of the person next to me. I introduced myself, "Hi, its nice to meet you, whats your story?" My voice sounded strange. My voice was loud and more powerful than normal, but I could hear a faint echo, like a mumbling coming from my real body (my girlfriend later told me that I was talking in my sleep).

      As soon as I spoke, the darkness disappeared. A room snapped sharply into being around me. I saw that the person shaking my hand was a well dressed man, and the chimpanzee next to me was now an older woman who looked like an aging supermodel. The room was very small and Gothic looking. Old wood furniture was crammed into the space and lit with several small candles. I stayed in the dream for several more minutes, conversing at length with the two people about the nature of free will, and what the future will hold.

      I hope none of their predictions come true.
    12. My Lucid Afterlife

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:02 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      I was at a party at a house that seemed strangely familiar. I was talking to a man who was explaining that when we die, our spirit is sent to a dream world for 300 years. At the end of the 300 years, we die in the dream world, and are reborn to the 'real' world again. The man was very excited, because he was at the end of his 300 years, and was about to be reborn.

      I knew this was a dream. I was totally lucid. The problem was, I believed 100% that dreams were where we went when we died. Using this confused logic, I believed that I was in the afterlife. My own personal dream heaven.

      It was night time, and I was in a beautiful beach house with its own private beach. Looking out across the water, I could see the lights of several other beach houses on the other side of the cove. Each beach house was reserved for a group of friends. Everyone who knew each other during their lifetime was sent to a beach house. In this way, your afterlife was only populated by the people you had met and loved during your life.

      There was a huge party going on, and I had memories of this party going on for dozens of years. All of my friends were there. Occasionally I would see a friend that just arrived at the party. I would feel sadness that this friend just died in the waking world. At the same time I felt joy that they we were now reunited in the afterlife. There were thousands of people at this party. Everyone I've ever been friends with.

      I was completely lucid. At one point, I decided that since it was a dream, I should just do whatever I wanted. I took off all my clothes, and was walking around naked. I reasoned, Who needs clothes when you're dead?. There was a room in the house that had a floor covered in a giant trampoline. Me and my buddy were jumping on this trampoline, when I remembered that we were naked. I looked at him and said, "You know, if this wasn't a dream, and we were alive, this would be real gay. Two naked dudes jumping on a trampoline?" We laughed as more people joined us.

      I saw a girl I used to know, and felt incredibly sad that she was dead now too. I gave her my condolences for being dead, but told her how great this was that we could now be together again. She seemed very sad, and had tears in her eyes. "This is my dream," I said. "We can do whatever we want. We can go wherever we want. I'm so glad you're finally here." I morphed the scene around us to the top deck of a cruise ship, then to the streets of Paris, then the jungles of South America. She started to cry, and told me, "You act like I just got here. I have been at this party for 100 years, and you have ignored me the whole time. Its too late to make up for lost time now. You had your chance."

      I later walked into a bar area of the house, and saw my girlfriend. I hadn't seen her since I died, and she looked so beautiful. I was so happy that we could now be together. A sleazy looking man was hitting on her at the bar. I walked up to send the guy away politely. I had so much catching up to do. As I went to put my arm around her, I noticed that the two of them were holding hands. I started yelling at the guy for hitting on my girlfriend. He tried to punch me, and it escalated into a full scale fight. I destroyed him completely with my god-like dream powers.

      In the fighting, I accidentally injured my girlfriend. She was dying. As I went to heal her, she had the most horrible look on her face. She was furious with me. As she was dying, she told me that that man was her husband. When I died and left her in the waking world, they met and were married. Before she could finish her story, she died in my arms. I knew I could not bring her back to life.

      I carried her outside to the beach. Her body looked like it was scaled in jewels, and she had wings made of gold leaf. As I walked along the beach, she started to disintegrate. Flecks of gold and jewels started lifting off her body, where they rose into the night sky and became stars. By the time I got to the water, all that was left of her was a handful of gemstones that were filled with liquid like batteries. I laid these stones on the sand, and with a wave of my hand I lit the entire beach on fire. Green flames spread to cover the sand and fuse it to glass. As the gemstones were consumed by the flames, they exploded one by one into clouds of multicolored light. I knew she would be reborn into a new life.

    13. Team Succubus

      by , 06-09-2010 at 11:01 PM (Snacks From the Butler's Pantry)
      I was sort of half-heartedly WILDing, and got stuck in sleep paralysis. I felt my body go completely numb, and started to see the darkness at the foot of my bed get denser and form into the hazy shape of a monsterously disfigured person. I started to get absolutely terrified, and feel the most terrible sensation of cold and evil. The thing climbed onto my bed and onto my paralyzed body. It grabbed my wrists to hold me down, and stared directly into my face. It's face was that of a woman, but constantly changing. It looked like it kept changing in age - from a young attractive girl to an old mummified corpse and back again.

      By this time, I was completely out of my mind terrified, but in the back of my mind I had this nagging thought that this felt familiar. I was wracking my brain trying to remember what to do to get out of this situation. I remembered that if I could get through this, I could make it to a lucid dream, but I couldn't think of what to do. For some reason, as soon as I thought the word "lucid dream", I remembered the task of the month. I somehow reasoned that if I could complete the task of the month, I could get away from this disgusting mummy lady dripping puss on my face.

      I fixed my eyes on hers (the only part of my body I could still move), and yelled at her with my thoughts, "What's my new years resolution?". Her face turned to an unattractive middle aged woman, and she leaned back and smiled in a sinister way. "My new years resolution is to harvest your semen, and devour your soul," she replied.

      I was now completely lucid, and no longer afraid. I asked again, "But, what's MY resolution?" She looked a little confused, and turned her head to look behind her. I noticed there was a horrible looking man standing behind her this whole time. He looked like a pale, ghostly translucent clown illuminated from within. Sort of like a combination between the albino dread locked guys from that Matrix movie, and a rotting zombie in a clown suit.

      He walked towards me, and sat on the edge of my bed right beside me. "You are going to discover the ability to open portals to other dimensions. When you do, the offspring we have sired from your sperm will become all powerful and invade the planet. We will start with Hawaii, since the people there are superstitious."

      I was totally lucid now, and thought this quite rediculous. "So, my new years resolution is to open a portal for some sort of demon clown invasion?" I laughed, "That doesn't sound very fun to me. I don't think I'll keep that one."

      I decided I had had enough of this, and woke myself up to write it down. The weird thing is, I had a dream about that same clown guy earlier in the night before this dream.

      So, if a bunch of my demon clown children warp to earth to devour Hawaii, I apologize ahead of time, guys.
    14. On the way to the cinema

      by , 06-09-2010 at 10:55 PM (NinjaWookiee's DreamJournal - My tales of bullshit)
      On the way to the cinema (Non-lucid)


      Sven, Patrick (Classmates and friends) and me wanted to go to a cinema by bike. We drove a way, which I dreamed already before.
      After a while Sven accidentally drove the wrong way and got into a dead end. We waited until he came back.
      After that we arrived at a shop, we had to go through. At this point Patrick said how pointless it would be to go on, because we wouldn't come in time. We dismounted and went on an escalator. It was the only entrance to the shop and it went down.
      Behind me was a turkish woman. While we all standed there and waited until we would arrive the end, an emloyee of the shop suddenly appeared. He stepped on the moving starway and in all of a sudden it stopped moving. The employee reacted fast and pressed a button to move the stairway again. After that he squeezed past us and disappeared in the shop. The stairway only stopped for a second, but the turkish woman behind me started to panic and shouting.
      The end of the escalator leaded onto the shop counter, so we had to jump off of it onto the ground.
      Patrick bought something there including PEZ-bonbons.
      After he did that we went to the exit. While we walked I took a brief look back into the shop. I noticed a girl/woman sittin on a chair near the counter. She had very pale white-blue eyes and blonde and pink hair and looked at me.
    15. Erasing the dream notices

      by , 06-09-2010 at 10:55 PM (NinjaWookiee's DreamJournal - My tales of bullshit)
      Erasing the dream notices (Non-lucid)


      Every night and every morning when I wake up and remember a dream I type in some notices in my mobile phone.

      I dreamed
      that I woke up and I wanted to do or check something on my mobile. The mobiles writingprogram was still open and I even saw the notices of my last dream (Tweeterman in school). Accidentally I closed the program without saving the text. I was pissed off. I opened it again and went back to sleep.
      non-lucid , false awakening