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    1. Forests are good.

      by , 06-05-2023 at 07:49 AM (The world of Lyseno)
      Friday June 2nd 2023

      Oh, how I like these places.

      I am home, looking for something to do. Become lucid and then start to work on finding something interesting to do. Teleport over to another planet and fly down to the ground.

      End up in a forest, so start walking around. There is not much to do but I like forests so don’t mind it. Keep on walking, jump from time to time between trees, find a small fruit so eat it and it tastes terrible.

      Just keep going and rest on the place.

      Back to sleep.

      Am walking around the house, become lucid and just teleport over to the planet from before.

      The night is coming and along with it a mist, so it makes it hard to see. Prepare to make it go away when see some eyes on the distance that lunge at me, it is some kind of snake. Grab its head and get pushed back. Once I land back again on my feet place the head of the snake down, its head is as big as a cow damn! Once I place it down just toss it to the side and keep walking.

      The snake comes again at me so just stop it with TK and teleport to the tree tops. Its too big to climb trees and it seems like most creatures hide from it; the snake seems to enjoy eating humans because it keeps looking for me using its tongue.

      Just make my smell that of a putrid plant, which makes it go away quickly once I do that, there we go. Just enjoy my view on the place.

      Back to sleep.

      Reading something about family online, become lucid and teleport to the planet from before. Still the same location as before, but it is morning now and the snake is gone.

      Some people are coming over and they are preparing to hunt, with weapons at hand, some with bows and some with guns.

      They point at small animals that am guessing are too small for the snake.

      I like the forest too much so when the arrows and guns get shot just run to them and grab them then place them next to the people. They are confused since they can’t see me until they realize all the stuff, they are shooting is appearing next to them.

      Now the issue is instead of leaving they decide to shot more… stop everything with TK, break a few bones so they can’t shot nor run and let them just stay there for the snake once it comes out at night while I keep exploring and having fun.
    2. 6/04/23

      by , 06-05-2023 at 06:03 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      Gun Game

      Firearm situation with teams of people against each other
      I am with friends it is very tense like an action sequence
      Arming myself with various weapons and matching clips/ammo
      Have long x-ray scope I can snipe with, on some random rifle
      Take out two of the other team on the rooftop of the opposite building
      One enemy is in our building
      He casually walks through the door of our hotel room wearing a silver vest and smiling, he looks like liev schreiber
      I unload both clips of the auto pistols I have that look like pez dispensers
      He seems fairly unaffected and I instantly think he's cheating
      He shoots me a bunch with his auto but they feel like bbs or airsoft pellets while saying he messed me up really bad
      He has also stolen several pairs of my colored glasses and pulls them off his hip and hands them to me, I note they are colours I don't normally don't have like white and several brighter shades of green
      (Note: I hardly play fps games and do not own a firearm)


      I am in a dark large house on the second floor that has banisters wrapping the walls covered in fancy paintings
      A toddler maybe 4 or 5 runs at me shouting a play name for me "Nooooowwwwiiiiieeeee!" and they hug me like they are glad to see me after some long time. I say thanks I really needed that and the dream fades

      White Carpet

      The room becomes a very nice house
      I arrive out front of a very open all-glass wall seated in a rock wall with the front door wide open
      I realize I just woke up on the driveway with my head on my pillow
      There is a man who looks like Anthony Fauci sitting in a small round car that looks like a jetsons car with wheels, he is watching me stand up slowly
      I pretend to be ready to work, so I wave as I carry my pillow inside
      The foyer is all glass and opens to an ultra-wide stairwell leading down into their home
      The wife is in a flurry is getting ready to leave for work
      I tell them the service guy is here because I don't know what work I'm doing
      Now realize I am doing contracting work for a friend
      Long open floor concept spreading three of four rooms across and she wants all the white carpet ripped out
      I say no problem as she leaves for work
      I go outside to call Chris to double-check he's coming with the truck
      I am transported to the work warehouse and I'm hanging onto the back of the truck while talking to two other female employees
      One is obscured by a forklift
      We are back in front of the house
      The woman is finally leaving the driveway
      It is a very ritzy neighborhood and I see other fancy cars driving by
      For some reason, I ask her if the Bidens live up here
      I go back inside and start ripping the carpet up
      It is double layered and I realize it will take twice as long
      It's also double-sided with a black suede flowers pattern on the underside
      I now notice there is a difference of off-whites between the carpet in the kitchen and the carpet in the middle room as I haphazardly start to rip it up with a pair of scissors I found
      Realize I don't have any of my tools or kneepads and it's going to be a long day

      WBTB- Drank some blue lotus stamen tea, awake around 30-40 min
      Dream is nonsensical and a mishmash of the previous locations and people I interacted with. Did not get it written down

      Fragment of trying to journal my dream on my phone with little success
      Continually delete what I typed and tried several times to just get a single word to input correctly
      The dream fades and I wake up realizing I never journaled my dream
    3. Very brief realization

      by , 06-05-2023 at 02:36 AM
      I was in a mall driving for some reason. I realized I was dreaming and then the walls began to close in on me as I drove around the mall. Then everything went dark and I began to feel myself waking up. I attempted to stabilize for around 10 seconds before I suddenly awoke.

      (I'm not sure if this has enough substance to count as a DILD for the competition or not, but either way I figured I'd write it down.)
    4. Competition Night 3

      by , 06-04-2023 at 10:25 PM

      Backrooms (1 point)

      I don’t know where the first part belongs, but I feel as though it might go along with this dream. I’ll put it here and count this as one dream:

      ...Possibly being chased. I might be with someone else, and we get into an elevator. I need to go to the 6th floor, but push a few other buttons by mistake first...

      ...Walking through the University. I open a door that leads to a hallway. It doesn’t look familiar, and actually it looks to me like something from the Backrooms. The hallway is long, painted yellow, and doesn’t have any doors or openings on either side until the opposite end. As I walk down, I can see that it opens into a larger space, sort of like the upper floor of a mall. It kind of looks like there are stairs or an escalator leading down, and those backless "bench" things that they put in places like that. I start thinking about Entities, and decide to go back. Heading back to the door, I imagine something coming after me, and when I get to the other side and shut the door I imagine taking out a gun and pointing it at the door. I either imagine something coming through at this point, or something actually does, and I shoot it/them (or imagine that I do)...

      Carp Fishing (1 point)

      People are fishing along the bank of some body of water. There is a big splashing, and someone starts reeling in a large fish. “It’s probably a carp”, someone says, and sure enough it is. It’s about 3 or 4 feet long, at least. The other two people fishing (one of them is me now) also have large carps on their lines. I see one of the other two guys get the hook out of his fish’s mouth. Looking at mine, it appears that the hook has caught on a gill or something. Looking closer, it appears that the hook is actually deep in the fish’s stomach, with some line in there too. My Dad is there, and we don’t think we can get the hook out. We might just have to cut the line. I think we should kill the fish, since it would be cruel to make it live with a hook in its stomach.

      Too Many Fingers (1 point)

      In a parking lot in an area about 2 hours from where I am currently. I’m walking to my truck, trying to think of where I am, exactly. I don’t really know for sure, but I speculate that it is the town of Martins Ferry. I look across the street, and there are a couple large-ish buildings. One of them is a pharmacy. For some reason, when I get to my vehicle I decide to do a reality check and count the fingers on my left hand. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. That doesn’t seem right. I try again, and this time I actually seem to have extra fingers. Awareness that this is a dream dawns on me as I either wake up or lose the dream (not sure I would count this as a lucid dream for the sake of the competition).


      (1) I go down to a room in a basement, above a lower level of the basement. It is kind of dark both places, but it seems to me that I should start cleaning up the one room by at least moving an empty bookcase downstairs. (0.5 points)

      (2) In a class. The instructor, Dr. A- is walking around the classroom holding a cookie in front of students’ faces to show them something. As he holds it in front of me, I take a bite, thinking it would be funny. He doesn’t seem to notice until he gets back to the front of the class. (0.5 points)

      (3) Some people are loading large bags of gold coins, either into or out of the back of a vehicle. They seem to be loaded or unloaded by a crane. I jokingly suggest that I should take one of the coins, since there are so many and nobody would notice. There might be some driving that happens after this...(0.5 points)
    5. Comp Night 3 - The Cannibal and His Blind Daughter

      by , 06-04-2023 at 10:07 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Huzzah for creative titles Slept at 11:20.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I don't remember this dream very well, but I wrote it down in my journal. Someone was doing reality checks by inspecting dragons' teeth and identifying their type. They explained to the citizens of a city how they were able to do so, and I have a vivid image of a severed, roughed-up fang. I was shocked when I woke up and it was only 1:30.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was in a manor with an ugly boy that everyone hated, looking at his family portraits. There was one for each child (and there were a lot of children), held either by the mom or the dad. He was the firstborn, but his picture was the only one where the parent was not smiling.

      I felt bad for him so when he started poking my shoulders I allowed it, despite their oversensitivity. The borderline-painful sensation was distinct and quite realistic. I remember breathing a sigh of relief when he started poking my neck instead.

      Insert transition here, I was now at a carnival with J and she wanted me to play a game she'd played herself as a child. You had to buy a glove with these fancy buttons on it, then attach it to a machine to play. It was a boring and simple game, but J and I obtained a glowing orange orb and did something cool with it, so it was fine.

      A man and his kid came over to us and tried to steal the glove. There was a brief struggle but I think he eventually got it. It cast a spell on him that made him grow with each terrible "command" he followed through with. By the last one, I had taken on the role of an observer (I believed I was watching an anime) and was able to input the command myself. I wanted to make it sound fancy but it was difficult to use my brain, so in the end I typed, "He will have a complete and utter loss of respect for human life."

      Momo from The Executioner and Her Way of Life was there, and she cried, "No, at least don't go that far!"

      The man was at this point the size of a large tree, holding a rollercoaster in one hand. He started lifting people out one by one and eating them, periodically smashing the bottom into the ground and breaking a few people's skulls. Everyone was screaming and you could hear bones cracking, and I remember thinking, Wow, this show is pretty gruesome. But I was invested. On some level it felt like I was making him do this.

      He picked up a small boy, and as he squirmed in his fist, the man hesitated. It felt like he broke free of my control as he suddenly burst into tears like a child, throwing the boy onto a nearby building and shouting, "Mou shiranai!" ("I don't know/care anymore!")

      Into his voice recorder he shouted "Hayai!" ("fast") and sprinted away. He was being hunted down for his crimes, so Momo told him to come up with an alias. He decided on "Kouga," which confused me because I was (suddenly) under the impression that he was Inuyasha, and I thought, Don't you hate Koga? Why would you want to be called that?

      As he ran, with intense concentration, he was able to form a teleportation portal and jump through. It led to a mostly empty but beautiful garden. His daughter was there, a blind girl of about 5 years. He plopped down at the base of a tree and she leaned against him, and in Japanese he said, "Daddy is really dangerous right now."

      Also in Japanese, she responded, "I disagree. The place where Daddy is, is the safest place."

      It was extremely difficult to hear her, but the word she was using for "place" was oba instead of bashou. I was like, Huh? Is that another way to say it?

      He told her to listen to the tape on the voice recorder, and she did. He was saying hayai/hayaku over and over, getting angrier and angrier with each one. I was wondering if it was okay for him to show this to a child so small, and then she got to the last one, which he shouted so vitriolically that she flinched away.

      She asked why he was so angry but got no answer. She replayed the tape and this time meowing could be heard after the first or second "hayai." The dad started to get annoyed at how many times she was repeating it, and I worried he would attack her, but there was no real danger of that. He was going to restrain his annoyance and ignore it.

      The kid finally stopped and pouted, jealous that he was hanging out with someone else. [The meowing was Momo.] She stood up and patted him down, searching for soft pink pigtails, though she wouldn't have been able to see the pink due to her blindness.

      That's where that scene ended. I don't know when this happened, but sometime in the same dream I was at school and had missed my [true] AP test on Monday. My mom was there yelling at me about it, but I didn't care too much.

      Woke up at 6:57, poorly attempted WILD, and went back to sleep.

      Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      There was something about an injured arm, but I can't even read the rest of my notes except the word "levels."

      My alarm woke me up at 8:15 and I couldn't go back to sleep after that because I had to go somewhere. A shame, since I was quite tired.


      WBTB - 2 points
      Non-Lucid Dream Fragment (x2) - 1 point
      Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      Tonight's sum: 9 points
      Previous sum: 15 points

      (3 comments - 1 point)
      Total: 25 points

      Updated 06-04-2023 at 10:13 PM by 99938 (clarification)

      Tags: competition
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Night of Saturday 6/3/23 (Comp Night 3)

      by , 06-04-2023 at 09:27 PM (Dreamlog)
      Before WBTB

      Russian Ride
      I'm traveling internationally and I don't speak the language where I am at. I'm getting off a train or bus looking for the airport. I see another bus leaving and I wave my arms and chase it, yelling for it to stop. It does. I try to ask the driver where the airport is and he tells me (in English) that the bus is full. It clearly isn't. I wonder if there is some law saying there must be X number of open seats. Regardless, I stay on the bus and he doesn't kick me off. I make my way to the back of the bus. It resembles the CATA bus system from back home. In the back car is a girl with one leg. Short hair, kinda "bad-girl type". She has khaki pants on, and the missing leg has it tied to cover the stump. I sit next to her and ask for help. She's friendly.

      Some time later we are back at her apartment. It's a big studio, kinda messy with paint and art all over the place. I realize that I'm a girl, and that she may be gay. I get the impression she might have been coming onto me.

      Later I'm running from Russian agents. I'm running through an apartment complex, entering and leaving through doors/windows. I'm really high up. When I go outside I'm sidling on just-big-enough edges to not fall. I don't know why they are chasing me. I eventually make my way down from the tall complex and make it to the ground but I haven't shook them.

      I'm in a down-town Chinatown type area at night. There is a big crowd of people and I'm trying to use them to escape from the Russian agents. I'm at a bar with two floors open to the outside. There are some TVs running with couches set in front of them. There are some dark corners I can hide in. I try out a few and crouch down, but I decide that none of them are good enough and keep moving. Then I stand up face-to-face with one of the agents. He looks like Dr. Brenner from Stranger Things.

      Running again. This time it was short. I ended up in a stone building on a grassy hill, hiding underground. But they've just found me. There is the leader (Dr. Brenner) and two thug-types. They are going to torture me for information. I tell them I've only killed one time, and I wasn't sure if it was me or my uncle who pulled them trigger. I guess I was trying to intimidate them. It doesn't work. They casually talk to me about something and then without warning Dr. Brenner shoots my right ear off with a pistol.

      I cry out in pain (S hears me and tries to shake me awake). It doesn't hurt as much as I expected it would. They tell me that they will shoot off the other ear if I don't comply.

      I wake up and tell S I am OK.

      After WBTB

      W Aged Up
      I'm at my Grandma P's house in the bedroom sleeping on the bed. I've slept in later than everybody else. I roll over and see some old drawings I made in my childhood on the wall. My grandma will have decided to have kept them. They are hyper realistic and drawn in pencil. Somehow, they are holographic. I think to myself that maybe I should get back into art.

      W, my brother's son who is due in September, bursts into the room with his friend, Ian. He's four years old. I can't tell who is who and I feel bad about it. But now I know it is because W isn't born yet. One of them has buck teeth. I follow them around the house and then one kid is missing. I find W/Ian eating dish cleaning tablets under sink. Standard kid behavior I guess

      Lucid Fragment
      I'm in a large mall, reminiscent of one from an old marching band trip from high school. I do a nose reality check and realize I'm dreaming. I double take...crap! I was dreaming that whole time before with W! I think to myself that step one is to find my DG...but my lucidity slips and I wander off.

      Medium workout early in day
      Big dinner
      2 drinks of alcohol
      Stayed up late
      6hr/30m WBTB
      Yuschak Primary Trigger (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)

      My theory on what happened here...sleep cycle issues. Instead of jumping into the same sleep cycle I was just in, I jumped into the beginning of a later one. I stayed up until about 2:30am playing Zelda and then set an alarm for 8:30am...so about 6 hours after sleep. I know that 5h45m has been a good target for me, so I was experimenting with a larger time to test and see if it can be improved. One problem though is that I didn't have an established wake-sleep rhythm. Plus, I stayed up longer than the typical 15m during the WBTB. I planned slightly longer at 20m but it was more like 30m. I don't think the alcohol will have mattered much because of the later timing, but it could have played a part. Lesson learned: Next time, have an established sleep rhythm. Gonna say data inconclusive about 6h/20m WBTB setup.

      Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:05 PM by 99808

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    7. Comp Night 4

      by , 06-04-2023 at 07:19 PM
      Rather depressing one. Gonna give it my all tonight, I have to do it this time

      Dream 1: Someone gave ATNRPG a negative review on steam, Because of a lack of reviews, this gave the game a mixed rating. I tried to fix it but accidentally deleted the whole review system.. Spent forever trying to get it back up and some woman yelled at me that I was wasting too much time. I explained the struggles of the gaming industry and she went back down.
    8. Summer Competition Night 3

      by , 06-04-2023 at 06:04 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Robes Summoning Attempt Four (WILD) 06.04.2023

      I realize how quickly I am falling asleep after my WBTB so I do a nose pinch RC and confirm my WILD worked. I get out of bed and have a hard time stabilizing.

      I summon my robes of Anorak and try pulling up a HUD but without luck. I destabilize and DEILD. Again I try the robes. It DEILD many times and get discouraged.

      I try taking out my phone wnd calling Juliana. She anawers and gives me some encouragement. I try pulling uo the HUD and it works! I tap the search bar abd say "Juliana's Cottage' and snap my fingers and then I am there.

      I go through the door and Juliana is there. I feel tired because of all the DEILDe so all we do is talk for the rest of the dream.

      Update 5:45 PM! This is Juliana. I suddenly remembered my memories of my perspective of the dream. I was sittimg in my cottage in the dark. I don't know why I didn't light the fireplace. I waited for half an hour and then Monkey showed up we talked but I don't remember what we talked about.

      Updated 06-05-2023 at 01:46 AM by 32125

      lucid , false awakening
    9. Summer comp 3

      by , 06-04-2023 at 05:39 PM
      Don’t remember the context of this one, but I realized I was dreaming (+10 for DILD), and then everything started to fade for no reason.
      So, I quickly did something to reform the dream so it didn’t completely go, and it ended up becoming an FA when it was reformed, so I lost lucidity, thinking I missed my opportunity.
      But I walked into the living room of my house, and did an RC quickly (+1 for RC / Stabilization), which made me realize I was dreaming again.
      I then walked out to the front yard with no footwear on, then onto the road.
      I was thinking of burrowing into the ground and completely phasing through it for the three-step task, but unfortunately I woke up right before that.

      For a very long time while I was awake (+2 for WBTB), I tried hard to remember the context to me getting lucid in that dream, but I couldn’t. I eventually just gave up, wrote it down, and returned to sleep.

      I was playing some ULTRAKILL, and I quickly realized I was dreaming (+5 for subsequent DILD). I was in the middle of fighting a malicious face, an enemy which can fire a hitscan laser.
      The malicious face’s laser can be deflected if you throw a coin right at the beam (this is called a chargeback).
      So since it was a dream, I thought I would go for some chargebacks on it. I tried backflipping while throwing a coin, but the coin missed the laser and I almost got shot.
      I think I woke up a little bit after that.

      I was in the middle of falling asleep, when I regained consciousness and realized I could form a dream really quick with WILD, so I focused on random imagery that kept popping in my head, and it worked. (+10 for WILD)
      I entered a dream in my living room. With haste, I moved to the porch, and tried to plan what to do. But once again, I woke up before doing anything.

      Man I really have lucid length issues huh? I really needa fix that.
    10. Night of Friday 6/2/23

      by , 06-04-2023 at 04:37 PM (Dreamlog)
      Stayed up too late playing Zelda. No recall. Boooooooo.

      Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:05 PM by 99808

    11. Summer Comp Night 3: Chinglewang

      by , 06-04-2023 at 04:03 PM (Lucid Time!)
      NLD 1:

      Some dream that seemed very in line with kerbal space program. I was trying to design a viable aircraft that kept crashing with the ability to manipulate it on the runway before starting. I remember having odd cylindrical parts attached to the aircraft and rearranging them before being imposed into a passenger seat inside on the right side of the aircraft. Each time it would crash on or shortly after taking off and the dream would reset. I remember trying out different configurations and components trying to find ones that would work.

      NLD 2:

      I was visited by a demon called 'Chinglewang' who showed up with a knock on my front door. He was a small fat creature, who looked sort of like the little ogre from soul eater. His outfit was interesting. He had a purple and gold leopard print suit, pants and hat. He might have worn a necktie, but he had more bling around his neck than a D-list rapper. I distinctly remember on each finger of his little red hand he had rings with comically large gemstones and the two front breast pockets of his coat lined with hundred dollar bills.

      He wanted to play a game. It was basically the guessing game with cups where you put something under the cup and then someone moves the cups around really fast and then you try to figure out which cup its under. He explained the rules saying that I could bet any amount of money I wanted. That each time I won, my winnings from him would double. Then I could either cash out or play again to double once more. But if I lost, I would lose everything and have to play again. He took out like a plastic minecraft diamond as the 'pe an set up the game at the table trying to convince me to play it.

      I repeatedly refused to play, pointing out that he was a demon and probably had mind control or something that would result in me losing all my money. I grew irritated with him and went to my room to retrieve a sword. (I think this was a reference to a visualization I did with Madmonkey, and I think I was close to getting lucid here.) I started threatening him with the sword and he took the hint and left.
    12. Summer Competition 2023 04.06.23

      by , 06-04-2023 at 11:17 AM
      I was afraid like yesterday - today I will have problem with sleeping because I went to bed at circa 3am LT and it passed 2-3h untill I drift off. But good ending happening (sometimes)

      Dream (DF) 1#
      I dont remember this dream very well, only some pieces:
      On the begin I remember my dream looked like GTA (IV or V). I had some shooting with cops and I went from outside to interior of building. In the end part of dream I saw something like HoI4 game. I saw "battle" between my and enemi tank divisions. My division won the battle but it lost entire ammo supply and organization and I started to think my template of division suck.

      Dream (DILD) 2#

      Non-LD part
      My friend sent me to buy some food for our party. Some chips, alcohol etc. I started to count money he gave me and I return for more money then I went to shop. For some reason my dream changed scenery. It was just random moment - no after passing door nor rotate behind my backs. It looks like I have hole in memory bc I was walk forward to shop and my dream just changed. Now I was on my bike with half empty beer can. I wanted to drink some of beer but in last moment I saw police car passing me so I abandoned that idea (In my country drinking in public is illegal. And still I was on bike ) but police just passed me and nothing happened.
      I parked my bike on car park and passed 4-5 cops. "What happened here? What is going on?" I asked myself. I saw one policeman is pumping something like industrial hosepipe. I ignored that fact and just entered to market. For some reason my other friend respawned with me (I don't know him from real life. Just random NPC). We walk through supermarket corridor and stopped at kebab kiosk to buy some fastfood. I checked the prices
      -What the fuck, why evrything here is so expensive?!
      -Because customers are buying it anyways
      I was really hungry, my friend also. He ordered "rollo kebab hamburger". I ordered traditional polish cutlet in bread roll. After few moment cashier said:
      -Here is your order
      -That cutlet looks awfully. And where is roll? I ordered cutlet in bread roll
      -No rolls for you!
      The cashier started making new order and he went to backroom. After few moments he come back
      -My manager said everything will be prepare good but I cannot promise that he dont use his ass to mix your kebab sauce
      After that I just make sure the cashier started my order and I just left the place without paying. He was calling me for money but I just ignore him

      Lucid part
      Scenery of dream changed. Now I was with my childhood friend outside. I started to think that something is wrong. That isn't the place where I should to be. I check where I am and I made reality check - it's dream. My friend told to me
      -Lets go that way - he pointed direction with his finder
      -No, no let go that way - I pointed my direction
      -Nah, my way is better
      -Okay then. See ya!
      And I just flew away My friend was scared and I just flew away from him. It's was my fist time when I flying in LD with full control. The felling was so nice. And I can feel nice fresh wind on my face when I was flying forward. And the view of my city was wonderful. I decide to land on roof of the high building. I wanted this because it was abstract for me - just random flying person standing on the roof. In the meantime I trying to recall my three-step-goal but I failed. "Anyway - this is LD and I have fun! I dont care about step goals" I though.
      When I was trying to land on the roof I recognize I have problem with that. So I decided to just fell down from circa 3-4m. I didint feel any pain and It was something new for me. In normal condition mistakes in my dreams are painfully. Anyway I reach my roof and again I look for my city view.
      My friend respawned near to me. I saw his happy smile. He was proud of me.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. 04.06.2023 First long dream to DJ for SC-MMXXIII

      by , 06-04-2023 at 10:57 AM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Stress of life

      Last night I went to bed very late, around midnight. The recall starts as usual at work, and then it unfolds into more complex known scenarios that are frequently dreamed. It gave me some clues to follow during my WL. I’m planning to do more RC’s while I’m at work in the first place. Then pay more attention when I start worrying about certain things. If I’m intending to have some LD for the competition!

      …/As usual I’m immersed into arranging articles. This time, they’re toy trucks for kids under 3. They’re stout and have opaque colors. I’m putting another type of articles to the side of the group, something like video game cartridges or VHS tapes or some odd stuff that pulls my interest, they’re put into plastic bags. I take a look on the group of trucks once more, around 20 set in a square order.
      I stand up and start walking down the yard of my childhood school, with big pines on the sides. Not sure about what I’m looking for, but as I keep walking down the place, I get into my university campus. There’s some people walking around in the whole place. It looks like I’m looking for a bathroom. While I keep walking down the pavilions, a lot of students start coming out of the classes. I turn around and start walking back my way. More and more people start walking in my direction, others just standing and talking. It looks like all of the classes ended at the same time. While I’m walking I see a small dog walking with the crowd. It’s a Pomeranian. The dog is looking at me while it quick walks at my left side. That funny walk as they’re smiling at you while they move. I make a gesture like I’m going to put my face closer to it. Somebody starts calling from behind. It’s a female voice calling a woman’s name. I guess it’s her owner. The dog stops for a while and starts walking again as I start moving. She’s calling her dog again. I make the gesture again to make it stop. The dog stops and I keep walking my way back to the upper layer of this place, hoping the girl got impressed with my super powers of being able to make an unknown Pomeranian stop walking.
      I get distracted with a crowd of students standing in rows trying to get into some place. They’re matriculating for the next year. I have to do the same but have no idea what to do now. I didn’t get good notes. I start worrying about what’s next. How I was able to matriculate last time in certain courses if I didn’t pass the previous ones. I try to walk through the crowd but it’s impossible in certain ways.
      I see a room to the right side. I get in and see a meeting of teachers sitting on a big table. I recognize some of my school teachers. The one from History is sitting looking at the table as he’s worried about something. They’re introducing themselves.
      I get out and get into another room at a level some steps lower than the floor. There’s a big bed and somebody known is there. She let a bucket of yellow colored water fall on the side. I complain about it because it may ruin the articles. I’m at work again, I go to see what happened on that corner. I see a known carpet under the bed. There’s not much water there. I leave the place.
      Out there I see a friend of mine getting inside a little store, he’s buying something, it’s a music album. It’s roughly packed and doesn’t look original. I get into the store too. On one of the sides, they’re selling music. I say they’re rough copies. Somebody answers yes they’re copies. I go out and tell S. they’re pirate. I ask her if we are still in the city we visited some years ago, she answers yes. Of course! I say, they’re pirates! I see G. proudly showing the CD, DVD? packed in a plastic bag with the printed album cover inside. It’s red and white, I cannot see the logo but I’m guessing it looks like Rigor Mortis first album cover. No way, it’s not original.
      We start walking down the side walk, and I see a couple of food stands on the side. I see what they’re cooking on the frying pan, it’s something I didn’t have for a long time, one of my favorite meals! I tell her we should buy some and have it for today. The path turns into the street leading to my WL place. We’re getting into her car/…

      Updated 06-04-2023 at 08:17 PM by 18736

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    14. Summer Competition 2023 - Night 3 - 1 non lucid

      by , 06-04-2023 at 06:26 AM (Orion's Dream Journal)
      I was with my college friends . One of them was driving a motorbike , it was green and shiny. Kind of lime . Very "Transparent" , parts were made out of hard plastic . It looked a bit childish. I was on a road and talking about the price of the bike . The friend says it's about 1 lakh 25000 rupees ( about 1500$ ) I was shocked and thought it was overpriced . Then I asked him about its speed . He said that it can fly when driven at 2-3 BPM .... Whatever that means . Something about the prospect of mechanism of speeding so hard that your vehicle literally starts flying made me uncomfortable and I decided that I am never sitting in that thing .

      We went to eat Samosas from a local store . I ended up in front of my house in M.P. with a lot of my uni friends holding cricket bats . I was surprised they were thinking of playing cricket in 40 degrees of heat . They also looked like childish versions of themselves . Then I started wondering about why would my friends from Uni , which is in a completely different state be here . I don't remember clearly what happened next but I certainly didn't get lucid . We played for a while . The ball was huge , too big for a cricket ball . The ground kept changing , from barren to lush and from lush to wierd sandy thing . Then I woke up from my alarm .
    15. Competition Night 2

      by , 06-03-2023 at 10:37 PM

      Church Adventures (Lucid)

      There is a play going on at my old high school. One of the scenes, I recall, involves someone passing gas. But the kid playing this part missed it, so they decide to somehow slip the scene in later. I’m behind the stage as this is going on, but I start to make my way around to the front. Out front though, I’m kind of awkward, not sure where to stand and not wanting to block people’s view...

      ...Later I’m in a hallway. There are books – different colors for different age groups. Yellow and green, I recall. At least one of them is a mystery book. My brother comes along, and some girls come along and start talking with him. Then they hug him and lean on him, in a way that seems flirtatious to me. My brother is married, and this bothers me, until one of the girls leans back and snuggles against me. Meanwhile, my mother is standing a few feet away reading one of the colored books...

      ...(same dream?) At my brother’s church. My mother and I are sitting outside of the sanctuary. The earlier service ends, and it appears that either the second service or Sunday school is starting in the sanctuary. My mother doesn’t want to go into the sanctuary, saying that she thinks “it isn’t important”, or something. Her explanation for this is that the music uses guitars, and to her (in the dream, not waking life) this makes it less important. I sit with her a few moments, and then decide that I’m going to go into the sanctuary. When I go in, I find that the service is not taking place, and possibly there is no Sunday school either. I ask someone when the second service is going to be (or maybe Sunday school) and they tell me it starts somewhere around 1:00pm. That’s quite a while from now...

      ...In the dream, my brother is the pastor of this congregation, and he is now closing up the building. I jokingly quote Ebenezer Scrooge from one of the movie versions of a Christmas Carol: “you keep close watch on the closing hour”. He replies with quoting the same movie. I seem to get a bit muddled in what I’m supposed to say, but eventually I say “don’t work overtime, you might make something of yourself”. We leave the building, me still pretending we are in A Christmas Carol movie. My brother walks home, and I follow pretending that I’m the children singing “Father Christmas” from the 1970s musical version. Some kids actually show up at this point...

      ...In the church building. My mother and I are in a room somewhere, and she points out to me a nice looking dish that is sitting on a table. The dish has a flower design on the surface, and is textured so that you can feel it as you run your fingers along it. My mother explains to me that it is a “Dream Flower”. That prompts me to do a reality check, and I find that I can breathe while my nose is pinched shut. It takes me a couple of moments to fully aknowledge that I’m dreaming though, because this seemed so real up to this point. I wasn’t actually expecting it to be a dream when I did the RC. But I eventually become lucid. I remember the competition, and that I have completed the first of my 3-step task. The next one is “super speed”. I’m not exactly sure how to accomplish this. At first I try flying, but am having difficulty with this. I also try running, but the rooms don’t seem to be large enough to build up enough speed. I go outside, but it’s cold out there and for some reason that makes me not want to go very fast. I go back inside to try indoors again, but the dream fades...

      I was either awake now, or it was a false awakening. Anyway, I tried to hang on here, waiting for the dream to reform. I suspect that it did, and that’s why some of these scenes seem out of order in my memory, but I’m not sure. I don’t think I came back lucid though. I also remember the following scene:

      ...Some guys are sitting around a room (in the church, I think). They are talking about an old truck. One guy seems to be very emotional about this truck, and finally gets up and runs to the bathroom. I wonder if he has gone to cry or to throw up, or what. He comes back in a couple of moments with toilet paper or a tissue...

      Dancing Corgis

      We are sitting somewhere, with a view of the street. I look over and see what appears to be a couple of squirrels. As I look, it turns out that they are Corgis. The Corgis are jumping and dancing, in what seems to be a coordinated way. We go over to look at them, and sure enough they are in a group and doing a coordinated dance. There is a man leading them, dressed like someone from a circus. He is using some kind of GPS technology to help coordinate the dogs, kind of like the fancy marching band patterns you see. Except that these dogs are doing really fancy things, making 3D shapes and such. Now they’re in a small auditorium, and I walk down from the back a little bit. I mostly see people now, sitting on chairs and playing musical instruments (including kazoos). I back away from one guy, thinking I’m making him nervous, and go back to the back of the auditorium. The Corgis come back out, coming up the center aisle. One Corgi decides that it wants to be my friend, and starts following me...

      My Brother’s Girlfriend

      In this dream, my brother isn’t married. But he has a girlfriend. She looks like one of my friends from the University. She also seems to get really nervous whenever people talk to her, to the point where she starts shaking. There is also something about a girl I went to school with a couple of years ago. She was married at the time, but in this dream she is single. At some point I go into a bathroom to relieve myself. Also to change clothes, I guess. Or maybe I’m having trouble pulling my pants up? Anyway, I decide I should shut the bathroom door, and find that the latch that holds it shut is broken. I think my nephew comes into the house at this point.


      (1) My Uncle is talking about a state park lodge – something about them being crooks? There is at least one other person, or maybe even a band, involved.

      (2) Someone has decided to give up drinking alcohol, or soda pop, or something. He is now sitting with Albert Einstein, who is cleaning the inside of a glass full of rusty looking water with a brush. This is “mineral water”. He gives it to the guy, who also seems to be me now, saying that he wonders if it is too strong. Me/the guy takes a sip, and it’s so awful that I/he can hardly swallow it. Letting a lot of it just kind of dribble out of my/his mouth, I/he try to smile and pretend that I/he like it.
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