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    1. Sparse

      by , 01-19-2017 at 04:24 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I slept wonderfully last night. I remembered to take some pain meds beforehand. But I don't recall many dreams.

      In one, I was at a mall restaurant looking for something to eat. A kid was in front of me at what looked like a deli counter. But it was like a Hibachi bar. Only he was "pretending" to be gross by acting like he was licking the edges of her sandwich, sneezing and coughing on it. The kid squealed in delight but I kept thinking that was still gross because he was bound to be getting spittle all over it.

      In another dream, I dreamed I had slept til nearly 5PM and hubby was irritated with me. I then woke up 25 minutes before my alarm for 10:30

      Fitbit: Bedtime 2:52AM-9:56AM 12 times restless for 1hr 46 minutes Total proper sleep 7hrs 4 minutes.
      Much better than usual.
    2. Jan/19/2017

      by , 01-19-2017 at 01:50 PM

      Updated 10-17-2017 at 12:27 AM by 92153

    3. Diving

      , 01-19-2017 at 01:45 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Had some weird and gross dreams.

      But one was awesome.

      I'm walking by a seashore, on some kind of a wooden path. A part of a path that's on the water gets lose and floats away few feet. Somebody jumps in and starts to pull the planks out. I look at the water. It's at night, so I only see the small portion illuminated by some strong lamp from the shore. Water is calm, clear, with some foam in some parts. I think about sharks for a second, then jump in. I dive to the bottom which is only maybe 5-6 feet away. I swim by the bottom, looking for submerged pieces of the walkway. There are some other things, but I pick up 2 planks and take them to the shore. The dive feels awesome.

      Thank you!
      Tags: ocean, water
    4. Spellbee's Splendid Competition Night 6: Flipipping a Car

      by , 01-19-2017 at 01:39 PM (My Dream World)
      I don't remember the non-lucid part of the dream, but I suddenly got lucid. I was in the middle of some large street, on some crosswalk. There were lots of car. I started walking fowards. There was a car in my way, so I decided I wanted to flip it. I put my two hands beneath the car and effortlesly flipped the car like a table. I continued walking until I reached the other side of the crosswalk, when I remember the three-step tasks. Luckily, I managed to reemmber the first one, telekinesis. I saw a woman across me and decided to TK her towards me. I extended my hands towards her and made her levitate and brought her into my arms. I let her down and continued walking on, until the dream started to fade. I tried RCing and touching stuff to stabilize, but lost the dream and woke up.

      Me and my family were staying in some huge, fancy hotel. I woke up a little late (I think about 9 A.M, almost 10) and decided to go get breakfast. I went into the elevator (which was huge, it had tables and chairs in it for some reason) and it started going down. I noticed I was wearing jusjt a shirt and boxer shirts, but decided I didn't care anyway cause it was breakfast and everyone was probably in their pajamas. I also remember some little kid being in the elevator. I them realized it was too late and they wouldn't be serving breakfast. When the elevator arrived at its destination, I went down some stairs and there were some bakeries where I could buy stuff. I got lucid at some point but everything was already fading away and I was feeling faint. I walked along some wall, touching it for stabilization but woke up.
    5. Splendid Comp. Day 6 - 2 FA and trolling around

      by , 01-19-2017 at 01:07 PM
      I am in a bar? with two friends of mine. we leave and i get lucid. i move right phasing thru things. the girls go left. i start to follow them flying. i fly ahead of them and land again. there is a girl on a bicycle. i will her to stop. i hold myself on the sattle and will her telepathically to start moving again. she is pulling me some meters. i tell her to stop again. she leaves and i take her bike. i look behind me and my girls are coming slowly. the bike changes into a super small one person car i am sitting in. i tell them to bring me the cd with the music and they do but the cd is not working?
      the dream fades and i think i wake up but its a FA. i am naked in my bed with my sleeping mask on same as IWL. but the room is different. i lay there and the door to the next door is open and i see people. i dont want to get up because i am naked. i do a nose pinch and notice that i can still breath thru. nice still in the dream i jump up and dont care about my nakedness at all. i think i saw my brother sitting under a table (in a way you couldnt see him IWL because the angle of sight was way off). i approach the corner but he is not there anymore. i see a small rest of a cigarette but i know its a joint. i pick it up and smoke it. while smoking it (again i dont feel a effect) i remember the competition and i want to make some points. i want to do mass TK and aim some books and stuff. but no matter how i do it nothing moves at all. i am confused? is it because i smoke? i try it on a blanket and its slightly moving. i turn around to a table and there is a big glas half full with water. i try again and the water starts moving and boiling. the glass gets full completely but i cant manage to get the water out there. i decide to leave and jump thru the wall outside and fly away. the dream destabilize and i everything is nearly black i only see some dim lights far away. i fly there and rub my hands flying.
      again i think i woke up but this time i do a RC instantly and yup still dreaming. this time i am in a house (the one i was flying to) and there are two more people. in the moment i told them this is still a dream and i dont have to do anything they closed the door and told me to stay outside of the room. i just out of fun phase thru the wall and tell them something i dont remember and phase right back. there is a guy and i tell him i did in "previous" dream some waterbending and now i want to do some firebending. i summon some liquid out of my left hand into the right hand. i try to ignite it by snapping my fingers but it wont work. i tell him to help me and he do. my right hand starts burning. i want the fire to get to a fireball levitating over my hand. i have some problems witrh it and i take my second hand as support. i differ the distance between my hands and a fire/energy filament emerges between those hands and you hear electrical discharges. the ball between my hands gets bigger and i throw it against the wall
      waking up for real this time.
    6. 1/19/17 0 Sleep = 0 Dreams

      by , 01-19-2017 at 12:44 PM
      How can a person get 0 sleep and still feel good in the morning? Maybe I am just telling myself I have to go to work so I have to have energy? It just sucks that I didn't get to dream! Positive side of it, when I am this sleep deprived I should sleep well tonight .
    7. [19-01-2017: 6th competition night]

      by , 01-19-2017 at 12:24 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Wheat transport

      It was night, I got a mesage that there's a load of wheat grain to transport to a silo. I went to a tractor and hooked up a trailer and took the load to place of it's destination. The road was empty, there were no roadsigns, lights or any other vechicles. Until I reached the silo, everything faded to black.


      A blurry fragment, I was in home, can't recall anything more.
    8. 19-Jan-2017 - ND Office "Self-Mngment"+NDfragm+WILD Office magic, Elephant war,...+ LD Flying car

      by , 01-19-2017 at 10:56 AM
      19-Jan-2017 - ND Office "Self-Management", ND fragm, + WILD Office magic, Elephant war,... + LD Flying car

      2AM Wake-up, no recall, "technical" WBTB ;P

      ND: Office, I am in a meeting room together with many colleagues. We are commenting about an earlier happening involving D in cubicle next to mine, to which I took part by talking from over the wall (FM). Discussion is quite long and uninteresting, recall is good, but I provide no details. Wake up 4AM

      ND: Fragment about me eating lard with other colleagues at canteen (est.~5AM)

      Wake up 5:20 AM, attempt WILD, success
      WILD: (~30-40 min)
      Some visualization, stabilization at my tower interior/exterior.
      Proper LD starts at company canteen, I just exited, together with the colleagues I had lunch with yesterday.
      At the gate, instead of going through I jump over, walk on the rain cover, jump down. Colleagues reach me.
      I decide I will play some more dream magic for them. I take scarf off my neck (strange I have one), launch it in the air, wish it to become a bird, the scarf properly transforms and the bird flies away. I see dream is perfectly stable, environment looks crystal clear, so now it's time for something more impressive.

      We move to the main gate, I check my company, everyone is still there. There is also a new, very tall guy wearing a sort of space uniform with a red kinda-NASA-logo and a name "Him", so he's a LC team-mate.
      The reception building is ~6m wide low-roof structure. The two reception girls are inside it, normally at their desk. I wish for the entire building to lift up, which happens leaving a nice hole in the ground. The two girls inside it look down from the glass, kinda scared from this.
      We pass below the building suspended in the air, then I release it to its normal place.

      Next trick, change appearance of the main building (5 stories, ~50m wide, U-shaped). I observe the building, noticing how some details are very life-like. Then I look at the first corner and it gets covered in gray stone bricks, with two short cone-roofed corner towers. It's goo,d so moving my gaze over the main facade, I change appearance of the entire building in a similar fashion. The second corner comes out similar to the first one. Now our modern-looking building looks like a medieval castle. I like it alot.

      Then, I wish for the building to disappear. At first attempt it doesn't work: it just slightly fades, then returns fully solid. It takes me a lot of focus, three attempts and imagining the background behind it, to make it fade in front of my eyes - most likely because the building it's such an long-time landmark for me.
      After that, I walk with colleagues in the place where the building was standing before. It's paved in gray, and some external staircases remain standing on the ground, hanging from nowhere. Very cool.
      Then, we move back to the courtyard between the reception and the building, and I make the building appear again. It returns with its normal appearance.
      After this, I feel it's time for something different.

      I want to go in space. In a space close to office, I see the same rocket I used last time, but it looks dull to me this time. Nevertheless, I board it, it takes off, reaches space, but dream reverts soon after.
      I find myself at home, with entry door half open, my door on handle. It's looking really vivid. I play opening and closing the door couple of times, and feel "strange" about being here.

      I teleport back to the beginning of previous dream. This time another team-mate is with me, same space suit, he's not as tall as Him. It's tblanco. Oh well, I say him this was my previous part of the dream, wondering if this is worth any point (good question actually)
      Together with tblanco, I fly upwards, over the road, trees, car retailers; the environment looks very life-like, I notice how cohere it is in terms of placement.

      After some flying, we reach a dense tree area. Good for TotY, I think.
      I look for an elephant nearby, I find it, it's gray/violet, very long curved tusks, really fat, its body almost a ball.
      I climb on its back and ride it in the forest.
      I find a dirt clearing with low thick bushes on both sides, and people hiding behind them, shooting each other. The list of projectile they use it's quite extensive: arrows, stones, guns and lances. I learn their names (LOL don't ask me where did I take those from, I am clueless), the italian equivalent of "Liquid Assault", wearing blue uniform and "Screaming Magaglis" (not-existing word), with red uniform. I decide I am going to help in battle the guys in blue.

      On the elephant I circle the bush and charge the red guys from their backs.
      The elephant skews some people with its long trunks, I see one getting stomped by its leg.
      I see one arrow coming out of its big arse. I tell the elephant I am sorry about that, I should have protected it.
      I remove the arrow, then I summon a metal plate armor covering most of its body, it's dark brown / bronze. I am now sitting on a cloth saddle. We charge again, hitting some more people, no red guy is left standing now.
      I get off my mount and move on.

      A short walk and I reach a grassy area. I want to go to space again. I find a small space fighter, I enter it and reach space again. I find an area with many small planets close together, having different colors, I pass above them with my fighter spaceship.
      One planet is brown, small (10m perhaps?), it looks like a krapfen (a fried sweet). I stop by, get off the ship and eat some of it; it's pleasant.

      However, I find myself grounded on Earth again. This time I do not bother looking for a spaceship, put my arm out and fly Superman-style, very quick out of Earth. I turn back for a second to see the ground going away at great speed. I reach space again. Flying in space with the freedom of having no ship around me is nice.
      I find some more planets. For few of them I see the white orbit.
      I see a gray planet/asteroid, smallish, too; I land on it on my feet. It reminds me of the "Little Prince"
      I summon a sort of large wooden stick, and push it on the ground below me, in front of my feet; the surface cracks; the stick remains in the ground.
      A sort of menu bar with different objects drawn in it appears before me, I select a pruning knife and find it in my hand.
      I thrust in in the ground in another point of the planet, cracking the surface.
      This time the crack extends, connects with the previous one, and half of the planet detachs and floats in space. I wonder how my half is staying up ?

      Now I am kinda tired, return to my body, move to my side and keep sleeping

      DILD: (est.6:10 AM ~10min)
      I am in my car, alone, aware this is a dream. I'm driving on a large road, with walls on the sides.
      I look at the cockpit and it looks ok, only slight difference I detect is in the speedometer: different numbers and lower max speed shown.
      I break to limit the speed, but the car reaches a high speed again. I do it again, the car reaches high speed again.
      I think I should not worry about speed limits or danger in a dream, push the accelerator.
      The car reaches very high speed (~120 km/h), then flies up.
      I look at the scenery below me, trees, low houses and roads.

      I rotate the car in the air, however fly direction is maintained, so I fly laterally, then backward.
      My viewpoint shifts to the back seat for short time, I see the front seatbelt and the car interior, then I return to driving seat.
      I fly low, over a road with more vehicles, I look down and see a motorcycle, I let it pass then I descend and land my wheels on the road behind it.

      Fuzzy recall after that. I think I get out of the car...

      Anyway, I turn focus to my body, wondering if I can attempt an OBE exit.

      I only feel a light sizzling in my feet, judge it too weak to attempt exiting, I fall asleep lightly, work alarm rings after few minutes.
    9. The Hallway with a CPU DILD

      by , 01-19-2017 at 08:57 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I'm walking down a hallway which appears to be in a school. As I'm doing so I am listening to music with red ear buds. On the left side of the hallway I can see a door open and figure I'd check it out. I enter inside for a brief moment and could see a few students sitting at their desk. There were 3 teachers, one scribbiling something on the board and the other observing the outside. While the last teacher is instructing the students on what's their next assignment. Seem mundane enough so I walk out and decided to explore the hallway one more time.

      As I am back outside the hallway I feel this strange sensation. Things seem to be getting alot more vivid. Not long after this I became lucid with the understanding that the hallway mimic my middle school design. I could see a computer and a chair at the end of the hallway. I took a seat and began surfing to see what a dream world computer may consist of. However my focus was shattered when I heard one of the students yelling. It made me think I woken myself up as I knew blinking a lot could cause my actual eyes to open.

      I still was inside the dream but I no longer was lucid due to this.
    10. Splendid Competition Nights 3 and 4 (Monday night and Tuesday night): ZOMBIES

      by , 01-19-2017 at 06:33 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I've been rather busy, and I actually forgot to get online yesterday until I was already laying in bed and there was no way I was getting out of it. D: I'm heading to bed soon, but I have to get home first. Still on campus right now. Lot of homework already.

      Dream 1 (Technically Lucid): On Monday, I took a brief nap while sitting up on a chair in the library. I only remember a few fragments of my dream from that: I was at the beach, then I was at Costco, and then my notes say "loved, romanced" but I do not remember that.

      I was lucid for only a split second when the dream first began, and then it faded into a regular dream. I was only asleep for maybe 5 minutes or so. Does that still count? I think I started to try and figure draw but then I lost lucidity. At any rate, if this doesn't count as a WILD, please let me know and I'll take out the points accordingly.

      Unfortunately, I did not remember any dreams from that night's sleep. I was so tired!

      Dream (Full Not Quite Lucid) 1: I was walking around in a place that looked similar to my university's library. For some reason, I thought in my illogical dream state that it would be cool if everyone around me became a zombie. Then I realized that I didn't actually want it to happen. And then the dream faded. .____. This is because I woke up IRL to the sound of my roommate yelling "Escape this garbage!" I freaked out, but then I realized he was just sleep-talking. Or at least I think he was. Anyway, scared the crap out of me.

      Dream 2 (Fragment): There was this cool tunnel structure with tiny little sugar guys living in it. As in, creatures made out of sugar or candy. They converted some piece of their dwelling into a hot tub, and relaxed in it. I think that this dream was influenced by this cute teacup dragon illustration I saw shortly before bed when I was browsing some of my favorite art blogs. ^_^

      Updated 01-19-2017 at 06:36 AM by 58176

    11. 1/18/17 Layer 0 | Skyrim, Holographic Tech

      by , 01-18-2017 at 10:58 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-I was in a Skyrim dungeon with a spear-axe. I walked down a wide staircase and triggered a spike trap in front of me. I killed a waist-high enemy right after that. I walked down there, finding not much of interest, aside from the thing I don’t remember. I killed a second enemy that appeared behind me. Next, I climbed the stairs again and turned right to continue on. I saw some green, glowing, solid technology that was holographic in appearance. This was located in a modern office room (lights were off, and there was blue carpet everywhere. It was almost hidden behind thick vines. I was aware of the ability to change scenes using the tech, so I entered the door. But when I tried to close it, another identical enemy appeared behind it and shoved it open, forcing me to kill it. The dream ended.

      -2-A teen with a gun almost shot me and a group of people. Then, he sent out a signal that terminated wi-fi and network connections. Cops were on their way.
      [New Scene]
      I was really tired at my grandparents’ house.
      Tags: hologram, skyrim
    12. My dreams are drab & my life is busy

      by , 01-18-2017 at 10:55 PM
      Nothing really going on in my dreams really. But I am rereading A discovery of witches by Deborah Harkness. The All Souls Trilogy. This was the series that sparked my interest in lucid dreaming due to story of "weavers" & my silly little gift of asking where things are out loud & finding things. I've been able to do this for a very long time. Anyway, this time around I'm going to savor it all & use it as a tool for my lucid dreaming. It seems while over the holiday I kind of got side tracked. Not to mention the election & inauguration coming up on Friday with me being an online activist and all. I pray people will settle down & just accept things. I do try to do my best to get peacefulness out there & expose those who are sabotaging this celebratory event.
      Tags: no dreams
      side notes
    13. Dog fence / Camping / Warehouse / Reindeer-men / Corruption / Shower / Running / Garlic

      by , 01-18-2017 at 10:11 PM
      House hunting
      I'm house-hunting with my family. We're walking around a nice single-story house, and I like it a lot. I'm looking around the property trying to figure out how our dog would do here. The back yard is completely fenced in, but the front yard isn't. I think that it may be possible to link the fencing with the house to create a fenced-in back yard; I really like the idea, since I can't trust him without a fence or a leash, and I'd love to be able to throw things for him to fetch (it's a large back yard). Now I notice that the front yard is actually fenced in all the way except for the driveway, and I think that maybe adding a gate to complete it wouldn't be a bad idea. Looking around more, I notice that every house in the neighborhood seems to be completely fenced in except for the driveways; unusual, but whatever. Now he walks up to me carrying something in his mouth; looking more closely, I see that it's a dirty bowl with some bits of sewing in it; I recognize it as my wife's stuff, so I call to her.

      Group camping
      It's night, and I'm walking around our group camp site. I see our group's leader by the fire circle working on getting a fire started. As soon as he gets it started, he stands up and declares that it's time for bed. I'm surprised - why build the fire if it's bed time? I walk up to him to ask him. Now I notice the restrooms are just behind him and I excuse myself. Now I'm in the bathroom and find a wet towel - weird. Now I'm back outside talking to him again. We talk some more about other things, including music. We look at something on our phones. Now I ask him about breakfast, saying that I really need it by 7AM. He laughs, saying that he's not even going to be awake by then, let alone have breakfast ready.

      The warehouse
      I'm in an empty warehouse - all I can see is bare concrete floor and walls. Looking up, I see that it's actually got a few stories above me, and I can see firemen spread out doing something (there's no fire that I can see). Their leader is near me, and he looks like Ghostbuster's Peter Venkman. Looking around more, I see items that weren't there before, and any time I focus on one I get a kind of floating pictorial bubble giving me more information about it. I discuss population with someone (I jotted that down in my overnight notes, but I have no idea what it means.)

      I'm walking around in what I know to be a game. I'm in a residential neighborhood. All of the houses have large yellow and black signs outside. Each sign has the same list of possible content that can be found in a house, and lines which are applicable to a house are checked. The houses differ significantly in what they list, but they all seem to have "Reindeer" checked. Now I'm inside one of the houses. The light is very dim, and it's creepy. I walk around looking for reindeer. I don't see any, but I hear an occasional clip-clop from elsewhere in the house. As I'm walking through something like a living room, a reindeer-man comes around the corner. He's tall, wide, and very muscular, and he seems enraged. His eyes are wide and red, and he snarls as he walks towards me. I take a moment to gape at it, then turn to flee, only to find another one right behind me. I'm trapped! I punch the one blocking my escape, even as I know it's completely futile. He punches me and I go down.

      Now I'm back outside walking through the neighborhood with my parents. My father asks if I can scroll the console back to the top - he says there was a message that looked interesting but it disappeared before he could properly read it. I try the traditional shift+page up, and it works. I can see the console text hovering in front of us, though part of it is hidden by the branches of a tree. He somehow zooms in on the text he's interested in, pulling it towards us and making it much easier to read. It says something about using "svn group" to preserve local changes. He has no idea what that means, so I explain that - if my guess is correct - the game automatically checks out the latest versions of files, so any local modifications will normally be overwritten, so if you want to modify anything and have it "stick" you have to block the auto-checkout with this command.

      Post-apocalyptic corruption
      I'm watching a group wandering through a post-apocalyptic city. Most of the buildings are burnt out, and there's large rubble everywhere. The leader of the group is telling the others how his own wife was corrupted: growing larger, skin turning gray, losing control of herself. It turns out that he's been infected as well and has been suppressing it, but he finally loses the battle and begins transforming, groaning that he can't hold it back any more. He gains size and muscle, but he gains an almost golden color. Now he's wearing loose white robes, and his muscular arms and 6-pack are clearly visible. He tells the group that they must declare allegiance: either to him, to his wife, or to "the twins." Now I see that there are four groups, and he's displeased, saying that there can only be three and that the groups must battle until one of them is destroyed. The smallest group turns to flee.

      Strange shower
      I'm taking a shower in a small bathroom. There's no shower stall - the water just pools on the floor. I start to splash around, enjoying myself, then stop because I don't want to disturb my wife. I also realize that there's only a very small lip under the door and I don't want to flood the hallway.

      Running with John
      I'm with John O and my second daughter in the lobby of a movie theater. Everything is very blue, and there are tables scattered around - it seems it doubles as a diner. My daughter hasn't seen a movie in a theater before and asks how it works. I explain that we have to wait around while the current movie plays, then go in and wait for the next one to start. Now we're sitting at one of the tables, eating while we wait.

      Now John and I are crossing the parking lot. We're talking about "that weird taxi guy" who always hangs around the Atlanta airport. He does a great job and is worth seeking out, but sometimes you have to walk a long way to find where he's parked. Now we're walking along a sidewalk, and I realize that my daughter is missing. I turn to run back towards the theater, but John runs much faster than I. I yell after him to pace himself. He slows down, gets behind me, and starts pushing me. I end up running much more slowly than before since my balance is being thrown off. I ask him to stop pushing, so he passes me again. I'm able to regain my balance and speed back up. We're running downhill now, and I end up going really fast (though still slower than John).

      Eating garlic
      I'm driving home with my son. I realize I'm hungry and look around to see if there's anything to eat in the car. I see that the dashboard's cell phone holder has a garlic bulb sitting in it. As much as I'm not in the mood for raw garlic, I am really hungry, so I manage to peel off a few cloves and start trying to peel them one-handed (I'm still driving, after all). I hope I have a while before my wife gets home since I'm sure my breath will stink for a long time.

      Now I'm pulling into the driveway and am surprised to see that stuff is scattered everywhere inside the garage and on the driveway. I park near the top and we head inside. She's not here, so I start hunting down some real food.

      Fragment: A brilliantly white monument is standing in a grassy patch in the middle of the road.
    14. Looking at my DJ - fragment Spellbee's Splendid Comp Night #6, DJ #15

      by , 01-18-2017 at 09:57 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I am looking at my DJ on DV, and all the blue is now green. (all non-lucid).
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. DJ#333: Lingerie Thief

      by , 01-18-2017 at 09:29 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was working at McDonalds, someone coming through the drive thru has stolen a record amount of lingerie and it is stuffed everywhere in his car and he is wearing some of it.
      Tags: non - lucid