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    1. Mon Sep 24

      by , 09-24-2012 at 04:48 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      [These dreams were not very fun. I felt kind of sad this morning.]

      Pop Music vs. Classical Music

      Listening to a pop song, I realize that the intro is taken from a piece of classical music. But they really messed up the phrase when they took it out of context and changed it like that. I'm frustrated. I try to find a family member, so I can explain to them what the problem is.

      Malicious Shower

      Trying to avoid notice becomes somewhat more difficult when my sister shows up in the restaurant. Mentally, I change my disguise to a short-haired Korean woman with a strong accent. I walk to my sister's table to ask her a question, and after we exchange a few sentences, I realize that she thinks I'm one of her new students just arrived for orientation. My disguise looks just like one of the students she just met.

      The manager of the restaurant comes over to say that I can have as many samples as I desire before deciding what to eat. After he's gone, I decide to try some of what my sister's table ordered. The trouble is, it's still in a tin baking pan, and whenever we try to cut a bit off of it for me to eat, the pan just spins in circles. There's not enough friction. But eventually we hold it still long enough for me to cut halfway through and rip the piece the rest of the way off. It tastes good. I wind up for a high five with my sister; it's funny because we're both wearing oven mitts on our right hands. But afterwards, I worry if that might have blown my cover.

      I wander around the restaurant and arrive at the conveyor belt that customers use to return used dishes. It's similar to the oversized baggage claim in that there are a limited number of slots. You have find an empty slot and try to slide your dishes into it as it rotates past you. A slightly awkward kid from my school is in line in front of me; I doubt he has the chops for this. Plus, the employee overseeing the conveyor belt points out that there's only one slot open. The kid tries to slide his tray at the slot, but he hesitated too much, and it hits the rubber divider. The overseer takes the tray and puts it in the next available slot, and then it's my turn. Fortunately, it looks like there are a lot more open slots, now. But it turns out that I miss, as well.

      I have to go to the bathroom. I haven't seen one in this restaurant, so I walk through the big hallway connecting the restaurant to the other business in this building. The main room of the other business is very tall, and small circular tables dot the floor, spaced pretty far apart. It's a nice room, very open. There's a big window in one wall, and the others are painted in light colors. It's the second time I've visited this room; I was here once before my sister came into the restaurant. And yes, there is a bathroom!

      I go inside, but when I go into the stall to pee, I'm doused from above with a lot of water. I try to get out of the shower of water, but then another one starts above my new location. It's like there are fire-extinguishing sprinklers all over the ceiling, with laser detection so that they start pouring whenever anyone stands under them. I mean, I wouldn't mind the shower, but I don't think I have any way to dry myself off. Oh, wait--there's a brown towel hanging from a hook just inside the stall. Good thing I thought to bring that. I go back into the stall and try to pee, but it's difficult. I have to hold up the toilet seat with one hand while standing pretty far back from the bowl and aiming my urine carefully.

      When I wake up, no, I don't actually have to go to the bathroom.


      [Content warning: this one features poop.]
      Spoiler for Unsanitary:
      Slushie Shop

      Dad and I are on the way to an event I want to attend. It's an hours-long drive from my house. We're passing a slushie shop, and Dad asks me if I want anything. I don't, really, so I reply, "Only if you're really hungry." He stops anyway, so he probably only asked me because he wanted to visit the place himself.

      Another day, we're going to the same event, and we stop at the same shop. This time, they're understaffed, so they tell us it will take half an hour for the slushie to be ready. It takes a moment for that to sink in. There's no way we have half an hour; we didn't build that much extra time into our schedule. My soccer game starts pretty soon. But we stay anyway. While we wait, we sit at a table with two employees of the shop. One of them gets to talking with my dad about the four districts of Denver. One of the districts is mentioned by name, and the male employee starts talking about a building in that district which is associated with the gay rights movement. He's in favor of it, and he's frustrated with people who are making trouble for the building. After he leaves, the female employee apologizes for him, saying that he doesn't understand that gays are degenerate people [or something to that effect]. I don't respond, since I don't want the situation to escalate, but I reflect upon the apparent fact that everyone against the gay agenda is just a homophobe.

      Another day, we're going to the same event, but this time my mom is driving me. We stop at the same shop. My mom tries to pour the slushie from the machine herself, but it doesn't go too well. Worth a laugh, though.


      As I'm driving in the right lane along city streets, something important falls out of the passenger side of the car. I really don't want to go back for it. It seems like that would be a huge hassle. On the other hand, I need that something when I get to my destination, so if I don't stop now, I'll just have to stop later, and that would be even more of a hassle. Reluctantly, I look for a place to pull off on the shoulder. I'm not going to turn the car around; I'll just park and walk back. The brakes don't work very quickly, so I miss the first spot I was aiming for, and I have to use the next one. It's right next to a residential driveway. I hope the owner doesn't mind.

      Chocolate Graham Crackers

      I'm lying in bed in the morning. There's a lot of cereal in the bed with me; my personal stash. But I'm leaving for college in four days, and I'm not sure I can finish all of the cereal in time. I decide to have cereal for breakfast. It's a mixture of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and chocolate graham crackers. Carefully, I dip each piece of cereal in milk using my right hand, then put the dipped piece into my left hand to hold. I'm still in bed, so eventually I'm going to have to carry all of this to the kitchen table.


      Students are given one piece of candy for each point they got on the last assignment. I got 20/20, which is nice. The students handing out the candy give me two packets of colorful chocolate spheres lined up in a line, then a few extra pieces of some different kind of candy. I'm confused, because I thought there were ten spheres in each packet, so I shouldn't have gotten any extra. But it turns out there are only about eight, so it works out.
    2. Sun Aug 16

      by , 09-18-2012 at 06:10 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      [Drat! I got the month wrong. Also, sorry about my absence, there. I've been trying to install Linux on my laptop. . . .]

      Crash Landing

      I'm in an episode of Doctor Who! I'm in a flying craft when I hear some team members calling for help. I expect someone else to help them, but no one does, so after a minute I go over there myself. The two team members, a man and a woman, are sitting side by side, flying the craft from a sort of detachable pod on the side. There's also a giant, black grasshopper in the pod with them. It's not moving, but it looks dangerous, and I assume that's what's worrying them. I get in the pod to help them, but it looks like we're going to have to crash land. We're going too fast; there's no way anyone should be able to survive this. But somehow, with myself at the wheel, we just glide to a halt on the ground. No one's even bruised. I look over at the two other people and say, with a wry smile, "I have no idea how that just happened."

      But there's no time to think about that. Everyone gets out of the craft. The man who was next to me takes out a small model of the grasshopper and disparagingly throws it on the ground. Wow, was that all he needed to do to deal with it? Suddenly I remember that the only reason we needed the grasshopper was because it powered the craft, somehow. I'm glad to be rid of it. But then, from the place the model grasshopper landed, bugs begin to rise from the ground--one by one, but quickly, so that soon there'll be an entire swarm of them. And they don't look benign. The Doctor runs in and meaningfully taps his watch. Yep, it's time to get out of here. I try to run on ledges around the side of the cavern, swatting bugs away from my face. Eventually I get away.

      Later, it comes to light that the structure in which we now find ourselves is a remnant of an ancestral civilization, forced to escape from its homeland.

      Grammar Game

      The point of the game is to take regular English sentences and "translate" them into an amusing American dialect. Something about switching from present tense to present progressive. One variant of the game involving the word "grandma" turns out to be pretty hilarious.

      Updated 09-18-2012 at 06:18 PM by 57256 (got the month wrong)

      Tags: airplane, bugs, funny
    3. Sun. Sep. 9

      by , 09-09-2012 at 06:08 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      I'm back at school, hanging out with my new roommates. First, we eat in the dining hall. I run into some awkwardness where I want to grab some food from a station, but there are other people trying to get around me, so I have to stand off to the side and wait.

      Later, we go back to the room. There will be five of us living here, so we all try getting into the bed to see if we will fit. We won't all fit if we lie side by side, so I try putting my pillow on one end of the bed, while the four others decide to put theirs on the other. Hmmm. It's a bit awkward with our feet getting tangled in the middle, and also I think it's weird that I'm the only one on this side. I try to explain it jokingly, saying that I'm lonely over here. Someone suggests that my roommates from previous years switch sides, and I find myself hoping that my old roommate will refuse: I'm already worried that he thinks I'm attracted to him.

      Later, I wander out into the halls for a while, then try to find my way back. I don't remember the room number, so I try a door at random. There are girls in this room, but also one of my roommates, so I'm not sure whether it's my room or not. I'm embarrassed to ask, too. Eventually my roommate comes to my rescue, telling me it's the next door over. As I go over to that door, I look around at the peeling paint and splintering wood in the building, and I realize that our house kind of got the raw end of the deal when we were moved over to this building.


      Spoiler for Videobomb:
      Gym Activities

      [Warning: This dream makes no sense. Lol. I think I was half awake for most of it.]

      A muscular announcer has just adopted a new stage name. He's discussing it with another announcer. They're throwing back and forth ideas for other, more awesome stage names that he could have chosen. One suggests "VenusMercury." The man admits he likes that one a lot, but he couldn't choose it because of trouble in some Chinese provinces named "Venus" and "Mercury." A map appears, showing that these provinces are at the western extreme of China. Then the video cuts to a field correspondent, hiking through the mountains in that area. She talks to the camera as she descends into a very, very deep crevasse in the earth. It's so deep that I suspect the video must be fake. Anyway, they reach the bottom, where there are two very long "flat escalators" (People Movers?) running parallel to each other in opposite directions. So you can ride them around in circles. They start doing an activity where the correspondent puts tape on the floor and the other person has to pick it up. Soon other people are playing the game, including myself. There are so many lines everywhere that it's ridiculous to imagine we'll get rid of them all. And you can't just erase them, because they're all outlined in black and you're supposed to leave the outline in place.

      After a time, I try picking up another line, but the gym teacher cuffs me on the shoulder. Apparently class is over, and the basketball team needs those lines on the floor for their practice. I stop. I just watch as the team comes in and starts practicing. I contemplate practicing archery. It would be cool to be able to shoot an arrow while doing a cartwheel. There are a bunch of little kids in the room, and sometimes they get in the way of the basketball players.

      I try to leave, but through the door there's just another gym. I'm not sure whether to try another door in the current gym or try another door in this new gym. I'm lost. I ask someone where the principal is, since chances are he'll be in his office, and if I walk in the opposite direction of the principal's office then I'll probably make it outside. The person points at a wall, and a green light appears. I know that the light is floating over the head of the principal. So I walk to a door on the opposite side of the gym. Now, I don't like the basketball players, so before I go, I make a bunch of bugs appear on the wall. Ten spiders, fifteen flies (to feed the spiders), and twenty bitemes. Hah! That should keep them busy. It'll probably also make the principal mad at me, but I'll be gone long before he gets here.

      The door leads to the back yard of the school. There's a playground nearby, but no one's around. It's a dark, overcast day, and it's drizzling. I walk along the side of the building towards the front.
    4. First dream entry- nightmare

      by , 08-23-2012 at 12:26 AM
      So... this is my first entry and it's a nightmare which kind of sucks. Let me first of start by saying I am not normally afraid of bugs so this was strange.

      I was sitting in class while the teacher was giving a lesson and i was trying to listen but my body was getting really itchy. I started to scratch my arms and when i looks down i had HUGE hives covering my arms. I started to freak out and try to yell at the teacher and everyone around me but no one could here me. I tried to get up out of my chair but it was like i was glued down. The hives on my arms started to shift around and all i could do was scratch them. Then one hive on my thigh ripped open and a huge black beetle came out of it. One after one each hive popped and i started to get covered in these strange beetles. After every hive on my body ripped open i was totally covered up and all i could see, smell, and feel where the beetles. They started to pry open my mouth and crawl inside. after about 5 bugs entered my mouth i woke up.
      Tags: bugs, class, hives
      non-lucid , nightmare
    5. Wed. Aug. 22

      by , 08-22-2012 at 05:06 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Professional Violinist

      The results of my friend's audition are not what I had hoped. He was beaten out by an older, long-haired man; a violinist. But today when I come to the meeting, the group leader tells me that he has a special announcement about that violinist. He won't tell me what, but he tries to get me to guess. I can't imagine what it would be; the only thing I remember about the man was that at a previous meeting he played a very legato piece that just kept going and going without giving the player much of a break.

      Once everyone gets there, the group leader makes the announcement. It's come to light that this violinist is actually a professional, and therefore disqualified for the competition. Hmmm. Maybe I could have guessed that if I'd realized that the legato piece was too difficult for anyone but a professional to prepare. It's confusing, though, to try and fit together all of the clues, so I give up. I wonder if the violinist feels angry about this disqualification, but no--it looks like he's just glad to be back on solid moral ground.


      It's time for break, so the group disperses throughout the city park to find a good place for lunch. I see a group of four of them heading over to the opposite side of the park, which seems like a good idea. I hurry after them, even though I'm a bit nervous because they're all a couple years older than I am. When I get there, they've set up a blanket on the ground to lay on, and there's a tennis match going on in the nearby courts. I wave and say "Hi!" as jovially as I can, and they're very polite about letting me join them. Only, when I try to lay down near this one guy, he grabs my shoulder, pulls me back, then sits me down in a nearby chair instead. The problem (although he never explained himself explicitly) was that I was going to block his view of the tennis match. I wonder whether the chair is his, or if he just took it from one of the nearby families who are also having lunch in the park.

      Later, a bunch of us have gone inside for a while, and now people are starting to leave again. There's something on the wall, a machine about the size of a paper towel dispenser, and we're supposed to use it on the way out. One person seems very nervous about this, looking over the machine very, very carefully before using it. But there aren't any apparent problems, and before long there are just two of us left: me and one other guy. Suddenly, a green bug with a body roughly the size and shape of a leaf comes crawling out of the cracks in the machine. That must have been what the guy was worried about. "Is that Leafblighter?" I ask. The bug crawls back in the machine, and we start hearing screams from a room beyond the wall and above us, which we know is a kitchen. (Not death screams, just I'm-afraid-of-bugs screams.)

      I try to continue as I was, but eventually I give up and announce, "You know what? I'm just going to finish my lunch outside." I walk over to the machine, but of course the bug is currently crawling around on it. I take my towel and swing it at the bug. It misses, but the bug does start running away, which means it's not on the machine any more. I use the machine, but then I look back at my towel to check for bug guts. I think I see a pair of antennae, but the towel's wrapped around my waist and I can't twist enough to see for sure. I take off the towel to get a closer look, and sure enough, there's an entire bug stuck to it. Suddenly, from the direction of the machine, a low, threatening voice shouts "Iba flogor!" and something heavy collides with the right side of my head.
      Tags: bathroom, bugs, music
    6. Jobs, school & spider guy

      by , 03-19-2012 at 12:49 AM
      I saw a big sign advertising short babysitting jobs late at night. The text was really big, neon and jumbled. I went to see about them. When I got to the job building, it was PACKED with people around my age hoping to get the same jobs. I talked to a woman at the counter a bit. She was telling me about one girl there who owned a La Senza. That girl was about my age and had long blonde hair. I had met her before, and thought she seemed a bit stuck up, but thought I would give her a chance anyway.

      Then I was walking to school in the rain. I realized I'd completely forgotten to go to English, so I just went to my next class. Some guy asked me if I could write a short summary of a certain book, and K, who was also there, agreed that I should. I found out it was a book we got in the class I missed, and everyone had to do a book report on it, which included writing a summary. I said okay, they could use mine when I did it. Then K asked if I would write a prologue to the book as well, which was also part of the project, but I said I didn't want to. Writing the summary was also somehow connected to me having to get a jug of orange juice and put it on the floor at work, replacing it whenever it got dirty, and I couldn't remember if I'd done that.

      Then I was with some people at the top of a grassy hill, watching this large bearded guy who had a spider. We suspected he was secretly Santa Claus or something, and the spider had something to do with it as well. The spider was a very rare species, with a long thin body that was mostly white with some black markings, including a silhouette of a spider on its back. It could also fly. The man put it down in the grass, but it flew away, and we chased after it, yelling.

      Updated 03-20-2012 at 05:29 AM by 13525

    7. Spiders with hats

      by , 02-18-2012 at 05:52 PM
      I was in my room, and suddenly saw 5 spiders on the wall, in the top corner near the window. One was probably about 3 inches long, two were around 2 inches long, and the other two were maybe 3/4" long (bodies only, not including legs). They were all really fat as well. The biggest one was yellow and black, striped kind of like a tiger; one of the medium ones was black and white, and one of the small ones was black with perfectly even white polkadots. The biggest one was also wearing a tiny beanie. I went out of my room and described them to someone, then went back in, and on top of its old hat, the biggest one was wearing a tiny cowboy hat. xD I went back out and reported that to the person. Then I went back in and gently swept the small polkadotted one into my hand. It curled up into a little ball. I went to take it outside, but as I got near the door of my room, it fell. I looked all over the ground for it, but I couldn't find it. I was afraid I was going to step on it. But then I woke up.
      Tags: bugs, funny
    8. The Sisters

      by , 02-07-2012 at 05:48 AM
      Myself and two girls, whom I feel are my sisters, (I do not have any sisters is real life) are at what seems to be my elementary school at night. The ground is under a thick layer of water, roughly 2-3 feet high (75-110 cm). A play fight/war involving water powers and water balloons between two factions of students is occurring. I am ducked behind some walls and suddenly the sisters come to my side to help, we talk about our situation. Suddenly a black/purple butterfly comes near the area, it is what feels like my mother (It is not actually my mom but it is the closest feeling I can describe, she has long black hair {My mom has blonde mid-length hair}. The butterfly morphs into a more human figure and also begins helping in the water wars. Water is parted and the opposite side loses, by what rules, I have no idea! After being aided by these 3 girls we all run out of the area; the water has cleared from the ground and I pass the classroom where I was taught in 5th and 6th grade. As we exit, I see that my 2 sisters and mother have changed shape. 1 sister becomes a bug, like a roach,beetle, or ladybug. The other sister is also some variant of bug. The mom is back to being a butterfly I think. I don't change but instead keep up by skipping backwards, calmly keeping pace, almost like dancing. I nearly step on one sister. The moon is out (It has been throughout the dream and it shines like an almost ethereal, full white moon). As we exit school via a staircase that is connected to the school, 1 sister (younger?) darts up the street, turning a right at the end of the street. My other sister and I follow up to the next entrance of the school (which is at the top of the next street, rather than where we exited). The younger sister is standing there alone and in tears. She is encompassed by a red aura that affects even the sky around us. This aura feels sadistic and I see that she has what appears to be a billhook. The older sister and myself are not afraid but rather melancholic and understanding, we comfort her and the younger sister accepts it. The scene (not necessarily dream) changes and our lives seemingly pass in an almost movie like montage. We are in a hot-spring. The mom is there but I have trouble focusing in on her. The 2 sisters and I watch each other and keep close and embrace tightly (in a kinship kinda way)...Suddenly credits out of no where!!! Some credits like you would see at the end of a movie pop out and my perception is no longer 1st person but rather watching the credits and a still-frame of myself and the sisters. The credits appear to be either Chinese or Japanese...I wake up as they end.
    9. Brief Lucidity

      by , 01-05-2012 at 06:01 PM
      Old LD from 10-22-07

      I forgot to add this one from a few weeks ago. It wasn't a long one, but it had a lucid moment. I think I'll add it here because I think every moment of lucidity should be accounted for.


      I had an interesting stretch of dreams this morning after a WBTB. I even had a lucid moment.

      In the dream I was back with my sister that has cancer. [Ususally when I dream about "my sister" I'm talking about my younger sister. My older sister doesn't show up as often.] We were in a little room that was supposed to be in her new-ish house.

      We were looking through all these pictures and reminiscing. Then my sister pulled out a large picture and say, "Hey, you've never seen this one yet , have you?" The picture was of myself with her 14 year old son. In the picture he looked more grown up. It was a very flattering picture of us. We both look like we could be models.

      I then pulled out a box that not only had pictures but a pair of my sister's socks. The socks were a pinkish tan color with chocolate brown stripes. I told her how cute they were. Then I remembered that they were similar to a pair of socks that she had supposed gotten me for Christmas last year. I figured she had gotten them at the same place.

      Then my mom and other sister were there too looking through these boxes with us.

      The next thing that I remember is walking through her kitchen and seeing the little black boy there. He was about 3 years old . At first I can't figure out why he is there. But then I remembered that she babysat for a few kids.

      I reached out and try to hug this little boy, but he wanted nothing to do with me. I then looked over and see two little black girls. I also try to talk with them and be friendly, but they both walked away from me. I felt bad.

      There seems to be a transition here. I think this is still part of the same dream, though.

      I was walking though a college campus with a preschool group. One of the little girls was Japanese. She seemed to like me and let me pick her up. We somehow got a little behind the others, so I finally had to run to try to catch up. At one point I tripped and we rolled on the grass. Neither of us were hurt at all. I got up and felt like something was missing, but couldn't figure out what.

      I looked a ways ahead and saw the last of the preschool goup head into the store/restaurant. I finally caught up and walked in. The group was now gone. I didn't have the little girl anymore. The lady inside asked me if I wanted any of the free lunch they had been serving to the preschool group. I said, "Sure".

      It was then I realized that my purse was missing. I started to panic. I had lost it on the college campus. I knew that it was very unlikely that I would ever see it again. I started telling the lady I was with how I had lost it. She was sympathizing with me.

      Then I remember saying, "You know, I think it's going to be okay. When I wake up my purse will be there. It's not really gone. This has happened to me before, and when I woke up the purse was there. I just need to try and stop worrying about it now."

      Then I have no idea what happened next. I do know lucidity ended (if it was ever really there to begin with. Even though I was saying that, I never had that "Ah ha, I'm dreaming" moment. This is the first time I can think of there I made reference to myself dreaming with out truly becoming lucid. )

      I then remember being in my basement. There was a crack in the wall and my cat was watching some silverfish bugs come out of the crack. She was swatting her paw at them.

      I really think something is missing from my memory here. But the next thing I remember is being attacked by these large metal bugs. They were black and about a foot across. one looked like a spider and the other a scorpion.

      I was upstairs at this point and I ran down into the basement. I frantically started looking for a hammer or something to smash them with. All I could find were a pair of roller blades. I picked one one of them and when the bugs came down the stairs I started smashing them with the roller blade.

      Amazingly they both just fell apart like they were cheap toys. I then ran my hands through the pile of pieces. I suddenly thought about movies that I had seen. I figured it was a very good idea to put the pieces in separate bags to dispose of them, just in case they all came together and came to life again.

      Then my alarm went off...
    10. Dream Fragments

      by , 12-20-2011 at 03:48 PM
      At this moment I'm only remembering two dream fragments.

      1. I am being chased by a wolf into a river.

      2. I see Clair (who I used to work with) eating little maggot-like bugs. It was super gross.
      Tags: animals, bugs, river
    11. Dreamcatcher Snakes/worms and good dream control

      by , 10-22-2011 at 11:36 PM (High Quality Head Movies)
      So the setting of this dream was strange. We were in a house that looked like the house I grew up in when I was growing up (age 8-12). There was a swamp at the edge of our yard.

      There were a bunch of creepy crawlies everywhere out side. Big spiders, snakes, scorpions, etc. I remember walking around outside and looking at all the snakes and stuff because I was bored and had never seen snakes with that much color before.

      So I start looking at all the snakes and then realise that there were way too many snakes around the house. I find my dad and he tells me to use the shovel because he was busy.

      Okay so this is where all that appears possible become extremely strange and out of the ordinary. I watched a movie called "The Dreamcatcher" a few days ago. In that movie there were these monsters that infect people with there bites and make them impregnated with another monster. Well they look quite scary.

      So after seeing these outside I panic and run for the house to warn my family of the extremely lethal snake/worm things.

      Now that I have seen one, I start seeing a bunch of them. I run in the house and shut all the doors. I open up all the cabenets for any tool for survival but find nothing. Then we start hearing noises in the airvents and the walls and they soon start getting closer. We start seeing them in the smaller rooms and kill em on sight until there are too many of them to fight. We flee outside for our lives.

      I run outside away from our house, dodging the horrific worms as I go until I get this sudden extraordinary feeling of awareness of what the crap was going on.

      OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!! LUCIDITY!!!!!!!!

      So my first thought when I obtained lucidity was I could do anything I wanted but I am pissed off at these worms and they need to die. I close my eyes and cringe my stomach and think of flying and I start floating up above the house and all around the area was a beautiful city with lights and skyscrapers and the sight was incredible (amazing to see what your mind can come up with). I then look down at all the snakes and act like I am grasping them with the force and they all float up all around me in the air and they are flouncing about in the air unable to move anywhere. I felt the burning rage and they all exploded with fire and sparks.

      After that, I decide to have some fun with the dream and fly to meet some of my friends in city and I see a couple of people I hang out with after Church. I look at the street and imagine a racecar and a yellow nascar appears. I jump in and then my friend Haley jumps in with me and says WOW THIS IS AWESOME CAN I RIDE WITH YOU?!?!?! I said sure and she jumps in with me. We race down the street and then onto a track and then I make the car fly into an open street square with tall buildings and signs and land it in the middle of the square. She asks me how did I do the stuff I'm doing and I said well this is a dream and she agreed with me and went along with it (odd how that happened because usually dream projections disagree with me and argue). Then I see some relatives and follow them into a building and I am now in a tall house that is like a fancy condo. I talk around a bit and then I wake up after a while of exploring the familiar faces. LFS

      Updated 10-22-2011 at 11:55 PM by 37851

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    12. Eating Bugs

      by , 10-06-2011 at 05:35 PM
      I don't remember what I was doing in the dream, but I had this feeling "Well, this is just a dream, anyway, so I might as well try something interesting."

      I was thinking about doing a Task of the Month, but for some reason I thought the Task was to "Eat a Bug".

      I started to fly low to the ground and very slow. I saw some rocks. I picked a medium sized one up and looked under it to see what bugs I could find. Under this rock I saw several large long legged ants. I thought about picking one up. But suddenly the thought of those long hairy-ish legs moving on my tongue have me the heebie jeebies. So I moved on.

      I wondered what kind of bug would be less creepy to eat. I thought about trying to find a ladybug. They didn't have long legs. They bodies were small and compact. As soon as I thought that I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. It was a ladybug. What luck. But as I looked at it scurrying along I just couldn't bring myself to eat it.

      I then looked over to some grass to the left of where I was still hovering. I saw a large sow bug crawling up a long blade of grass. I reached to grab it, but again, the thought of actually putting that thing in my mouth just made me shudder. I decided that I just couldn't do it.

      And that is all I remember from that dream. I am a little surprised at how squimish I was in the dream about eating bugs. I mean, I knew it was just a dream. It should have been easy. Heck, I've even done it in real life from being dared. I know it's in me. Oh well. It wasn't really a Task anyway.
      Tags: bugs, eating, wbtb
    13. Scary faces

      by , 08-11-2011 at 03:59 AM
      I was in an old looking house that had many flights of stairs. It was made almost entirely of darkish brown wood, including the walls. I was with some guy and we were trying to get out of the house. We had to run down all the stairs to get to the door at the bottom. But every time you went down a staircase, a really freaky disembodied face/mask kinda thing would zoom directly at your face. It wouldn't touch you or hurt you, but they were all different and all freaky lol. The faces scared me, so I always made the guy go a bit ahead of me, and covered my eyes with my hands.

      Finally we were at the bottom and I ran out of the door first. I flopped down on my back on a patch of soft grass in front of the house. It was really sunny and warm and nice. The guy joined me soon after and laid down with his head near mine and his feet in the opposite direction. Then a girl came over wearing a rainbow sweater. She started saying things like, "Oh, this must be your time together, I'd better leave you two alone," etc and this made me uncomfortable, so to change the subject, I looked down at my shorts and said disinterestedly, "Oh, is there a cricket on me?" There actually was, so I started trying to pick it up.

      It's really different here but for some reason I feel like it was part of the same dream. I was rummaging in the fridge in some house and eating sushi and talking with a friend who was there about a new j-pop group that was debuting soon. I was saying there were too many that were all the same, and that there were always too many members, then whoever else was there said they didn't like SNSD, except very quietly and weirdly and I was like 'what?'. Then they came on TV or something. It was a group of maybe 20 japanese idols, all dressed in white on a white/silver background. One of them had blonde wavy pigtails. Then they started singing and dancing to "Special Generation" and I was like "oh...it's a cover" sounding disappointed for some reason.

      I realized later on that I'm pretttty sure the creepy faces zooming at me came from playing LSD Dream Emulator, somehow. xD I dunno, it just reminds me of it.

      Updated 09-02-2011 at 04:50 AM by 13525

    14. Longest Dream Ever...

      by , 07-30-2011 at 04:58 AM (My dream journal....)

      I don't know if this was the actual beginning, because it's really hazy, but it started out with a lot of people i knew (family, friends, and some old people who I only knew in the dream...) getting on three bike things. They were like really long bikes with lots of seats and wheels on either side of you, as you sit and pedal. One had us on it (and by "us" i probably mean my family and me.), another one had a bunch of old ladies on it, and one the third one I forget. I was in the front of mine, and I had the responsibility of steering. We were all just randomly riding these things through the town.

      The bike with us on it was about to go down a really big hill, but I noticed that another long bike thing was already about to go down it too, so i started shouting for everyone to slow down, and someone else even joined in, but we didn't know how to slow down, so we didn't. We ended up going down the hill really close to the bike in front of us, and even though we never touched I couldn't turn at the bottom, and I rode up on to the curb and had to turn on the fortunately close next street.

      Now there's just random visions of riding through the town, and all three bikes finally meeting up somewhere.

      The next part of the dream is really... something, so i can't remember it, but eventually we all went to someones house to sleep. Me and My sister stayed up all night. We were in a part of the house and we saw someone (through some sort of indoor window) sleeping, but didn't know who it was. This next part is really fuzzy, but I remember a flurry of whispering, going and seeing who the sleeping person is (by turning a corner next to the front door of the house into the room), turning on lights (maybe), My sister almost shouting something and waking someone up (maybe), and me finally pointing out that we did know who this was (when we were looking through the window thing, I showed her that he was a very familiar looking pelican we met earlier today).

      The next part's a blur, too, but it's the morning, and my sister and I realize we've stayed up all night. My mom might've also woken up slightly to tell us something, but i don't know.

      This next part is a blur as well. it was very hazy, but all the grownups were gardening (with trees and stuff, I think, and other normal plants) at my neighbor's houses (and the house we all slept in turned out to be one of the neighbor's houses), and me and some friends riding on some new ride at the County Fair (we were the only ones there, btw) (the ride may have been a roller-coaster, something else, or any combination of those two). It was getting dark out, too. This whole part went on for a while, but didn't really seem like it.

      Okay, it's night now, and I'm still at the Fair. The playground (That's at the side of my house in real life) is just south of the Fair. I'm standing on it (the playground) but I'm really high up. I can look and see the County Fair rides (I'm not sure but I think they were all off), and beyond that, the gardening going on at the neighbor's.

      All of a sudden, these little kids start running toward the playground. They're all dressed up, because they went trick-or-treating for halloween. This makes me realize that i missed halloween, but I'm not really disappointed.

      These kids play on the playground for a while. They're all climbing above and below me, but they don't really seem to notice me. Then I start scaring some of them by laughing weird and staring at them. Some of them seemed genuinely afraid.

      Then the dream transitions and I'm over next to the gardening people. It's kinda morning-ish. I'm standing next to my mom and she's explaining how stupid these bugs are. I watch the bugs crawl around in the alley. For some reason, my mom needs to keep track of two of them.The bugs are stupid because they think they're tricking my mom by going into a group of bugs the same species, and crawling around, even though somehow you could tell which ones were the original ones. My mom was talking about them the whole time I was watching them. Then she mentioned something about a science logo. Then the dream ended...


      The bugs were like caterpillars mixed with centipedes, and they moved really fast.
    15. Walk through a school building + Infestation

      by , 07-17-2011 at 10:11 AM (The journey of JussiKala)
      Walk through a school building

      PS: Dream does not take place in an actual school, but an imaginary one. Though the dream was clear enough that I could draw the schematics of the school if I wanted to now.

      So the dream began with me walking through the southern end of the building. Soon, I was faced with a bunch of lower grade kiddies having an event in a certain room of the building, blocking the path to where I was heading. Apparently this school housed all levels from kindergarten to university. After a little talk with the assistant teacher of the class, a young, beatiful lad, I was allowed to walk through. Apparently she thought the event was not thought completely through, and was decided to host in a spot that was inconvenient for all others. I continued on my way to where I was heading. Looking back, I saw the school church (what..? if a real school had a church in it, I'd go protesting) through a man height window divided into three sections, each of which were about 2/3 of the height of the window. The church itself was just a big cubic extention of the school building, made of red brick. It had one little door with a tri-window like the one mentioned earlier above it. Some vines were growing on the wall. The general inside style of the school was red brick walls with a reddish brown tile floor, and a white, low ceiling. After a couple of hallways, I arrived where I was supposed to go. Apparently at this point I remember that it's an info event, mainly taking place to make us consider where to advance after high school. Up first I see some class mates from the year just finished, and I see one from way back that I hadn't seen in ages, on the benches surrounding a sculpture in the middle of the room. One told me that one of my best friends had ragequit the final physics test and gotten a bad grade for it, as he had spent all his time trying to help others in it (don't know how this makes sense in a test, lol). He was there too. He looked down. And like he hadn't washed his long hair in ages. His hair was longer than IRL in this dream, more than the shoulder height it usually was. So I sat down on a large 10m, wall to wall, sofa which was black. My friend who was nearby, and whose backpack was on the sofa next to me, took it away to make more room, since it was at the very end of the sofa, next to which I sat down, and since I didn't have much room next to me on the other side. My old woodwork teacher from when I was only 14 came and offered us all some sandwiches/steak plates. I hesitated to take either and initially declined the offer for either, but then I decided to take a sandwhich. Didn't taste that great. I talked with one of my friends on the sofa a while, but the dream kinda ended there unclearly. Not sure at which point...


      I am on my computer, and notice that a part of my chest is tingling. I go to the bathroom to look at it in a mirror, and see that there's a bugbite on it. I scratch it. Accidentally I open it. I push the sides to get rid of the mush inside, but I end up squirting a lot of my real flesh out of it. A fistful of rotten flesh. Then I see it. It's completely filled with little worms and insects eating it. I freak out. I look closer, I mean, it's FILLED with them. And somehow I get the idea my whole body is too. My older brother calls out for me outside the bathroom so I clean up the flesh, put my shirt back on, and go talk to him. He asks questions about his new bass guitar. (what...? That's quite random)

      PS: this dream made me not want to eat breakfast. A gross sight.

      Updated 07-17-2011 at 02:34 PM by 39085

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