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    1. Give Me Jesus

      by , 05-09-2019 at 04:50 PM

      I walk down the hallway at the graduate school where my father teaches. Two or three other people pass me. I look an old man in the eye and realize I'm dreaming. What to do with my lucidity? I know, I'll look for Jesus himself!

      Show me Jesus!

      But he doesn't come. Maybe he's around the next corner?

      I'm waking up and I instinctively jerk myself out of sleep.

      In waking life I've been listening to Bart Ehrman's audiobook, How Jesus Became God. Next time practice some stabilizing techniques and try to stay asleep.

      Updated 05-09-2019 at 04:56 PM by 92227

    2. Subconscious became mad at me

      by , 04-08-2019 at 09:31 AM
      So I started using the Awoken smartphone app to train myself to do Reality Checks in my dream. It works like a charm, for me at least. After responding to the app for only one day, I had 3 lucids last night. The most interesting of them was the one where I realized my goal and tried to gain control over/access to it. Below is my DJ entry.


      I'm in this wacky world where there are all sorts of zany characters running around. It feels like a game mixed with a children's TV show. I have been here before in a previous dream and I become lucid.

      I remember my goal, the reason I'm lucid dreaming in the first place and realize I have no interest in this weird world and dream freedom. I'm here to talk to my subconscious. So I try to focus and clear out the world so I have complete emptiness. It doesn't work, so I treat my dream as a machine that accepts commands and tell it to "clear out everything". And it does, it literally removed everything leaving me in complete darkness.

      Now that I have what I want, I say to my subconscious: "Give me access to my subconscious." I do not get a response, but I can see my subconscious trying to force the world back in which I was standing before, forcefully trying to move it into place, I can even see white, bony hands trying to push the scene back together for me to walk in. I refuse and push it away with my mind and ask loudly: "Why won't you give me access!?"

      Then a feeling of fear developed inside of me and out of nowhere the mad Majora's Mask moon shows up underneath me and a dark, angry voice resonated throughout the world: "WHY DO YOU WANT ACCESS TO SOMETHING YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!?" The voice surprises me and I am shocked my subconscious is this violent towards me. It's not just shock because of the response. The amount of power this entity exerted towards me was of such a degree that I felt like it could kill me instantly if it wished to do so. I froze for a second when it appeared in that fashion.

      The voice keeps on talking on why I have no business trying to meddle in something beyond my control and it has me wake up to a false awakening again, but I am completely conscious of the fact that I am dreaming still. The house is very different. Not in the sense that the layout or location is different, but something else completely. It's dark, not only literally, but it feels like I'm somewhere I have no control. I feel fear inside of me as I see eyes on the walls everywhere, connected to each other like neurons and information travelling between them as electricity, as this voice keeps on rambling like a higher being, explaining that I shouldn't have access to things I will not understand anyway. I walk through the house and the walls are the same everywhere, with eyes looking at me. It feels really uncomfortable as I'm trying to explore the house. When I get to the kitchen, my dream has started taking over again, as my consciousness is fading and the last thing I see is myself walking back to bed. And that is where the memory ends.


      That was quite the experience. I think maybe I came on to strong. Tonight, if I become lucid, I'll try just talking to it first, just a conversation, rather than demanding access immediately. Hopefully it will be more agreeable then XD.
    3. The Predazord

      by , 03-24-2019 at 04:40 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      Upon entering this dream I am Lucid. I am closing my eyes and focusing on a sex dream and a random partner. I suddenly feel something pick me up off of the ground and also an aggressive tickling sensations under each of my arms as though someone was tickling me there. I open my eyes and I see that it is the Predazord from Power rangers wild force! I see him looking at me with his yellow eyes and thought that the dream was gonna end with me getting wasted by him. But it didn't. He sat me down in front of him, releasing my arms from his mouth hands and the bad sensation disappeared. He said something to me and he smiled at me, lifting up the alligator head on his chest. We are out in the parking lot at the apartments and he sits next to me. After sometime of talking I feel him nudge me with his alligator head and then starts to rub under my legs with it and hoists my legs up to stick me with it but I decided not to go through with it and backed away. He quickly grabbed my in his arms and I can see that his chest was up and I saw all the teeth sticking out the side of that gator mouth. I don't think so!
      Tags: lucid
      lucid , memorable
    4. Iron man gets fed up with me

      by , 03-24-2019 at 04:26 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I start off in this dream doing random things. I'm at what feels like Raymond and I'm doing someones hair,brushing their dark hair and rubbing the strands in the direction I brush.

      Then I'm outside in an unfamiliar place. There are trailers around and we are in the woods. I do "something" and Ironman was there and I didn't know it. he flew down to me, pointing at me about what ever it is I did and says not to to that again. I avoid him and start walking away from him without looking where I was going. I tripped over a rock, flipping it.

      I stooped down to flip it back over and I see ants start to pour out of a small crack in the center of the rock. Ironman scuffs and says "Now look what you'ev done." I look at him and see that he was all armored up and said "No thanks to you!" I walk away again and he follows me. I pick something up and threw it at him, hitting him in the helmet and then took off towards the house I was at earlier.

      Iron man lists his arm and started pressing buttons on it. I stopped to see what he was doing. Another suit flies next to him that was empty and thats when I realized what was about to happen. "Encapsulate her." He commended as I yelled at him "what the heck-" I felt the armor slap on to my leg I bent to to try and pull it off but then felt it slap onto my arm and began to pull me towards the rest of the suit that was open. I struggled as I ran from it and ended up in a strange HI

      I'm in the midst of confronting Tony but almost forget that their are pieces of armor on me and if the helmet gets on my head it'd be all over, plus I didn't want to be trapped inside of armor that can self destruct with you inside of it. I looked around so some kind of way to escape. In the ground there is a puddle with smelly green vapor coming from it. I run over to it and jump inside and realized that it is liquid poo.

      I didn't care the armor got off of me right before I plowed into it and I saw Tony grimace "ew" I laugh at him. "sucker!" I knew I was in a dream and I closed my eyes and ducked down in the poo and gave a middle finger as I slowly sunk down.

      Right before my hand went under I feel the armor grabs it and pulls me up out of the poo. I was covered head to toe and yucky poo and thought the he was gonna trap me inside armor, poo and all. But it flew me over to a pool that was next door and threw me into it.

      The armor dipped me in and out and then the other parts started wash me in the water, scrubbing my head and back and once all of the poo was off, took me out of the water, sprayed me with something that smelled good and then the helmet slams on to my face.

      I tried to get it off but I was not able to see and felt the rest of the armor cover my body. It shows me at the pool, struggling to get the armor off. Then I was able to see through the computer optics. I saw the house of the yard and people was coming out to see what was going on in the back yard.

      Updated 03-24-2019 at 04:30 AM by 13650

      Tags: lucid
    5. LD 114 - Eyes open again

      by , 03-01-2019 at 02:41 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I'm looking at a post on the internet, a beautiful garden of someone. After admiring it long enough, I try to scroll past. I can not. I try to look away at the screen. I CAN NOT. "Dreaming" says my logical processor. I've been here many times before, it can no longer fool me. Something like this only happens in dreams. I curse my bad luck, having a lucid dream during my midday nap when there's too much light in the room.

      Time for experiments. Moving feels like forcing myself, so I fix that by reminding myself that's an illusion. Moving in dreams is effortless, my situation just makes me believe I'm paralyzed. I roll out of the bed. For a moment I see something different in my left eye, but the vision snaps back to the ceiling of my room, which I misunderstood as a garden previously. I try to abandon visual input and focus on feeling. I vividly feel myself rolling off the bed and I continue rolling. I keep on rolling and still I can't escape the ceiling in my vision, the real stimulus is just too powerful to ignore. I try harder to push myself out of that experience, like sinking into a daydream while awake.

      I "wake up" the garden post is scrollable now and while I read people's comments on it, I'm also exploring the garden in person, being in two places at once.
      Shortly after I actually wake up.

      (I sleep with eyes open, so this happens sometimes.)
    6. Quick lucid after along dry spell!!!!!!

      by , 02-01-2019 at 07:15 AM
      Ok.... I havent had a lucid dream for about a month... I went from having about 1-2 a week to ZERO!!! During Christmas and new years my focus on dreaming started shifting towards another hobby.. I bought a Nintendo switch some time before Christmas, and u know me, I'm a tryhard personality. I have a full-time job and a hobby and a wife and a dog, so adding lucid dreaming on top of that, I used my last extra energy on lucid dreaming. The Nintendo switch kinda took up the extra energy I feel..... I still have had VIVID af dreams, but lucidity never occurred. Well tonight it did, so I guess I'm back on track ?!?!

      Before the becoming lucid I had 2 normal dreams.in the first dream u was in a room with my wife and we were playing a computer game together. The next dream I was driving a car through an old neighborhood I once lived in. And saw 5 people gang up on this one guy. They one guy keeps saying that "the guy in that car will come and fuck u guys up!". I told them I certainly would. I parked the car, normally (in daily life) when I park my car, I leave the car I 1st gear and turn it off. However in this case, I left the car in first gear, stepped out and then reached back into the car to pull the handbrake. Werid I thought to myself... I started taking my jacket off so it would be easier to fight these guys lol... While taking off my jacket I started thinking back to what I did before bumping in to these guys. I couldn't remember lol. I got lucid!!!!!! Mother fkin yeeeesss!!! I remembered I had these two dreams before this one. I reality checked, and certainly enough to, I was dreaming.
      I wanted to find one of my friends, so I tried asking the guys infront of me. But they started fighting so I didn't get an answer. I looked around, and to my surprise, my friend was standing on top of building with a psir of binoculars overlooking us. I shot webs to the building like Spiderman would, and swang to the building. I said hi to my friend and woke up....

      Success!!!!!! At last lol!!!! My wife woke up at 5 am and couldn't sleep, so I woke up to. It was after this wbtb that I had this lucid!!! Thanks wife lol 👍 I also fell asleep doing my mild preps, so that might have helped me get lucid.
      Lucid dream was withing 5:30 and 6:50
    7. more Dreams

      by , 01-23-2019 at 01:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Here is a Jamie dream I forgot to add to last entry.


      Me and Jamie are wandering around Voyager from the TV show. We are in a turbo lift but only a small window opens. Janeway is on the other side. She is nice and talks to us but tells us to go around. the turbo lift goes down and we wind up in some construction area. We find staircases and go up them and wind up in the mess hall, where there is an alien race of Jocks or something. Me and Jamie just find a seat and wait and that's all I remember.

      More recent.

      Laundry room.

      Asuka makes me do laundry and for a joke, she is playing a song by nirvana about being in a laundry room. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zknlwXuGJUg I was kind of annoyed because I hadn't heard the song in a decade. Jamie comes up behind me and I didn't notice she was there. she says, "What song is this?" she was asking in the same tone of when I played guitar for her and she kept asking ,"Who's this by? Are you making that up?"


      I am with Jamie but she seems angry. There is a semi-invisible demonic creature on her shoulder whispering in her ear. He lustfully whispers to her. "negative thoughts, negative thoughts, negative thoughts..." She doesn't seem aware of it at all. "I hate you!" she says looking at me.

      Annoying guide.

      Some tall guy with glasses comes into my inner world. He says,"You need to let her go." implying Jamie? Fuck no.


      With Jamie feeling better we both go to a church to seek Jesus out for some help. He is not there. But we sit down anyway on a pugh. It turns into a bed with blankets and we both fall asleep on it.


      I'm on facebook and C has a post I like or something and when I comment on it. Jamie comes out of the computer and says, "I don't want you talking to this girl." I try to explain she's only a friend and she's already with someone. I think jamie calmed down. I'm not sure.

      Thumbnail confusion.

      Jamie makes me look at her profile picture on facebook. She changes the picture to her and some guy giving me the middle finger. Maybe my brother because one of my first entries with Jamie I am in a parking lot giving her and my brother the middle finger as they walk by and aignore me. I've noticed that a lot of recent Jamie dreams seem to reflect my early ones. Like in one entry I am missing jamie by a balcony and thinking about having a smoke with her. And recently she's explaining things to me while we are both on a balcony smoking.

      In another dream she is looking at my youtube channel and I have thumbnails with a purple background. Recently while awake I checked our old facebook messages and she indeed changed her picture with a purple background. Very Strange...

      Jamie explains.

      I'm in some high rise apartment building at night. It reminds me of Tilted Towers from fortnite. I am chasing some people or something when I notice Jamie on an outside landing. She's wearing a mcdonald's manager uniform and for a second I think it's Emily from mcdonald's. but when she starts talking I recognise Jamie. She keeps explaining that she wants to start having real conversations or contact someday, but she needs to sort out some things in her life first. but she does have the desire. I ask, "Do you remember dreams about me when awake?" "Yes, I remember kisses" I'm thinking back to something short I left out last month. where I was nodding off on a bus and fell asleep for a split second and for a short second jamie kissed me. I ask if there's anything I can do (ahould I message her again)" She says no, In fact no one should feel pressured to make contact or send messages. I agree to that.

      Short lucid

      I become lucid in a room. Some east indian girl is there and I spend most of the lucid trying to convince her it's a dream. She keeps saying, "No,No, that's not real don't talk about that."

      More demons

      I'm with Jamie at my house and she starts yelling at me. "Don't touch me." Asuka runs and looks at her. "She has another creature on her." Asuka says and pulls the creature off jamie that I couldn't even see until she grabs it. Then Asuka throws it outside. Asuka does something to heal Jamie for a bit. Jamie grabs my hand and says, "Do you want to hold hands?" and smiles. Me and Asuka just laugh at her, in a good way.


      I'm wandering a large store like Canadian Tire or something. But the place has all been re arranged. I wander to an outside area where a bunch of farm animals are. I chase ducks and rodents around a grassy area.

      Shut up

      That annoying guide shows up again this time when Jamie is around. He keeps saying we have different paths to go on. I tell him hell no, This is the one I'm on right now and I'm not moving from it. He asks if it's such a good path why aren't we together? and points to Jamie. I say I don't know. Maybe it's because we both have severe emotional problems and don't want to harm one another. Maybe she doesn't have room for me in her life yet. He said maybe it has something to do with past life karma, Karma to work out with soul mates. I notice Jamie's eyes then and she looks really sad, i think there may have been a fight earlier, not sure. I said I don't believe in Past Lives. I believe in Jesus so there's only this life and the heaven he has planned. The guide looks flustered at that and says. Where was Jesus when you sought him last? he wasn't even there? I say sometimes Jesus is silent, it's even in the bible. And, where spirits and guides like you have previously told me to give up Jesus came into my dreams and blessed me and her. He's the only one who seems to respect our free will unlike you guides And he helped us when she was possessed in a dream, he put obvious work into us unlike you guys. And go ahead, send me your BS soul mates. I've met some before and weren't even single, or even in my country. How many more deal breakers are you guys going to send me? Jesus Even turned his head away from me when you guys threw Dara at me, so guess what? I gave up on that. And Chelsea? She's not even single and you guys kept throwing me into her dreams when jamie was in trouble. And you know what I find it funny that while you're here telling me to let go Jamie is getting attacked by demons in dreams. you know what I think you're all demons... I was ranting like that the whole dream I think.
    8. LD 112 - Shattering Galaxy

      by , 01-12-2019 at 07:36 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I'm standing on the edge of a massive disc surrounded by a sea of stars. I look along the curve of the disc and see massive shards of the disc floating around slowly. The shards look like broken glass. I can see Saturn in one of the shards. I realize the disc I'm standing on is the Milky Way galaxy. It's breaking apart, which is alarming. My dad appears and we talk about this impending doom.

      "We can't escape in time without help." I state.

      He agrees, we have no means of safely travelling away from our galaxy. We would need help from a more advanced alien race. I fall on my back and the disc acts like a trampoline, softening my fall. I stare at all the stars and notice one of them flickering. It moves slowly and then suddenly falls close by with a loud boom. I get up and approach the object.

      I become lucid, not sure what triggered it. The object that fell was a small four legged robot, reminding me of a dog. "X-12" was written with small pieces of tape on it's side. I assumed this robot was sent to help us off the disc. The robot dog started to hop in one direction slowly and I followed. I decided not to speed things up and just see where this would lead, but I was worried. I worried that I would wake up before anything meaningful happened, because the dog was so slow. I checked my body to focus more on the dream. I was completely naked and parts of my body were numb. My surroundings had changed a bit, the robot hopped past several beds with my family sleeping on them. The dream ended after a while of following the robot dog.

      Mistakes were made. I need to stop this carefree "lets see what happens" attitude and start actively guiding the dream again. Still happy to have lucid dreams.
      Tags: family, lucid, space
    9. So I need some help with this one...

      by , 01-07-2019 at 09:38 PM
      Ok, so here's what happened. I was with the characters from Scooby-Doo about to leave the malt shop and get back into the mystery machine. This was a spontaneous lucid, because as soon as I entered the Mystery Machine, I began to have thoughts about my body in bed. Then I began messing with dream characters, interrupting Fred and Daphne mid-conversation by making her voice silent among other things. Then, Daphne turned into my sister and I suddenly had a thought: and I said to her, "I have a question about dreaming, can you help me out?" to which she replied, "sure, let me show you a dream I had". She took my hand, and we sort of phased out of the mystery machine and onto the sidewalk. We ran towards a tree and dove straight into it (there was no hole or anything, we just dove headfirst into a tree trunk, and suddenly the world began to stretch and contract like a giant accordion. After three or four contractions, it stopped, I turned around, and I was in a completely different place. It was a very modern building that looked like a fusion of my high school and university buildings, and I asked her where she had taken me. Daphne/my sister had changed again, to my surprise, this time taking the form of a classmate, and she said to me "this is a dream I had. I gave a great speech here" and we walked up the stairs towards a large crowd and a podium. She began cracking jokes, and I started seeing friends from high school in the crowd, so I was laughing and giving high-fives and hugs, and I thought once more about my body in bed, but I still didn't wake up. I climbed up the last of the stairs and thought to myself, "I can use that travel technique she taught me to go somewhere else" having somewhere in mind, I stopped the girl and said to her, "when you're done with your speech, can we go somewhere else?" to which she agreed, but sadly for me, the dream was about to end. I saw two more friends from high school, who told me an absolutely hysterical joke which made me completely lose focus, I high fived my friend, looked up, and BOOM. I woke up.

      So my questions are as follows: who is the girl (just a dream character, a guide, part of my subconscious, etc)
      What in the world (if anything) did I do to become lucid and how can I do it again
      How can I not wake myself up like I did in this instance to keep myself in the dreamscape?

      Thanks for reading and thanks for any feedback. Love to all!
    10. Lucid twice again! Lol

      by , 12-29-2018 at 10:19 AM
      I set my alarm for 4:30 for my wbtb. I def was dreaming before that time, but I put all my energy into the time after 4:30. And hey, it payed off!! After waking up at 4:30 I becaming lucid with wild. Again, focusing on my breathing and trying to fall asleep kinda does it for me. This time I started hearing sounds from the apartment next door. Screams and stuff, but the I got the buzzing feeling in my body I tend to get when wilding. So I knew I was on track. The sounds got louder and the visual hallucinations get a bit wilder. Have a hard time transitioning into the dream, so the way I do it is just sit up INSTANTLAY in my bed. This kinda forces a false awakening for me. Well I woke up a minute into the lucid dream. I got startled by something yet again...

      This next lucid dream was a dild. Again the content is irrelevant. I got lucid at the very end of the dream I assume, since the dream had been going on for a REALLY long time before I realised I was dreaming. I used the standard nose pinch RC and quickly moved on to a dream goal. While trying to carry out this goal, I woke up.... And this time, yet again, I woke up because my wife was poking me in the face with her elbows while turning in bed lol..... Well.... I'll get longer lucids next time!!!!!
      Tags: dild, lucid, wild
    11. Lucid twice again!!!

      by , 12-26-2018 at 10:23 AM
      It's been a bit since my last lucid dream. I picked up a Nintendo switch, and it kinda threw me off my lucid dreaming game, since my focus started being more and more on the game I was playing lol... Well this past week, I tried focusing on lucid dreaming again, and I def think it helped.
      I have been focusing on falling asleep with intention. And tonight, I did so again. It resulted in 2 shirt lucid dreams. One where I lost lucidity while carrying out a dream goal, and one which was a bit shorter. The content is a bit irrelevant, but I just wanted to register these 2 dreams in my journal.

      Ohh, both lucida were dilds
    12. I tried to reach out , LD

      by , 12-21-2018 at 10:03 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      At morning I was really cozy in bed ,so I thought I'll just attempt a wild and try to find that sweet point of balance between consciousness and relaxation...
      And somehow I found that goldilocks zone of WILD.
      I observed that when I fall asleep it feels like if my eyeballs get under a gentle pressure ,and it feels like I'm focusing into the far horizon of space... and thats when things start to form, and then suddenly I found myself in an empty room.
      The dream was lackey still butI didnt care, I called out for N ...repeated her name a few times , thought of her, and then the dream dissolved and I floated up into this kinda fog, void...and started to see a picture...of a room, a messy one, and a door infront opening to another room...and then something else I don't remember... And then I found myself again in an empty house, I went out and found myself in a suburban neighborhood situationed on the lower part of a hill, mountain.
      It looked nice , but it was made of the same kind of buildings that are in my neighborhood so I realized that I'm still in my dream... and then I woke up
    13. Twice lucid again lolz

      by , 12-12-2018 at 06:17 AM
      I got lucid twice tonight. I have been a bit stressed out all day, so I honestly thought I would just pass out when I went to bed. But on the contrary, I hit the lucid jackpot twice tonight. Again it was DILDs coming in clutch. You know I find them a bit like rolling the dice (up to chance if you catch onto the dream or not). Buuuuuttttt they seem more and more reliable lol. Well, both times I got lucid, it was by RCing in a dream bed. The first dream I was about to go to bed in a camp area, and the second dream I was about to go to bed in a hotel.
      I honestly forgot 90% of the first lucid dream, since I went straight back to sleep after it lol.... But the second lucid dream was vivid as fuck, and a couple of minutes long. The coolest thing was, that in the second lucid dream, I hit my head on a wall, real hard. And I expected to wake up, but I didn't. Then I thought to myself that the pain I felt, felt like it would in waking life. Interesting. The content of the dreams don't matter...
      But on a side note, whenever I ask dream characters for help, they seem to help me out lol. I like that hehe.

      Well.... Dilds saving the day(night) again 🤣
    14. Lucid - that random dild coming in handy

      by , 12-09-2018 at 08:08 AM
      Well I got lucid again. The dream was very vivid, and the feeling of it was very "real", just like I want it. Since I started up my lucid dreamning training agin (abut a month ish ago) I have had about 10 lucid dreams. Which I think is pretty decent, since 4 years ago when I was practicing lucid dreaming, I barely got lucid, and had a hard time stabilizing and controlling the dream. I guess I have come pretty far (compared to then). I feel like I get lucid a decent amount, so it's been easier for me to work with the stuff I wanted to. For an example one of my "lifetime goals" was just to do some physical training in a dream, and experiment with this. I already have been able to fulfill that goal lolz so that's nice. I will def come back to the physical training in dream, when my dream control, stability and lucid frequency (haha the amount I get lucid) gets better. Only a matter of time I guess?
      Well this lucid was the random dild I dislike. Normally I don't like these since the induction technique I feel is just like rolling dice. Either you are lucky or you aren't... well tonight I got lucky lol. And it felt good. It actually felt like this technique can have some consistency to it.
      Dream: I ant totally remember the dream, since I feel like I used up all my memory on remembering all the details of the lucid part, and trying to deild back into the lucid dream after I woke up... well I def remember I got lucid.
      Me and 2 friends from my climbing gym just got of a train, and onto the train station. I don't remember the city we were in. But I remember it definitely was not Scandinavia or Asia lol. We walked over a 2 laned road, and as we were walking a car came speeding by. We started running instead of walking, and barely made it across the road. While taking the last step across the road, I got very aware of everything. It was like everything kinda slowed down, and I had time to think and feel my body and surroundings. (I often do this in waking life to RC. I mean the focus and feeling part). While feeling my body I noticed how I jumped over the curb and gently landed on the soles of my feet on the sidewalk. I could feel the impact on my soles, and it felt "real". I Odis the nose plug RC and damn... i was dreaming! I looked in front of me, and my friend was standing there, all happy since we made it across the road without being run over lol. (I have always had problems with summoning stuff. People, items and surroundings, I have always had trouble controlling). It's always been a goal to summon/say hi to a friends in my dreams. But I have never been able to summon them, or go to a place where they were... so this time, I was aware of my past failings, and wanted to try something new, which I had tried once before in a dream. I asked my friend in the dream, if he knew where my other friend were. He looked around and pointed to a house nearby, and told me my friend was in there. He lead the way. We walked into this old house, and went up a flight of stairs and into a room upstairs. And sure enough my friend was there lol! We talked about training, as we always do lol. And my friends answers were pretty fking profound lol. I got exited about or conversation lol, and woke up!
      I didn't move as I woke up, since I wanted to deild back into the dream and continue the dream where it left off. I tried for some time, but I was too exited to fall back asleep.... dang. I def need to hear what these dream characters have to say haha.

      Well the way I got lucid wasn't as rng as it used to. Normally something strange happens, or dream characters talk about dreams, before I question my awareness. But this time I questioned my awareness just by myself. This is a step in the right direction I think. And a step towards making dilds more consistent and on MY terms.

      Nice! If you can't so the dream control (summoning friends or whatever) just let the dream characters so the work for you lol.
    15. Lucid twice again??

      by , 12-04-2018 at 11:07 AM
      Sooooooo, last night was pretty wild. I'm still popping B6 every day, and meditating a decent amount (maybe once a day). Well, falling asleep I kept lucidity on my mind, and hoped for the random dild... You know I don't like depending on dilds.... I woke up at 12pm, that's 2 hours after I went to bed. And I was decently awake. I felt like I was getting sick. My throat was sore af, and every time I inhaled and exhaled, my throat would bother me. I tried wilding. And honestly I have always struggled with this induction technique.. well tonight was different!!!! As I was falling back asleep, I kept focusing on the slight bother in my throat. I kept breathing calmly and focused on making awareness and focusing on my breath. The bothersome feeling in my throat was suddenly gone. I couldn't move, and it felt like a blanket in the form of sleep itself was slowly put over my entire body. It felt like SP. So I took the opportunity to transition into a dream!! I "forced" myself to sit up in my bed (it felt almost impossible to do). I RCed, and I was in a dream!!!! I got up and walked towards the door to the entrance hall. My dog was laying i front of the door. He got up as I approached the door. As he walked past me I graced my hand through his fur. He felt just like in waking life lol. I went into the entrance hall, the lights were off. I flipped the switch but the lights didn't turn on. I jumped up to the lightbulb and snapped my fingers to make it light up. It didn't lol. I walked into the next room, and found my brother and his family sleeping. They were also sleeping in two other rooms lol. I felt like I was waking up from the dream. I woke up.

      Good dream!!! VERY VIVID!!!! the gravity was a bit off , but all in all it was good. But short. Ohh well I wilded!!!!! I'll try to keep this feeling in my memory, so I might be able to do it once again 👍👍

      Later that night I had trouble falling back asleep. But eventually I did fall asleep. I had a VERY VIVID dream. The dream content is irrelevant. But the fact that I was semi lucid is not!!! Well... The entire dream I knew I was dreaming. And a dream character also had realised she was dreaming... I even talked to some dream characters about this dream, and that I had been in this dream for at least 20 minutes. But I was never REALLY lucid. It was a weird feeling.... A feeling of lucidity and forgetfullness at the same time.... I woke up...

      Productive night!!!! Good to have a wild, but a bit frustrating to only be semi lucid in the other dream.... Let's make it happen tomorrow night
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