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    1. 10/8/2011 - Attack on the palace

      by , 10-09-2011 at 04:47 AM (TheNinja's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1 (fragment, but the full dream was long):
      I woke up withought an alarm and could remember the dream clearly and easily. I hadn't move an Inch yet. Then my mom came into my room to wake me up, and instantly, I couldn't remember almost all but one fragment of the dream. I remember being in a tank from star wars and protecting some palace that was around 3 stories high and long.
    2. 33rd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 09-19-2011 at 12:00 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      tennis anyone?

      I was at a tennis club or something, tennis courts, clubhouse etc, playing tennis with some chick i thought was the williams sisters cousin......i was doing ok against her, but as the balls got closer to me i couldnt see them clearly for some reason, so i suggested we go to one of the indoor courts, but when we got in there it was practically dark and there were people standing all over the courts socializing.....there were also micro sized full grown chickens wandering al lover the court...she served again and i could barely see the balls she was hitting, they were practically invisible....i tried to return a serve and hit some guy standing infront of me talking to 2 ladies, i went to apologize and ask him to get off the freakin court and he turned to me bofre i could speak and handed me a big pile of broken eyeglasses......he shrugged his shoulders and said "you know"

      dream shifted

      I was in the banquet hall of a hotel somewhere, i decided to go up to my room, i wnt up an elevator that seems to be going sideways..i finally got out of the elevator and went into my room, and the Tv was on, star wars directors cut was playing..it was a scene wher c3po picked up and used a lightsaber! c3po ducked behind a pile of crates just before they exploded and when the smoke cleared there was a lightsaber infront of him..he said "i wonder" and picked up the lightsaber and turned it on...i walked around the tv and went towards the bathroom...i noticed the shower was completely open to the hallway outside the room, with only double frosted shower doors and a shower curtain to block the view!!

      dream shift

      I was standing at the end of my street and realized i had a lightsaber in my hand, so i turned it on and started slicing trees down etc i even drove it into the dirt road all the way to the handle..it slid in easily, makeing the dirt around it bubble and melt...when i got to my driveway the lightsaber would no longer powerup..i looked at it and it was a toy with a plastic extending beam!! the plastic beam was dirty and bent so it was jammed...

      dream shift

      I was driving around what looked like an old abandoned town, rthe buildings were falling apart and every street i tried to turn on or go down were all one way...i felt as if i was looking for someone....all of a sudden, i'mon a peddle bike riding down the streets, i end up at a weird looking restaurant type place, i walk in and go towards the back and theres these 2 guys standing there..i see them and get really nervous like they are the ones i was looking for...i go quickly out the back door and down the alley to the left and then left again to get to the front of the building, i see a guy digging a small hole by the adjacent building, i see he is buring sd cards! i say good thinking, i'll go call the cops... woke up...
    3. Fragments for July 17 2011

      by , 07-19-2011 at 12:49 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm watching a documentary about Star Wars. The show talks about drafts of the script and plot, as well as special effects. In one deleted scene, R2D2 uses his electric hookup to stun Darth Vader. Another part of the show demonstrates how Count Dooku's lighting encodes subliminal messages one letter at a time if viewed frame to frame.

      2. I'm playing soccer in my Grandma's backyard. I'm in drag, and I seem to be playing with a couple of cartoon women, including Marge from the Simpsons. The other team is conversely girls dressed in boy's clothing. The game itself is entertaining, with ridiculous combination shots.

      3. I'm hanging out with my friends C.W. and K.G., playing video games and being bored. K. goes to his room and fetches a sci-fi series on DVD. The discs are wrapped in foil, and are advertised as seen on an anime.

      4. I'm being babysat by Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons. He microwaves a plate of food, pressing a button with a stylized atom symbol to "nuke" it.
    4. 7/8 Knowledge Of The Superweapon

      by , 07-11-2011 at 07:45 AM (Link's Adventures)
      I have forgotten some of the dream since I never wrote it down, but not too much. Just some for the beginning mostly, and I didn't remember much of that anyways.

      *skip in memory*

      I am running from the installation I has been imprisoned in til now. They wanted to get what I knew about the superweapon(which was a small starfighter, but had a beam just as powerful is not more than the Death Star along with like a dozen missiles that could tear through just about anything, along with regular lasers and stuff. It was also almost impossible to destroy, and is jet black, so its very hard to see in space) and its location. But i didn't give in and my allies had broken me out(this may or may not be all correct, im putting in what I picture when I think about the superweapon and seemed most likely). So now I was running while being shot at(but by regular bullets) while heading towards the spot where their helicopter was supposed to pick me up. I spot it and jump in before it lands and yell at the pilot to go now. He quickly starts to pull back up, but the installation starts to send out its own helicopter. We head off towards the nearest city but we can't shake them off our tail. They start to fire at us with a gatling gun and we start to crash towards where I was suppose to head anyways. So right when we are about to hit the ground, I jump out and the helicopter crashes in a blaze. I wipe some dust off me and look at the building in front of me. I am now at a museum(why I was supposed to head there, I dunno. I guess to meet an ally or something). I look at some pictures of the Battle of Hoth(both the Rebels and the Empire wanted the weapon, but I couldn't let either one have that much power. Or I think that's what my opinion was). I wake up before I meet the contact.
    5. Fragments for July 1-3 2011

      by , 07-05-2011 at 04:34 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm cripplingly depressed, but I'm riding my bike anyway to meet my brother behind an old Blockbuster in my hometown. The store has been repurposed into a porn store, and I go in and buy something. I see my mom exit from the nearby Walgreens, so naturally I drop the porn and meet her. Rest of DJ is unintelligible.

      2. I'm hanging out/jamming with my friend Scott A. in the basement of my house. Q and S.T. come over. I go to greet them, but in my clumsiness I start a chain reaction that breaks a bunch of lamps. None of my friends seem to particularly care, but I grab a vacuum cleaner anyway. As I go for it, I realize I'm hungry. I take the vacuum with me and grab my bicycle, heading to my college cafeteria. Along the way, I am insulted about my age by Nathan S. and other jackasses from college. I ignore them and head into the cafeteria, where I first enter the bathroom.

      3. I'm playing a Star Trek version of the TIE Fighter video game. I successfully pilot a starfighter against impossible odds, several capital ships at a time. There's then a "trench run" sequence as in Star Wars, where I follow a freighter into a massive building. It's decorated as a nightclub for giants, and there's a critical spot on the floor that I need to shoot. I can't keep my craft steady enough to shoot and use the tractor beam at the same time and fail the mission.

      Updated 07-09-2011 at 04:32 AM by 32914

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Put the Crony in the Trash Compactor

      by , 06-08-2011 at 12:23 PM
      I am a storm trooper working for governor Willie Stark. The bulky plastic armor is itchy. The Boss has been unable to intimidate a local judge who won't give him his endorsement for US senator. Red faced and angry, the boss screams at me to "give him to princess."

      I'm carrying my blaster rifle and leading the judge down a long white hallway. I'm talking to the judge and asking him if he would please just go along with the game plan, that he has one more chance. The judge steadfastly refuses and I feel very disappointed. I say "hey judge, this is your last chance" and when he shakes his head no, I push a red button that opens up a hole in the hole underneath his feet.

      I turn on the monitor in the hallway and see the judge standing up in about 2 feet of water filled with trash. He is thrashing around in a panic and only just has time to stand up before a giant tentacle swoops behind him and wraps around his neck. The judge tries to scream and pulls franticaly at the tentacle as he is dragged underwater.

      I push the red button again and the screen goes black. Shaking my head, I begin the long walk back to the governor's office.
    7. 05/23/11 Sleep (3) 11:30PM - 6:00AM

      by , 05-24-2011 at 01:39 PM (Graham's DJ)
      The first two dreams were extremely vivid and I remembered them for a long time after waking up. Remembering my third dream involved me looking at my girlfriend's iPod and seeing the band name Agalloch. As soon as I saw the name, the entire dream came flooding back to me. It really makes me wonder what other kinds of dreams I may have no memory of, but would immediately have remembered if I had some sort of cue.

      I was with a battalion of battle droids (Star Wars) and our job was to exterminate some kind of beast from a cavern below us. I'm pretty sure the dream was in a first-person shooter kind of perspective, like I was playing a game.Anyway, the cave entrance was a hollowed out tree. When we walked in, we were attacked by these four legged, green horned beasts. I believe all the droids were destroyed and I was the only one left of the squad when I jumped down into the cavern below. It was too dark to really see, but somehow the room became lit and like 5 of those horned beasts were in front of me. After shotgunning them all down, one large purple beast (which resembled that of an antlion guard from Half-Life 2) came around the corner. There was some kind of tank beside me that I hopped inside of, and after figuring out how to control it, nearly killed the beast. The tank had taken a beating though, so I thought it best to hop out of it and shoot the thing down. After I killed it, my attention was turned to a large square block of bricks in the middle of the room. The walls of the bricks slowly fell to reveal what looked like some wall textures from the game DOOM. I descended further down in an area where the block has disappeared, and I guess I played a level or two of DOOM.

      The second dream I had involved my dad and I cleaning what looked to be the inside of an Egyptian pyramid or tomb. I was mopping with a liquid that was the colored of water after you spill some blood into it. Once on the floor, this stuff dried very quick and disappeared, which was odd. My father was on the talking on the phone to someone about how I was lazy and good-for-nothing (despite me doing the cleaning and him being on the phone). After hearing him talk about me for so long, I confronted him angrily and we got into an argument. Apparently I made the front page of the school news paper for being laziest kid of my class or something. We wound up in a very large burial chamber with a statue of a Sphinx in the middle. At one point, my aunt Kelly came in, defending me in the argument.

      The last dream I remember involved me being a third guitarist for the band Agalloch. We were about to play an encore when John Haughm (The frontman) said "And now we're going to play a song we call (Something along the lines of) Kiss of the Midwinter Bluejays." I was like what the fuck? Isn't it Ghost of the Midwinter Fires? I guess this new song was supposed to start off with guitar, because john looked to me for the cue to start, and I just stared blankly at the audience. I decided to start off playing "In the Arms of Our Pale Companions" instead.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 01:15 PM by 47214

    8. Lucid Dream #31

      by , 04-05-2011 at 12:18 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 8/10
      Length: ~10 Min.

      I was in a field and grabbed some armour for myself. Then I was in a building talking to some people and got ripped off. So I went over to this guys place and started to use my force powers to kill everyone in the building. It was epic. I managed to find him, but then had a false awakening and thought my friend Cameris came over.
    9. Journey to a Meeting with Celebrities, Dogs, and Cows

      by , 03-23-2011 at 05:58 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      It's after closing time at a big, fancy modern office building, but I have to go back inside to retrieve something. On my way in, I see a couple of my friends from a club I'm in, and say hello to them. Someone closes the door that leads deeper into the interior of the building before I can get to it. There is a sign on the wall next to it that reads “Shift Workers.” Since I don't have a key to this door, I decide that whatever I was going to get can wait until the next day, and abandon my errand. I walk back out of the building and through the glass front doors.

      Outside the doors is a wide, concrete entry plaza with concrete stairs leading down to the street on the side opposite the doors. The plaza and the stairs are crowded with people. As I cross the plaza, I meet Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. We walk down the stairs together, talking. At the bottom of the stairs, a guy in a movie-quality Darth Maul costume is greeting kids in character.

      Ellen, Joe, and I have to get to a meeting or event somewhere else, so we start walking there. Ellen is wearing her teal evening gown
      [the one she's wearing in the picture I linked to above]. As we walk along a road in a semi-rural area, she carries me by holding her right forearm straight out to the side and parallel to the ground, and letting me sit on it. I can feel my pelvic bones digging into her arm. I wonder if she's doing all right carrying me all this way, since I'm bigger and heavier than she is, but I don't say anything, and she doesn't complain. She starts singing a song in Japanese, one I recognize and know well, so I join in and sing along. I think, I didn't know she was an anime fan. When we get to the end of the song, I identify it: “Digimon, season 1, ending 1.” [That ending song sounds like this in real life, but the song we were singing didn't sound like that at all. It sounded a little more like this one, but not really.] I think, The only other people I've had friendships this close with have been my AmeriCorps friends.

      We come upon a park. There are several people there with some dogs that they, and Ellen, identify as Rottweilers, but they have reddish fur and look kind of fox-like. I somehow manage to drop my purse and the series of plastic bags containing the components of our picnic lunch all over the grass, and have to get them back without the dogs attacking me. I start picking them up, saying to Ellen, “I don't give a s*** about the food, I just want my purse back!” I'm scared of the dogs. One of them does end up biting my hand, but more playfully than viciously; I can feel its teeth on my hand. I try to get my hand out of its mouth without tearing the skin on a tooth.
      [I think] I finally succeed, after I've removed the mask that has slipped down over my eyes so that I can see it again. [I was, as usual, wearing a sleep mask in real life. I also remember having to remove covers from my ears in order to hear people at some point during this dream, but I don't remember when. I didn't have anything in or covering my ears in real life.]

      We leave the park, and continue on our way down the road. I am now riding bareback on a big, black cow. Ellen is walking next to it. [Joe had disappeared from the dream entirely by this point.] I can feel the cow's fur, warmth, and movement. We're almost to our destination, which is a boxy, white, one-story set of office buildings on the next block. I think about how many different forms of transportation I've taken on my way to this place: walking, being carried by Ellen, riding in a golf cart, and now riding on a cow. [I don't remember the part of the dream where I rode in a golf cart anymore.] The office building is set back from the road a little bit. Before we get to it, and right up next to the road, there is a stable with a whole herd of black cows in it. The cow I'm riding stops in front of the stable, facing it, and moos. All the other cows moo back. This exchange repeats twice. I dismount from the cow so that she can go into the stable. She gets scared of something and climbs one of the support beams holding the roof of the stable up. She clings to the top of it, now about the size of a human child.

      I turn back to face the way we just came. A woman is approaching me on the road. She has a geometric pattern of straight lines with corners all over her tan skin, and is busy putting on a silver loincloth-skirt thing as she walks toward me. I call her “Charissa” as I approach her.
      That's the last I remember before waking up.

      Side notes:

      Two of the last things I did before going to bed last night were watching a Star Wars fan video and working on my current Arthur/Ariadne fanfic. I'm slightly surprised both that those elements showed up in my dreams immediately (unusual for me) and that it wasn't the characters themselves who showed up, but the actors who played them.

      This was a really cool, fairly vivid dream with a lot of tactile sensation. I was also amazed to realize upon waking up that I'd slept right through my parents' morning routine, the sounds of which usually prevent me from getting back to sleep for that last cycle. This difference can probably be explained by the fact that I didn't get to sleep until after midnight last night, which is later than I usually do these days.
    10. Class, House, Wall-E, rescue mission

      by , 02-16-2011 at 05:47 AM
      2/14-15. 130. Something about a rotating part

      607. At school. In a dark classroom. On the internet. I see someone opening lockers in the hall, dark as well. I try to scare someone. Then the room is huge and mom comes in. Saw me as I flew back to my table (run fast or actually fly, not sure)

      Watching House, but it’s like the ep is on fastforward. It’s part of the intro because you get to see everything first, and the whole ep is them figuring out how the person got sick. Get to see bits of their treatment before seeing them treat the patient

      730. Wall-E meets Star Wars kind of thing. Small raid on something, inside a building/ ship? I’m Wall-E sometimes. 2 girls I’m with go up a dumbwaiter. I take the stairs and fight a bad guy. Then I’m pitching ideas to Peter Griffen and Seth MacFarlane. One is that soda is thrown to the ground (Like the Indian crying commercial) and there should be a sad Indian, but it’s a red herring(misleading). Other idea is something about recycling. Peter Griffen says, “What do you think this is, a syndicate?!”

      9. At home. Go down alley to see friend (house front on alley side). Prostitutes at house across alley. Inside friend’s house. Dad there. I have a younger brother there. Talking to the guy, fireman. Smoke in alley and I ask, “What’s that?” Soon all gone. Decide to go out. Walk down alley. Kid with us is now a girl with crutches. We’re trying to save some prostitute. Sneak and get out of alley, but girl and I are too far ahead. She stops and asks about her mom. We go back and she’s not there and a UPS type truck is leaving (Guess she’s in there). Watch the truck drive away and go around the corner to our other neighbors
    11. #177. Leverage

      by , 01-13-2011 at 12:26 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      Darth Vader is quite literally on ice, lying frozen in the bathtub. All part of your regular Wednesday morning kidnapping attempt. The plan is to free Vader from the control of the Emporer, and to take our chances with a renegade Sith Lord. (Large-scale mayhem is the most likely outcome, but to Parker, that might just be the most interesting one.)

      I'm stripping the Stormtrooper uniform off of some poor, dead bastard when a man in a black flight suit rounds the corner. He freezes for a moment, processing me, half dressed as a Stormtrooper and the body half undressed... I shoot him in the head with a blaster pistol.

      "Everything okay in there, Nate?" says a voice crackling through the earpiece.

      "Everything's fine, Eliot." I reply, putting a hand to my ear. I scowl at the second, inconvenient body for a moment before a new plan starts to form in my mind.

      "Parker, are you in position?" I say, pulling on the gloves of my uniform.

      "Nate?" says Sophie, concern in her transmitted voice, "What are you thinking?"

      I smile as I slip the Stormtrooper helmet over my head. "We're going to steal a Death Star."

      Leverage. Scare Factor: 2.
    12. #176. Flight

      by , 01-12-2011 at 10:54 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      I just found a Star Wars game for my phone. I decide to try it out, so I'm tilting it left and right, figuring out the controls. Spacebar is jump.

      I'm in the game. My surroundings are a dank green, covered in vines and rot. This was a school once. I try out the jump command, disappointed when I realize I have only first-level force jump. It doesn't matter; I'll be able to get around just fine.

      Obi-Wan's shade appears beside me to explain my mission. This is strange, because I'm pretty sure I'm a past version of him. The force ghost fizzles out and disappears, exploding into four green blobs of goo. They reform and immediately begin to scuttle about, taking shape as Gravelings, mischievous reptilian creatures that arrange the accidental deaths of the people around them.

      I strike with my single lightsaber, v-stepping in and twisting away after I cut through the torso of one of the gravelings. The creature goes still in shock, before it disintegrates in a flash of red sparks. With a sweep of my lightsaber, the others are scuttling away. I finish them off with force lightening.

      Later, alone in an empty room, I suddenly realize that I'm dreaming. It feels like waking up. I try to remember my goals, but I come up blank. Fine - I'll run. I love to run in dreams. I take a running start and leap from a four-foot ledge.

      In one reality, I can feel myself flying.
      I drift away, into the blue, blue sky, heedless of the ceiling that used to be there. Simultaneously I'm falling, landing. I can feel the remnants of the other reality until all four of my limbs slowly reach the floor. I lay my forehead onto the cold cement and just breathe.

      I see Zoe, walking away into a crowd of faceless people. I call out to her, chase after her. Her blonde hair swishes as she half turns, keeps walking.

      We're sitting side by side, looking at the massive crowd milling about through the mall. She's counting the cash in a till.

      "There's something you want to tell me," she says, flipping through a pile of five dollar bills.


      She scowls, but doesn't turn to look at me. "Well?" she asks, "What is it?"

      "You could say," I smile faintly, "That I have slightly more than platonic feelings for you."

      Her hands go still. "Oh."

      "But that doesn't matter," I say, leaning back.

      "And why is that?"

      "Because," I say, and I stretch my hands out in front of my face, "None of this is real."

      And the dream dissolves into static.

      Running. Scare Factor: 3.

      Updated 01-17-2011 at 03:20 AM by 31096

    13. #168. Exploding Bridges

      by , 11-19-2010 at 08:55 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      ...because burning them just isn't dramatic enough.


      A sleek metal bridge extends over the choppy sea. I stand near the center, unable to see the shores on either side, obscured as they are by mist. Rain lashes out in sheets and the wind impedes my movement - block, parry, slash - as I slice through an imperial guard with my lightsaber.

      Something is speeding towards me, about to impact. I catch the missile with Force Grip, send it spinning into an enemy tank. There's a bridge running parallel to this one, and stormtroopers are setting up missile launchers on the edge. They fire -

      A wave of my hand sends them careening back into the shooters.

      A spider-like droid, twice my height, uses the distraction to scuttle towards me, using its legs as blades. I dodge, jump over the droid and land a glancing blow to its head. Its head swivels towards me as it prepares for another run.

      A purge trooper takes a swipe at me. It misses, barely, and I go on the offensive with a flurry of lightsaber strikes. Seconds later, it collapses to the ground, spent.

      I keep a wary eye on the spider droid, but it's smarter to take out the smaller enemies first.

      ...and I'm skating down a barely frozen river. I'm on skis, I'm on a toboggan, I'm holding on to some sort of ski lift as it takes me up, no, down the river.

      And I'm stealing some sort of precious coffee grounds. Or beans. One big pile, holding together only because it doesn't occur to me that they shouldn't.

      And I'm running through a house, up stairs and through hallways and secret passages.

      This room, says a voice, my voice, Was created by my father as a haven for me. No one else can enter it. And I'm laying down behind the couch so that no one can see me through the window in the door.

      And then I'm me, for just a moment. I look at the door and I smirk, knowing that the family that's following me will find me, only because that's what I'm expecting. I don't care. It's a dream, and not a particularly awful one. I just want to rest and not think and play through whatever game my subconscious is dreaming up...

      I wake up to the family pounding on the door, yelling. I pick myself up from the ugly, floral brown couch and pad across the room. I open a closet door methodically, pull a gun from the rack.

      I'm standing in front of the door, holding a crossbow at the ready, pointing through the window. The banging has stopped, and the father asks me if I'm really going to shoot his son.

      Everything's all right. The gun's not even loaded.

      Exploding Bridges. Scare Factor: 2/10

      As an interesting aside, I have not played the game that the picture is from. Before today, I have not seen any pictures or previews, so you can imagine my surprise when I come across an actual spider-like droid from Force Unleashed II, which the dream was based on.

      Granted, mine had more legs.
    14. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 10-23-2010 at 11:09 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Familiar Places (DEILD)


      It's 1:30PM. I make a mental note of it before I start my session.

      WILD: Misfire
      A WILD puts me back in my house, though I'm far from home. Outside, several people are partaking in odd sporting activities. A young girl, for instance, is trying to playful blast her older brother with a Kamehameha. Attempting to intercept her translucent beam with my own, fiery and blue, I screw up and partially fry her head. Everybody goes back inside as things suddenly get very dark. . .

      DEILD: Creeper Teacher
      After waking, a DEILD tosses me into my room, and I'm confronted with an overbearing teacher at the foot of my bed, telling me what I can and can't do. Turns out she's a demon that wants to drag me to hell. I show her what's what, making use of my Katana and Super Strength, tying her in literal knots. After lugging her downstairs, in an effort to take her into the hot infernos, I wake.

      DEILD: Threads
      Another DEILD and I'm by my front door. I just lie there, surprised by my fortune, but something disrupts my zen moment as me and my dog, who was nuzzling me, get violently dragged across the floor. For some reason, there's a network of criss crossing strings scattered about my house, leading out the front door, where anyone can pull them. I cut the threads at their source, making note of the birthday decorations around my house's glass outer-door. It's still dark outside, so I venture into my court, touching our flag as I do. Without warning, a dark red, tricked-out car tries to run me over, but I jump on the roof and hitch a ride.

      Bored with the scene, still on the car, I start up a long range teleport and am soon thrust into a CoH club-like setting wherein I'm standing on a table, just like in the game. Reorienting myself, I discover this is a pumpkin smashing event a friend of mine is running. Not that interested, I leave, exiting into a dorm hallway. From there, I find Raven's room (because she obviously lives in this dorm), but it's occupied by a group of people playing Madden or some other football game, and I get escorted out by a half naked Aunt.

      Making my way through the building, looking for a good design on a wall or pillar to facilitate a portal, I come across my family who is on a tour of the area. Deciding to join them, we quickly end up in a place where a bunch of old Sci-Fi memorabilia is being showcased. William Shatner is there, too, and so is a “Time Machine” I could probably use to port out of there. I convince him to give us a test run of the contraption, but things go horribly, horribly wrong and Shatner is soon sprawled on the ground with several limbs missing. . .

      DEILD: Second Life
      Shatner is still here, along with C3PO, both limbless, comforting each other before their inevitable demise, as a group of “fans” looks on in awe. Reluctantly taking matters into my own hands, I heal them both with green energy, from said hands. Shatner is so overjoyed by my act of kindness that he takes me on a romp through the resort to a table where hundreds of sweets and pastries are laid out for my consumption. I spend the rest of the dream shoving as many delightful snacks into my mouth as I can muster.

      DEILD: Sharks? I'll Pass, Thanks
      The next one takes me into the back of some kinda Pizza Hut style restaurant. I break the large glass windows lining the walls to get outside, and quickly run into a blue haired girl that interests me. She's trying to avoid me, but I keep up with her using various travel powers. Noticing my abilities, as we walk along a busy boardwalk, she strikes up a conversation which is rudely interrupted by two heavy-set brothers. They have a bone to pick with me.

      I try not to fight them, I really do, but when they start to pick me up, in order to throw me into the shark infested water, I protest, utterly decimating them with my fists and feet. The final blows, which send them spiraling into the air, I follow with a large energy blast to make sure they won't bother us again. They don't, but neither do I get much time to chat with the girl. . .

      DEILD: Pocket Sized Adventures
      Pizza Hut again. Grabbing some grease laden pizza on my way out, I realize I'm in the same environment as last time. Maybe that girl is still hanging around. Exploring the green, partially industrialized, area, I eventually come across a different girl, much younger than the first, who wonders why I don't have a Pokemon adventure with my lucids. Letting her know I think it's an excellent idea, I toss out a Squirtle, my very first Pokemon.

      I contemplate doing everything from Squirtle's perspective, as I switch between his and mine, but decide against it. One of the girl's friends comes over and shows us her Fearow, which she uses to fly us all to a town hidden amongst the trees, of which I can't recall the name. Not that it matters; I wake up before we can land.

      Rubbing my temples, I look at the clock: 2:58PM.

      I need food. . .

      Updated 01-05-2011 at 07:13 AM by 25167

    15. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 10-02-2010 at 04:39 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      All in an Afternoon Nap (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      I evaded the Empire, joined the circus, and killed the source of all my fear; bits of black, rancid food, soaked in bile, showered down my body as I rent the thing in two.

      Updated 10-02-2010 at 04:42 AM by 25167

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