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    1. Old Dream - The Grim Reaper

      by , 04-05-2012 at 04:47 PM
      I had a dream that the grim reaper was walking on a path nearby. I was above the path, on a metal pedestrian bridge. I think the bridge actually spanned a stream, but I didn't take time to actually look for it. I started yelling at him to get his attention, then spit on him when he ignored me. So the skeleton in black rags with a scythe turned around and went back up the path and past the bridge. So I'm like hey dummy I'm right here as I start going after him. He then turns around towards me, a few steps away, and I start using the dark side force powers on the grim reaper to control him. I can feel the force disturbance I'm causing, and it's like a battle of wills between the grim reaper and I. I feel doomed if I lose the battle, so I keep it up until the reaper brushes by me real annoyed like and heads away from me. At that point I stop using the dark side, and am relieved that nothing came of it.
    2. The Water Slide Accident, Trapped In Darkness, Dreaming About Sleep Paralysis?, etc.

      by , 02-26-2012 at 09:42 PM
      I decided to try using aniracetam as a sleep aid last night, I'm not totally sure if it had an effect yet but my dreams did seem different than normal. I took 750 mg, maybe I'll try 1500 mg tonight. I did manage to remember a good few more dreams than normal, but I think that's mainly because I decided to stay in bed and keep falling asleep again for longer.

      #1 - The Water Slide Accident [Non-Lucid]

      I'm at some public pool working as part of some "water-raising" experiment. (Like literally... I think all we were trying to do was increase the water level in the pool. ) There was a gigantic rectangular tent at the top of a long water slide on one end of the pool, and I climbed up the slide (somehow) and into the tent. In it was Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, a couple other random people (maybe other characters from The Big Bang Theory but it's hard to remember), and my middle school orchestra teacher. Sheldon was doing something to conduct the experiment, and we all stepped forward to look out the window to see if the water in the pool was rising, but we shifted too much weight in the tent and it started slipping down the slide and into the pool. It was completely closed in and we were all freaking out thinking we might get trapped inside of it and drown. We hit the water and I expected to die, but somehow I made it up and slowly I saw everyone else popping up out of the water as well, including Linkzelda41, actually as Link! (For those not game-savvy, the character in his avatar.) I made sure everyone was okay but noticed that my teacher had never come up, and when he finally did he wasn't breathing. I went over to him and we dragged him out of the water and I started doing CPR, though without the mouth-to-mouth, just the chest thing. (The dream switched to third-person around this time, too.) I did it for a long time but it wasn't working, and I started crying but I didn't stop doing it. But he finally gasped and woke up! When he did I gave him a big hug and wouldn't let go. The dream jumped forward to me being in the hospital and getting prescribed some random drugs for... something, I guess mental trauma? :T I don't know, but the dream ended at that point.

      #2 - Trapped In Darkness [Non-Lucid]

      I'm home alone watching a movie almost totally in the dark, and the darkness is starting to creep me out a bit. I read online (or maybe heard from someone, or something...) about how some secret FBI agent or some other government agent on a plane accidentally stabbed someone they were sitting next to by activating a lightsaber unwittingly in his bag because it was built with an on switch that was too easy to access because the designer was lazy. I also remember that the lightsaber was red, because I actually saw it happen in a third-person kind of way. This had revealed to the world that the US government had successfully created lightsabers, so I texted J (who's a big Star Wars fan) about it and then read something about how they were launching a new moon into the sky to make up for it. I looked out back through the glass doors and saw a plane in the sky, so then I went out front and saw a rocket (really tiny) launch off in one direction across the sky, and a HUGE, absolutely gigantic moon launch off in the other direction, but from the same source. It went behind the house so I went back in and to the back yard, and looked straight up in the sky and saw it there, still enormous. All of the stars in the sky were constantly scrolling across it like the night sky was just a huge spinning wheel, but that didn't really seem to bother me much. The darkness outside was getting really thick though and it was still scaring me, so I went back inside and walked into the bathroom. I tried to turn on the light switch, but it wouldn't work. () That made me even more freaked out, so I ran out into the living room just generally frightened and hoping my mom and dad would be home soon, but then I woke up.

      I'm never going to get better at doing RCs.

      #3 - Dreaming About Sleep Paralysis? [Non-Lucid]

      There's some presentation going on at my house in the den by some orchestra guy, with lots of orchestra teachers there sitting in rows of chairs, including my high school orchestra teacher. My friend J (the one I texted before) and his mom are also sitting way up at the front, right by the TV. The guy puts on a song and each of the teachers has a music sheet where they're supposed to be writing down the notes as they hear them, but almost none of them do, instead opting to wait until the end to just jot them all down, which I find pretty impressive at the time. After they all finished and walked away, I walked up to J and told him I thought I'd have some awesome news to tell him about lightsabers being real, but that turned out to be a dream. () He laughs, and we go out into the living room to hang out with some random girl and OpheliaBlue. We start watching a movie, and I can't remember what I was wearing but I just remember thinking of it as something really informal to the point that it would be embarrassing to be seen wearing it, and then the doorbell rang. I didn't want to answer it like that so I went into my bedroom to change, and that's when things got weird. My room was dark, and my fan was sticking out of the wall to the left of me when I walked in, but still running. My movements became incredibly jerky and snapped back as if I was in sleep paralysis with my eyes open, but honestly... I'm not sure if I actually was, or if I was just dreaming that I was. Part of the reason I think that is because I "realized" that I was in sleep paralysis, but I don't think I was really lucid about it, and I never realize it when I actually do wake up into it. I don't know though.... It was incredibly vivid, so maybe I was and I just realized it for half a second and then started hallucinating. Anyway, after the realization my vision switched to a third-person view from the perspective of the road in front of my house, looking up at a bunch of trees hanging over it (which aren't actually there). These trees were very mystically mechanical in their movements and had something that I call the "IMAX 3D" effect, which is something I get when I'm tripping really hard where everything is more detailed then anything in reality actually is. I started to wonder if I was on DXM, but then I started thinking that the doorbell ringing was probably just my parents coming home (since they were still gone from the previous dream, I guess) and I could've just answered it how I was. I saw that playing out in my mind's eye, but after that I woke up and noticed that my fan wasn't exactly in the same position in my view as it was when I thought I was in sleep paralysis, so... I just don't know.

      #4 - Testing A New MMO [DILD]

      I'm at my aunt and uncles' house. I don't remember much of the first part of the dream, but I end up going in the little kids room and slide across the floor in the weird way I do in dreams sometimes, and that warps me back to the front of the house. Some MMO has come out where you play the game in real life and you use these rifles that shoot green plasma bullets. I get one just to see how it is, and S ends up getting one too so he comes over to play it with me. We run around the house shooting at each other, and then I run back into the little kids room and end up doing the slide again. I say "Oh, this is a dream, isn't it?" and become lucid. Unfortunately, after this dream ended I didn't wake up enough to write it down, I fell back asleep and had some other non-lucid dream, and when I woke up again I tried to write down this one as quickly as possible but I still can't remember what happened after I became lucid, though something did happen. I also don't remember the other dream, either. Oh well....

      #5 - An Intense Argument [Non-Lucid]

      I get a hotel room for some reason with an old friend J (different J than before) and some guy who's just a random DC, but apparently a very close friend of mine. I'm trying to have a good time talking to both of them, but there seems to be a lot of tension between the two. (I know what this is based off of, it has to do with J. :T) They end up getting into a big argument and both strip naked to show their dominance. And then they start wrestling! One side of me is like, come on guys, don't do this, you're being childish.... :\ And the other side of me is like !!!! They break up the fight and the guy tells J to get out and not come back, so he does. I'm planning to go drop J off and come back to hang out with the guy, and I tell him it'll only take me about twenty minutes but he says he has to be at a football game in that same amount of time. So I say goodbye, and shake hands with his girlfriend (who just randomly appeared, and apparently I had just met) and hug him, and they left. J is texting me to hurry up, and I'm trying to switch from shoes to sandals for some reason but my socks are being illogically weird feeling and won't come off. Finally I just walk into the hallway, which is actually the music hall in my middle school (and the hotel room was where the orchestra room is) and I hear D's voice telling me we'll never make it in time because the middle school is right by the football game and the traffic will be terrible.

      #6 - The Secret Codes [Non-Lucid]

      This one shifts back and forth between first- and third-person a lot. I remember Hank from King Of The Hill talking to a group of kids about some (fictional) famous singer and guitarist's weird-sounding name and he corrects them on how to say it, and when they ask him how he knows he sighs and says "He told me." Somewhere in here there is a discussion about some gum or candy that you're supposed to chew if you're freaking out or having a bad trip. I remember that but not the visual of it. Then my dad and I are at a movie theater seeing some movie I can't remember anything about and it switched back to Hank, now in a flashback, walking around awkwardly at a concert or rave of some kind. He meets some young guy that turns out to be that musician who tells him how to say his name, then some weird "secret code" used in the gay community (I think specifically involving politics, which was definitely not real and very bizarre sounding, though I don't quite remember it). He walks off past John Redcorn who is on acid or something and freaking out, and he sees Hank but clearly isn't sure whether or not he's actually there and he says to himself "Where is that candy!?" Back at the theater, the movie's starting and my dad tells me more about the secret gay political codes claiming that the guy told him (I guess carried over from Hank) and I'm like "Uh-huh...." >_> Then back at the concert, John Redcorn is chewing on some of that bad trip candy and looks really happy, and he sees Hank again and they talk and he says he'll help Hank get out of there, because I guess he's lost somehow. Once again back at the theater, my dad is still going on and on more in-depth about these secret codes, and I'm like, seriously, I'm trying to watch the frickin' movie. >_____> And that was it lol.

      Whew, that took a while to type up! At least a I was able to recall a lot, though.
    3. Star Stores.

      by , 02-05-2012 at 07:05 AM

      (Weird to have a dream like this since I haven't seen any of those movies for years.)

      Jump right to fighting a random chick and Darth Vader with light sabers at a mall. I used the force (haha) to hide the chicks light saber in a coat rack and began to fight just Darth Vader. I remember not being able to move the saber right like I was under water, but Darth Vader was having the same problem. Then Vader turns to the red faced one (Sorry fans), and that continues for a while. No real climax or ending. Probably should have realized I was dreaming though. Oh well..
    4. Assorted Fragments and the Cruise Ship Adventures of Obi-Wan-jolras.

      by , 01-25-2012 at 08:59 PM
      1. Something about a rivalry between all the planets

      2. Something about re-reading some books I'd read previously as a child and finding them far too heavy-handed in their message

      3. Something about really strange water-slides, including one with a robot polar bear that launches you into the water and one with antelopes that push you up the hills.

      4. I'm on a really big cruise ship. I decide to go explore, just to see what there is. First I eat some leftover cheesecake from a party. Then I find an indoor train that tours the whole ship and board it. The train passes several interesting-looking shops, and I stop at one (whose name was something like "Cossette Boutique") that sells replicas of stage costumes from Les Miserables. Finding I look quite sharp in an Enjolras costume, I buy it. Next thing I know, I'm being chased around the ship engaged in a lightsaber duel with someone who can't seem to decide whether he's Darth Vader, Darth Maul, or James Moriarty. I run up stairs, slide down banisters, weave around dinner tables, veer off into hallways, and even try ducking into a bathroom to take off my vest and attempt to hide my Force-presence. No dice. The duel makes its way back into a dining room where Darth Whatever activates a switch with the cork from a bottle of wine. I head to the end of a hallway with an elevator, but the elevator won't open, and all the doors in the hall were locked. I'm cornered. I ask if I can have a moment to telepathically bid farewell to my padawan (because apparently I have a padawan now...) and make my peace. He obliges, then runs me through.

      Then I decide to run around the ship topless because I'm totally a ghost now and I'm so sure nobody can see me. But everybody can (though they apparently don't notice the seminudity), and they congratulate me on my excellent theatrical performance.
    5. Long, Fun Lucid with Swimming and a TotM Attempt

      by , 01-22-2012 at 06:46 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm walking around on the ground floor of a large, three-story shopping mall. The interior is a very bright, airy space, with white walls and a glass ceiling through which the sun shines. While I'm walking along, the realization suddenly hits me: This is a dream! I'm so shocked that the scene around me immediately starts to become less clear, filling up with gray pixels that multiply quickly [they look a lot like static on an analog TV], just like it always does when my dreams start to destabilize. Oh, dammit! I think. I immediately drop to my hands and knees on the tile floor, focusing on touching the floor and on staying focused on the scene around me, and thinking reassuring thoughts to myself: It's okay. It's okay. In 30 seconds or so, the scene is clear and stable again. I get up and start walking again, exploring the place I'm in.

      As I look around me, I look up at the ceiling, three stories above me, to see winter greenery with ornaments on it and big, shiny bells in red, gold, and green lined up in a recessed space just below the edge of the ceiling. “They haven't even taken down all their Christmas decorations yet,” I remark. I find that I've come upon the entrance to a vacant department store, currently being used as a storage space for the Christmas decorations that have been taken down. Among other things, there is a large, haphazard pile of blue and white styrofoam wreaths. There's no gate or other barrier to entry across the entrance to the store, so I spontaneously decide to jump into the pile of wreaths as if they were dry leaves. It's fun! Some of them break, and I just say, “It's my dream world, and I'll destroy the wreaths if I want to.”

      When I get up, I wonder what's on the floor above me, and I decide to explore it. I look to the side and see that there's a side entrance to the department store, and there's a flight of stairs outside that entrance, which I can see through the window. I could take them, but it would be quicker, easier, and cooler to just levitate myself through the ceiling above me, so I decide to do that. I close my eyes and, with an act of will, start rising upward.

      [Note: I don't really remember where in the sequence the following two paragraphs went, but I'm sure I was lucid, so I put them here.]

      Now I'm in a big, industrial-looking building complex with multiple floors, walkways, and sets of stairs running through the vast interior space. It's dark inside; all the walls and floors are black or dark gray, and there aren't very many lights. This area is [somehow] part of the Star Wars galaxy. As I wander around here, I can hear a dialogue between a post-redemption Darth Vader [he's still speaking in the James Earl Jones voice, though] and some other random character. The other character addresses Vader as “Rash,” apparently using it as a first name. Vader, offended by this, replies: “Rash?! I may have acted rashly, but my name is Anakin.” I smile.

      [Somewhere in here,] I meet and interact with another young woman about my age. She leads me on a walk through the area, talking to me. Our walk ends at a spot overlooking a view of a natural, green valley. Then, she says something like, “Instead of waiting around for them to break your heart, like I did, go out and grab hold of what you want.” I wonder if this is my best self giving me advice.

      When I open my eyes again after a scene transition
      [which I'm pretty sure I remember being the levitation one mentioned above, but again, I don't remember in what order the above two scenes happened], I'm standing on the second floor of a building, overlooking a very beautiful view. There is a clear, sparkling swimming pool in front of me, but it's big enough to be a small lake and wraps around three sides of a tall, stucco community clubhouse building with a red tile roof. The pool is in a park, surrounded by green grass and trees. Off to the left is a street, on the other side of which are houses that match the style of the clubhouse. The scene is so beautiful that I exclaim, “Man, I wish I could take pictures!” ...So I could post them on DreamViews to show everyone! is the thought behind that remark.

      I decide to go swimming. The tower I'm in has exterior stairs on the side facing the pool. I start going down the stairs. As I do, I pass a window and look at my reflection in it. I'm pleased to see that I'm already wearing a swimsuit, a fact which I attribute to my decision to go swimming. My face looks completely normal. I try smiling, but my reflection stays the same for a moment, then returns a crooked smile, using only one side of its mouth. 'Cause it's a dream mirror, not a real one, I think. It doesn't work like a real one would.

      I walk to the side of the pool and jump right into the deep water
      [something I don't usually do in real life, because I suck at swimming]. It feels wet. I swim around on the surface of the water much more easily than in real life, enjoying the experience. Several times, I lower my head so that my nose is under the water and enjoy the fact that I can still breathe normally. I want to swim completely underwater and open my eyes, but I don't, because I have the very realistic sensation of having water in my right eye, forcing me to keep it closed.

      Other people are swimming in the pool. We hang out and talk a little. After a while, I get out and keep exploring the park I'm in.

      In another area of the park, there are a series of big pieces of plastic playground equipment, white with pastel accents, with a miniature golf course built around and through them. I start climbing the largest one, using the metal handles and small platforms built into the structure to climb. This climbing route goes up toward the main body of the play structure in an arc, and each foothold is only supported by a single column or bar, so it looks like there's mostly open space below you, and you can see exactly how far you are off the ground. I'm not afraid at all, though, because I know it's a dream and I can't get hurt.

      Just as I reach the main body of the play structure, the memory of the current Task of the Month suddenly hits me: set off fireworks in a crowded place and record how the people there reacted. I recall how other DV members have done it. I slide down the slide that's in front of me, determined to complete the task.

      Not far from the play equipment, some people are beginning to gather at some tables for a picnic. I start trying to obtain a firecracker
      [because that's what several other DV members used]. I reach behind my back and try to make one appear there, but it doesn't work. I try looking around corners in the scene and expecting one to be there, but that doesn't work either. I really suck at summoning things, I think. Then I think of another approach: find an existing object and transform it.

      On the ground, under a tree a few yards from the picnic area, I find the pointy half of a broken-in-half yellow pencil. I pick it up and sandwich it between my two cupped hands, focusing my will on it and willing it to turn into a firecracker. When I open my hands, it has swollen up and gotten round and puffy in the middle.

      All the picnic tables are now full of people, and I see that some of them have their marching band instruments with them, which makes me realize that they're a marching band. I see at least one trombone in the group. I stand a couple of yards back from one of the tables and throw my pencil at the group of people. It hits the center of the table and explodes with a loud crack. No one takes any particular notice
      [at least, not that I can recall]. When I retrieve the pencil, the lead has shot out of the tip and gone limp, like a piece of spaghetti. I decide to continue in my search for a firecracker.

      I end up walking through the halls of a dusty building that resembles my section of the university library where I used to work. I continue trying to summon a firecracker or firework by expecting one to be there when I look around a corner or into a room, but it still doesn't work. In one storage room full of random stuff, I hear a hissing sound that I think is the sound of a firework fuse burning at first, but then I realize it's the sound of the small air blower on a strange, old machine that is running in the middle of the floor. I continue searching this room for a firework,
      but I woke up in the middle of my search.
    6. 2 Fragment Dreams

      by , 01-12-2012 at 08:54 PM
      Dream 1
      I was on the planet Naboo in Star Wars Battlefront 2. I was following some Asian looking guy from college I think, I walked around the town square thingy and saw him ge tinto a coupe. Which transformed into a limo when it drove off and then back into a coupe.

      Dream 2
      I was with Kaley Cuoco (Penny from Big Bang Theory) and we had left the docks wherever they were. She had a Green Lantern power ring and some kind of rock which she gave me. I somehow kinda blacked out in the dream and awoke in college.

      I walked around and notice that I had a Green Lantern ring.
    7. Battle Royale and Star Wars Saga

      by , 01-10-2012 at 09:50 PM
      There was a manga called Battle Royale where a classroom was taken out of school and forced to fight for survival on a island. This dream is a lot like it. This dream was actually yesterday but I couldn't be bothered write it up.
      I was in a weird place with white walls that had black patterns on them. I was with some guy who had shades and long black hair. I forged an alliance with saying that I wouldn't kill him, I eventually did kill him. I met up with his brother after killing him. I felt bad so I guess I let him kill me.

      Yeah it was non-lucid so I say I'm not reponsible for my actions. I think of killing people.

      Dream 2
      I was in a Star Wars army. First I'm on the Coruscant surface but its like a game where you create a town and only create one square. I can see blackness around. The buildings I run around and get into a ARC-170 fighter and took off the dream faded.

      And I'm back only I'm in a mix of Row:The Third and Coruscant. I'm on foot and make my way to a tower, it's night time and the are enemy ships in the sky.

      Fade out and in. I'm somewhere that I'm unfamiliar with. I'm used to all this Star Wars stuff so I do a nose plug and run into a X-Wing and take off, shooting at TIE fighters, I would guess.

      I'm assuming that since I went lucid and followed the plot of the dream, I lost lucidity and faded into another dream where I was on Hoth but I could see Space, not only that it was like I was in a space ship even though I had just left the Snowspeeder hangar. I looked down the plains of snow and saw Star Destroyers. I took cover and started shooting at them. Like a little blaster projectile is going to damage an entire Imperial vessel.
    8. Clone Wars and a School Field

      by , 01-07-2012 at 01:52 PM
      Went to bed with some binaurals I got from ninjasleeper. I had very vivid dreams.

      Dream 1
      I was playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 with 3 of my other friends I only remember hering one of them talk though. We were Super Battle Droids on level 1 of the campaign. While I was selecting which level I wanted to play I saw that the menu looked weird, like Call of Duty as it was on the side.

      We were on Mygeeto and guarding a power crystal (seeing as its the last objective) we stood there for a long time until the Clone troopers made their way through the Droid forces. The area looked more like a base than a tower holding the power source. When the troopers broke through I ran around shooting some, then running away as there were loads of Clone troopers. I remembered that there should be a reinforcement count and when I looked at the top of the screen it was there. I can't remember the number though.

      I'm gueesing they won but I get a strong feeling that I died in the game ad quit after.

      I remember walking in a field near a school and seeing some of my friend run around. I remember seeing a girl chasing me, I hid in a bush and waited for her to pass. I then got out and called out to her, she came and we had sex. I don't usually find this girl attractive but we did it anyway.
    9. A Disturbing Dream and a Cool Accomplishment (Nights of December 24-27)

      by , 12-28-2011 at 08:48 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [This is a catch-up post. These dreams are from the nights of December 24-27, 2011. Adult content warning for the one from December 25-26.]

      Night of December 24-25

      I'm at church, with my choir, accompanying our performance of “What Child is This?” on my clarinet. My clarinet keeps misfiring; some of the notes here and there refuse to play. I'm embarrassed. [This was definitely an anxiety dream. Exactly that actually happened during our choir rehearsal on Thursday, December 22, and I was afraid it was going to happen during the performance, which was the morning after I had this dream, on Christmas Day. Thankfully, it didn't happen; my clarinet worked fine.]

      Night of December 25-26

      I'm at this place that's kind of like a spa. It's a place for people to rest, relax, and renew. I'm in an outdoor area of this place, and it's a beautiful, warm, sunny day. I'm lying around on the ground, wearing only panties, along with several other women who are doing exactly the same. Other people are walking around the grounds, and the thought crosses my mind: Maybe I should go and put on some slightly more modest panties.

      All of a sudden, I'm being molested by a group of two or three men. I manage to fight them off and struggle out of their grasp. All the while, I'm shouting at them, forcefully telling them to stop, and that I don't like or appreciate what they're doing. I end my tirade by telling another man, who's just sitting on the ground watching the proceedings, that he's a despicable jerk, too
      [or something to that effect; I don't remember my exact words here]. I tell him this because I know that he's being paid to be there as a witness to the scene that just unfolded. I also know that the molesters were also hired to do what they did. The men who hired them are also in the scene, standing around, watching it all happen. I know exactly what they're doing: They're lawyers, and they have a racket going on where they hire people to rape beautiful girls in establishments like the one I'm at, and then get the girls to sue those establishments for a lot of money, of which they get a percentage because they act as the girls' representation.

      Night of December 26-27

      I'm at work, but I'm participating in a dramatization of the work we do at my workplace for TV. The part of my boss [who I've mentioned in this DJ before] is being played by Tim Allen. I reflect that this was a strange casting choice, since he doesn't look at all like my boss, nor does he act much like him.

      I'm watching a movie about a big, tall castle, a white one that looks like it came straight out of a fairy tale. I'm immersed in the movie, and I'm flying in circles around the top of the castle's high, central tower. There is a song playing on the movie soundtrack that I find kind of annoying, so I want to change the channel on the movie. Awww, man, the remote's all the way down there, I think to myself when I look down at the ground and see the TV remote control lying there. Then I think, Maybe I can get it by telekinesis.
      Wait a second. If I'm thinking about getting the remote by telekinesis, and flying around, I must be dreaming.

      I stretch out my hand toward the remote control and concentrate on it, trying to use the force of my will to pull it into my hand. It doesn't work. Then, my mind calls up the primary example in my schema for what pulling an object into your hand with your mind looks like: the wampa cave scene from The Empire Strikes Back
      [starting at 2:20]. I think, It's kind of like the object is attached to a bungee cord that snaps it back into your hand. I try again, keeping that analogy in mind and focusing on it. This time, it works. The remote control flies up into my hand, just as if it were attached to a bungee cord.

      At this point, I abruptly realize that during the time I've been concentrating on drawing the remote control into my hand, I haven't been concentrating on flying, so I've been gradually descending without noticing it. I'm now only a yard or two above the ground. I quickly correct for this and start climbing again. As I do so, I think, “And hurry! We're losing altitude fast!” And yes, “altitude” is the correct term in this instance, because this is a planet I'm flying over, not a moon. Even if it is just a dream planet.
      [This is a reference to the original version of the “Star Tours” ride from the Disney theme parks.] The remote control has transformed into a deodorant stick, which I use on myself. [? I don't even know.]

      I woke up very pleased with myself, knowing that I could finally cross “Move an object with my mind” off my master list of lucid goals!

      Updated 12-28-2011 at 07:33 PM by 37356 (messed up on a color tag, fixing it)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    10. Jango Fett

      by , 12-24-2011 at 03:55 PM
      I remember being Jango Fett, or atleast wearing his armour. I flew around a yellow hallway with his jet pack. I might've been in Tatooine but I saw windows on the walls and such.
    11. LD--First time in Outer Space

      by , 12-14-2011 at 11:50 PM
      Old LD from 5-9-07

      I had a lucid dream last night!

      I actually woke up this morning about an hour and a half before I had to get up. I thought back and was frustrated when I couldn’t remember a single dream. I wasn’t feeling very tired, but I made myself go back to sleep so I could squeeze out just one dream. I usually can do that, even if it is just a short dream—and that’s all I wanted—just something that I could write down in my dream journal. It didn’t even matter to me at that time if it were lucid or not.

      I did go back to sleep. And I did dream. I even had a lucid dream. The problem was that it was a very long complex dream. When I woke up, I thought, “Oh my gosh…how am I going to be able to figure that all out.

      So I started by writing down all the things I remembered doing in the dream, lucid or not. Then I tried to sort them into the “before I became lucid”, “while I was lucid” and “after I was lucid” parts.

      Then—I sorted through each section and put it together the way I best remembered and the way it seemed to make the most sense. And I actually think I did a pretty accurate job considering how mixed up I felt when I first awakened.

      So after all that, here is the dream:


      It started non-lucid. I was following Jeff. He was walking toward the back of a building and was about to go in a side door. I remember passing a large sand castle that was by the door. I had no idea where Jeff was going, but I felt I needed to go too.

      We went into the building. I believe we were separated at this point. I remember sitting in what looked like a waiting area. I remember this boy (about 12 years old) showing me some of his drawings. I then was watching something on a TV screen.

      I’m not sure of the transition here. It may be that I was watching something on TV and then I was suddenly there. But next thing I remember was standing next to a large ferris wheel. People were climbing on it. There were ladder-like things to get to the seats.

      Suddenly the ferris wheel starts spinning. I start seeing people falling off of it to the concrete below. I felt horrified. I thought that surely it was killing them. I didn’t want to be seeing this.

      So—I decided in my mind that the people wouldn’t die. One by one, they picked themselves up off the ground and brushed themselves off and walked away. I felt much better.

      Then I remember I was climbing the ladders on the ferris wheel. I was thinking, "If I were dreaming I could climb this with just my hands." --(that is something I have always liked to do in dreams—use my upper body strength and pull myself up things without using my legs). So I start climbing the ladder with just my arms. I remember it actually felt good. I could feel my muscles working but it had the satisfation of a good stretch.

      Then it hits me—finally—that I actually am dreaming. Then I thought, “Of course I am—duh—it takes me long enough to figure this out.”

      So I did the first thing that came to mind. I started to fly. For some reason I didn’t think about doing the Tasks at all. Instead I thought about how I really wanted to make this dream into a complex story line. I wanted to make it my story. But I decided it might be easier to start with something like Star Wars. I have always wanted to have a Star Wars LD anyway.

      So as I flew I decided that I needed to be in space. And without any effort I was suddenly soaring though the stars. It was so beautiful and incredible.

      I thought about how I had always wanted to do that, and I had never been able to do it before. I had read about others doing it and wondered how they managed to do it because it seemed to be a difficult thing to do. And I was so amazed how this just happened naturally for me in this dream.

      I also thought about how everything was just too quiet. I wanted to hear a soundtrack. But I wasn’t able to get music going.

      I noticed as I flew though the stars, that the stars seemed to be more concentrated above me. It started looking more to me like a flat ceiling. But I decided not to let that bother me too much. This was my first time creating a flight through space, and it was pretty darn good.

      I realized that my next goal was to find a space ship. I really wanted to find Darth Vader and confront him. I looked below me and I now saw a white medium sized space craft. It was a dirty white with yellow and black trim. I knew Darth Vader was on that ship.

      I flew to it. I knew that it I flew into it fast enough that I would fly right through the sides and end up inside. And it did.

      Unfortunately (and this kills me), this is the part of the dream I remember the least. Something happened on that ship, but I have no memory what it was. But I do remember the dream suddenly fading.

      I was suddenly back in a house. There was a hallway with a mirror at the end in front of me. I knew I was still in the dream. I also knew that if I ran straight at the mirror, that it would transport me back to space.

      So I ran toward the mirror and was again back in space. I saw the same ship in front of me. I flew right at it. But instead of slipping back inside, I hit the outside. This time it was too solid for me to get it. I was very disappointed. Again the dream faded.

      I was back in the hallway with the mirror. I ran at the mirror again. But this time, instead of going through it I bumped right into it. The mirror was very real feeling. I touched it, and the glass felt smooth and cool.

      I decided that I would just run in to the wall. So I tried again. But I hit the wall. I thought, “No…no….now I am doubting and it’s not working. I have to believe. I have to believe…..”

      So I took a dive and tried to go through the floor. But again my head just hit the carpet. Everything felt so real and so solid. Disappointed, I stood up. I made myself float and started doing back flips and the air. It felt really good to do those.

      Suddenly I heard Jeff’s voice talking to me. I closed my eyes and then thought, “oh no, closing eyes in a lucid dream makes you wake up!”

      I open them. Jeff was standing next to me. We were back in that original building. I had fallen asleep in the chair in the waiting room.

      I said, “Jeff, you just woke me up from a lucid dream.” When I saw that he looked sorry, I added, “But I guess you had no way of knowing. It’s okay.”

      He said, “If it helps, I brought you some ice cream.” He handed me a square container that had some cookies and cream flavored ice cream in it. It was fairly melted.

      I took a few bites and was amazed at how good that tasted to me. Then I thought, “Isn’t there a reason that I’m not supposed to be eating this?” I didn’t want there to be any reasons, so I kept eating it.

      Then I thought, “It’s the sugar. I’m not supposed to be eating sugar. And that’s right—I’m Raw Vegan now! I’m really not supposed to be eating this. How could I have forgotten?”

      It then comes to me—I’m still in the dream! I never did wake up. I looked back in the bowl. All that is left is the melted ice cream at the bottom that is completely runny. I put a corner of the bowl to my mouth and drink the rest of the ice cream. I thought, “This is great. I ate all this ice cream and I didn’t mess anything up!”

      At that point I woke up for real.
    12. 11/3 Star Wars: MMO?

      by , 12-09-2011 at 01:34 AM (Link's Adventures)
      I was playing Star Wars: The Old Republic(which is a MMO that is coming out on December 20th, so obviously I have never played it >.>). The dream switched between me being in the game as a character and just being me. My best friend A, his sister, and his mom were there too. Also, there was a girl hanging out with me(I mean in the game, I don't know if it was supposed to be a real person or just a character), but I don't remember much about her other then she was shy, and her character looked like a elf with pale skin, blue eyes, and blueish hair. Also, I remember being in a battle royale and later on watching a jedi with two blue lightsabers fight and kill a soldier who had armor like Commander Cody's(same color too) from star wars, only buffer. The planet was pretty, and it looked like it was fall season, with a lot of relaxing places(everywhere I went seemed like a relaxing park). And there was a lot of trees and grass, all yellow for fall. It kind of reminded me of Dantooine.
    13. Weird Non-Lucid...11/24/11(Early Morning)

      by , 11-24-2011 at 04:15 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)

      I dream I am in school. I'm walking in with Red, and Sean. We pass through the school's main entrance, and head on through the commons. We see Lauren(Now Single! Ding! Ding! Ding!) sitting ever so calmly at a round table. We walk by, Sean first, being silent, then Red, saying "hi," then myself. "Hi Lauren." I say nervously. "I like what you did with your eye-liner today."
      "Thanks." she says with an awkward smile. She is a friend in real life, but just one of those friends who's just out there, not a very close one. Probably why the awkward smile. I never say hi to her. We all keep walking, when Sean decides to stop me.
      "C'mon man!" he exclaims. "I told you she's for me! Don't steal her!" I attempt to give a damn, but I don't really give a damn. I just continue to walk. We're now all in first period, but I'm not in study hall(typical dream fuck ups). I'm in some other class, can't recall which one. Sean's there, Red's there, and so is Lauren. After a few minutes, I'm suddenly on the schools second floor. I'm with my little brother by a set of brown lockers in a large alcove by the stairs. Weird, cause the school has neither of those things. There's no brown lockers or alcoves there. So anyway, my little bro and I appear to be friendly fighting. He actually manages to tackle me hard, and I slam onto the ground. That hurt. A lot. I now shake him off, and I hear my Dad scream from downstairs. Oh shit! He shouts for us to stop making so much noise, and if he hears any more noises he's gonna come upstairs and whoop someone's ass! I decide to stop, but my little bro starts banging on the floors and the lockers. Son of a bitch! I now hear my Dad scream out again, and I hear footsteps. Great...not only that, but my wrist appears to be broken too. Fuck-nuggets! My Dad is now up here, and he punishes my bro, and checks out my broken wrist. My question though, is why were my bro and Dad at my school? I now see Eternity, and Zaine with lunch. They have pizza(Hm, Zaine isn't in my lunch period...). They're telling me about how I can get a free chicken sandwich with my pizza. So, I follow them down to the cafeteria and I get a slice of pizza. I eat it(tastes like cardboard, damn dreams), then I snatch a chicken sandwich. I'm now suddenly racing in a racing video game with Zaine and Eternity. What the fuck?! How'd I get here?! We now use boosters, and we're in a purple floating bubble, and we land back in the cafeteria. Only now we're in a different part. Okay, that was just fucking creepy. So now, we hav to sit on a heater, because there're no seats left to eat. The three of us begin singing "Jesus of Suburbia" by Green Day. A girl who can't find a seat joins us on the heater. Now, we're suddenly on some sort of battlefield. What the hell is up with this shit?! It's fucking Star Wars! Hahaha! It's every man for himself I guess. I grab my blaster rifle and open fire on anyone I see. I get shot a few times, but I'm still alive. I now see many Sith and Jedi fighting. I kill another soldier, and I take his gun, which is better than mine. I now open fire on the Sith and the Jedi. There were about six or seven of them, and I kill them all. Out of curiosity, I take one of the Sith lightsabres. It now turns blue from it's original red color. Lame! However, I now begin slicing people away, and I fight until I reach an escape pod. One man wants to get away with me, so I allow him. We take off, but we're still under heavy fire. Turns out this pod is actually a mini fighter. I see many space craft firing upon us an the battlefield below. I open fire on them, and I get us through. I soon land the craft, and I disembark. I pull out my lightsabre and slice away until I get inside a building. I now have a fight with a Jedi. He asks why I've turned to the Dark Side. I have no clue what the hell he's talking about, and I really don't give a damn. I'm on nobody's side! So I go on and just say because I wanted to. Then I tell him I need a new lightsabre crystal so my lightsabre will be red, not blue. We now begin to fight, when for now reason, Son Goku from DBZ, just fucking lands behind us. He appears to be really injured.
      "GOHAN!" he shouts to the sky. Well, that was awkward. Wait, where the hell is Gohan? I don't even know what's happening anymore. Now, I'm suddenly with my Mom, and two black girls. They're telling us they're from the year 2012. They say the world is really gonna end, so they came back to warn us and tell us how to survive(for the record, I believe this whole 2012 bullshit is...well...bullshit...). So, we follow their tips, and some guy who believes, decides to help us. He now preps us, and gets us an ugly-green Korean jet. He tells us we can't bring our dog though(We don't even own a dog in real life...), which saddens us. The two black girls now suddenly spot a yellow gas in the distant. They tell us it's coming. We board the plane, and I sneak the dog on board. We now just drive the plane around town like it's a car. We soon get to a gas station, and get off for a bit. We now set some Korean newspapers on our plane. Now, Korean jets begin bombing the city! Ah, I know why we have Korean things now! It all makes sense! A global apocalyptic war! The Koreans won't bomb us! We have an airplane from them, as well as two newspapers(what the fuck...)! A bomb now lands a bit close. I notice Sean on his way over to us. The smoke from the bomb is approaching. I tell everyone to cover their eyes and mouths. Sean puts an arm out to let the smoke hit, but it stops just shy of his arm. He says "Ah" in disappointment. He now says he needs my Mom for something, but then I
    14. Lucidity on a Star Wars Planet, VIP Party, and Trying to Fly

      by , 11-22-2011 at 05:38 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)

      I was with some people from work. I remember for sure that Bart was there, and so was this guy that works next door at the Music and Arts Center. We were getting ready to go to some water park party thing that was only supposed to be for celebrities. The guy from Music and Arts was supposed to be serving there or something.

      We get into the party and walk around. The park is huge. It was evening. I don’t remember any specific celebs being there, but there were some people there. It wasn’t super crowded.

      As we walked, I remember seeing a tiki hut like structure that we walked under. I also remember approaching and talking to Music and Arts guy as he was working. He was only wearing swimming trunks. I want to say they were red. I remember feeling happy and a little nervous to talk to him, since he's kinda cute.

      We then were about to enter a part of the park where we couldn’t wear clothes, just bathing suits. Bart, some others that I can’t remember, and I found a place where people had set all their personal items and clothing. They were all just sitting on the ground next to beams supporting some structure. I started to take my clothes off, and noticed I was wearing an
      extremely skimpy bikini, which was white with red lining the edges with a red flower on one of the breasts.


      I was seeing an overview what looked like the world where Obi Wan fought Darth Vader in Episode III of Star Wars, though it looked more colorful. I knew they were supposed to battle soon.

      I was then by a building standing on some rock. Jason was with me. It looked like dusk on the planet we were on. There were these machines lifting hot metal beams out of the molten metal covering most of the planet, which was sectioned out into different colors. The colors were darker hues of purple, red, blue, and I think green, though I can’t remember the green for certain. There were small metal platforms where the machines would place the hot metal beams. Jason was standing very close to one, and a machine started to quickly move a metal beam towards it. I told him to watch out, and he ran right before it hit him. That happened again and grazed his head, but nothing more.

      Then, as a big metal box frame was being pulled out, I realized I was dreaming. As I realized this, I knew nothing could hurt either of us. I ran up to Jason, smiling, and wanted to badly to tell him we were dreaming, but for some reason, the words wouldn’t come out. It was like there was some mental block. I had my arms around his neck.

      I then saw some other people, a group of 3 or 4, though I can’t remember who they were specifically. I wanted to tell them it was a dream too, but the same thing happened and I just didn’t do it, though I had run up to them to tell them.

      I then headed towards the molten metal. I knew it wouldn’t hurt me, so I started to wade through it. It just felt kind of lukewarm. It was also pretty shallow, only going up midway past my ankles. I waded into different colors, wondering whether or not they would feel the same or warmer or cooler. I was a little scared of the orangey-red, because I thought it would be the warmest.

      I also dodged some beams while I was in there.

      I was then back where I started with Jason. I told him we were going to go somewhere else. I decided on the beach. I put my arms around his neck and looked at him, and noticed I was looking at myself; like I was seeing myself from his POV or something, because I was seeing me from where he was standing. It was weird. I closed my eyes and thought of the
      beach, only to wake up upon opening them. -_- So much for that.


      I was outside my house in the front yard, and knew I was dreaming immediately. It was nighttime outside. I decided to fly. I flew up into the air, but could only go so high; I was having some trouble. I guess I hadn’t flown in awhile, maybe that had something to do with it. Anyway, I wanted to get on the roof of my house, but I couldn’t get high enough. I remember the house looking a little different, with elegant domes all over the roof.

      I kept almost landing and having to “swim” through the air to get myself up higher. There was always the point, though, where I couldn’t get any higher. Ugh.

      I flew towards the house and tried to grab on to the edge of the roof, but as I did, I woke up.

      Updated 11-22-2011 at 05:47 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid
    15. November 9th, 2011

      by , 11-11-2011 at 04:50 AM
      Still sick, so no WBTB. No LD.

      We'll go from vague to vivid on this one.

      There was one part that had something to do with Jenn, and a phone or something.

      I remember one part I was in the old house, and we had this puppy, and it was defective or something, so I threw it in the trash. I remember seeing the trash wriggle around as the puppy was jumping around inside. Don't worry it was DE that it was not a real puppy, so no pets were harmed in the dream. Then I went to the living room to watch TV with Sean. We had a crap ton of channels, and we put on something about music, or boxing. Something like that.

      There was also this part where Brian, Mom, and I were in this multicolored hotel. Each wall had a different color, and the color was bright and very solid, like Microsoft Paint colors. The place was very blocky as well, so every time the walls would curve or something, they instead formed a corner, and a whole new flat surface. And each flat surface was a different color. Magenta, lime green, and yellow are the first ones that come to mind. Anyway, These bad guy(s) with gun(s) were coming to the hotel. Brian tried to stop them, but was unsuccessful. I called 911, and I told them I was at this hotel, and they said they were on their way. But when I hung up, I realised that I never actually told them the address of the hotel. There was also this one part with cartoon characters or something.

      Then, I had a pretty interesting dream where I had a bunch of pets, and they were all Pokemon. This part of the dream took place in my house (I was living on my own) and it was late at night, raining outside, and very dark. I was in the kitchen, and the only light that allowed me to see was from the moonlight outside, and it bathed the kitchen in a dim light, but the color wasn't pale. It was more like there was just a dim light on inside the house. The one half of the kitchen was vaguely reminiscent of the kitchen in my current house, but with some alteration in the position of the cabinets. the second half was completely made up. If I face away from the counters and cabinets, I could walk forward and go through a doorway on the left, which led to a hallway and stairs instead of a living room like usual. There were only walls on the right of me, and past the door was a white fridge, not unlike the fridge I used to have in my old house. Beyond the fridge was a window, and it was darker than you could imagine outside, yet this was the window that let the light in, strangely enough. The only Pokemon I remember seeing were Rattata and Zapdos. I looked over by where the fridge was and noticed that Zapdos was laying motionless on the floor. Next to him was the Rattata. Anyway I wasn't sad that my favorite Pokemon died because I thought, "Hell, I'll just make another one." I know there was a part where I had this cook book-like instructional guide on how to build another Zapdos, and his legs were a main ingredient, but I don't remember much else. Anyway the next part of this dream had nothing to do with the first part, but you could tell it took place in the same setting, with the same vibe in the air, and the same dark night. Mom found out she had cancer, and she came into my room to tell me. My room had a BUNCH of posters everywhere, but they were all the same, but they were giving off a more "decoration" vibe than useless posters. Sean and Brian were in my room as well. I asked Mom how we would be able to afford treatment. Then she told me we would have to move very far away because of all of this. Then there was this weird part where there was this weird visual filter that made it so you could see sound via waves. So if you heard a C note, you saw this metal wire wave across your vision in the correct frequency.

      The last dream I had started out with Darth Vader and I, along with some mutual friend, and we were in this restaurant. The place was very spacious, and had a lot of TVs all over the walls, the same way Applebee's has knick-knacks all over their walls. The spaces where you could see the walls were light blue, and there were also giant windows in which you could see outside. The table we were sitting at was square and very small. Darth Vader and I were play-fighting with fake light sabers, and I swear I chopped off his arm like ten times. We got into an argument about this he told me he has this invisible shield that covers most of his front upper torso, and his hands were in that area, so they didn't get chopped off. I said he should have mentioned this in the first place. Then I was outside in a bunch of snow with class at school. We had to slide things down this hill into this little mound of snow for some reason. Then I was in school, and it was the second day, so everyone was still getting used to their schedules. The school was set up differently, but oddly, it was the same setup as in a previous dream. The main hallway was unnecessarily wide, as was the lunch room. In my dream, I was a pretty popular guy, like in middle school. Anyway, I was still used to the schedule I had the year before, so instead of going to class, I went to lunch. In my dream, Kate, Stephanie, and Jenn were all best friends or something. I was sitting in lunch for a while, and I realised this wasn't where I was supposed to be, and I looked up at Kate, Stephanie, and Jenn, and I said something like, "Oh no! I didn't miss much did I?" or, "This isn't the right class, is it?" I got up and went to my real class, which was this elective writing class. Kyle was in this class (why does he feel the need to make a cameo appearance in all of my dreams?) and so was Cassandra. Our assignment was to draw these UFO's and a lot of people were copying each other, even though we had a template to copy. Cassandra came up to me, and said something about the assignment, or made some sort of joke. Then, I was thinking about something (it wasn't important) and then Kate, Stephanie, and Jenn, who were also in the class looked at me. Jenn said, "Is everything alright?" It's interesting that this happened because in real life, back in 9th grade, I felt like my friends were ditching me (spoiler: they were) and I never found out why. I'm sure it was nothing personal. It was more like we just drifted apart. But anyway, I was spacing out one say in class thinking about this, and Jenn asked me if I was alright. I had a huge crush on Jenn at the time, and I didn't want to seem like a debbie downer, so I said, "No, I'm fine, why?" She said, "Because you look worried." I replied with, "No, I'm good." I always wondered what would have happened if I actually talked to her about it. But anyway, in the dream, I responded with one of those wobbly hand signs that mean, "Ehhh...kinda so-so." Then I said, "Not really," and they gave me this worried look. Since I was actually feeling fine, I reassured to them, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me, I'm good." Only this time, I meant it.

      Feels good, man.

      Oh, also in the same dream, Iyannah and Martha were in the class, and both were really hot, but they were sisters, and both of their names were Ibouku, and they had different last names. Martha caught me staring at her, and she thought I had a crush on her.

      I don't mean to bring my personal life onto here, I just felt the dream needed explaining.
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