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    1. Lucid Hand through wall

      , 03-07-2016 at 05:09 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      March 7, 2016

      I just laid down on my sofa to WILD and started thinking about my last LD yesterday. I knew I did more than I remembered, and YES!!!

      Omg, I remembered! I recalled a TOTM (or was it, haha) to push hand or body through wall and see how it looks on the other side. I know Ophelia talked about that too. So I walked to my front door and pushed my hand through. I couldn't see it so I realized I need to open the door to see the other side. I did that and my hand looked perfectly normal. 5 fingers and all. I tried the other one through the wall by the door. I went through perfectly, 5 finders, nothing strange. Was cool though : D
    2. 2016-03-07 trying to get with SG; yard, sink/hair, armed conflict

      by , 03-07-2016 at 04:39 PM
      It felt like a long night of dreaming, I came away with two solid dreams

      + I'm trying to get with SG, we're starting to have suggestive conversations, but her relatives get in the way. At one point, I'm feeling her juicy girl-bits and she likes it but we want to get more serious, but can't. I'm on the back steps of my childhood home leading to the back yard, and I think ah well, if I can't get with SG, at least I can fly a bit and take off down to the back lawn. My family is on the lawn and my (mother?) chastises me for flying, saying "you know how that bothers us." There is a big white ceramic sink there, and I notice a small bit of hair sticking out of a drain. I grab a set of needlenose pliers and start to pull it out. A nasty dirty chunk of the sink hair comes out. Then I see another portion, and I also start puling it out. This is a long piece that goes on for a while I keep reeling it in, finally it ends. I feel a bit embarrassed about doing this. My sister is nearby and she (says?) that this is probably her hair.

      + (f) some club activity regarding books?

      + (f) some overhead view of a building and people leaving it wearing odd clothes (?)

      + (f) driving up the snow-covered ramp on to a (battleship?). I'm concerned the car will not keep its traction, and even slide over the left side as we head to the left lane.

      + I'm in some building (indoors glass walled room? [dream sign]). There is some bomb thing on the floor? An automated turret? There is also a turret outside. The turret outside is remotely controlled by some enemy it turns out. This activates the bomb/turret inside. The turret can fire bullets, and it automatically tracks people. I walk bath and forth and the barrel of the gun on the turret tracks my movements.

      The teams are arming for battle. I"m sitting at the top of a winding slide together with a man on the enemy team, it's like he's sitting on my lap. He is armed with some sort of (nuclear?) bomb and a big heavy pistol, which he's holding in his hand. I grab his hand holding the gun so he just can't shoot me when the "go" signal is given. I think and say that this battle is pointless, that so much life on each side will be pointlessly lost. I'm rethinking my participation. Some leader (female) calls us and we slide down, she's going to re-arrange the rules so that we're not fighting each other? The guy I was sitting with says he left the bomb stuff back up at the top of the slide.
    3. Signs

      by , 03-07-2016 at 03:54 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)

      A sidewalk

      I find myself on a city street in a quaint little shopping district. It almost looks fake, like a movie lot. I am on the sidewalk and the streets are lined with little shops. There are parked cars and some moving cars, but I don't see any people.

      I look in the window of the shop I am standing in front of. In the window, there are two large hand-painted signs. They read:

      'Happy' is what makes you smile.

      'Funny' is what makes you laugh.

      Hmm. Quite interesting. I start to look closer and ponder what deeper wisdom these statements might hold. But just as I do so, a woman jogs past me from left to right, briefly interrupting my view. My gaze follows her as she continues to jog, unaware of me. She is stunningly beautiful. She wears bright red leggings and a black jogging bra that leaves her midriff bare in between. It's The Goddess, of course. From the side glimpse I got as she passed, and even looking at her from behind, I can tell her breasts are huge. She also wears neon green running shoes. Her hair is dark brown and gathered up in a simple pony tail. She wears headphones. I am filled with desire for her, but she is aloof. Just out on her daily run. She jogs to the end of the block and stops, waiting for the light.

      I start to run after her, but just as I do, the light changes and she resumes her jog away from me. As I give chase, I am entranced by how her body moves from behind. I could chase her forever, I think. But I immediately notice the irony of this statement. I'm not getting any closer at this speed, so I likely will be chasing forever.

      I stop running. She stops too at the end of the next block. I know if I start running again, so will she. She will always be one block away. I turn to look back and maybe find another solution.

      As I turn, I now see two other girls just a couple paces from me. They are pretty too, but in a different way. They look like identical twins and models. Platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and white clothes. Not jogging attire, but white halter tops and white mini-skirts. They are attractive but not in the best way, they look like bimbos. This is a recurring motif in my dreams, girls dressed in white who act as a foil to the more colorful Goddess. There arms are folded, which I take to mean they are impatient and closed-off. They glare at me with an annoyed bratty expression that says: "Umm, get out of our way, loser."

      I'm still horny though, so I quickly approach them and start grabbing at their bodies. It feels good and I focus on the feeling. They barely react; they just uncomfortably shift and grunt as they try to avoid my fondling. So, while it is pleasing to me in a purely physical way, I stop because they aren't enjoying it. And if they don't enjoy it then I can't enjoy it.

      I step away from them. They express some relief but still vain little brats. I look off in the distance, wondering if I can still catch the jogger in red. I spot her but she's really far away now. She's crossing another street and my sight of her gets lost among the cars.

      Oh well. I messed that up. I look to my left, into the window of another shop. Here, there is just one sign, hand-painted like the others from before. It simply reads:


      I remember the other two signs about 'Happy' and 'Funny.' What does it all mean? I transition to hypnopompia as I ponder what lesson The Dreaming was trying to deliver to me.

      Some cliché sayings come first, and it seems the numbers one and two are most prominent. I think of A bird in hand is better than two in the bush. Though in my dream it seemed the opposite: A girl in the bush is better than two in hand. Ha. That's a nice twist. That makes me think of killing two birds with one stone. And also, of the Buddha's parable of the two arrows.

      It's all interesting stuff and I'm amused. But I think, Yes, yes, Dreaming, but we've been down those roads. Duality. Irony. Choice. Desire. Vanity. Ecclesiastes. What was different about this one?

      Then I remember a children's story by Shel Silverstein. In the poem, a young boy receive a dollar from his parents. He trades the one dollar for two quarters "because two is more than one." In turn, he trades the quarters for three dimes, and then four nickles, and is finally left with five pennies. He started with $1 and ends with $0.05. Amused at this distant memory and how it might be connected, I recall that this poem is from a collection called Where The Sidewalk Ends and I was on a sidewalk in the dream.

    4. LD #256 Great adventure gone bad:

      by , 03-07-2016 at 01:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Maka Albarn and Sailor Moon were fighting. Sailor moon had this powerup mode where she wore a long black dress with these tentacle like things coming off it it. Maka did soul resonance. I never saw the outcome of the fight.


      I remember I was on an alien desert planet, with Simon from Gurren Lagann and Rei from Star Wars. We were mourning the death of someone before heading off on a great adventure in space. The planet was pretty cool looking, the desert looked something like the American southwest with the mesas and buttes, but there were huge bluish-green crystals jutting out of the ground in a couple places. There was also a futuristic city off in the distance.

      We then got onto this spaceship to start our journey. I remember the spaceship was just like a platform you stood on that projected a field around it causing you to feel no acceleration and trapping the atmosphere around the spacecraft.

      I remember we turned our spacecraft and saw an entire galaxy in the twilight sky. This was probably one of the best 'pretty galactic dream skies' that I have yet seen. We started flying off up out of the atmosphere towards it. We flew through some clouds that I remember looked more and more like clouds of snowflakes as we moved through them.

      Then the characters were replaced with my parents. My mom said something about how pretty the snow was. She then opened her mouth and caught a snowflake but went 'bleh' because she thought that it tasted bad. She then pulled it out and showed it to me that it was made of soemthing like cotton and all covered in her saliva. She then steered our spacecraft down twoards the ground, and I saw that we were back on earth, right above our subdivision.

      Okay, dream was doing pretty good job up until it replaced the fantasy setting with home and the cool characters with my parents, who may be fine people in WL but are generally quite annoying in dreams. Aside from lucidity, it pretty much only gets worse.

      We landed. There were some DCs in our backyard who were making a bonfire or something. I remember they were moving branches around and throwing them into the fire pit but they hadn't actually lit the fire. I remember I became lucid as we were walking up the side of the house to the front door. I tried to fly, but flying didn't work. I tried fire projection from my hand and saw that nothing was happening.

      I remember thinking to myself that the reason my powers didn't work was there were no more fantasy elements in the dream. If the dream is too grounded, too close to reality, then my powers won't work because it seems more like I'm just actually awake. (I don't know if this actually applies or not, there was one fantastical element to this scene, the sky was green and orange.)

      I tried to dream spin but I felt it lose the dream's clarity too much and could feel my waking body back in bed.

      Okay, maybe I can manifest Manei. I haven't done this in awhile, but she's the epitome of a fantasy/dream element being my dream guide, she can fix my powers. (That and maybe I can talk to her about dialing back the romance fantasy a little and actually doing our proper jobs agian... )

      "Manei, Kuansen Axio Sosumblue" I said, with the intention of having her appear when I opened the front door of my house. No luck when I did though.

      I looked around calling her name a few more times. Nuh uhn.

      "Okay, fine then, don't show up when it's actually time to go to work."

      I guess that snark was too much, cause I lost lucidity after that. Some people from the government showed up at our door. The asked if my parents were home. I told them I was over 18 and could help them. They came in and said that they were distributing day planners that would allow the citizens of the USA to become more efficient, productive citizens.

      I remember they came inside. The inside of our house had changed to this very large (it looked like the inside of a haunted mansion, but we had a big fireplace with a fire going inside of it) There was all of this other fancy furniture that I didn't remember us having.

      We sat in the dining room. In WL, the dining room is in the corner of our house, but in dream the house was expanded and there were doors to it on all four sides leading to extra rooms that I did not explore.

      They had two versions. One had a bunch of pre listed life improvement activities, like 'eat healthy day', 'go to Library', and 'go for a run' on random days, and written in different random handwriting. The other was blank like a normal day planner. I told them that if they were free, we would just take the normal ones because the extra activities would just drag down our already busy schedules. They really tried to sell the already written in one but I insisted on a clean one.

      It turned out to be some kind of scam. The people were not from the government. Plus they were out of stock of the clean day planners. Apparently what had happened was they had one set of planners printed, then sold them to people. At the end of the year, when people threw them away, they would dig them out of the trash and sell them to someone else as an enhanced life planner. After a few years they were so full of activities 'suggested' by other people, that nobody put in their own activities.

      Though I want to know what poor chump put 'ESSAY DUE' in bold capital letters taking up the entire space for Sunday. I told the people to get out of the house and and not come back otherwise I would call the cops.
      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    5. [07-03-2016]

      by , 03-07-2016 at 08:55 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in home, working on something. I took a plate with some honey and smeared it on my face.


      I was an observer, watching a group of young people. That had holidays at tropical island. My thoughts often changed outcome of their actions. The was a blonde dude that wanted to know a pretty brunette girl. By my thoughts he decided to invite her to a party, but then my thoughts started a bar fight. I assumed position of a random person and helped the group. The hardest part was to win with a DJ. He was a huge, muscular black man. The group united to deal with him, and when we won, the DJ thrown everyone out of bar. Later that evening I was in my home with one of my classmates. We were cooking something to eat.
    6. 06/03/16 - 07/03/16: Brother's watch, I'm the new chairman, Revealed Recordings

      by , 03-07-2016 at 08:45 AM
      Tonight was a bit restless, but it ended up in a couple nice dreams that weren't very long but I recall them in more detail than I usually do.

      Went to bed: 22:30
      Fell asleep: 23:30
      Awakening 1: 01:45
      Fell asleep: 02:30
      Awakening 2: 05:30
      Fell asleep: 05:31
      Final awakening: 06:35

      Methods used: apple juice, water method

      1: Little brother checks on me, his watch turns into a ring

      It's 01:30 or something and I'm sitting on the toilet. I can hear my little brother speaking to my parents in the attic (where my parents sleep). They are saying that my brother should go check on what I'm still doing up. So, as I walk out of the toilet, he comes down the stairs and follows me into my room. He asks "Why are you doing homework this late?". I don't really answer his question I think (at least I can't remember).
      I look at him and I see a silver watch on his wrist (he doesn't have one IRL) with a glowing pale blue LED light on it. I ask about it and he tells me he just went out to buy it with my parents. As he raises his wrist to show it, it becomes a ring around his thumb similar to the ring an ex-girlfriend of mine used to wear. He shows that it isn't very easy to put it on and off his thumb and I think about my own ring (which I don't really have) and how mine is a lot easier to put on.

      2: I'm the chairman, oh no I'm not

      I am going to university because there's supposedly an event from my study association. It's raining like hell and the world is dark and grey and gloomy. As I arrive I look at my watch and see that I have only three minutes left. Then I remember I am the new chairman of the association and I stress out a little because I have no idea what I should say to the other members in my speech. I run into J, an old friend, and he greets me. I stop for a moment but cut him off when he wants to start a conversation and say "I'm the new chairman so I should hurry. Oh no, no, I'm not the chairman, just the financial administrator!". Neither of these things are actually true IRL.
      Next I run into someone who I recognize as someone in charge of the association. Another member is there as well. We are supposed to run some sort of obstacle course which involves running and jumping but also licking a plastic table. After running for 10 seconds the guy who's in charge tells us to stop because the weather is just too miserable. We walk past a building, and through the windows I can see some people who I think belong to a different association in a sauna, sweating their asses of and looking terribly unhappy. We all laugh at them.

      3. Revealed Recordings

      This dream is pretty vague. I'm in some camping-like area. I'm standing in front of a tent and there's a string spun in front of it with 6 large T-shirts hanging from it. The shirts are identical and all have the logo of Hardwell's music label Revealed Recordings on the front. I look at the sizes and I am surprised to see that even though they are all really large, they're all size Medium. My mother is there as well and all of it has to do with me starting my own company. In one instant I think to myself: "When the hell did I decide to start my own company? I have no time for this shit!" and then I just ignore it.

      There's also a fragment in which I am posting here on Dream Views and I read posts from some members and have some sort of discussion, but I was half-awake, half-asleep all the time and it was just a restless, frustrating experience.
    7. 7/3/2016

      by , 03-07-2016 at 08:15 AM
      Trying CAN-WILD last night but the alarm was too loud and long so woke me up too much. I was actually in a dream each time it went off so it has promise.
      I think I had a false awakening before this but can't remember enough to be sure.

      1) It's night time. I'm outside next to some sort of communal building of a tribe of people. I pick up half a carcass and move it around, it's going to be used to trap something. I'm stood outside the building again at the back, there's a slope up the hill and we seem to be looking for something, I get the feeling that someone else tried before and failed. Then we are inside the building and it's light, I see a man riding a horse with a child on his shoulders and the child bumps into the rafters. I think there mightbe an elephant around as well. Now it's bright daylight and I look outside, we are by the side of a large dock, there's a hotel on the other side of it, suddenly a large crane swings across, I notice a woman is hung from it doing acrobatics. My canwild alarm went off.

      2) I was in another dream when the next canwild went off, tried to remember it but went straight back to sleep.

      3) In a sports hall type space with a round roof. There's a man cycling around it upside down. I explain to my daughter that he is generating his own gravity by cycling around the roof as if we are on a space station, then I think that we should be floating but realise that a system is generating gravity for us. The man starts climbing down a pole (or up from his point of view) to the point of zero gravity as if we were on a space station but it still actually looks like a sports hall. I explain this to my daughter. Everyone claps as he floats in the air then lands on the ground.

      4) Another dream in a house with friends, I don't have time to try to remember the details, got to get to work!

      5) In an office chair. Something to do with being on holoiday with scouts. I have to get back to my house. The chairs sets off taking me there, it's exciting as it's travelling really fast through crowds of people and up onto a pavement. I'm outsdie a house and I wonder if it can fly, then I'm up above the trees in the chair. An exciting dream.
      Tags: flying
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. March 5>6 Dream: Out of Character Friends, Dragons, Selfies and A Zombie Plot Twist

      by , 03-07-2016 at 07:57 AM
      First Dream.
      Me and my friend (Lets call him "D") are in a blue/white themed hotel bedroom and I think we are going somewhere. He is wearing a dark blue ensemble of a vest, long-sleeved shirt, tie, dress pants and leather shoes. I want to get ready as well, so I start to get undressed - totally forgetting D is in the room. When I realize he is also in the room, I hide behind a cupboard door. He asks, "What?" and respond, "I totally forgot you were there!" because I am insecure about my naked body, I don't want D to witness it.
      He tells me not to worry about it and to come out from behind the door - not the reaction I would have gotten in waking life (he would've told me to get changed and hurry up). I refuse to come out and say "No. I want to get dressed behind here". D tells me not to be silly and then - completely out of character!! - tells me to show him what I look like! I don't answer so he comes over to the door and pulls it away from me. Even though I have no reason to be insecure about my body, I feel it in this dream. He says "You look fine." SO OUT OF CHARACTER BECAUSE HE THEN ADDS WITH A NOD "Not bad at all." He smiles at me in a flirty way and I kind of enjoy it, but my main reaction is just confused because he would never do that in waking life!

      Second Dream.

      Me and D (yes, from the first dream) are talking and we believe we are communicating in real life, awake. We talk about weird dreams we've had, and dreams we've had recently. I tell D i had a weird dream about him but I lie about the contents, afraid he already knows I'm attracted to him.

      Third Dream.

      I'm lifting something into the sky - it's like a spaceship/island - by using all these dragons with the help of some friends. A little guy falls of his dragon, because he's the weak one in the team. A tsunami goes underneath us and nearly kills the guy who fell, but I save him by activating a water pump under his feet and he is pushed up into the
      air with us and stays there.

      Last Dream.

      My friend (Lets call her J) is taking selfies with a random chick in a car, and I'm on the backseat. I realize I'm third-wheeling and feel awkward so I get out of the car and say I feel sick and that I'm going home. I crawl up a really steep driveway and end up talking to an attractive guy who asks where I'm going and I tell him that I want to go to the house directly west of me but that somehow I got lost. We end up talking about zombies and pretend that the people across the park are zombies and pretend to shoot them with arrows. Then I realize they really are zombies and go into the house to the west. I pick up a plank of plywood and attempt to kill the zombie in front of me by beating it over the head . 4 more come to the window I'm at and I can hear more behind me. I decide it's join or die a horribly painful death, so I offer my hand to the zombie in front of me, hoping he'll bite me and I'll turn. He does bite, and it hurts, but they don't try to attack me. Now that I've joined them, I go and try to be a zombie too. I lick my fingers - random much? - and they taste like feta cheese which reminds me of the attractive guy for some reason.
      The Dream ends.
    9. #106: Warming up / Family time

      by , 03-07-2016 at 07:25 AM
      Warming up
      I'm not so sure where I am. It seems to be inside. There's a group of people and one trainer. We have to go from one side to the other side of the room, performing certain moves, akin to a warmup. I forgot what we did for the first round, but for the second round we have to slide one foot forward in a half circle, so that we keep facing another direction the whole time and squat in between moving forward. To my left is a guy who is a bit bigger than I am. To his left is the trainer. To my right is the rest of the group. Once we're on the other side of the room we have to do the same thing to go back. This time however it's more of an obstacle course. It looks like a bed without a mattress. At some points there are slats missing, plus there's stuff spread all over the place. The guy goes first, but returns after a few second to give it a retry.

      Family time
      I'm in the Intertoys with my little brother. We're playfighting, even though it's probably not that appreciated. I make sure that the fight doesn't last long. I lay him down on the ground and make sure he can't move. Sweet, I won the bet, he has to pay up. We go to the register and he has to pay at least €90,- + €20,- and that's with me cutting him some slack.

      I have my 6 months old cousin with me. I give her to the girl behind the register and she starts washing her hair, as if this is a hairdresser. I'm a bit worried. She's got my cousin sitting up right and water is sometimes pouring over her face, making me worry about her being able to breathe. It turns out all fine though. I take my cousin with me. We're somewhere else now. My cousin and I start having a conversation. First she's using one word at a time, which already surprises me. After a few moments she's using full, grammatically correct sentences. I'm surprised at her intelligence.
      Tags: exercise, family
    10. Chased by ghosts; rather long story-driven dream

      by , 03-07-2016 at 12:34 AM
      This post got refreshed by mistake, here's the cliff notes version.

      The dream starts with me in a parking garage surrounded by people on their laptops. I somehow know that I'm supposed to steal a flash drive. Sneak over to guys laptop, look through his computer when he goes to the bathroom.

      Dream fragment about a beach boardwalk that looks like a video game.

      I'm in an SUV with a woman driving and three other people outside my house. My neighbor yells at her for stealing pizza. We then go to a museum, inside dinosaur statues are moving by themselves and behind us a mob of zombies starts chasing us. We run into a bathroom and manage to find an exit. This chase actually went on for a while, at one point we were cut off by two mobs of zombies and I had to dash past them. We manage to find the exit to the building and get back to the SUV and drive off.

      I'm now back at my house, but it's still part of the same dream. I then have a false awakening and I'm sleeping on the living room couch. Dad asks me if it's because our dog is sick and I'm depressed, I say that I am scared to go into my room because these snakelike creatures with hooked heads are in there, and they are haunting our dog and not separate creatures but all part of one creature. He then leaves and I get off the couch and see that my dad's truck is parked right in front of the front door. This is weird enough for me to do an RC
      I do three reality checks and they all fail. One where I try to blow through my closed, one where I overlap my fingers and count the spaces formed, and one where I look for my palm lines.

      The living room looks very realistic too so I accept that I'm not dreaming. Shortly later I wake up.
    11. Fake Tasks of the Month

      by , 03-06-2016 at 10:59 PM
      I had a lucid dream on the first of March that I haven't had a chance to write up yet.

      I don't remember the beginning, but as soon as I became lucid I wanted to do a task, but I hadn't seen which tasks had been chosen yet for the month. I had remembered there was a list of tasks that people had been voting on. I tried to remember what they were. I thought if I could remember what they were then I had a chance, at least, of getting one right.

      The first task that popped into my mind was Telling a Dream Character that they aren't Real. I'm not sure why I always think this is the task. I have fallen back on this one many times when I can't remember the real task.

      There was a nice looking young man next to me. I blurted out, "Did you know that this is my dream and you aren't real?" The man smiled at me and said something funny, which unfortunately, I can't remember anymore. We had a short discussion and he was just the nicest guy. Dream characters are so unpredictable. I have had some pretty rude ones in the past, so this was quite pleasant. I just wish I remembered what we talked about.

      Then I knew I needed to get back to the tasks.

      So I thought for a while then seemed to remember that there was a task of eating off a dream character's plate and seeing what their reaction was (I still haven't checked back to see if that was on the list, but I'm kind of doubting it).

      As luck would have it, I was in a restaurant. It was a buffet, and I was standing next to a table full of people who had full plates of food. I felt a little awkward, but then reminded myself that this was just a dream. I went up to the closest person, reached my hand down to their plate, then scooped up a handful of food off their plate. I don't remember what it was, but as I ate it I remember thinking that it was tasty. The person looked up at me with a weird look, but said nothing. I then proceeded to go from plate to plate using my fingers to scoop up food from each and then stuffing it into my mouth. For some reason, in lucid dreams when I eat, I always stuff as much food into my mouth as I can. I think it's because the food isn't quite as flavorful in dreams as in real life, so I feel like I need more at a time. The food almost instantly dissolves in my mouth, so I can then take another huge bite of food.

      The people at the table were amazingly good natured at my rude and socially unacceptable behavior. I tried to explain (between mouthfuls) that this was for a task I needed to do for Dreamviews.

      After doing this for a few minutes I tried to remember another task to attempt. I thought I remembered a task about eating dog food (my mind must have been on food). I decided to ask a dream character to help me out. "Where can I find dog food? Is there a store near here." The lady I asked then got a delighted look on her face. She happily told me that right next door to this restaurant was a place that was like a buffet, but for dogs. She took my arm and walked me out the door and to the dog food buffet next door. She told me that I should find all the dog food I needed for my task.

      As I looked around, it was truly like a people buffet, but with food geared for dogs. Some of the food was in warmers ready to fill a plate with. Other things were in large bins. I decided to start with the warm stuff. Again, using my hand, I scooped up a handful of warm food. It looked to me like chili rellenos. I put it into my mouth. It didn't taste like dogfood. It was better than some of the people food I had just eaten.

      I then took another scoop of food. This was like a warm brownie with caramel. I looked around and saw the owner of this store. I said, "This is really good. Is this really dog food?" He smiled a secretive smile and said, "Well, if it's good enough for dogs, it's good enough for people." I had the impression that I wasn't the only one who ate this "dog food".
    12. LD/TOTM--Childhood Crush and Asking DC What Their Favorite Dream Was.

      by , 03-06-2016 at 10:02 PM
      I did a Wake Back To Bed this morning. I was actually awake for several hours before falling back to sleep. But I decided to give it a shot anyway. I lay back down with my mp3 player. I was listening to U2's album October playing super softly. I suddenly felt myself start to drift, so I decided to turn off the music. Then after a while I realized I was still hearing music, so I turned the music off again. (I'm not sure which one was the real one and which was the dream).

      I remember being in my mom's house. We had talked about remodeling it. I walked out to the garage and suddenly realized that it was in the middle of being remodeled. When did that happen? There was a huge round hole in the side of the garage and the whole garage was about ten times its usual size. The front was gone and huge stone pillars were being built on what was to be a beautiful new entry of the house in front of the garage.

      The next thing I remember is seeing a friend from high school. I had had a crush on this friend for a few years and he didn't ask me out for a real date until I had gone away to college and was serious with another guy. Yep, sad story.

      Anyway, in the dream I was glad to see him and we were laughing and having a good time. Then suddenly he morphed into a guy I had had a crush on in the fifth grade and who moved away so I had never kept in touch with him. Oh, how I had liked that guy. His name was Jason and he sat next to me. He had long dark brown hair and light brown skin (he may have been part Mexican or Native). He was always really nice to me and a protector of sorts. The guy who sat on the other side of me was often a jerk to me, and Jason would stand up for me. As a shy fifth grader I thought that was so amazing.

      Sooo, we were in a van and were talking, flirting and laughing. At some point I became lucid. I told him I wanted to take him flying. As is typical in my lucid dreams I didn't immediately realize that since I was dreaming he wouldn't be real. I kept on thinking he was really there, and now since I was lucid I could take him flying and show off a little.

      I held on to his arm and we took off into the air. We were still at my mom's property and we started flying above it. I was having trouble getting much height. Every time I thought we were high in the air I realized our feet were about to drag the ground. I told Jason to start moving his arms and hands like he was paddling though water. He did and we started getting higher.

      I told him I wanted to fly to the lake (now we were back to where I live). As we flew to the water I saw that it was more like a ride at Disneyland. I could see two whales that reminded me of the whales on the Storybook Land canal ride. As I got closer I could even see the whales' eyes open and close. I thought that was really cool. I landed in the water next to a waterfall and we swam a little. Then I suddenly realized that Jason had morphed into a baby.

      The absurdity of that reminded me that I was lucid dreaming and that I really needed to get serious and do a task.

      The first task that came to mind was the Ask a DC to share their favorite dream. I looked around and saw a young boy who looked to be about seven years old. He had brown hair, a sprinkle of freckles across his nose, and two front teeth that seemed too big for his mouth. I approached him and asked if he would tell me his favorite dream. He crinkled up his nose and gave me a mischievous look and thought for a second. Then he started, "Well, there were these two clown fish. And there were also these two dirty people. And they were swimming. And then they bumped into a log." He stopped and laughed. That was apparently the end of the dream. I wanted to clarify--in his little kid "accent" I couldn't tell if he had said "clown fish" or "clam fish", so I asked him. "Clowwwwn fish", he emphasized.

      Cool. It was a very simple kid-like dream. But it would work for the task. But as always, I wanted to repeat the task and see what other results I could get.

      I looked and saw a guy next to me. I was pretty sure it was my childhood crush, now morphed back into an adult, but looking a little different. I asked him if he would tell me his favorite dream. He grinned at me and started, "There were these two clown fish and two dirty--"

      "No-no--You don't get to repeat the kid's dream. You have to come up with one of your own." I interrupted. [Yep, my mind is always trying to cheat a little.]

      He stopped and I could tell he was pondering. So I looked around and saw another guy standing not far behind the kid. He looked like Bill Clinton, yet the lower half of his face was all narrow and pinched together like an alien face. I called out to him "Hey Bill Clinton Alien Dude. Tell me your favorite dream." The Bill Clinton Alien Dude stood there looking at me with a small, thoughtful, but creepy smile.

      I suddenly jerked awake.
    13. DJ#105: Minecraft & Plagiarising

      by , 03-06-2016 at 08:56 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was in a minecraft world, snowy and icy with mountains off in the distance. I flew around a bit and then I spotted a small village. I went over there and saw a couple of buildings in between two mountains/hills, and suddenly realized this was my village which I had started building a while ago. It was in a Nordic style however I saw that a lot of work was needed to improve the buildings. I made a bit of a wall around the castle tower and fixed up the roof of a house, then decided I needed to build a lot more to make this a good town. I build a small dock area and 3 or 4 more houses on the waterfront, ended up quite pleased with the result.

      Dream 2: I was taking the train to school with my brother when he told me he got caught for plagiarising on an assignment. I asked him what subject it was and he replied IT, to which I scolded him saying he should have known better than trying to cheat when the IT teacher has software which detects it. He said it wasn't his fault and he didn't deliberately do it and stuff like that, but I didn't believe him.

      Dream 3: I was watching dvd's in a small room on a little tv. I was searching through a few trying to find the right one, however a lot of them had other bits and bobs from the tv recorded over the top of some parts. I searched through a few but couldn't really find what I was looking for. Someone else came into the room I think and I showed them something I had made/seen. We travelled down a hole into a cave and then out through the other side where there was a large bridge made out of wood and plants. It was curled up initially but I made the plant parts and giant leaves unfold to provide a walkway for us. The other person was quite impressed and I told him I had only just started working on this and there would be a lot more to come.
      Tags: non - lucid
    14. 3/6/16 - Uncle's Hotel with Mark

      by , 03-06-2016 at 08:39 PM
      I'm in Uncle's old house. I'm upstairs. The hallway is exactly the same but much bigger. It has a rich, hotel type of feeling to it. The bedrooms are set up like hotel rooms and I'm staying at the end of the hall, the bedroom to the right. I start making my way down the hall, headed to my room. Someone grabs me from behind and turns me around to face them. It's Mark. I feel a bit shocked, like his presence is really unexpected, but he just smiles at me. He turns me a bit and pushes me gently against a wall. I ask him if something is wrong. He shakes his head and moves in closer to me. He makes it so that our faces our barely an inch or two apart. I feel like I should be more nervous about this situations but I'm not. It's weirdly easy for me to keep eye contact with him and to be that close. After a few moments he smiles again and kisses me. It's only a soft touch of lips at first. He pulls back a bit to look at me, to see my reaction. I look at him and smile for the first time. I raise my left hand and place it gently on his face. My hand slowly slides down to his neck. I then hold the back of his neck and pull him back to me, kissing him again. I watch him close his eyes and I follow after. He turns his head slightly to the right and our kiss deepens. After a minute or so we pull apart and stare at each other. We both smile and he grabs my left hand, entwining our fingers. He leads me down the hall to my room and opens the door. I follow him in.

      Updated 03-06-2016 at 08:42 PM by 61973

    15. 05/03/16 - 06/03/16: Party at the Panama, sleeping in the shower

      by , 03-06-2016 at 08:30 PM
      Even though I had a long night of potential sleep I couldn't really sleep well after 7 hours of sleep or so, which really messed up my recall a bit. Still, there are some vague dreams, fragments and conversations I half-remember.

      Went to bed: 23:00
      Fell asleep: 23:30
      Awakening 1: 06:00
      Fell asleep: ?
      Multiple awakenings at random
      Final awakening: 09:30

      1: Party at the Panama

      It was late at night and I was in Amsterdam. I was standing in front of a nightclub called Panama (which I have been to a few times in real life). I was waiting for my friends N, R, S and J to come but I had no idea where they were. I decide to go inside.
      There's a fragment of a dark staircase that I walk up.
      I am now sitting at a long table. M is sitting across from me. A girl walks over to our table on the right side (far side for me) and sits down. Another girl walks over to the left end to the table, to which I am sitting close. I introduce myself to her as M, my friend, for some reason. I start laughing and say: "Oh no shit that's not my name, I'm Eddie! (not gonna share my real name here) M is the name of my friend over there!" while pointing at him. M doesn't really respond.

      2: Sleeping in the shower

      I am lying on the floor in a changing room, halfway into the shower area, in my sleeping bag. Next to me lies R, a friend of mine, also in his sleeping bag. There are many people in the room, some of which I know and some of which are barely or not clothed (no details on the Internet about this ). A girl steps over me into the showers. I am just completely confused about everything in this dream, but I don't think about dreaming for a second.

      There are some more images and things I remember but they are too small and vague to put into words.
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