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    1. Dreamed again. hope is not lost haha

      by , 02-09-2020 at 05:26 PM
      Went to bed at 3AMish.
      Woke up at 10:30 with some recall. Wrote down "locker room + bouldering with randoms", "Couldnt pee with straight head"
      This dream begins in a locker room where I am with some friends and friends of friends. We get changed to go climbing and I go pee before heading in to the gym. I noticed my head is tilted as I look in the mirror above the toilet and I try to stand as straight up as possible to fix it. I can't pee while doing this. I slouch again, start peeing and stand up straight. The stream weakens but I finish it off. Then I'm boldering with friends. Lots of routes in a place I've never been before. I do something V2=< as my first route and then decide to warm up. I see a V0 which looks super easy. I look around a bit more and then come back to it but only the bottom two holds are there, people are changing the routes. (Dream sign!!!! Changing bouldering routes. My brain can never remember routes correctly so it comes up with the excuse of route changers). I go looking for other routes and find some that are just on the ground and spread out like the rocks in front of Royal Vale Elementary. I hop on the beginning but suddenly the rest of the route changes color and I need to actually make a huge leap to get to the next part which is in a different direction. I dont believe I can do it so I give up.

      Dream 2:
      In this dream I remember trudging through deep snow with a friend. We were travelling somewhere and we were trying to get to a hole or tunnel in the ground. Right before we get to the hole, we find big boxes of giant tea containers. They are all empty. After I notice there are some people behind us.
    2. 20/02/09 - ld 16

      by , 02-09-2020 at 02:02 PM
      Woke up after ~8 hours of sleep but still felt tired. While falling back asleep I made a half-hearted attempt at WILD but didn't succeed directly. What followed was a sheer chaos of dreams, false awakenings and short lucids. In one dream I was at a beach I've been to several times. It was warm but very windy with high waves. I was heading towards the sea when I suddenly went lucid. The dream got unstable rather quickly and I couldn't see my surroundings anymore. I kneed down and touched the sand around me which I could still feel though it wasn't as warm as I expected it to be.
      I woke up, still feeling close to dreaming. I turned onto my back which was probably a bad idea as I fell into SP almost immediately. This was the first time I've experienced sleep paralysis related to lucid dreaming and only the second time ever. It wasn't exactly frightening as I managed to remain calm and didn't hallucinate any dark figures etc. But breathing felt difficult and my body alternated between seemingly sinking down and being lifted upwards. After some time I felt my dream body separating completely and I could get up. It was pitch dark, so I tried to turn on the lights but the switch wouldn't work (no surprise here). I was at my parents' house, so I left my bedroom and went through the house. The other rooms were brighter with the sun shining through the windows. I got into the kitchen were my mother was standing. We had a small conversation with me having trouble to speak in the beginning. She asked if I came there to fetch her. I wondered what this means and asked: Should I? Shen then told me that it was R.'s birthday (a friend) after all. This surprised me quite a bit and while still trying to figure out what's going on I woke up.
    3. lxxxi.

      by , 02-09-2020 at 12:53 PM
      Some dream fragments. There was a third one but I have such a faint and vague memory of it, not even sure where I'd start. I practically lost the other ones while getting up but made sure to keep my eyes closed as much as possible until I could write here, which helped.

      Dream Fragment:

      I remember being at some sort of concrete structure. I'm not sure if I was "me" but a couple of other people were here too, I think one of them was that Torres guy from NCIS. This place was dark and there was a massive abyss right in front of us. Across this abyss was another flat area made of concrete and there were some soldiers there. They were holding us here or something and they shouted that we should stay put.

      The soldiers got on a platform and it started moving down very fast. They disappeared from sight. Somewhere down there was some light, but it must have been a literal mile or more away. Then some more soldiers appeared but this time they didn't wait for the platform and just jumped down where the platform shaft area was. I was intrigued but at some point in the dream I simply "knew" that at the bottom was a special fluid that would break any fall, no matter from how high.

      Torres like the idea of just jumping across and into that specific area. I felt it was too risky. It was a long way down and there was no way to aim ourselves properly and the gap between the two concrete areas was quite wide. But he got on some sort of pole hanging from our side and got closer to the other side, hanging just over the middle. Then some soldiers came back up on the platform and noticed. They started shouting at him and warning him to stop. He ignored them and now he grabbed onto some rope that was hanging from the ceiling. That's as much as I remember clearly for this fragment.

      I do remember there were no light sources. We were very deep underground most certainly, but somehow we had a light radius of our own, like in RPGs where the characters just give off light...

      Dream Fragment:

      I don't remember how I got there but I arrived at a small lab/office place. This dream was somewhat vivid, more than the other one. There were two researchers, wearing labcoats, and one of them greeted me. He seemed a bit uninterested at first but then he saw my boots. They were covered in some sort of pale golden sand. I realised I hadn't noticed this myself until that moment and he became very interested. He went over to a counter and showed me some tins with rounded caps.

      The caps were all a shade of gold or tan. He asked me to see which one I thought was closest. I selected four of the tins first just as a guess. Then I held them and made their coloured cap be over my right boot in my vision. The first wasn't it, too orange. The second and third one seemed similar, the fourth one was too dark but the right hue. I compared between the second and third against the sand and decided the third one was the closest. He seemed happy with this and I felt somewhat happy to help. I made a comment saying "well at least I can definitely tell that my skill at recognising shades correctly has improved". I genuinely felt this was true in that moment and realise now that it was indeed a very accurate test of my skill in this.

      The other researcher was just doing something on his own over on another counter but I don't remember what. Oddly enough, despite looking at my feet, can't be certain what the floor was like. Some sort of plastic tiles? Maybe wood. But square shapes. The counters were an off white on the top and a light stained wood on the cabinets. There were a couple of windows to the outside and I made note of the fact that it was daytime outside, but the room was quite brightly lit anyway with some fluorescent lamps that actually gave off a warm colour for once.

      This whole dream bit felt like it was in sequence of the previous one or another one between them.

      Side notes:

      - It could possibly be the first time while dreaming where I had to use a skill that I'd use for painting in waking life. For me this is a particularly good sign because for a long time I've wanted that context to come over into dreams in some form.
      - The researchers wearing labcoats were clearly dreamsigns that I missed. The labcoat is a dreamsign I successfully managed to insert into my dreams as a dreamsign a while back, I think last year or the year before.
      - The dust on my boots reminded me very much of gold powder in the dream. In the dream I had a much clearer notion of where I had been previously, which was relevant for that context.
      - Despite looking at my boots and remembering them very clearly as the black leather army-type boots I have in waking life, I only vaguely remember my trousers and can't really say which ones they were. It seems odd that my boots are the only detail I remember clearly from looking down, despite the fact that in the dream everything was the same level of vividness.
      - I do remember I was wearing some sort of dark hoodie in that dream. I remember it because I remember the sensation of having the sleeves pulled up, something I often do if I'm indoors.
      - Don't have much at all to make note of from the first dream since many details are vague now, but the fall-breaking fluid definitely made me think of stuff from Portal and from Satisfactory.
    4. Mostly Travel

      by , 02-09-2020 at 03:36 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      I have arrived in a green area shaded by trees. It seems that I’m traveling somewhere, and this is a stop along the way. The dream doesn’t make it explicit, but this seems to be the Czech countryside in the early 20th century – more or less.

      Gradually, other people arrive. I converse with a woman there as we wait. A couple large dogs arrive as well and are running around getting in people’s way. I order them to sit, figuring that they’ve just run here ahead of their masters, who won’t be far behind. They obey. One of them lies down, then rolls over on its back, obviously looking to get pet.

      The car arrives – a distinctly old-fashioned one. (Although there is some uncertainty there, as if the dream can’t quite decide on what sort of vehicle it should be. They all tend to be more or less interchangeable in my dreams.) There isn’t enough room in the car for everybody, but since I was there first, I get to be on its first trip. The woman I was talking to has to wait for its next one.

      I look around as we ride. The man next to me in the backseat is choosing the music that plays in the car via something rather like a touch-screen tablet framed in brown leather – much more aesthetic than the modern ones, I think to myself. Out the window, I see a turquoise river pouring over an oddly shaped stone formation into a lake – a place I’ve seen pictures of before but never visited. I turn around to continue to look through the back window as we drive by.

      I’m aware, as I look around, that in the not-so-distant future this area will be devastated by war. It adds a poignancy to being here in this beautiful place.

      The train – sure enough, it’s decided it would rather be a train now – approaches a platform, stopping under a curved wooden roof from which flowering vines hang down. An invasive species, I note. Parasitic to boot. But quite pretty, and so you can understand why people let it grow like this. In the future, there will be more of a push against it – but not so much here as in other places. A brief image comes to me of the future, of its yellow flowers filled with ash.

      It now seems as if the woman from before is on the train too, and along with another passenger, we continue our conversation.

      When I woke up, I remembered the following melody:

      I don’t think it was actually playing during any part of the dream – my impression is that it was connected to it somehow but happening on a different level of awareness. I find it rather odd that it’s in C# major since that’s not a key I ordinarily have much to do with. Maybe I waited too long before transcribing it and my pitch memory was off? Or maybe it was just in C# major.
