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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. cccxli.

      by , 12-31-2021 at 12:14 PM
      16th October 2021


      Something involving myself in my reptilian form. (I had slightly raised awareness for a while but recall was lost.) Some kind of laboratory facility or complex? I recall some bit involving swimming and someone had invented some equipment that had nano forge vents that would absorb oxygen directly into the bloodstream, from the water.

      Some other part, travelling on a highway but in an odd place; sunny and mountainous/cliffy. There's an unfinished road on the return trip and I'd have to build the bridge somehow.


      I'm at the old home, it's early morning and S needs walking. I want to, but can't find the things I need and get confused by a different layout of the light switches.

      (For brief moments I'd wake up and realise I was actually not at the dream location and that there was really no dog in need of a walk but then I'd drift back to sleep and the dream would continue on the same theme. H was there with me.)

      Then I'm at A somewhere near the mall. The layout is different and the buildings look different too. As I observe, I make conclusions about how I draw buildings based on the look of these buildings, near a threshold of awareness that's almost lucid. I remember carefully studying the outlines of the buildings.

      18th October 2021

      Recall faded for leaving it too long.

      Dream (fragmented):

      I'm in a town or city. It's very dark and night time, and I'm in a car or something with someone driving me, possibly H or family. Then I notice these empty buses being escorted into a residential suburban area. In the dream there's some pretext about overpopulation and some event to which people will be going to, the next day. I comment on this out loud, I think in a disappointed or judgmental way.

      (When I woke up, I thought about how this seemed like a preparation phase for a change in my personality. A lot of dream characters to move.)

      Earlier in the dream. I'm with H in the car and we're stopping somewhere. We're in a similar residential area with detached housing, it's daytime and overcast. Then we're in a house but it has a more office-like feel. There are two white men here, both older than either me or H. One is an electrician and the other someone relating to this place. We help with some issue, a rug trapped under a bit of carpeted floor. The office guy appreciates the help but doesn't quite like the result of what we've done even though the previous situation had caused him an injury. There's some kind of table nearby? A pool or cue table, maybe.

      Earlier again. Something in a city, outer view from above of a skyscraper which I'd previously seen in the dream, only head-on or at street level. The top view showed a weird outline, it had the shape of a Liberty star from FL but something else too. In the dream it made sense as to explain something about the building, when seen in a profile view. I was in some kind of complex before any of this.

      19th October 2021


      Vague recall. I'm in our bedroom but in the dream context I'm not sure it feels that way. It's dark and maybe night time. I'm ordering food somehow? Getting fast food, I think someone recommended I get McDonald's. Dad is here at one point and we're talking, we're outside somewhere, again night time. I think the dream jumps between these two settings a few times.


      - In the 18th's dream, there had been transitions, but like many other dreams lately, when I come to writing recall down for dreams, the transitional periods between scenes often just fizzle away from memory and I know that in some cases the dreams were long and continuous.
    2. cccxl. Strange place with friends; With random friends hijacking a family car; Karazhan and MC raids

      by , 12-31-2021 at 01:24 AM
      Some in-line bracketed notes.

      12th October 2021

      (First and third dreams, long and bordering on epic, as well as being vivid, to the point that I still have decent visual recall of the last one even now)


      I'm outside somewhere. There's a post-apocalypse sense. It's daytime and sunny and I'm atop a mountain of sorts. There's a crashed jet that has been here a while by the looks of it. I am descending the mountain carefully. The path I need to take isn't clear. Something about O and K (H's friends) and this feeling like a survival game. They have a base together somewhere in a cliff-side and I feel they are trying too hard at efficiency. At some point at the base of the mountain, there are undead and I fight them in first-person with a knife of some sort. H helps me in some way. This area looks crypt-like, but ruined.

      (The vastness of the game area makes me think of that area in Cybermancy that takes place on... Mars? But this feels more Earth-like environment-wise and stuff looks a bit unpolished)

      Later, night time in a village of some kind. There's an inn? Context seems more normal now though.


      Something about me and two other people, maybe siblings or friends. We hijack ourselves into someone's family car. We ask them forcibly to take us somewhere out of a city. It is daytime and sunny. The place we reach is some old and small fortification. It has rounded edges and is painted white but looks abandoned otherwise. The man in the car, the driver, vents his frustration about the situation at some point, and doesn't want to leave?

      Before we get out of the car, I give his wife a teal 25 euro note, as compensation for taxying us. I remember at first the notes felt just like one, but I realised they were more just stiffly rolled together. I was going to give her a yellow 20 euro note at first.

      Out of the car. There are some external stairs to the top. Inside, there's a plain room with a door that I know to be hidden behind a curtain of sorts. My companions go in there, but I don't. I go back out and up atop.


      I am in a place like Karazhan but even bigger. I think I tell H about it, do not recall reply. I'm with a 25-man group and HW is here I think. There's a boss that's accessible on an outdoor rampart. It's gloriously sunny and bright outside, almost over-exposed and white, but the boss is actually in a room past the end of this short-ish and curved rampart. The raid group is behind me in a hallway and someone has to go pull the boss, I say I will.

      I run in the darker flame-lit boss room and get in aggro range, then using evasion and sprint away back to the main raid group. I have cloak of shadows ready to use at any moment and I let the tank take the boss off me and the end of the hall room the raid is in. I start to deal damage, very slowly and cautiously, but nobody else does the same. I use feint regularly and the rest of the raid group starts attacking but even despite all my caution I am starting to gain too much threat. I vanish at least once to clear it off but quickly builds back up. I get targeted and end up dying.

      Somehow, in the end I still did the most damage and am revived after the fight. For some reason a few others also died but not from pulling aggro.

      My class seems to be a mix of a rogue and a paladin. When I am revived I buff with greater blessings as appropriate, which as always I find somewhat annoying to do. We go into the darker areas of this enormous alternate version of Karazhan. We walk for quite a while and go up ramps and such. At some point we come out at a bit that is like the interior of Blackrock Mountain but even more vast and a bit of a blend with some general areas of Molten Core. I realise I can mount at this point and quickly take a detour near some pouring magma bit, and take a quest there from an NPC I think.

      Then I rush back on a swift grey ram mount towards the next area's entrance. This is much more like MC now and the next boss is some kind of golem.
    3. Alice and Wendy team up in Wonderland, and a 2nd brownhair girl has a Tea party at the Mad Hatter's

      by , 12-25-2021 at 03:20 AM
      I been having a series of dreams lately. I couldn't remember because I always had to get up to go to the washroom when the dream was getting good.

      Last night/early this morning - In the dream-it was more like watching a TV show or a movie a third person then my normal dreams which were in 1st person (it does switch to first person eventually)-an American brown hair girl somehow gets to Wonderland. I'm assuming she founds a town in Wonderland because this is where I start watching is when she's in a museum in what I presume is a town or city in Wonderland. The museum has pieces which have to do with Alice in Wonderland. The girl looks at the pieces (which are in glass cases) and she sometimes hear the pieces, sets, statues talk to her. I think one piece (well more of a mini set) was Mad Hater's house which talk to her. But every time she heard pieces talk she just thought it was herself going um crazy.

      Some time passes and the next thing I know is that I believe the girl gets waken up in the museum by noise. She hides behind a case or was it a statue and she sees the shadow of another girl (a grown-up) talking to the pieces. I can't remember what the girl overhears the grown-up girl say, but its was enough to identify her as the grown-up Alice. So the brown-hair girl said when stepping out from behind the case , "So you're the real Alice?" The girl then asked hat are you doing here then?" Alice said "Someone told us.." the brown-hair girl said "Whose us?" and another brown hair girl (whom the first girl recognized as Wendy from Peter Pan) showed up "As Alice was saying a red-hair woman warned us that both Wonderland and Neverland are in danger. so we teamed up for it. Do you want to join us?" The brown hair girl said "sure".

      I'm not sure what happened next but the very last part of the dream before I woke up is that I had became the brown-hair girl and I was at Tea Party at the real Mad Hatter's house but I was the only one NOT drinking tea. I was either drinking coffee (which is why I think she's American) or I was drinking hot chocolate maybe chocolate milk. Since it was as I was drinking my drink I woke up
    4. Log 2427 - Task of the Year 2021 Task V

      by , 12-23-2021 at 06:20 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 22 December 2021

      Got quite a haul today.

      Spoiler for A lot of words; implied NSFW:

      Updated 12-23-2021 at 06:43 AM by 89930

      dream fragment , lucid , task of the year
    5. One Dream?

      by , 12-21-2021 at 12:08 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Frost Troll

      Was in some room with a bunch of people. Someone ran into the room screaming about a Troll in the building. I ran out into some basement area. There was a brown haired girl with me, maybe Jamie. i had false memories of dealing with this troll before. We turned a corner and it was right in front of us. It swung at us with a huge hand with claws. It missed. I ran around the corner with the girl and she was following me. I said The Troll is really dumb and any easy hiding place will do. We found a room with a cabinet we could his beside. We hid there and the troll walked past the room and we were safe.
    6. dark dreams

      by , 12-07-2021 at 08:17 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      All the dreams this week weren't good.

      Jamie 1

      Jamie seemed mad at me. Telling me she's never going to talk to me again... I think I always knew that deep down. But one can hope.

      Jamie 2

      Some nights later Dreamed I saw her at a bar but she was avoiding me.


      I'm looking at map of where I live. There's a road east and west. South is Lethbridge. Under my town is shaded dark red. above the down is a lighter red. There are words describing each shaded region but I forget what. There is an icon on the east end of town it is a face of a native american with a red bandana. He looks sinister and the dream implies he's cursed this region. (IWL, It has been snowy and icy and I have called in at work too much not wanting to drive these roads. This dream was a day before the snowfall, Felt that the drean predicted this???)

      Don't drive

      One one of the days I was going to go to work (but called in anyway) I had a series of dreams of dogs biting me and people fighting me.

      Dream 1

      I was in my house and a bunch of dogs that looked like my dog were trying to bite me. I had a razor and cut on of the dogs legs. It yelped and started bleeding everywhere on it's hind leg. Asuka and maybe data were there I asked them for a rage and something to tie it with to stop the bleeding.

      Dream 2

      Someone was on the front end of my house with a gun. I was in a garage behind a white van. I got a peek at the intruder and aimed my pistol or something at him. I shot him and it hit.

      Dream 3

      I was fighting someone on stairs. It was Gary, a friend from childhood who ignores me now. I Was hitting him with some pole and he stopped trying to fight me after he fell down the stairs. I asked, "Are you done?" He said, "Yes." I asked him "Why don't you talk to us anymore?" He looked shocked. I said, "I don't even do drugs or drink hardly at all." And he still looked shocked and seemed to be considering what I was saying. Then I woke up.
      After I woke up I found that the rods that were clear before were snowy and icy again...

      Dark Hogwarts

      I was getting off the Hogwarts express with a bunch of children in cloaks. I was young like them. Everything was so dark even with the lights, it was nightime nd I couldn't see much. I saw the Cone shapes of the tops of the Hogwarts towers as I was walking along but coult still barely see them.
    7. 12/04/21: Colorful, Youthful Dreams...

      by , 12-04-2021 at 05:06 PM (Journal #86)
      12/1: It's the Showcase round on The Price Is Right, however, like the latest edition of the video game, Decades, the top winner and runner-up podiums are switched, TW on the left, RU on the right. Drew Carey reads the actual retail price of the Showcase of the player on the left, revealing that he had overbid. He reads the ARP of the player on the right's Showcase, an attractive brown-haired girl, and she ends up winning about $45,000+ in cash and prizes; apparently both of them had a good day in the episode. The scene after the Showcase reveal made no sense, but I do remember George Gray (the announcer on my country's version since Season 39; got the job permanently in April 2011) announcing a line similar to Jeopardy! long-time announcer Johnny Gilbert (a legendary game show announcer now in his 90s) since mid-Season 38 (currently) of that show, "From the famous Bob Barker Studio in Hollywood, this is George Gray speaking for The Price Is Right, a Fremantle production!"

      A scene later, I find myself in the passenger side of what appears to be my dad's car, parked in front of a shopping center with what appears to be other cars with numbers in the upper-left corner of their windshields, likely tuners, but nobody was inside. Skies were overcast as well. This scene reminded me of dreams I had in 2012 where I was sitting in the passenger side of a car and random things happened.

      12/3: Students, likely middle to high school-age, were walking with their backpacks in the street that looked eerily similar to the road that leads to my apartment. In reality, there's a community center and a multipurpose center nearby. L.L. Bean was the manufacturer of some of the backpacks, as those were the ones with the wearer's initials on the top, as I saw a lot of students in middle school with these. I didn't see any of these in high school, however. The dream then focuses on a student's backpack with the initials "LEK", a female. I didn't get to see the rest of the dream play out as my alarm clock buzzed and my phone vibrated.

      (That kinda explains why I have a Google Images tab up in Firefox searching for the L.L. Bean backpacks with the students' initials on them since this morning.)

    8. 15 Nov: Newspaper article about me, waking up my teacher, meet an Angel and a woman is possessed

      by , 11-15-2021 at 10:17 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      A friend brings me a newspaper article where my name is mentioned in the title. I try to understand what it is about and who wrote it. Can't recognize the name, but I think it is of a friend of a friend to whom I told a story. I feel pissed that this person used my name and described me without my permission. But the story is good and actually supposed to praise me for my decision about something.

      Somehow I come to a room where my teacher is laying on a bed unconscious, or maybe asleep. I kneel by his side and put a hand on his chest. He wakes up slowly and sees me by his side. I caress him a bit and he slowly caresses me back. He smiles and he is happy to see me. He gets up really hungry. Some monk and some other girl from the Sangha are also around and they guide him to the kitchen table. As we wait for food, he grabs the newspaper and sees my name in it. He tries to read the article but its in Portuguese. I tell him the story. It's about a lady in the Sangha who is married to a guy she doesn't love and she discovers he has a secret room. One day he is out and she grabs the key and enters the room and then the story goes on but I don't recall.

      Meet Gabriel who is some kind of angel. Something important happened and he appeared. Then some person I am with sees the ghost of some lady on a window who tries to talk to her. Something about Deuteronomy. I tell Gabriel I also saw her and then things get stranger. The lady gets possessed, but only I can see and hear the demonic sounds and horrible faces coming from that person. I show it to my mom who gets terrified, so she can see it to. The I show it to my grandma who holds my hand as asks something banal as if she didn't notice anything.

      Updated 11-25-2021 at 11:56 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. cccxxxviii. Games, Pressured by others, Decision made without consulting me

      by , 10-31-2021 at 02:39 AM
      4th October 2021


      (a long dream, but poor recall)

      Some RTS segment and I recall beaches and water.

      One part a bit Minecraft-like or some other game. T is here and someone else is with me? Some kind of tower, or otherwise large structure.

      One of the last parts of the dream, I am my alter-ego and there are interactions with me as such. The other people are dream-generated. They seem to be pressuring me, or something? Despite my form, I feel slightly shorter than others.

      Some other dream? H has convinced mom and dad to bring S over here. I think H goes to pick them up and I remember seeing them all at one point. I feel concerned about S because of all the usual reasons regarding costs and also because of the long trip.


      - The last part was certainly a reflection of how I sometimes don't feel listened to or validated on, regarding both matters of money and of companionship. In the segment, some beliefs I hold as very important are partly betrayed by my closest, besides the fact I feel it may be detrimental to both S's health and to my financial situation.

      - That same segment probably also relates to how I have often been very easily upset by changes to what a situation is and changes to what it would be or would have been.

      - More recently it has been more frequent for me to take on my alternate form in my non-lucid dreams. In this case, the context likely relates to my art and some perception that the expectations of others are above my own. My stature is clearly metaphorical in regards to my feelings in terms of recognition, but this dream element also relates directly to some of my choice themes and how I've often felt physically inadequate in some specific areas (primarily to my own expectations) when compared to others.
      -- I do not recall what exactly the other people were pressuring me about, but in terms of my waking life contexts, art is the most directly relevant context here.
    10. cccxxxvii. Glaring sunset at the desk, WoW self-mailing, With an away team

      by , 10-31-2021 at 02:27 AM
      1st October 2021


      I am in T's room. We're sitting together at his desk, which is facing the window. The curtains are open and it's a sunset outside. The sun keeps glaring in my face and I struggle with the brightness. At the same time, I can't get comfortable at the desk. I have a square monitor and my arms and wrists hurt with the way they rest on the desk, partly because my chair is too short. T says to do something about it then, and I get some pillows to stack on the seat.

      In the middle of all this struggling, I end up at first missing the fact that the sunset is now over and the light is on now, but the curtains are still open.

      (recall gap, the following are scraps from the same dream)

      In WoW, I am mailing an item to myself. Some kind of developer marriage is interrupted by fans.

      I am then in a Star Trek universe and am with an away team. End up in a room back on the ship where I try to use a replicator but I end up pooping myself in the room's bathroom or something.


      - The Star Trek locale was very reminiscent to the sets and layouts of Voyager, which I've recently been watching.
      -- In that part of the dream, I remember feeling confused at several points and many things were going against me, in terms of events playing out. I think I may have been confined to some quarters. The replicator I tried using didn't function properly, at least for anything I wanted, but I can't recall what that mighthave been anymore.

      - In the WoW segment, I was mailing an item to the same character I was playing and not an alt, something that's never been possible.
      -- I have a faint recollection of the locale being some altered version of Stormwind.

      - During the initial segment of the dream, I am struggling with issues that typically T would be more likely to struggle with, at least in regards to his room and layout. I would not have so much of an issue with the sun and would probably be appreciating it, in waking life. In a way, this dream moment is a window into my perception of his experience, on some level.

      - The experience of struggling against the glaring sunset reminds me now very strikingly of the time I was walking back home with mom, at a time of a sunset but during which I hit my head on something metal and started bleeding, all of which was caused by struggling against a glaring sunset directly ahead.
    11. Lucid

      by , 10-18-2021 at 10:27 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Was on a dirt road outside some restaurant. Went inside there was a group there. They were being really noisy. Some strange bald Native American girl started attacking me for no reason. Her head was shaped like the people in "Coneheads." The group pulled her off me and they all left the building. I went outside angry and everyone from the group was in a large green bus. They talked to me for a bit and then pulled out of the driveway.
      I saw someone at the other side of a pond watching me. He seemed familiar like someone I work with and I called to him. His face distorted and i became lucid. I kept telling him I knew him and that this was a dream. eventually he walked away and the dream ended.

      I don't know Why I waste so many lucids on telling people that it is a dream...


      I was in some living room when a young girl came up to me and said I could touch her. I was like, "wait. How old are you? Can I see some ID?" or something she answered twice both times giving a different age. Both were underage answers and I felt like this was a bad situation That I should just leave. I remember getting up to leave and that's where the dream ends.


      A dream with Jamie in it. She seemed a lot taller than I remember, and she wasn't talking to me or happy with me? not sure.
    12. cccxxxv. Gruul's lair raid with NPCs, Space stuff

      by , 10-13-2021 at 05:33 PM
      24th September 2021

      Left recall too late.


      I'm in Gruul's lair, it's mostly like in WoW but something seems more realistic in detail, characters maybe? Me and a raid group kill Gruul rather quickly. It's a 25 man group but oddly most of the characters aren't actual players? I remember talking to someone too.

      26th September 2021

      There were other dreams but recall was again left too late I think?


      One bit where I'm in space with an Avorion spaceship. I approach one of those concentric asteroid ring formations. Something later about dad talking to me about a mission or a bet which is worth sixty eight million. I am dismissive.


      - Maybe the realistic character details come from recently playing Conan Exiles.

      - It may have been that I was speaking to L in the Gruul's lair dream but I cannot recall. There seemed to be some kind of backwards logic to the raid progression.

      - I haven't actually been playing much in the way of space games.
    13. cccxxxii. Wrong street and wrong house, Family dispute, Rushed at a supermarket

      by , 10-12-2021 at 08:22 PM
      13th September 2021

      Recall mostly gone, left initial writing for too long.


      I'm on our street but it's not like in waking life. It's a mix of streets from old London as in films and also of where H's mom lives. I just gout out of the car, maybe on my own. It's day time, but overcast? In the dream everything has a very real feel to it. As I'm dreaming, my memory feels fuzzy; "18, that's not the number of J's door, but this doesn't look like our street?" I think to myself.

      I'm not sure what conclusion I made but I eventually go to ring the doorbell and go in. J is here briefly, I think. The house looks nothing like any of our homes, it just seems dream generated. Something about a pit or elevator shaft. Some task or chore that needs doing, possibly related to it? While indoors, it seems like the outside gets brighter than it had been.

      20th September 2021


      Getting into fights and arguments with my eldest sibling. As a dream character he blends with some stereotype/nasty dream character archetype. He's treating me like shit and has called me pathetic a great number of times over several days (false memory). I threaten him saying "I can change but you won't like it." I resist an urge to flip the dining table against him. Mom and dad defend me in their ways. Dad mentions something about if he'd had the dream/nightmare that I had... (my recall of this trailed off but there was an implied behaviour that he was being understanding)

      At some point I throw a wooden chair against the wall. (It breaks?) Night time, we're in the second floor of the old home, the kitchen is L shaped.

      Some other dream also involving old home themes, recall vague. I remember looking at some M/M stuff (on the computer?) and then some kind of disagreements?

      22nd September 2021


      In a supermarket with H. Very realistic, completely dream generated setting. Lots of running (literal?) around, as it's closing soon. Night time, they dim the lights but too much, I feel. I hope that H will complain as I am running around. Then the lights are still dim, but more acceptably so.


      - Recall has actually not been too bad in general for the last few months, but I keep leaving recall too long or falling asleep again without enough awareness to either recall later or to set an intent to notice I was falling asleep.

      - In the second fragment, there's some sort of mirroring with the initial context and an incident when I was six or seven, at school.
    14. Log 2352 - Palm Dryad's Embrace and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 10-10-2021 at 07:32 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 08 October 2021

      Got three LDs (well, maybe two-and-a-half) plus a dream to note. Quite a haul. Although I'm reluctant to do so, I'm gonna keep the entry practically in its completion No point keeping things bottled up forever...

      Spoiler for NSFW - Implicit naughty things:

      Updated 10-10-2021 at 08:11 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , task of the year
    15. crazy

      by , 10-05-2021 at 07:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A dream about the other Victoria I used to work with... An old co worker came up to me in some office building hallway and told me that the other Victoria has just passed. I was really shocked. Note: I follow her as friends on fb. She hasn't been online for like 6 days. I'm not even gonna go there...


      Really crazy dream about a really small island on a lake. I was with some people. A woman with brown hair. Jamie or Asuka, couldn't tell. And maybe two others. The dream island manifested Giant animal spirits of people. Talking like King kong Giant. One guy stepped on and there was a large ape like king kong. Someone else manifested a giant lizard. I stepped on and a giant green cobra came out of the ground. The brown haired woman stepped on and another giant cobra sprang from the ground... Only it had 3 heads!!! The island itself was like only 50 feet wide, so the animals keep trying to fight, but when one of us gets knocked from the island by the creature it vanishes, and when we go back on it, the monster comes back. So we keep getting knocked off the island and running back on. Lots of crazy fights going on.


      Was outside a house at night time. Apparently it was my house. I walked up and the porch light is on and Data walks out the front door. Data from Star Trek. His pale skin looks painted on. I can't believe it's him. He greets me like he knows me and I just can't believe it.

      I wake up and remember That in my inner world house. I do have a character named Data who lives there. Although in a decade this is the first time I actually have seen him as the character. Usually he's very vague in image, like a shadow. I sometimes think he has glasses on.
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