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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Kicked Out, Oriental, etc

      by , 10-27-2010 at 05:16 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      The half-asleep mind is seriously a strange thing. It had me convinced that I didn't have many dreams, or that I hadn't written them down much, so I didn't type them up. I turn off my computer for the night and go to check out my DJ, and find five dreams written down, and I remember the majority of them!

      I'm over halfway down the very last page, so I've decided to end it there - my dreams for tonight probably won't fit in the space left. So I have a shiny new journal that I've been holding onto to use now. I had the first one for...two years and five months, wow...and nine lucid dreams in that time. I hope I have more in my new journal!


      Kicked Out (Non-lucid)

      We (me, mom and dad) arrive at a big storage unit in the van. They open it and look inside, but it's empty. They call to find out why.

      I'm in the van sitting up front. There are two iPods mounted up on both sides, mom's and dad's. I turn them on but only frequency sounds comes through - fuzzy, beeps. I think they even had dials.

      ~ Somehow there's a couple game show type thing or something going on, and the man and women don't win together though I think they got along well. Later, they chat online publicly, a second chance to meet or something. They hit a snag when the man disagrees with something she says and they can't get along after that. She logs off. (I was actually able to see the text, but I don't remember it all.)

      I pulled the van out of the driveway until it's turned around. A truck across from me pulls out and drives away.

      My parents come back. I think I say sorry and explain that I didn't know how to turn back around. We pull in somewhere else and they get out and start talking to someone. I hear something about 'September'. 'Have until September'. I feel that something is wrong and I get teary.

      I open my door/it's already open, and then person looks in and makes some joke about how it's 'the director's fault', and looking at me as if that's me. I'm not amused. I go to stand by my parents, and mom tries to look comforting.

      - I think it was either about the storage or our house. We're going to have to leave it (the house) or we have to pay it (storage). I think I wonder what happened to our stuff. In real life, it's already past September though. I think I realized that in the dream.

      Your Beauty Mark (Non-lucid)

      Beauty mark - one to age, one to de-age. They're a sign of crushes.

      Learning Japanese (Non-lucid)

      There was a facility to learn Japanese. There was more to this dream, but I don't remember it.

      Oriental (Non-lucid)

      I was in this place that had a bunch of Oriental things in it. I wandered around looking at everything. There was boxes with old designs on them - women in Asian garb, etc. There were rocks with gems in them. Jewelry. I handled everything very carefully. It was all expensive, and I think I wondered what I should buy, because it was kind of rude to handle everything without buying something in the end.

      - I'm looking at some pajamas hanging on a rack. They've got designs from Supernatural on them. Me and a guy pick out a top and bottom pair and go try them on, but mine don't quite fit - too big.

      - Something about a potato chip that served as a key...

      Abandoned (Non-lucid)

      I(?) was driving through a flooded forest area. A little girl (looking pretty dirty) was sitting abandoned on a rock. I get out to get her.
    2. Weight lifting and planning a trebuchet

      by , 10-27-2010 at 01:27 AM
      Monday was a busy day for me, so I just kind of passed out and didn't remember too many dreams.

      One was of me weight-lifting, and we had to do a squat-BTN press. Which is where you squat down, and when you come up you pump the bar over your head. Then he made us do Military press.

      The second dream I remember is of me and my dad talking while I sat on my bed. I'm not sure about what. Maybe about the trebuchet project we're working on?
      dream fragment
    3. Night of 10/25 - Frag

      by , 10-26-2010 at 04:26 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello. Man my subconscious is really though
      Hours of sleep: 6.5
      Vividness: 2/5

      I'm standing in front of my old school. I enter it with someone (a friend). She says that we could use this chance to see our ex-biology-teacher.
      I don't want to see him. I know that he's against to the fact that I'm studying education. I try to avoid the cafeteria, because I know he's there. I start arguing with her, try to find some excuse to not go there. She gets angry and says:
      "You cannot run away your hole life! You are too afraid to see him face to face, that he says that you are making a mistake by choosing education and not chemistry or biology. And you know that he might be right. You know that you have got potential to became a good researcher. And you will never know if he's right! Screw you!"

      ... Well ... No comment
    4. Chuck Norris Cult

      by , 10-26-2010 at 04:20 PM
      I haven't bothered taking notes of my dreams when I wake, relying instead on memory. I recall my dreams until I fall back asleep. Unfortunately, that causes me to have the same dream over, only with knowledge of the first time around at my disposal. Then when I wake up for good, having two versions of the same dream makes it very difficult to properly recall either of them. But they were all pretty dull anyways.

      The only dream of note I can recall was a fragment from 3 days ago.

      Fragment: Chuck Norris Cult
      A guy walks up to me and asks in a tone of voice that implies a joke "What does it take to join the Chuck Norris cult?"

      "I don't know, what?" I reply, waiting for the punch line.

      "If you knew, you'd already be a member." he tells me.

      This somehow seems profound and makes an odd kind of sense. "Well them maybe I'm already a member", I say to him.

      Somehow it seemed funnier in the dream than it did upon waking.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Strawberry chocolate pie, friend and girl

      by , 10-26-2010 at 11:31 AM
      Good morning. I remember two dream fragments from last night.

      Dream #1

      I was sitting indoors at a table with either a woman or a man. The table was big and solid, like a work table, but almost as low as a children's table.

      A woman, possibly a young, Asian woman, began bringing out a bunch of desserts. Almost all the desserts had the theme of being sliced like pie and being made out of chocolate that looked like actual strawberries. They just looked like pie slices made out of fresh, raw strawberries. But the strawberries were really chocolate.

      The last dessert the woman brought out was different. It was like a tray of different kinds of chocolate. But the chocolate was all colored white and gold. There might also had been some biscuit-like things in with the chocolate. The tray this chocolate was in was wooden, pale, and sturdy.

      Dream #2

      I sat somewhere with a man, who was a friend of mine (though I don't recognize him now) sitting to my right. We were inside or under some kind of structure, but we were looking out at a wide view of a sunset, possibly at a beach. We sat on a ledge of wood, in what now feels like an empty frame where something like a breakfast bar had once been.

      The light from the sunset was intensely golden orange, filling the atmosphere and giving everything a metallic shine.

      I knew that this guy liked a certain girl. I had been kind of flirting with the girl a little bit, too, though I don't think I was really interested in her. I decided to give the girl up so there would be no misunderstanding between me and my friend.

      Updated 10-26-2010 at 11:50 AM by 37466

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. A Book Lover's Habit, Bladder Desperation, etc

      by , 10-26-2010 at 07:30 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Changed my colors. Also, only one page left in my dream journal! Then I move onto a new one. This one is starting to look beat up anyway, from being in my bed. Plus the cats trampling all over it. I've had it since June 2008. I hope that the next one will go faster - because it has longer entries in it, not just a bunch of fragments!


      Darkness (Non-lucid)

      I think it was completely dark. A creature made of dark substance was attacking me over and over again, and it couldn't be killed.

      Bugs? (Non-lucid)

      Star Trek like world. A guy wearing a Trek uniform took out something from it that was covered with black dots. He looked to the doorway were a woman was standing, giving her a questioning look as he held it up.

      A Book Lover's Habit (Non-lucid)

      We either went to a bookshop or walked through one. As we were leaving, I got distracted by looking at book titles and then the two people in the room. I said something to them and started to leave, and again, and the last time I started to leave I really got distracted. I think we talked about a previous transaction I had with them, and then we talked about these two forms, green and red, and something about one or both of them being my consultant.

      I started to fill out the green form hurriedly, and my writing was messy. I accidentally signed my name (looking really bold, like I'd embellished it) in Japanese, as ケイトリン, and the woman pointed it out to me. I said it was an accident and wrote my real first name under it.

      She said it was okay, and then started talking in Spanish about how someone she knew said some phrase sometimes. She repeated the phrase twice, and it was short. Might have had 'que' in it.

      I knew mom was going to be mad, because she was outside in the car waiting. I took the red form with me to fill out later.

      I got in the car and yep, mom was mad. I'm pretty sure there was someone else in there too. I was apologizing, and as I gestured, a half-eaten green sucker I had in my hand flew off the stick and landed somewhere in her direction. That actually eased the tension and we laughed a bit.

      - Earlier: 'Bike', paint, my sister

      - Might have taken place in this dream: masturbation in my mom's bathroom.

      Fragments (Non-lucid)

      ~ My sister told me that she liked 'BL/yaoi'. She explained that gay relationships were more complex and interesting than the relationships you normally see in shows (which is actually my reason). I believe this took place in her living room, and her boyfriend was in the room.

      - Mom, mad, my friend, pix?

      ~ I believe I(?) was in this room full of people. There was this game where you have to kiss someone or you're killed. Me and a boy shared a (bad) kiss. Then we had sex.
      Most explicit sex dream I've had in a while, and I think most detailed.

      Bladder Desperation (Non-lucid)

      Deja vu dream, as if I'd gone through the ordeals in it before.

      Takes place in a school-like place.

      I have to use the bathroom, but every one I come to has too many people around, and it's mixed. At one point I start to go in one but a guy comes in!

      I pass a food court and a girl calls out to me, saying something like 'you're sitting with us, right?'. I look and the people at the table don't particularly seem familiar. I get the feeling she doesn't want someone else to take the seat. I pass on.

      I see a girl, possibly with short dirty-blonde hair (I think she works there) and ask her if she knows of a private bathroom I could use. She takes me with her and we go to the staff area, where the counter is. We squeeze past them (I think the manager guy is there) as the girl explains that I really have to go. The guy and a few others tease me, saying something about bladder desperation and how it can be hot.

      - Somewhere around here, I look at my finger and it has salt on it. I lick it off, and the guy says I should eat it with ice cream
      (I think this was inspired by me wanting to try french fries with ice cream in real life).

      He (and a few others?) end up coming along with us, leading me through some very weird obstacles, one being having to wait for just the right moment for these yellow bed foam pads to swing away before you dived onto this other slippery, squeezing material and dug your way through. It was extremely hard and I didn't think I was ever going to claw my way out.

      When we finally get there, it's a small space with netted areas off to the side. People are sitting at a table on one side, and on the other there's a guy playing with a kid on some more foam I believe.

      I'm pretty worried, because the whole reason I couldn't go before is because I have a shy bladder, but there's people here too, and in a closed space.

      I think they realize I can't go there when they see the people. One guy suggests that there's a place outside I could go - think he had before. I think I considered that I'd need toilet paper then.

      - Earlier?: I'm singing on a show (with Lizzie McGuire?). We're sitting in a classroom.
      - There was a girl sitting beside me and I mistook her for someone I knew who looked just like her, only she had one eye
      (I watched a Futurama episode night about Leela). I believe it's the two-eyed girl who tells me I sing well, even though I thought I wasn't singing my best because we weren't actual recording. We sung more than once.

      Note: The whole reason for this dream was because I went to bed having to go, and every time I woke up after that I ignored it. Just before this dream my bladder was definitely started to get annoyed with me, but once more I ignored it. It was actually really interesting to see the dream that resulted from it.

      Updated 11-01-2010 at 03:37 AM by 20026

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    7. I think I went to the circus..

      by , 10-26-2010 at 02:48 AM
      All I remember is all my friends were dressed up like clowns, and I was the ringmaster in the center of the stage, shouting orders and holding a whip.

      Also, my goal for tonight was to attempt to have a conversation while dreaming. While I was reading some guides that Queen Zukin was nice enough to send me, I realized that conversations are important in dreams, and I've had yet to have a full fledged conversation that I can remember. So my goal for the night was to attempt to say at least 3 lines, and I think I did it. I remember waking up going "YEAH! I HAD A CONVERSATON!" But I forgot to write the conversation down, so I forgot it
    8. Close, but no cigar.

      by , 10-25-2010 at 10:04 PM
      Pretty sure I was in the preliminary of another DEILD. All I remember was doing the nose breathe reality check in the void. I took a couple good deep breaths with my nose plugged and attempted to escape the void. But alas, it was not to be.

      This one was so short I'm not going to include it in my tally, but I'll mark it here none-the-less.
      Tags: deild, void
      lucid , dream fragment
    9. Fetish mall

      by , 10-25-2010 at 12:00 PM
      Good morning. This dream is kind of weird. I think it's also just a fragment.

      I was in a busy mall full of people. The mall had a lot of very narrow corridors, rather than a few wide corridors. The storefronts may have been small and packed with items like tall posters or stands made to look like anime charcters. The place was extremely packed with people.

      I knew this was a "fetish mall," a mall filled only with stores catering to people's various fetishes. I had been here before (possibly in the first part of this dream, which I may have forgotten).

      An attractive, young woman poked her head out of one of the storefronts. She was pale, with long, brown hair, a blue or green t-shirt, and blue jeans.

      She asked me some question about the store she was about to go into, something about whether the fetish comics in the store were appropriate for women as well as men. I told her that it was fine if she wanted to read them. She nodded and popped her head back into the store.

      I continued walking through the crowds of people. I wondered either why a woman would want to read fetish comics made for men or why a woman would ask permission to do so, especially permission from some person she didn't even know, like me.

      I turned left, into another fetish store. The inside of this store was huge. It seemed like a big bookstore, but it had other stuff in it. I think it actually may have looked like a cross between a bookstore and a dollar store.

      I didn't look around very much. This place wasn't as crowded as the corridor had been, but it was still very busy. Plus, I felt like I was going somewhere with purpose. I felt like my feet were walking, almost gliding, toward a certain place on their own. But I also felt like I knew where I was going, like I'd been there before.

      I felt like one of the higher ups at my old job, a woman who in waking life had been extremely supportive of me, was following me. I then felt like a lot of people were following me, mostly people I'd known from work.

      I walked down a staircase that had a sign above it. The sign was white with red capital letters. It listed the items being sold below.

      I was downstairs. It looked like a department store, a cheap department store. There were some displays showing bed sets, some displays showing living room sets, and some displays showing toilets. Sometimes all the stuff was mixed together.

      A woman off to my right caught my attention. She was maybe in her late 50s or early 60s. She had red hair, tanned skin, and thin eyes. She wore a blue dress. Her hair was arranged a little weird, almost shoulder length, but permed out to one side, so she looked lopsided.

      The woman directed me into an area full of lingerie. She intended for me to try on certain items. I wondered if that would be alright. After all, would they really want a guy touching that stuff, especially if he didn't intend to buy it?

      The area the woman led me into was a big, red room. There was nothing, or very little, in the room. There were dressing rooms along the right wall.

      We walked past a table of black and red underwear. They looked kind of satiny and lacy. A sign over them said "2 for $5." I thought maybe I should buy a pair of these right now to wear while I was trying on this other stuff the older woman had for me. That seemed polite to me somehow. But I decided instead to wear my own boxer briefs while I tried stuff on. But I felt bad about that, as if it were rude of me.

      The woman stood me in front of a dressing room. She began showing me different articles of underwear. She went into great detail on their design, showing all kinds of things like stitching. But I really wasn't interested in this. The more I looked at the panties, the more they somehow looked to be made out of the same fabric as basketball jerseys.

      The woman now showed me a pair of panties that she said were made with padding. I couldn't figure out why they'd need padding -- maybe to give women a better shape? I looked at them. They looked like a mix between underwear and diapers.

      The woman told me to feel the padding. So I did. It looked like the inside of a diaper. But it felt like bags of sand, like the tiny sand bags in weight-exercise bracelets.

      I looked at the underwear again. They looked like a mix between Ace Bandages and diapers. The price was written in pencil on the bottom: $19.50. I thought, That's a bit much, for something I'm never actually going to wear.

      The woman said, "This pair is the first thing I'd like you to try on." She motioned me into a dressing room stall.

      The stall was barely large enough to fit me. It was dimly lit. I was mostly undressed, except my underwear. I thought I'd keep them on. But now I had nothing on. I was holding the diaper-thing in my hand. I was looking for all my clothes.

      Now I had nothing at all. I was trying to figure where I'd put everything. Now I realized I'd actually thrown everything over the dividing-wall between stalls. The dividing-wall was just above my head. I reached over to discover the other stall packed with clothes, all the way to the top of the divider.

      I kept reaching over the divider, trying to find my clothes. I even tried to find the diaper-thing figuring that that article of clothing was almost mine anyway, and that it was better than nothing. But I kept pulling up completely unknown articles of clothing. All this time, the changing stall may have gotten smaller and smaller.
    10. 0/0 Sat: Nothing, Despite the Effort

      by , 10-25-2010 at 05:05 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      No dreams tonight, even though I put in a good effort and meditation. Oh well, next night will be better. I have one vague fragment:

      Giving away tickets at work.
      Tags: b-complex, work
      dream fragment
    11. Oct 24

      by , 10-25-2010 at 03:10 AM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Rave Fight (FRAG)

      This one was real choppy. Went to a rave sober. Frank was rolling. I had to use my knives at one point so i pulled my folding dagger out my pocket but it wouldn't cut what I needed it to. I was pissed so I got out my other knife and that one worked. I remember whatever room we were in was full of members of some sort of cult or something...
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. 10/20/10 Walms, Healing, Kitties, and Metallica

      by , 10-25-2010 at 02:19 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: This was another night of all fragments, so here is what I can remember from the fragmented dreams.

      Looking for WHO?
      I was in a forest, I'm not sure how I managed to get there, but I was spontaneously lucid… or most likely I had become lucid before my memories of the dream begin. I was eating an apple and thinking it tasted exceptionally good, almost like a caramel apple, but there was no caramel on it. I turned around to follow a path that I thought led back to my place, but there were three people blocking my path. Two men and a woman who had a look to them that said they thought they were better than everyone else. Of course this gave me an immediate dislike of them. One of the men, one with dark hair slicked back against his head in such a way that it looked like one solid oily mass, said he would have me tell him where they could find Makarthos… wtf? I told him I had absolutely no idea who they were talking about, which was true. The woman said I spoke the truth. The man sighed, I looked to keep track of the other man, and it looked like he was standing lookout for something. The man said he would have me tell him where… Walms… could be found. I said I know no Walms, but the woman said I was lying. The man asked again where Walms could be found, I said I had absolutely no idea… the woman said that was truthful… I asked why they were looking for Walms. My question was ignored, the man said since I have a bit of Walms' energy in me, I could surely locate him. I said I do not know the location of anyone using that energy form, let alone Walms. The woman said I was being truthful. The man grumbled an expletive and then said they should go, Makarthos had to be somewhere close. All three of them disappeared, leaving me wondering who the hell they were.

      Healing by Proxy
      I was in MoSh's inner world with MoSh, Asuka, and Kaomea, I was lucid, and I knew my goal there was to transfer some healing spells to Kaomea, which she had requested I do. I told Kaomea that often times using healing spells was the best way to learn them, so if she was up for it, we could go to a place where both a soul healing and a physical healing would be needed. She agreed, so I opened a portal while focused on finding a Callisto from the television show "Xena: Warrior Princess" who needed healing. I trusted my tracking to find an appropriate version of Callisto. Kaomea and I went through the portal into a forest where I spotted Callisto hiding behind some trees, looking in the opposite direction. We went silently over behind her where I looked where she was looking. There was a woman near a small house that Callisto was watching, I heard her mutter something about taking away everyone Xena had ever loved… I got Callisto's attention, she turned around with a start, apparently surprised that there was someone there. Callisto pulled out her sword, but when she did I noticed that she was only able to use her right arm, her left arm looked quite badly wounded. She told us to stay out of the way, she could take a couple unarmed travelers with just one arm. I ignored Callisto's comment and told Kaomea to do the healing spell, I would focus the energy through her to show her how to use it. So I focused the spell Touch My Heart through Kaomea to Callisto. It's not the usual healing spell I use on different versions of Callisto, but I felt it would work, and it has more uses than the one I usually use which is Until it Sleeps by Metallica. I could tell the dark energy had been cleared from Callisto, but she was still physically wounded. I told her we would heal that wound, it looked like it was becoming infected. Now free of the dark energy, Callisto allowed us to use Voices from the Macross Plus soundtrack to heal her physical wound. Again, I focused the energy, but directed it through Kaomea so she could be the one to do it.

      Must Save Kitty!!!
      I was sitting in a classroom, it was a normal classroom like many others I have been in, though it was clearly not my normal school. I also didn't see anyone I knew in the class, but none of this seemed unusual at the time. The instructor was lecturing in front of the class, I felt a distinct dislike of him, but I wasn't thinking of any particular reason why I would be angry at him. He was teaching biology, talking about internal organs of mammals, which I was not finding at all interesting. I was thinking it would be fun to disrupt this class with a display of TK… too bad I couldn't do that… The instructor told everyone to gather around. He had a sedated cat on his desk now, and he was preparing to dissect it! No way! I told him the idea of doing that was sick and disgusting, he said if I was offended I was free to leave early, but study internal organs of mammals in the book for the test. I said I would leave… and so would the cat, at which point I grabbed the sleeping kitty and ran out of the classroom with it. It seemed everyone was after me, saying they wanted to dissect the cat, which was about to make me physically sick. I turned around and saw a lot of people back there… and went off into a classroom and then into a closet to hide with the sleeping kitty. It turned out I had chosen the history classroom, and this closet had weapons from history… surprisingly they were real, not models, so I grabbed a sharp sword. The door opened, the instructor was there, he said just because I oppose dissection doesn't mean others have to be deprived. I told him I don't oppose dissection at all… I was ready to do some right now… "How about you go first?" I said as I pulled the sword out and sliced the instructor open with one quick upward cut from his crotch to his chest… his intestines actually spilled out, just about making me puke, everyone else ran for it as the instructor collapsed and bled out on the floor.

      Dreaming Rocks!
      I was near a large arena that was used to host huge musical concerts, and I knew it was someone I wanted to see this time, so I went to find out who. There was a random concert here every week, and this one was the week for Heavy Metal, so I wanted to at least check it out. Best of all, the concert was free, used just for the band's publicity. I was wonderfully surprised when I found Metallica was playing, that was strange since they are already well known, but as usually there was no ticket needed. The concert was already underway, and I hurried into the arena. There were many people there, but I managed to make my way to the front of the arena, right up to the stage, the music was so loud and that was sooooo cool! I listened to the music for a while, then I felt dust tickling my nose, so I reached up to rub it. Something seemed weird… I pinched my nose… and was still able to breathe, I was dreaming! I took to flying, but I didn't want to leave, the concert was too cool. So instead of leaving, I flew from one vantage point to another to see the concert from all sorts of viewpoints that no one else was able to get to. Strangely enough, no one seemed to notice my flying around in there.
    13. Dream Challenge Day 6

      by , 10-24-2010 at 06:53 PM (Mindscape of Xaqaria)
      I'm going to cheat a little bit on my rules, I haven't posted in two days but I haven't had regular internet access and didn't remember any dreams anyway so we'll just pretend those two days didn't happen.

      This morning I remembered a dream. All I can remember is being in an apartment that I was renting month to month. I was about to leave for a few days and it was the end of the month so I asked my friend Aaron who was suddenly there what his plans were and whether or not I should renew the lease for another month before I left. I looked out the window and the whole apartment was rotating; it was on the top floor of some rotating building, like a giant industrial centrifuge. We talked about how it was just like a ride we used to go on "at the great escape" except the memory was just in the dream, not real. I know there was a lot more to the dream but I can't remember any more. +1

    14. Dream of longing, fragments, and strange dream

      by , 10-24-2010 at 02:09 PM (Awesomeness's quest for lucidity)
      Real life Dream Lucid Dream sign
      For me to remember, dreams are 067300, lucid dreams are the color below blue, #4169e1, and dream signs are the light purple, which is up one and left one from blue, #483d8b.

      Went to bed late; it was about one or so.

      Funnest card game ever dream
      This dream probably came from the fact that my little brother was playing Pokémon for an hour before I went to bed.

      This whole dream made me feel like I was having a lot of fun. I mean more than I've ever had in my whole life... Maybe more than what is physically possible in real life. My family was taking a vacation to Japan. Everything was awesome! The buildings were modern and cool, and everyone was too. There was a building that was the headquarters for some really popular Japanese card game. It wasn't like one using the deck that has 2-10 and a jack, queen, king, and ace; it was a game like Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh! that had many, many different kinds of cards. My brother and I and I thought we might visit it to see what it was all about. We asked my parents if we could go inside, and they said yes. We got cards and the game was the most awesome thing ever! We played it the whole vacation and were sad to leave when we had to. As we left I woke up at 3:06 in the morning.

      I was convinced the game still existed for a while. I wanted to know its name and I was like "I'm going to look up Japanese card games and find this in the morning!" over and over. Slowly it dawned on me that it didn't exist and I was filled with sad longing. When I woke up this morning I searched anyway, just in case...


      Fragments of school
      The only moment I remember in this dream was me at school talking to my IT teacher about lucid dreaming. I said, "I'm still trying."

      I feel so stupid. I didn't do a reality check.

      The only thing I remember was pressing a button over and over to make all these random cartoon-y warriors on some grey rocky shore come out of a set of stone doors and attack these cartoon attackers in the ocean with giant earthworms.

      I know for sure there are many parts I missed of these dreams; I can just feel it.

      I still want to play that card game again so bad... It simply gave me a feeling of utter joy and awesomeness. When I lucid dream that's my first goal, even before flying. This is all the more reason for me to lucid dream.
    15. Fragmented larger story

      by , 10-24-2010 at 12:11 PM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      24-10-10 Smaller frags that all connect to an overall story I can't fathom atm.

      Train travelling with my family to Amsterdam.

      People getting off at various unintended stops.

      Kid getting lost in Amsterdam (a theatre maybe?)

      A kid, maybe myself, that demonstrates incredible intellectual reasoning capacity for his age.

      Train travelling back, this time people get off at the right places.

      I am buying a new phone, it is expensive as hell and has 3 screens when folded out.

      Lisbeth, an old instructor from psychology, comments on this.

      I manage to unintentionally steal another phone that looks more like a long lighter.

      I look at a lot of phones, I get the feeling the company (or the woman trying to sell me stuff) is untrustworthy.

      Ronja is there and the kid that is lost has some connection to her.

      She is really worried, I try and calm her down.
      dream fragment