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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Log 465 - Teal Instinct Dude

      by , 08-07-2016 at 04:31 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Sunday 07 August 2016

      Spellbee's Summer Lucid Competition 2016 - Entry 9

      My recall was very poor today. Indeed, I'd forgotten much of all dreams today, including a DILD, as well as an entire dream. Part of this was intentional; I decided a good night's sleep was more important this time. In any case, each dream occurred before the first and last known awakenings, respectively.

      Dream 1 - Teal Instinct Dude

      The visuals were a bit blurred. All I remember was the end. I was playing Mega Man X, making a run through the metal forest stage. Somehow, I realize it's a dream. I end up summoning a Team Instinct member in-game (if only I could remember who; I only know this was a low-tier), who jumped in from off screen. They appeared as a teal armored, visored Reploid. My partner was very fragile, only able to take one hit before dying. But, the use of any special weapons (a few of which I'm sure were named after Magic - The Gathering cards) granted them a substantial temporary health boost.

      The dream ends shortly afterwards.

      Unintended WBTB after an unsuccessful DIELD attempt. Took about 15 minutes. Fell asleep unwittingly.

      Scrap Group 1

      Some Dragon Ball Z dream. Goku and a young Gohan are training. The latter is highly enraged, and attacks his father relentlessly. Cut. I'm wandering in some bleak NYC urban streets. Meet up with my brother Percy in an apartment room. I find my head is shaved. Go outside, where I run across a very wide, dangerous street. I almost got ran over for my trouble. I arrive at a town square. A couple in their early twenties walk ahead. Someone taps my shoulder. I suspect it was the guy ahead of me, and I yell at him, while he insults me. I'm still getting poked while he was way ahead. So, I warned I would kick whoever was behind me if they didn't show themselves. I turn around, and and am surprised to find it was Eustace, an old acquaintance of mine. I questioned his presence, while he wondered how I didn't know he lived and worked in NYC. There's an odd, violet reflection in his irises. As we're walking around a garden/fountain, I sit cross-legged and float around to show off. Pretty sure I was catching on to the dream, but the alarm's buzzing made short work of that.

      Updated 08-08-2016 at 04:38 PM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Spellbee Comp Night 7

      by , 08-07-2016 at 01:44 AM
      1 pt for 2 non-lucids
      2 pts for wbtb
      1/2 pt for a partial lucid
      2 pts for interacting with a dream character
      = 6 pts

      Three Step Goals:
      1.Advanced Flying
      2.Element Manipulation
      3.Mass Telekinesis

      New Dream goal: Go to the moon
      Old Dream goal: Go to my dream house

      This will be my first day of actually having my house cool! The A/C was repaired & hopefully my lucids are making a comeback.

      D1: Non-lucid to partial lucid- Another competition dream. Then did a wbtb at 5:45.

      D2: Non-lucid- I was touring on a bus. Many people were getting fired at the place we ended up in. It was an auditorium.
      I started to think I was dreaming when I realized we were touring but what kind of tour was this. Everyone just kept doing this. I asked other people what kind of tour this was. We had no instruments. So this is a partial lucid.

      Side Notes-Purple
      Competition Notes-Teal
    3. Chicagoland

      by , 08-06-2016 at 11:34 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Note to self: Make a point of getting out of bed durring WBTB. Otherwise you won't become awake enough to get a lucid and may even fall asleep before journaling your dreams.

      07:20 AM
      Chicagoland Gangster (MILD)

      I am helping my dad put up the Christmas lights at night. I notice the neighbor is putting his up too but he is trying to do it as fast as possible. He has 6 ladders so he doesn't have to keep moving them. I say he should be careful but he doesn't set up a ladder right and falls off and the whole house falls over with him. I run over and ask if he is okay. He moans in pain. I ask where it hurts and he hold out his arm. I tell him to move his fingers and he can so I feel his arm for breaks. I can't find any but he winces when I touch his shoulder. I tell him he may have gotten away with just bruises but he is very lucky.

      I go back to the house and realize it is my sister's house in the suburbs south of Chicago. There is a bunch of family over for Christmas I guess and my nieces and nephews are running around. I go to eat some food but their dog runs up to get my attention and sits in my food. My brother laughs and I throw away the food. The kids run outside and I follow to see what they are up to. I loose them and start to fly to follow them without actually becoming lucid. I see there are many DCs loitering around and I ask them what they are doing out at night. "The weather is so nice." They explain. "Ya, I guess because I'm from California I am used to clear skies." Wait, that doesn't explain why they are out at night. I fly up higher and see the city before me but it looks like a fanciful city with castles and sci fi parts and shiny blue buildings. There are different districts with different styles. It reminds me sort of Disneyland and also some of the Lego sets from the 90s.

      I land in a busy intersection closer to the city and become fully lucid spontaneously.
      I do a nose plug RC and my nose feels a bit stuff but it still works. I look around and before I can remember my goals I see a DC that stands out. He wears a grey suit over a white shirt and tie. His arms aren't in the sleeves the jacket is just hung over his shoulders. He also has a tan fedora on. His arm is around a blond woman and he is pointing something out to her. I remember I am suppose to be finding a gangster who stole something from a rich DC. "Hey you!" I should while floating in the intersection. He doesn't notice. "Hey you! I know you are a gangster!" That gets his attention. He makes an intimidating face while he looks around but when he actually spots me floating above him he looks scared and runs, leaving the woman behind confused. I give chase and easily keep up by flying. He has a pistol and shoots back at me while running. I use telekinesis to slow down the bullets and nudge them to the side. He throws the pistol to the side turns around. He drops the jacket from his shoulders revealing tommy machine gun! He unloads on me in full auto. I don't have time to slow down the bullets so must deflect the entire stream which is much more difficult. I have to strafe to the side in the air and start to bend the stream of bullets even harder. I have an idea and curve the bullets into a u shape back towards the gangster. The bullets hit the ground behind him and I refine my aim until it hits him. He drops down to one knee and I think it's over but he starts shooting once again. I can't hold his aim for ever so I remember my plan for just this situation. I reach out my other hand and use telekinesis with that hand to grab the barrel of the gun and bend it upwards. The gun explodes in his face and he is flung backwards.

      I touch down and the dream starts to destabilize while I walk toward the body. I touch some fence but the body is still blurry. I get to the body and focus on the details and restabilize. I see that it is a woman who has been hit in the cross fire. I think to call the police but realize she is already dead. I promise myself never to let DCs get hurt on my missions again. I turn back and find the gangsters body a few feet away. I feel around his clothes and to try and find his pocket. I notice he is only shot once in the chest and he is probably going to survive. I find his pocket and pull out a ziplock back. Inside there is a clear bag of crystals and two black fabric bags. I take out one of the black bags and look inside. It is filled to the brim with diamonds! I put the bags back in my pocket and realize I didn't have a plan for what to do next and feel like I have plenty of dream time left. I consider having sex to reward myself and fly away to take another look at the city. The different districts are layed out the same as they were before and I wonder if I can visit it again. I also see a district that looks like Edo Japan and a Colosseum with a horse race track next to it. I consider summoning Juliana but decide to do that next time. I see a roller coaster with a lot of DCs in line so I go down there to explore. The line goes through an under ground structure and I go in. I realize I have to pee and find the mens bathroom. I am about to go but realize it's a really bad idea to pee in a dream. I go back outside and see a woman in skimpy athletic clothing talking to another DC. I strike up a conversation with them and they say there is a full gym in this complex as well as a lot of other attractions. The girl invites me to work out with her and I accept. She is more interesting to talk to than have sex with anyways. She asks "What should I work on today. What about my legs?" puts her foot up on the wall. I say,"To be honest those are the nicest legs I have ever seen." She says,"Oh thanks. It's probably because I do karate." and she ties her shoes.
      I start to loose lucidity as I walk with her to the gym and we talk about karate. She says she does a form of french karate that I have never heard of. I wonder if I have heard of that before and wake up.

      10:20 AM
      I'm Not Your Dream Guide! (MILD)

      I find myself in a street in Chicago. Real Chicago this time. I feel like I am in a canyon because the buildings are all so tall. There is one hill where the road is extremly steep. I slide down it on my knees and feel that I can sort of float. I become lucid and fly down to the street corner. There is a movie theater and I go under the overhang of the box office to get into the shade. I stick my hands back and feel a hand grab it. I pull the person forward but they are invisible even though I can feel them. I let go and try again, this time with both hands. It is more vivid this time and I pull them forward so they are hugging me from behind. I notice they are shorter than me and don't really feel like my dream guide but I pretend not to notice. "Juliana?" I ask and look behind me. It is a girl with black hair in a bun, a black top, and a white skirt with pokadots. They actully look more like Mila Kunis than Juliana but for some reason I just pretend they are Juliana. I ask here where her hat is and she says,"What hat?" I see a hat stuck in the rafters and think it must have blown off in the summoning. I tell her to use magic to get it down but she says she can't. I fly up and put it on her head. It is a white witches hat with a spiraling piece of metal supporting the point. She says,"I don't wan't to wear a hat!". I reply,"But it is a cute outfit." and she say, "But it is to humid for a hat!" and throws it on the ground. This doesn't really seem like my dream guide but I say she should teach me some magic. She says she doesn't know what I'm talking about and I say,"But your my dream guide." and she says,"I'm not your dream guide!"

      A group of DCs walks up to go into the theater and one of them is my friend. I high five him but he gets pulled inside by the other DCs. He stops at the door to ask,"Hey, are we still going to go to vegas later this month?" and I say, "Ya, I'll message you." I turn back to the girl and wonder why she is being a bitch and wake up.
      It is only after waking up that it wasn't Juliana and I sort of messed up. haha Next time I will make sure to summon someone who is a bit taller than me so I don't doubt whether it is her and have it turn into someone else.
    4. DJ Entry #2: 8/2/16 - 8/6/16 (Getting Fancy with Formatting)

      by , 08-06-2016 at 10:07 PM (Dream)
      In Real Life/Notes
      8/2/16: Shadowman

      More Mindless Whining by Ophelia the Blue-huge.103.515673.jpg
      I remember being in a room, like my room IRL but a tiny bit bigger and had pink walls with a Japanese like design.I had a show on the television, funny because I had the tv show going irl before I went to bed. I was trying to sleep so I can Lucid Dream. I remember doing RC's, I believe I went Lucid but must've lost it from something in the room.
      Suddenly, I was outside there was snow on the ground, I was outside of my previous house I used to live at. My cat Rupert was on top of a Tree Branch, my Father was standing next to me. Across the street there was a shadow figure, it had a weird look in it's eyes. At this point I am Lucid but I lose my lucidity as the dream scene changes.
      8/4/16: Pokemon GO
      More Mindless Whining by Ophelia the Blue-pokemon-go-vector-logo.jpg
      I was playing Pokemon Go, I bought Pokeballs, kept messing this pokemon and it kept breaking out of the Pokeball. So I had to buy more Pokeballs, I believe the Pokemon was the Ninetails.
      8/5/16: Intruder Nightmare

      Had a dream, it was nighttime. Me, my brother Alex and, my sister Demera is in the living room. I forgot most of the dream well anyways, I walk into the kitchen when all of the sudden "bam bam bam" on the front door, really loud. My sister says "wtf" then a blood curdling cry. I'm guessing someone broke in. So I goto the bathroom and lock the door. Why am I such a scaredy cat in Sleep Land?
      In real life I have one older brother Alex, and two older sisters Cassie and Demera. I have three cats, Twiggy (male), Rupert (male) and, Nellie (female).
      8/6/16: Erotic Dream

      Too Erotic for this website(?), lmao.

      See you tomorrow for DJ Entry #3 (maybe)
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    5. Log 464 - Top Gear - Armored Edition and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 08-06-2016 at 06:21 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 06 August 2016

      Spellbee's Summer Lucid Competition 2016 - Entry 8

      Terrible sleep last night. Strong intent and a restless mindset really don't combine well... Despite my lack of sleep, I did manage to have a number of dreams, at least five in total, (not counting that brief WILD entry), including one before my first awakening, several dreams during a bout of hours-long insomnia, and one WILD in between. I've forgotten one non-LD entirely by this point, while two of them are only fragments.

      Scrap Group 1
      Something about Guilty Gear. Waking thoughts on Zappa's spirit orbs and ghost summons, particularly Raoh.

      Intended a 45 minute WBTB, where I wasted half that time on trivia, and used the other half to keep the competition tasks in mind. Cue my not being able to sleep for a long time no matter how comfortable I got.

      In a fancy party at an unknown place. My brother, Timothy, was with me. I encounter some friends and acquaintances in a dining room, all being part of my old D&D group, including Allen, "Eddy", and I think Jabir. They were starting a TTRPG session, but it was too late for me to join in. Several books were unrelated (one was for something called "Champions", and a few others were for differing editions of D&D). On asking, I'm told they were just using the artwork. Later, I wander in a reception room filled with well dressed men and women. People were filed in a big line to get appetizers. I saw my sister, Gisella was there. I thought to sample some food, but decided not to. Later, it was revealed that the food was charged at an exorbitant price.

      Dream 1 - Top Gear - Armored Edition

      A familiar sensation marked a successful WILD.

      Through the darkness, an animated image was instantly formed. This seemed as a clip of the SNES racing game Top Gear (unrelated to the English show), background music included (track 4, I believe). However, instead of race cars, the player used tanks and armored vehicles. I took control of a tank. Several traffic barriers and armored trucks barricaded the road at times. In each of these instances, there would be a convenient ramp in place, which the tank could make use of somehow. It was either that, or plow right through at the cost of slowing oneself down.

      The dream faded and ended in about two minutes.

      Dream 2 - Magical Dwarven Studies

      The visuals were blurred. I was in a very small and cramped classroom.n There was just enough space to occupy no more than ten other adolescent students, as well as the unknown female teacher's desk.

      Soon, the teacher gave a lecture on Dwarf Fortress, of all things. We were tasked with finding the most productive location within a given generated 195 year old world. We'd access to some holographic device, of which displayed the entire game world in top-down 3D. This even showed the various hidden sites and structures (such as cave entrances), as well as the entire underground map. Furthermore, important figures and groups (including armies, Forgotten Beasts, Megabeasts, and Titans) were seen moving around as specifically colored points on the display (quite sure armies were yellow, and Forgotten Beasts were red). I zoomed in on a forest bordering a mountainside. Seemed a decent place to start, though several beasts regularly trekked around there, making for lots of potential "Fun".

      Then, the game's regular ASCII embark menu is shown. From a survey, I notice said location had, between three intersecting biomes, many kinds of minerals in both the surface and deep underground, as well as some precious, precious flux stone. But, on using that other tool to scan underground, I find there's no sedimentary layer, and most of the metal veins are only within a very wide metamorphic layer. Bleh, that means no iron or steel, or even mineral coal. Best to find somewhere else.

      In between this "classwork", the teacher hands the other students and I two chocolate chip cookies each. I immediately eat one and half of these. One happened to be white chocolate. Yummy!

      Suddenly, an unknown emergency interrupts our "studies". The panicked teacher hurries us all into a nearby closet for safety. I then "remembered" having some (actually magical) Magic - The Gathering cards, of which I drew a good hand. One Sorcery looked as if it could immediately take care of the problem, but only if I'd sacrifice a permanent of mine. All I could think to remove were the cookies, but I doubted the spell would work with only a half-eaten portion. Oh, well. I sat there patiently to wait out the storm.

      Not sure what else happened until the dream ended.

      Updated 08-10-2016 at 04:13 AM by 89930 (proofing)

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Spellbee2 Competition Team Mystic

      by , 08-06-2016 at 04:21 PM
      I went to sleep around 12 am last night and managed to complete tasks but forgot about doing personal goals because...I really wanted to do the other tasks more.

      Second Dream(So Random)

      I was in my room with my younger brother showing him how I played the "light" song from Zelda on the keyboard. But when I stopped I found out my mom was going to be sleeping in my room. I left to go use the bathroom after that and than my dad shouted cause my cousin dropped ice on the floor. After that I recall going to another room and finding out that there were three mice present. I woke up my dad and he got up to get rid of them for me. But than a home renovator guy came saying it couldn't be fixed the old fashioned way. We were than extorted to a dance class with a famous teenage singer who was supposedly hated and snobby. In the ending of this dream I was at a interior pokemon arena with a pond and was told to use my huge turtle in a pokemon fight. There was a guy there who asked me how my drawing was going too.

      Third Dream

      It was the afternoon and I was walking outside with my mom to a thrift store but when we arrived on the block we saw a huge line. We walked behind a guy on the line and now it felt like we were waiting to go inside a fast food restaurant like Mc Donalds. After waiting for a bit I observed the line closer and saw that there was a huge gap in the middle of the line. The line we were standing on didn't seem like it was for the fast food restaurant anymore but a food kart that was to the left of the restaurant. After a guy left the line my mom decided to leave and I just followed her. After following her we came across a fruit cart where a man was selling what was supposed to be papaya except it looked like a watermelon.

      My mom bought one and told me to taste it. I tried it and was pleased with it because it tasted like pure melon instead of watermelon. After walking a bit I stumbled upon some kids who were eating the fruit as well. They were friendly and offered me some more later for free if I stayed for a while. I decided to stay and while I was there they started talking about a library that was a great hang out spot. The library appeared in my view and looked like it was made out of a shiny stone material and was huge, with columns inside it holding up the balcony. The girl kept talking about it until I found myself in a room with the kids.

      I was laying on a bed getting ready to fall asleep but couldn't because of all the talking. Eventually they all left and I had the room to myself. I closed my eyes but felt there was something odd about the place. There was a almost human sized white doll present with pale blue eyes looking at me. I pretended I was going to sleep for a bit than looked at it and saw that she ended up moving. "I knew it!" I shouted than pushed the doll back calling my brother. But when I got up and out of the room another one appeared in the hall and I came to a realization that it was a dream.

      I than yanked the leg off of the doll and hit it with it's own leg and ran upstairs than outside of the house excited to do the tasks that I really wanted to do. At first it was like gravity was kind of slow but I continued to push forward until I reached the sidewalk." Okay, first things first. Summon something" I said to myself as I ran with my hands in front of me. Objects appeared like a blue wig but it wasn't what I wanted.I than decided to do it the other way and thought of summoning Luigi behind me. I thought of him while running than looked behind me and saw a life like Luigi wearing a light blue t shirt,navy color pants and hat with a mail carrier's bag running next to the houses.

      He shouted in his Italian voice that he was going to get me. I didn't think much of it though and thought of my next task which would be flying. I thought about flying above a street and slowly the scene began to change into a wide busy street with cars and a truck. I flew up than at a fast speed backwards to get the flying task done at an advanced level. When I stopped flying so fast I noticed Eye was around with a group of dream characters. But I wasn't going to let him distract me so I went to the next task which was to lift something heavy with my mind or Telekinesis. I put my hand in front of me and lifted a bunch of gray colored cars into the air than put them back down gently.

      But when I did I noticed the truck was traveling at a fast speed. I flew fast again so I wouldn't get hit by the truck. "Eye help me!"I called out to him.However, the truck quickly reached the tip of my foot. "Forget it! I'll just use this truck as my strength task!" I shouted than punched it with one hand and it went flying into the air until it disappeared. "Woah! Didn't know you had that in you." Eye said surprised after flying up close to me."Yeah...that's cause I never wanted to do it" I said feeling happy I got that done.(Eye also said something about how Dawn would be proud to see me do what I did.) After that Eye flew somewhere and I followed him. We ended up in my house again where a few dream characters were sitting on a floor near a room and looking at a piece of paper.

      I didn't know what to do next and decided to just read whatever they had on the small white paper for a task. I looked at the paper after sitting down and saw a pencil drawing of a anime school girl with short pigtails sitting down on her knees. There were sentences on the paper too.Eye sat next to me and I began reading until music came up.The sentences didn't make much sense, especially since the words changed place a lot but even though the words did that they looked clear when I read it.Since there was music I decided to do the hobby task and sing what was on the paper since singing is a hobby of mine too. This is how the lyrics were " Somewhere~ There's a girl. Waiting~ Eat leisurely~" and as I kept singing I sounded really bad.

      Eye looked like he was annoyed by my singing but stayed near me. "I don't care if I sang it bad, its fun" I said than took a closer look at the words but than it started to blur.I got up than noticed there were cartoon animal dcs now.
      They began singing what was on the paper and I just joined in thinking we were doing this for an actual recording. I was more of their back up vocals though. When they stopped we laughed and than I saw my younger brother near the kitchen. I walked up to him and asked him about the paper. He said he doesn't always do things without my input and does take me into consideration. Than I looked at the paper and thought about taking my pen back. After that I woke up.

      Competition Points
      • Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Advanced Object/DC Changing - 10 points (change enormous object/DC into different object/DC, or many objects/DCs at the same time)
      • First DILD of the Night - 10 points
      • Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      • Practice a Waking Life Hobby (Top and Bottom Tiers Only) - 5 points
      Mass Telekinesis - 10 points
      • Advanced Flying - 10 points (flying at high speed / into space)
      • Basic Summoning - 5 points (eg. summoning from pocket / making someone appear from behind you / around the corner.)
      +5 points if it is a fictional character from a book/movie/TV show/anime or Dream Guide
      • Super Strength - 5 points
      63 points

      ^^ If I'm missing something or do something wrong with points and your reading this feel free to tell me. I appreciate it!
      side notes , lucid , non-lucid
    7. Flying Above a Crowd

      by , 08-06-2016 at 11:32 AM
      August 6, 2016: I am one of many people in a large open field. Scott and many of his friends such as Costa, Brandan, Kelly are there. I recognize them from his wedding and invitations to their homes to celebrate various events in their lives such as baby showers and house warming parties, but I don't know/remember many of their names, even in real life. In front of me is a sandy patch of soil. For some inexplicable reason I decide to jump onto that particular patch of soil. I am launched softly into the air and immediately go lucid.

      The view from above the crowd is SUCH a unique perspective and highly detailed. I think to myself it's remarkable how few people even notice me in the air because of the infrequency with which people tend to look up. Yet here I am marveling at the idea that I can look down upon them and see them all and every detail of their heads, hair, hats and clothing. I circle the field and the crowd below several times inspecting the grounds, their clothes and taking in other details of the meadow scene from a stable altitude of about 100 feet. I spot Scott and his friends (all guys) towards the periphery of the crowd and gracefully descend, making a rather skilled landing. For some reason I rarely have trouble flying or landing. I am completely aware that this is a dream. I pick out one of his friends (Costa) and start patting him playfully about the waist, practically dancing with joy at being lucid in their company. I ask Costa “what does it feel like to be a dream character?” He responds cryptically by saying “how does a piece of meat feel about being a piece of meat?”

      I start explaining to the group that this is a dream and I am dreaming. I tell them I don't want to think about it too hard because I'm afraid I'm going to wake up - but I'm asleep in my bed or taking a nap somewhere in my house and I can do anything I want without consequence..so let's find me a girl. This declaration is met with a substantial amount of hilarity from this younger group of men, and we collectively break into a trot and begin to gradually spread out in an effort to reach the objective of finding me a woman with whom to have sex.

      I myself, in my search, enter someone's (strange to me) home cautiously through a screen door. I enter in the "conventional way" not by phasing, which didn't even occur to me to try. Inside I encounter my wife's entire family - sister-in-law, brother-in-law, late father-in-law and mother-in-law. Although I don't see them, I suspect my two nephews are somewhere in the house as well. I realize straight away that's the last place I want to meet a woman and have sex is in the home occupied by my wife's entire family!!! On the way out, I noticed that the sliding latch to secure the screen door has been installed on the same side as the hinges. I laugh to myself that their "Dream House" isn't so perfect after all.

      Shortly after stepping back outside I realize that I am mostly alone. The crowd in the field is gone and Scott and his friends have dispersed. There is little to focus on and I wake. The time is 5:53am, a mere seven minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Whew!

      Updated 08-06-2016 at 05:48 PM by 68799

      lucid , memorable
    8. Spellbee Comp Night 6

      by , 08-06-2016 at 05:25 AM
      1/2 pt partial lucid
      2 pts wbtb
      2 pts 2 non-lucid

      Three Step:
      1.Advanced Flying
      2.Element Manipulation
      3.Mass Telekinesis

      New Dream goal: Go to the moon
      Old Dream goal: Go to my dream house

      D1: In my dream my husband in real life was married to one his ex wives. She's a lunatic. He wanted to be married to me too but he just refused to divorce her but said I could basically be a sister wife. It was a horrible dream. I was so very sad. Others were even trying to talk sense into him & give her the boot.

      D2: I was in this big tower of a building. It was sort of like a factory. The guy in charge was making people get into this vat & do work down in this gunk. The levels were wrong depth wise & the chemical dangers were insane.
      He was trying to force a woman to go into the vat & I realized I was dreaming because it was really strange. I told him he couldn't make me do shit. Also another guy said the same thing. I was trying to find a way out & find some clean water to start my elemental manipulation but I couldn't because I was woke up by noises in my house. There were men in my house. Apparently while I was sleeping the A/C guys showed up early so I had to get up.

      Side Notes-Purple
      Competition Notes-Teal
    9. Flight Above Table

      by , 08-06-2016 at 12:38 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I find myself levitating, and slowly raising into the air above a table at M street. My right hand comes in front of me as I realize I'm dreaming, and I say I'm lucid while my arm is fully extended. I look down at what appears to be a picnic bench with S on the left and a female DC on the right. I do a swooping dive toward the table and fly back wards and upward to return to my previous position. I repeat the flight pattern while telling the two people that they're DCs, and I'm going to begin working on a few dream goals. I fly to the table and see if I can read any new goals that may appear in a notebook. I wake up as I reach the table.
    10. Log 463 - Monkey Business and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 08-06-2016 at 12:16 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 05 August 2016

      Spellbee's Summer Lucid Competition 2016 - Entry 7

      All these dreams occurred well into the morning. By this point, the non-LD's are scraps.

      WBTB at 5:30 AM. Got distracted by trivia during it. This as meant to be 30-minutes, but discomfort in bed turned this into a two hour ordeal.

      Scrap Group 1

      In a party at an unknown home. Wyatt's playing a trading card game with some kid. This may have lead to the next dream

      Dream 1 - Youthful Awareness

      The visuals were blurred. I was in a larger version of my home's living room. There was a fancy party going on, what with all the guests donned in formal clothing. I quickly notice I'm only half my height, as if I were much younger. Thus, I gain awareness.

      Soon, I overhear some familiar voices nearby. One sounded like my "cousin", Rosalinda, while the other was clearly Vera. Rosalinda leans to look down on me when I walk close to her. I try looking up at her face, but the environment starts destabalizing. A few slow breaths fixes this, and clarifies the visuals entirely. Now, I see she appears different, being too old and homely looking. I turn to Vera, who's noticeably younger. Both speak about me, but I only hear jibberish. I try responding, but lacked a voice.

      Next, I wander around to look for my dream guide, E, but it seems there was no one that fit her description. The environment begins fading, and the dream ends a half minute later.

      Scrap Group 2
      Doing some kind of Metal Gear Solid-esque sneaking mission inside a military base. Somehow, this relates to the next dream.

      Dream 2 - Monkey Business

      The visuals were blurred. I was walking down a long, crowded stairs in an unknown facility, the walls of white cement.

      At some intervals, I'd stop halfway to the next floor to jump all the way down to the landers. Someone gets annoyed at my delay, and I overheard him whisper he'll probably stomp on me if I stalled him further. No matter. I continued doing this until I reach to bottom. Said person, now frustrated, threatened he was pouncing in after me, but I evaded this in time.

      I walked through a back door, only to immediately end up stepping out of the main entrance of a brown government building. Somehow, I remembered the previous LD, which sparks awareness.

      As I descend some short, wide steps, I find two monkeys lingering at the bottom. One looks like a skinny baby chimp with a tail, while the other's a fairly large grey haired alpha baboon. Both bumble towards me, and gesture to hold my hand, to which I comply.

      After a few paces, we immediately wander into a forest. The baby signals to get picked up. The baboon is visibly jealous as I did this. Anyway, the "chimp" kicks its legs and flails its in excitement as I lift it. In fact, it unintentionally scratched me pretty badly with its feet, and its pinky finger somehow gets lodged between my left eyelids. I try to gently remove it, only to have it clawed in deeper.

      I immediately wake up momentarily feeling that pinky in my eye before it fades away.

      Updated 08-10-2016 at 04:07 AM by 89930 (proofing)

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    11. Summer Comp. Day 7 - FA, Sensei summon, TOTM Basic I & II; Advanced I

      by , 08-05-2016 at 01:32 PM
      Got a little to late to bed and had to stand up early. this time i tried the mantra " i will wake up at 5", woke up at 3:30... good enough, did a WBTB and SSILD. Fall asleep and woke up at 5:30 with a lucid in my pocket.

      i´m lying "awake" in my bed and feel not sleepy. i do a nosepinch and i am asleep. i stand up, the quality is not too good. i rub my hands and feel my barefeet on the ground. i phase thru the window and float down to the ground. i only can open one eye and the other feels dry and hurts a little. as i try to open it too i loose visuals completely. i still feel my body and do some swiming motions. at the beginning i do breastrokes but then get a little more energetic and start crawling. i feel how my back gets warm from the muscletension. i (think) to feel my body in my bed and try to slowly move my head without waking because i think i lie on my eye [i think in the end everything was in the dream but i am not sure]. i correct my position and use more tactile senses until i stand again in my room this time with a very good quality. i phase thru the window again and fly down to the ground. there are everywhere bags of different sweets. i think "ah some points for eating, seems to be here because i probably fall asleep with an empty and hungry stomach" and pick up a diam chocolate and take some in my mouth. i feel the consistence but dont pay to much attention to the taste. i cross the street put my hand behind my back and call for sensei. immediately a big hand takes mine and i turn around. an asian looking guy with a bald head and athletic body looks at me. i start to ask "tell me a secret about s... oh damn i wanted to summon FryingMan and not sensei... Nevermind... so tell me a secret about Fryingman" he nods and we start waking next to a construction side and into a building. we hold hands for some time? we phase together thru a wall and i look at him while he phases thru. it looks interesting. he needs some time until he starts talking. he starts and for whatever reason he talks in english and not in german. he talks like he would tell me an epic story. i am confused because of the language and i feel like his sentences dont make sense or i dont understand them. i ask him if he might talk in german plz and he nods again but starts in english again. he says something about 'mind streching' and 'knowing for long time'... i interrupt him and ask if behind me there is a microscope, he denys and i look behind and there is nothing, i say "but there has to be one here" and keep on looking. i think i found one and approach it, put some items aside but notice that its a vinyl player. damn... some meters away sensei says "here is a microsope" i go there and it is a digital one. i ask sensei if he would like to accompany me in my dream and do some tasks but he denys and tells me he cant because soon there will be some fights. i push a latexbutton and the light goes on. on the table there are two smartphone with some picture with woods and people in comic style. i put it under the microscope and see the screen magnified and the colors of the picture fluctuate in waves... i feel a little disappointed because i thought i would see something cool. i move away and tell sensei to look inside. he looks and i see a reflection of the lights at a wall. while i think about what to do next i wake up... i try to DEILD but no chance
    12. Morning WILD

      , 08-05-2016 at 02:52 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Off today, so I did a morning nap.

      6:34 - 2x300 mg Alpha GPC
      7:36 - 2x4mg pure Galantamine
      nap, slept till 10:30

      My cat wanted to lay on me but he won't unless I have a blanket on me. It was too hot for that but I put a sheet on my legs. He is my good luck WILDing charm, plus I love when he purrs when he sleeps on me. He left to eat then came back, just when I was about to turn to my left side, like last 4 times, 3 times out of I got a WILD. But soon he left again and I turned and got lucid.

      I had my new cheapo eyemask on like last few times. Oh, I did something new this time and last time. I just read in I think Yuschaks book, that he imagines bending his legs in knees on exhale and straightens them on inhale. Kind of an RC which lets him know when he is dreaming.

      I did the same and also lifting my arm up and down. And I saw my arm move at some point later on, but I was too far gone to realize it deeper than just a passing thought.

      I was in some kind of a building and ofc I jumped out the first window I saw. I started falling towards a large body of water. I thought oh no, not water, but it was too late. I hit the surface and I willed myself to go deeper. Water was a bit murky but I got to the bottom soon. It was featurless, other than sand and some sand rocks. I thought "what about sharks" and I spotted a few large fish. But I wasn't scared.

      On the beach now. Sand has large grain and small pebbles. I remember what I read in Yuschaks book just yesterday. When he doesn't have good vision, he concentrates on looking at something in detail. But he can't stop moving, so he is jumping in place while he is looking at details of something till his vision is back. So I picked up a handfull of beach sand and was staring at it intently. Then I remembered I should keep moving so I started clapping my hands and jumping in place while looking at the sand.

      Somehow I got out and entered a large barge parked on the shore. I went through a corridor with many doors, thinking how I don't really like doors or indoors. But I thought maybe I'll find somehing interesting. I started opeing the doors, looking for some DCs. I forgot all about the TOTMs and all I could think of a DC to get laid.

      All the rooms are completely empty, not a single DC. Finally there is someone sitting on a bed but it turns into a chick just as I approach. I'm think "oh really, shucks" but at this point I don't really care. We get into it.

      Now I'm on a different bed with many older man around. I was just sold to this old Greek for half a milion. I wanna ask "half a milion of what? drachma"? but I hold my tongue.
      Tags: sex, water
    13. #188: Longest lucid so far

      by , 08-05-2016 at 02:38 AM
      Went to bed around 1am, woke up around 6am, stayed awake for a little bit and then went to sleep. Woke up again, fell asleep again shortly after.

      I'm driving my motorbike around in Indonesia. It appears to be the city that I live in, though the architectural influences are definitely more Chinese (from the one building that I remember seeing). It was a traditionally red building. It had something written on the side, I think the name of the citizen, along with Barat [Indonesian for West]. I assume it to be the city hall for the western district of the city. I'm driving with a guy following me on his bike. I want to make a u-turn at one intersection, but I need to wait because the king of the Netherlands will pass shortly. I consider passing anyway, since traffic rules in Indonesia rarely apply, but I decide to wait. A guy comes by on some kind of shove cart, with another guy on it. This seems too low budget for the king. Both guys appear to have tanned skin and the king of the Netherlands is white.

      I spot a white girl close to a wall. I instantly recognise her as a girl from my bachelor study, though her characteristic curly hair is now straightened. I start walking up to her and the moment she sees me she kinda goes "ugh". I start talking to her in Dutch. I tell her that she probably thinks I'm one of these foreigner hunting Indonesians [that's actually a thing], but that I recognise her from our studies. She asks me what that might be. I hesitate for a moment, pretending to think and then tell her the name of our bachelor. This opens her up a bit more and I think we talk.

      Eventually we're walking with another white guy. He's sort of her mentor. He has brown hair, average length for a guy and perhaps glasses. I think he talks with a southern accent, Belgian even. He talks softly though, so I can't understand all that he's saying. The girl is walking to my left and he is even further left. At one point I switch places with the girl so that I can hear him better. He's talking about something intellectual. A fourth person joins us, a guy. Either that person or the girl starts signalling someone. I look and see that someone is going to use a pipe and blow darts to shoot the guy. I move to the right, out of harms way. The person doing the shooting is standing in plain sight a few metres away. I can see the trajectory of the darts. Miss. Miss. Miss. So many misses. At one point the person is standing so close that it's basically execution style and starts hitting the guy in the shoulder. After a while the guy with the darts just discards the pipe and starts spitting out darts with force, the way some people spit watermelon seeds. No way! Next thing my friend Veb is in a white cabrio that's parked and starts doing the same. Then they start shooting it from their fingers. I move in to punch Veb on the head from behind, but I miss. He looks at me and I know I'm fucked. I duck.

      It's at this moment that I decide that I must be dreaming. I try and succeed to push my finger through my palm, giving off a slight sensation. I'm in the living room of my mom's house. The order of things is a bit blurry. Throughout the lucid I keep performing the same RC to stabilise myself, as well as looking at my hands. My little brother is present and he is annoying me. He's distracting me by making noise, making me fear to loose the lucid. At some point I decide to take some pictures of him while he's getting dressed and threaten to upload them to... idk. The television in the living room is also distracting me. It's showing Spongebob. I tell the tv to turn off, perhaps making a hand gesture as well. It does so. Sweet. I also shout several times that this is my dream and I want it to be stable, and similar commands. I think it actually worked for a bit. I think I shouted it in English, though perhaps also in Dutch. I wonder about what my real body is doing, but I decide fuck it if I'm screaming in reality too, though I'm probably not. I really shouted my commands the way a high rank in the military would. Loud and not even considering that they might not be adhered to. My mom comes into the living room and starts brushing her teeth, which makes quite a lot of noise. I first want her to stop, as I want to focus on creating a waterball, which is difficult cause I have no clue how to. I decide to take a different approach. I put my index and middle fingers to my temples and will myself to teleport. I can't really think of any place, so I just teleport to just outside the front door. It worked. The dream scenery isn't complete though. There are parts missing, kinda similar to when you go towards the edge too fast in a sandbox game and the game needs to load the rest of the map. I realise I just completed one of my dream goals by teleporting. I'm also probably lucid for longer than a minute by now, finally. I teleport once more, now down to the street. I don't know why, considering that the dream was already incomplete. It's here that I really start slipping away and eventually wake up. I performed the RC several times to check.
    14. Galantamine Works

      by , 08-04-2016 at 11:46 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Yesterday I received my package of galantamine and alpha gpc. This is my first time using these supplements. I don't like to rely on supplements but I have heard good things about galantamine and wanted to give it a try. I am not very good at WILD because I take a while to start dreaming. This should act sort of like training wheels while I build up my WILD skills. The only other supplements I have tried are b vitamins and choline which simply ensure I am not deficient. Galantamine, on the other hand, puts your brain into over drive and produces more acetycholine than it naturally does. Alpha GPC is a more powerful form of Choline than what I used before because I will need a even larger supply.

      After 4.5 hours of sleep I wrote down a short non lucid dream and took 8mg of galantamine and 600gm of alpha gpc with a granola bar and some water. My WBTB was half an hour long and while I started to feel more alert I didn't feel like it was a good night for WILD so I a mainly set my intentions for DILD.

      08:00 AM
      Galantamine Works (DILD)

      I am at some sort of makers festival. Adam Savage is giving a demonstration of a home made roller coaster someone made. In the dream I am an acquaintance of Adam's so he allows me to demonstrate it for the crowd. I hang from a little seat and swing around a track and it is surprisingly fun for being such a small ride. Afterwards, I go back to an RV that I guess my dad, sister, and I are renting for the trip. I see that we left it running and now the battery is dead and it won't start. I feel tired and stressed so I decide to take a nap. I also remember driving the RV through some snow covered mountains but I don't remember if that was after or before this section.

      I wake up in an FA and I am having breakfast with Harry Potter and the Weasley family in their kitchen while the sun is still coming up. Aurthur, Molly, William, Ron, and Harry are there with me. I find myself drinking a glass of burbon on the rocks. Aurthur says what I was thinking,"Isn't it a bit early for that?" Molly says,"Oh, dear, don't drink that. You will have a nasty hang over at the wedding." I take a sip and it tastes fricken delicious. It has strong fruity notes and a spicy kick at the finish. I say, "Try this though. It is so good!" and hand it to Aurthur and Molly for them to try. Aurthur says "hm!" and Molly says,"That is good!" Percy comes in a bit later and doesn't look like he does in the movies. He has glasses like in the books and longer hair. At first I wonder if he is Charlie but he says something pretentious and I know it's more likely Percy. Things start to explode around us and we take cover. I teleport outside and hide in the bushes except instead of The Burrow it is my family home. Voldemort floats up and shoots an avadakadavra spell through the window and I see Bellatrix Lestrange running and laughing. I teleport again.

      I am on a space ship that is being boarded by another ship. I am captured and going to be taken to be a slave of The Collector from Guardians of the Galaxy. Some of us escape somehow and end up on a grungy space station. My girlfriend is there now and we go into a dark room where a crowd is watching a play. It is about the religion Santeria and I have to explain to my girlfriend how Santeria works and isn't Catholicism. People shush us. After not to long the play ends and I go up to tell the actors and actresses they did a good job. One of the blond actresses says we should all hang out sometime and insists on getting our contact information. I write my number and email on a sticky note and leave. I am in a city on some other planet now. All the buildings look like they are decaying and falling apart. There are lots of DCs walking around in this area.

      I hear a voice in my head. It is the actress from earlier. She says that she has hacked all my accounts with the info I gave her. What the heck? She says,"Thanks for putting your username and password on there too." What? I didn't put my password on there. I start running and go into a less populated area. Where am I anyways? I climb up one of the collapsing buildings and stand on the roof. The city extends very far and is just as messed up looking all over. There is an ocean nearby and mountains and the sky is very blue.

      I become lucid and feel very euphoric and happy. I jump off the building and fall for a bit. I catch myself and feel that the gravity on this planet is a little bit heavier. I start flying out over the ocean where there mountains are sticking out of the water. There are tall stone columns like in Zhangjiajie China except sticking out of the ocean. There is collorful foliage on the cliffs and a giant waterfall coming out of one of them. This reminds me a lot of the Vision of Beasts in Far Cry Primal. It feels very trippy. I remember that to get the most points for Spellbee2's contest I need to do my third three-step task which is the completely phase through something. I see one of the pillars ahead and decide to use that. I prepare myself and fly as fast as I can at it. I put my hand in front of my eyes so I can focus on making my peripheral vision move as fast as possible. I remove my hand and fly right through the pillar. It is the thickest thing I have ever phased through and makes a phwomp sound as I do so.

      I turn back to the mainland and see the dead city sprawling before me. Only one building looks normal. It is a redish brick castle on a small rock island right off the coast. That must be where my dream guide is. I fly down to it and land on the highest tower. I stick my hand back and feel a hand take hold of mine. I start to wake up though and loose visuals. I am determined and maintain the feeling of the hand. I pull it forward and feel the rest of the arm too. I feel a dress that feels like the one my dream guide wore the first time we met. She jumps up and hugs me with her legs wrapped around me. I still can't see anything. I hold her up and compare our heights. I estimate that she is about my height but taller than me with her heels on. "Dream guide?" I say. I try and see her face and I am a bit startled as my vision comes back suddenly and a bit distorted. She doesn't have a witch hat on this time and I try and see the color of her hair. It starts out red but as the dream stabilizes it becomes dark purple. "Hi Monkey." she says with a kind smile. She looks slightly different than last time with dark hair I think but it is definitely her.

      My dream journal says the first time I met her her hair was probably dark purple although I had a hard time remembering for sure. The second time it was definitely red. A few weeks later when I saw this wallpaper for Runescape. I knew that was almost exactly what her face and hair looked like. Now that I pull up that wallpaper in photoshop and make the hair purple it does in fact look how she looks in this dream!

      "I'm sorry. I never asked your name when we first met." I apologize. Somehow a name comes to my mind, however. Juliana Is that a false memory? Did I ask her name in a previous dream and forget until now? "You don't remember?" she says. "Well, actually, now I don't know." I reply. "Go ahead. Say it." she insists. "Juliana?" I ask. "Bingo" We start walking toward a walk way along the castle walls. "Where have you been this whole time Juliana? I don't mean to be rude but you haven't exactly been much of a guide." I ask her. "Where have I been? It's not like you haven't been absent too. I'm a busy lady. This last couple days I was captured while fighting against the Darshana. Aleins that are working for ?????? I don't remember the name here. She starts to explain more stuff but I stop following her and say "Wait, before we get any further, will you follow me around till the end of this dream?" "No" she scoffs "Your following me. I'm the guide." "I just have to ask that for the Task of the Month." I explain. "Fine" she says and we start to walk again I see that we are walking up some steps toward some sort of dome structure. "You sure are spunky Juliana. Oh, also tell me a secret of AndresLD's." I ask. "Andres? Hmm." she pauses. "Stay away from him for a while. In your dreams I mean. He is still recovering from a dry spell and has something he needs to work through first." She goes back to explaining how she escaped from the aliens and ended up here sort of like how I did. I ask her what is this place and she says it is a planet called "Drywall". The aliens work for her nemesis, an evil witch. She seems to imply that I have met her before. I have another one of those vague memories of a blond witch. "But wait I'm friends with a blond witch. That isn't her is it?" I think. Juliana asks, "Don't you remember?" . I have a hard time telling what memories are real and what are false. "Wow my dream memory can be really shit sometimes huh." I say.

      We are entering the threshold of the large open dome. It may be some type of observatory. "Juliana, slow down real quick. Where do witches get their powers anyways?" She starts to explain but it goes a bit over my head and is hard to remember. I start to wake up and try to DEILD but fail.
      I wake up in my sister's house in Fresno although it isn't really layed out accurately. I get out of bed and the sun has come up but my brother in law is the only one awake. "Hey, It's been a while hasn't it?" he says. I wonder, how long has it been. It can't have been more than a couple months. I think this must be a FA so I do a nose plug but surprisingly no air gets through. That's weird. I go to the window and there is a large pumpkin bounce house. I do two more RCs and they both fail and I wake up for real at home.

      After waking up I felt a euphoric feeling both from the galantamine and from the fact that I completed a goal that has meant a lot to me since 2011. I had a barely perceptible jiteryness in my arms that comes with taking higher doses of galantamine. I also felt pretty wiped out from having such an intense dream and didn't feel capable of going back to sleep for more. I am definitely going to take 4mg next time so that my body can get used to it. I won't take galantamine more than once a week and reserve it for special occasions because it can build up in your system and mess up your sleep schedule. I have to say though it was very successful!
    15. Vivid lucid dream after a long time

      by , 08-04-2016 at 04:54 PM
      I’m with group of people near to a pond. It’s grilling party during day. One older guy set my grandpa on fire and run away. I’m shocked and worried about him. I realize it’s a dream. I’m still worried so I tried to change the time 5 minutes back like in the movie About the time. I Somehow did and tried to stop the man attacking my grandpa. He still tries to set him on fire, but he has minor wounds. Then the aggressor run away in his car. Our neighbor take his bicycle with gun infront. I want to chase him as well, but I know it’s dream and I should spend my time better. So I jump in the air and complete my first task – fly. I land on the window roof and go in. I now need to explore the big buildings behind. I exploring every room. They are very strange rooms full of different things. I see it as my consciousness. I go deeper and deeper and finally I arrive at weirdly shaped plastic door. The corridor is very tiny and when I try to open it. There is another door immediately behind. There is like 20 maybe more doors. I push them all but at the end I cant go further. I hear some strange noises coming from the place I came. Some weird shaped creatures trying to attack me. It happens sometimes when I’m long time in a lucid dream. Dc started to attack me. I’m fully lucid and suppress all the fear and I realize I’m the GOD. I focus my anger energy towards the creatures and blow them away. Feeling good. I saw small tunnel on the right side. It’s so small that my body barely fits in. Crawling deeper I start to feel bit claustrophobic. I need to get out. Finally I see another window and I jump away. Feeling good again. There are some people. I remember from movie Lucy how she instantly make everyone fall asleep. I try it. Nothing happened. I focus no my god energy and DCs fall on the ground. I wake up.