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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Spontaneous Lucid With Stupid Problem

      by , 03-04-2014 at 05:04 PM
      Was wondering, if I journal this - but then.
      Such a stupid thing - I got spontaneously lucid just because it felt dreamy.
      So I started looking around - tried to tell somebody, I would be dreaming, but again - he was a bit away and I raised my voice - well - tried to raise it - nothing came out.
      Then it was tree-hugging and feeling - and my embarrassing problem from some weeks back again - I had an enormous urge to pee.
      I was even lucid enough to remember, how this ended up last time - but it just didn't help - so I woke myself up - and yes - again I didn't actually need to go.
      Made me really angry to find that out.

      I've read some reports of strange things happening, as if one's unconscious mind wanted to get one out of lucidity.
      I really hope, this is not my uncon's new trick on me.
      It was like - stop the car and search the bushes urgent.

      Now - I could of course have searched the bushes in my dream - but again - was lucid enough to worry about real life consequences.
      Maybe I should ask around, if something like this really happens - probably not - I've done it before.
      But that I didn't remember.

      Only good thing was this direct realization - no RCs, no dream-sign - just like that.
      Well yeah - and a minute only - baaah.

      Otherwise I was dreaming very enjoyably in my non-lucids - seems the mere prospect of the comp. does something to me already.
    2. So Close!

      by , 03-04-2014 at 03:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Two Nights Ago

      I have been put in prison. The prison is really strange, each inmate gets a very small cell about four feet wide by four feet deep by eight feet tall. They are chained to the floor and the bars of the cell... well there are no bars its more like a wire weave from a chain link fence.
      I arrive at the prison late in the day. Some of the other prisoners are giving me dirty looks. I simply decide that maybe I can just lay down on the floor of my cell and lucid dream. I lay down and begin thinking my MILD mantra to myself.
      After a minute or two, I notice that I am having difficulty falling asleep. I begin to think about why I am in prison and I cannot recall.[/COLOR] Wait a second, I am already dreaming!
      False awakening. Into my own room, and it's time to go to school. I get up and change out of my pajamas and into school clothes. I then notice that I am late for school. Wait... I am never late for school! I am still dreaming!
      And I wake up.

      Last Night

      I am trying on different pairs of sunglasses. They are all very ugly.

      Somebody's house burned down while they were cooking broccoli for dinner. I think it was a family of four. After the fire was put out the fire department took them to the fire station. The family complained that they were hungry and the fire department got some pop-tarts out of their locker. The mom (who was some kind of dietician) demanded that the fireman who was serving them bring them broccoli. So he went to the grocery store and bought a vegetable tray for the family.

      Superhero Prison Break (Groggy Lucid)

      I am outside a prison or industrial compound location. It is nighttime and snowing heavily. There is a large chain-link fence around the perimeter of the compound with light posts every 10 meters or so. Beyond the fence it goes to woodland.
      I am hiding in the woods. Superman, Batman and Wonder woman are with me, and for some reason, we are preparing to break into the prison to rescue someone. Also, something about this situation seems familiar,
      like I might have had a dream about this setup before. And I feel like last time the heroes betrayed me and tried to use a sedative on me and then lock me in the prison.
      Just at that moment, Superman tries to grab me from behind. I flip him over me and slam him into the ground. (Guess I have superpowers too.) Batman throws batarangs at me and I blast them out of the air with little fireballs.
      Wonderwoman traps me with her lasso. Superman comes in front of me holding the sedation needle in front of my face.

      Then for just this moment, I become lucid. And boy did I think quick and clever...
      FUS RO DAH!

      Superman goes flying back into one of the light posts on the perimeter of the prison. When he hits it, it bends and partially tips over. The lights flash out on that post. Also, he loses the sedation needle in the snow.
      Batman compliments me on my quick thinking and states that he has changed his mind. He wants me to be a part of this team.
      I hear alarms in the prison. Guards start rushing out to get us and me and the other superheores set aside the fight and retreat.

      Updated 08-12-2014 at 02:52 AM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    3. The Titan Kind

      by , 03-04-2014 at 04:07 AM (My Lucid Dreams)
      ... So I haven't posted there for a while.
      I don't feel like writing but I still want to post a dream, so here's one that I already wrote on my computer long ago.
      This is a little out-dated, and it is the beginning of a serie(ish) of lucid dreams that I got after it so when I look back I feel a little foolish.

      Also, this is a DEILD from another interesting lucid in the same place.
      After it, I DEILDed again - the Titans had taken over the world (or the general territory) and destroyed part of the city.

      I DEILDed from a lucid dream in the same landscape.
      I'm in that square piece of grass, surrounded by some greek-like "pillars" that are really just there for decoration.
      I randomly try a cork out (flipping/twisting kick), remembering part of the right technique (foot placement). I fail twice, but make it the third time. *Would that be the same IRL?* (I can do it IRL now ). I try to recall some of the goals I had, and because I already procrastinated the "Epic Titan fight" in the dream before, I decide to go ahead and try that out.

      "Titans !!", I scream.

      I'm trying to look freaked out, just like I did in the "Zombi break out" dream. It takes a bit more time than I expected, but eventually a huge, baby-like giant (about as tall as a big tree - 3 to 4 floors) runs out of the forest, followed by others Titans of slightly different height.
      I decide to wait until they get to the city, and when they do, I fly to one of them, use the AoT maneuvreur gear to swing past his neck, and cut right through the nape of it (the neck ).
      I get back on the ground and, fearing that I might not be able to fly as easily as I'd like, try to use the gear again.
      Doesn't work. Well, whatever, I'll just use the traditional way.
      I put my hands in front of me and push in the air, and I use telekinesis to fight the monsters. It does not work at all at first, but then I take the "control disk" (really gotta find a name for it someday) and it does the work better. Still, my control isn't as huge as what I could get it, but the guy is so massive, it would require a lot of control to throw him away.
      I keep on fighting for about 15 minutes (mostly flying and maneuvreuring through the Titans), until I realize that a guy that should be dead isn't.

      "Yeah you have to cut me twice", he says.

      Sure, I could have used two swords, but for some weird reason I freak out, and after realizing that there is more like him, I get the heck away to the square of grass, where I feel the dream fading away.
      lucid , memorable
    4. 3-3-14 Dream Journal

      by , 03-03-2014 at 11:29 PM
      Welp mark the date. I joined dreamviews on March 13 of 2013, and last night after nearly a solid year of practice I FINALLY had a good long lucid dream!

      I had 2 10 minute DEILD's and 2 15-20 minute WILD's. There is way to much information from such long dreams to record them in my normal fashion of writing down everything I can remember, that would take forever.

      I am just going to record snippets of my favorite one. I feel like I've had a real break through so hopefully I will be able to keep having amazing lucids!

      Dream One: Leaving Reality

      I am woken up by my dog barking in the middle of my afternoon nap. I don't move at all and focus on transitioning back into a dream. My body quickly falls back asleep and I am able to transition into a lucid dream.

      I am in my grandparents house in my bed (not where I am actually taking my nap). I am tempted to waste ANOTHER lucid on sexy time but I remember some of my other dream goals and resist. I explore the house for a while and test my lucidity. This goes on for like five minutes. I am so amazed at the power of the mind. The dream house I am in so closely resembles the real house that it is crazy. I wonder around and appreciate the vividness and clarity of the house for a while.

      Then I head outside. The farm is just as vivid and clear as the house had been. There is snow on the ground just like in RL and the trees and forest are so pretty.

      I walk out into the yard and again just appreciate lucidity. This is the first lucid I have ever had where I didn't feel rushed at all. I KNEW that the dream would last, and so I was able to take large chunks of time to look around and enjoy the moment. I probably stood in the yard for another couple minutes just looking around.

      Then I remembered that I wanted to try to leave "my dream bubble" like Hyu explains in his tutorial on forming persistent realities. I have tried this before but my lucidity was never strong enough to actually do it and I was always woken up or flung back to the ground.

      This time I look up at the sky and think of rising up and leaving not just the planet, but my own dream bubble. Hyu believes that to really form persistent realities you have to actually make your brain believe that you are no longer in your own dreams, like it is REAL. The point is not weather or not I think I can actually leave with my consciousness out of my own dreams into a place that is REAL. The point is that if I can convince my brain that I have then the dream will feel like it is REAL.

      I fly rapidly up into the sky and up into space. Then I pass into the black void and keep flying imagining that I am leaving my own dreams. I pass through a gray layer and then pop into a space of the black void with nothing but shining balls of light around me. Just like Hyu describes in this place I have no body, I am pure consciousness. I imagine the balls of light around me are other REAL realities that I can visit, each with their own story.

      I am so pleased to have finally made it to this place that for a while I just float around in the void. It feels SO peaceful and SO blissful, it is wonderful. Then I start looking for a ball of light to join.

      I choose the smallest one I can see (don't know why, I will choose a big one next time). I start willing myself towards it, and I start rushing through the void to the small light. It is farther away than I had imagined, I have to really focus on moving quickly and getting there because it is so far away.

      Then I see that I am very close and I am going to make it! When I get there I pass through a light barrier and see a gray bubble that I believe represents the reality I wanted to join.

      But I am traveling so quickly that I fly right past it and I think that I missed it!

      But then it feels like I have transitioned into a dream again and I am in the most vivid dreamscape I have ever been in. It is crazy vivid!

      I have a body again, I am standing on a patch of grass between two tin sheds. Unfortunately I don't have much time to appreciate the scene because to hummers full of troops pull up on either side of the sheds and I see men pointing at me and saying "there he is get him!"

      Then men start pouring out of the hummers and chasing me. I have no where to run to and so I start to panic a little bit. Before I loose lucidity I notice that there is a superman, like literally superman with the cape and the S and everything, sitting in the back seat of each hummer. Then I see a man point at superman and then at me, I can't hear what he said but I was terrified that they were sicking superman on me!

      Then I lost lucidity and woke up.

      So I know that this is probably a huge wall of text now. Just imagine that this was literally one of four dreams I had of this length!

      I am hoping that I have made a huge breakthrough and that I am able to return to the black void with the lights of different realities in them again in future lucids, though I don't think I will go back to the same one!

      Even though I'm not going to record the other dreams I remembered I did want to mention some conversations I had with DC's. In two of my other dreams I had conversations that felt completely normal to me with DC's, which is weird because normally my DC's are really dumb and slow. In the lucids the DC's I was talking to felt completely real to me, and I didn't realize that was weird until I woke up and was thinking about it. I just wanted to also mention that I hope I have such interesting and "real" DC's in my future lucids also!
      lucid , memorable
    5. 2-28-14 Dream Journal

      by , 03-03-2014 at 10:50 PM
      This is just a quick entry to mark that I had a lucid dream. It wasn't a very good lucid dream and I completely wasted it on sexy time. It is worth mentioning though because I was able to DEILD three times in a row which I have never managed to do before. I feel like every time that I successfully transition into a dream I get better and better at doing it as I recognize what it feels like.
    6. Templar Compound

      by , 03-03-2014 at 05:30 PM (Into the Ether)
      K and I are at the beach, in the ocean but near the shore. We're talking when I notice about 20 backpacks floating in the water nearby. I look at K, she looks at me, we're both thinking the same thing.


      She grabs one. They're unchanged by the water. She wants to take one. I'm not big on stealing and decide to ask somebody about the bags. Somebody says it's fine to take. K is trying to pick one out for me, asking what I want. One is pink on pink, another blue and pink. She holds up a pink one. Pink isn't really my thing. I tell her to grab the white one since she's now swimming in the middle of the bags.

      In the middle of this a group of . . . templars? arrive and stand on the beach. They're wearing a sort of greenish uniform with some hard shell padding in the usual places (knees, elbows, etc). They call me over. I get out to see what they want. I'm immediately handcuffed and told that I'm under arrest.


      I look at K for some sort of help with making the mental connect. I thought I was kosher with the templars, we had an arrangement. Judging by the shocked expression on her face, it's clear she has no clue what going on. I tell her not to do anything, let me figure out what's going on first. I'm not sure if she heard me as it was said telepathically.

      We arrive at a templar compound and I'm being overseen by one of their higher profile men. There was somewhat of a trial but not really. Judge, jury, and executioner was one person. I'm about to be escorted to my new long term home when I decide this bullshit.

      As we're walking, the man is smug about my future. His gait as he's walking and the fact that he leaves a lot of room between us shows me he doesn't consider me a threat. Using this I decide to stray a bit further back, begin to clean up the room we're in, organizing things, making it aesthetically pleasing.

      A woman who carries herself with more than enough self confidence walks into the room. She's very pleased with the new look.

      My thought process was, in a cell I'll be limited with options. I need to keep out of a cell and to do that, I need to appeal to somebody with power. This woman offered an out.

      My escort seemed decently impressed too. In the middle of this pause, news arrives of an impending attack. People get busy, woman leaves, man is left to escort me to the cell again, but since their resources are preoccupied I make a move.

      I slip out from the handcuffs and make a run for it. He tries to stop me but I evade his attempts to get a grip on me. The attack has begun and he leaves me to respond.

      At the border of the compound there are two templars, young, they don't even look like real templars due to their humanity showing through. It doesn't take me long to convince them that I'm just visiting a friend in the compound and due to the attack, thought it best to leave.

      They let me pass the border and soon after I've acquired a vehicle. Finally making it to a very massive highway, I feel a sense of relief. I get my bearings, figuring out where I am. I can't tell really, cities are beneath me and up ahead I can make out storm clouds. I take a closer look and it's a very large storm, almost a hurricane?

      Driving straight into it I decide that would offer the best cover. Once I've entered the city I ditch the car and head inside. I head through a parking garage when I hear loud voices talking, they sound like they're looking for somebody. Not taking any chances I decide to leave. I find sort of like an elevator room and pass through one door.

      "I think she's over here!" I hear one of them say.

      Once I'm in the room, I head to the opposite side of the it, create another door. Pass through that door. Then another door, and another, and another. That should slow them down at least a little.

      I still hear them but it's a maze of doors. I take off in another direction and after a brief run I finally approach a wall.

      A door forms.

      I open the door and walk in, closing it as I catch my breath. My eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, there's just a faint glow in the center.

      A man is standing under the glow and I feel a sense of relief with a mild case of terror. It dawns on me that the one person I seem to trust has no army and no allegiance.

    7. Just Mentioning Two Mini-Lucids For Documentation

      by , 03-03-2014 at 12:06 PM
      Other way round - I don't remember much of my dreams and nothing interesting - but I had two short LDs in the meantime and will keep record of it like this.

      From one of my workbooks:

      Well - anyway - I've been moaning about not meeting my main dream-sign irl - but a bit of activity almost two weeks back, with mantraing and visualisations on our old house - like recommended - gave me two further detections!!
      Its sort of receding - I'm not living there any more meanwhile, it is about to get destroyed.
      First time while being sick and not motivated in any way - I just slipped out of lucidity after taking a look around and dreamt on with my story.

      Then last night was some weird back and forth reasoning:
      The house - I dream!
      Then - no, it's getting ripped down this day - that's why I want to get something out of the empty building.
      Then - noo - it has already been, so I can't stand in front of it!

      The normal dream, which I forgot by now - was something nice and I wanted to go on with it actually.
      But the TOTMs came out just on time for this - since there were two DCs standing behind me - I thought take the first task in stride - and so I found out, that a woman with really beautiful long black hair - has as middle name Niniana!
      Groundbreaking, earthshaking news!!

      Shortly thought of the aliens - I have to and I will get abducted by aliens this month!!
      But somehow I reckoned, I wouldn't have enough dream quality or control - and without so much as trying - I slipped back in non-lucidity.

      So I guess I should concentrate on keeping up the motivation to actually do something lucidly - waking up seems not so much the problem atm.
      My real life darting has a dip in the moment - so that went to the back of my mind lately - but this whole alien thing with space-ship tourism - I have to!!
      lucid , task of the month
    8. Supplements in the Kitchen and Lucid after a Late Night at Work

      , 03-03-2014 at 02:46 AM
      Pre Bed - 500 mg Valerian, 3 mg melatonin 11 pm.
      WBTB - 250mg Choline, 3 mg G, .3mg melatonin.

      First dream I remember after WBTB is being in the kitchen and getting my vitamins together for bed and WBTB, I took another whole 4mg pill of G and this stressed me out since I had taken the 3 earlier and I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. Of course this did not lead to a RC.

      I was in a meeting at work and we were finishing very late. I was going to go to bed and headed up some stairs, something prompted me to do a RC half way up the stairs. I looked at my hand quickly and then dropped it, then I realized it might not have looked right I looked again and there were the 7 fingers. LUCID: I was really baffled that this was a dream so I just decided to go ahead and continue on what I was doing and heading to bed. I began walking and came out.

      I keep forgetting to stabilize. I wasn't really super excited too but I think every time I do gain lucidity my dream really destabilizes.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. 01-03-2014

      by , 03-02-2014 at 10:35 PM (awesome ninja dream journal)
      I had quite a few dreams last night. The most prevalent one being where I could hear my parents coming home and I went to my car to get something. Only to realise that all of my doors and my boot were open. I think one of the back doors was even missing. I realised I'd been robbed. I parked my car in the garage with both of my parents cars, and my mother "new" blue car. Which means that somehow 4 cars were parked into a two car garage. I spoke to them for a bit before going inside. For some reason while I was locking up the gate I was viciously terrified of being robbed and just wanted to lock up as soon as possible. I was inside and locked up when one of my parents said something to me. It was really scary and I realised that theres no way tis could be real. So I realised it was a dream and I tried to fly off. But as usual my subconscious tries to mess me up by having my parents tell me theres no escape and one of them flew after me. I was flying super fast in the air and was way up in the sky. It didn't even look like earth anymore it looked like the setting from one of my childhood dreams. It was very game-like and there were cats with wings and projectiles being shot everywhere(to precent one from flying out of the atmosphere) I decreased my height and was being chased by one of my parents who had morphed into some weird looking angelic boy. I flew behind a car( which was floating in the sky) and the boy ran out of altitude at that height and plummeted back towards my house. My dream was telling me that because I had exceeded my flying limit that my body was dead and I was about to fall as well. S I leaned against the car until my body had regenerated all of my health back.

      Then for some reason I was back at my house. I did a nose RC and it worked so I became lucid again. Before my parents could speak I ran out of the house( my fear always fucks up my control) and started running at mach speed. Something was chasing after me and after some time I realised it was a howler monkey. Some car lights came on in front of me so I took a different path to the left in order to avoid getting looped back to my parents house. I turned myself into a monkey to confuse the one following me and then set upon a path that no creature other than a monkey could ever follow through bushes and bouncing off trees and under logs etc. the monkey chasing me still hadn't lost me. A rabbit started chasing me and trying to knock me down but he was way too small. So I tapped into his conscious and had him attack the other monkey. Then we were on the other side of my house near the cricket nets and I jumped up onto them. The monkey was replaced by a group of guys from my old highschool and one of them was trying to bully me. I climbed up to the top of the net and then it started to fall down so I jumped off it on the other side. The guy trying to bully me slipped through the gap formed by the net falling and wanted to fight. Which makes no sense because although he's bigger than me IRL and weighs like 90 kilos he doesn't have a chance of beating me. I beat him to a pulp and I think I broke one of his arms. Then the rest of the guys( now turned into a bunch of big drunk englishmen were through the net. I tried to climb the next net but the grab-able part( new word) was on the other side so I slid down. I now was in a small enclosed room and had to fight all of these guys without any lucid powers because I'm pretty sure I was no longer lucid... I was smashing faces in and elbowing one of my high school friends in the face repeatedly because he was all weird and stuff. Eventually a trannie had found its way in and was touching my back. I got my friend in a choke but said in his ear "dude lets pretend we're fighting so hard that we have to move to the opposite side of the room so that we're far away from this trannie!" He agreed and we moved away but now all the guys had run to this side of the room to escape. I found a door and we all got out.

      We were in a little lobby/garage and there were weapons lying on a table. Most of them were bata but there were a few machetes and katanas lying around. I grabbed a katana(yes I am an anime nerd) but it didn't have a handle. So I took a broadsword instead that was in a hockey stick bag and I ran out of the lobby into the room next door. For some reason I knew this was the women's room and the room I was previously in was the mens room. I ran in and the girls were screaming that some kind of military was there and they were armed. I ran towards one of their ships that had landed( we were now outside and it was daytime again) and three guys were running towards the ship to do exactly what I was planning to do. So we joined up as a group and attacked the ship. The first guy from the group was a really fast runner so he arrived first surrounded by four guys and started trying to fight them. I figured he'd end up dead so I ran to a guard that was aiming at him from far. He turned around when he saw me but he was so frightened( rookie, hmph) that he hesitated for a moment. I slid underneath his guns range and grabbed him around the neck. I wanted to kill him but the other guys with me told me to use non lethal force. One of them pistol-whipped the guard with his own gun and we carried on. I was angry because I was so sure that he had killed the guard with the amount of force he used and he had just lectured me on toning down my violence. As we got closer to the ship I woke up.

      On a side note I had a dream where my brother was standing near my bed and my father was lying in it. I wanted to hug my brother but he wasn't in the mood. Then my father told me I must join some political party within 6 years. I thought a lecture was coming so I was getting ready to switch off/argue but then he started talking about how black people in the past were discriminated against and he started choking up so I started crying as well.

      Truth be told I had no idea I would write this much of the dream because I didn't remember the majority of it until I started writing it down. Oh well! Guess I still have some decent dream recall
      lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    10. 1 DILD, 2 Non Lucids

      by , 03-02-2014 at 10:21 PM
      I had a few dreams I remembered last night, I forgot them mostly while trying to remember the lucid.
      I haven't done a dream journal in a while which is bad, but I have been remembering dreams each night, which is good. I've improved my sleep patterns which is good, I admit I have been sleeping poorly for many months.

      I'll start of with a non-lucid which was quite vivid from 2 or 3 days ago.

      It would appear I was going to Spain, for a school trip which I am not really going on IRL, which I am rather pissed about. Point is, I am in a bit of a rush getting everything together, because I am leaving in about 10 minutes.
      Screw clothes and toothpaste, I packed my combat robot, transmitter and chargers. (Even the servos had chargers? 0.o) I decided although I had four servo chargers, I only needed one, so I took a charger for the battery, and a charger for the servos.
      Later, I am downstairs, presumably with my combat robot and whatever else I packed, and someone else from my school is taking the strings off my guitar, because apparently I am taking that with me, and breaks the B string. Okey dokey.
      Later, I think I am on a coach, maybe an airplane, with some other people, and we are going somewhere. Then, we're at some sort of metal concert, with people dressed up like GWAR, and then the audience is dressed up like star wars people, and aliens and stuff, and GWAR and the other band playing instigate some sort of fight between their fans, like a wall of death mosh. The band isn't really GWAR, just similar, to be honest I don't listen to GWAR, but I am right now anyway. We are not in the mosh pit, we're looking down on them. There seems to be an argument between the people dressed up as monsters, and the people dressed up as star wars. Then they start having a massive fight, fisting each other, and these mini muscly pac man oompa loompa people boss it up.
      The end.

      The other non lucid I remember well is in the garden by the rabbit pen, and I appear to be running errands in some sort of Jurassic Park, and after being attacked by a Stegosaurus I try to convince the palaeontologist guy that they should be classified as medium herbivore, and he grudgingly agrees somewhat while playing with a dinosaur bone.

      The DILD involved me being in my school and in one of the music rooms waiting for Metallica to play to us, and I was pretty damn excited. I was somewhat amused they usually do 2 gigs in the UK per tour before leaving, yet this time they decided to play to a school, but I wasn't complaining. Before they were supposed to come, I think I was playing some guitar. Then people started coming in waiting, and we waited. I don't know exactly what happened while we were waiting, but I did a reality test, first I just blocked my throat and tried to breath, and I could still breath, so I assumed something went wrong, automatically put my hand over my nose and could still breath, so I instantly became lucid when I realised, but I couldn't quite stabilize, and I lost the dream. I usually don't have a problem stabilizing, it might be because of the reality check, I don't usually become lucid by doing the reality check, so I might have been more lucid than usual, or something. Anyway, for some reason I couldn't stabalize and that was that. And I still didn't get to see Metallica. (Not that I would really want to, Metallica hasn't been good in years, they don't play their songs right anymore.)
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    11. The Madman

      by , 03-02-2014 at 06:22 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #290 - DILD - 7:18AM

      After a long bout of insomnia I finally get lucid again. I totally wasn't myself in this one.

      The first thing I recall is sitting in the back seat of a car. There are two hot women up front looking back at me. Somehow I become lucid and order the women to give me oral. The older one goes right to it as the other turns away. For some reason I think they are mother and daughter. The awkwardness fades with the pleasure and I close my eyes.

      I have an FA where I am in bed doing pelvic thrusts into the air. I still feel pleasure so just let it happen. I begin to feel like someone is watching me so I stop. I look around and see that I am in my old bedroom at my parents old house in WC. The door is cracked and I assume someone is there. My mother walks in saying something and takes my son who must have been sleeping next to me. I begin to feel really embarrassed now and hope that no one noticed what I was doing in my sleep.

      She leaves and now I am in bed alone. I still feel really tired and roll over to go back to sleep. I decide to check the time and see its 9:06AM. I feel like I still have some sleep time and decide to WILD laying on my stomach with my face over the edge of the bed. I never do this in waking life. I reflect on the other LD I had and laugh that I totally thought I was sleeping in my own house. I decide this is proof that OBEs are just based on expectations. I was confused here.

      Suddenly, I feel like I am lying on my back and decide this is a sign that the dream has started. I'm lucid but I totally don't get that I had an FA or the fact that my parents don't even live here anymore. I get up and exit the room.

      A very young version of my oldest niece has come up the stairs to go to the bathroom. I feel amped up and crazy and I play with her roughly by play fighting with her. I end up beating her up and kicking her down the stairs. As she falls I fly past her kicking her on more time. It was accidental but I don't worry about it since none of this is even really happening.

      Downstairs, I see my younger sister sitting at a computer desk. I yell and make crazy noises but she doesn't see or hear me. I think maybe I am like a ghost and decide to try to scare everyone. My dad is sitting on the cough with my son. I slap him on the stomach three times. He doesn't see me but he feels it. He just looks at my son with a really shocked expression. I run around screaming and "spiderman" up a wall by the front door. I leap off and grab at the ceiling fan. It's on full speed and I slip off one of the blades landing next to my mom. I shout in her face. She sees me but instead of reacting negatively, she looks deep into my eyes and says, "Son, I love you so much."
      I immediately calm down. I notice right away that something is off with her appearance. Her eyes are all black with no white, but I blow it off as dream weirdness. I just doesn't bother me , but perhaps it should have. I reply, "I love you too, mom." I kiss her on the cheek and walk away.

      I head toward the back door to go exploring but I suddenly wake up before I get there.
    12. The Kitten and Painting

      by , 03-02-2014 at 05:52 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #289 - WILD - 4:37AM

      I watch the visuals until I notice mild vibes. I focus on it and it become a little stronger. I begin to feel like my body was in a awkward position so I slowly try to adjust while maintaining the vibes. It was probably all my dream body but all I could think was, "Oh great. I'll have to endure the whole dream being uncomfortable."

      Suddenly, my wife gets up stopping the vibes. I think at this point she has woke me up. She comes to my side of the bed and starts washing her hands with some sort of paint thinner. I notice I have something like dried glue on my hand and start peeling it off. I comment something about why we have glue on our hands, then I realize This is fake.

      My wife disappears and the dream goes visually dark. I try to do my normal transition but it feels like I am moving my physical body. I'm afraid of waking myself up because I feel like I am very lightly sleeping and I can hear the box fan clearly. No worries I'll just visualize. I think about walking in the living room and I am suddenly there with all the lights in the house on.

      I pace around still feeling like I need to get more in the dream, but looking back I think I was too worried about it. I wander to the kids room and see the door is open. A lot of the furniture is missing and I see a green beanbag and some clothes scattered around. There's a small tabby kitten pouncing around. I reach to pet it as I look away and back. Now the kitten is calico. I begin to hear my daughters laughing like they do when they are up to no good. I look around for them as I pick the up the kitten that is now pure white. After a moment of searching I think they must be hiding in the closet. I open the door and toss in the kitten fully expecting one of my daughters to appear. The closet is dark and mostly empty with no little girls. I still hear the laughing and now It's starting to creep my out. I decide it's best to leave. I walk into the next room and use TK to close the bedroom door and lock it. The kitten squeezes under the tiny crack under the door and pads next to me. It's still white.

      I suddenly remember my goal and forget about the kitten. I look around and see some partially painted pictures on the wall. I float up intending to finish one but it disappears. I pause a moment listening. I can still hear the box fan and feel that I am still barely in the dream. I try not to worry about it too much and go back to painting. I chose to just paint directly on the blank space on the wall. I blind summon a brush without much effort and begin painting a mountain scene. Unfortunately, the paint isn't cooperating and I have trouble getting anything to stay on the wall. I eventually get a basic mountain painted and realize its red and orange. I kind of like the look of it and decide to call it done as the void over takes me.

      I am not ready to wake and decide to wait it out until the next dream forms. I decide to entertain myself by turning upside down and swinging back and forth by my feet. The swings are exaggeratedly huge and I can hear the wind in my ears on each pass. After a moment, I decide that I better try to visualize something.

      Something forms but I begin to feel really confused and worry that my lucidity is slipping. I force myself to wake up.
    13. Taxi!!!!!

      by , 03-02-2014 at 01:21 PM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Lucid]
      I'm in a taxi heading somewhere, I recognize the route, //suddenly I think to myself "if this was a dream I could levitate" and perform the levitation RC, the RC failed but I was almost certain this was a dream, I became filled with joy at this point, but my subconscious kept thinking of reasons why this is waking life and in turn nothing happened and the taxi carried on.//

      2. [Lucid]
      //I'm laying in a bed, its dark, I keep repeatedly looking to my right and I see a dark silhouette of someones shoulder, I kept feeling a tingling sensation all the way through my body and this felt really good, I also kept curling up into a ball, all the while worried about the time.//


      // - Lucid

      In a strange narrow area with ladders everywhere used as platforms.
      A parking lot

      Possible dream signs:
      Taxi, Ladders

      Updated 03-02-2014 at 01:25 PM by 63320

      lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    14. March 01, 2014 Lucid #11 "Trust No One"

      by , 03-02-2014 at 04:07 AM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid #11 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
      Background: After a week of bad recall and a night of no recall. I woke up to do a WBTB and then went to sleep after hearing some Robert Monroe. I fell asleep for about an hour and got a LD. I went to sleep not caring for a LD but just wanting to remember a dream.

      Dream fragment 1 from 4:30am-5:46am" Trust No One":
      I was in the car with my dad. We went to a mansion, to sell it. We heard the real estate guy talking very loud on the phone even though he was at the second floor of the mansion. My dad said, "he won't notice if we left and came back, I forgot something". We drove off I looked anxiously back. I thought he might see us leave.

      I was now in my old middle school it wasn't obvious to me at the time but I was walking around suspicious and for some reason I put my hand on my nose and closed it up. I can still breath. I kept walking. It caught me I could still breath. I did it again, still I could still breath. I thought this is a dream, but I didn't believe it. I tried again thinking what if I am doing the RC wrong and not closing my nose completely. I then said this is a dream and ran around like a mad man looking around. I thought wow even a band is here. The band looked at me weird. I looked at my hands maybe to do a RC again but I didn't. I then started rubbing my hands it felt normal like waking world. The realism was spectacular. I realized that I was not going to come out of this dream so I stopped rubbing my hands. As I was about to walk out a classmate that I know walks up to me and he said you are not dreaming. I just looked at him. He said you have been lying to yourself the whole time. You bought a glove with six fingers so that you could believe your lies and you did the nose plug wrong. He said trust me and gave me his hand. I looked at him fishy but thought maybe he is right, I might have lost my mind. I gave him my hand. I lost lucidity. We were now going to some store to buy gloves or something else.
      A lesson learned: trust no one on the essential truth of reality you are experiencing.

      Became lucid by: DILD
    15. Constellations

      by , 03-01-2014 at 10:23 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #288 - DILD - After 6:30AM

      OK I'm busy so I'll leave out some details. When my wife left for work I decided to try WILD but I fell asleep too fast. Luckliy I hit a DILD.

      I am swimming at my brother's. My nephew keeps doing dives off the diving board. I do a few myself and then talk to my bro. As I am talking I notice visual oddites about my nephew but don't follow the thought. I decide to dive some more but before I get on the board I look up as I have a habit of doing. I notice it's getting very dark and I notice the stars. I begin to see constellations connected by lines and then the actual drawings like you see on a sky map.

      Ashliebelle's Dream Journal - Surfin USA-myth_constellations.jpg

      I realize I am dreaming but I am fascninated with the sky to take much control. For some reason I decide to pull my phone out with and open my sky map app to see the names of constellations. I focus on some of them so that I can remember it later. Unfortunately I never wrote anything down until now so I can't remember then all. I know that one says something like Leo (SOCHI). I feel the dream fading and assume I am waking up but I only lose lucidity.

      The only thing I recall next is sitting on the cough laughing that I dreamed a constellation with the name Sochi in it.

      Much later I have a dream that I an looking at the moon during the day and notice there a swiriling clouds coming off it. I want to understand why this is happening but also want to document it. I pull my phone out and snapchat it to everyone. My cousin's wife shows up and I point out the moon to her. We talk about this for a while. I feel like I am missing something important.