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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Working for Awareness

      by , 07-17-2019 at 01:21 AM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I woke up with my second alarm and went straight back to lying down attempting to MILD again. I must have dozed off for a little bit as I come back to awareness with a bright white rectangle close to my face. I imagine it as a computer screen and sure enough, I start to focus on the URL at the top of the screen repeating to myself that I am dreaming. I feel my body start to enter sleep paralysis and I hear some strange noises. I try to wake myself up out of panic by trying to think of my bedroom, but I can only think about work and sitting at my desk looking at my computer screen. I let it happen and suddenly pop into the dream by WILD

      It's difficult to move at first, but I get out of the office chair I'm sitting in and do a reality check. My fingers pass easily through my hand and I feel that I am already more aware because of WILDing instead of DILDing. I want to get outside so I walk to the stairwell and find it blocked by a vending machine. It swings out of the way without effort, though, and I walk down. The stairs get very narrow with more blockages along the way, but I finally make it out into a grassy hill. In front of me are mountains with many homes built around the base. To my left it looks like some plains with a dust devil or small tornado. I sit down cross legged in the grass to boost my awareness. I once again perform a reality check which I do easily. I then say out loud, "Clarity now", in a calm but commanding voice and my vision becomes pixelated-like for a split second and a sound like a high pitched ring occurs. It subsides leaving me with a much clearer vision and more awareness, and I'm stunned for a minute that it worked so well. I decide I want to talk to my subconscious so I start walking down a street with houses on both sides. I imagine a bench on the left side while looking at my hands and sure enough, I look up and a bench is there, although a little lopsided. I sit down and ask to speak with my subconscious. Out of the right side of my vision, a blonde girl walks towards the house that I'm facing. She greets me and walks in some side entrance to open the front door for me. I thank her and walk inside. She starts talking to me but I'm trying to focus on staying aware and I tell her this. I remark that I need to work on making my awareness - boosting routine get my awareness in the dream to last longer. When I finally sit down, she starts talking to me again, but the dream fades out quickly.
    2. 2 for 2

      by , 07-16-2019 at 05:14 PM
      I've have had at least 2 lucid dreams in the past two days. I think I may have figured out what is causing me to have lucid dreams. It was never the specific technique or the meditation. It was the fact that I was staying awake for 90 minutes then falling back to sleep with the intention to lucid dream. 90 minutes is not a magic number. It's about fully waking up - when the mind/body least wants to - and stretching the rubber band of sleep deprivation. Then we release that tension by lying down and quickly falling asleep with no other thought than to recognize the next time we dream. Some experts would describe this as REM rebound. One must figure out how their mind/body relate to sleep deprivation and REM sleep during the WBTB period.

      For my next dream goal, I am going to get a dream character to tell me their name.
      lucid , side notes
    3. Log 1537 - Liminal Lunar Clay Temple

      by , 07-13-2019 at 07:54 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 12 July 2019

      Got two DILDs and a few fragments to note.

      Spoiler for It's quite a bit:

      Updated 07-13-2019 at 08:26 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Skyrim: The Captain Gets Fus'd!

      by , 07-12-2019 at 04:55 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 07-11

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am playing Skyrim VR, starting at the beginning. Ralof is across from me, Ulfric is to my right, Lokir is across from Ulfric. Lokir is being extremely rude. He won’t shut and two out of every three words is an expletive. He is directing his torrent of obscenity at Ulfric, who is completely ignoring him. Ralof tries to tell Lokir not to talk to the rightful high king of Skyrim like that, but gives up. Lokir sees me staring at him and takes a break from Ulfric to curse at me. I ask if he talks to his mother with that filthy mouth. He gives me one final, “Fuck you!” before going back to cursing at Ulfric.

      We arrive in Helgen and stop. I see the Imperial Captain and say to no one in particular that I really wish I could fus her ass. I look at Ulfric. He could fus her. I say I’ll get that gag off of him if he’ll fus the Captain. He looks at me strangely. Did he hear me? But other characters can’t hear what I say, they only hear the dialog choices I make… But then Lokir had seemed to hear me, too… wtf? Did I add a mod that includes voice recognition and explicit language?

      Ulfric and Ralof are on the list, then Lokir insists he’s not a (expletives) Stormcloak and he hates that (expletives) traitor Ulfric. The Captain doesn’t believe him so he then turns his expletives on her, calling her a list of rude names I won’t repeat even though I agree with them. He then makes a run for it and is shot in the back by an archer. Hadvar says my name isn’t on the list, but the Captain says I should be killed anyway. Lokir used every expletive in the book, so I settle with telling the Captain to go fus herself. I would love to be able to fus her right off of a cliff.

      Alduin swoops over the town, bathing everything in fire. I follow Ralof into the closest tower. Ralof and Ulfric and a few other Stormcloaks come out the hole in the wall, though after a blast of fire from Alduin the other Stormcloaks are either killed or separated leaving Ralof, Ulfric, and me. Hadvar and the Captain attack Ulfric specifically, saying he’s not getting away. I get to see the Captain get fus’d after all. Ulfric fus’s her right as Alduin makes another pass, so she gets fus’d and then toasted! I exclaim, “That was AWESOME!” Ulfric looks at me like he thinks I’m insane. He can hear me! I’d better watch what I say or everyone in Skyrim will think I’m a total psycho.

      The rest of the opening quest goes pretty normal except for Ulfric is with Ralof and me. Then we are out and Ulfric wants to know if I know what fus means. “Of course I do, it means force. Ro means balance, dah means push. Now if I can just kill a few dragons I can do my own fus’ing…” Alduin flies overhead. “But not that one… I’m not ready for that one yet.” So the sooner I head off the Whiterun the sooner I will get the first word! I head down the path then wake up.
    5. A very vivid Ld.

      by , 07-11-2019 at 03:04 PM
      This was a very big dream so I can't remember all of it, but I become lucid for a bit!

      Lucid 1:This dream is set in a another world, it just looks so different from our world. Like the culture is different. I am in something that could be called a hotel, but it is very dangerous as it is inflatable.

      My WL friend is getting married to his gf. And I meet him. We climb up a wall that I'd right next to the hotel and have a conversation that I do not remember. Then he gives me money.

      Somehow I drop 15 bucks in a crack on the big inflatable hotel and I climb on it to get it. Apparently I was too heavy for it. And I made it really wobbly. Causing the top part to inflate and go down. I quickly leave with m (my friend) after grabbing the money.

      Dream cuts. And I wake up, I have no idea if this was irl or if it was a FA. But I do my first DEILD. I don't enter lucid, but my heightened awareness makes the dream a lot more vivid.

      I am walking. Where too I do not know. But eventually I find myself at m's wedding. He is eating with his fiance at the wedding. Before they got married which is weird I notice, but hey.

      Right there I stop myself. A am silent thinking to myself "could this be a lucid dream" I decide to do my reality check. I do the nose plug rc, and there it is. I am dreaming! I get very excited, because this is one of the most vivid Ld's I've had.

      I get ready to this and to do that. But I stop myself. I remember what I've been wanting to do. But I don't do it. I don't need too.

      I decide to passively observe the dream. It was a weird experience, because I was lucid. But I wasn't controlling myself. It was almost like watching a movie.

      I go on to help martial set up his wedding, and watch him do it. I didn't think to eat any cake because I was passively observing, but I should of. I always wanted to eat something in a LD.

      This was honestly a new experience, because one, I always have low level LD's. This was literally like my second high level LD(and I know why. I've been practicing the RRC and it has heightened my awareness a lot. I'm also preparing to start meditation.) And two, I became a passive observer. Even though I'm new to LD'ing I didn't lose control of myself. Which in my books is an achievement.

      Also I'm pretty sure that I walked through a forest trail in the dream I just can't remember when (I walk through trails a lot in dreams)

      I have a second dream, but it was basically just me watching a couple have sex. Too boring to write all of the details down.
    6. Log 1535 - The Unyielding Giant

      by , 07-11-2019 at 12:45 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 10 July 2019

      Got a DILD and two fragments today.

      Scrap Group 1

      Just an all around horrible dream. Really bummed me out for a moment after waking up.

      Something about watching TV. All the known channels were slightly off by a few digits.


      Dream 1 - The Unyielding Giant

      Scene 1 - Big Menace vs. Big Ego
      The visuals were a bit blurred. Wasn't sure where I was, save that the surroundings were really smoky. I got aware within seconds.

      Just then, a bunch of people rushed past me in a panic. It soon became apparent why: a colossal figure was chasing after them. The mist disperses enough to reveal a brutish giantess, light skinned, stout and muscular, square-jawed, and brown hair ragged and short. She was dressed in a shabby, patchwork burlap tunic, and trousers and shoes to match.

      Two would-be victims tripped over themselves. Just before they were caught, I (via grandiose arcing gestures) opened a portal directly below the giantess, buying enough time for the two people to escape. Unwittingly, I'd dropped the savage menace into quicksand. It took only seconds for her to sink out of view. Reckoned she'd suffocate within a few seconds, if that. I began closing the portal, only to wind up in the giantess' clutches. She then dragged me with her to share her fate.

      We soon were plummeting down a vast pit. The giantess forcefully held me lower than herself. With a hoarse, booming tone, she gloated on about her durability, claiming she'd survive any fall, while questioning if I could do the same. In time, a torch-lit surface could be seen below. As we drew closer, I realized I would be dashed head-first into a huge gargoyle (comparatively just a garden gnome to the ogress). I braced myself...

      Pang! I was left in a daze. When I come to, I find myself in a rock-cut underground site, something like an Egyptian temple, only scaled up to gargantuan proportions. More pertinently, I saw the giantess nearby, writhing semi-consciously. l lowered my guard, thinking this over, just to get seized in her grasp again. I was helpless, restrained entirely, save for my own right hand. Clenching my fist, I caused a localized earthquake. The structure soon collapsed onto itself. So too did the ground below. Such deafening destruction let me free from her grip. But, debris struck me, and forced me to fall along with it to lower depths.

      About a minute later, I was in another vast ancient underground site, one carved from slate. Broke my fall just before hitting pavement. I looked around, and find the ogress prone on the ground. Foolishly, I floated above her in glory, only for her to instantly stand back up, and capture me yet again. The giantess wasted no time to start crushing me in her hands, and she even threatened to eat me once I was half-dead. This time, I'd no limbs to spare. But I still had my voice. With all that was left of my breath, I shouted "Fus!" The force staggered her just enough loosen her grip on me. I used this chance to 'power up'. Then, in a moment's notice, I rocketed out of the giantess' hand, flew around her, and tackled her on the back of her knee. The brute was swept off her feet, and struck the hard earth head-first on her back.

      I stand triumphant, certain that I was victorious. But, almost instantaneously, she was looming over me in fury once more. Here we go again...

      Things warp.

      Scene 2 - More Mundane Applications of Time Travel
      Similar visuals. I was working in a restaurant as a server. I'd temporarily lost lucidity, but regained it quickly. Still, I couldn't think of much better to do than follow the 'plot'.

      I ask some diners, two guys in their twenties, whether they were enjoying the food. One of them complained that the lunch meat in their sandwich wasn't cooked as they wanted. I apologized, and offered to return it. But instead, I rewind time back to before the food would be prepared in the kitchen. Once I had it in hand, I put the sandwich, meat-first, back on the grill.

      The dream collapsed shortly after.

      Updated 07-11-2019 at 03:03 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment
    7. A Guide to Myself

      by , 07-10-2019 at 02:00 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      Before I began dreaming, I was attempting the MILD after my second to last alarm went off, but so far, I had not yet fallen back asleep and was concerned my final alarm would be going off at any moment...

      I'm arriving home at night to a house that I'm not familiar with. Walking up to the door, I notice a lot of bicycles in the front yard. As I walk over to some of them, Goose, my GF's dog, runs up to me all energetic and he starts poking his head through the spokes trying to bite at them. I continue to walk up to the door. Once I enter, I see everyone sitting around nursing drinks I assume to be alcoholic. More than my roommates are there, though, and it feels like the end of a big party. Before walking farther in, we get on the subject of dreaming, and I break into a lesson for everyone. I tell them exactly what I was trying to do this morning, "Set your usual alarm clock time in the morning, but also go back 90 to 100 minutes before that and set another alarm. Get out of bed with this alarm, go to the bathroom or something, then go back to sleep all while repeating the phrase in your head, 'the next scene will be a dream'." I say how it's a good way to induce lucid dreams called the MILD method after implementing the WBTB method. I walk all the way into the main room now and sit with a couple guys discussing what I had said. They talk about weird things that could pop up in dreams like a duck wearing a leather jacket. I agree with them and ask them if they would question whether they were dreaming or not after they saw that. I also make a joke by saying "Duck Gun" trying to relate the ducks and leather jackets to Top Gun. It feels stupid but both of the other guys laugh. Suddenly, I get the feeling to do a reality check since I realize I've just been talking about them before. I push my fingers through my other hand successfully and realize I'm dreaming. I look around the room for a second trying to stay calm. There's a lot more people now, all of them talking. I want to go back outside so I get up to leave when one of the guys I was talking to also gets up and shakes my hand. It takes me a couple attempts to get his name right, but apparently it was "Lemon". I walk outside to find it's a brilliant sunny day. Summer comes to mind as spots of vibrant colors, I assume to be from flowers, cover my peripheral vision with large trees over the road in front of the house. It appears I'm in a neighborhood. There's a small picnic table with a pull out bench in the front yard and I go over and sit down. I try grounding myself in the dream more by looking over my hands and touching the wooden bench, feeling the grains and knots in the wood. A friend comes out of the house talking in a very sad voice, but I'm pre-occupied with maintaining my awareness. I suddenly decide to toss the bench I've been sitting on far away just to see what it would do. My roommate comes outside too, and I tell him I just threw the bench to infinity. As I watch it, I see it catch the wind, though, and it falls back in to the neighborhood some distance away. The idea of flying comes to me so I prepare to do this. Instead of my normal routine of jumping into the air to begin, however, I decide to be more controlled with it. I hold out my arms and imagine myself floating off the ground. Before I leave the ground, everyone leaves in a car and the wind becomes a bit gusty. Suddenly, I find myself starting to float. It's working! I continue to focus, also taking note of the surroundings. The wind starts to carry my off, much like a hot air balloon. As I'm drifting with the wind, I try to ground myself more and think of the next thing I want to do, but I wake up
      lucid , memorable
    8. Replay DILD

      by , 07-08-2019 at 03:20 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was in a live action replay on top of a building at night. And became tired of us performing the same replay over and over again. I then approach the person starting our replay and notice they were standing completely still. I then look at the other person performing the replay with me and she was also frozen. She was a video game character from tekken. She was laying down lifeless so I check to see if she was still alive and suddenly it hit me I was lucid dreaming as nothing made sense. I check to see if she was alive and said to the other person that nothing is real. I then lose lucidity.
      Tags: building, stdc, tekken
    9. Mini lucid rant, snakes, eagles, penguins

      by , 07-07-2019 at 10:17 PM
      6 July

      Comp day 1
      # 1 Lucid rant

      I wake around 6, go to the toilet and am already disappointed with myself that am not doing enough for lucidity and dream recall to kick start the race. I feel very tired and can't remember any dreams, just want to go to bed.

      A feel mins later rem starts and I find myself surrounded by a number of DCs. I start a rant that I was supposed to get lucid. The more I talk and look around the more vivid and spacey the scene becomes until I happily realize this is a dream. There is some interaction that I try to undertake with my sleeping body, though I can't quite recall what (like trying double perception).

      The lucidity gradually slips into a non-ld. The last thing I recall is a non-lucid portion where a man that's doing some sort of astral travel gets into cold water and begins to disappear.


      Sister serpents (NLD1)
      In a dream apartment where we supposedly live. There are several dark bronze busts of politicians from different countries. In the nearby room. Initially a story about a guy that had issues with his head. I see him as a baby, he is is two rods that were improperly manipulated when he was very young. The two rods are now in a container, the lid is put on and there is a metallic sound. This must be when the damage was done. I untie the lid to check him, but the two rods look ok, finely situated among the rest of the material.

      The two rods are now baby serpents and I decide to bring them up, throwing them in an indoors garden in the main room. The first one starts growing fast, eating toys and everything in its way until his mouth is full of plastics. I grab him/her and try to get them out one by one, while it's oozing green slime on the furniture (too much detail but good recall , that I promise will change later. The last item it has swallowed are my headphones, which I am not sure I will be able to use again. I get them out and throw the first snake out of the window, hoping it won't be able to return.

      In the meantime, the other snake has grown into a young adult human woman. She has shoulder length blonde hair. Luckily, she is registered at our address as a relative and will have no problems later in life with any ids.

      Furniture (frag1)
      In someone's place, I notice the furniture looks a lot like that from my childhood and try to find out if it's possible to still buy it. A brand name that's difficult to read appears written somewhere, which is how I am able to track the furniture and discover the manufacturer.

      Haircut (frag2)

      Looking at a pile cut hair with different colors

      07 July

      Nld1: Waiting for a colleague
      At some sort of event, i am supposed to wait for a colleague, but get tired of waiting and decide to head to the station. I message her multiple times and hope she is on her way. There are trains every min or so but it's full of people. We are supposed to take the train then go to this other place.

      Nld2: Dad and the eagles
      On street that looks structurally like the bora hometown dreamversion. I visit dad who is behind on the cashier and he works hard to write a card with best wishes for me. At the entrance of the shop are two eagles that kind of block the way. They look around as if hungry and once they notice there's a bag full of food in front of them, one of them tears with his beak into a strawberry yogurt.


      Frag1: With son in the car
      It's the three of us in the car and what looks like a four old son. I examine his features and hair color trying to assess how he's turned up. (No son irl)

      Nld3: The run
      Sitting at a table with a number of people, who show certain calculations that copy incorrectly. A question is asked about a drawing of an old politician, which I want to enhance to make a joke. However, they draw him on my cheek instead, so I decide to leave the table. Initially, I just stay on the next seat as I just had been to the toilet, but decide to leave. At some point pass by a few artefact jewels that are kept in glass cell. I think I definitely need more locks there. Seems I have a collection of these weird objects, some quite glittery.

      As I continue as far away from the event, I decide to run in the opposite direction of the school yard. In the yard are a number of huge creatures that look like brown baby penguins. Most can't do anything but explore the ground, however, a few look quite menacing and there seem to appear more of them too! (yes, since you unconsciously summoned them!). I decide it's time to get away from here. In the meantime, I run into S who's hanging from a tree with a backpack.

      A number of people we know continue on the track to the backyard of the school. I carry a bottle of orange juice which helps me accelerate. After a bit of running, I can't seem to keep up any more running and decide to walk a bit to gather energy (how do you get tired in a dream?). The accompanying DCs decide to take a shortcut, and I recall another shortcut to take (this is a familiar place from prior dreams). I pass a medium sized office building. There is a delivery of FT wrapped in plastic and I contemplate about taking one, but decide against it since it's pp. On the way down the shortcut street are also a number of new editions of the economist - the world in 2050, laying on a trash can. I decide to take the 2050 since I haven't seen it before and continue on my way.


      frag2: bus ride - in a bus, while trying to express an opinion show them the fingers, but then feel guilty this might be misinterpreted by the camera as anti social behavior (BB is watching!)

      Frag3: an item can't recall now has a hole in it but we still need to use it so I suggest we put tape on it.

      Updated 07-07-2019 at 10:30 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. some good recall this morning.

      by , 07-02-2019 at 11:18 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      partly lucid

      I was in a dream before but found myself suddenly in some bathroom with no recollection of how I got there. I became lucid but everything went to black instantly.

      Multi dreams

      I was working in some warehouse that was also a clothing store or something. I kept shifting around the dream in some places. I was confused. Suddenly I was entering the place with some guy. He accused me of hiding in his truck. which I remember that part. He left me at the store and I started to work again.

      FA, in the back of the guy's truck again. He got pissed at me and said ,"Not you again." then he had to drive me to the store AGAIN. This time he was mad and yelling. I was trying to explain to him that I have huge gaps in my memory and i have no idea how I got in his truck again. He dropped me off again and I went through a basement door. I turned a corner and went upstairs and ran into a co worker. She said i had been missing for hours but covered for me. I kept trying to explain that I have no idea How i got there and i have gaps in my memory but she wasn't hearing it.

      Suddenly I was with Xereniak walking down some street. I was trying to explain to him that I had no idea where i was or how I got there. He didn't seem like he was listening so I stopped. After a few minutes he said, "Yes, I wanna hear about the gaps in your memory." So, I started to explain. But then he saw something and flew over to a giant window and broke a tile of it. then he started editing the windows into shapes like he was in a game of fortnite. WTF. Recall ends.

      Nothing about Jamie for the past few days
    11. Memory Lane 2 DILD

      by , 07-01-2019 at 04:19 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I had 2 lucid dreams.
      Tags: cousin
      lucid , false awakening
    12. Persistant Nudity

      by , 06-29-2019 at 03:30 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #531 DILD - 8AM

      I am in some shopping center looking at stuff with my wife. There is a guy looking at Halloween costumes next to us but he keep ramming his cart into my leg. I don't do much or get mad. I'm slightly annoyed and I just move. There is some interaction with the cashier and my wife and we somehow get new debit cards. Now I want a new wallet and I start to look for one.

      Suddenly, I realize that I am completely naked. I run out of the store and grab some random items to hide my private parts. I make it to the car and hide for a moment. Some teenager peer in but I have my face covered with a thin material. I wait until they leave and start putting more clothes on.

      When I am decently dressed, I notice the car has rolled out of the parking spot. I make several attempts at parking but the parking gear and emergency brake doesn't seem to keep the car from rolling. I finally stash it an angle in front of the store. I want to go back in because I still want a wallet.

      I get out of the car but my wife is coming out; done shopping. I tell her what I am doing while awkwardly getting a pair of sandals on. They are muddy. There is a lot of rain water flowing down from and inside corner of the L shape in the building lay out. I go to was my feet but end up letting the water flow on my head and body like a shower. I see my feet and sandals are clean so I step out only to notice that I am completely naked again. I look out into the parking lot and see a nude woman laying across a sports car feeling her breast and looking at me. I choose to ignore her.

      All of this is too much and I now know that I am dreaming. My first instinct is to get dressed. I struggle with the clothing then realize it doesn't matter. I can either go naked or just mentally fast-forward past the physical effort of getting dressed. I tell my self that I am dressed and confidentially walk in the store. I see my reflection in the glass of the sliding doors. It looks like I am at least wearing shorts. I look down and now I am wearing a long shirt. Good enough.

      Not knowing what else to do, I decide to go ahead and look for the wallet. Unfortunately the dream starts to fade. I struggle for visual clarity and now the store has turned into a version of a large church from childhood. There is a kid with me. Seems like it's KW. I hear singing. It sounds like my sister N. We try to follow the voice but the church is turning into a confusing maze. The dream starts to fade and KW say no lets interact and he starts beating a rhythm on walls and pews as we pass them. I do the same. It helps for a while but the dream continues to fade out.

      Other dreams:

      1) I have a horribly clumsy time cleaning the litter box. Stuff ends up everywhere and somehow I have litter grit in my mouth. I am really annoyed and grossed out.

      2) I am driving my truck into my drive way at my house. I'm thinking making a turn round spot in part of the yard. I decide to drive it to see. Seems good but I back out and now I am at a place I liked in as a teen in TX. I turn the car around and realized I hit something. I look there is some random T-posts and a lot of thorny vines. The trees seem to close in on me. I think my dad really needs to get out here and cut this crap with me.I see something else and notice that I took out the entire gas meter. There is natural spewing out from a now single broken pipe coming out of the ground. I marvel how that was even possible but rush to shut the truck off to avoid an explosion. I run in the house to tell my dad. He takes his sweet time calling the gas company then hangs up. Oops that's the wrong number. He starts slowing typing in search on the computer to find the number. I say you know what I'm just calling 911. I dial and then I wake up.
      Tags: naked
      lucid , memorable
    13. Fus You Again, Eldred Jonas! A Dream Goal Fulfilled!

      by , 06-24-2019 at 06:19 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 06-24

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Fus You Again, Eldred Jonas! A Dream Goal Fulfilled!

      I am in some tall grass looking at a small cabin. I go towards the cabin and I see a young woman in the door. She is sitting on the stoop. It’s Susan Delgado. I ask her if she and her friends are all ok. She says she is, but Roland and the others are going into danger. I tell her I need her help with something. I have a goal I have wanted to complete ever since I saw Eldred Jonas for the first time, but I need her help. I am now remembering that Eldred Jonas is watching Susan through the pink glass of the Wizard’s Rainbow, so I will use that to lead him where I want him to be. Susan says she will help me, but she won’t leave Sheemie here alone. I say that’s fine, but I don’t think we have much time. Susan, Sheemie, and I head to The Drop.

      I tell Susan I’m going to stay out of sight and wait for our guest, but don’t worry… I won’t let anything happen. And Sheemie should stay out of sight, too. Susan hesitates for a bit then agrees. Sheemie and I get out of sight in a clump of tall grass and wait. It doesn’t take too long before Eldred Jonas and a couple of thugs arrive. Susan has been looking out over The Drop and she doesn’t realize he’s there until he puts a gun at her neck. I hear him talking to her and telling her to come with him, she shouldn’t be out there alone. I tell Sheemie to stay put then I step out into the open. I tell Jonas that Susan isn’t alone. He glares at me and takes a couple steps towards me, moving away from Susan. I motion Susan to get behind me, which she does. Sheemie joins her. Now Jonas and his two thugs are between me and the edge of The Drop. Jonas says I’m going to regret messing with the Big Coffin Hunters.

      Jonas tells his thugs to take me out. I ask Jonas if he has already forgotten what I can do. He stops short and looks behind him towards The Drop. He motions his thugs to stay put and now seems like he wants to be reasonable. He uses his most amicable voice when he says there must be some agreement we can come to. I say no, there is only one thing I want to do now. Jonas draws his gun and shoots as fast as lightning. The bullet hits me right in the chest and leaves a red hole, I feel no pain. I tell him he went and put a hole in my favorite shirt! He gets a shocked look on his face. I fus him and his two thugs. FUS-RO-DAH! The fus sends all three of them flying right off of The Drop, plunging to the rocks far below. Susan says she can’t believe Jonas missed! I show her the hole and say he didn’t, but my body regenerates instantly. I show her the unmarked skin beneath the hole. I tell her everything should be safe for her and Sheemie now, but I will return if they need me.
    14. Log 1517 - Quantum Excursion and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 06-23-2019 at 03:36 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 22 June 2019

      Quite a morning. Lots of things to note today.

      Spoiler for spoilered for austerity:

      Updated 06-23-2019 at 04:52 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    15. Travel through darkness and light

      by , 06-20-2019 at 06:24 AM
      After some time of mindlessness (concentration on nothing) my consciousness started to expand... I felt buzzing sound in my head. And my consciousness slowly shifted out of body. And I walked. It was pitch black place... I felt myself to move but I had no reference points to tell that I'm really moving.
      I came into light room. A few young women were chatting on one side of the room. I thought that I will come to them to hear what they're talking, but I was unable to steer to them. I was unable to stop walking. I had not enough will to do that. I walked straight to the wall and through it.
      I was in darkness again. I heard mumbling, talking.... In that darkness... So I was trying to go toward the sound. the sound was going louder, louder, louder .. fainter. So I reoriented myself and again tried to walk toward the sound again.
      After a few tries I got to lighted room with a few non moving women and men. I was walking straight again... Into wall. And I got stuck with head inside the wall. I thought that it was interesting and that to unstuck myself I have to walk backward... So I rotated my body and reversed into wall and through it without problem.
      I was again in darkness. I wanted to meet someone interesting. Even scary ghost would be interesting. I thought that being in darkness and thinking on such topics would materialize something. Then I heard some deep rumbling. Ach something is coming, I thought. And I cleared my mind. Nothing came... I waited for some time
      Then I walked again. I got again into lighted room. It was empty. I walked to window and through it. The glass was trailing as if it was transparent membrane. It didn't allow me to come through. Then it burst into bubbles and I was outside, in the nature.
      There was nothing but meadow behind me. It was night, lighted by big Moon. A diffuse ghost like figure made of tiny light particles was walking by my side. She looked like my soulmate. Then she dispersed. Then she condensed in front of me... And again dispersed. And I was walking forward tirelessly.

      I was listening yesterday this music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q02vovRNwFQ I heard parts of it through this experience.

      Rob Dougan- Nothing at all
      I want to be still
      I want to walk into your grave
      where I can shelter in peace
      until all our cares have blown away

      let the whole world fall away
      and fall into my arms
      stay with me
      I don't know how long we've got left
      and so I'm asking you
      to forgive me

      I learn as I go
      to float far away
      into silence
      and just watch your face
      and find some kind of grace
      in that quiet bliss

      can I stay and say nothing at all, at all

      where will we go when we get old
      when the bustle and the noise
      get too frightning
      when each and every angry word
      is banished to the past
      that when I think

      we'll learn as we go
      to float far away
      into silence
      and I'll watch your face
      and read of patience and grace
      in each line there

      work each day
      all for nothing at all, at all
      and the few words I say
      they mean nothing at all at all

      will you walk into the grave with me
      will you leave this empty world
      soft and wistfull
      to sink into the dark, dark earth
      and never reappear would be blissful

      to float far away
      into eternal space
      and God's silence
      where I'll watch your face
      and find patience and grace
      in each line there

      drift away into nothing at all at all
      find the grace to be nothing at all at all
      fade away and end up nothing at all
      at all at all at all

      Updated 06-20-2019 at 12:02 PM by 66278

      Tags: obe
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