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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Little Big Planet

      by , 04-18-2012 at 02:32 AM
      Been taking a break from trying -.- I dreamt about skateboarding in Little Big Planet It was pretty awesome. That's all. And night before was a sex dream. I think... yes!
      Tags: cute, game, lbp, sex, skateboard, yum
    2. Stargazing within the dream.

      by , 04-18-2012 at 01:42 AM (It's all about Awareness.)
      In this dream, I was walking out of my old trailer, the dream was vivid and pretty intense, it felt pretty real. I was out side and I was walking aronud. I stood around for a moment and it was really nice out side. It was night time out and I looked up in the sky and I saw the stars out. I slowly looked around at the night sky and I saw a perfect shaped arrow pointing east. The stars were lined up in the shape of an arrow pointing east. They were gold and bright. It was a really great experience that I have ever seen. I am making this dream as a short dream because I could barely remember the rest of the dream, But it was a really wonderful experience to see.
    3. 16th April 2012

      by , 04-17-2012 at 11:27 PM
      Last nights dreams

      Dream 1

      I am lying in bed and don't realise this is a false awakening ((doh!!)) I am holding a baby frog in my left hand....I think "I'd better put this in its cage or I'll squash it when I drop off to sleep" I'm now confused and think "why am I holding a baby frog, it should be a baby pigeon ((I'm hand rearing a baby pigeon at the minute)). I now hear someone shout "mom" but it doesn't sound right so I think "ahhh...it's just hypnogognia" I now hear a young boy say "mom" I open my eyes again and see a young boy on the bed beside me, I say "what?" he says "can you top my phone up for me?" I say "you haven't got a phone" and wonder what he's on about. ((shame I didn't realise I haven't got a son lmao))

      Dream 2

      I am in bed in my room again ((another false awakening)) and a friend of mine is in my room with me, she says "it's good that you gave P £2 for chips" (( lol I gave my daughter P two pound for chips yesterday))

      Dream 3

      I'm in an arcade place ((like the ones on holiday or at a fairground)) there are lads of machines, some you win money and others you win knickers I wasn't winning on the money machines so I go and have a look at the machines where you win knickers. There are some knickers loose in the bottom of the machine so I take out a pretty Lacey pair and my daughter L who is with me says "ohhh there nice, win them for me" so what I had to do was swipe the barcode of the knickers across the thing on the machine and it would tell me if I had won or not, but again I never won. I am now getting angry with these machines and I'm trying to figure out why everyone else could win on the machines but I couldn't
    4. 15th April 2012

      by , 04-17-2012 at 10:56 PM
      Last nights dreams
      Dream 1

      I am with 3 or 4 friends they may have been colleagues of mine from the station but I'm not 100% sure. There are 2 lads in my dream and they are horrible and had kicked the shit out of a friend of ours. I am now with a friend and also with the boss of the leisure Center and we are looking for the 2 lads, a friend of mine had been attacked in the gully by them so my friends didn't want me to go up the gully but I had to as I was sure they were up there somewhere. I get to the top of the gully and see the 2 lads, they are walking in the street not far from me. One of the lads looked like he had already had a good hiding, his nose was all bloody and looked smashed up like it had been put through a shredder his mate was sort of holding him up.
      I go back and find the boss of the leisure Center and my friend, I see them and shout "come on, there up here" the boss says "right leave it to me, I'll sort them pair of bastards out!" I find this odd because he is only skinny and looks terrified about confronting them. We now all walk back up the gully and wait for the 2 lads, the lads come over to us and start taking the piss. The one with the smashed up nose grabs me and pushes me against a metal fence that is behind me and my face is all squashed up against it. I look at my friend as if to say help me but he does nothing and I think "shit...I need to get out of this!" I begin to panick and feel really dizzy then I think "perfect...I'll pretend to faint" so I drop to the floor and pretend to be sparks my friends now come to my aid and I say "I got so scared I fainted!" a girl is here now and she looks at me and says "you should have just drop-kicked him" . I get up and the boss of the leisure Center breathes a sigh of relief and looks very relieved that the 2 lads have now gone and looks quite embarrassed that he didn't do anything lol

      Dream 2

      Me, my daughter L and another girl with blonde hair are helping someone do something. The girl with blonde hair keeps getting praised for all her hard work but me and L don't. The man and us 3 are now in a car, ohh yeah it's come back to me now......we are all on duty and the Sarg says to the one with blonde hair "you can do traffic because your bound to stop all the cars with your good looks" lmao she turns to me and L and has a smarmy look on her face, me and L just want to rip her face off now I look at her again and now she looks really ugly and I think "what is he seeing that I'm not" lol
    5. Sister's News

      by , 04-17-2012 at 08:03 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      Sub-par recall last night, but oh well.



      I'm in the kitchen at home, and my mum asks whether I've heard my sister's news. Somehow, I immediately guess that's she's written an album [despite being completely unmusical in real life]. I get played it, and it's in a contemporary jazz style, with vocals by Jamie Cullum, my mum's favourite artist.

      I'm pretty jealous, seeing as music's my 'thing' and I've been working on it for a lot longer, and almost ask how much of the album she actually wrote
      [it was almost definitely 100% Jamie Cullum's music].
      Tags: family, music
    6. Beating an Anxiety dream

      by , 04-17-2012 at 07:59 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was leaving school. It was cold, dark and raining/snowing. I believe that I was also mildly lucid, at least in the beginning of the dream. I went out the the bus loop and I was getting close to the buses when they all started leaving without me, meaning that I would have to walk home several miles in the snow. (This is a common anxiety that I have in real life.)
      To make matters worse somebody shoved me into the street and I was now cold, wet and muddy.
      I got up and found out that there was one bus still there. It was bus number 25. There was a scrawny-looking man driving it and he told me that he was going to the middle school next to my subdivision. I told him to let me ride the bus but he said he could not because I was not singed up, so I still had to walk home.
      I would not be beat, and took my cell phone out of my backpack and called my mom for a ride. I guess anxiety dreams don't like being "beaten" because the dream ended at that point.

      I remember the number "25" on the side of the bus so vividly. I'm quite certain I was completely focused on it for a few seconds. I wonder if it will have further significance in my dreams...

      Updated 08-08-2014 at 05:46 PM by 53527

    7. The Dusty Town

      by , 04-17-2012 at 06:33 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I was with my friend, Aaron, and some other kid who I didn't know. We were at an odd warehouse, in the middle of a dusty, old looking town. Aaron said he had to go, and drove away in his car. I waved goodbye, and started to take a walk.
      Soon after, I ran into none other than Aaron himself. I wondered, I thought he was leaving...?
      "Hey, follow me," he said. Okay...? I followed him, curious as to what he'd want to show me.
      We ended up in another large warehouse, and this one had a large, rusty looking car in it. The car had a dusty, flame decal painted on the sides. Aaron said, "Behold!" and waved to the car. It was pretty cool looking.
      BUT THEN. For whatever reason, these small, strange, white crabs started crawling from the roof and down to us. They were snapping their pincers at us as a threat. Aaron grabbed a pipe and started hitting them.

      And then I woke up. Dun dun dunnn. That dream was really odd. I liked the environment of it though. It was like an abandoned city, all dusty and rusty. Gave off a cool feel. anyways.
      This dream was actually a lot longer than this, but I forgot a lot of it after waking. Oh well.
      Tags: car, crab, dust, friend, town
    8. Picard and my Crush, Levitating Downhill, Aang with Katara vs. Azula...

      by , 04-17-2012 at 06:17 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Captain Picard and My Crush (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking upstairs, and things are really weird. I believe Captain Picard wanted me and a small group of people to go into a high pressured room.

      We had to do some procedure where we would lower the pressure of the room before getting out of it, because if we didn't, our bodies would explode in an instant from the abrupt change in pressure.

      The room overall had a light green lighting to it, and it felt kind of like a lab, and all the tables and the floor, and even the drawers most likely were all pure white.

      After a while, I can't remember what we do in the meantime, but when we get out of the room, and close it, I think Picard gets pissed off and said we did something wrong.

      All of us just stay back, and he goes back into the high pressure room again, and I started to worry about him because he then immediately opened the door again. I honestly thought he was going to explode, and I get a gradual zoom-in on his face, and nothing wrong is happening to him.

      But the dream shifts, and apparently he died? So I guess the dream didn't want me to see his body exploding, because that's the only way he could've died, at from associating it before the dream shift.

      I'm walking up the stairs again, and I'm in a room that is purely white. Everything is white, the chairs, tables, etc. I believe people are mourning his death, but it doesn't really seem like a legit funeral, especially when the room itself is all white.

      I guess everyone else was just doing something else, while I had the presumption that they were paying their respects.

      I see a few familiar people, and all I'm doing now in the dream is walking as if I'm patrolling and monitoring people's actions, but I'm not really doing anything to them.

      There's this dude who looks like a guy named Joel that I hated with a passion because he always made himself look like a piece of shit when talking or even just existing in waking life.

      He goes on some small whiteboard to write his name on it, I think it was listing who was on which part of the tennis team, and I see my name on it.

      Then when I turn to my left, I see some horribly built structure made of cardboard and white blending stumps. I go to it and see my name somewhere, but I didn't make it, I think someone was just mentioning my name for some weird purpose.

      I touch the weird cardboard structure and everything falls down. I panic a little, but no one seems to really care that I made it break apart with one touch. I was talking to myself that someone did a really horrible job on this.

      Then I feel a person behind me saying,

      "Yeah, someone really did a crappy job on it." The voice sounded familiar, but I ignore it because I didn't need to apologize to anyone.

      Then I see a girl who looks like my previous crush in waking life, Isaura.

      She's sitting down with some guy, but I'm not paying attention to him at all.

      Before I advance towards her, I saw her with her dyed Auburn hair. I believe she was wearing a Gray Gathered Frills Blouse, along with light blue jeans.

      She looked beautiful, and how she wore something so elegant with a dull color, along with her Auburn hair made her the eye-candy of this room full of white textures.

      I pretend I'm just walking around randomly in my room, and it seems Isaura is on her phone doing something, seeing as her head is down most of the time I'm looking at her.

      I finally get closer to her, and she immediately looks at me, and whispers to the guy next to her while doing slight giggles,

      "Hey, he's trying to read my text..."

      I wanted to say I wasn't but I just kept quiet and moved on. I guess I just wanted to gaze at her pretty visage for a while, no matter how awkward things were going to be in getting that small satisfaction.

      I think I go near her again, and then the dream shifts a little where I'm holding what seems to be a black iPad. I see some random video clips of Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

      (This same dream was probably foreshadowing dream later on with Aang and Katara vs. someone who looked liike Azula).

      I decided I should go ahead and turn it off, and to do so, it had the same function as the Zune HD where you would press the button on top, and hold it for a few seconds before another screen barely shows up on top of the screen for you to slide all the way slow to turn off.

      I do so, and once I slide all the way down, I quickly tuck it under my right arm. Then I felt like I didn't turn it off at all, so I press one button, and it was still on, so I attempt to turn it off again, and waited for the screen to fade away.

      Two reasons why it didn't turn off in the first place:

      1. Electronics aren't really stable from what I recall in my previous dreams, which should've prompted me to do a reality check.

      2. When I quickly tucked it under my shirt, the friction between my clothing probably made the slide screen go up, which was probably a way to abort the off function

      But it was most likely the first reason, but again, just keeping this for reference later on.

      When I have the iPad under my right arm again, I believe Isaura is close to me. I felt so compelled to just turn over and look at her again, it was as if she wanted to see me, and the force was so strong and short.

      But I forced myself to ignore her, and then the after I get out of the room, I can't remember anything else after that.
      Levitating Downhill?? (Non-lucid)


      Not sure if I should split the experiences into two or combine it into one dream, but it's safe to just combine these two since where related to each other based on how the same characters showed up in both (or at least some of them).

      I'm walking with a group of people inside a building, and we're following a teacher whose back facing us. The whole time in this dream, I never see turn around to show his face to us.

      He leads us to a room, and apparently it's supposed to be where we would find out our grades for something. There's a long brown table in the middle of the room, and there are a lot of brown chairs to sit on.

      I believe there was a long and huge carpet in this room as well, and I go to a random seat and wait for someone to pass out some green sheets, something like that. The scores were pretty low, and I can't really remember what I got, but I think it was based out of 20.

      I probably got around 14/20, maybe lower, but that was just part of the overall grade. We're given more sheets on other parts of the overall grade, but I don't really recall seeing an entity showing up to give us this. It's like the sheets are just appearing and magically going to our hands.

      Now shifting towards the next scenario, I'm outside with another group of people, with some familiar faces from before the dream shift.

      We're supposed to go around a few laps outside this oval road made for jogging or biking, and there are people doing construction work, so it made things a little difficult.

      One of the areas was this fairly deep brown ditch, but the people participating in the jog/walk didn't have a problem walking through it.

      I didn't want to go there, so I quickly go to the left side, and there's this small wooden fence that I jump over to continue walking with these group of people.

      Then the dream shifts for a while where there's this huge and long downhill. I see some people starting to run down this huge road hill, and I while I get ready to do the same, I tell myself,

      "All right.....let's do this..."

      I accelerated pretty fact to the point where I jumped a little bit, and I believe I was levitating while going really fast down the hill? But at the same time, I felt like I was just floating because of the air pressure and the speed making it seem like I was flying for a while.

      I was still close to the ground, but by a few inches. I basically keep going down on what seemed to be an infinite road path going down hill for the rest of the dream.

      Aang, Katara, and Azula??? (Non-lucid)


      I'm in spectator mode, just watching how things will turn out in this dream. I see Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender's head pop out from the surface.

      He's with Katara I believe, and there's a group of girls in this huge lake, and someone tells me, but I can't pick out who exactly, that Aang is is going to airbend from his mouth to blow all the water from the lake, along with the girls. I'm not sure if that was meant to be a vauge sexual innuendo, seeing as the narration voice was extended their sounds on words like "blow."

      Anyway, Aang does so, and the whole lake is empty, I don't know where all that water went to, but it's gone, and the girls in the lake were pretty pissed off at Aang for some reason. They get near him slowly, and by now, his whole body is on the surface instead of being buried.

      The dream shifts to where he earth-bends for a while, and a girl that looks like Azula comes up to Aang and says,

      "Hey! You! Show me how you earth-bend like that!"

      Aang is a little frozen because she came up to him so fast, and she kept being persistent in asking him how he's earth-bending.

      Then Katara, who is behind both of them is getting annoyed by the girl asking Aang, and she starts to water-bend for a while, and attempts to throw shift the water to splash on the Azula look-a-like.

      But she is able to water-bend as well, and Katara has to quickly respond to that but forming the water around her again to attempt to throw it back at the other girl. They keep doing this for a while.

      Then I think what happens next is that the girl starts to fire bend, which leads me to assume that she really is Azula now. Aang and Katara are having a hard time, despite it being 2 vs. 1.

      Katara starts doing some crazy shit by flying with water, and Azula is chasing her. She starts to do lightning-bending, and Katara and Aang are surprised that she can do this as well along with Water-bending and Fire-bending.

      (I know Azula can Fire-bend, which would be normal for her to be able to do lightning-bending, seeing as that's the advanced stage for fire-benders....just like metal-bending would be for earth-benders, and blood-bending for water-benders, but I guess Kataara and Aang lost all basic logic of this).

      But apparently, Azula isn't really creating lightning, she's using some kind of poisonous chemical that she bends to shoot in a straight light, and then holds two fingers and blows fire on top of them to create this lightning kind of web that helps her catch up to Katara.

      I think Aang comes in, earth-bends to create an attachment to go on his arm, like some huge fist to punch Azula, but she dodges it quickly. Aang gets up and pulls out the earth arm of his, leaving a crack on what seemed to be a semi-domed earth temple.

      Then I realized the environment they're in are full of violet stalagmites, which leads me to presume they're in an underground cave.

      Aang managed to distract Azula so Kataara escapes, and my view now pans over to me seeing Katara's back facing me, and she's going up towards this bright white light.

      There are these floating ledges she has to jump on, and she struggles to get on a few of them, but she managed to get out. The view now shifts to Aang, and he quickly gets out with ease since he can Air-bend.

      Then I see Appa blocking Azula, and now they're fighting each other. Their fight was similiar to a Tales of Symphonia 2 fight. Appa rolls on Azula with his huge body, and I see damage counters show up with some insane numbers, so I guess Azula had high health points or something.

      Azula is paralyzed from this, and Aappa also leaves to head some teleporation altar as well.

      Aang and Kataara and Appa are now all back to the previous environment before being shifted into the underground one.
    9. 5-5-11, Important dreams from the past: A Lesson in Auras?

      by , 04-17-2012 at 05:11 PM
      This is a fun dream I had last year. It's important to me because the colors I saw were amazing, and I've often hoped to have another dream that replicates this ability. I think it would be useful for identifying what things bother me, and maybe why.

      Sunday, May 8th, 2011 – Mothers Day

      The only dream I can remember was a very vivid and intriguing one. I dreamed that I went to the grocery store and when I walked in I felt a sick fear, and left immediately. I am pretty sure I was shaking and fumbling through the parking lot to my car. A guy maybe a little bit older than me but whose face I couldn’t make out follows me out of the store and asks me if I am alright. I said, “Yeah, I am fine” to which he replies, “Are you spiritually inclined?” I step back, closer to my car and reply, “Sometimes I can sense things, but I can’t see anything without help.” He reaches out and grabs my arm pulling me close to him and says, “You can see things with help? Let me help you.” And when he pulls me close he pressed my back against him and wraps his arms around my chest, then bends over so his head is against the left side of mine, bent to look down, with his eyes closed. I close my eyes as well, and he tells me to open them. When I do, all the people in the parking lot suddenly look like I am seeing them through heat vision. It’s amazing. Everyone has a small red spot in the center of their chests, then the color fades to mostly yellow all over with thin borders of orange or green around the outside. Some have more green than yellow, but they all have a small red center, then lots of yellows, greens, and oranges. When I look down at my own arm it is yellow, then a slight green, then a blue glow seems to radiate from behind it. I ask the man how he could tell I was spiritually inclined and he says the blue glow gave it away. Then he lets go of me, grabs my hand, and leads me back to the grocery store. He stops just inside the door, then takes me into his arms so “see” once more. This time there are a few people who are all red and no green, yellow, or orange. He tells me the people in all red are going to do something very bad, and they must be the reason the store triggered my psychic alarms. I start trembling again because the store is so overwhelming, so we go back out to the car and I notice the sun is low in the sky like it is about to set. I ask the man if he would show me more because it is something I have never seen or known before. The man tells me that my spirit guide should have already taught me all of this, but when I shake my head he asks where I am going next. I tell him I have a few more stores to hit and ask is he’d like to come with me. He agrees and we get in the car and drive. I don’t remember much about the car ride, just that while at the stop light in front of Chili’s he puts his hands on either side of my head then closes his eyes and suddenly I can see trees and grass in a sideburn glowing all orange and red with yellow borders. He tells me the pollution from all the cars and things are making them the angry, hurt color. Then we stop at the mall and the sun set has dropped below the horizon and everything is in twilight. We sit on the grass near the mall entrance and then he takes the liberty of lying down and putting his head in my lap. He tells me he is happy to find someone to share his gift with. Then he starts telling me more things about the colors that I thought were so amazing, but now I can not remember what they were. I said something about how amazing it all is, and he looks up at me and I can see his face for the first time. He’s very attractive and looks a bit like the guy from the movie “Good Luck Chuck”. Looking up at me he smiles and says, “Welcome to religion. It is amazing.” Then he asks me to attend an Avenged Seven Fold concert, and I decline, so he asks me to go to the Carolina Rebellion Concert with him, But I decline again telling him I am married. He says he wants to keep in touch with me and show me more, and I agree that I want to learn more. He asks me if I’d mind eating with him before we call it a night. I accept then the dream gets blurry because C (my daughter) wakes me up. In the blurry parts I suddenly decide to run through the mall and separate from him. Then, I go to the car but instead of it being my car it is my husbands Camaro and I keep fishtailing and spinning out every time I turn it. Then I wake up for good.

      I still don't full understand his statement, "Welcome to religion, it is amazing." but the general conclusion I've come to is that religion is just another word for a very strong set of beliefs. Perhaps he was trying to tell me that if I believe in what I'm trying to do, my results will be amazing?
      memorable , non-lucid
    10. 'Toy Guns' Dream.

      by , 04-17-2012 at 04:25 PM
      I dreamt i was in my living room with a man who was selling these plastic guns. They were thin but made of 2 layers stuck together. I picked up 2 and went through to the kitchen where my brother was standing, i said something to him (Cant remember what) while pointing to front of one toy plastic gun i was holding. The barrel. It was a battle rifle from Halo 3.

      We then went through into my bedroom where he was looking at my laptop. One of the toy guns had fallen onto the floor and was broken. i said to my brother "The muzzle break is broken." while looking down. the front end of the gun had snapped off.

      Other info:
      I think it was some kind of party going on at my house.
    11. 4-17-12, Short back to sleep

      by , 04-17-2012 at 04:03 PM
      I managed to fall asleep again, probably around 9, and my kids woke up around 10:30. It was enough sleep to have a couple dream fragments and leave me feeling even more tired than when I went back to sleep, if that makes any sense. Here goes:

      Dream One (Fragment): I'm at a Japanese shrine. Either the shrines name was Mikage, or the character named Mikage from the Manga I was reading when I was trying to fall asleep earlier was in it. I'm pretty sure it was the character Mikage, because I remember someone with white hair being in the dream though I don't remember the roles either of us played.

      Dream Two (Fragment): I was watching a portly yet muscular bearded man was singing country music in a bar.

      Dream Three (Fragment): Also set in a Japanese style building. There was a girl and a guy, they were in older more traditional Japanese clothing. The girl wanted the guy to stay with her, she loves hm and didn't want him to go. He seemed a bit cold, he told her he wouldn't stay and that she needed to get off him (she was holding onto his shirt trying to pull him back inside) Once he was outside into the darkness however he seemed very sad to leave her, and he didn't go home as he claimed he was going. Instead, he climbed a tree nearby where he could watch her house and protect her. Then my view shifted to inside the house, where the girl was crying on the floor. Suddenly there was a commotion outside, and my view switches back to the guy, and he's in a fight with something. He knocks whatever(whoever?) it is out cold, and sends them flying through the front door of the girls house. Then he quickly runs off before she can see who saved her. I hear someone say, "The princess is staying in that house." as I was woken up.

      Well, the Manga I read at least incubated good dreams even if it didn't serve the intended purpose of quieting my mind and putting me to sleep, lol. I was reading Kamisama Kiss is anyone was wondering. I was hoping shojo manga would give me happy romantic dreams. The last dream sort of hits that mark, except it was in third person
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Schools and euros and pasta-flavoured-baguettes, oh my

      by , 04-17-2012 at 03:39 PM
      I'm in some sort of school. Not my own school, it's a primary I think, and I'm my little brother and a bunch of his friends in one of the classrooms. We're waiting for something. I look out of a little window in the wall and we're surrounded by nature of some sort.

      Then I'm in a small tuck shop of some sort. There's a man behind the counter who kind of looks like the guy on Cake Boss, that Italian American dude who speaks really loudly and makes cakes.
      I look around a bit and I see rows of sandwiches and baguettes. The guy implies I should hurry because he's closing soon. I pick out a baguette which has a picture of penne/farfalle with red sauce on the packet thing. This is strange, but I go along with it.

      I pay the guy, and he starts telling me I should tell people about his shop, which is called Mirabella or something which sounds close to that. Then I know that the valley in which the school is located, in the last years of the 18th Century (I live in Malta, which Napoleon occupied for two years from 1798-1800) some workers were building something which he didn't like, and Napoleon starting pleading desperately with them to stop (I see a vision of a list, with pleading words Napoleon used and gentlemanly words he didn't use while pleading, a woman's voice narrates). I'm still in the shop and as he narrates, I lean on the counter and the Cake Boss' little daughter is next to him. I pull away and everything melts.

      I wake up.

      (For the record, this dream was so deeply strange and random I am disappointed I didn't become lucid)
    13. 4-17-12, Insomnia!

      by , 04-17-2012 at 01:01 PM
      I usually sleep from around 1 am until about 10:00 am - noon... that's accounting for the hour or so it usually takes me to go to sleep (bed time is around 11:30) Last night, I looked at the clock last around 1:30... and I woke up this morning at 6 when my husband got up for work and haven't been able to get back to sleep since. My brain is just too busy. I tried listening to music, reading manga, looking back through the physical dream journal I kept last year and now I'm going to try and type up the two short dream fragments I had and then go back to bed to see if it's enough to make me sleepy. If I can't get back to sleep in the next hour though I'm SOL because the kids wake up between ten and noon and I have to get up with them.

      Dream One (Fragment): A rehash of the day. I can recall a bunch of flashing pictures, and that's about it. The pictures were things from yesterday, avatars I saw on this web site, the stores I went to, the plants I planted yesterday, etc. Really boring, lol.

      Dream Two: I was on the porch of a trailer I lived in with my husband before we got married. I was planting a plant in a terracotta pot with GoldenLight's avatar. DreamProfessor's avatar was standing beside us, and I got the feeling we were planting the plant for DreamProfessor. Another obvious rehash, I spent the day yesterday tracking down and replanting strawberry and tomato plants, and when I got home that evening I read through several of GL and DP's dream journals, lol.

      And that is it, lol. If I still can't sleep, I'm going to type up a dream I had last year that was really awesome. I had sort of stashed it away in the back of my mind, but since I couldn't sleep and went through my old dream journal I found it and thought, "that one's definitely an important dream for me" and one I think I'd like to practice when I'm lucid sometime.

      5-5-11, Important dreams from the past: A Lesson in Auras? - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views Done

      Updated 04-17-2012 at 05:13 PM by 53224

    14. Hmmm.

      by , 04-17-2012 at 12:59 PM (Talk About Being a Dreamer)
      It was hazy this morning, the fine details are just out of reach.

      The general idea was the story of a young autistic woman who fell in love. Her father refused to believe that she was capable of thinking for herself ((all too common, unfortunately)), and somehow managed to get her fiance arrested and charged for rape.

      I remembered her rocking on a couch and saying his name (Kevin, I think. and Mc--something. McDermott, maybe?). And her father had started some kind of organization teaching people that they shouldn't look at autistics as being normal people, and part of Kevin's sentence was to assist him in this.

      All of that really made me want to shoot the dad in the face. Pity I didn't become lucid so I could at least punch him.
    15. 4/13/12: Jail; the wrong bathroom; and fragments

      by , 04-17-2012 at 12:54 PM
      I'm in jail, but I'm innocent. The building is one story and massive; cells are on each side of the wide hallway, and I can't see the end of them. They're the old fashioned cells that are made of all bars with no actual walls. I'm alone in the cell. A guard and one of my friends are standing outside the cell.

      My friend wants to pass me some food. He comes close to the door to try to slide something in, but when he gets too close, a fine mesh screen appears out of nowhere to completely block the door.

      My friend is very concerned about my safety. Somehow, he can't talk directly to me, but has to talk through the guard. He doesn't want to say anything plainly, since his message would be analyzed; so he gives a verse reference - something in 1 Corinthians 29 [he specified a verse, but I don't remember it]. The guard is suspicious of the "coded message" and refuses to pass it. The guard then "suggests" that my friend walk with him; my friend becomes even more afraid for my safety, that they'll do something to me while he's gone.


      I'm staying in a house with a lot of people [though I never actually see most of them]. The house is huge and has many bedrooms and bathrooms. Somehow, I end up using a bathroom that's not "mine." Someone is calling to me through the door; they think I'm the person who's supposed to be using the bathroom, and they're reminding "me" to take "my" pills. I look down and see that there's a large bowl near the toilet filled with translucent pills. I don't call back, since it would give me away and show that I was in the wrong bathroom.

      Now I'm back in the hallway. I took a shower in the bathroom, but since it wasn't my bathroom, I didn't have my towel. Now I'm wet and naked and running to my own bathroom to get dressed. Someone else sees me; now I have a towel wrapped around me.

      Now I'm in another room. I'm meeting with people about one of my projects at work, explaining what it does, how I made it, and what state it's in. First, I explain to a man. Next, I explain to a woman - the man's boss. Later, in the hallway, I start to explain to a third man (he's Asian), but it's lunch time, so we take a break.

      Now I'm at Whole Foods. I'm talking about how you can tell a lot about a grocery store by looking at its shopping carts. The carts here are very small and only have two shelves, so it's clear that the store is high end and doesn't expect you to buy very much at once.


      We're at some kind of church function. My wife has advised me to wear my black shirt and pants along with a tie (don't remember which one). I'm still outside with my car. I want to say hi to Chris, but he's inside doing something. I'm glad I took my wife's suggestion to wear black.


      We're on the patio outside someone's house. There's a nice pool here. My parents are there. I'm talking with Mom about their pool, and she's describing how they dug a channel from the upper pool to the lower pool to install a salt water filtration system because they didn't want to use chlorine. I'm surprised at the cost, but she said they did all the labor themselves so it wasn't too bad. As she's talking, I visualize a dirt channel going from a small pool to a larger pool.