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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Almost became lucid...TWICE!

      by , 07-10-2012 at 05:09 PM
      Dream 1: I had almost become lucid because I dreamed that I had broken one of my teeth. I went to the dentist and I kept saying "This can't be real. I must be dreaming." I did a reality check, but it didn't work. I couldn't breathe through my nose. I was also fighting some war, too. Beyond frustrating.

      Dream 2: AGAIN, I almost became lucid, but the reality check failed. I dreamed that everynight I would go out and fly to try and go to some camp to help out with something (I think it was fighting a creature or something.) I ran out of my house and then onto the street. At first, I thought I wasn't going to fly. I started running and then I began to fly. It was a great feeling. I had trouble controlling it, though. I kept drifting and I couldn't really do much else besides float there. Some other people were flying as well, lol. I remember thinking of my fear of heights, but I didn't care.
    2. Nuke Building Infiltration

      by , 07-10-2012 at 04:47 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Nuke Building Infiltration (Non-lucid)


      This picture is from the Peace Walker game of Metal Gear Solid, but it's the only one that reminds me of the Nuke Building at the moment.

      I'm going to focus on the environment and people in the dream, because I honestly don't know why I'm back to infiltration again.

      I think I'm going to take Melanieb's advice on paying attention to your environments to make even the shortest dreams pretty long.

      I remember standing at an enclosed section, and it's basically an almost perfect replica of the first floor of the Nuke building in Metal Gear Solid 1.

      This means that in order for the environment to stay true to the original stage, I couldn't fire any weapons, otherwise the whole place explodes. Which explains why things were a little intense for me.

      I had to pay attention to a lot of the guards' movements, sometimes even having to wait it out several times to make sure they didn't have to alter their patrol route.

      And like the original stage, there were some floors that I had to be careful stepping on, because if I tried to run, it will make more noise than usual.

      Those same floors had some ventilation paddings on them, so they would make that loud "clank clank clank" sound if I were to go over them. I think I was controling Naked Snake, not Solid Snake, because the outfit I/he was wearing was from MGS3, so it couldn't have been Solid Snake.

      Hmm....I'm still having that doubt of whether or not I'm controlling someone in a video game, if it's me, or it's both me controlling and being that person simultaneously.

      It felt weird for him to have that kind of outfit suited for jungle sneaking in a nuke building. The atmosphere had a slight yellow hue to it, and it was so apparent, it's like I was inhaling and exhaling energy.

      The outfit was the generic one in MGS3, the same outfit used when Snake did the HALO jump

      The common behaviors for me in this dream were being fearful, because I couldn't let an enemy fire a gun in a nuke building, and the other is a surprise.....I was still calm. I felt a neutrality from my emotions of fear and cautious nature, and I could feel and hear myself breathing for once.

      It's just that all I focus on is sight and more specific sounds like gunfire, foot steps, or even people having a conversation, but never anything that I'm exhibiting like breathing, etc.

      After I figured out the guards' movements, I think things fast forward a little bit.......literally. It was like watching a video clip on some kind of survival stimulation, it was crazy, I was so close to one of the guard's backs, that the only reason I could do that is if I knew this area inside and out.

      I think this is why the dream itself fast forward like crazy.

      I think the reason I had this dream, was probably because of my desire to meet my eternal self, or just to go to the Akashic Records again.

      But what I don't understand is that if that were the case, and knowing that the Akashic Records can be acesses at any time, but because of the brain's mechanism of trying to define the "phenomenon" or "location," it seems it wants to make this information for me to obtain difficult than it should be.

      I honestly am not the type for these infiltration missions, I mean sure I like sneaking games and all that, but if it were actually me on the battlefield or in a building, I would definitely need a guide, or do the analyzing of guard movement to even stand a chance.

      Maybe it's not my subconscious' way of perceiving the confidentiality of the Akashic Records, maybe it's something my higher self/eternal self is trying to show me.

      I know I have a few things to take care of that can affect my future right now, but these are mostly short term things that must be resolved, but again, none of which that are deserving for this type of dream environment to be manifested before me.

      I could conclude that these dreams should teach me to not try to rush things that are dangerous and life-threatening such as the nuke building I was in. But even with something so obvious as that, there has to be more.....I can't just be in a nuke building, or whatever military building without some kind of reason.

      And if that reason turns out just to be for the thrill or adventure, then I guess I need to change how I get that need met in my dreams.

      I've also noticed something, but was too afraid to analyze. It's so obvious, but still, in my non-lucids, I'm usually always in some kind of infiltration.

      Actually, let me rephrase that, nearly all sneaking missions, gunfire, killing, military, infiltration, etc. are all non-lucid states.

      My lucid dreams are obviously geared towards real life environments like colleges, houses I've been to, etc., things related to the subconscious utilizing homologous variation to synch the piece together.

      I know that if I wanted a sneaking mission in a lucid state, it probably wouldn't work out because I'm not that creative as yet in the lucid state. I know I can use archetypes to easily manifest these types of dreams, but maybe I just don't want to do that in my lucids.

      It would probably just feel like a waste, and I would only do it if I was bored.

      Hm.....guess I should be aware of those differences.

      And if I end up having bad recall, I'll just be grateful for what I do remember, and recall as much detail as I can in that confined snippet, and remember more based on that.

      It's something I've done frequently, but it's just because I'm slacking off a bit because I'm being distracted in waking life a lot, at least in Canada.

      I guess that's a good thing, because I'm supposed to be doing things here in the first place, otherwise the money for the trip wouldn't have been worth it, right?

    3. Motorless boat...euphoric water...

      by , 07-10-2012 at 04:35 PM
      I was on a river in a very small boat which seemed to have no motor about to go tubing with one of my good friends Tylor but instead i got out and was just walking the beach and the water felt really incredible against my legs. Then i woke up.

      Signs of a Dream:
      unknown whereabouts
      properties of water were abnormal
      boat wasn't even big enough to pull a tube without a motor (realized this, didn't seem important at the time since he already left)
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Park Romance...

      by , 07-10-2012 at 04:29 PM
      In the middle of the day in a unknown location, some idiot was tricking a very beautiful foreign lady in to having sex with him at a park across the street from me and couple other acquaintances who i couldn't identify. She started taking her clothes off and when she got to her undergarments i suddenly appear over there telling her something so enlightening she stops what she is doing and tells the guy off. She seemed to have a new view of how nice a guy could truly be.

      Signs of a dream:
      suddenly she was clothed again
      there was no confrontation with the guy
      i didn't know the park we were at
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 9.7.2012 - 5 non lucid dreams.

      by , 07-10-2012 at 01:35 PM
      Date: 09/07/2012
      Place: My bed
      Time of getting into bed: 12.05am
      Consumed 2 x Menthol sweets right before bed
      B6 100mg before bed

      Waking thoughts in black
      Non lucid dreams in blue
      Lucid dreams in red

      Ok, so I am pretty tired, but not exhausted. I lay to sleep and feel the sleepy onset, but something keeps me awake. I feel a little weird, nothing major, but as I fall asleep I'm sure I have strange thoughts sliding through my head. My first reaction is that I'm catching myself as I start dreaming, which I often do when WILDing, but this should be NREM cycle. Eventually I sleep, and I'm woken every 5 minutes by a feeling of fear. I'm not sure why. At one point I open my eyes in fright with a sudden jump, and really feel like I'm having a nightmare - but I don't recall any dreams. Eventually I sleep for good.

      Dream 1 - 2.23am
      I am in a room, which is kind of dark, and I'm helping a vet. The vet is friendly, but I honestly don't recall weather they were male or female. There is a bed and a desk (bedroom?) but we are facing the desk. So the vet first brings out a dog. It is old and skinny, and very scared. For a bit in this dream there is someone else there, watching and at some points laughing, but they disappear. The vet has the dog tied up to the desk, and the dog looks scared, it's a wiry mutt, kind of like a large terrier. It's pretty ugly. It has big, brown eyes that are filled with sadness, and it stares up at me, silently begging me for help. I can't believe how skinny it is, we proceed to wash the dog, or at least cover it in something that drenches it. The vet tells me the dog will be ok. Then this is where it get's a little weird.Next, the vet brings out a horse. The horse is the size of a rabbit, but a fully formed adult horse in every way. It is clearly in pain, as it is about to give birth. It jumps onto the desk, and starts giving birth, and I can see the baby inside!!! The horse is brown and the baby is black and white. The baby seems to fly out easily, and I am given it to clean up while the vet sorts out the mother horse. I take it to the bed (which is apparently my bed) and lay it down. The horse is contained inside a balloon-like sack, filled with liquid. The vet shouts that I must get it out, as it can't get out itself. So I try to open the sack but it rolls around the bed, making it difficult. It is like a water balloon, and very slippery. Eventually I manage to rip one end and the liquid spurts out - it's water like consistency but it is really warm, and soaks everything, including me. There's a mirror just laying on the bed, with a heavy gold guilt frame, and this gets soaked too. My bed sheets are soaked, (they are purple and black silk) but despite all this, I am incredibly happy. I can't stop smiling and watching the water spurt everywhere. The vet kind of laughs, and says 'you'll have trouble sleeping in there tonight.' but I just don't care, I'm delighted.

      What in the actual fuck. Lol. The most poignant part of this dream was the real warmth of the hot liquid, and the vivid feel of the horse in the sack. It suddenly dawned on me when writing this that it felt EXACTLY like the chick from yesterday's dream.

      Dream 2 - 4.11am
      I am writing a story, on small pieces of paper. I think it is aimed at young children. (This is what I do for a living.) The story is about 2 little boys, who cross a road, and one dies. As I get to the end of the story, my real dad walks in. Bearing in mind I haven't seen my real dad since I was about 14, I'm 25 now. He was an abusive father, who caused me a lot of issues growing up. I hardly EVER dream about him. He walks in, clearly angry, but I ignore him as this is usual for him. He does this thing that he used to do, which is strut around the room shaking his head in anger, and glancing at me every so often with a weird look in his eyes. I know this is not good, but I pretend not to see him and carry on writing. He starts saying something about people not listening to him, and he's been doing everything and I think he's talking about my mum. He lays his head on the desk in the room (I am in a bedroom, I'm laying on the bed) and then suddenly, he walks in the room again. So, there are now 2 of him. The one that has just walked in is carrying a frozen chicken, and a bottle of something, and a balloon that has not yet been inflated. He sets these things down and looks at us both. He then tells us that we better get up quick, cos we're going to play a trick on mum! He starts putting the chicken inside the balloon. I really don't want to join in, but I can't say no. My dad that was already in the room, looks like he's pissed off at the other version of himself, but also agrees to help.

      Dream 3 - 9.47

      I tried to WILD, and started feeling results. For me, I don't get noticable SP or HH, just a rush as I transition. I felt the rush several times, and when I finally started getting dream images forming around me, my partner decided to roll over and hit me in the face. I RC'd just to make sure, but I was awake. Annoying. I went to sleep.

      I was very bad at writing this dream down, I was so tired I kept saying 'I'll write it in a minute...I'll remember,' then fell back to sleep. I did wake 5 minutes later and write it down, but I lost most of the dream. I normally do this in later morning dreams, I have to learn not to.

      I'm at R's house. R is a very close friend. Just a friend. For some reason I am there to say goodbye, like I am leaving town or something. It is a bit sad but not too much. And then R says he is at work and will be home soon, that I should meet him at his place. I make my way to his place, and suddenly realise I am completely naked. I am trying to find my way through a hotel-like building, or block of flats. The doors are all black with ornate details, and I'm struggling to find where I need to be. Two girls pass by and start laughing at me because I'm naked. I'm a little embarrassed, but ignore them. They won't go away, so I look down and now I'm wearing a dressing gown. It's purple, but I don't care I'm just happy I'm covered! The girls eventually leave. I finally get to the room and have some trouble messing around with the key, but I do get in in the end. There is no one inside. Now I'm sure this is the same dream, but it doesn't relate to the beginning, I just sort of find myself in a garden somewhere else, fully dressed. I am sat at a garden table, with my friend I's son on my lap. His son is talking like an adult, and asking me what words mean. He asks me what bank means, I tell him. Then he asks me what house means, I tell him. This goes on for a little while. I is hanging around the background somewhere.

      Dream 4 - 11.51
      We are in a room, is is pretty dim and I remember very red. We is me, R and I, as well as my friend D. We are watching a screen, and it's a bit like an interactive game. We throw baby toys at this screen, to kill a monster. It's very fun. One of my friends has to leave for an important meeting, I tell him to stay, because it's so fun. He resists, but eventually reluctantly agrees to miss his important meeting. The game plays recordings it took of us earlier without us knowing, we find this hilarious and laugh a lot.

      There is another dream after, but I forgot it almost instantly.
    6. dont open the door

      by , 07-10-2012 at 06:51 AM (The Dreamer)
      i was in a wood building with tons of rooms then a bunch of dudes went in and started holding people hostage so i looked in all the rooms and people where tied up then i got to the closet and my freind calvin was tied up and this guy had a knife to his throat and he said go away or ill kill him and calvin was crying but i didnt care and i wanted to wake up so i pulled out a gun and shot my self and i woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Vitamin Levels

      by , 07-10-2012 at 05:52 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Fragment 1:

      I am at an herbal medicine shop and I want to purchase magnesium supplements. I sit down with DGS, a guy from my bowling league, and some lady I don't know. DGS tells me that my vitamin B6 levels are too high from jacking off (he used a phrase I have never heard of to describe this but somehow I knew he meant jacking off).

      Fragment 2: Hiking dream
    8. Elephants

      by , 07-10-2012 at 05:21 AM (The Persistence of Dreams)
      Date: 07/10/2012

      I don't really know where to start exactly, since I'm writing this way past the time I wrote it down and I only have some notes...

      I was in my friend's Jeep (Jere) and we were coming back from some place. I'm not really sure where, but for some reason we started talking about the fact that I had some clean clothes at my grandmothers. He had taken me home, and I had gone to meet up with my mom.

      After meeting up with my mom, I was waiting in line or something of the sort. I know I was standing at least , and there was my mother, me, my sister, and some weird little girl who had to be around the age of 7. I don't know who or why she was there, or at least I definitely don't remember. My sister was somehow on really good terms with my mother all of a sudden (Had a lot of recent family issues that have made her non-existent in the family...) and we were talking about me going up to the shop to get some more tattoo work done. My sister was saying that she was planning on getting some new work done, and that we should schedule together. I told her I couldn't, because I already had a date scheduled, which happened to be the next day (in the dream world I guess). Anyways, we got to the shop, and it was really late. The shop would've been usually closed, but for some reason it was open. G had greeted us, and instead of her usual dark brown/black hair that she has, it was really bright blonde with a red streak... kinda weird. I had told my mom something about why they were the best in town or something, and I had asked Gina why they were open so late. Turns out D had apparently gone out swimming all day and closed shop, and decided to open it later and keep it open a little later.. She had asked if I would like to see the sketch of what she had come up with for some idea. The idea apparently was an elephant. I can't remember the exact details of it, but I do know it was definitely an elephant. While she was talking to me about the idea and such, I sort of spaced out and I had checked my email via my phone at some point..

      Updated 07-24-2012 at 02:58 AM by 56194

    9. The Original Sonic the Hedgehog had Multiplayer???

      by , 07-09-2012 at 11:21 PM
      Well, the first thing I remember is that I was in my basement setting up this huge flatscreen tv. Once I had finished setting it up, lo and behold... there was my dear old Sega Genesis!!! I couldn't believe it. In real life my parents sold it and my Dreamcast one time I was gone and made me, let's just say, REALLY ANGRY!!! So I was pretty pleased to see it there. Now why I didn't do an RC I don't know. But nevertheless, I was so excited I invited all my friends over for a big night of playing the original Sonic the Hedgehog. We were up pretty much all night playing it but the wierd thing was that it was multiplayer. Now if I remember correctly that game didn't have multiplayer. I seemed to recognize this in the dream as well. Yet another time I should of done an RC. Oh well. Still a cool dream.
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. A Grisly Discovery

      by , 07-09-2012 at 09:28 PM
      This dream was peculiar in that it was a movie, but I knew this in the dream.

      *real life* So yesterday I was bored and flipped on the tv to see if anything was on. I scrolled through the channels and found War of the Worlds. I had never seen the new version so I decided to watch it. Anyways, I never finished the whole thing so I guess my brain was trying to finish it for me. How kind, too bad it has to be a little jerk when it comes to letting me remember to do an RC!

      *dream* So I was watching War of the Worlds in my dream. It wasn't like I was watching it on a tv though, it was ALL I could see, almost like I was there just being an observer. Anyways, in the dream there was a group of people all hiding in the basement of this warehouse type area. It was kind of like a horror movie because it was kind of dark and everything was just in a state of ruin. You know what I'm talking about. So these people were all hiding down there. They saw this refridgerator and just felt the need to open it for some reason. I remember thinking... "Oh, of course some nasty bag of body parts is going to be in there". Well, whaddaya know, as soon as they opened it blood squirted everywhere and some dude's head fell out. I remember laughing at how they acted all surprised when it seemed so obvious that would happen.

      So anyways, they quickly closed the fridge again. Then this dog came out of nowhere and started barking. The wierd thing was it had on a gas mask. As it was barking all the people got worried because it might alert all the alien things to thier presence. Well sure enough another alien guy came around the corner and shouted to the rest of them where everyone was. The mose strange thing though... the alien guy was actually just a regular human with this gas mask thing on. So the aliens are all a ctually people??? My brain has a wierd way of completing movies. Anyways, that is all I remember.

      (Thanks for the wierd movie brain, now if you would be so kind as to not destroy my efforts to do an RC in a dream!!)
    11. Evac... Twice in the same Dream

      by , 07-09-2012 at 09:13 PM
      So I was back at the CAP Encampment. We were all at this lake in the mountains. I apparently owned a boat and had brought it along. Then I left, leaving my buddies in charge of my boat. I remember in the dream hoping that they didn't damage my boat and would be able to get it back on the trailer safely. Then I got a radio message from my senior officer informing me that we had to evacuate. I passed the word along onto everyone else and we all started running down the mountain back to the base camp.

      I came really close to doing an RC in the dream because as I was going down the mountain, it got really steep. So steep that I was basically just sliding down the side. The wierd part was I couldn't really feel anything. You would think going over all those rocks and stuff would hurt but I never really felt any of it. But silly me, never did the RC because I was so caught up in the moment.

      So anyways, we finally made it back to base and reported in. As soon as we did this they told us we were going to evacuate AGAIN!. We all packed up the tents and stuff and began running down the mountain again. I never did find out if my boat was ok because I then woke up.
    12. Snakes, Snakes, Everywhere!

      by , 07-09-2012 at 09:03 PM
      Ok so I remember that I was walking down the road and it was night. Then I went on this little trail thing that split off from the road. I turned around to start heading back for the road. The bad part was that all of a sudden there were a ton of snakes guarding my way back. I didn't really know what to do and just backed off. I kept looking for a route around all the snakes. Pretty soon they had me backed up against a small cliff and I couldn't really go anywhere else. Then this huge lizard type thing came up behind me and started pushing me back towards all the snakes.

      I made up my mind. I decided to go dor it and try to do a huge leap of faith over all the snakes and outrun them back to the road. I began running... picked up speed... and... jumped! I made it over all the snakes. Feeling victorious, I eased my pace and walked back to the road. Bad idea! Then the lizard thing came out of no where behind me and grabbed onto my leg. Then in one of those decisions you would only make in a dream, I simply petted it. That made it happy and it let go. That's all I remember
      non-lucid , nightmare
    13. The Tornado

      by , 07-09-2012 at 06:31 PM
      I'm busy with something when I notice an elderly man near me who is clutching his chest. Fearing that he's had a heart attack, I help him take a seat and promise that I'll be back with medical attention. I go to an upper floor of the building and get several nurses. However, the elevator we need to take us back downstairs is a bit wonky. The floors are uneven, and the elevator car is tilted as though it's not hanging correctly. The elevator car doesn't line up with the doors, either. One of the nurses gets in the elevator and promptly drops all of her medical equipment. I wonder if I should have gotten someone else. The whole mess of waiting for a working elevator drags on so long that I wonder if it's been long enough for paramedics to take the man to another hospital already.

      I don't remember leaving, but eventually I find myself driving home through the Four Corners area. The weather is awful. As I'm driving west, I can see two rain-wrapped tornadoes over to my left just behind the shopping center. They are small and probably just rate at EF-1. I watch them move east, and I can see the driver of the next car is sitting there, mouth agape, as she watches them too. For a moment, I think, "How cool! I finally got to see a tornado!"

      I turn right at the intersection. But I quickly notice that the weather is getting worse. There are more narrow funnel clouds around me. One forms horizontally above the road. It shifts vertical and touches down right in front of me. I quickly accelerate to see if I can outrun it and end up driving right through the base of the tornado without much damage. Was I just lucky, or did not that work as a tornado should? I don't stop to ponder as I take the exit for the expressway, thinking it will be the safest way to get home. But the storms have knocked over a large tree that has fallen on the road. I have to swerve and moves left across four lanes to avoid it.
    14. A Good End, Alyzarin's Suggestion, Flower Drawing, Sesame Street GPA

      by , 07-09-2012 at 05:34 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      A Good End (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm with Leon inside of a lab room, a fairly dirty one, kind of like the few in Resident Evil 4 on Chapter 5.

      I believe both me and him are facing Krauser, and facing him in a close room with his Arm Blade Plagas was kind of scary. I don't know how I or even Leon did it, but we killed him. I think we killed someone else, but I'm not too sure on that.

      I think how we killed Krauser was that I used a Steel Titan from Runescape to punch behind his back while I tried to fend Krauser off. After a few hits and dodges, Krauser finally lands on the ground and says something before he dies, but I can't remember what.

      I think he felt betrayed and asked "Why?" or something like that.

      I figured that if someone is out to kill me, like REALLY kill me, and not just use fear to make me lucid, they should probably die...don't want to make every nightmare a happy care bear ending now.

      I doubt having my head chopped off from Krauser's armblade would give me extra time to speculate on why he's showing up in my dreams.....ANYWAY........

      As we're heading out, I'm pretty sure the person I'm with has to be Leon in someway. The reason being is as we're examining Krauser's body, and another that I still can't remember, Leon says.....well he doesn't say anything, but a text shows up on the bottom of what he's saying:

      "A good end to a good game."

      I relax a little bit, seeing as things are going to be alright from now own. I didn't hear any intense music going on, which is how the game was actually set up to know you're in for some Plagas enemy killing.

      So if you didn't hear any sounds, you're pretty much safe, for the time being. But sometimes using that alone can ruin you if there's a random enemy by the corner and RAAAAAAAAAAAAWR.

      I decided to not use my Wii Remote controller, and I put it somewhere in the lab. I don't do a reality check of why I'm using that controller inside of a game in the first place.

      I'm heading out in front, and Leon I believe is following me to a dark hallway. There's a little light, but we both walk slowly just to make sure something like Regenerator wouldn't pop in and say "Hi" with its extendable arms and give me a warm hug......

      Spoiler for Like this....WARNING YOUTUBE VIDEO IS GRAPHIC:

      Everything is going fine, and we take a left to see some crates are blocking the left side of the new narrow hallway. I head towards them and try to jump over them, and then I get a weird feeling that I need my Wii Remote controller again.

      I jump over the crates again, and asked Leon if he can get it back for me. I wait for him, and then I move back to where he's going, but just the path, not the room.

      I see some random guy who I thought was a Plagas enemy, but it ended up being some dirty looking man carrying some stuff. I block his way, but he seems to not really care because he pretty much looks like he has no brain at all, being lifeless and all.

      I move out of the way to let the poor guy pass, and then I turn around to the section of the hallway with the crates blocking most of the path again, and I see enemies charging after me.

      Good thing those crates were there, because the enemies are complete idiots and don't realize they can just climb over the crates....hey....works for me. They still shocked me because I didn't expect to hear excessive breathing from them that obviously shows they want to do an overkill on me.

      I think Leon finally comes back, and we probably killed all of the enemies inside the area.
      Alyzarin's Suggestion (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm walking with Alyzarin, or maybe inside of a car while me or her are driving. She suggests to me in a form of a question,

      "Why don't you consider them as your dream guide?"

      You know, by her saying "them," I'm not even sure if she means it as a he, she, heshe, shehe, or several dream guides lol.

      I didn't know who she was talking about, so I guess this was probably me forgetting important snippets of the whole dream.

      But what I do know is that when she asked me the question, I looked down and didn't want to respond to her. Whoever it is we're talking about, they must've been someone I wouldn't prefer as a dream guide.

      That's all I remember.

      Sigh......this is what I get for sleeping around 3AM, and waking up 10 AM with no WBTBs.....only recalling one part when I need to know the rest.

      And I can't do a WBTB, because I don't want to wake anyone up during my stay in Canada with my alarm.

      Ugh....maybe I'll just put an earphone and let the alarm play through that, but if I do that....I might roll over and the earphone might fall off....

      Or I can do the water drinking technique to hopefully wake myself up after or during the onset of a REM period....but nah, guess I'll just let things go naturally, especially since I have to look up for some stuff related to college.

      Damn, guess my luck is running out in life....
      Flower Drawing (Non-lucid)


      I'm with a small girl, and she uses markers as her means of drawing. She's pretty decent with the markers, and I'm amazed at how she can make a flower look somewhat realistic just by using kid markers alone.

      She also using the scotch tape with those metal pointy things to tear it off with ease. I asked her why she's using that kind of tape, and it seems she's using it as a layer with her drawings.

      Once she tapes it, she uses the metal point cutter thing (I do not know Tape jargon, pardon me) in order to make the ends look like they're part of the drawing instead of an obvious straight edge on a paper.

      I finally realize what she's doing, and said, "Oooooooooooooooooooh! You use it for------" blah blah.

      Then I tried helping her with the tape, and I do fairly okay, until she tells me that if I do that, "he'll" get out.

      Wait what?

      For some odd reason, I had a feeling that she meant Krauser from Resident Evil 4. I quickly followed what she was doing to make sure nothing bad would happen.

      Sesame Street GPA (Non-lucid)


      I can't believe this dream....LOL

      I'm looking at a screen in front of me that displays the GPA of several people, most of which are the characters from Sesame Street. Timmy from the Fairly OddParents show has his GPA up as well.

      I think the GPA was based on a scale of 10, and Elmo had a GPA of around 0.5-0.7 I believe. Those other dudes from Sesame street, the ones that actually wear freaking clothes had the GPA of Elmo's as well.

      Timmy Turner had a GPA of 6 at first, then it was a 4 on the next column and then a 6, and finally a 4 again....that's weird, why does it show his progress specifically while the rest are horrible?

      I guess this is why they ended up doing Sesame Street.....LOL. Elmo knows where you live and loves you because he has no future...LMAO...okay okay...

      I finally scroll down a bit and see the Cookie Monster's GPA.

      It's a 9.7...



      Out of all characters, him????????????? That should've been a reality check. I'm not even sure of my own intelligence anymore....how does......that's just....wTF...

      Updated 07-09-2012 at 05:54 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , nightmare
    15. Zombies In The Watermelon Patch

      by , 07-09-2012 at 03:48 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      1) Zombies In The Watermelon Patch
      I mostly got fragments and nonsense like HI. One thing I do remember is fighting zombies out of a Watermelon patch.

      It is important to note that this dream was intentional. I watched Shaun of the Dead and decided it would be cool to have a zombie dream. So I set my intent on dreaming about zombies. Now I need to apply that to becoming lucid.

      Updated 07-10-2012 at 11:15 PM by 5967

      Tags: zombie
      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment