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    1. #80 - Breaking Bad / I forgot this dream but it's relevant / Heterochromia and chasing them baddies

      by , 03-22-2015 at 10:02 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1- Breaking Bad
      In this dream I AM Walter White, except instead of making drugs I seem to be a professional assassin. The area I'm in is ghetto, I own 2 houses on the block, and I need money... I think to myself, how can I earn money? How did I first get the money to get started with this dark path I walk? I bought a house and built it up and then I a few million for it (in retrospect, this dream had some big plot holes). I decided that I should do this again, I look around the area I'm in and think to myself how it's perfect, I make preparations to purchase the houses in the area so I can start my business up again (which doesn't make sense since I'm an assassin right...?).

      Dream 2 - Chased
      I remembered this for quite a while but at some point I forgot it and can't recall any details... I just remember being chased and the themes of my dreams being linked from the previous and to the next.

      Dream 3 - Heterochromia and chasing them baddies
      It starts off in a theater, a man is performing music on his guitar on stage. It's to be my turn soon... When I get up there I start playing my music but I fuck it up royally, but it just feels like I'm playing for a friend or something rather than professionally for an audience. I think it stems from my desire to try performing but not having a band to perform with. Anyways, I get off stage and continue watching, the bad guys set up a distraction by hiring some people to perform a dance... It just so happens that they're all retarded O_O I remember 2 really big ugly disfigured women step out and they aren't wearing enough clothes, it's revolting because this dream was particularly vivid... For some reason I think that they're down syndrome, they start dancing badly... At some point my mind makes things a little less fucked up and instead of those behemoths performing there are children doing a group play, they're all still retarded though and some of them have 3 eyes . I notice in one girl that she has a blue left eye and a striking red right eye, this sets off my mind to start looking at the eye colours of the other retards, not all of them have heterochromia but most of them do, and all the children with 3 eyes do. I realize that this is all a distraction though and me and my team head off straight into a car chase... We're driving down the road for a few minutes tailing them, but they must have caught onto us because lo and behold I notice that there's a car next to us without a driver! I instantly know that it's gonna blow, I try to get the attention of the driver "Stop!!! Look out! Turn the car around, we need to get away!" My sense of urgency was pretty intense, I see the car zip on past us and it brakes as it meets other traffic (odd, since it doesn't have a driver but it still follows the road rules). Nothing explosive happens as we avoid the car and reach the destination of where the baddies went... At first I thought it was a beach location, but the next thing I know we're inside confronting the baddies in what feels like a supermarket without anything in it :/ I come around a corner and I confront a man in a white suit. I can't recall what happens here, but I do feel that he was Walter White, and it was almost a "I've got you now" end of the story kind of scene where the good guy foils the baddies plan well played.

      Note: Finally finished all my assignments, most intense semester start I've ever had. Trying to rebuild dream recall since it went downhill over the past week with deadlines being met. Will get lucid tonight for sure
    2. Forest machines simulator, TV show

      by , 03-22-2015 at 09:57 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was just outside my home. There was a forest machines simulator, and it gave possibility of training harvester operating. I turned it on, but after a while I didn't knew which button did what. I looked for instructions, but couldn't find anything. I took a log to cut it in part, but I didn't knew which button activated the chainsaw.

      Second dream - fragment

      I was watching some kind of TV show. I saw a man and a woman running in weird, black costumes around the stage.
    3. More fragments

      by , 03-22-2015 at 01:53 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)

      I’m wandering around the store with mom. I tell her that I have to go to the bathroom, but she’s insistent on finding someone (grandma?). I say that I’ll pee my pants if we don’t find a bathroom soon.


      We’re walking on a cement path, and mom points out something she made while there – at her old college.


      Somehow I end up flying across into some water. I can’t swim and think ‘it’s over’ but try holding my breath in hopes of floating to the top.

      Somehow I make it to a little building suspended on wooden sticks, and I cling to them.

      I see three people in black jackets with POLICE written on them standing facing away from me, below knee deep in the water.

      “HELP ME!” I scream. When they don’t quite react, I scream it once more. This time they turn around, guns out, and head toward me shouting for me to put my hands up, etc. It scares me even more and I start crying.


      I’m dead and holding the parts you get when your body is gone. There were three things, but all I remember is a screw-like item.

      I go home and am talking to mom about it. Apparently grandma or grandpa had died a few days before.

      I ask her if I look any different (I believe I’m a ghost). She says I just look a little faded. I try to see if I feel any different, but I just feel kind of wobbly and off.

      They’re about to eat – soup and something else. I realize that I can’t eat any, and figure I’ll just hang out while they do.

      Inspiration: Some police cars and an ambulance went by last night. I think the ‘items’ from the body comes from watching Big Hero 6 and the microbots.


      I break up with a guy and am getting ready to leave. I see a inanimate cat lying on a table, there’s a way to animate it. I blew a puff of air onto it.

      I leave with a celebrity girl. I climb into the car, and am surprised when she gets in on the opposite side I expected her too.

      I’m filling out the third part of a form, it’s normally reserved for cats but I’m using it for something else.


      I’m lying down and someone is kneeling next to me, attaching a device to my body. Then they untied the wires and said ‘they could still see something’ and I got the impression it was something like an aura around my body.

      Inspiration: I’ve read a few fics with daemons lately, think the cat was inspired by that. And being a ghost/having an aura most likely was inspired by me watching Steven Universe lately.
    4. My Father's Flower (NLD)

      by , 03-22-2015 at 12:34 AM
      The setting of the dream was the farm where I lived as a teenager, but nothing about the plot resembled waking life, and my own character was an adolescent boy. I was the son of our tribe's chieftain, and another adult male in the tribe approached me with an offer. He wanted to buy my father's flower that was growing near the chicken house, offering me a groat in exchange. I refused, of course: the flower was not mine to sell.

      On my way to the barn I passed the flower and glanced at it. It was beautiful and otherworldly, with large hanging bell-shaped blossoms of red and purple. I thought I had made the right decision by turning the man away. I went into the barn, the bottom floor of which was completely empty of everything but a pile of horse manure that had been gathered into the center of the space. This was a bit odd, but my thoughts were elsewhere.

      I was remembering what the same man had done for the nuns: by giving them an iPad, he had eliminated their tendency to engage in other, more heretical, forms of augury. Had he been testing me? Obviously it would have been wrong to sell the flower for my own gain, but perhaps it was also wrong to refuse outright. I should tell my father about the offer and see if he might want to sell the flower after all. Perhaps he needs a groat.

      I go talk to my father. He is not a human but a ring of flexible tissue suspended within a rigid round frame that forms an outer ring. My character, the young boy, is not surprised by this, but OOCly I find it odd. It is hypnotic to watch the creature talk: the inner ring changes shape, forming geometric and other patterns, while vibrating. Together the shape-changing and vibration sound quite similar to a human voice, though higher-pitched and with more vibrato.

      I mention that I want to talk about so-and-so, the member of the tribe who offered me the deal (at the time I knew his name, but lost it on waking), and at once my father starts describing a recent encounter with the guy:

      "We chat a while, then he tells me what a fine young man you are. I'm thinking, wowwww!" He emphasizes the word "wow," drawing it out with varying intonations a bit like a hippy or stoner might... and then the sound blends into the chime of my alarm going off and waking me. I was annoyed to be interrupted mid-dream!
    5. The Other Side : Part 2 - Something's Wrong

      by , 03-21-2015 at 11:16 PM (GDreamer's spaghetti)
      I became lucid , I'm at the same place again , the bus stop before the supermarket.
      I look towards the supermarket , On top of the roof there is a group of people and a guy facing eachother.
      I was like " No ..... no ... no"
      Then I see a red energy blast starting from the group and explodes on the guy.
      "NO .... RUN.... RUN"
      I screamed and started to run towards the supermarket , I tried to summon some kind of weapon but only a rusty sword I can have , I run and run but so slow it takes a few minutes to get there.
      Then I arrive, they are already waiting for me .
      The guy is also here still alive, his enemies are in dark clothes it seemed to a be a girl and a few guys.
      They were speedy, they quickly jumped off the roof and surrounded me standing on lamps.
      The guy who just got hit said "RUN, RUN"
      I tried to knock it off "Don't attack me, I just want to enter the supermarket"
      Its no good , I panick and start to run . But they catched me , I fall over and then some of them quickly flies towards me and stabs me .
      I wake up . Its the middle of night.
      I fall asleep again , I'm back to the same place, again the bus stop .
      I quickly get over there, it seems to be they're on the roof, now talking.
      Now I manage to fly up.
      -"What are you doing here?" ask one of the black clothed guy.
      -"I'm gonna kick all your arses, what the hell is going on there?"
      -"Its none of your business" says the black clothed one
      -"Go away , its really ok" Says the guy who got attacked, he still stands meters from this group , I'm floating now nearer to the group
      -"Seems we got fight again" says the guy in a black robe
      the girl also says something , but I ignore her.
      Things get tense, but the black robed guys wait just for me to start, the good guy is also getting ready to fight on my side. Now I think of how to start, and then I remember this red bright clear energy.
      I charge my fists somehow , this energy surrounds in , and then I throw off a big punch on the group
      they fall all over and starts to float. One of em punches me, hurts but its Ok, I punch back.
      One of em draws a sword, somehow I get this sword and slice him off.
      I'm bashing em like if there's no tomorrow I manage to kill 5 of em, the good guy is also supported me.
      The girl just pops up from nothing and punches me off. I fall off and die. But I do not wake up but I respawn.
      I stand before the entrance, I go up there , but everybody's gone. no clue where the good guys have gone.
      Suddenly a team of people comes here and tells me that they know where the guy is , and that they'll support me in killing him . they advice me to be stealthy because theres some bad guys made by him and guarding the place. Actually, it was the guys dcs , and now we dont know which one of em is the real bad guy.
      The supermarket was altered , and very unstable, it was a big chaos.
      So here we were sneaking around, I killed one before the elevator, we were communicating by thoughts, they said that they're going well and soon will find the original one.
      I watch down , before a shop there was a guard, I see the guy sneaking behind him. and then he chokes him , I was like "good job man".
      -"We found him, he's in the underground parking lot with a few thughs for sure, we can ambush him, lets rock"

      In this moment I get warped down there , we're going in and running like mad, I was at the back of the group, we beat some people , and then I kill the original one, he dissappears.
      The dream ends
      Tags: fight, killing, lucid
      lucid , memorable
    6. First Lucid

      by , 03-21-2015 at 09:38 PM
      Hello :D
      I don't know if I'm supposed to introduce myself in my DJ, but just in case someone is reading my postings in here and noticing certain spelling mistakes or such, I'm from Denmark and my English is a little rusty, so excuse me ;D

      I had my first lucid dream ever just a few days ago and it got me so excited I immediately started researching everything on the topic. I had shortly read about it a year ago, but I put it aside because I could not relate to it and it seemed impossible. Then, suddenly I was standing in my dream having a totally new feeling of control and consciousness. I joined this forum (first time I’ve ever joined such a site on the internet) cause I really want to share this weird and wonderful new experience, which I am sure from now on will become a large part of my reality and personality, and interact with people who are as passionate about this as I am. I study art-history and I am a wannabe artist and author myself, so I see real potential in this newfound skill. Not to mention how much it already helps me feel more grounded in this reality and in myself.

      In my first lucid dream (that I can remember), I suddenly became conscious, I have no idea what caused it because I don’t remember any of the dream up until that moment, the first thought that came to me was to look at my hands, I don’t remember how they looked because I was still very hazy. I was in some sort of medieval castle courtyard with tall walls and a podium in the middle. There were lots of people there, including my family and danish actor Mads Mikkelsen (weird). I decided to jump around. Jumping high in dreams has always been my favorite dream occupation (I lost the power to fly as I grew up), even though I was usually jumping away from something unpleasant in my past dreams. I remember very clearly bending my knees and setting off from the ground. I didn’t jump that high, but still higher than would be physically possible in this reality. It was great and I did this a few times, then I walked around for a while, but from there the dream slowly faded, and I don’t remember anything further.

      I realize this is not a very action-packed lucid dream, but the feeling of being lucid and the endless possibilities that entitles, gave me such a high and I have been chasing that since. Hopefully I will soon be flying and playing in my dreams. I am working on my dream recall, keeping a dream journal, doing wake back to bed and practicing my WILD and MILD techniques.
    7. Last night's dreams

      by , 03-21-2015 at 07:28 PM
      Me, my sister Jenny, and my brother Justin and brother Peter were getting ready to go to school (none of us are in school anymore, Peter is working on his masters degree). Jenny was angry and I was trying to put on a pair of pink shoes but they didn't fit me (in real life that pair fits perfectly, in the dream they were too small). Justin said he needed Peter and I said I ned you too but what is your name, because I thought that Peter had a twin named Peter, so I asked him his name and asked is your name Peter too, is your middle name Harrison (it is in real life). There was a baby who had a red cut under his eyelids. I touched the cut to comfort the baby and then the baby turned into ash. The ash was black, not dark gray like ash usually is. I believe the baby turning into ash was a part of me dying. Later in the dream the baby was back but older and looked different, and didn't have the cut, so that was a part of me being reborn different. We all but Peter and the baby walked out the door to go to a high school and Peter stayed home (he's studying to become a teacher), and I called him "teacher-man" and said "It's teacher-man's turn to teach the baby" Peter didn't respond. Our mom wasn't there, but earlier in the dream my mom was there. I smelled garlic and wanted to eat breakfast. Jenny was angry and I was thinking about God. I was helping Jenny in some way in the beginning of the dream, I was eating bread and trying to show Jenny something.

      After writing this dream down, I fell back asleep and had a dream about dying and going to heaven. I was in a cathedral with a bunch of elderly folks and we were all about to die and wake up with a new body in heaven. Jesus was talking to me and healing me of the demonic voices that I heal. I was meditating laying in a bed, there was spiritual knowledge that I now forget in the dream (this is a recurring theme, having powerful, scary mystical dreams, in one my spirit was floating in white and then I fell into a new body on the grass/on my bed, and then later I was in a powerful eagle for two minutes and could see the eagle. Earlier in that dream I had a false wake up outside it was raining and I was crying, the rain was masking my tears. I was in an unfamiliar place but had the feeling that I knew where I was and started to walk home. God and the devil was in the dream.). I thought I would go to the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh after I died. (In real life I already died and now I will never die. My friend Ashley Shear also died and stayed on earth and told me, "If you think you died, you probably did" (this was in real life not a dream. God wanted her to tell me that, it was a part of His plan for me.). I had a lot of insight that is now lost and I was feeling at peace with myself and God and knew that the elderly people who were with me would start to grow younger soon.
    8. First Dream/Second Dream/I Saw Kiro

      by , 03-21-2015 at 06:38 PM
      First Dream

      -I was talking to a group of people about something complex. However, they didn't really agree with me so i had to convince them somehow. A girl at the end changed her mind and than i woke up. I'm not sure I'm remembering right but I think i mentioned something about a dragon.

      Second Dream

      -I was walking out of a school where a dance instructor was trying to convince someone to join the dance club. When i exited i walked to a pretty sparkling pool that was rotating smoothly.I got the urge to do some ballet type of spin move on the sparkling water. But after i just started i woke up.

      I Saw Kiro

      I was with a lady and her friends inside a huge building. They were supposed to be watching over a few kids. But something happened that made them panic. The next thing i know their trying to cut my hair. I don't really have good recall of the beginning. But when i was running i found a dog that started to talk.
      It made me lucid and as i was leaving one of the ladies ran up to me. I told them i was leaving since this was a dream than flew away. Now wasn't the time to go to go to the meeting spot so i just tried going somewhere else.

      I landed on the ground quickly than jumped back up admiring the view from above. A lady from before appeared and i told her how cool this was. She agreed but mentioned something was bothering her.After that we ended up inside a house room. There were people casually talking in the room. After one of them said something bad about a girl out loud, i noticed that i was naked and wrapped in a white blanket. One of the girl dc began to make fun of me with another friend so i told her to come up to me.

      I got up. Imagined myself putting a t-shirt on. Than when she came up i thought of a princess peach move and hit her with a pan.But I felt bad after i did that because her head was dented now and she was out cold. Something after that happened but i can't recall what it was.But after it happened I ended up inside a room where to my surprise Kiro was. We were talking about something i don't remember. As he was talking to me though i started to think about JadeGreen and told Kiro to take me to Jade even though i knew Jade had to be awake now.

      Kiro said no and that he didn't like that idea. I asked him once more but got the same response so i said okay. I than looked around me and decided to talk to another dream character that was in the setting. I asked a old man near a desk to tell me something about Jade. He took out a paper out of a folder and began to write on it. I asked him to read what he wrote and looked at the paper trying to take in everything i saw. I saw random stuff though like FFI and numbers on the top. When i looked at the old man he was now building a small robot with blue and white cubes. It almost looked like a transformer.

      I asked him to read the bottom part of what was on the page. He replied saying"Jade has a special wind move where he will fly and that one girl he knows will show up." I saw that what he was saying did look like what was written and thought about the one girl he must be talking about was Manei. After this i walked than turned to look at the window thinking of Manei. The place was getting dark though and dream characters were fading. I opened a door next to the window,closed it than looked around to see a little girl sleeping on a bed.

      I lay down next to her,closed my eyes, than thought about changing the setting. I imagined my body floating up and shining brightly. As I was doing this a old lady appeared. I decided to ignore her than pretended to grab any dream character that the dream would give me.The setting changed and I ended up grabbing a Mexican little girl. It was now the afternoon and the mom was calling the cops saying i was trying to steal her daughter. Than i woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Neko Girl

      by , 03-21-2015 at 06:25 PM
      I didn't remember much of my dream from last night, but I did remember a bit. And that is enough for me to type it up and share.

      I had cat ears and a cat's tail, I was living in another world as royalty. I made a friend, he was part wolf so he had wolf ears and a wolf tail. I took him to my world (I think through a portal) to meet my family, during our stay on earth we rented Spongebob Squarepants the movie to watch. At the end of the dream I suddenly changed my mind and became part wolf instead.
      dream fragment
    10. (march 21, 2015) no recall again

      by , 03-21-2015 at 05:40 PM
      no recall again. my worst night of sleep in a while by far though, i am sick with a fever or something.
    11. Pep Rally

      by , 03-21-2015 at 04:48 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #425 - DILD - 7:14AM

      After the last LD I try meditating again, but fall asleep.

      I am in some restaurant and there is food and trash all over the carpet. Someone tells me to get in uniform and help clean. I take a snapchat of the mess. I am in uniform and I walk into another part to see how I can help, but I see things are mostly managed now. I pass what I think is a manager. I try covering the company emblem on my shirt as I pass. I feel stupid for putting the uniform on and wish I could change.

      I realize that I am on a cruise ship and I look for my sister Angie who is always going on cruises. I step outside on to the deck and look around. The ship is massive and looks like a small town. I see the water beyond and get vertigo as I realize were actually moving. I say to my wife, "You really do forget that you're on a boat." We all move toward the very tip of the bow and watch the water. We are coming into a bay area with high cliffs. There is what looks like a hill in the water and is mostly wet sand. We somehow power up it and I see water trying to flood the stern. As we level out, I see everyone has come outside. They all start cheering and clapping. The ship starts to dock, but bumps into something. I think of the Titanic and worry. A jet of water pushes the ship sideways and a voice says something about trying again. Then, I see a large rusted steel bar in front of the ship. Something like a dinosaur neck and head extends from someplace behind me. It latches on the bar and chews on it. It acts to stabilize and dock the ship. A voice says something about the dinosaur sharpening it's teeth this way, but it leaves a black residue. The dino turns and shows us its grayish, nubby teeth.

      I am now laying on the floor next to some other guys in football uniforms paired with cheerleaders in wedding dresses in a pattern. The rest of the team comes in and wonders what's going on. This is a pep rally and we got roped into being apart of the performance. Music starts and we all get up and start some synchronized dancing. Of course, me and half the others have no idea what we are doing and do our best to keep up. The lyrics say, "Dance with me. Dance with me." So me and another cheerleader who looks a lot like Anna Kendrick start slow dancing. I am overly aware of the feel of her close to me, one arm around her waist, and her hand in my other. We are both feeling awkward and stop dancing. We laugh and both admit that we had no idea what we were doing. The song stops and we turn and sit close to each other on the floor. I am glad she stayed next to me. My old high school buddy Jason his on stage with a band. He's saying stuff to get the crowd excited and is generally acting way out of character. I start thinking about how dumb I felt during the dancing and wonder how I even got myself in this situation. I think something about the next time I am in a dream... Wait this IS a dream! I am a little unsure about this thought at first, but it only takes a millisecond to realize it's true. The dream starts crashing so I do the only thing I could think of to stabilize. I turn to the very hot Anna Kendrick look-a-like and resume dancing with her. Of course, this time I am much more confident and our dancing becomes dirty and we grind while I feel her up. This soon turns into sex and the hottie turns into my ex-wife. I lose my arousal and wonder, WHY? OH GOD WHY? I then realize it's a part of my past and just a memory. I appreciate it for what it is and the good times we once had. I let the scene play it self out without taking control or making decisions. I wake up.
    12. March 18th fragments

      by , 03-21-2015 at 04:33 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      -I’m in some building wandering around with someone. At one point I call a small, black and white dog over and pet it. But later, a guy comes up to me, mad that I had his dog. I realize I have this long string, and I start reeling it in until a dog appears. I’m confused because it’s not the one I was petting earlier, although it’s black and white too.

      At another point, we’re in this little shop looking for something for Michelle (my old school friend’s Liz’s little sister). I start showing her things and asking “how about this?” but she keeps shaking her head. The person with me takes over.

      Michelle shows me what she chose. It’s this small toy phone in a case. But when she hands it to me, it’s a bigger, dark blue empty cell phone case and I wonder what she’ll do with it.

      -Nicole getting on Skype, apologizing for not being on yesterday.
    13. Abusive Father and high-level lucidity. (#187)

      by , 03-21-2015 at 04:31 PM (Lucid Time!)
      There was some non lucid and semi lucid stuff before my last WBTB, but I can't remember it. I remember it had something to do with this recreational center that had an ice skating rink in it.


      There was a man who had a small toddler with him in a store, akin to a Walmart or Target or something. He was abusive and got angry with his son of about three years old. Apparently, the store sold toilets on this big multi-teired display and he got so mad with his son that he flushed him down one of the toilets.

      His mom started panicking, but the abusive man kept pushing her away. He then said he was going to 'teach the kid a lesson' and grabbed an absurdly large tube of toothpaste off of the shelf and squeezed it into the toilet to 'drown' him.

      The mom told me to go and get security. I ran to the front of the store where there a couple of security officers. One was really tall and skinny and the other was short and fat. It told them about what was going on, and they said that since this man might be dangerous they wanted me to be armed. They handed me two over sized nerf guns. One was a huge nerf missile launcher and the other was a giant machine gun.

      We went running back to the scene where the man was still squeezing toothpaste down the toilet. One of the guards grabbed him and the other picked up the toilet and smashed it open. The kid inside was fine, but he was covered in toothpaste.

      The dream carried on for another minute and I carried around the giant nerf guns. I wondered if I was allowed to keep them.


      I was driving down the expressway, or at least felt like it. I looked down to see that I was not in a car. I didn't even have a body. I was just a floating viewpoint moving down the road like a car would.

      Somehow or other I was able to nose pinch and recognize that this was a dream.

      The expressway had lights and weird interchanges in it, all of these traffic signals and junctures that didn't really make sense. I remember seeing traffic lights that turned weird colors like purple and white and wondering what they meant.

      I then honed in on the cars that were driving around me. They were really detailed. The expressway changed to more of a suburban road with big trees. I saw that the cars were really detailed. I could even see the reflections on the gloss of the car of the trees and the sun.

      I began thinking at a very high level of lucidity about how this was all imagery created by my brain, and it had such impressive quality. I knew I had to get to trying to shared dream with DawnEye11, but right then.

      Then my mom came into my room and started yelling since I was going to be late for my Saturday morning taekwondo class. I really need to start trying to WBTB at college more. I don't have to worry about this crap.
      non-lucid , lucid
    14. War Games

      by , 03-21-2015 at 04:12 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #424 - DILD - 5:33AM

      My sister in law M has a runners backpack on. It looks a lot like the picture below but it all white with red trim and is made of soft, dry-wick, polyester. I really want one of my own for when I start cycling back up as well as trail running. I tell my wife I really want one as I look it up on my phone. The brand is called 'Calender 3' and the model is 'Delilah'. Hmmm sounds girly, but I still like it. I see it costs $30 and I tell my wife that it's not a bad price. I wake up really hoping this backpack is real.

      Another Newbi-ueewndt.jpg

      it's almost 4am so I get up, use the bathroom, and get a drink — generally milling about for a few minutes. I decide to lay back down and spend some time meditating but pass out quickly.

      I am playing some sort of war game on an arcade machine, but I realize that everything I am doing is actually a real battle. I see several other arcade machines lined up next to me and I decide to call in the others to help. Everything is set up outside in near a war torn, dilapidated building. I round a corner and shout, "Hey." someone fires a shot but misses. I use my cell phone to signal so they know it's me. I call out for 5 troops and the come. I realize only 2 or 3 are left so I tell them all to come. One looks like an Imperial Officer from Star Wars.

      Another Newbi-review_scpiett_still.jpg

      My daughters come to join the war game and I set my older up on a fighter jet game. My younger is going to be my co-op player 2 on my game. I have some issue with the buttons and the front has extended like a long table. I have to climb to reach the player 2 button. My son gets in my seat and falls and hits his head. I yell harshly at my younger daughter because she didn't stop him. Then I feel bad for yelling and apologize to her as I hold my crying son on the couch. My older daughter is player her game but she is attacking the wrong country, Japan. I know they will for sure break from the alliance now. Think she may as well do as much damage as possible. I watch as she is flying close to skyscrapers and shooting out windows. The fires off a few rockets but doesn't do much damage. She finally crashes into a building and laughs.

      I stand up and now I am in the living room at home. My daughter and I have some conversation about what just happened and somehow I decide this is all a dream. I say, "I've decide this is a dream." The world almost crashes here, but I stabilize by jumping up and down around the house.. The sensation brings everything back to vividness. I randomly decide to do pull-ups on the chandelier over the dining table. I feel my muscles tense and I wonder if I am some how benefiting from this exercise. I decide to make it 'harder' so I extend my legs forward to the ceiling as I continue pull-ups. I feel physical muscle strain now. This almost wakes me up so I stop and swing off the chandelier into the living room area (it's actually all one big room).

      My son is trying to get outside and I stop him at first, but remembering its a dream, I take him outside with me as we adventure. I decide to have fun in the car and I take time to put him in the car seat. I know it doesn't matter, but it makes me feel better to do this. I wonder if I will have difficulty and waste time fumbling with things, but everything goes smoothly. I hop in the driver seat and turn the key. The car is positioned wrong and I have to back up and turn around. I reverse it and then slam it hard into 'drive' and peel out as I leave the drive way. I drive fast without stopping at intersection and make several random turns. I come to a traffic light and weave around the stopped cars, cutting the others off. I quickly lose interest in driving and my visual weaken. I have to focus the dream back and decide I need to bring the joy ride to an end. I see the road ends at the doors of a department store so I floor it. The effort of the gas pedal make my foot extra tired.

      We crash through the glass and now I am standing in the mall holding my son. There is an extra large RC car about the size of a shopping cart in front of me. It's plowing through kiosks and stands. A young woman in a grey dress screams and runs away. Jerry from work says something about my driving a car into the mall again. Again? I've never done this. A security guard runs up to stop the car shouting the same thing as Jerry. I wake up.
    15. Night of March 21th 2015. Bed from 21:30 to 06:00.

      by , 03-21-2015 at 02:39 PM
      I very so depressed telling myself that I don't know how to dream or interpret my dreams that in the end I decided to simply go though the motions of getting out of bed and writing down my dreams. My intention being to want to write down my dreams.

      1-2 dreams but didn't record them because I felt whats the point.

      I dreamed I was asking my daughters granny (not my mum) if it was ok to eat really soft/over ripe avocados. She said yes e.g. by spreading them on bread (which I do in waking life). Then her husband said 3 spoonfuls.

      Both of them knew I have not seen my daughters for 4 months but they don't know the reason. Also they way I asked the granny was with total respect. The house we were in seemed like a holiday home/cottage.

      Attempt at interpretation:
      These people and I really don't get on. When dating their daughter and even now I must appear as a ghost to them i.e. someone who is lost within themselves. From their position, they are forced to side with their daughter even though she brought great shame to the family i.e. blood is ticket than water.

      I dreamed of having a physical disability (not been able to walk) and then been cured. I was aged 40 in the dream which is my current age.

      Attempt at interpretation:

      A later dream featured a person from secondary school. We were working, doing the same job. He kept letting dirt fall on me. We were both so good at our jobs we could have been team leaders. I kept telling him next time.

      Attempt at interpretation:
      Reflecting on the dream at the end I felt that if I started laughing I may not be able to stop.