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    1. 21st May 2020

      by , 05-21-2020 at 06:53 PM
      I went to sleep at 1:09 am.

      At 4:44 i woke up and recorded the dream i just had.

      I was in a city with many buildings. The time was in the 1910's to 30's probably. There were 2 planes and one was about to crash a building where some soldiers from many countries were staying. There weren't too many soldiers, probably in total they might have been like 100. So this plane was about to crash, but it suddenly plummeted mid air before reaching the target. I had some intel just few moments before seeing that scene so i was running towards the building to warn everyone, but of course i would be late. So maybe the plane plummeting had to do with my expectations of wanting to warn everyone in the building. Then there was another plane but that plane had a different target and it flew somewhere else.
      I go inside the building to confront some arrogant soldiers whom i suspected that because of their reckless actions got everyone in danger. They've been hanging out in bars and talking with people they probably shouldn't so they most likely gave away info. So i confront the guy who seemed to be the leader of the group, telling him all this and asking him who did he hang with, and they kind of laugh at me. And then this woman of Israeli nationality (not our allies, but neither our enemies because we really weren't at war) comes out of the couch the guy was sitting on (she was sitting in the arm thingies) comes to me, kisses me and says something i couldn't recall but like teasing me. I play along until she stops speaking, making everyone believe i had given in, i even doubted myself until she stopped speaking and i calmly replied something non-sensical if i'd write it down here but in the dream it definitely roasted her (it was something like "apologies to myself (like she and everyone else should be apologizing to me or something) and now i'll take my leave" or something like that, like i've done my thing there, and i had no more business so basically i was telling them bye bitches).

      Went back to sleep and woke up at 6:54.

      I was in one of my old houses, the house in street Las Heras. I was about to take a shower, but i bring a heater because it was cold in the bathroom. However the heater started to lose water, and that made the shower had problems with water too. As i was checking the heater my sister came and offered me to bring me my clothes, and she was very talky. Idk what i tell her, and basically cut the chatter somehow and close the door. Oh, before the bathroom scene i was actually in my room thinking what clothes should i wear. If i wear school clothes then the principal might say something to me for wearing the wrong uniform, and also i might not have it when i need it. But i really wanted to wear the gym clothes. Going back to the bathroom. There was a window like the ones in interrogation rooms, where you can't see the other side. Well, i could see the other side but i think they couldnt see towards my side, or so i hope. On the other side there was Love from "You" series, however even though it was her face, the person was someone else, a friend i know. She was sitting there, like in a cabin where you have to lift the barriers for cars to pass. I was watching her while she sat there but she knew of what was going on and sometimes smirked. Before i entered the shower i entered Discord with my phone. I went to this new server i joined, and i checked the memes channel and the nsfw. I was surprised to see that in the nsfw an actual member was posting nudes of herself. Then as i scroll down the channel there was a lot of porn there from her. At a point it's like i was watching the gifs or whatever they were in holograms, right in front of me. Some things were kind of sexy, but ugh i don't really like porn.

      Then woke up, went back to sleep and woke up again at 10 am.

      I dreamt i was in a social dinner-party. There were a lot of people and the place was spatious. It was like a house, but with many rooms and open rooms in between. It kinda had a Japanese style. So there was this girl that wanted a red rare drink. I wasn't really talking to that girl, but i felt like i knew her. Anyways when she said that, since i knew where to get it, and since i had nothing to do i went to get it. Another guy also was attempting to get it but i knew he'd probably fail. So i take a shortcut, just cross a room to get to the adult's vip room where the owner of the house and the top class people were. I come in but i don't interrupt them, they seemed to be talking around the table. I go to the couches where some friends were and i ask if they knew if there was some of that red drink left. And they say to me that in the fridges. So i go there and grab the last bottle which had a little bit left. I look at it and it reminds me of this red drink i dreamed of years ago, like over 10 years, that i wanted to replicate IRL but never could. I thought to myself, "ha, finally someone clever came out with the formula and now everyone knows it" thinking the drink finally was discovered in real life. I thought about tasting it, but since there was so little of it i decided not to. I went back to the girl and gave her the bottle. Even though there was little left she was overjoyed.

      Then woke up at like 12, cause i went back to sleep, and i think i woke up from a N-REM2 state. Not sure, i would have to experiment more to know for sure.
    2. Big Range Last Night

      by , 05-21-2020 at 03:24 PM
      1. Took a car to a modify shop and had a long talk about what should we do to the car

      2. Mom told me she wanted to go and see her childhood house. We went there and it was cosy

      3. I was a soldier and a guy who is older and probably outranking me told some refugees are almost drowning and we have to save them. The reason for them to be drowning could be an invisible enemy boat he said. We went into the water and we swam aimlessly

      4. Cool sex dream turned into a multiplayer game and i almost got lucid but i could feel my real body and slowly waking up. I fell into the dream once more and she was airing the room. My stupid ass decided oh i missed it, i can wake up now!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. WILD attempt nr 10.

      by , 05-21-2020 at 08:54 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I go to bed 22.40 and just lie in the corpse position. I know that the best time to WILD is late in your sleep but I just want to practice to lay absolutely still and learn to control my thoughts. I've watched so much series the last two days that I have begun to see pictures of all the emotion scenes in the series I watch. I can't tell if it's dreams or my imagination when I woke up this morning. Anyways. I had some really strong HH after about 20 minutes I think. I feel like my arms is inside my bed behind my back and my eyes get confused and don't know where to look. There is a very strong feeling of fire inside my left arm and it slowly spreads to my right arm. The fire doesn't hurt or is warm but when it started to appear the first word that popped up to describe it was fire. The fire is paralyzing and I'm not sure if I can move my arm. I try to send some signals to my finger in the left arm and the fire disappears locally where I sent the signal.
    4. A Cozy Enough Start

      by , 05-20-2020 at 02:52 PM
      I'm in an apartment in Queens with most of my family. They're watching a movie on TV, and I'm generally just chillin' and playing some kind of Soulsbourne game.

      Eventually, it's time to get going, and my cousin makes fun of the way I run, so I get a running start in order to send a flying kick at his head. I'm not sure that the blow lands, but it at least got so close.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 4 ld. Надпись, отобранная козлёнком.

      by , 05-20-2020 at 02:13 AM
      4 ОС. Надпись, отобранная козлёнком (1 октября 2011).

      Я находился возле общежитий на качелях, причём качели находились с другой стороны дома. Вокруг ходили животные: куры, козы, коровы. Один козлёнок что-то выхватил у меня из рук. Я пошёл у него это отнять. Козлёнок превратился в белого щенка. То, что я отнял, оказалось листком бумаги. Я пошёл по тропинке, пытаясь прочесть, что на нём написано. Спустился в овраг, которого наяву там и в помине нет. В углу оврага было какое-то существо, и я жестом руки запер его там, чтобы оно мне не мешало читать. На бумаге были написаны какие-то цифры и в конце английские буквы. Сначала вначале была надпись 5532...пе - точно не помню. Потом она изменилась на 653....Q. Тем временем я вышел на тропинку возле училища и продолжал смотреть в бумагу, пытаясь думать. На мне появились противосолнечные очки, через них надпись читалась нормально. Больше надпись не изменялась. Я убрал очки и попытался отвести взгляд от бумаги, но понял, что если я это сделаю, то сон прекратится, и я не смогу дальше идти, поэтому я продолжал смотреть на надпись. В голове стали мелькать мысли - обрывки записей с форума. Тут мелькнула мысль, что чтобы сохранить сон надо внимательнее смотреть на предмет. И я решил посмотреть на свои руки. Взглянул на руки, увидел множество линий как во сне «Друг-тень». Количество пальцев на руках было нормальным, хотя я специально их не считал. Тут же появилась в голове мысль, что это точно сон. Картинка сна стала ярче, и более похожа на реал. Хорошо увидел впереди девятиэтажку, а справа училище. Я попытался взлететь, поднялся на пару метров, и меня развернуло в воздухе и выкинуло из сна. Осознание длилось меньше минуты. Буду ещё пробовать.


      1. Козлёнок превратился в щенка - признак сна.
      2. Осознался из-за надписи на листке бумаги. Что там было записано, точно не запомнил.
      3. Существо в овраге я не видел, но чувствовал, что оно там есть.
      4. Сами по себе на голове появились очки.
      5. Смотрел на руки. Снова много линий. Количество пальцев визуально было нормальным, но специально не считал.
      6. Взлетел в воздух, но полётом управлять не смог.
      7. Когда проснулся, понял что девятина выглядела всё-таки не так, как в реале.
      8. Место действия: Возле училища.
      9. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе 4 минуты.

      4 LD. Lettering taken by a kid (October 1, 2011).

      I was near the hostels on a swing, and the swing was on the other side of the house. Around walked animals: hens, goats, cows. One kid grabbed something from my hands. I went to take it from him. The kid turned into a white puppy. What I took was a piece of paper. I went down the path, trying to read what was written on it. I went down to the ravine, which in reality is not there at all. There was a creature in the corner of the ravine, and with a gesture of my hand I locked it there so that it would not interfere with my reading. Some numbers were written on paper and in the end English letters. First, at the beginning there was an inscription 5532 ... I don’t remember exactly. Then she changed to 653 .... Q. Meanwhile, I went out onto the path near the school and continued to look at the paper, trying to think. Sun glasses appeared on me, through them the inscription was read normally. The inscription did not change anymore. I removed my glasses and tried to look away from the paper, but realized that if I did this, the dream would stop and I could not go any further, so I continued to look at the inscription. Thoughts began to flicker in my head - fragments of notes from the forum. Then the thought flickered that in order to maintain a dream one must carefully look at the subject. And I decided to look at my hands. I looked at his hands, saw a lot of lines, like in a friend-shadow dream. The number of fingers on my hands was normal, although I specifically did not count them. Immediately an idea appeared in my head that it was just a dream. The dream picture has become brighter, and more like a real one. I saw well the nine-story building ahead, and the school on the right. I tried to take off, climbed a couple of meters, and they turned me in the air and threw me out of dream. Awareness lasted less than a minute. I will try again.


      1. The kid has become a puppy - a sign of dream.
      2. Confessed due to the inscription on a piece of paper. I didn’t remember exactly what was written there.
      3. I did not see the creature in the ravine, but I felt that it was there.
      4. By themselves, glasses appeared on the head.
      5. I looked at his hands. Lots of lines again. The number of fingers was visually normal, but specifically did not count.
      6. I took off into the air, but could not control the flight.
      7. When I woke up, I realized that the nine didn’t look like it was in real life.
      8. Venue: Near the school.
      9. The approximate time spent in the OS 4 minutes.
    6. Day 828: My Sixth Zombie Dream

      by , 05-19-2020 at 08:02 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 3:00 AM

      Woke up at: 11:00 AM

      Dream 117: The Non-Zombie Related One

      In what seems to be a cheap hotel with concrete walls and poor accommodations. It has a window and a minifridge at the very least, so there's that. Not five minutes before I begin settling into my room, a young girl (She looks no older than 15 to me) barges in my room and starts coming onto me. I get massively uncomfortable, thinking someone's going to see me with a minor in a fleabag hotel.

      Next thing I remember, we're both lying on the bed (Fully clothed, but still). And now I want to give my dream self a SERIOUS talking to. I swear my dream self and myself are two completely separate people.

      Dream 118: The Zombie One

      In what seems to be a high school in the middle of a zombie epidemic. I'm sprinting through a series of tight hallways with a shotgun in my hands trying to seek shelter. I spot a female zombie that looks massively decayed, basically just skin and bones now, as she convulses on the floor. Turning a corner, I find a door ajar with what looks to be human survivors in it. I get inside, and lock the door behind me.

      Now I'm inside what was once a computer lab. Low ceiling, but a wide enough area to stretch your legs in. I start to converse with the survivors, one of which resembling my sister and the other resembling her husband. My brother-in-law has decided to keep watch, guarding the entrance with what looks to be an assault rifle. I go over to another survivor, a teenage girl chewing on a laptop. I don't remember much of the conversation, to be frank.

      My brother-in-law then announces that he's going to set off an electrical grid that will shock all the zombies in the school to death. After a three second countdown, he does just that, and we make our escape from the school.

      An epilogue then plays out, explaining that our group of survivors were able to clear our town of zombies and rebuild. And that's about it.
    7. May 19, 2020 Non-lucid

      by , 05-19-2020 at 02:41 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was laid out similar to the bridge over 81 at JMU at first, I was riding in a car over the bridge. I looked out the window to my right to see another car that I thought Liz was in with two other girls, my car kept driving and the scene looked more like downtown Richmond. My car loops around some buildings and drives on back streets until it pulls into a parking lot restricted for residents or people with passes except there are blocked off spots lined in yellow, I pull my car into the spot which stays level while the other sides slope down a level. I get out of my car and head towards a building. In front of me I see Liz's car drive by, it looks like a black range rover, I can see she notices me and sort of points me out. They exit the car, a co-worker of mine Chase walks up from the parking lot, the situation is awkward because I'm trying to talk to Liz but Chase is expecting me to introduce them and we're all shuffling awkwardly in the street, they sort of wave to each other and then I'm now talking to Liz. Her hair is dark brown and reminds me of her friend's hair color. There was this feeling that we hadn't seen each other in a long time. The conversation is about how she's trying to forgive her ex but they're still talking. I'm slowly walking towards the building and she's behind me... she hugs me around my neck and presses against me while talking. She was also patting my butt in a joking manner as well while walking behind me. And then I woke up.
    8. First WILD!

      by , 05-19-2020 at 12:57 PM
      Screens off by 10, mindfulness meditation, supplements and herbs. In bed by 10:30.
      I'm in a hotel with my family, theres some sort of wedding happening. Tina, my grandparents, my dad, aunt, and other family members are there. There are invitations, we drop them. I hold the elevator as my sister picks them up, but the elevator leaves without them. We are at a table, eating food, my plate has asparagus and broccoli, and its falling off my plate and making a big mess. There are other people around. They are looking at us. I wake up.
      We are hurrying to go somewhere else, but I left my stuff. I go back to get it with my dad. We go to a computer station, where I left my headphones, bag, and a charger plugged in. Theres a boy, maybe a teenager, at that station. I ask if he's seen my charger, while I see him stuff it further into his pocket. I ask, how about the one you just put in your pocket? He hands it over, ashamed.
      I wake up, my 3:30 alarm is going off. I'm surprised, I thought I slept through the alarm for some reason. I take my supplements, smoke some of my dream herbs. I lay very still, attempting a WILD.
      Suddenly my vision goes from black to full real life colors. I'm in my old highschool, in a hallway. I look at my hands, way too many fingers! A DREAM! MY FIRST WILD! My dad is there again, I ask him if he's my Dream Guide, and he shrugs. I hold his arm and we walk down the hallway, passing some of my old teachers. Mrs Fina! I say hello. My dad seems to be in a hurry, I tell him to slow down, pop my head into another classroom. Mrs Ingram sees me and comes to hug me; her hair is different and she has to remind me who she is. I tell her she looks beautiful and we hug and I tear up. I return to the hallway as it fades to black. I wake up.
      I'm fighting with some siblings, I feel like it was Avatar the Last Airbender related. I'm fighting with a brother, and he tries to knock me down, but I am holding onto something and don't fall. Then I realize I'm floating.I check my hands, yep! Toooooo many fingers. I walk inside. Its my parent's house in Blue Ridge, in the basement. All three sisters and both parents are there. I remember this day, it was the first (and maybe only) time all 6 of us were together in that house. I remember my dream goals, check pockets, meditate. I sit to meditate and realize I can't reach into my pockets while I'm sitting. I stand and find a hair clip in my front right pocket, keep checking for a wand, and I feel a lighter in my front left, but didn't quite fish it out before the dream changed.
      I'm upstairs in the living room now, my family is all there. I see my old cat, Alice, run across a doorway. I tell my family I just saw her, and I start crying. Then I wake up, for good this time.

      Dream signs: school, family, floating
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Always write a note in your DJ when you remember it

      by , 05-19-2020 at 08:01 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      Awww, I remembered a long dream but for some reason I didn't write it directly in my physical DJ and now I can't recall it. Now I just have a short but lucid dream. I try a WILD 03.40 but fall asleep.

      I'm in a classroom. I realize it's a dream and do my RC just to be sure. I look around me and try to remember how the dream started (my current dream goal) but it's impossible. I realize that the dream just started. I walk to the window and open it. I sit there and ponder what I should do. The dream fades.

      Possible recurring elements: School

      Notes: Yes!! I remembered to try to remember how the dream started. I am really excited how my dreaming progress is going I'm sure I can have multiple LDs every week, already now I have had 4 LDs in one week

      Updated 05-19-2020 at 08:04 AM by 97565

    10. 3 LD. Полёт на море. Flight to the sea.

      by , 05-19-2020 at 02:53 AM
      ОС 3 Полёт на море (Конец сентября 2011)

      Сначала был неосознанный сон. Я шёл по бульвару, и зашёл в садик. Там были спрайты троих парней и девушек. Парни напали на меня, и позвали девушек посмотреть, как они со мной расправятся. Я проснулся и тут же заново заснул с мыслью: "ну я вам щас устрою".
      Я оказался на том же месте в садике и сказал этим спрайтам - это мой сон, поэтому я могу делать что хочу! Спрайты парней тут же пропали, а спрайты девушек зависли. Я попытался схватить одну из девушек, но как только я это сделал она исчезла, точнее лопнула как мыльный пузырь. Тогда я попытался схватить двух сразу. Они не исчезли почувствовал их, (хотя обычно у меня во сне только визуалка работала. После того как стал интересоваться ОСами и другие чувства то же подключились) на ощупь были упругие, как резина. Мне надоело их держать. Я решил взлететь перелететь территорию садика и оказаться на дворе другого друга С. На двор к С. я так и не попал, а улетел к морю. Там меня ждала мама и осознанность на некоторое время пропала. До тех пор пока я не подошёл к морю. Я подумал: "если это сон что будет если я войду в море с головой? - не утону ведь". Сказано - сделано. Когда дошёл до воды на уровне шеи, в мою сторону поплыл какой-то предмет в форме бублика. Я закрыл глаза, чтобы он меня не задел, и он проплыл сквозь меня. Когда меня накрыло водой с головой, чувство дна под ногами у меня исчезло, но я ещё некоторое время продолжал идти под водой. Вода была тёмной и ничего нельзя было разглядеть. Потом меня выкинуло на берег. Там снова период неосознания. Решил вернутся до мамы пролетел над какими-то гаражами, и остановился на крыше одного гаража. На песке стояла мама, но в тот же момент она была со мной на равном уровня. Сначала я не понял почему так, потом пришла мысль, что здесь пространство двухмерное. Я стал экспериментировать с пространством, изменять его. Думал, что делаю его 4-х мерным. Проснулся.
      PS: Наяву это описать не возможно , когда пробовал сделать одномерным как бы представлял точку на листе бумаги, а четырёхмерным это когда на листе рисуешь куб и с ним соединяешь другой куб чтобы грань одного куба соединялась с гранью другого. То же и проделал с окружающим себя пространством.

      1. Сумел вернуться в сон после просыпания.
      2. После возвращения персонажи(спрайты) парни исчезли, а девушки зависли.
      3. Одна девушка лопнула, как мыльный пузырь, когда я до нее дотронулся.
      4. Другие девушки на ошупь были, как резина.
      5. Сумел взлететь, но не смог управлять полетом.
      6. С помощью полета меня перенесло в незнакомое место на море. С реальными местами, в которых я был на море, не было ничего общего.
      7. Сумел войти с головой под воду. Дышать под водой можно. Ничего не видно. Исчезло чувство дна под ногами. Долго не прошел - выкинуло на берег.
      8. Непонятный предмет в форме бублика. Закрыл глаза - прошел сквозь меня.
      9. Искривление пространства. Разный уровень высоты, но смотрится будто на одном уровне. Затем своей волей смог сам искривлять дома.
      10. Персонажи в неосознанной начальной части сна разговаривали, а в осознанной нет. Ни парни, ни девушки, ни мама - никто из них не произнес ни одного слова.
      11. Так же в неосознанной части поведение персонажей было агресcивным.
      12. Место действия: бульвар, садик 2, море на юго-западе.
      13. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе 6 минут.

      3 LD Flight at sea (End of September 2011)

      At first there was an unconscious dream. I walked along the boulevard, and went into the kindergarten. There were sprites of three guys and girls. How they will deal with me. I woke up and immediately fell asleep again with the thought: "Well, I'll arrange for you right now."
      I ended up in the same place in the garden and said it was sprites. The sprites of the guys disappeared right away, and the sprites of the girls hung. I tried to do it because of the girls. Then I tried to grab the two at once. They did not disappear, they felt them (although usually I had only visual actions). I'm tired of holding them. I decided to fly to another territory. I never got to the yard to S., but flew away to the sea. Mom and awareness disappeared for a while. I did not go to the sea. I thought: "If it is a dream, what will happen if I enter the sea with my head?" No sooner said than done. A donut-shaped object floated in my direction. And he swam through me. When I continued to go under water for some time. The water was dark and nothing could be seen. Then I was thrown ashore. There is again a period of unconsciousness. Decisions returned to the wings of one garage. She was on an equal level with me. At first I did not understand why this is so, and then the thought came that the space is two-dimensional. I began to experiment with space, change it. I thought I was making it 4-dimensional. Awoke.
      PS: it is impossible to describe, perhaps when it was done in order to represent a single point on a sheet of paper, and four months old when a cube is shown on a sheet, and it connects to the face of one cube and connects to the face of another. I did the same with the space surrounding himself.

      1. Managed to return to sleep after waking up.
      2. After the characters returned (sprites), the guys disappeared.
      3. When I touched her.
      4. Other girls were dry.
      5. Managed to take off, but could not control the flight.
      6. Unidentified place on the sea. That was nothing in common.
      7. Managed to enter headlong into the water. You can breathe under water. I can not see anything. The feeling of the bottom under the feet disappeared. Long did not pass - threw ashore.
      8. An incomprehensible object in the shape of a donut. I closed his eyes - passed through me.
      9. The curvature of space. Different level of height, but it looks like at the same level. Then by his own free will he was able to bend at home.
      10. Characters in the unconscious initial part of sleep talk, but in the unconscious not. Not a single guy, not a girl, not a mom.
      11. Also in the unconscious part, the behavior of the characters was aggressive.
      12. Venue: boulevard, kindergarten 2, the sea in the south-west.
      13. The approximate time spent in the LD 6 minutes.

      Updated 05-19-2020 at 02:56 AM by 90895

    11. Day 823 --> Day 827: Sycophant Supreme

      by , 05-18-2020 at 08:17 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Don't recall anything leading up to Day 650.

      Day 650:

      Fell asleep at: 3:00 PM

      Woke up at: 10:00 AM

      Dream 116: Fawning Over A Psychotic AI

      Inside this broken down facility, everything is some shade of brown with the odd red hazard light. Pipes, broken down machinery, with the foundation of the building in severe disrepair. I am talking to an artificial intelligence that was formed from the consciousness of a recently deceased woman. Think Handsome Jack from TFTB, that kinda scenario. I come to the conclusion that she has uploaded herself to the factory's computer systems, as she communicates to me over an intercom.

      In order to save my skin, I start giving her undue praise. Apparently, when she was alive, she was quite a sadistic ***** that caused trouble to a lot of people. I never quite understood how or why her consciousness turned into an AI postmortem, but that seemed like something that would provoke a reaction from her, so I didn't ask.

      I then spent the rest of the dream trying to bootlick this AI until I was on its good side.
      Then the dream ended.

      Updated 05-19-2020 at 07:36 PM by 93490

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    12. drat.

      by , 05-18-2020 at 07:32 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      nothing much this week. I was visiting family in MVC drank a lot of beer so it affected my recall.

      No Jamie dreams... hm. Unusualy to have a whole week without a jamie dream but i'm not worried.


      Just a dream about a co worker. We are on a couch watching tv. She starts doing sexual things in front of me. Not sure f it's directed at me or not.. hm.
      Tags: couch, television
    13. How many FA can you have in one night??? (Good practice though!)

      by , 05-18-2020 at 07:33 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      Yesterday I told myself that I would have something big to tell my DJ today, and I knew that I would succeed and therefore I succeeded. I set an alarm 03:40 for WILD. I drink water and meditate for about eight minutes. I go back to sleep, laying in the corpse position. After about 30 minutes almost my whole body is gone, I can't feel it. I get a big vibration wave sideways that I have never experienced before and I think that this is the first time I will succeed with a WILD. I try to remain calm and not get excited, it works. After laying still in one hour I can't take it anymore. I look on my clock and it's 04:51. I do a RC just for good measure and go to my normal sleeping position. It takes a while but I fall asleep.

      I'm laying on an open toilet, balancing with my quilt, doing a WILD. I feel my hands gripping a bikehandle and I'm happy because this is the first time I succeed with a WILD. I'm not entirely in the dream but after I while I see the road I'm riding on. It's next to the road by Stumholmen. I can't remain in the dream and I come back to laying on the open toilet. I wonder how the toilet can be so big. I'm actually laying on a toilet I think. My legs drop into the toilet water and I quickly raise them again. I wake up and realize that I WILDed in a dream into another dream and am pretty fascinated.

      I'm in my bed and I'm pinching my nose, trying to breathe. I can breathe, then I raise from the bed. Haha, I outsmarted my brain's FA! I read about tips on what you can do in a dream about telekinesis and try it out. I lift the music stand in my room and it's moving exactly according to my will. I jump out of my window and fly to the left. I scream for a person I want to meet with but no one is seen. I go into a taxi and tell him to drive to this person. He asks where she lives and I tell him that he knows. After a long time we are there. I'm thinking that I wasted worth-while time going 5 minutes in a taxi and have to learn more time efficient methods. I ask the driver how much it costs but he doesn't know. I'm not sure I have any money but search in my pocket. I find many bills and just give him a 200 kronor bill (about 20 dollars). He doesn't know how much he is going to pay me back so I tell him to keep the change. I fly up to the persons balcony and we interact. I feel the dream fade. I'm in my bed and do my normal RC. Wow it was just another FA I think to myself, cool. I fly to the same person without the taxi because now I knew where I was going. My flying is not good and I'm having struggle with all the tall trees I'm flying into. I constantly have to run on the ground to get some power to lift from the ground. There is a big sculpture and a giant man is walking against me. I fly up to the sculpture in order to escape the giant but I'm too slow and get caught. I wake up and do a RC and realize it's a dream! I think it's funny how I have had three FA in a dream and go into the building next to me instead. There are some mirrors and I decide I want to test the teleportation through mirror skill. I try to enter the mirror but it won't let me pass. I look on my fingers and they are all distorted. First they are really small and fat. When I look on my fingers through the mirror there are several fingers growing into my fingers. I think about what the forum has said about this and I'm comforted. I look into the mirror again and notice that it's acting wrongly. It's like the mirror in front of me had the view of a mirror that would have been above me. I also notice how my reflection is not properly following my movements. I try to enter it again but fail. I wake up but I already kind of know it's a dream. I hear some Naruto music and my brother enters my room. I have a hard time trying to open my eyes. I rub my hands together for stabilization and I'm forcing my eyes open with my fingers. I walk to the window and I'm screaming for some persons and they appear outside my house to the right. I fly to them. We interact and I wake up, knowing that it's IRL. I do a RC anyhow just because I want it as a habit.

      Possible recurring elements: Toilets, escaping

      Notes: Now I have learned to always do RC when I wake up haha. What is wrong with my WILD, I don't know... Just have to practice more. I didn't meditate at the begining of the LD which is my current goal. I have to think more about it in order to remember it. I think I could fix my flying just by practicing a whole night. I have succeeded in flying to the coulds really fast in a LD a year ago. It would be cool to fix the mirror teleportation. It's hard to analyzie a LD I think. I think I was laying on the toilet in the dream because I thought about how the rats may pinch my butt when I sat on the toilet yesterday. There are so many things that I have made up in the dream. This is by far the longest LD I have ever had!

      Updated 05-18-2020 at 09:44 AM by 97565

      false awakening , lucid , non-lucid
    14. Patent theif

      by , 05-18-2020 at 03:51 AM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I had patented a remote controller for phones and learned that some guy was infringing on my patent. I stalked him, he walked to the end of a dock and rested his hands on the railing as he looked out at the ocean. I snuck under the dock and saw that his shoe was sticking out over the edge by a few inches. So I cut a little hole in the bottom of his shoe and his money began to pour out, I held out a bag under it and bagan collecting the money.
    15. 2 LD. Друг-тень. Friend-Shadow.

      by , 05-18-2020 at 01:26 AM
      2 ОС Друг-тень (Сентябрь 2011)

      Я находился во сне у себя на дворе. Понял, что это сон. Рядом со мной был мой друг. Я стал думать, чтобы поделать. Подошёл к другу и попросил, чтобы он привёл меня к себе домой. Для этого я взял его за руку. Он повёл меня. Только почему-то заходить на его двор мы не стали, а пошли вокруг дома. Картинка сна стала блекнуть. Я подумал, что это не мой друг, и он хочет, чтобы у меня сон закончился. Друг стал постепенно походить на тень. Я схватил эту тень и сжёг на солнце. Картинка сна вернула свои свойства. Пошёл дальше вокруг дома. Картинка сна снова стала блекнуть. Я вспомнил, что читал: «для того чтобы продлить ОС надо посмотреть на свои руки». Я взглянул на них. От реальных рук они отличались тем, что на них было много линий. Мне стало больно руку, и я опустил их. Картинка сна улучшилась. Решил всё-таки дойти до дома друга. Мне надо было перейти дорогу, чтобы дойти до его подъезда. По дороге я прошёл нормально, но потом земля начала подниматься у меня из-под ног. Я попытался взлететь над ней, но ничего не вышло. Тогда я стал перепрыгивать с места на место и допрыгал до подъезда. Зайдя в подъезд, я сразу оказался на 2 этаже, где он живёт. Дверь в соседскую квартиру была открыта. Я позвонил в квартиру друга, и стал ждать, пока он откроет. В соседней квартире была девушка. Она увидела меня, и поманила к себе, чтобы я зашёл. Я не стал этого делать. Тогда она попыталась подойти ко мне и схватить. Я оттолкнул её. Тут друг открыл дверь, и я забежал в его квартиру, предварительно захлопнув дверь перед носом той соседки. На этом сон закончился, и я проснулся и почувствовал, что у меня болит рука. Было такое чувство, будто она вышла из своего тела и никак не может встать на своём месте. Точнее не рука, а сама ладонь минуты две-три, где то продолжалось такое ощущение, потом прошло.

      1. Друг превратился в объёмную тень.
      2. Сам друг со мной не разговаривал. Персонаж "соседка друга" тоже не разговаривала.
      3. Картинка сна теряла свои качества, становилось нечёткой. Сумел возвратить чёткость с помощью
      а) сжигания персонажа тени
      б) Смотрения на руки.
      4. На руках во сне было много линий. Почувствовал боль в руке. Продолжил ощущать боль и в реале, после просыпания. Скорее всего просто отлежал руку под подушкой.
      5. Земля поднималась из-под ног и мешала идти.
      6. Взлететь не получилось.
      7. Зашёл в подъезд и сразу оказался на втором этаже
      8. Агрессивное поведение соседки друга. В реале девушка мне не знакома.
      9. Место действия: мой двор, соседний двор слева.
      10. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе 5 минут.

      2 LD Friend-shadow (September 2011)

      I was in a dream in my yard. I realized that this is a dream. My friend was next to me. I began to think to do it. I went up to a friend and asked him to bring me to his home. To do this, I took his hand. He led me. Only for some reason we did not go into his yard, but went around the house. The picture of dream began to fade. I thought that this was not my friend, and he wants my dream to end. A friend began to gradually look like a shadow. I grabbed this shadow and burned in the sun. The picture of dream regained its properties. I went further around the house. The dream picture began to fade again. I remembered that I read: "in order to extend the LD you need to look at your own hands." I looked at them. They differed from real hands in that there were many lines on them. My arm hurt and I lowered them. The picture of dream has improved. I decided to get to a friend’s house. I had to cross the road to get to his porch. I walked normally along the road, but then the ground began to rise from under my feet. I tried to fly over her, but nothing came of it. Then I began to jump from place to place and jumped to the entrance. Entering the porch, I immediately found myself on the 2nd floor where he lives. The door to the neighboring apartment was open. I called my friend’s apartment and waited for him to open. There was a girl in the next apartment. She saw me, and beckoned to me to come. I did not do that. Then she tried to come up to me and grab. I pushed her away. Then a friend opened the door, and I ran into his apartment, previously slamming the door in front of the nose of that neighbor. This ended the dream, and I woke up and felt that my arm hurts. It felt like she had come out of her body and could not stand in her place. More precisely, not a hand, but the palm itself for two or three minutes, where such a feeling continued, then it passed.

      1. A friend has turned into a volumetric shadow.
      2. The friend himself did not talk to me. The character "friend of the neighbor" also did not speak.
      3. The picture of dream was losing its quality, becoming fuzzy. Managed to restore clarity with
      a) character burning shadow
      b) Hand looks.
      4. On hands in a dream there were many lines. I felt pain in my hand. I continued to feel pain in real life, after waking up. Most likely I just laid his hand under the pillow.
      5. The earth rose from under the feet and prevented walking.
      6. Take off did not work.
      7. I went into the staircase and immediately appeared on the second floor
      8. Aggressive behavior of a neighbor of a friend. In real life, the girl is not familiar to me.
      9. Location: my yard, the neighboring yard on the left.
      10. The approximate time spent in the LD 5 minutes.

      Updated 05-18-2020 at 01:30 AM by 90895
