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    1. Short, cold, very vivd.

      by , 09-01-2011 at 05:45 AM
      The entire planet in the dream it seemed, was flat. Flat, cold, blue metal surrounded me for as far as the eye could see, the moon was directly above me. no thoughts, no warmth, nothing but emptiness. It seemed like i was only there for maybe 10 minutes then i woke up. it was like hell without fire, and i find it very interesting for some reason.
      dream fragment
    2. larry david

      by , 09-01-2011 at 04:33 AM
      i was breaking into the reaklly expensive looking mansion
      there was a mote around it and armed guards walking around the perimeter
      i think i was with larry david?
      we came to this little point out of view
      he planted his own security camera above our heads for no apparent reason
      wae waited for the guard to look away and swam through the dark section of the water
      we made it across and now could see this enormous large rectangular pool
      to the right of it was white steps that led to the mansion and a white cement or maybe ceramic gazebo like thing with an arch
      up ahead were some children running towards our direction
      larry told me to use these red things that had handles on the bottom and swim underneath holding them pretending like they were RC boats
      for some reason this seemed like a good idea to me and went along with it
      i was swimming and i had to breathe (stupid me i couldve become lucid at this point
      i went up and thought the kids saw me and ducked under again
      i recognized one of them from my school
      i tried to get them too look away by mooning them but it didnt work
      so we kept swimming and than ran into a public restroom at the end
      there was some guy taking a leak in one of the urinals and everyone with me told me to get out
      and the guy farted or something when i got out
      now there where two people with me
      they were dressed in koala mascots with gangster clothing on?
      one of the kids ran up and said they knew they werent koalas
      than i woke up
      weird dream?
      Tags: weird
    3. Saved by the Doctor

      by , 09-01-2011 at 03:46 AM
      It starts out mysterious like, as if it were actually an episode of Doctor Who (Google it). Charlie Sheen is in a straight jacket, several knifes barely sticking into is left shoulder. He gets pushed back towards this wall that opens up and tentacles come flailing out. Large metal spikes impale him. (Needless to say this is the last I saw of him.) I talk to my brother and we're both disappointed that Charlie Sheen was on Doctor. Suddenly we are actually in the show, inside of the TARDIS. I pick out some apple juice from the fridge. The Doctor goes investigating why the people in the town are acting strange. He hides in a ditch but gets caught. He's told that if they do something bad then they will get "fed" to something and if even one person leaves, the whole town and a three mile radius around it will fall into the ground. (There are no cars.) There are only 266 people living in the town so they can all fit in the TARDIS so the town wouldn't fall (logic- there is none). My best friend and I get trapped in a room full of tiny aliens like the one that killed Charlie Sheen. We're tied to a spinny chair, me sitting, her tied to the back. The tentacles are grabbing at us and I keep moving the chair so they won't stab us with their spikes. My main focus is to save her. The TARDIS arrives in the room and saves us from the tiny aliens.

      There's not really an ending. I woke up after that and got a huge cramp in my leg.
      memorable , non-lucid
    4. Brain Bomb and DEILD chain

      by , 09-01-2011 at 02:14 AM


      Dream Fragment 1 - I was playing basketball at my old high school gym. I think it was also a high school reunion. I also remember talking to some people.

      Dream Fragment 2 - I at my college. I remember walking around and going into a health clinic. It changes to a reunion with my old classmates from HS. One trying to arouse me by squeezing her boobs together while she was following me to the bathroom. I do a RC and it fails.
      I get lucid for a while but the dream ends when i try to leave.

      Full Dream 1 - I start off driving in a car at on a street near where i live. People on bicycles start to ride on my side of the road making them susceptible to getting hit by me. My car transforms into a motorcycle but i don't notice it. So I ride past these weird people on bicycles going past me. I ride home and go into my dad's store (i live in a apartment on top of the store). I go inside and see a old friend of mine. We talk and i say something that angers him a bit so he starts to pull my legs(literally). Some people pull him off me, he lets go and i go down the basement to my bike away. When i go back there's this old guy telling me that he had a bomb in his head and told me to save my brothers in the apartment upstairs. I run ouside with my keys in hand. The door to go in the apartment IRL has moved to back of the building. When i got to the door i had trouble putting the key in the key hole, I kept missing it for a few seconds. I run upstairs but it takes me to the roof. When i get their i see alot of doors with large sized room numbers on top of them. I look around but I can't seem to find. This seemed odd to me
      then i suddenly got lucid. I Still try to find the door but I can't find the right one. After much struggle i hear a explosion. It's not as loud as i thought it would be but i still feel bad that i didn't make it time (I have very little skills with dream control, so I couldn't teleport or make a portal) but i knew it wasn't real. I walk up to the edge of the roof and see a very detailed view of city night life across a river. There was a bridge that looked like the george washington bridge to the left of me. I try to fly so i jump off the roof but my feet gets caught on the ledge so I fall off the roof. Good news is that I float to the bottom, but the bad news is that the dream ends.

      DEILD - I wake up in my room but there are a lot of different things about it. There is a huge painting of a sunset, a tank poster and a picture of my brothers on the walls. I try to leave but the dreams ends immediately without anytime for stabilization.
    5. first entry

      by , 09-01-2011 at 02:03 AM
      2 dreams

      1. Was in a Grand theft auto like video game. I was the main character and I was given a mission to kill someone...I remember that I screwed up and my boss was angry at me...I may have killed him in the end.

      2. Was with my cousin...Over the course of several days I had hurt him several times accidentally...Eventually we were in a fight (not with fists but he pushed me and yelled at me) and I kicked and it hurt him badly...he started crying and was so upset that he flew all the way back to Idaho
    6. High School Life

      by , 09-01-2011 at 01:10 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      DBTI gym? I was with my high school classmates. We're wearing our usual uniform. Talking.
      Tags: high school
      dream fragment
    7. LudoSiren's Adventure Time!

      by , 09-01-2011 at 12:08 AM
      Let the journeying begin....

      08/31/11 -- Started my Dream Journal!

      [ ] Find a lucid-inducing technique that works for me
      [ ] Attain Lucidity

      1st Entry:
      Date: 08/31/11
      Sleep Times: Approx. 11:48-8:33
      Lucid Tecnique: EILD (Electronically Induced Lucid Dreaming)
      Results: Unknown

      Tonight, I'm not exactly sure if I achieved lucidity or anything at all, as my recall is essentially zero. I used a dream-recall subliminal messaging technique, and it came up possible fuzzy details. I'm a very artistic and creative person, so it could be my imagination filling the gaps: but here we go.

      I awoke in a black room, wearing a hospital gown. I believe I was in a mental institution. However, I was alone. The room only had one single light source- a swaying lamp above. A black mist came through the room and from it rose a friend of mine whom with is I am presently 'fighting'. (Rather, he is currently mad at me and I am trying to make up with him in vain. He has been appearing in my dreams almost every night lately from what I remember.) However, his eyes had become wide, dark around, and had a black and possibly either red or white swirl pattern to him; and his smile had become very crooked and cheshire, extending ear to ear. He came into the room and I was filled with a mix of remainissance and fear. In his hands, he held one or two objects of which I don't remember. He urged me to 'choose', but I don't remember what it was he wanted me to choose. I began to hear a ticking noise, the light swayed more and fadedin and out. I was more fearful and yelled 'no'. I began to rock myself as he continued to taunt me. As the tauntings continued, the light grew more sparatic and the colors in the room became distorted, as well as the room itself. At this point, I jumped from the window in an explosion of glass. I remember having a change of clothes into something more 'bad ass' as the gown exploded from me, and from here...I remember nothing. I'm not exactly sure what any of the dream means, but I will be researching it soon on dreammoods.com, as I lack a dream-interpretation booklet.

      dream fragment
    8. Inside my brain / Spider

      , 08-31-2011 at 11:19 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      Two non-lucids I thought were quite funny.

      Inside my brain
      I'm lost.
      The place I'm in is not very well lit. There are tube like things going everywhere and they look sort of organic.
      Between them a wooden bridge is spanned.
      It is rather shakey, but I'm walking it since I have nowhere else to go.

      Then I reach some sort of intersection, a spot with solid ground with bridges leaving into all directions.
      There's a man in the middle of it, standing in front of multiple monitors and a ludicrous amount of switches and buttons.
      He's wearing a smoking, a top hat and a monocle... classy!

      "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
      "I'm sorry, I seem to be lost."
      "What? Huh? It's you! You're inside of your brain! What are you doing here."

      Seems logical...

      "I'm checking on how things are running."
      "Ah. I see. I wasn't aware you could do that."
      "Well, things are running okay, you're really overusing the processing units at times, but we can manage."
      "Uhuh... so... what's this over there?"

      I point at the only location of interest. The tubes, which I now think are synapses are all sort of brown.
      However in one location, there's a ton of them in vivid red.

      "Erm... this part of the brain is dedicated to dirty thoughts sir."
      "Ah....... okay..."

      I'm in my bathroom, wanting to take piss when suddenly I spot a rather sizable spider in front of the toilet.
      One of those with a fat body and thick hairy legs... ewwww. (I'm sort of arachnophobic)

      "Go away!"

      The spider clearly lifts its head up and looks at me.


      Huh? Spiders can talk? Well... I guess they can.

      "Why? This is my bathroom. Go away!"
      "Meh, not feeling it mate. Nice and warm in here, I'm going to stay."

      The spider clearly has a British accent.

      "Leave or I'll throw you out!"
      "Nope. I think I'm gonna jump you."

      The spider climbs up the toilet and stands on the closed lid.

      "What? ..."
      "I will jump you! I'm a superspider, I can jump this far!"

      Fuck! I'm getting really scared.
      But then memories of fighting with dragonic powers enter my head.
      In panic I launch a massive fireball at the spider.

      Spiders probably dead alright.
      Unfortunately the toilet is missing, and so is most of the wall behind it.
      Oops? A stranger outside walks by and looks at the massive hole in the room and scratches his head.

      My mom storms into the room.

      "What happened?!"
      "It was an accident!"
      "You accidentally blew a hole into your bathroom?"
      "But... there was a spider on the toilet!"

      I realize that this excuse makes no sense whatsoever and I'm lost as to how to explain this.
    9. 31/8

      by , 08-31-2011 at 11:01 PM
      Took a nap, forgot i was dreaming. So in a fa i remember walking upstairs saying something to my dad. When i walked up my room i kept losing all self-control and my hands spasmed. When i made it upstairs i found myself on the floor and i made loads of noises and screams. And my dad would be yelling from downstairs accusing me of being on drugs. I warned you about drugs. U lost all control. I tried screaming back to him that i'm not on any drugs. i don't understand why i'm getting spasms. and am screaming. But i don't have any voice left. I can only screech. Wake up. Confused. Took me some moments before i realized it was a dream.
      false awakening
    10. Dream Phases

      by , 08-31-2011 at 10:28 PM
      Before and at the outset of the lucid dreaming phase, I got lost a lot in dreams. I would go in some building or something and come out and not know where I was. Many times I would have driven a car, but would not be able to find the car when coming out of the building.

      After RG started to help me, I started changing my attitudes about the dreams and it somehow worked into the dreams. The things I had been scared of and frustrated by, became more like fun opportunities, and my dreaming mind seemed to like to play with me like I was some sort of precocious child it was having fun with and teaching at the same time.
    11. (Night- 014)

      by , 08-31-2011 at 09:03 PM (∞ The Rabbit Hole)
      [+]My little sister had found an extra Costco sized bag of chocolate chips in the freezer of our garage.

      [+]I had 'woken up' in my bedroom at night and my wardrobe doors were open a bit like someone had been watching me

      Courtyard Skating
      I was in some red brick courtyard with an ocean port on one side. It reminded me of that famous square in Venice. Lots of people were walking around doing things. Like any good town square there are entertainers or street venders all around. I was with these two other people one guy and one girl. We were wearing white hooded sweatshirts and these skates that could skate on a super thin layer of water. It had recently rained so the square was a little wet and we could skate around. It was really fun and you could go pretty fast, not to mention these people were pretty good at skate maneuvers so they were pretty graceful. I thought that the skates were a cool concept

      Damn Forest
      I was traveling through a reddish orangish forest with a few other people. We were on our way somewhere but the forest was some mystical forest that would animate and grab travelers. The trees began moving and their branches swayed about grappling on to one of the members of our group. I draw my katana and get ready to slice through the branches.

      [+]Clad in medieval armor running from people who thought I was a disturbance. I dodged some guys tackle and kept running.

      I was on the side of a cliff face barely managing to hold on. There was some huge drop below me and I knew I was facing death straight in the face. That if I so much as misplace an ounce of my weight I was straight up dead. Motivated by this I clung for life to small roots sprouting here and there from the cliff and hugged the wall keeping my feet in whatever crevices I could find. I remember feeling that I had to distribute my weight perfectly even otherwise the ledge would crumble or the roots would break. Honestly it was scary as hell. I manage to eek over to some ledge area with strange sharp rocks all over the ground. There were other climbers taking a break around the ledged area. I remember my feet hurting from the rocks but that I didn't care because I was safe, however I was worried as to how I would get down. I knew I would have to go back using some retardedly dangerous route.

      Updated 09-01-2011 at 07:50 AM by 49084

    12. Dreaming, you are.

      by , 08-31-2011 at 08:06 PM
      I looked out the window and up to the sky and there I saw a giant Yoda floating down from a huge white cloud. His skin was all shiny like he was made of plastic (looked like the Toy Story martians). I yell at T, "OMG! Yoda's here!" He laughed at me like it was a joke. Then I said, "No, I'm fucking serious. Look for yourself, Yoda's coming to the door." lol

      Sure enough, Yoda knocked politely and suddenly my excitement vanished. I tried to push him out the door because he was really creepy in person. But he came inside all non-chalant and polite, like he was the pope.

      Another dream:

      My sister comes over and she accuses me of sleeping with her boyfriend. I say she's crazy and that I'm her sister, that she needs to believe me. T's in the bathroom. I thought my sister had left and I went into the bathroom to find them kissing. I'm enraged. I punch T in the face, pretty hard. Then I start yelling at my sister. I couldn't believe what she had done. She didn't care. I told her she needed to leave now. T starts to leave for work but he has my purse over his shoulder. I follow him out and keep telling him to give me my purse. Then I see that my sister was in the car that he was going for. I get angry again and say fuck it. I take off my engagement ring and throw it on the ground. Then I go inside.

      Later on, I'm sitting in a church I used to go to with my parents when I was younger. My mom and dad are next to me but my mom keeps speaking over the pastor. That's when I realized she was drunk. My dad's scolding her and I tell mom we should go downstairs. Finally I get her to come with me and we go into a playroom. I had my son with me and I put him down and he started crawling all over playing with toys. There was a pool in the basement of the church, a really fancy pool, and my sister's there. She keeps leaving her cigarette underneath the table, like hiding it. I keep picking it up so it doesn't set fire. I realize that my sister's drunk too. We're sort of getting along for some reason.

      Then there's some sort of graduation going on for a school choir. For some reason, I'm in their way and one of the people setting up the graduation keeps telling me to do things. I don't know why I was helping him but then I go to find whoever has my son. There's a ton of people around all of a sudden and I'm working my way through a crowd. Finally, I spot my son in this guy's arms that I used to work with. I freak out for a second cause the guy's kind of retarded and I didn't want him holding my son. I walk over to them, and he hands me my kid. Then I tell W, my son, that we're gonna go swimming. And I go into the pool with him in my arms.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    13. 8/31/11 Ka-Pow!

      by , 08-31-2011 at 07:51 PM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      1) I am sparring Rick, and wielding two wooden swords. Sensei Doug is there acting as a bodyguard for him (looking all serious and focused). Doug demonstrates how to push down Rick's weapon with my swords, and then attacks me. I switch my grip to the middle of the wood, as it changes into a short pole instead of blade and block. I make a mental note of how unfeasible it is to have your hand in the middle of the relatively flat thing you're blocking with...


      I am again sparring Rick, this time I have a two sided hammer. I hit him (more like tap) repeatedly, and he falls to the ground. Makes a comment I don't recall... I look at my hammer and the memory ends.

      Updated 09-01-2011 at 08:09 PM by 29474

      Tags: karate, sparring
    14. 30 Aug: LDs & SP

      by , 08-31-2011 at 07:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      I concluded that for my LDs, it is more crucial to wake up (and then go back to sleep) 2-3 hours before the time to get up, than it is to sleep a lot.
      I am now going to bed around midnight (instead of the usual 10-11 pm) and I try to get up around 4-5 am and walk around a bit) for at least 15 mins and then go back to sleep until around 6-7 am. At least in this last part of my sleep, I sometimes have an explosion of LDs, even sleeping less hours.
      Last night I counted at least 5 LDs in sequence, separated by conscious SP. Not much to tell, tough. My focus level was a bit down. I tried to complete an RPG task, but I entered SP in the moment I got to "wear" my character.
      During a moment between dreams I though there was an earthquake, because I could feel the bed shaking violently, but then I concluded it was SP effects. I also felt a presence in the bed with me (I was sleeping alone and my cats were locked outside). I felt it touching me and it was uncomfortable, but it no longer freaks me out (much).

      Updated 09-24-2011 at 09:54 AM by 34880

      side notes
    15. More Random Fragments

      by , 08-31-2011 at 07:19 PM (The Medium)
      The first dream was Minecraft related. Strange, seeing as I don't play it much any more... I remember we had built a world and that there were a ton of monsters. One of them was buggy, and kept crashing the game. Although the dream was in the game, the scenery never changed too much, even if it was crashing. Not too much happened other than finding the buggy enemies and blowing them up with TNT.

      The second dream was a bit different. The location was at home and it was nighttime. I remember seeing Travis, Mom, and Dad mostly. I do not remember too much of what happened, but here are the important events in order of least to most interesting. In the first event in this dream, I remember filling a bath tub to take a bath. Even if I like taking showers instead. And I remember our kittens jumping in the tub and playing underwater for some reason. I kept trying to get them out, but they kept jumping back in. It was kinda weird since it looked like they were trying to drown themselves.

      The second event was that Mom and Dad had found a drawing on the back of one of their fans. It said: "I was here. M-a-d-n-e-s-s" with a drawing of a cartoon character underneath. The weird thing was that the drawing seemed familiar, as if I had drawn it in a previous dream a long time ago.

      The last, and most important event took place in a dark room in the house. I remember hearing a voice compelling me to come in. Once I was in, I recall seeing a glowing clock in the room that was incomplete. I don't remember exactly what color, however. The voice guided me through the process of finishing the pendulum. Once I finished it and attached it, something was happening. Something important. But before I could figure it out, I got distracted by those cats jumping into the bath tub. I am starting to like these sort of dreams. Very strange, but feeling that the event taking place is important. Here's hoping to more dreams like this.

      Updated 09-02-2011 at 07:05 AM by 12715 (grammar)

      non-lucid , dream fragment