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    1. 08/03/16 | 2-in-1 LD - Wandering, TOTM and stuff

      by , 03-08-2016 at 04:07 PM
      I am the most cruel person in the whole dream world. No kiddin'. But about that later.

      I slept ~5h and I woke up, tried WILD/DELID a while but nothing happened. I couldn't recall much and I couldn't sleep so I got up, played some logic games on my phone. I was awake ~1,5-2h, counting and practise awareness a bit before sleep.

      Non-lucid parts
      Lucid parts
      My comments

      #5 & 6 LD - Wandering, TOTM and stuff
      I was lying on my bed, looking at the floor. My carpet in RL looks like this: <KLIK> and in the dream one of these swirls created a word "Sen" which in Polish means "Dream". Also the floor was closer than in RL. (I don't know if I did RC, maybe the one with breath check without moving, anyway I get lucid). I got up fast, I saw a little black&white kitten which looked like he was waiting till I wake up. And what did I do? I ignore him insolently! He even run away, I went immediately out of my room. (That's why I'm so cruel - I understand flying, superpowers, dragons, aliens, fantasy castles, ANYTHING BUT THE CAT. I'll never forgive myself that! He was so tiny and cute and I just ignored him, probably because I didn't want to lose lucidity but still that's inexcusable. Only cat lovers'll understand that :c) So the dream was pretty vivid and light however I was rubbing my hands for a while. I wasn't calm, I didn't know what to do. I went to the bathroom. Before I opened the door I was hoping there will be some mountains but it didn't. I went in and tried to fly away through the window but I couldn't so I gave up. I don't know if I should try anyway but I was thinking that I don't wanna lose my time for one thing. I went to the kitchen, behind the window I saw a little snow on the ground - it was day. The door were open a bit and I saw there a bag but I ignored this a well. Now I know that I should interact more with the surroundings. I recalled a TOTM with a dream guide. I was saying "I'm ready for my dream guide" (twice I think 'cause I did a mistake). I saw that some character are passing in my room. He was tall and massive, I think he had black coat and bird's head (or sth like that). It was a bit creepy but I went in. Instead of him I saw my aunt sitting on my bed. I asked if she is my DG, I think she answered sth but I don't remember. Then, the younger version of her went through the door and there were 2 of them. The new one said sth as well but it wasn't much important (like "so so"). I lose control and wake up to another dream, as well I was on my bed. I check if this is a FA and it was so I get lucid again. This time it was dark. I get up fast, the dream was blurry and I was afraid of waking up. I was rubbing my hands and shouting commands (+ 1 request) but it didn't work. Maybe I wasn't certain enough. Once I was hearing myself and another time not. As in my previous LD I put up the blinds and it was a little brighter. On my bed was a camera. I thought about talking with my subconscious but I knew that I have lack of stabilization so I wasn't even trying. And I woke up in RL because I couldn't maintain the dream.

      Updated 03-08-2016 at 04:46 PM by 89653

      false awakening , lucid , task of the month
    2. LD/TOTM--Childhood Crush and Asking DC What Their Favorite Dream Was.

      by , 03-06-2016 at 10:02 PM
      I did a Wake Back To Bed this morning. I was actually awake for several hours before falling back to sleep. But I decided to give it a shot anyway. I lay back down with my mp3 player. I was listening to U2's album October playing super softly. I suddenly felt myself start to drift, so I decided to turn off the music. Then after a while I realized I was still hearing music, so I turned the music off again. (I'm not sure which one was the real one and which was the dream).

      I remember being in my mom's house. We had talked about remodeling it. I walked out to the garage and suddenly realized that it was in the middle of being remodeled. When did that happen? There was a huge round hole in the side of the garage and the whole garage was about ten times its usual size. The front was gone and huge stone pillars were being built on what was to be a beautiful new entry of the house in front of the garage.

      The next thing I remember is seeing a friend from high school. I had had a crush on this friend for a few years and he didn't ask me out for a real date until I had gone away to college and was serious with another guy. Yep, sad story.

      Anyway, in the dream I was glad to see him and we were laughing and having a good time. Then suddenly he morphed into a guy I had had a crush on in the fifth grade and who moved away so I had never kept in touch with him. Oh, how I had liked that guy. His name was Jason and he sat next to me. He had long dark brown hair and light brown skin (he may have been part Mexican or Native). He was always really nice to me and a protector of sorts. The guy who sat on the other side of me was often a jerk to me, and Jason would stand up for me. As a shy fifth grader I thought that was so amazing.

      Sooo, we were in a van and were talking, flirting and laughing. At some point I became lucid. I told him I wanted to take him flying. As is typical in my lucid dreams I didn't immediately realize that since I was dreaming he wouldn't be real. I kept on thinking he was really there, and now since I was lucid I could take him flying and show off a little.

      I held on to his arm and we took off into the air. We were still at my mom's property and we started flying above it. I was having trouble getting much height. Every time I thought we were high in the air I realized our feet were about to drag the ground. I told Jason to start moving his arms and hands like he was paddling though water. He did and we started getting higher.

      I told him I wanted to fly to the lake (now we were back to where I live). As we flew to the water I saw that it was more like a ride at Disneyland. I could see two whales that reminded me of the whales on the Storybook Land canal ride. As I got closer I could even see the whales' eyes open and close. I thought that was really cool. I landed in the water next to a waterfall and we swam a little. Then I suddenly realized that Jason had morphed into a baby.

      The absurdity of that reminded me that I was lucid dreaming and that I really needed to get serious and do a task.

      The first task that came to mind was the Ask a DC to share their favorite dream. I looked around and saw a young boy who looked to be about seven years old. He had brown hair, a sprinkle of freckles across his nose, and two front teeth that seemed too big for his mouth. I approached him and asked if he would tell me his favorite dream. He crinkled up his nose and gave me a mischievous look and thought for a second. Then he started, "Well, there were these two clown fish. And there were also these two dirty people. And they were swimming. And then they bumped into a log." He stopped and laughed. That was apparently the end of the dream. I wanted to clarify--in his little kid "accent" I couldn't tell if he had said "clown fish" or "clam fish", so I asked him. "Clowwwwn fish", he emphasized.

      Cool. It was a very simple kid-like dream. But it would work for the task. But as always, I wanted to repeat the task and see what other results I could get.

      I looked and saw a guy next to me. I was pretty sure it was my childhood crush, now morphed back into an adult, but looking a little different. I asked him if he would tell me his favorite dream. He grinned at me and started, "There were these two clown fish and two dirty--"

      "No-no--You don't get to repeat the kid's dream. You have to come up with one of your own." I interrupted. [Yep, my mind is always trying to cheat a little.]

      He stopped and I could tell he was pondering. So I looked around and saw another guy standing not far behind the kid. He looked like Bill Clinton, yet the lower half of his face was all narrow and pinched together like an alien face. I called out to him "Hey Bill Clinton Alien Dude. Tell me your favorite dream." The Bill Clinton Alien Dude stood there looking at me with a small, thoughtful, but creepy smile.

      I suddenly jerked awake.
    3. 5/3/2016

      by , 03-05-2016 at 10:14 AM
      1) I'm in a different part of the country and I want to go home, but I can't. Then I'm in a house. There's a staircase with an iron bannister leading up to a bedroom with a nice view. I know it's a holiday house but think it's a bit bare, I remember walking up the stairs thinking the bedroom must be nice. Then someone knocks at the door. It's my dad with a friend, a much younger version of my dad, he has a Tshirt on but nothing below the waist, I'm quite shocked and don't look but sort of push past him. Then I'm outside and it's very sunny. I poor a vodka into a glass but pour far too much and think about putting it back in the bottle but decide to leave it in the glass for later. I don't drink any of it.

      2) On a boat standing at the bow watching as we push through the water. Then I go back into the boat and it's some sort of sex lesson. I'm with a woman lying on the bed, fully clothed, talking about what we have to do and she isn't keen and I tell her that I will be gentle although I'm feeling very awkward myself. Nothing actually happens.
      Tags: boat, house, stairs
    4. The Attic

      by , 03-03-2016 at 10:08 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in a house. It's vry modern, with white walls and honey colored wood flooring, shining. I'm standing at the foot of the staircase, and I can see outside from a long, low window that goes all the way across the wall. to my right there's an open kitchen, in grey, slightly textured resin and shiny chrome, with a black marble counter top and thin, spinnery furniture made out of a gray, dull metal. The kitchen open in the living room, but I can only see part of it; it seem that the house is shaped like an L around a garden. I can make out the corner of a table with a frosted glass top, and part of a white woolly rug. Light is everywhere, spot cleverly hidden along the walls, sun coming from the widows in the wall and in the roof. I need to get out, but Where there should be a front door, the wall is whole. I turn around and start climbing the stairs. There are slowing curling on themself, and lined with potted plants. The ceiling is getting lower and lower, and there's no wall on my left, until I reach the top of the stairs. There's a lot of potted plants here, in the bring sun, and the stairs end in a sort of floorless gazebo.

      I can climb out of it, and after a short walk on a wooden beam, I enter an attic with greenhouse walls and a low wooden bench running along them. There's someone here, laying down under a nest of blankets. It's warm but no stuffy in the attic, and the sun and shadows are ideal, making it incredibly relaxing. I tiptoes in, trying no to disturb the sleeper, but he slowly raise on his elbows. He's slim and dark haired, and looks almost cartoony sleepy. I get closer and he shapeshifts, his hair lightening to a silvery blond, his bland face filling with intent. He moves, getting the shadows on his face. I recognize him and stop just shy of reaching the nest of blankets. He smiles and sit up, letting the blankets falls off his laps and showing me that he's naked underneath.

      Spoiler for more nudity after the cut...:

      But in a way, I get it. He's like a green man, a embodiment of sexual energy. I could call him Eros, but I think I can go without gining him a name; he doesn't need one.
    5. [27-02-2016]

      by , 02-27-2016 at 11:07 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in home, it was evening. I was in room with almost all of my sisters. One came back from working abroad in Switzerland. We all were doing something on laptops and PC's. Sisters were playing the Sims game, while I was doing something on sisters laptop. Suddenly my pal appeared and tried to kick me a few times, roundhouse kick like Chuck Norris. It had an old operating system. I took it to another room. My mother was sitting there, working on something. Then all my sisters appeared and started arguing. After they went away, I turned on an interesting game. It had camera from behind character and gameplay mechanics similar to heretic 2. I was a warrior chasing an evil warlock that kidnapped my daughter. I was climbing up a mountain. The scenery was quite beautiful, everything was really vivid. After climbing I ended up in ruins, but warlock teleported me to another plane where I had to fight with a giant. After I defeated him, a book with hints where I should look next appeared. But I was unable to read it, as warlock made the book slowly disappear and teleported me back to ruins.

      Second dream

      I was in fathers carpentry workshop. There was a fireplace set up in one of its corner. We were working on something, but had to check something in a shed near our garage. It was a dark evening, my brother that worked abroad was back. We tried to open the shed, but we couldn't. We took a drill and destroyed lock on the door. We didn't looked what was inside. I went back to workshop, father went to home. I looked at the fireplace, and thought "Screw it, it may burn the building as well." And went to home.
    6. [25-02-2016]

      by , 02-25-2016 at 09:42 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in home with my younger sister. It was a late evening and it was quite dark outside. Random stuff was thrown all around on the ground. We talked for a while, moving between messy rooms.

      First dream

      Suddenly I found myself on a street. I was a black dude wearing jeans trousers and a green shirt. I was there with my grandpa - a black man wearing white t-shirt and dark jeans trousers. We were going to a skyscraper, as an evil businessman have kidnapped my girlfriend for some reason. I entered the building and ran around it, devastating everything until I got into his office. Finding no one there, I outright destroyed it. Suddenly I realized that now he took my grandpa. I ran out of building and tried to run after him, but I was too late and someone grabbed him to a yellow car.

      Second dream

      I was in school after some time of absence. It was a weird day - people from local forestry offices came to our school. No one was prepared for this, and teacher was a bit angry about that. When I saw what's going on I said that it would be better to hide somewhere. But first I went to cafeteria and took a glass of milk, drank it and thought that I really should hide. I went to toilets - the room was much bigger and dirtier than originally. I hid in one of the cabins - there was no stench but a lot of dirt. I thought that I'll have hard time getting out of this labyrinth.

      False awakening

      I woke up in my bed, and immediately thought about school and explaining myself from hiding. Next I thought about dream recall, and fallen asleep again.
    7. It's been a while

      by , 02-18-2016 at 08:38 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm laying on my bed, feeling warm and relaxed. I start to get the rocking feeling I associate with dream, but I get a little too enthousiastic and wake up instead of getting into the dream. I don't move and bid my time. When I feel it's strong enough, I throw my dream body out and roll of the bed. I grab the edge to get back up and follow it to the window, in pitch blackness as usual. I get out through the window and walk alongside the wall until I start getting my vision back. As it happen, I snap back in my bed, once again in the dark and half awake.
      At this point I take the time to calm down, still not moving, because lucidity in ten seconds intervalls will get tedious. I do the whole throwing my body out again and get out, keeping my hand on the wall and focusing on the texture to keep me grounded. I get my vision slowly, and I'm in the front garden. The car usually parked here is nowhere to be seen and Everything is tinged by the golden light of a very late afternoon. My vision is somewhat blurry, and there is somme kind of dark circle obscuring it. I make the gesture of taking of a pairs of glasses and hear them hitting the ground, but it doesn't really help. It's irking me and that's not good for the dream's stability, so I decide to let it go instead of focussing on it. I walk a little down the road, knowing that I need to find someone, but not remembering who. I extent my hand behind me tentatively, but no-one grabs it. I walk a little more, trying to remember, but I really don't remember and I start to worry that the phone is going to wake me up.
      So I just call Eli for a hug

      I'm going to need a post-it with "silvery man" written on waiting on my pillow everynight, don't I?
    8. Five dreams: The flirty little brother, huge dead mice, convention, almost car accident.

      by , 02-08-2016 at 08:54 PM
      Dream 1:

      In this dream I was dating a black guy. But he never shows up in the entire dream. Instead, I am hanging out with his younger brother. In the dream I was supposed to be about 19 or 20. The younger brother is about 16. I can tell he likes me. He is flirting and being cute and super funny. I am laughing and having a good time. But then I realize that I shouldn't be doing this, so I try to remind him that I am dating his brother and that we probably shouldn't be hanging out as much. But he doesn't seem to care at all and doesn't stop flirting. And I am left torn, knowing that I should leave, but having a good time and not really wanting to.

      Dream 2:

      There is some sort of convention that is going to start the following week. I'm currently staying in the hotel where the convention will happen. And I can hear the lady who is taking reservations say that they are almost all booked for that week. I knew I needed to act fast and book my room. I reach for my purse and can't find it. So the rest of the dream I am running around to all the places that I had been where I could have left it.

      Dream 3 (Fragment):

      I'm at this big house/mansion. I walk all around it exploring. I find a basement room that actually open up to a harbor with a dock and everything. I walk towards the dock. I suddenly see what I think are killer whales. I carefully walk closer. But I can now see that they are something dead floating at the bottom of the clear water by the dock. I look down and see that they are huge black and white mice about the size of a large dog....just dead and laying on the bottom.

      Dream 4:

      I'm in a car with Roger driving. I'm in the backseat with my mom. We aren't wearing seatbelts and are kind of laying sideways (the way I was laying in real life). Suddenly I see Roger start to head off the road towards a ditch. I call out and he straightens out just in time. He admits that he was going to sleep. He said he was fine to drive again. I said sternly, "No, you are not! You need to go home and take a nap!" [This is the dream I think I had right as I was drifting back to sleep after waking up in the night.]

      Dream 5:

      Seems like I had another dream where I was at my mom's house. The details are right there on the edge of my memory.
    9. [07-02-2016]

      by , 02-07-2016 at 09:49 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream, short WILD

      I appeared in a dark room, with a female standing in front of me. I could recall only her legs and torso, her face was hidden in the darkness. She was wearing a gray blouse and jeans trousers. I decided to have some fun with her this time, and opened slit of her trousers. Then I proceeded to lick her up, but trousers were an obstacle for a bit. I turned my head back and again at her. Her trousers were gone, so I could assume a better position, and lick some more. She was kinda like dummy, standing still. It was going really intensive, and when it was right time, I managed to stay in the dream, though everything turned black for a moment. I appeared somewhere behind some storages. I woke up.

      Second dream

      I was in my home. It was Sunday. My phone broke and I used an older one. I was eating a lunch. Then I was fiddling with that phone. Everything was weird, every member of my family seemed distorted, strange.

      Next day I was in school. It was afternoon. I was going to cloakroom, to take my stuff from locker. The main hall was crowded. Suddenly I felt weak and fallen on the floor. I crawled to the nearest wall, and sat. I heard someone talking about a heart disorder I might have. After a while I regained strength and got up. I looked at my shoes, they were untied. I had some trouble tidying it up, but I managed to do it and went out of school.
    10. 1/30/16

      by , 02-03-2016 at 02:24 AM (My Dream Journal)
      My family and I have moved to a new house. My sister and is still share a bunk bed, batt for some reason the too bunk isn't even high off the ground. I open the shades in the room to make it lighter, and turn on a lamp. The lamp then breaks.
      I am in Spanish class and we are making models of different places and events such as the colloseum and men in the revolutionary war. The bell rings when we are still working on the models and I am annoyed at the teacher for not giving us time to clean up.
      Me and my dad are walking down a street. My dad walks up to a person and tells him that we are going to save a baby today. The man is let down by this.
      I am looking at my betta in her tank, noticing how there are no sides to he tank, and wondering how the water stays in. I pour some water into the tank, and it stays in.
      I leave my house to catch a plane two minute before it takes off.
      I am in my school gym and I see someone that looks like Annie from Bratayley. I tell my friend about the girl, and follow the girl around a bit mor. I notice that her hair is too light to be Annie.
    11. [29-01-2016]

      by , 01-29-2016 at 10:36 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      My family got forced to move out of our house. I wanted to find out reasons of it, or for someone who can help us. We went to out house to look for some clues. Someone stopped us, but a blonde woman appeared and tried to talk with the guard. HR told her that he knows everything. She mad at him, but in the end he granted us access. I searches the cluttered room and found a few coins.
      Tags: coins, house, woman
    12. Focusing on Problems

      by , 01-28-2016 at 06:00 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a room, in a house/apartment I was renting along with a couple of people. I was talking with someone, a classmate from high school. I tried to give him suggestions and solutions but he seems intent on just focusing on the problem. I got annoyed at him. I was moving about fixing or arranging things in the apartment while we were talking. There was a (birthday?) party. There were balloons and some food on the table.

      I was at home in our hometown with sis and mom. It was night. When the scene transitioned, the classmate "moved" to the outside of our fence. We went to our small store. Mom mixed Emperador rum, Coke, and Mentos. I told her that seems dangerous.

      I was on a train. Keyword: racist.
    13. 02/01/2016 | "First" LD

      by , 01-17-2016 at 10:46 AM
      Technically it's not the first one but others were just too short or limited to count them (and I don't even wrote down every). So I think that this is the first one which is worth anything. Also I need numbers so here we go:

      Non-lucid parts
      Lucid parts

      #1 LD
      I was on the meadow close to my house. There were some animals: bisons (?) and black fox. As usually in my dreams I didn't have my camera so I went back for it to my house. I was there very quickly, like with teleport. Then I started to realise that something's odd. I was on the ground floor and again - teleport to my room (maybe with a very little lucidity). I was still going through the dream way. I get my camera. Again - feeling that this can be a dream. So I did RCs. My camera was working fine (vivid, display was on, I took a photo of the church with flash - it was night outside, I checked it on gallery). I switched on and off the light - it worked. I went to the kitchen where my mom was watching TV. I looked on my hands. I had brown gloves and my two fingers was close to each other but it wasn't that odd for me then. I asked my mom if this is a dream and she told me that I'm talking rubbish and I should eat a cucumber. Well, that's my mom. Nothing odd. I was looking so badly for the sign because I wanted to jump through the window and if it wouldn't be a dream - well, not so good RC then. So finally I tried to levitate and it worked! I was flapping my hands for it. It was hard to control the flight. I flight/went to my room, jump through the window and crashed. Fortunately that didn't wake me up, also I didn't feel any discomfort. I flied a little to a different part of the yard. It was day, grass was green, there were many flowers (i.a. red poppies). Everything was beautiful. If I was focusing on some detail then it was more sharp and vivid but also a little 'shaking'. I didn't have many ideas what to do because of excitement. I tried to summon my boyfriend then. I imagined that he comes from behind the tree. It was easy. But he did strange faces, didn't talk anything. Anyway I started to lose control, emotions and stuff. I hugged him. I saw in my mind (still in dream) his dog. Then I woke up. It was maybe 5 minutes between alarms on the morning.

      So it was short and I didn't do anything special but I liked it. Also I think it was a sign to start putting more interest in dreams, maybe to help myself with some things. I wasn't thinking then about LD or anything, I didn't even wrote down my dreams (last ones are from October).
    14. Two Houses

      by , 01-17-2016 at 05:07 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in my hometown. I was going to ride a plane. I was packing my things and thought I was late. I hurried out to the airport, which turned out to be right beside our home, where the municipal building was supposed to be. The plane is no longer there. I was told that it's near the market area, and it turned the roads to a runway. I walked to the market. There's a fair. It was a sunny day. When I reached where I thought the plane was supposed to be, it was dark, night, and flooding. I think it was raining. I was on top of some sort post. I looked down at some of the debris being swept away by the flood. I didn't feel fear. A bit of fascination.

      I was walking along the road with mom and sis in a subdivision. Sis mentioned about renting a place. The one she's currently in is horrible. The space is small, the light is dim yellow, security is awful. It also looks cheaply made. I led them down the road. There's a bit of flood on the road. It was raining. There were cars passing by. I was impressed by one car that looks expensive but was able to go through the flood without sputtering. We reached the place, a house I was renting (all on my own or sharing?). I pointed out how the setting is perfect. Sunlight does not go inside too often, only on the east where it rises, and on the west, there's a building that will block it. The house looks decent. Mom wanted to hurry back home. I thought sis was supposed to back home with mom but apparently she's staying. She was in the living room working on her laptop.

      I was in my hometown. I was going to ride a plane.



      - I woke up pre-dawn and wrote keywords for the first paragraph. I slept and woke up around 10am and wrote keywords for the second paragraph.
      - Had a hard time sleeping. I went to bed around 2am.
      - I tried going to gamma through alpha but I keep getting distracted.
      - I will have to go back to basic meditation.
    15. [16-01-2016] Short WILD

      by , 01-16-2016 at 09:55 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I found myself in my kitchen, it was dark. I knew it was a lucid dream. I wanted to summon an object of immense power, so I moved closer to open doors to hallway, put my hand behind a wall and grabbed something. It was a plate, but it was unusual. It could spawn any food you'd wish. I have summoned a Plate of Endless Dishes. I placed it on a table becuase I had no use for it right now.

      Then I thought that an object to control some aspects of my dreams easier, so I thought about a dream controller and put hand inside my pocket. I immediately grabbed something and took a tv controller out of it. It had basic functions like menu, pause, play and stuff. It might come in handy later so I put it back inside my pocket.

      When I was just about to go, I was stopped by my maths teacher - a woman in her early thirties. She had arms-lenght brown hair and she was wearing a gray blouse and black trousers. She caught my hand and took me to another room. She tried to persuade me to stay with her. I knew what she wanted to do and felt arousal, but I wanted to go out and explore this time. To scare her out, I altered gravity in the room. Everything was floating gently in the air - she didn't noticed. I thought that maybe it's because she is floating with it as well, so I brought back normal gravity and made that only I was levitating. Still no effect, she was insisting that I should stay with her. I got a better idea, took out dream controller and used pause.

      Everything except me stopped, so I moved back to kitchen. I thought that I should get some way of escaping the house. I looked at a ceiling and a rectangular hole straight to the sky (forget about attic!) opened. I used play function on the controller and jumped. I tried to fly away, but as always I had problems with it and hit the ground.

      It was dusk time and it was getting brighter. I saw that there was someone walking in my backyard, so I went there. It was one of my classmates - a dude wearing gray hoodie and jeans trousers. He had dark hair and somewhat square-like head (as in reality). I thought why should I need him in my dream, and tried throwing a fireball or lightning at him. It never worked for me, so nothing happened. He went closer and said "I know a beter trick!" He pointed his finger at one of the objects and a small spark slowly started fire.

      I could've blown him off with a fire hurricane, ignite him whole with much more effective gesture of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat or strike him with a meteorite (all of these I used in previous lucid dreams), but I haven't thought about that, and his finger pointing gave me an idea.

      I wanted to see what would happen when I'd point my fingers. Index finger worked same as his - starting small fires. Might be useful for lighting candles. Middle finger was a flashlight. Could be useful when I'd be too lazy to summon a better source of light. Suddenly fireworks started somewhere on the street and sky above my house exploded with many colours. I thought that it was effect of my little finger, but it had no effect. I haven't checked what ring finger would do.
      I looked some more at the sky, and then the dream faded away. I woke up.

      [EDIT] It seems that I finished an advanced ToTM task with gravity. It was unintended though.

      Updated 01-16-2016 at 10:00 AM by 72243

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