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    1. [06-06-2016]

      by , 06-06-2016 at 03:40 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was a cold, overcast day. First I saw an entrance to my house, then I was in my kitchen. All my family has gathered there. Everything felt really big and going really quickly, I was small.
      Tags: family, house
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. [21-05-2016]

      by , 05-21-2016 at 08:22 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in an airplane. For some reason I was climbing from the tail to wings, trying to get back inside it. The plane was burning heavily, I finally managed to get inside and then it exploded.

      I woke up in my bed, took some clothes and turn on the radio. They told about an airplane that exploded and only survivor - me. I took a bottle of beer and wanted to sit on an armchair, wondering how I survived, but then my mother appeared and told me to go outside, as the weather just marvelous. I went outside, it was a summer evening, the sky was clear and it was warm.

      Then I was in forest with my two friends. I was accused of the plane tragedy and had to escape from special forces. There was a crashed plane nearby, presumably the same I was in. I went closer and found a black box, using some wires I managed to get information out of it. It transmitted through a communicator I had stripped to my belt. A pilot said that he couldn't save all the people, and that he was responsible for the tragedy. I unplugged black box and went to my friends, telling them about it. We sat down in silence, then I started singing "It's new age, everything changes and won't be the same!"
    3. Opening up and digging deep.

      by , 05-20-2016 at 12:26 PM
      D1 - I had a recurring dream (long term) of being in a large house. The house was incredibly familar though it was not one i've ever been in the waking state. It was a sunny day and the house had a load of rooms all on the ground floor. I was trying to stop someone from getting in, with a great feeling of vunerability. The house had a main front door which was easy enough to lock but the back door which was way back in the kitchen (seemed to remind me of a house from my childhood, my Aunties) had a wooden fairly plain white door. I knew the lock very well and kept trying the small silver key in the lock but it was just turning and not locking it.

      D1 Part 2 - In the same house in the front room standing with a girl next to a padded red sofa. We are talking about new beginnings and that if you are serious you need to sow your seeds deep. Only then will things be deep rooted and survive the tests of time.
      So we start a journey down into the depths of some subteranean place, deeper and deeper, it is all very red and purple down there and dark. We eventually get deep enough in that other world and plant our seeds. On return I find that plants? of some kind are growing out of my dna and sprouting from my arms, this is good apparently. Things have taken root at a deep level.

      D1 Part 3 - In the same room in the house, the girl is gone and a boy is their, I am now on a white sofa talking to him. he has blonde hair compared with her black hair. We are talking about synchronicity.
      At this point the phone rings, it is a white corded landline. I change my talking voice the sound of the phone making a strange melody
      then the doorbell rings, it is the girl. And I continue my melody adding the new electronic sound, like a strange magpie to my existing melody. The sound would be very hard to describe lol. but is very clear in my dream, a trill whir of lots of high pitched sounds melded.
      I see the pattern as a three dimensional shape of many sides, snake like, its sides have shades of white flowing through it.

      I have a great fear of opening up to people but obviously would like people to come into my home and have visitors, if they are safe.
      It is a lonely existence hiding.
      I am hoping to make a fresh start and build relationships with people in my life.
      I see synchronicities everywhere.

      Updated 05-20-2016 at 12:35 PM by 89275

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. [14-05-2016]

      by , 05-14-2016 at 10:33 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in school, it was a lesson with our new teacher - a blonde woman in her thirties, with rather ugly face and short hair. Before the lesson started, some people were making jokes on one girl. Then teacher entered the classroom. One dude was whistling, just like a bird singing, even better than me. I turned teacher's attention to him, she gave him a surprised look.


      I recall fragments in which I was in my house, washing hands and eating some soup.
    5. into the woods

      by , 04-19-2016 at 04:05 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm on vacations with my family, the path we're walking on it made to simulate a forest, but it's fake, like an amusement park. We walk between the well integrated attractions, looking around. Other the limits of the fake tree I catch a glimpse of a castle in full gothic architecture, all high spires and graceful arcs, in light gray stones and slab roofs. I décide to try and go there, and my family follow. We push past the fake trees into the remants of a real forest, with moss and ashes everywhere.
      On the trail we're following, there's a square tower, with a large wooden door, locked. I easily scale the wall and enter it through a window. It's an house, and I start exploring it. The ground level is a diing room with a dark wood flooring, the furniture old but loved. A rickety staircase, almost a ladder, leads up to a TV room with a large, nest-like sofa taking up most of the room, making it nest-like and confy. On the far wall, there's a opening that lead into a bathroom; I can make out the sink and a tiny bit of shower curtain. I take a ladder to the next level and find another dining room, with armchairs and a big window overlooking the forest. I climb up the wall and end up under the roof in a bedroom; the whole floor is the cushy and confy, and there's a lot of pillows, the whole room in effectively the bed. There are a couple off roof windows, making the room sunny. I try to climb up into the roof itself but it keeps elongating, closing around me and making it difficult to breath and move.
    6. My house

      by , 04-18-2016 at 09:00 AM
      I'm in a house I do not know, but it is where I live. I'm with other people and my mother (deceased) as well. A young man comes to visit us. Then he becomes a very annoying person, he is continually disturbing me. I try to throw him from the house and even get him out, he returns again and this time it's overwhelming, it sticks to me (I start to feel overwhelmed and on the verge of nightmare). Finally, I make an effort of will and get him out of the house. My mother tries to calm me.
    7. [14-04-2016]

      by , 04-14-2016 at 09:58 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      From all the fragments that I received during the night, I remember only one (probably an effect of tiredness).

      I was in my house, going out of a room. I had female legs and I was wearing a pantyhose and a black skirt on my legs. I wanted to see myself in a mirror. Instead I went to my room and thought "Wait, it's a dream!" I thought what I should do, and went to toy a bit with a mirror. I shapeshifted. First I looked like my brothers pal, then I changed into a man with unusual forehead, tiny eyes set on sides and baldness in YHA middle of the head. Then I thought about turning into a woman. I used the mirror to change, from ugly or plain females into some beautiful ones. Lucid dream wasn't really stable, so everything went black after a while and I woke up.

      From all the shape changes I gave most attention to that strange man and to a redhead female that I turned into.
    8. [10-04-2016]

      by , 04-10-2016 at 11:39 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was sitting in a green coloured bus. It had only three seats for passengers. It was courising around the city, taking random passengers - only I stayed inside all the time. Once it took a fat and a bit ugly girl wearing dark blue hoodie and jeans trousers from a station. We were driving in silence, until I said "So... It's a nice bus." She replied "Yeah, it's quite good."

      Second dream

      I was a disembodied spectator. I've seen a dude enter his car and drive. On the crossroad he saw two pretty girls in their sports car and decided to follow them and get a date with one. They drove on. The road was surrounded by grassy hills with trees growing sparsely. There was a small, abandoned village nearby. They were speeding up greatly, suddenly they hit each other and I got into body of that dude. Seatbelts were too weak and I flewn out of the car - first hitting the front window with my head, then hitting the ground and skidding down.

      Somehow I survived and got closed in a cage by a strange cult that was just searching for sacrifices for their dark god. In another cage there was a strange cat-like creature. It's tail was ended with a mace. In another cage there was a raven-like monster with spruce alike needles protruding out of it's feathers.

      Suddenly I found myself in my house, in my own body. There was a long desk that took half of the kitchen's space. There was one computer with old RCT screen. I tried to write my DJ post, but for some reason strange words only appeared. There was one of my classmates sitting nearby. He asked if I'd want to summon someone. I tried, but for some reason it didn't worked.

      I decided to leave posting DJ entry for my classmate and entered a club. As soon as she saw me, a tall, long haired blonde woman wearing a white jacket, black blouse and black trousers decided to hit up with me. For some reason I couldn't see her face. We danced for a while - at first I was dancing badly, but after a while I did pretty good. Dancing with her was really turning me on, everything went black and I appeared in the middle of a street in my home town.
    9. [08-04-2016]

      by , 04-08-2016 at 09:25 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in my house, packing books into my backpack. Then I was in my school's toilet with bunch of classmates. A tall and slim dude in gray hoodie was writing something in his notebook. He looked like he was writing something really important. Later on I was sitting in a bus driving to my village. It was noon, the Sun was shining, beams of light gave some moody glow. We were driving through forest. I was sitting close to a girl wearing black jacket. She had dark hair, I avoided unnecessary contact and was just sitting, waiting for my station.
    10. Nurturing

      by , 04-08-2016 at 08:32 PM (Here be dragons)
      A girl brought a egg in my house. It's bigger that my head with a rough, rocky shell. It's sitting on the kitchen table, in a ray of sunlight, as the girl argue with my sister. They are arguing about the girl character and attitude, my sister fed up with her. I know that this girl is messy and doesn't clean after herself, and is also quite selfish. I tend to agree with what my siter is saying, but want to avoid conflit so I don't join the discution.
      As they talk the egg hatches and a slender creature, looking like a mix of a ferret and an serpent with short, pure white fur slithers out of it, using his small clawed paws to scales the walls of the room. It's cute despite its strange way of moving, and I hope my sister doesn't see it and freak out because it remind her of a lizard. The newborn pet doesn't have a very sure footing yet, so it loses its hold and falls on me. I catch it in my arms, its body is very hot and muscled, almost hard. It cuddles to me, pointy muzzle nipping at my neck with a happy, chittering sound. It then jump out of my arms to climbs on the counter. The girl stops arguing with my sister to touch is, and it's fur turn velvety black.
    11. Stopping Kuvira

      by , 03-29-2016 at 10:32 PM
      This one was several days ago. I was in my old apartment in the livingroom. Kuvira (a military dictator/conqueror from The Legend of Korra) was there. I can't exactly remember what happened, all I remember is thinking that her next move was going to be her calling her army to catch me, so I jumped onto her and covered her mouth. I remember seeing the front door as well.
    12. Hunted By A T-Rex

      by , 03-29-2016 at 10:26 PM
      A couple of days ago I had a dream that I and a group of survivors were hiding in a severely damaged house. It was a good-sized one story house that looked like it had just been through a hurricane. Walls had been knocked down and about half of the ceiling was torn off.

      The house was our only cover from a T-Rex that was trying to kill us. I never saw the T-Rex, because I stayed behind the walls and went the opposite way that I heard it going. Anyways, I cautiously go through the livingroom and kitchen into the garage. There are other people evading the T-Rex as well. A guy told me about a gun that was somewhere. All I remember was that it didn't have ammo or had some other problem. I back track through the kitchen and into the livingroom, evading the T-Rex. END.
    13. Gotcha.

      by , 03-15-2016 at 07:32 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm on the road in front of my house, but it looks different; there's a old tree without any leaves with its branches sweeping low over the road like crochety hands. I climb up along one until I reach the level right about the powers lines and jump into a fly. I loose control and go head over heels, landing in a heap in the middle of a grand library.
      It's beautiful. The shelves are carved like gentles waves, and the room is two floors high with a balcony running all around it. The room is lit by gaslights of copper and gold with frosted glass covering the flames, the warm almost buttery light gleaming of the polished wood of the shelves and floors. The glimpses of wall I can see are covered with dark green silk, matching the couch and armchairs placed around. At the far side of the library is a big fireplace, currently lit. The room smells sweet, of old books and beewax. There's an open door on a side, with moonlight peaking in.
      I walk to it and step into a covered terrace, all old stones. It opens into a very carefully lanscaped garden under a very bright, very big full moon. At the center of it there's a table dressed and ready, with crystal glasses, vermeil cutlery and candelabra. There are people already seated, dressed in finery of all period and fashion, having hushed conversations and eyeing the rest of the small crownd. I don't feel like joining them but come closer to the table to admire the carving on the cutlery. The guests whisper amoung themselves, making a point of not looking at me. I'm a little annoyed and start to walk around the table to go to the other side of the terrace, so I can access the garden. As I'm going I catch a glimpse of blond hair and turn my head; the silvery man is here, very smartly dressed, his hair brushed to fall on one of his shoulder while letting the line of his jaw free of distraction on the other side. It's slighty distracting, and he knows it. Noticing my presence, he change his course and come to me, easily taking my arm and pulling me to the end of the terrace, inside a small, narrow alley I didn't see earlier. There's ivy on the wall, up to a small alvove with what seem to be an old pedestal on the ground. He pulls me in, leaning against the wall with a impish smile. I cross my arms in front of me, too amused to be annoyed... and wake up.
    14. [13-03-2016]

      by , 03-13-2016 at 09:28 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in home, my eldest sister was there with friends too, so I decided to stay in another room. It was a huge from with rows of computers. There random people, most younger than me, and they were playing computer games.
    15. Invasion; Working for mob

      , 03-10-2016 at 05:03 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed 10:30 - 7am

      DR 1 3:04am

      Some kind of invasion, I'm hiding in rooms.

      DR 2
      I'm standing in a metal bar door in a very busy, large, one story house. Guy comes through those doors often, throws wad of money into the opened safe in the wall.

      I figure, there is some non-legal action going on and in case of robbery or police raid, I'll just slap the safe door shut and close and latch the metal bar gate and we don't lose any money, only what is on the floor.

      Sun is setting and the glow of the sun is getting darker through the windows. I see some shadows and police badges. I walk to the back of the house from room to room, looking for a window or door to get out. I find one and walk outside. I'm walking through this huge compound of buildings, equipment, by other room full of people. More like a small village. I lay in grass behind some water tank when I see police approaching.

      This was quite detailed.
      Tags: house, money, police
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