Odd Jobs: I'm approved on a trial-basis to work for one of my coworkers, N. The gig is 'odd jobs' such as carrying furniture for people, or giving rides home to drunk people from bars. I'm in a camp-like area with a central mess hall for group eating. It reminds me of band camp a little. White glove-like symbols are marked over doors, indicating potential jobs. There is a sense of secrecy to it. The other people in the work-group are mechanic-types and long-established in the work. I'm a new-comer and feel isolated, especially since I'm the only non-blue collar person involved. Standing in a parking lot area behind the mess hall, I get a text from N "you in? send a profile pic!" ... Later I'm in a park-like area. Mostly open grass, but a concrete structure within it. I'm inside the concrete, resting. It's a cylindrical shape so I can lie down. My hands are cold against it. My sister comes and finds me, now asleep. My perspective has shifted. I see myself sleeping with a smile on my face. ... Then I'm in a car, still with the perspective shift. My sister is taking me somewhere. ... I'm at my Great-Grandma's/Grandma M's condo. My brother and my sister are running a sort of party. My brother has set up some computer monitors, with one mirroring the other successfully. I'm somewhat impressed by this. Sleeping in the park.
Updated 02-13-2024 at 09:11 PM by 99808
Nostalgia Band: I'm in a highschool gym at indoor band practice. I'm a senior who will be graduating soon, so feeling nostalgic. I walk over to our saxophone cases and join the group. I feel the familiar rush of uncertainty. Where are we going? What are we doing? Gotta do it fast! ... I'm with the same group, this time outside. We have our instruments and backpacks. It's a grassy mountain hike, spiraly. I see PK, a senior from my 2nd year. He is talking about burying time-capsules for future years. There are already a lot of time capsules buried in the ground waiting to be opened. ... We're in a large, cylindrical, dimly lit room now. There are pictures of previous band members along the wall. My brother's picture gets pointed out. It is his picture from 1st or 2nd grade. Sunny Day Lucid: I'm in my childhood neighborhood on a sunny day. I'm running through the backyards, with the grass being typical vivid dream green. I have a sense of urgency to get somewhere soon. There are some horses up ahead, stabled at somebody's house. I'm on a garden path moving toward them. I try to leave the path to avoid alerting the horses, but I can't. I eventually pass by them without a problem. I stop and stand still, realizing that my childhood neighborhood and sunny days are some of my top dreamsigns. I perform a nose reality check and I can breathe. I check my hands and I have 4 fingers and a thumb. That's strange, shouldn't they be off in a dream? I keep checking my finger and nose, and eventually conclude that I must be dreaming. I try to summon somebody, but it doesn't work. I feel the dream start to fade.
Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:15 PM by 99808
Sneaky Crabs: I'm at a party at somebody's apartment, sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of me. My coworker J from the lab is here. I noticed that I'm not wearing pants and feel nervous. ... I'm at my second Arizona apartment, and there is a group crowded around the TV playing a game. I watch the screen for a bit. It is a dark area, with tiny crab monsters all around. The player needs to navigate a dark pathway forward while avoiding the crabs. I brag that it looks easy. Somebody calls my bluff and hands me a strange controller. Fragment: Something about my coworker G. Fragment: A nightmare about shitting my pants.
Updated 02-08-2024 at 10:51 PM by 99808
Doubt: I'm in a bar that reminds me of a nightclub back in California. I'm with my girlfriend and some coworkers of hers. I'm feeling jealous and concerned that her younger male coworkers are interested in her. I remember my mental training and reason that she hasn't hurt me, and I should trust her unless/until she does. One of the men approaches me and suggests that my trust is misplaced. ... I've left the bar and I see the same group of guys walking up ahead with her. I talk to one of the guys and he seems OK, a friend in an emotional storm. I decide to continue trusting her, ignoring my discomfort.
Updated 01-31-2024 at 09:33 PM by 99808
Wanting Flight: I'm in a house structured like the standard Alliance floor-plan from World of Warcraft. If you know the game, think the two-floor homes in Moonbrook, except well-maintained. It is day-time. There is a super-hero dead facedown in the yard. He has feathers and I surmise that he had bird-powers. I'm taking the body upstairs, and I'm trying not to be seen. At some point while traveling up the stairs, the body transforms, leaving only the outfit. I may have been trying to steal the hero's powers. Manuevering: I'm at my childhood home. My Dad is on the phone with the water company, working out bills. He might have been trying to negotiate a better rate. ... I'm upstairs with my niece, B, and she is smaller than she is in waking life. We're in my brother and I's room, rifling through a set of drawers near the front of the room. I'm worried that B will find age-inappropriate stuff in the drawer, and she does. I quickly hide the stuff, and try to draw her attention elsewhere. ... I'm up by the upstairs bathroom with my Uncle J. He is holding what looks like a document from waking life work. He's trying to talk down to me, as if he knows it better than I do (he does not). I try to let him down easy, not keen on allowing him to act this way, but also not wanting to hurt him. ... My Grandma and my Mom are in the living room. I'm on my way out of the house. I've left, but forgotten something. I go back and they give me a drinkable yogurt.
Observation: I get the sense that there are aliens who have the ability to shape perception such that they do not alert humankind. I false-awaken on the couch and my girlfriend is observing me strangely, and I suspect that she is actually one of these aliens. This scares me greatly. I wake up for real (still on the couch) and she is looking at me the same way.
User Error: I'm getting ready for work and my smartphone's alarm is going off. I turn it off, but it doesn't stop making sound. I get very frustrated. My girlfriend tells me it must be user error. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy, which isn't the one I have in waking life. Fragment: Something about Spongebob Squarepants.
Party Memories: I'm at a wedding party, but I don't know whose it is. The party is being held at an outdoor venue, and it looks like a mixture of IM's (from the Tots) and MM's (from highschool) backyards. It's night-time, and there is a hot tub on my right. I see BY from highschool in a full suit, and wonder if he got the memo that this was supposed to be casual. There is a sliding door on the left, and it goes into the sitting room from my previous home. I set up an area there, sort of "my spot" where I can feel less socially awkward, and gather up the people I know at the party. ... I'm in a local bar called Cornish Pasty. I'm sitting at the bar with MW from highschool. We're sitting where I sat a few months back with JV in waking life. He's there because I am getting married soon. MW tells me that there might be something in the mail for me, implying he's bought one of the wedding registry items. I'm feeling awkward, looking for a conversation topic, when I remember that I was at his wedding party recently. I bring it up, and he remarks how drunk everybody was, and how we are all singing. I tell him I remember that, but I don't. Stuck: I'm waking up in my bed, and I remember that I had just returned to sleep from my 6hr/20m WBTB. I do a nose reality check and I can breathe. I'm dreaming. I'm in bed, but I can't move. I try to blink-teleport, imagining that if I can just change the dream scene I'll regain my movement naturally. So, I close my eyes and imagine a vast blue ocean. I open my eyes. Nothing changes, still stuck. The dream fades and I wake briefly. Loki and Oreo: I false awake into my bed again, knowing to reality check. I'm lucid again, but still can't move. This time I try something else. I imagine my old Doberman Loki (rest is peace, he was the best boy). The idea is that he will jostle the bed enough to kick my body into gear. I call for him "Loki! Are you here?" and he comes bounding into the bedroom and jumps into the bed. He, of course, lays down next to me because he always was a big lazy boy. He looks up at me, inquisitive as ever with his dopey eyes and large snoot. He looks so real. I laugh, and wonder if my girlfriend can hear me laughing in waking life (I asked later, she could not). My plan worked, when Loki jumped on me, that was enough to give me my movement back. I looked back down, and now Loki had changed into a different childhood pet. My longhair black and white cat, Oreo (also rest in peace, she was top-gangsta thug). I get out of bed and say "C'mon! Let's go!" and Oreo gracefully leaps off the bed to follow me. I see her characteristic "gangsta-prowl" as she moves and marvel at how well my brain is recreating my old pets. Finally I leave the bedroom and realize that I should stabilize the dream soon, worried that it might fade. The dream is a near-perfect recreation of my house, but it has blue hue to it. Otherwise, the best way I can describe it is "thin". I think to myself, maybe I am low on REM sleep. I start to narrate what I am doing as I do it "I'm walking in my hallway, I'm stabilizing the dream, I'm touching the walls..." It occurs to me that I need to spend less time in my own head, or the dream is going to fade. I make a concerted effort to engage with the environment, and not internalize too much. As is tradition at this point, I lick the wall to help stabilize. It tastes like wall. All this seems to help a bit, but I believe that I was simply low on REM, so the dream was going to be unstable no matter what. Then I remember that it was the last night of competition, and I had defined some goals. I recall my first goal of the three-step is to "summon" and then "ask for advice" so I go to summon Jordan Peterson. But wait, I changed my mind earlier on the plan. I struggle to remember, but then I do. During my WBTB 20 minutes, I decided instead that I would summon Daniel Love, because he would be able to assist me with a teleport. I start to imagine Daniel Love in my house. I call out to him "Daniel! Are you here? Daniel?" For a moment, no response. But then a head pops out from behind a door down the hallway on the right, where the bathroom is. "Yeah yeah I'm here!" he says, a bit flustered. But, before I can ask him for advice on teleporting, the dream fades out.
Updated 01-25-2024 at 03:55 PM by 99808
Desert Cave Adventure: I'm driving with my girlfriend on an expressway at night in the desert and we are being chased by a gunman. My coworker, A, shoots the man in the head. The Desert Gunman. We're parked now, and looking at the body. There isn't blood or gore, rather, just a hole where the bullet went in. I'm driving a smaller quad-wheeler now and I offer my coworker a place to stay. He agrees and gets onto the quad-wheeler. We discuss the logistics of how long he will stay with us. ... It's daytime now and we are still driving. Ahead of us is a twisty turny mountain, closer to a course from Mario Kart than to reality. Desert Road Spirals. I miss a turn, and now I'm carefully maneuvering around a spiral road rising around a small pillar-like structure. We eventually reach a sandy cave entrance where the road ends. Desert Cave Entrance. There are two arrow shaped signs ahead. The one pointing left says "Mafia" and the one pointing right says "Goomba". We choose Goomba and proceed. As we go deeper into the cave, there is a glass display case on our left. It appears to contain Game of Thrones paraphernalia. I notice one of the Night's Watch coats in particular, alongside some swords and other weapons. They may have been numbered. At this point in the hide, we are expecting an award. The cave opens up into a larger chamber, almost like a grand palace or tomb.
Updated 01-17-2024 at 08:39 PM by 99808
Onesie Catte: I'm with my friend D and my brother in my childhood basement bedroom. We are crowded around my computer, discussing going over to D's house. There's some concern that my sister M will feel left out. ... We're at an apartment closer to what modern day D's looks like. Something bad has happened and we are having a discussion in the living room. I'm feeling cold, so two of D's cats come over. One is wearing a onesie. I attempt to recall the names of his cats, but I can't. The onesie cat lays down on me and I feel warm. ... I'm walking outside, either to school or from school. The path doesn't seem familiar, rather, it looks like a summer version of the path from the movie A Christmas Story. There are a group of kids playing a sport off behind a fence on my left. The national anthem has started to play, and I sing along. Someone nearby gets on my case about not having my hand over my heart. While singing, I debate whether my allegiance should really be to the flag, given how the past few years have gone. ... I'm in a past living place. This time, a condo my family briefly lived in while our home was having work done on it. My Mom is there, and she is working on fixing the sound system on the entertainment center. She has no clue what she is doing. She's holding a speaker and trying to unfold some plastic wings on it. Without embarrassing her too much, I try to steer her away from the system with tact. ... I'm now playing Super Mario 64 on the TV with my family watching. There is some kind of new game plus, where the levels are slightly modified. I'm at the secret Peach Slide from the early game, and there is a group of coins spelling out "Congratulations!" or something similar at the start. ... Now the family is in the kitchen and we are discussing a movie we recently went to see. The kitchen is a mixture of the condo and my Great-Grandma's/Grandma M's. You have been visited by Onesie Catte. Say "Meow Meow Onesie Catte!" for good fortune.
Updated 01-15-2024 at 08:02 PM by 99808
The Legend of Honda: I'm driving a 2018 Honda Accord EX-L in Hyrule Field from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I'm testing out how fast I can go. The dream is in first person. I accidently drive into the Lord of the Mountain deer spirit, and immediately feel bad about it. I get out of the car to look around and notice some arrows that I shot earlier. I'm surprised that I can still pick them up. ... I've been transported into a high-resolution version of Ocarina of Time's Water Temple. I'm admiring the graphics as I descend into the lowest floor underwater. I'm remembering where I need to go to progress into the dungeon essentially off mental memory. As I go, there is some narration about what I am doing, similar to The Stanley Parable. Nintendo has a new partnership with Honda to help sell used cars.
Updated 01-15-2024 at 05:59 AM by 99808
Coffee Splash: I'm in a long square-like room, sort of like a trailer. My Grandpa R has just died, and his casket is on display. I keep thinking that the body is going to stand up. Highly emotional feelings. My Dad is there with me. We're tasked to set the casket aflame in some ritual and we are hesitating to do it. Later in this process the casket goes down a serpentine system of pipes into fluid. ... Later I am in a huge banquet hall-like building, with a theater attached. I'm walking over to a concessions stand. I find a couple of fruits with barcode stickers and try to scan them. A woman nearby says that this cannot be bought, even though the scan goes through. ... I've come home to my current garage. There is a small circular folding table setup. My laptop is setup there, and my brother has an identical one setup for him next to it. My sister is with us as well. I'm having an argument with my brother. He thinks I'm being too easy-going, and not allowing our sister to mourn. This makes me angry, because I want to deal with grief my own way. I notice a cold mug of coffee on the table, and I splash it in his face. Trying to remove myself from the situation, I start to pick-up and leave. My brother grabs my laptop's power cord, preventing me from going. I wake up angry. Shooting for the Girl: I'm on a roadtrip with my girlfriend, her mom, and a young guy. The guy is a friend of my girlfriend's mom, and I suspect that she is positioning him as my replacement. I'm checking out at the counter, buying some snacks. I pay for the guy's food, trying to be cordial. He seems to appreciate it, not outwardly trying to steal my girlfriend. He is friendly. We leave and head outside. We are driving a large semi-truck. A middle-eastern looking man follows us outside and seems angry. He points out that I'm carrying wrappers, and going to make a mess in the car. I notice a dumpster nearby and try to basketball-shoot the crumpled wrappers into it. My shot is miserable. Embarrassed, I pick-up the clump and place it in the dumpster. I'm worried that bad shot just affected my chances against the guy. Game Night: I'm playing a Yu-Gi-Oh inspired card game with my girlfriend. Taking just a couple turns, I've already cleared her side of cards and attacking her life points. The values on the cards are in the single digits. ... Later I'm playing a mid-generation Pokemon game. Looks like it might have been DS or 3DS era, with animated 2D sprites. I'm controlling a Magneton, except it is made from four Magnemites instead of the usual three. I use an attack called Tetraelectro Blast or something similar. The animation has four distinct stages with accompanying sound. Basically, it looks accurate to the games. ... I'm in a Yu-Gi-Oh duel with someone in a large empty warehouse. The atmosphere is dark and foreboding. We have fully 3D virtual monsters, like in the show. My opponent has summoned the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. But it is multiplying. Four heads. Five heads. Six heads... It's the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra now. The entire warehouse is filled with the oppressively huge heads and necks of the monster. This monster gets so comically large that I'm nearly trapped by the slithering necks moving around me. I see a light on my left side. I duck by one of the snaking necks and escape. The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra. Made with Bing Image Creator AI. False Awakening: I wake up and start telling my girlfriend about the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra. She has put a couple Monster Energy drinks on the foot of the bed for me. My room is perfectly rendered, down to the real-life detail that my girlfriend is up early for an important work meeting. I go over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I see that my eyes are large and white, with the pupils faded like a blind person's. I start to freak out and wonder what is wrong! The eyes correct themselves after I blink a few times.
Updated 01-10-2024 at 07:40 PM by 99808
Push and Pull: I'm pondering whether to ask SB to marry me, and I decide to just go for it. ... I'm at an outdoor party. I've just asked SB to marry me. She said yes and is very excited. Even afterward I'm still wondering if I made the right decision. ... Later I'm with my Grandma P. I'm showing her a song that I think should be the first dance song. There's a music video, with some men on a subway pushing art on a cart.
Updated 01-04-2024 at 04:34 PM by 99808
Fragment: I'm doing PT in a large open gym area and I find a green band I used in a prior recovery. I'm using a three-pound weight for some shoulder exercises and I feel embarrassed that this is all I can do now.
Muddied Water: I'm meeting with friends (the Tots) somewhere. I arrive first, at a Wal-Mart like store. I'm searching for a bathroom. I see AG hugging somebody who isn't her boyfriend, while MD (the boyfriend) is returning from a nearby isle. The store then changes into something more like a Toys-R-Us. ... I'm in a dark and cramped escape-room type area. There are some dark purple plants covering the walls. There are some pots holding the plants, and the pots are filled with dirty looking water. ... I'm holding a glass of water, and it has the 'dirty' property from the escape room scene. I'm standing in a hallway at HM's house that isn't normally there. I accidently spill the water, and my Dad starts to criticize me before I have a chance to explain it wasn't my fault. Stressful moment. My Dad is in a full suit, and is explaining something work-related to HM.
Updated 12-14-2023 at 09:00 PM by 99808