Awake|Dreaming|Lucid I'm in a big room with many shelves. I bake some cakes and eat them. I look at one of the shelves and there are a lot of cakes and food on it. I want to eat it but then I think about how the food is plastic so I can't eat it. The children who were here before me made the fake food as a memory for them. Notes: My last DJ entry was about plastic candy. Now it's about plastic food. We had a lot of cookies at home two days ago. Little Daniel ended up eating almost 10 of them. I'm with my girlfriend and we walk home to her. We talk and she wants to break up. I am very sad and go outside her apartment building. To the right there is a homeless man that I go to. There are two other kids there as well. I think they joined the homeless man the same time I did. He is to teach us how to survive without a home or money. First he teaches us how to see the difference between two animals that you can eat. He points at a hedgehog and tells us to remove the pointy sticks from its back. We do so and it's very easy. The hedgehog doesn't seem to bother. After all the sticks are gone it's a furry rat instead. The old man comes to us and it seems as tough he is trying to be bitten by one of the hedgehogs. The hedgehog bites him and he says to us that this is how you can easily fix your wound from a hedgehog. He takes the fur just above the hedgehog's nose and rips it of. The hedgehog starts to bleed there. The poor man takes the fur over his wound and starts to rub the fur against it. He says it's important to rub it against the right way. We spend time with him but later on I am alone. There is snow and I lie next to the apartment house. It is cold and I just want to disappear. I fall asleep and when I wake up I can't feel my body because of the cold. There is a lot of snow over me. I see my ex girlfriend who dumped me and her family. She isn't angry with me. They carry me inside the house and warm me up. Notes: I dreamt about being poor and walking to a poor man some nights ago. I have just finished reading Rich Dad Poor Dad IRL and thought a lot over the things they taught. They discuss the big gap between the poor and rich in the USA and how some people are extremely poor. I'm in a jacuzzi with another person. Notes: I'm not sure if I just thought about it or actually dreamt it. The incredibles are walking home. The fast boy is shot by a villain in the head and there is a lot of blood. I think to myself that it seems weird that a child's movie would have this kind of violence. The fast boy isn't actually dead but faked it. The fast boy puts his hand in the villain's mouth and pretend that he has a gun and moves his hand all around in the villain's mouth really fast. The invisible girl is also there but she isn't invisible. The villain resists and is able to break free from the fast boy. Notes: I didn't remember this dream until I had written down the other three dreams.
Updated 09-14-2020 at 07:47 AM by 97565
I recall walking down a path with my mom in a frozen, wintery environment. It's possible I was barefoot for some reason. The ground was snow at first, then ice. I ran, then suddenly stopped so I would keep on sliding for a few meters. I got to a clearing in the forest. While sliding around, I also started floating in a controllable way. I wasn't particularly surprised by this. My mom was still with me. We were in some ancient Egyptian ruins, along with a group of other people. One of them was an Egyptian god in human form. The others were dodgy types, definitely villains. Most of the ruins were partially buries in the sand. We got to a large hall. At some point it became clear the bad guys were... well, bad. They held my mother hostage. I saw light pouring in from openings in the ceiling, and realized I could fly out through there, but I think I didn't leave because they still had my mom. There was a bit of a battle. I flew towards one buff-looking baddie, grabbed him in mid-air and smashed him into a wall. I think I smashed him a few times with my "super fist" (I was half awake at this point, this bit was half fantasy-half actual dream). Still at the far wall, I looked at the group of villains in the distance and decided to blow them up. I took out a detonator, and pressed it. They blew up in a haze of blood. Sadly, I died too, as apparently this was a game and I "failed" by doing this. Maybe I had blown up the hostages as well? Once again, my mother was present. I was playing with our cats (Sylvester, Lotje and Fleurtje), who have obviously been dead/disappeared for almost a decade. Now, they *were* dead in this dream, but I was using some kind of trick that manifested memories into reality. My mom also saw the cats and happily petted one, I think (she loved our cats, too). I said that this 'memory' was almost as real as it was in reality. I was outside somewhere, in a place that had high grass. Maybe a primitive village? The place came under attack from Orcs (the kind from the Gothic games). In true Gothic style, I killed a few with a one-handed weapon. A lot of people were killed, though. Elsewhere in the area, there were "Dragon Moss" monsters from Guild Wars, and other beasties behind them. I was in danger of being overwhelmed, until I fired one arrow which somehow killed them all instantly. Vague scene involving my grandparents on father's side, including grandma (who has been dead for years). Last dream of the 'night'. Berlin at night. I 'knew' the war against Nazi Germany was going badly, very badly. In a last ditch effort to fix this, we'd flatten Berlin. I saw a "B2 Spirit" stealth bomber from behind. It was somehow somewhere on the ground in the middle of Berlin. I took off using only very little runway (= street), and started gaining altitude. The idea was to drop the bomb when I got high enough. I don't think I ever got to that point before I woke up.
The Way of Villainy 22 July 2013Morning Nap Princess Luna is a character from My Little Pony Note: A lot of the dialogue in this dream was influenced by the Steve Wilkos Show that was airing on the TV IRL. I was quite irritated that I should be so tired in the middle of the day. Especially considering that I hadn’t really done much of anything that day-at least not that I could remember. I was reprimanding myself for not getting enough sleep, again. I was walking in a walkway that was built into a large crack in the side of a cliff (it was reminiscent to a similar walkway in Zora’s Domain in Twilight Princess). So I was walking down the walkway and I was virtually unimpressed by the beautiful scenery that I was looking at. Then again, it’s not as though I was looking at much. I look across the huge crevasse in which this walkway is built and I only see a wall on the other side and a thick cloud of fog down below. I admit I was not fully cognizant of myself and I was mostly preoccupied with the question of how to deal with my fatigue. I thought that maybe I could take a swig of Pepsi; I remembered having three in the fridge back at home which I found odd because I didn’t remember buying any to begin with. My ever so important train of thought was interrupted by a text message. It was from this guy I barely knew from High School. He was accosting me for not pulling my weight on a project that he and I were supposed to be working on together. I must have been more tired than I thought. I mean, what was he talking about? What fucking project? Such a bother, I was not at all happy to be having to work on this project (whatever it even was) nor was I happy to be working with this guy of all people. I would spend the majority of that day questioning when I was ever drafted into such a partnership. What school was I even attending at that time? Not JCCC, that hadn’t started yet. After I got the text I crossed a huge stone bridge that led to a huge aperture on the other side of the crevasse. The aperture led to some city park in the mountains; the ingress was opened in the parking lot. There I ran into Princess Luna of Equestria. I told her about my dilemma with this project and that I couldn’t even remember what the project was. She proceeded to tell me of an iphone app that would be able to deter people from contacting me about projects that I did not want to work on. I strongly considered the app and I liked the idea of keeping that annoying ass from contacting me but I also question how this would help me long term. I thanked The Princess for her suggestion and bid her good day. Maybe I should have bowed? Whatever, I don’t think she cared. As I looked around the city park I immediately noticed that the park was full of hostiles and heavy hitters all of whom were disguised as normal denizens. Any idiot could have seen through them…or so I thought. I was amazed to see batman standing there in the middle of the park just not doing any thing. All these villains were walking right by him and he didn’t even notice. I suppose that I should have said something but I suppose that I simply did not give a damn. Either that or I was so distant that the thought never occurred to me. Later on I noticed Steve Wilkos speaking to a man about his wife. The man was lamenting about the fact that his wife had chosen a life of crime. It started with prostitution but then the crimes she committed became much more sever, even to the point where she ended up working for The Joker. He drew the line when his wife started to work for a space pirate. As they were talking about this two more hostiles were walking in between them; jumping over the small crevice before them. Steve’s guest led him to the flying pirate ship on which his wife now worked. The pirate ship was on the other side of this crevice. As I was following them I ended up walking behind a Dersite imp who was poorly disguised as a business man. On the deck of the ship the crew was nowhere to be found and the man described into further detail what it was that his wife did and how she got to where she was. I stood indifferently by them and observed them converse about the subject and I found it amazing that they were not the least bit creeped out by my blatant eaves dropping. Steve gradually began escalate in anger and found it amazing that this man did nothing while his wife went out and prostituted herself every night. Steve firmly let this man know that he was partly to blame for his wife’s progression to the dark side. Just over the stern of the ship I could see the man’s wife prostituting on the side of an active street in broad daylight (a flashback projection of the story this man was telling). I can’t well remember how we got into the backstage hallways of the Steve Wilkos studio but I was there standing idly and watching the conversation unfold. At this point Steve made it very clear that this man was very much at fault for not just his indifference but his subtle promotion of his wife’s behavior. The last thing I heard Steve say before waking up was, “You’re a sick bastard.” Now at this point I was gradually growing more cognizant of myself and my emotions and was starting to internally react to the conversation. I began to feel for the man but I also began to understand what Mr. Wilkos was saying. This man saw that his wife was journeying down a dangerous path and now she is working for a band of marauding space pirates. How could he not see that he had a hand in her descent?
Dream 1(fragment): I recall being in some kind of futuristic vehicle and then visiting some kind of a base. Dream 2(fragments): I was in team of villains and we were doing some stuff and i had some type of ability, we had an hideout and there was some kind of mechanism, but it was not working anymore. Then something went wrong and i was kicked off the team. Then i was in some video game, that was some first person shooter with guns, but later it transformed into an RTS. It looked like an combination of Warcraft 3 and Starcraft, there were units and buildings from both. The mission was to protect the base, but most of the attackers were SCVs for whatever reason, though they were rather powerful SCVs. Marines were defending the base and there were bunkers too, some mages were supporting them and workers were building more buildings. I was controlling some special builder that was technically helping the base, but he had other plans and the objective was to not let anyone discover that it's special builder till certain point in the game. Enemy units were becoming more powerful with time and base was getting more buildings with more powerful units too, but in the end, very massive dark thing arrived at the mountain to the north. That was the time to use special abilities of builder, i morphed him into 'living' building and started made a special unit. As it was ready video game switched back to first person and i was controlling that unit. Game got to the point where there was mass of the buildings that were spawning black dragons to attack that huge enemy, but there was not much success until i attacked it with my unit. The size of that enemy was so huge that it was bigger than the whole base, he was attacking using dark energy projectiles but he ended up destroying units on his side as i was dodging them with my unit, making me laugh. Then i started throwing series of huge fireballs at him, that were so powerful, they were knocking him back! In the end, the enemy was destroyed. And dream skipped. Can't recall much after that but there i was in tunnels and there was some problem for which i had to hire a lawyer apparently.
NON DREAM DREAM LUCID I dreamt that there was a girl who was skateboarding down the street. She was kind of a nerd in school, and people picked on her a lot. Well, she was going down the street, minding her own business. Suddenly, enter the bully....Ace Ventura. He starts mocking her or whatever, and she gets pretty pissed off. She shoves Ace into a doorway, and then I walk up to help her. We keep shoving him, and it turns into this game. Suddenly, everyone is...happy. The dream changes. Now I'm standing at this really nice pool at someone's mansion, and there's a huge party. I forgot who I was with, but I know there was a group of villains that were plotting something. I felt that I had to stop them before they achieved their goal. The dream changes once more, but now, I'm standing inside my kitchen. The villains are still there, and they're plotting evil things. There's a giant, plain cake with no icing or anything sitting on the ground. Someone, I forget who, but I know it was an important figure, like a celebrity, had taken a huge bite out of it, and he was scolded for it. To figure out what the villains were planning, I had to pretend to be one of them. I walked up to the three of them, and stood there, as if I was also evil. They just continued their conversation, but as close as I was standing to them, I couldn't hear what they were saying. Oh well. I knew what they were planning wasn't that bad or serious anyways. Actually, I think it had something to do with stealing the cake. Anyways, even though I was in my kitchen, I knew the time period was different. It was taking place in the Old West. I knew this mostly because my friend H was there. She was dressed as a saloon bartender, cleaning dishes at the counter. Since H was technically from the past, I'd decided I would tell her about the "future," aka the present. I was telling her all these interesting facts. I don't remember all the things I said, but I do know that I said "Oh yeah, and we have the first black president, so that's pretty cool." When I said that, she spun around and stared at me, saying "And what do you think about that?". I was very confused by her question, and I said, hesitantly, "it's...fine?" There was more, I know, but that's all I remembered. It was an interesting dream, to say the least. I wish it had been lucid, because that's what I was aiming for, but there's always tonight, too.
I dreamed that I was batman and that I was fighting against crime. The dream started out with me standing in apartment building who looked more like a tower. Then I settle down to start my journey in this building. My mission was to catch villains, and at the same time the cops was also after me for some reason. So I went to open every door I could find in the apartment, and every door led to a place which was like a path in my mission. At the end the police find us. They arrest me and one other, but my third companion succeed to escape trough a ventilation hole. But I also succeed to escape. While I am in the backseat in the police van with handcuffs and a police who controlling me and my other friend, I manage somehow to convince him to let us go. Then I wake up by my alarm clock wanted to see more xD
Last night I had a dream, I was meeting with the Disney Princesses (1937-2009-Snow White-Tina) at Cinderella's castle. I was telling them about the problems I had at home and how I felt "trapped" and how I felt "I can never be the perfect girfriend/or the perfect daughter/now I see that I wasn't meant to play this part/Now I see if I was truly to be myself I would break my family's heart." Than I told them that I was going to move into residence at the college and the (1937-1959-Snow White-Aurora) princesses asked "What is college?" the newer princesses (1989-2009 Ariel-Tina) exlpalined what college is. But when we were talking there was a knock on the door. I had a hunch it was Disney villians-and my hunch was correct once I looked out the window. Unluckily Lady Tremaine once again had Cinderella's fairy Godmother's wand. I told Cinderella that. But I always happen to have magic up my sleeve (LOL) and I "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" the villains back to Maleficent's castle. I listened outside the door of the room the villains were meeting in and they all asked "Who is that woman?" I magiced myself up to the baloncy in that room and I said "I'm a woman who still believes in dreams and the magic. But techinally in my opinion your are all codfish." Than I flew back to Cindy's castle and than we continued talking about college and stuff the new princess said I "should go for it." Than I went "home" (which in this case was a small cottage I lived in by myself) and guess who appeared at the door? Gaston. Lines from the movies happend-in the house scene and I gave him another dose of mud. I than folllowed Gaston back to the M's castle and I heard them (the villains) talking about having to "Get rid of that woman." (me) in their meeting room. I than raced to Cindy's castle. All the princesses asked after I got in and closed the door behind me "What's the matter?" I told them the incedient with Gaston and Belle interrupted by Belle saying "You gave him another dose of my mud medicine?" I just nodded and I told them what I heard at Malifcent's castle. Than a knock came at the door-it looked to be P. (a boy I know) and I asked him if he would mind me just examing him for a second (I thought he might have been a fake)-he wasn't. I than sent him to the room where the guys were in. Than went back and Cindy and the others said "How about we forget about the villainis for one night and have a ball." (after asking me who the boy was-I just said he was my boyfriend) I didn't have a gown to wear but the others were helpful and made me a gown that was a mix of colours: blue for Jasmine/Belle, pink for Ariel, and red for Mulan. Than everyone went to the ballroom that night, and P was nevours since he never done a waltz before-I told him just to follow the men. We danced for a bit and somehow dance outside. Than I started singing (Disney) waltz songs starting with "So This is Love" and ending w/ "Beauty and the Beast". After all those dancing P and I were in love. After the last dance I told P. "Remember to believe in the Dreams and the Magic." The two afternoons after the ball, a maid shouted there was the castle was on fire. I magiced up a fire alarm and pulled it. In the middle of the rush outside I got kidnapped-I know I was kidnapped since someone put a hand over my mouth to prevent screaming. I was taken to a M's 2nd castle and locked into a room. I did say "Let me out". The Disney Princess and P noticed later I was missing-since I wasn't in the castle, and I wasn't in the thatched cottage. Ariel checked in w/ her dad if there had been anyone done there, and Snow White checked with her 7 friends. The answer was always negative. In the mean time I was stuck in the room, and the fireplace opened. I was too booksmart to go into the fireplace but I also was too curious. The curiosity part run over and I went into the room behind the fireplace. I than went up 4 flights of stairs and I ended up in another tower room the only thing in the room was a chocolate bar . I ate it and fell asleep. I was placed back inside the locked room, but this time on the bed and w/ chains. The Princesses' animal friends saw what happened and went to communicated it w/ the Disney Princesses. But considering everyone was trying to communicate at once-it was a bit hard to unstand until the Prince Adam (Belle's prince) shouted "QUIET!' Cinderella asked "Jaq what is it that everyone is trying to say?" Jaq replied "When the fire 'happend' when everyone was racing outside Anne got kidnapped and she was locked into a room in Malifcent's second castle. Somehow when she was in there the fireplace opened, and at first try to prevent herself from going into the room, but her curosity won over and she went into the room. When she reached the top of 4 flights of stairs she went into a tower room, and there was a chocolate bar" Snow White interrupted "It was a poisned chocolate bar wasn't it-she fell asleep didn't she after eatting it?" Jaq just nodded. Then the Princesses and the Princes tried to convince P. to rescue me. But he wasn't sure he was up to do it. But he remembered what I said about believeing in the magic and dreams. After P got convinced, all the princes pitched in items that might be helpful for P. In the end? Good over evil won-thanks to pixe dust, and beilieving in the magic and dreams.