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    1. Reading With My Eyes Shut

      by , 02-22-2011 at 12:54 PM (Reading With My Eyes Shut)
      My Notes

      The first dream began outside my friend's old house. I'm at the bottom of the hill, when I find an old and very rusty watch. It had a small key with it that went into the back. I bring it home and try to unlock it. It doesn't unlock, so I jam a screwdriver into the back.
      I'm at school, outside my lockers again. The watch looks different. It now is shiny, and it glows. I show everyone how it has strange little mechanicals under the glass. I drop the key somewhere and can't find it. I look up to find my teacher, Mr T, passing it to me with a grin on his face.
      I'm in a new building I've never been in before, still with the watch. It now has a large wide-screen on it which has a red button on it to the left. I press it to see what it does. Two people pop up on the screen, kissing. I then realise it's a porno button. "That's odd," I think, and do the nose-plug RC. For a moment, everything is in third person and I'm watching myself do the RC. The first few times my hands slip, but then I get it right, and I become lucid. Although I was lucid, it was a very low level of lucidity.
      I turn around and see a window the size of the wall. The sky is completely blue, and there's a great big beach-city below me. I'm at least 100 floors up. I turn back around and see two people. One dares me to jump off. I say I'll parachute down. I think the dream ended either then and there, or a few moments later just as I jumped.

      Second dream (this was one of those dreams that made no sense whatsoever): I'm in my bedroom. In my cupboard I have lots of board games in a black vertical board game rack. I really loved owning them all. A black tower, the same height and diameter as my board game stack, appears in the middle of my room. I'm concerned that it's going to replace my board games.

      Third dream:I'm in my bed, but I'm in the top bunk instead of the bottom. I become lucid straight away. The first thing I notice is how dark it is (darkness is much more scary in dreams I think). I close my eyes and expect it to be day when I open them. This doesn't work. I try a second time and notice the the wall to my right has a very feint glow, but still there was no real light, so I decide to just leave it there.
      I run out of my room, reminding myself to stay lucid. I run into the front room. My older brother is sitting in the main chair. I manage to say "Hi," before the dream ends.

      Fourth dream: I'm on a computer, sitting next to some guy I don't know. I show him someone's youtube account. I notice that page has 31 dislikes. I didn't know you could even dislike a channel. I find out that I had accidentally gone into my channel. I notice he writes down my username. Embarrassed about him going on my channel, I contemplate deleting it.

      Fifth dream (only a fragment): I see nothing but a page of a book. I know that my eyes are closed. I try to read it, but it eventually gets harder and harder to read. As I read it out loud, I notice that I'm barely paying attention to what I'm reading and won't remember it.
      This may not have been a dream, but me seeing HI in a daze, just after waking up. It was most likely a dream though.

      Sixth dream(also a fragment): I'm at the Year 9 Centre at my school. Some girl walks past with dark green hair. A person tells me how green is now an official hair colour now. What she meant by that was: people can now be born with green hair and have it in there genes. Even though it's different, I like the new colour.

      Seventh dream:I'm in third person, watching two young Asian girls walk around an abandoned dock. The eldest one walks inside the building, which had walls that appeared to be made of a bright wood, and finds a switched-on laptop. She goes further down and discovers two more switched-on laptops. For some reason this gives her the impression that the owners of the laptops must be in danger, and she panics. They both climb the roof and start yelling and waving to a boat in the distance.

      Eighth and final dream: I'm inside... somewhere. Two people are standing next to a narrow tunnel that goes up on a 45ish degree angle. One of them keeps throwing little stones up it. He says it's to distract someone who wants to steal an important orange stone. I remember thinking to myself how, in this strange and big world, police would never know how to deal with this, and these guys are right to deal with the situation themselves.
      I climb the narrow tunnel. At the top is a dark blue ocean at night. There's a lone wooden boat with only one man on it. He looks a little bit like a demon. I get on board and wrestle him into a headlock. One of the guys instructed I drown him. For a moment, he turns into a purple book. He's now in his true form: a young looking man with blond hair, and light-brown body hair. He looks just like one of those half animal half human anime drawings you see all over the internet. I finally get him in a headlock and put my hand over his mouth. I see by the look on his face, he's no longer an evil person, just scared looking. As I have him in the headlock, I can feel all over my body his warmth. It was equivalent to leaning against your partner, only dream-amplified. Straight away I feel connected to him, then I feel sorry for him, as I now have to drown him.
      I pull himself and I overboard. I watch him closely. I can't let him go till I know he's lost conscientiousness. I begin to struggle to hold my breath. I try to distract myself from the need to breath, and then I wake up.

      Eight dreams... New personal record?

      Updated 02-22-2011 at 01:02 PM by 25794

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    2. sister is sick; zombies in mall

      by , 02-21-2011 at 04:41 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a car with my sister. We were out in the driveway of her house, although it feels now like we were also in some kind of dirt parking lot for a fairgrounds. My sister was talking to me about and showing me some kind of pictures of a place that she and some of her children were planning to go to.

      I had to go to some other car to get something for my sister's trip. I went to the other car with my brother-in-law. It was a few rows away in the dirt parking lot.

      The trunk or hatchback of the car was open, and my brother-in-law and I were looking inside. I had my computer opened up in the back of the car. I asked my brother-in-law to look up something on YouTube. It had to do with some pop-culture figure or figures, but it also had something to do with homosexuality.

      My brother-in-law looked the thing up. I was now walking away from the car. I was now worried that somehow my brother-in-law would think I was trying to make some comment on my own sexuality by showing him that YouTube clip. (In waking life, even though I wouldn't say I'm gay, my sexuality is absolutely not normal. But I try to act as normal as possible when I'm in front of my family.)

      I was back to sitting in the car with my sister. My sister now said that she was too sick, after all, to go to the event. For some reason, the whole family was now going, instead of just my sister, brother-in-law, and some of their kids. I was also going. Now only my sister wasn't going.

      I felt bad, like maybe we shouldn't go at all if my sister wasn't going.

      Dream #2

      There may have been some situation where I had to take care of some task for a group of professionals. But I had messed it up somehow.

      Later on, I was running from zombies. The zombies were pale white, with rotting faces. Most of the zombies wore button-up shirts, ties, and slacks.

      I was running from the zombies through big corridors like mall-sized corridors that looked like hallways in a hospital. Everything was white, lit with greenish-white fluorescent light. Occasionally I would find myself in larger rooms.

      Zombies would pop up everywhere and surprise me. They would almost catch me, and then they'd chase me through the corridors. I may also have been shooting some of them with a gun I had.

      Eventually I found some way to jump way high, up to some high-up window. The window was swung open from its top. I floated down through the space. I found myself in some greenish-white-lit place that looked like a mix between a bowling alley and a hospital.

      From all different places, a bunch of normal humans came into the bowling alley. Many of them were carrying guns. Some of them were wearing what I thought of as hunters' outfits -- beige vests and caps, flannel shirts, and khaki-like slacks. Many of the people were wary, on guard, waiting for more zombies to just spring up.

      I was about to go to all the people. I thought I had found a group of people that I could be safe with. But as I approached them, they became suspicious of me, almost violent toward me. It was obvious that I wasn't a zombie, just like it was obvious that they weren't zombies. But they didn't care. They just didn't like me, and they didn't want me around.

      So I walked away from them before even approaching them. I may have started walking down one of the bowling lanes, thinking I'd find a sneaky way to get through the building at the end of the lanes.

      Suddenly I was fighting something, possibly zombies. There were gunshots everywhere. Explosions were blowing up the wood of the bowling lanes. I was turning back and shooting at whatever I was fighting.
    3. Day 3: Melatonin+Vitamin B6= sxephil?

      by , 02-01-2011 at 01:29 PM (A Penrose Mind)
      Blue=Lucid Red=Non-lucid Black=Awake

      Dream log day 3:

      So yeah, apparently melatonin and vitamin b6 aren't necessarily a great combo for achieving lucidity, or sleep. Once again, I only slept for about 2 hours last night, but this is mostly because I think I have a sleeping disorder, I'm getting checked about it soon.

      Anyways, my dreams were actually quite boring last night and didn't last to long, I never left my apartment in my dream! I can't remember exactly where it started and the whole thing is kind of in fragments but I'll put them in what I think is a chronological order (I wont be doing any dream topography since the whole dream occurred in my apartment),

      I'm in my room, and my computer that I usually have on my table is mounted on the door of my closet (which faces me). I seem to be able to access the computer telepathically since I never seem to use a mouse or keyboard.

      I'm looking through iTunes for some reason (I have a mac) and I find a section where it shows me all of my videos in my youtube subscription box(which I find a bit odd at first but take at face value).

      When I try to access a video I find myself outside of my room where the dining table and second computer are.

      The same interface that I was on on the computer in my room is on the computer outside too. I start a video (made by sxephil) and she first thing I see is Phillip de Franco saying:

      "Hey look a hot chick(a picture of a hot chick appears on screen)"

      He goes on about the hot chick for a while and then moves on to the "science" segment. I can't remember exactly what he said, only that science had once again confirmed something that people already knew (like for instance, "Blow jobs may lead to sex!"). At the end of the video Phil goes to bed and faps to the picture of the girl in the beginning of the video, while so in the background you can hear on the radio:

      "In other news, scientists are saying that cancer indeed still a "thing"."

      I find this fragment funny because this is what my subconscious sees as every single sxephil video ever made.

      Afterward I go to the kitchen, on my way there I look into the living room (where we keep the tv) and see that the same interface on the two computers is there too. But once again, I didn't seem to be phased by it.

      In the kitchen for some strange reason I wanted to strain a glass of milk before I drank it, but the second glass I poured the milk into through the stainer had holes in it, so the milk just spilled all over the place.

      I quickly cleaned it up with a paper towel. After that I decided to strain a glass of juice for me instead (it had pulp in it) and I just drank it down.

      I went back to the computer outside and looked at another one of phials videos, this one being a bit odd. When the video starts it takes up my whole vision as if I'm there and I become "immersed" in the story.

      At the beginning phil accidentally kill his roommate by throwing a dodge ball at his face (just roll with it) and instead of saying what really happened in the 911 call he instead claims that he died of a heart attack (just roll with it).

      "Okay." She says.

      And then just hangs up the phone. Afterwards she says to the camera,

      "Yeah, I'm gonna call the police."

      Afterwards instead of sending the police over she meets up with Phil in a city. When they first meet Phill doesn't seem to pleased.

      "I know you're a mole for the police," He says. "and that's not cool."

      "I know that your a liar!" She hisses back at him.

      For a while the exchange the word bullshit pretty angrily.

      "Oh yeah?" She yells. "Well you're not even human!"

      Suddenly, sxephil is a lizard and there both standing in the dessert. What. The. Fuck.

      "Did that really just happen?" I think to myself. Suddenly I'm de-immersed from the story and find myself back in my room, even though when the video started I was at the computer in the dining area. No only that, now my computer is back on the table and not on the closet door, and now I'm using the keyboard and mouse again (which by the way is really hard to use in a dream).

      My dad walks in and I immediately minimize the window with DV and youtube on it(I was supposed to be doing work on my essay),

      "What window is that?" He asks me, even though I minimized it before he walked in.

      My DC (yes I'll be using this term now) dad acts much more like my real dad in this dream. Instead of being understanding, interested, and supportive of me and my new found agenda he strikes it down with an iron fist.

      I quickly reopen and close the window I minimized and erase my history of DV and youtube.

      My DC dad may just be a figment of my imagination but he's not an idiot. He immediately realizes what I did and tells me he's going to cut off my internet.

      Shortly after my alarm clock goes off and I wake up. I wake up at exactly 5:30 a.m., 1st of February.

      Well once again this was a complete failure, lucidity wise and overall dream wise, but then again I first tried obtaining lucidity 2 days ago, I don't expect instant results. I almost lost my dream recall too. I'll be trying a different reality check this time, one I do every time I walk through a door, the "Still being able to breathe while you pinch your nose" one, and really begin to question my reality and weather I'm dreaming or not.

      Edit: I think I woke up with a bloody nose today. When I woke up there was definitely something coming out of my nose but at the time I thought it was just mucus. Later in the day, I found what looked like blood encrusted on my finger nail. I wonder if that means anything. Anyway, no more melatonin+b6 for me anymore.

      Well wish me luck.

      P.s. There are probably spelling errors in this cause I wrote it at six in the morning, but whatever.

      Updated 02-01-2011 at 10:53 PM by 41835

    4. 22 January 2011

      by , 01-25-2011 at 12:57 AM
      *I realize this is late*

      I was on YouTube. I was watching a video that my friend Mina posted. I posted a comment saying "Hey have you seen Kat's (our friend) bra? Apparently she lost it in the lunchroom."
      Tags: bra, kat, mina, youtube
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Secretly Mexican

      by , 01-13-2011 at 08:40 PM
      1/13/11 - Secretly Mexican
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      I was on YouTube, and noticed a video in my subscriptions box. It was made by an old friend that I haven't seen since 7th grade. I clicked the thumbnail, and was confused by the video that opened. There was a bunch of girls running about on some street, and they were all speaking Spanish. I didn't think my friend could speak Spanish, but lo and behold, the camera panned over and showed her, laughing and saying something that I couldn't understand.

      That's all I remember, sorry. ^-^'
    6. Foot message. Red shirts at war. Arsonist.

      by , 09-13-2010 at 09:45 PM (The Midnight Train)
      My Mom takes me to Bobae to have a foot message. She says that it will improve my intelligence. They use the messaging apparatus.
      I drive myself to Khaoyai in Thailand. Dad tells me the directions before I leave. And if I get lost, "ask." And drive up a freeway and turn left. It's a u-turn and I come to a check point. I am worried that I do not have a car license. From there I go to a shop to buy camping supplies and the employee has curly hair and a black top. My brother, P-1 disappears. So I decide not to buy anything.
      Deja vu! The shop scene repeated itself.

      I am at a red shirt (political movement) camp. I see lots of people in red shirts, hanging on the underside of a skytrain track. Someone, maybe a red shirt leader tells me, "don't tell any journalists that."
      "When attacked, all must retreat!"
      I pick up dog plates from outside the house where red shirts are gathering.
      Back to the shop AGAIN! I talk to a girl from the movie 'Big Boy' Thai movie. I smell a magnet in the shape of a cap. I say, "my Dad used to like buying these things."
      I get a phone call, but don't pick up in time. I look. Not P-1 (who is missing). I browse through my iphone apps.

      I burnt down a building. A person was in it. So I buried the person. We go into someone's house to that we think is open to the public. But it's private and the owner tells us. I open a youtube video for the guy who's with me. I open my email instead (autopilot behavior). He reminds me. So I look up a video about ninjas and firecrackers.

      Updated 09-14-2010 at 04:51 PM by 35484

    7. Youtube is EVIL!

      by , 07-31-2010 at 05:33 AM
      I'm sitting on my bed, watching Youtube on my computer. It is pitch black outside, and perfectly silent. Judging by the darkness and the quiet atmosphere, it must be like three in the morning. I am the only one awake. The video I am watching is very disturbing. A man is chopping off his own fingers with a steak knife, one by one. He screams so loud it makes my stomach sick. Strangely, there is an English narrator describing the whole event in detail. “And now,” he says, “the man proceeds to chop of his middle finger. Watch closely as the steak knife severs the finger, revealing the inner layers of muscle, and the bone.” Eventually I can’t take it anymore, and I try to turn my computer off. But for some reason, instead of turning off, the volume just gets louder and louder, until my ears hurt. I turn away from the video and cover my ears, but the man’s screaming still manages to get through. I attempt to drown him out by screaming myself, as loud as I can. Everything goes black.

      Updated 06-17-2011 at 09:52 AM by 34686

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Sushi and playground.

      , 07-09-2010 at 08:59 AM
      There was a part involving Fred and he was makig sushi and I was giving him tips for it. There were also various forum entries for it somewhere.
      I think someone put theirs up on YouTube and I watched it and it was actually pretty good but it had mostly thumbs down and I was suggesting what ingredients they could put in it.

      Hmm in another part I was going to go to some meeting. Don't know what happened.

      And then in another part, I was walking through some playground with heaps of children there, walking towards these hills with someone although I remember not who it was.
      I was talking to them about my shyness and how now I am pretty much over it and I think I went to prove this by climbing up to the top of some playground equipment and drawing attention to myself. I'm not sure what I did.
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