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    1. Nightmares

      by , 05-21-2014 at 09:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with a swarm of large wasps. One landed on my shoulder and I woke up before it could sting me.

      Some story about a man who had been doing Xenon gas because apparently it was like some kind of drug (even though Xenon is supposed to be inert and have no affect on humans) and it caused some kind of reaction in his body that caused his face and body to swell up. Now when I say swell up, I mean like 3x size. I'm going to spare you the graphic description of what this guy actually looked like and just say that I woke up after this one too.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:57 PM by 53527

      Tags: drug, gas, wasps, xenon
      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. Weirdness Rating: Maximum

      by , 05-21-2014 at 08:15 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am looking for movies to put on the DVD player, but can only find dozens of versions of Winnie the Pooh. Some are in packs of 3 discs, some are just 1 disc. Really hard to decide, I go with a 3 pack because I like the feel the cover imagery gives me, and hope it is related to the actual movie. I put the disc in, and start it up.

      Before I can even start to watch the movie, I feel a burning in my crotch. I look down and see a gas stove, literally coming out of me. The burner itself is the dial, and there is a small flame about 1cm sort of like a torch, right in my crotch. I turn the gas off, and the flame stops. Basically behind that major groin tendon on the right side. Close to the nether-region.

      A little surprised by this, I turn the dial again and hear gas flowing out of the metal bit. I turn it to ignite, hear the clicking of an electric ignition, and the flames start up again. I grab a piece of raw chicken and begin to cook it in the open flame. It is taking a while, and I am trying to be careful not to burn my hairs, or my ding dong, but the chicken is actually cooking none the less. The chicken begins to take on a white, cooked color, so I flip it over to cook the other side.

      I start to question whether or not the inside will be fully cooked, and if the gas burner might need to be removed in a few days before I get an infection.
    3. Rell and the princess

      by , 05-21-2014 at 06:53 PM
      I'm a young boy walking into a room which contains a sort of glass bubble, small, like a snowglobe or a paperweight, and through the glass I can see a girl the same age on the other side, who I think of as 'the princess,' a nickname. I'm aware the glass represents a barrier between worlds that we can't cross anymore, we can only meet here in between. The glass bubble now appears to be larger than me, and I walk up to it with my arms held out in front of me, as if I'm holding something like a tray - I'm thinking about bringing the princess something, though visually my hands are empty. I pass through the glass. Inside, it seems to be a little round room, and the princess is sitting at a desk; she sees me and gets up and says "Rell!", which seems to be my name; she sounds happily surprised.
    4. Some little fragments

      by , 05-21-2014 at 05:35 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      .../My wife and kids are queuing up at the stadium/...

      .../It's sort of a Punk concert in front of children under 5 y.o. dressed in colorful clothing. The older one looks like 3 y.o. One of them stage dives and falls really bad. His leg gets stuck close to his head. I'm the only adult there and dressed in black. I want to wear some colored clothing. I notice I'm wearing blue jeans. That's good/...

      .../Underlining words in a newspaper/...
    5. Lions; Work; Walking; Kids; Friend

      , 05-21-2014 at 03:55 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed before 10pm - 7am

      Was drinking water before bed and everytime it woke me up, and remembered a dream every time.

      I'm responsible for something at work together with another person. We are working on it and doing good job.

      DR 2
      I'm babysitting some kids, while their parents go someplace. It's early morning, and I want to take them out to the park to tire them out. Then I'm talking to some relatives of the kids, that are also gonna babysit them. We are outside at some fair, eating hot-dogs.

      I'm walking with group of people. Bus broke down, so we are carrying all our luggage with us. We come to a place, that's abbandoned and stop to rest. My mom with some little girl stay in one room, I sleep on a bed in next room.

      When I wake up, there is a friend of mine. She is very familiar to me, but I don't know who she is. She started showing up few month ago. I never really see her face, and I don't think she is a former classmate, because when I dream with classmates (frequently), I can always tell who they are. All I know is that I'm very close to her.

      I'm watching a female lion with her 2 cubs and 2 darker haired small animals. They almost look like cubs. She is licking them and I'm thinking she is cleaning them. Then she takes one of them by neck and they go to the left side, out of my view. I know whats gonna happen and I hate it. I'm upset, why would someone be showing that. (I happened to catch like 30 seconds of a nature show, with small lion cubs without their mom, surrounded by rest of the pride. They were sniffing and licking them, still undecided whether to accept them to their pride or eat them. I was like wth would they show this on TV. So much violence everywhere. You can't even rely on a nature show anymore to see some cute peacefull things"
    6. I turned into... What?

      by , 05-21-2014 at 03:01 PM
      I was someone else in this dream. But i could see this person as if it were me looking at this girl. She started turning into a monster, more like demon. Long finger with pointy fingernails. Weird scary looking face. I wasn't scared of it though.
    7. Woman burning alive

      by , 05-21-2014 at 02:54 PM
      So I've never seen this woman, but she was tied up underneath a bridge and there was lava underneath this bridge. She was burning to death and was screaming for help. I was on the bank of this lava pool. I couldn't help her.
    8. Just some this and that ..

      by , 05-21-2014 at 01:44 PM
      For keeping count - night before last night was a short but not mini LD - I wrote about it in my DILD workbook.
      Again it was so that early yesterday evening my real life stress took on levels of having to deal with it, and I didn't repeat my hypnosis as planned. A bit it is also so, that I am weirdly afraid of doing it - in order not to find out, I might delude myself on it's effect. Veery stupid. I know.

      There was another interesting episode, though.
      I was told, that at the end of a tram line there would be the second zoo of Hamburg.
      And after giving it some thought I said - yeah - I've been there - and started to describe it and the partly weird animals they have there. In retrospect, it was again so that in-dream, I remembered another dream - several actually - with this zoo.
      And built it into the actual one. By that the whole scenery and context changed - no more Hamburg, but I was where I had dreamt that zoo to be before.

      I am so lazy journalling - I do go for recall upon waking up and either record on I-Phone or just think about it.
      But meanwhile I am on the hunt of this in-dream remembering of another dream as reality.
      It fascinates me.
      So that's what goes in here.

      It's no good, though, because meanwhile most 80 % of what I knew sitting in bed is gone by now.

      But this is still quite clear - was so bizarre: I had a catholic priest seminarist as a beginning boyfriend and went to his lectures with him and got into a discussion with the prof. I think we had to leave then even - for some strange reason, the guy didn't dump me, but wanted to transform theology after what I had said.
      Despite me not believing anything - I would have found out something important. Not exactly proof of god - but something almost equally impressive.
      Forgot what that was supposed to be unfortunately.
    9. To meet one who isn't known.

      by , 05-21-2014 at 03:11 AM
      I walk into a baseball park, walking next to a beautiful huskey, unleashed, that isn't mine, and I didn't know the name of. We walk to the back of the fields, the dog sniffing around and such, then it looked up in the direction of some woodlands behind the fields. A strange black goat, with flesh hanging off in spots, and with no eyes, comes sprinting past out of the woods. It passes us quickly, then collapses at the closest sidewalk to us. There was no blood around the animal, and nothing chasing it. And even stranger, the goat didn't look as if the wounds were inflicted on it. They seemed to be.. a part of it. The husky walks off, paying no attention to the animal. I examine it a little more though. Then in the next instant there is a boy next to me that I didn't know either. I had never seen his face before. He never gave a name, and said nothing at first. After glancing at the carcas, he told me to watch out for something, but I didn't catch what he told me to look out for. It seemed my dream wouldn't let me hear it, because when he repeated it a little more urgently, I still could not understand.
      I called the dog over using a name that I didn't know, and couldn't hear. Like the boy, I couldn't hear or think the name I called out to.
      The dog ran over to me, and just as he neared me, and man in a car pulled up alongside the sidewalk, a rifle in hand. He said nothing as he drove past, only looked at me and the boy, but I got the feeling if pure terror.
      I ran away, with the dog and boy in tow. I called out the boys name, and again could not understand the name I had called, and told him to run faster.

      And that was were it ended. But fast forward four and a half years, I have the same exact dream again. This time, I knew the names of the boy and the dog. I could call them out in the dream. The boy, I met in my second half of freshmen year, highschool, and he turned out to be my boyfriend in my sophomore year, Sam.

      I have yet to tell him of my dreams, and we are still together to this day.

      As for the dog, it turned out to be the boys dog (Sam's dog), Chaga.
      (Pronounced: Cha-Sha)

      The goat and the man are still a mystery to me. As well as what Sam was trying to warn me about. That is still not clear.

      I'm not sure if I should let Sam know about my dream, or not. I have no idea if it has any significance. But when I had the dream, I did not know him then, and had never seen him before. We lived in different states altogether.

      The reason I didn't recognise him from my dream the instant I met him was because somehow I had forgotten about the dream completely until I had it again a few days ago. Then I woke up and remembered everything.

      Is there anything anyone can explain to me? Maybe why I dreamed about someone I met four and a half years later? Or maybe the significance of it if at all?
    10. Wizards, Vampires and Werewolves

      by , 05-21-2014 at 01:50 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Some dream having to do with me and my friend S forgetting our lunches at school. It was painfully boring and I'm not going to go into detail.

      I meet some girl who begins teaching me something about my home town. That there are actually three secret clans. The largest clan is the 'Red' clan is composed of Vampires. Their central hub is a large red mansion near the center of town. About a quarter mile away is the 'Blue' Clan, composed of Werewolves. Their numbers are slightly less than that of the Vampires, but their clan is considered more prestigious. They live in a blue mansion that is slightly smaller. The third 'Yellow' clan is composed of wizards. There are only a few of them and they live in a small yellow cottage on the very edge of town. The girl tells me that If I want to, I can join one of the clans.
      -Time Skip-
      It is about 2 weeks later. I have decided to join the Werewolf clan, and while I have been accepted, I haven't been made into a Werewolf yet. I am however given a moon amulet that is supposed to prepare my magical energies and make my initial transformation into a Werewolf easier. I am with the girl who introduced me to the clans sitting on the side of a grassy hill. There are large mountains covered in trees all around us and it is a cloudy overcast day. Me and the girl admit that we have fallen in love with one another and begin kissing.

      Since when did my dreams become a really crappy rendition of twilgiht?

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:58 PM by 53527
