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    1. Name Spelling

      by , 05-18-2014 at 09:45 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #318 - DILD - Time not recorded

      I don't recall the first part of this dream but I am in my house while my parents are visiting. I randomly look out the window at the sky. I see what if first think of as the daytime moon, but as I focus on it I realize it's all wrong. It looks to have been drawn out with fine wisps of cloud and looks like a representation of Earth. I question reality and instantly know that this is a dream.

      I remember that I had some task in mind involving a DC. (basic TOTM of Jedi mind trick.) I can't seem to remember what it was so I do the first thing I can think of. I float around the living room on what feels like an invisible platform. I enjoy the sensation as I circle around the others in the room. As I do this, I begin to spell everyone's name, my wife, son, and parents. For some reason I am impressed with myself for having the cognitive ability of correctly spelling everyone's name with ease in a lucid dream. I am especially proud when I spell my father's name, Claudey. When I get done with every, I stop and turn putting my hands out like "Tada!". The dream characters seem unimpressed and I wake up without warning.

      I have many other dreams but every time I wake I am too worried about forgetting this lucid to try DEILD or any other induction.
    2. Birth

      by , 05-18-2014 at 09:23 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #317 - DEILD Chain - 5:00AM

      I awaken from a dream where I am at a high school basketball game. I try to find a seat in the bleachers but I see no familiar faces. I feel lonely.

      I DEILD by focusing on relaxing every muscle in my body. The vibrations start quickly and transition just as easy. I focus on seeing my pregnant stomach. It seems to have grown but feels like I am just pooching it out. Its dark in the room but moonlight is filtering through the blinds as it usually does in waking life. As I walk out I see my shadow on the wall. I look really pregnant now. I'm not sure why I leave the bedroom. Maybe its just habit but I want to find a place to give birth.

      The living room is just as dark and the dream seems just slightly unstable. I rub my hands and clap while focusing on what the house looks like in the daytime. This usually works but not this time. I try the light switch several times but it doesn't work either.I see a light coming from my sons room. I am now on my hands and knees feeling the floor for stabilization. I start to go in there but feel the dream slip.

      I'm not sure if I wake or just dream that I am back in my bed but I go through the DEILD processes. I remember the OBEs seems to be more literal so this time I focus on visually entering the dream.
      I think I hear my wife talking and I become irritated that she is waking me up. I say, "Alysha, what the fuck?" I feel like I actually spoke in my sleep and woke myself a little. My wife turns over and mumbles something. I'm not sure if this was dream or waking life.

      I go into DEILD mode anyway and accidentally let my awareness slip a little. Fortunately, I come to full lucidity again when a scene materializes before me.

      I am standing just outside the bedroom. Its still dark but this time the bedroom light is on. I return to bed for the birthing process. My wife is laying awake. I ask for her help as I lay down. I take a second to look for my double. My side is clear and I'm glad.

      My wife gets up and starts cleaning or doing some task. I am focused on my stomach. Its flat again and I have to will myself to look pregnant. Once satisfied, I start pushing but if feels like going to the bathroom. I let out a few dream farts making me wonder about my physical body. This isn't working. I feel my crotch and clothing. I get naked and try to imagine a vagina while pushing. No good. I feel normal down there. Ok its C-Section time.

      I ask my wife to cut me open and she gives me that look that I get when I'm being a dork. I use expectation to get her to cooperate while I focus on my belly again. I begin to use some emotion and think of this a little differently. Unfortunately, sci-fi movies enter my mind. I think of the Shit Weasel from Dreamcatcher and the Chestburster from Alien. My stomach starts churning and I see something with a long slender face pushing out against my flesh. I moan the words, "It's an alien."

      My wife appears with an x-acto knife and begins to make a cut. My skin seems extra tough and the blade catches a bit then flicks off making a gross sound. It reminds me of trying to cut up a whole chicken with a dull knife. I see that even-though she hasn't really cut me, there is a nice scoring on my skin. I push and press trying to open it up but it doesn't work. I tell Alysha that she will have to cut really deep this time. She makes another cut and this time she opens me up.

      I have a open cavity just above my bellybutton about six inches long with very little blood. Inside, I see something like a thick, congealed blood clot to the left and the other side has white-ish looking flesh like a part of my intestine or stomach. I don't see anything else in there and I assume that I will have to go deeper to reach the Alien inside me. I realize this has gone horribly wrong and I wish that I had never attempted this task. This whole experience has become too much for me to handle and I begin to feel really sick and woozy. I want out. My vision begins to fade and I frantically pull myself out of the dream.

      Updated 05-18-2014 at 09:47 PM by 5967

      Tags: totm
    3. Find Your Power

      by , 05-18-2014 at 08:27 PM
      This one happened a while ago. I was on a bus with my friends, a school bus, yellow of course. I don't know where we were heading but I remember Keith, Jane and Eoin (you probably don't know them) and I was showing Keith a song (Monday- Glitch Mob remix, pretty good actually) from Devil May Cry 5.

      Eoin told me he knew the song and was enjoying it with us until the bus split in half. In the middle was a scooter so expectedly, I jumped on and Jane got on after me and we raced downhill until we swerved offroad and hit a bush.

      I flew forward and rolled on the ground. When I looked up I saw Adam and Jane kissing (I liked Jane at this time and Adam is my cousin). I walked away in a sulk as a group of people gathered to see if we're okay and I see a sink like the one from my kitchen and hear whispers coming from it. Curiously, I approach and have the urge submerge my head in the water.

      I then have visions, more like flashes of slowly moving dynamic comic like images of destruction of cities and a three legged robot kind of like something from War of the Worlds.

      The voice, deep and male, told me to find my "powers" before the war. Then mentioned February. I was amazed when I pulled my head out of the water. I continued to tell some more of my friends about my experience at the shop Clever Buys and then the dream faded.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Reputation, assholes, and forgiveness - night of 17/5/14

      by , 05-18-2014 at 05:40 PM
      crash after 400 mg valerian, 100 mg B6, some starchy and fatty food
      got up a few times in the night
      later dreams recalled, jotted down notes, and now fleshing them out. some details may be lost

      Dream 1
      I fall asleep during a school trip on a public bus; I might be back in high school. After waking, everyone is treating me differently and avoiding me. Back at school, everyone being haters. From students to teachers, everybody seems to detest me. I completely forget the reason why I've become so infamous, but it comes to my attention that my close friend at the time JF has been either slandering me or telling certain secrets, which seems to have permeated across the school. One teacher in particular is giving me so much shit and spreading these tales. I feel so much sadness and rage; i feel coloured a rich blue and vibrant crimson. I wake and not much more detail is recalled until

      Dream 2
      one of my friends, RZ, is willing to support me, along with one very supportive teacher. she seems to be a confusion of details from many of my previous teachers; she's lanky, tall, gaunt but comforting, and has wild black hair. I plan a way to redeem myself by destroying that one asshole teacher's reputation by getting her to admit to actively trying to defame me and expose her lack of suitability as a teacher.

      My friends, that teacher, and I are at a house
      which I later determined to be my grandparents' old house where I manage to confront her. Her appearance has shifted to that of the supportive teacher, though different. this may be because I've forgotten her appearance from the previous dream. She admits to being a total twat about other's perception of me, but I also manage to get her admitting to not knowing the definition of some fairly basic words. I just notice then that there are other school staff and administration just outside who have overheard, and I see that supportive teacher from the corner of the house give me a thumbs up. she had my back the whole time In the dream, I feel that justice will now work itself out and I wake

      Dream 3
      I'm eating at a restaurant with 2 of my friends (RZ and 2 others) at a square 4 person table. The restaurant has light blue walls, with a horizontal row of mirrors about chest high lining the walls. We are seated near the entrance, which has a glass door and cashier counter, and the unused seat at our table seems to open towards another 4 person table, at which JF is seated. After a bit of teasingly shunning him, I invite him over as an act of forgiveness. He's eating rice and cheese a snack which I had just heard about earlier that day and we begin to chat about his visits to some temple or something

      Dream ?.?
      This occurred between some of the previous dreams
      I'm walking with a family may be my aunt, her mother, and someone else and we're transferring the mother from something to a motorized wheel chair. Unfortunately we are walking down a hill and once we let go of her chair she speeds down, across the street, and straight into the side of a garage door. this launches her straight out of the crashing person transporter and face first onto the street. Although I was near, I didnt try to run and catch her. I pick her up after and place her back in the chair which had spontaneously reassembled itself

      i feel like there was more but cant recall
    5. telling someone i saw them in a dream ...in a dream

      by , 05-18-2014 at 04:09 PM
      drempt my family and i were were wtching this really fucked up animatino movie about people dying. aftwer word we tried to leave but there were lots of escalators. we made it out in time. also we were sitting with the joker and ithought iwas batman. i said aloud to the family, maybe the joker and batman are the same person .. never know. he agreed. next i went to a c ofe shop and orderd a dubble shot. t arahney made it for me cuz the barrista was busy. i started hanging with tarahney and she told me about how guyts that year ha d kept tring to get at herl.... i laughed . then i went outside and i told her about how she was in a d ream of m ine recently where we wwere going up a roaller coasoter and she truned around to me and saisd "hang on!" i think i made that part up but she was in a dream of mine.later there was a huge dance going on at my scool but iwas inside these lecture rooms wiht a bunch of super heroes l finaly i left and started to dance vut then they started playing shitty music. so i left to the gym and thought where could i get weed. i asked my grandma they saisd not any more. so i just watched my grandpa play golf on a really difficult hole
    6. Saturday, May 17- The Queen of England!

      by , 05-18-2014 at 04:07 PM
      Attachment 7089

      The Queen of England hosted a Frisbee Contest, and I won! The cake all went to my thighs, though...

      Updated 05-20-2014 at 03:08 PM by 66616

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Post Whore-image.jpg  
    7. Genie in a Car

      by , 05-18-2014 at 03:51 PM
      I was in my living room with my younger brother Matthew when I realised that I was dreaming. I didn't stabilize. I thought back to what I'd wanted to do, I was planning on finding a lamp, getting a genie and making my three wishes of course.

      I wanted to get outside so I tried to jump through the living room window but ended up bouncing off it and landing beside my brother. I tried one more time and passded through it without it breaking.

      I walked to the car in the garden and looked inside and got the idea that I could make the genie appear from the car so I rubbed it once, nothing, rubbed it again, and my dad gets out of the car on the other side and walks towards me.

      I say to him,"can I have my three wishes?" and he says "that's not possible now". The dream faded right at this moment.
    8. Again an LD!

      by , 05-18-2014 at 02:34 PM
      Just to keep count - maybe I'll write more later.
      Early morning dream - I walk with a friend up a road and tell her about how wonderful it is to visit her and what a fantastic day - and suddenly I think - yepp - it is a dream - it can get even more wonderful!
      I told her to fly with me and we made a round over the city and decided to land on the roof of a very old cathedral.
      It has stone sculptures and little scenarios as decoration and a huge cupola, we landed on. It's fun to explore the roof. All white marble and the figurines and a bit of blackening at decorative places. Beautiful.
      I am shortly afraid jumping from the roof but only very shortly - I jump and fly but loose optics and wake up then.
      It was at the end of a long dream.
      Shame - the plan was to go down into the church and hold a concert there maybe.
    9. entry 6 +LD!

      by , 05-18-2014 at 02:18 PM
      ill once again start with my first dream
      i woke up in the middle of the night and i never checked when, so i have no clue around what time these happened
      i dont remember much of the dream, but i do remember people from school being there. i also remember being in my house, and it being very dark. the only thing i really remember about my dream is i had this katana, but it wasnt my real one. it had a handle of a regular katana, it was black with white diamonds, and out of the handle was several oriental dragons spiraling around eachother, they were all black and i remember they were shiny and made out of a flexible material (rubber?) and i think they all formed up at the top together holding the blade with their mouth. i remember you could see the defined scales because of the shininess, i felt them. the dragons intertwined and were all tangled. i remembered some of them untangling which was annoying. throughout that dream i kept thinking to myself "didnt i have another regular katana?"

      next one i JUST woke up from,
      i was on the longest (and dirt) road in my neighborhood, it was noon, very BRIGHT, very. someone told me i had to go down this road to meet these things, i had a memory of meeting them before in a previous dream and it was kinda like a reunion, we were all very close apparently. once again i decide to play along with the dream (i had thought of them in my mind, they looked like this (http://media.mmo-champion.com/images...ental_beer.jpg). in that image i thought of in the dream they were all living in this octagon-shaped wooden structure. i remember it had 2 floors but wasnt actually that big, for they were small. but it was still about as big as small 1 story house, but that's height wise. it also had a small bridge connecting another, rectangular part. the rectangular part had one floor, i remember seeing eggs in hay nests and stuff.... back to the other part. i remember walking down the dirt road and we never found it, we passed were it was suppose to be. i became lucid through a nose plug RC and flew allllll the way down the road to my moms house. i think i slip out of it, but at the same time i dont think i did?

      at my moms house its a mix of my aunt's house and her house. we continue looking for the "things" (then the idea of them in my head slowly changes them to birds rather than what they were before...). i go into a room to my right, i look into this bunkbed, its a wooden bunkbed with no mattresses, the top bunk has a blue pillow and the bottom bunk has a blue pillow and a blue mattress, but the pillow isnt on the mattress, its in front of it in the bed. the bed- and room are very very dirty. wrappers, crumbs, unrecognizable things, stains. eugh. mainly on the top bunk, but i got the dirty vibe from this room. a DC (idk who maybe my mom) said "You idiot thats a bunk bed you arent going to find them in there". i move on to the next room, which i dont remember at all except it had a door on the right side of the room from me. i proceeded straight forward rather than to the right to the next room. it had a concrete floor, and i think a window. it had a small TV on crates and surrounded by crates (these kind http://www.milkcratesdirect.com/imag...ar-250x250.jpg) i specifically remember red and maybe black, there are also two water heaters. my mom says "this is chance's rooms." (friend of mine) and i lean over and say "its more like a mini house isnt it?" (i remember messing that sentence up and saying it again). I leave the room and the rest of the house is gone, it goes to this outside view of the 3 rooms i just went through like a 3D model. this guy says hes trying to finish the house and renovate it, I decide to build the roof for him with my lucid powers but he says "thanks, but you might as well not because I'm going to have to take it down when I'm doing the back wall.." so I 'delete' all of it and it disappears.

      We (we as in my grandma and my mom, but my mom stays behind) then leave the house were I think "am I still dreaming? It's SOOO CLEAR" and I plug my nose and I'm either lucid again or I was still lucid all along, (I can't tell!!!!) I remember as I did that I stepped over this wooden (JUST like this, except with only two horizontal beams http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/farm-fence-24052997.jpg). once again it was ULTRA CLEAR like REAL LIFE holy CRAP thats why I had to do a 2nd RC!! we then stepped back out into the dirt road. I wanna say I continued on alone b/c I don't remember my grandma after this, but someone WAS with me. I went down the road and my friend passed us in his truck, and then I came to this booth were people were collaborating. It was almost all kids, and knights. this man comes up and begins talking to me, I can't remember our conversation. I remember the booth was in this yard of a house that is there IRL, and the banner on the booth was white and said something, part of it was rainbow writing. Think it had a big handprint on it. People kept mentioning a medieval battle about to happen, like a reenactment, and a mentally challenged kid waddled and bobbed his head, and he shouted something as well. I felt myself waking up and thought "oh well..." BUT NOT THIS TIME, I DID THAT THREE TIMES I tried to stop it by rubbing my hands, I felt it working but I woke up to my hands rubbing...too late...

      yeah kinda lame LD but I'm starting out and I'm not expecting anything awesome.

      Updated 05-18-2014 at 07:29 PM by 69189

    10. LCACs to Macao; Mexico

      , 05-18-2014 at 01:19 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed 9:45 - 4:50 I fell asleep quite easily, it wasn't as hot as last few days.

      going to the other side have to swim over narrow ocean-river, which is beautiful tropical ocean blue in low tide, but turns into fast current at high tide. So we are going to a news stand to buy a tide-calendar. Friend of mine buys one for dollar. We open it and it's crap. It says all month for the whole year, but the info on many of them is insufficient, as it says "october, november, there will be 2 tides". Some of the month are ok, with detailed times.

      But I don't like it, so I find the person who scammed my friend by selling that to her and I demand my dollar back at no uncertain terms.

      I'm in Mexico with a friend. Restaurant-hopping. Or should I say food shack, street vendor hopping. We are ordering all kinds of food in this outdoor restaurant, while I insist on ordering authentic mexican for me, saying "when in mexico, eat mexican food, when back in US, eat tacos (from TacoBell).

      There are some burritos with camarones (in dream this means shrimp) and I see then neatly curled up, nice an pink, in a burrito. We are already at 2-3 place and ordering some lemonade with our food. When I say "how about beer". So we order beer. I ask what they have, and they have Corona, and 2-3 other kinds. I know one other, but not rest of them. They bring us beer in rather small brown bottles and beer looks like it's dark. I'm glad, coz I love dark beer, but I would have prefered Corona at that moment. So anyway, they bring beer to my friend, but not to me. So I go looking for it and see there is some under some mats and crap on the floor and also that there is a large dog sleeping in there. I find my beer on some nearby shelf.

      I'm in my childhood home. Looking out from my 1.floor bedroom at the ocean that is where my backyard used to be. It's so beautiful, bright blue, tropical ocean. But waves are gathering, in some places is still tropical blue, but waves are turning into dark blue. They are hitting the house and I'm betting, that they will break into the apartment below us. They are reaching bottom of my balcony. I'm standing there with my dad, marveling at the beauty and complexity of the gathering waves. Now a reall big one is coming towards us and I yell at my brother to come and look.

      Now I'm again in Mexico, but with a class. Teachers are managers from my work. I'm still walking around with my friend, visiting restaurants. But I figure we should go to the others. We are all in a huge room. I see that they are blowing up huuuuge inflatable escape boats. There is about 7 of them to fit us all. I see the inside with black, ergonomic chairs with high backs. i'm thinking how fancy, but I also know, they have to look like that for safety on rough sees.

      So we are going to be evacuating, or just traveling on rough sees, that's why the boats. Groups of people get on, boat leaves, and they inflating another one for next group. There is only enough people left for 2 boats, and all the "managers" are still there. I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing to be staying with "managers". We are suppose to go for a trip to Manaus and French Guinea. But I know, that that's on the other side of the world from where we are, so I say "It's got to be Macao, not Manaus"
    11. The newborn

      by , 05-18-2014 at 01:18 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      .../after some activity I cannot remember, I get into a police station in the middle of a road. It has been a long time since I don't see those uniforms and stuff. I take a look around, refreshing my memories. It feels weird. It's daylight and we are walking together with some other people. We are in our old school suits.

      It's a tiny town after the police station. An elderly couple gets out from a house and have some discussion with us. Somebody says something like "You are not going to dream with your mother!" which sounded like an insult to the couple. We decide to go elsewhere. The couple follow us. They seem to be pissed off. We start moving quick to let them behind. There's a river and a small bridge structure. Some of the guys run along the river. I go through the bridge and get to a big house where a lot of my half brothers gathered for some reason. I don't know many of them. It's an heterogeneous mass of people. I understand this place as "the other side".

      There's a stand of electronics next to the house door. Two guys work there. I want to know where can I buy some electronic stuff to work with, I explain because of I couldn't find a proper store in this land. They tell me the name of a market, which real counterpart has nothing to do with electronics. I follow their instructions and get to a known place where I was before. I see a line of students buying some components. Somebody shows me some electronic stuff which looks more fanciful than useful. Now I know where I can find some components and stuff.

      I see a woman getting out from a house walking together with a priest, there's something with some pictures and his insinuation. I follow them, and see them getting into a near door. Then I get under the bridge. I see some stairs and go up when a group of delinquents gets closer. One of the guys shows me a piece of leather with a long nail in the middle. Pretending to slap somebody with it. The other one shows me his hand holding a piece of glass. I kick his hand with a fast movement and the piece of glass cuts his neck, I see a big cut and some blood flowing out from it. He got scared, covers it with the other hand and goes away. The other one follows him with a look of consternation in his eyes. I wonder if I'm in trouble.

      I get out from the bridge and get to the upper side of the big house. I can see the fields from above. It's a nice view when one of my sisters gives birth a baby on the terrace. We help her to hold the baby. It's all covered with blood, we clean it with paper for architectural drawings. Somebody says in the background it's the best way to clean a newborn. The baby can talk like a 3 or 4 y.o. kid. I don't like how it looks doing that, then I argue that it should babble in stead. It smiles in an evil manner which reminds me my little daughter when she pretends to be a witch.

      One of my older sisters says something about their last name. I remember another one and ask about its origin when some aunts tell me to shut up with an aggressive/scared gesture. I understand what was going on all the time I lived with them, and why we didn't get to know much about the other side of the family/...

      * Alarm clock went off.
      * I'm building a more consistent dreamscape map.
      * Some old dreams fragments come to my mind when I think about the market.
    12. Murder and Bathtubs

      by , 05-18-2014 at 12:46 PM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Non-Lucid]
      I was hiding from some people in some sort of hill, it has a semi Minecraft theme.

      2. [Non-Lucid]
      I have a magic wand and I decide to hide it in a block of wood that has a hidden space inside, Now I'm taking a bath (I never take a bath) and I'm slightly worried about the possibility of slipping and drowning, after a few minutes I realize that my step dad is going to cut it in half for whatever reason so now I'm freaking out, my mother appears and I tell her to not let him cut the wood block, she just laughs.

      Now I'm in some random place (Semi Minecraft) so I frantically fly and walk over to this airship, I hurry and grab some random blocks around the area so I can nerdpole up to the airship, so I start nerdpoling and I find I don't have enough blocks so I jump off the nerdpole. Not sure what happened next.

      3. [Non-Lucid]
      Me and a few people are running for our lives away from this crazy murderer with a knife, were running down narrow corridors with many wood and glass doors with a few, everyone but me and this girl are dead, eventually we come face to face with the murderer, I'm behind a glass door watching him and her, I figure this is the end, hes going to murder her in front of me then come after me with nowhere to run...But no...this is not the end after all as he puts his knife to the back of his own neck and slices at it creating very deep cuts.

      4. [Non-Lucid]
      I'm in a very small shop that sells sweets and ice cream, I really want an Ice pop so I look around for one and it appears they have none, damn it.
    13. Sensual Bliss, Enhanced Sense of Touch, Infinite Peace

      by , 05-18-2014 at 11:18 AM
      Morning of May 18, 2014. Sunday.

      In the first section of the dream, I am with my wife and we are outside in some sort of unusual version of the backyard in Cubitis. Oddly, more to the east, is some sort of unusual version of my sister Marilyn’s house. As is often the case, this composite is unique, not having been a (fictional) location in any other dream. I am only semi-lucid at this point. My youngest son is playing in a narrow ditch oriented east-west. It is a warm day. A black male and his wife and younger son (about the same age as my youngest son) fly down and land farther to the east in a helicopter. Although he carries a gun (possibly just for protection), there does not seem to be any threat.

      Meanwhile, I hold my hands up and forward and water emerges with a large amount of force from the palms of my hands and fills the ditch in a short time so that my son can swim in it. Over time, I do unusual tricks with the water; I somehow will the water (with a sequence of hand motions similar to portal rituals) to come up to make a temporary translucent “wall” and enjoy other variations of forms, seeming to have full control of the water molecules. My wife and I enjoy the imagery as I work with shaping the water molecules into various forms, including cylindrical and conical forms that hover in the air for a short time before falling back into the body of water as dispersed drops and with very vivid and clear splashes.

      The other man and his family watch for a time. Later, we are sitting on the porch and enjoying a bit of a “magic show” I do, but it mostly only relates to smaller things, such as restoring torn apart envelopes, and restoring teeth broken off a comb. Once I restore everything in the immediate environment, the family starts to leave in the helicopter. However, at this point, my wife says that the pilot and a couple other males are stealing the barbecue she had bought for a neighbor as a birthday present, so, without them noticing I mentally float the box to about roof level and manage to get it on its way by going a little higher and to the back of our house and beyond, assuming it will reach its destination.

      The first part of the next section starts with me being in the large, fancy bedroom of a seemingly unknown house. My sister and her husband are there. Apparently, my wife has transformed into some sort of in-dream entity and is much younger, a bit thin (but not unattractively so) and with a more powerful, yet more youthful voice and longer hair. My sister seems to know my wife’s family and how she was “adopted” (she was not in real life) and in fact, had taken over her adoption at one point in the past. This may seem strange, but it directly relates to a dream I had before meeting my wife where she moved past the windows of my room and was then having a very long conversation with my sister (when she was still alive) about me (seemingly not knowing I was watching them), which I will write about later.

      I start to feel a change within myself, unlike any I have felt before. It is as if I am the origin of consciousness. There is talk about how people who are “not human” - which implies myself and my wife, have to pretend so much to be of a certain consensus and state of mind for a time to “get along” with humans.

      I hold out my right hand to show my brother-in-law a trick. Being able to create fire, air, water (and in the past, grains of dirt) from the palms of my hands, a typical dream ability for me, I focus and “allow” a large reddish-orange flame to move up and grow in size and then after a “whooshing” sound, it fades. I do this a couple times. My brother-in-law explains that he is actually like me in the sense of not being human, and explains that he has to pretend not to be made of ice (apparently being an “ice elemental”). (In real life his IQ was only around 70 and he could not read or write - but sometimes pretended to and often ended up giving letters to the wrong people and pretended to read a newspaper at times - but he still worked long and hard for many years.) Unfortunately, he sounds even less intelligent (entering that Roger-Miller-like intellectual disability but in baritone) showing his “true” ice elemental form than his human form, which I say nothing about and just sort of go along with it.

      My sister and her husband are going out, and it dawns on me that this means I am the Source. It is my dream alone. The affirmations I have developed this year have incredible power (and I have learned they affect other people), and it looks like the “gate” was finally “opened”. I am in a state of sensual bliss and peace before I even actively indulge in sensual bliss directly. The thought amuses me greatly. Obviously, there is only one thing to do…

      I ask my wife in her present form if she had ever been with a male before and she says “yes” quite passively yet with a discernible degree of assertiveness of experience - which seems quite odd, because the question seems metaphorical and she has only just recently been “born” into the world (and having “instant intelligence” as with the formation of tulpa-based dream character development I had started a few months back). Still, that does not seem to matter. Her name has transformed into “Sharon Rabbit”. I suppose this sounds hilarious because it sounds like a play on “sharing a rabbit”. She has a middle name that I see on an adoption document - and it starts with “C” - but I am not positive of what it is - it looks a bit like “comely” at one point. Sharon Comely Rabbit. Dreams certainly lack more realistic names, do they not? However, I can be certain there really are people called Sharon Rabbit, so ignore my blathering here. (In fact, I had made some sort of remark to my sister about why the surname was “Rabbit” which seemed to relate to having more children than average.)

      We lie down on the bed (and the scene plays out almost as if exactly planned but this dream was not scripted at all), and from there, it is a bit too personal to go into the diverse details. I can make notes on some things. The sense of touch (in fact, all senses) was more vivid and intense than in real life as well as being more “focused”. Her silky flowing hair was like intoxicating perfume, building in layers of bliss (almost like a growing echo upon echo effect in sound until it grows into one roaring peak - which modern digital equipment cannot even begin to handle like the old analogue did), and her voice was so harmonious, flowing, and sensual, it flowed into my body and out again as if my body was like a speaker cone or amplifier (rendering most other human voices I have heard in real life seem dull and annoying in comparison - but I suppose that was the attraction in the first place in reality), very hard to put into words (this seems to have been foreshadowed by the dream where my wife’s skin had “ripples” and “waves” like the ocean). There was such a realistic sense of physical connection and orientation - it is also hard to put into words. Even so, this precise level of size orientation and audio and even location did not reflect anything ever experienced in this manner dream-wise. (Often my dreams have odd distortions in size, by magnification or shrinking - often being that my hands seem magnified and cars seem way too small to be able to get into - in the past, houses were sometimes like this, and there are often changes in distance perception as well.) From here, my wife’s real voice joins with the “vibrations” of the in-dream one and I am instantly awake with no discernible difference in perception.

      I have validated my work fully and now understand how to do it whenever I want - I guess once again, simple “knowing” and the practice of such paid off (over twenty years more intensely working with word patterns and various types of phrasing and focus at various levels). I thought something was different last night, when I was doing “sending affirmations” (for about six hours - the amount of time some people spend passively watching television, unfortunately) in still states and getting more than the usual “feedback”, almost audibly - often, this “feedback” has a few “negative phrases” or “denial responses” that imply duality such as id and ego boundaries - or seemingly telepathic “break-ins” by other people which are really annoying, but this time, there were none at all. This dream was probably the most “stable” I have had to date and not only that, I was fully myself with no distortions of mood or emotion. My true self, I suppose. Full unity.

      Updated 06-16-2015 at 06:46 AM by 1390 (Enhancement)

      lucid , memorable
    14. The Eyes of Lettuce are Upon You

      by , 05-18-2014 at 11:18 AM
      Night of May 18, 2014. Sunday.

      I seem to be in a large kitchen, though not bodily present, that is, I do not seem to possess my illusory dream self’s body. It may be the set of one of those nonsensical reality television cooking shows (none of which we have ever watched).

      I notice more and more heads of lettuce and cabbages on a large table (not a kitchen counter). There seem to be many varieties, of which are mostly green, some leaves having light stripes. I look more closely inside the leaves, mentally willing them to spread (by way of semi-lucidity), and under their leaves, I sometimes see a human eye. This seems to be perfectly natural. I also see a few white plates and large knives.

      Dreams are known to be autosymbolic of the sleeping, dreaming, and waking processes of RAS mediation. Therefore, I can easily determine that this is an incidental playful association with “heads” of lettuce as a secondary factor of subliminal incidental focus on REM sleep (REM meaning Rapid Eye Movement, though the singular lettuce eyes were not moving rapidly due to the lack of temporality in the dream state).

      Tags: eyes, kitchen, lettuce
    15. Disappearing Tetrahedron

      by , 05-18-2014 at 08:49 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Crossing some train tracks with my friend. He wants to wait for the bridge to come our way. A moving bridge slides along the length of the platform and spins in circles as it moves. I don't want to wait, so I climb down, cross the tracks, and climb back up the other side. He stopped in the middle of the tracks, and waves me to come back down there.

      There's no trains, so I go back, and stand with a group of people in the middle, awaiting travel information. My teacher has already left for England, and a couple people are calling out names and travel information - dates and times, together with transfers. Uninterested, I walk over to my house. Ryan is inside, and very upset. He tells me he was followed in depth by people every time he used tobacco, that it made him easier to track. Nevertheless, he tells me he has managed to collect all the Lamrim teachings. They were almost lost to him. I have a complete collection of all three sets of teachings, hidden in socks for safe keeping, and offer these to him. He doesn't appreciate their value.

      Both of us then turn into phenomena sources, and begin to slowly disappear into emptiness. He comments on how I didn't share my food earlier, but now I must give it all away anyways, and can't even eat the bags the food came in. I somehow eat the food surrounding my tetrahedron to reduce the clutter, but stop at the large pile of almonds. There are just too many to eat.

      I begin to feel a little fear about slowly disappearing, and little details of my phenomena source vanish bit by bit. It seems like a good idea to just go for it, so I commit to seeing this dissolution through to its completion, irregardless of any fear.
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