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    1. Jan/22/2017

      by , 01-22-2017 at 07:02 PM

      Updated 10-17-2017 at 12:26 AM by 92153

    2. Dream Journaling about IOSDP - Martian Redblood

      by , 01-22-2017 at 06:41 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      Jan 22, 2017

      Notes: Dreamed I was deam journaling about IOSDP members, dreamed of Mars
      Total sleep: 8-9 hours
      Techniques: meditation, focus on ardem glade as I fell asleep
      Fell Asleep: 2 am ish (late!)

      Dream Journaling IOSDP
      I get up from bed excited to dream journal about my experience. Apparently I had just dreamed with Windy and she was giving me dream lessons. Now, I don't actually remember that experience, just that I'm happy to dream journal about it. But as I open my dream journal, I notice that Windy wasn't the only member I just met. Apparently I had an entry that was about meeting Katsuno and Sensei they were also giving me dream related lessons. There were also other members in this dreamtime class, but I cant remember specifically who. I just kept rereading the dream journal entry to see if it would jog my memory.

      Afterwards I got up and ate breakfast, peanut butter puff cereal that turned invisible when I poured my almond milk on them.

      Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness) 7?
      Awareness: non lucid
      Length: 25 minutes
      Emotions: Excitement, curiousity, hunger
      Dream Signs: IOSDP, dream journal
      Awake: 8 am-ish and into the next dream

      Martian Redblood
      I'm one of the last remaining martians. Were indigenous to this planet, we look human enough, and most martians have left this dead world to live on earth instead. I'm of the Red Blood family line. Most of the Blue Bloods have interbred with humans. I'm walking around a ruined building remniscing younger times, when this community was more lively. And apparently I'm a warrior son....

      I'm by a building that from a distance you would think its just a rocky hill. The top is flat and for ceremonial purposes. But there's so staircase or anything to get up there. Then I remembered what my father taught me, its a test of athleticism to get up there. Its "staircase" is actually this strange material that's spiraling around the building going to the top. If you stand to long on it it'll fall down, so you have to run and jump your way up there. At first I thought, this makes no sense. But then I remembered mars has a different gravity, and that it is possible to perfectly balance on this weird thin material.

      I get to the top! Nothing happened. I dunno what I was expecting. A sign? I'm as lost as I was before. I think i was hoping my father would appear if I did this, but he abondoned mars a long time ago.

      Im hungry, so I go back to the village ruins. I find my little brother and snap at him to give me food. He tosses a pill packet. I recognize these pills as food my father prepared years ago. The pill is a dried mud with a preserved insect inside. I take a bite, the muddy texture isn't pleasant. The insect was still so warm and gooey, its so fresh I think that maybe its still alive. I double check to make sure, as this insect has a stinger. Its still dead. I eat the insect without the muddy casing. Warm, gooey, crunch, with a strange raspberry after flavor. It wasn't bad, can't believe I just ate that.

      On the horizon I notice a beautiful white building that looks brand new - its a spaceship! I go see our visitors. They're blue bloods and they've brought a lot of supplies with them. I remember we were talking about something, probably whether or not red bloods should abondon mars too

      Vividness: 7
      Awareness: non lucid, dream ego
      length: 30 mins
      emotions: loss, searching, hunger, irrate
      dream signs: alien planet?
      awake: 8:50 ish
    3. 22-Jan-2017 - ND: Office + WILD: Legionnaire, Office, ...

      by , 01-22-2017 at 06:20 PM
      22-Jan-2017 - ND: Office + WILD: Legionnaire, Office, ...

      ND: (est. ~6 AM)
      At the office, I am talking with C about a colleague, L who supposedly has worked with him ((!) I think this has never been the case)
      Decent length and recall, but fairly boring

      Wake up 7AM, attempt WILD, success

      WILD: (7 AM)
      I conjure a Roman army scenario. I am in a big tent, wearing my armor, nicely decorated with a lion head in the chest. A squire is helping me. I decide I am not the commander, but not a basic legionnaire, either, rather something in the middle like centurion.
      I check my gladium, too. I also tell the squire that he'll have to carry more pilae (javelins) to me if needed
      I am in formation, to my left and right for an insane length, soldiers in red, all having shield.
      We are in a plain, in front of us a low hill. Our commander descends from there, mounting a horse.
      It seems the talking didn't gone well, we are going to fight.
      An interruption, like a day has passed, but we are in the same formation.
      On top of the hill, a sea of half-naked barbarians, wielding war axes, some have their faces painted
      Before we can do anything, they suddenly run down the hill, hitting us heavily. I fall to the ground.
      I see axes slashing, swords hitting. I get up and get my hands dirty, killing enemies, avoiding hits, helping comrades.

      Slowly, we regain our formation and close our ranks. At this point, the enemy slowly retreats.
      I shout to hit them with pilaes now. Many enemies fall down. We push slowly forward.
      I fear it could be an ambush tactic.

      Left wing starts moving forward faster than us, climbing the hill. That's good, they will surround the enemy in case they come back to hit us.
      However, this does not happen. We move forward and hit the enemy again, which begins a real rout. We kill many, but I order to save lifes of surrenderers.

      I sense it's time to use some dream power. I want to take their leader. I get shielded by my men and transform into an eagle. I fly up, looking for the enemy's general tent.

      I am not able to find it, as scenery suddenly changes. I am in the office, through the corridor, moving towards the window. I am surprised by this. Attempts to summon the previous dream scene do not work properly, so I stay here.
      I pass through the window, then walk on thin air, then return inside. I think about the 3-step task.

      I decide to freeze time. Not so much happening around me, so I have to move around to check results.
      First place I think about is toilet, I enter it, find a guy with his arse mid-air, the water flowing in the toilet stopped in a circular motion. LOL.
      I think I should have gone to women's toilet instead. Go there, and find a perfectly similar scene, however, the almost naked person is a female now, which makes the scene nicer
      I exit and use a sort of "fast-motion" to quickly reach main meeting room. It's full of people, some colleagues, I recognize, stopped in various poses. Cool.

      I change the room's gravity, and everyone floats up, including me, still frozen in their position, mostly sitting.
      I "mentally bump" the people, and now they move around the room, in a rotating fashion. I also hit some of them with my hands, to make them bump each other.
      I am eaing a blue peanut M&Ms, tasting it and feeling it under my teeth (rare occurence)
      In another fragment, I am eating a spoon of soup. Looking at the spoon, I can see how it mixes with the oil.
      More forgotten fragments
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Climbing High

      by , 01-22-2017 at 05:57 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #502 - DILD? - between 4AM and 8AM

      I woke up with a headache around 4 and take two Excedrin so I have have inadvertently use a lucid dreaming supplement due to the small amount of caffeine. Either way, I almost forgot this dream and the memory of it isn't as clear or as vivid and I would like from and LD. Still, I'm glad for it.

      Something triggers lucidity My old friend caffeine?. I do a quick nose plug and remember my goal to climb buildings and clffsides like the two video games I have been playing occasionally these last few weeks. (Shadow of Mordor and Uncharted 4) I look around and see some ruins similar to SOM and I start climbing. I get to one ledge and want to try to leap to another. As I leap I feel like I am pressing L1 on the PS4 controller but I don't let it bother me. I pull myself up to the top and think I'd like it to be more medieval looking but it all turns really cartoony and looks more like a texture pack from Minecraft. I become really wide-eyed and try to take in all the visual details. I don't fuss with getting the looks down too much and continue to climb, loving the ease of it all. I reach the top and I am really high up now. I look over the edge (I don't recall what I saw there) and take a leap. I end up flapping around clumsily in the void for a moment and get fooled by FA. I remember thinking there was a gap in my lucidity so it felt like two lucid dreams, but I'm not sure that is true.
    5. 1/22/17-Create Love in the World with Energy

      by , 01-22-2017 at 01:44 PM
      I was sitting on a rock at the top of a cliff looking over a city that had a river running near it. It wasn't familiar to me. I was enjoying the view and just enjoying the peacefulness. Suddenly this feeling of doom was looming over me as the thought of how this world seems so angry and frustrated. It felt very dark and scary. Then this huge black storm was rolling in and heading toward the city. It was like a big black wall that never seemed to end. I could see lightning bolts throughout it, like it was angry. I decided to play around a little bit and thought it would be fun to remove the storm, then I thought that won't make the world a better place because it is just over this city. I need to send love to the world. All I could figure was to start with my little energy ball lol. Normally it is at the size of a basketball at it's largest. I know I need this energy to be on a huge scale. I try with everything within me to create an energy of love and compassion. I get up and I start to do my energy dance and moving my arms in and out and do my thing lol. (glad nobody was watching me). I see my energy ball appear but it is so tiny like the size of a golf ball. I continue giving it all that I have and concentrating hard, and I get this feeling of power in me, I can feel it growing rapidly and I look and the ball has engulfed me now, I am a part of it. I keep going when the sun starts to shine in a circle between the clouds and suddenly I see this bolt of lightning hit my energy ball and now the ball seems to cover the horizon. Boom I hear a sound like a sonic boom as it bursts. I could feel my hair blow back as if it turned to wind. I stood there and the clouds were still over the city but I was impressed by my energy ball :-) and had a little hope maybe that love and compassion would find someone out there.
    6. [22-01-2017: 9th competition night

      by , 01-22-2017 at 11:16 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I saw some underground cavern with small, blue glowing crystals. There was a whole society of intelligent chinchilas. They have gathered in the middle of the cavern. Chinchilla elder had some sack with glowing crystals, all of them were arguing until he made them quiet and said about prophecised end of the world. Suddenly water started gathering in the cavern. I turned into that elder chincilla with crystals. Everyone was escaping, but I decided that it would be for the better if I dive deeper and drown.

      Suddenly I found myself in my home, barricaded. Looking through windows I saw legions of zombies smashing everything on their way and going towards my house. I tried to move from bathroom to kitchen, but there were two zombies in the hallway. I ran past them, but doors to kitchen were barricaded too. Suddenly my sister with grandma opened them and helped me close them so zombies won't get us.
    7. Just had first Lucid Dream!

      by , 01-22-2017 at 11:06 AM
      Saturday January 21, 2017 0110

      I was riding in the back of a long car like a station wagon with several rows of seats. There were a lot of male passengers in the car and we were all jammed in tight trying to get comfortable and get some rest. I remember being concerned about my wallet because we were jammed in so tightly. I looked out the front window. We were driving through some big city. I noticed two children riding on extra tall pogo sticks off to the right on the sidewalk. I thought, “If I’m dreaming then I should be able to affect those pogo sticks. Instantly, one of the pogo sticks bended like it was made of rubber and then snapped back to being straight again. This excited me! I thought, “I’m dreaming!” Then I thought, “If I’m really dreaming then I should be able to just fly out of this car.” I shot right through the windshield and flew up to about 30 feet above the car. I looked down at the car and the men were looking at me with amazed expressions. I willed the car to bounce up and down a couple feet off the ground just for fun. Then I flew around a little bit shouting, “I’m lucid! I’m lucid!” Then I thought. Maybe I should wake myself up immediately so that I have a better chance of remembering the dream. I landed on the ground on a wider section of sidewalk, sort of a walking mall area with benches. I thought, “I should try to do something fun. I thought that it would be fun to try to have sex. But there was no privacy in this busy city. I looked around and saw an attractive, tanned, red haired woman sitting on a bench and I approached her. There was a muscular man sitting next to her and he seemed like he was her boyfriend. He looked at me like, “Who are you and why are you approaching my girlfriend.” Since I knew this was a dream, I just looked at him and said, “You’re not going to do anything.” And I turned my attention back to the woman. She smiled and said something like, “No, he won’t.” She was wearing a leather top with no sides to it, just a hole for her head and a flap covering the front and back. I sat next to her and put my left arm around her under the front flap and sort of hugged her. But then I felt like I was sure to forget the lucid dream if I did not wake myself up immediately and I woke up in my bed.
    8. Flashbacks with a million meanings

      by , 01-22-2017 at 06:45 AM
      I'm inside a mall and I'm seeing Ein. He's getting outside a store and now he's walking on the escalator. I'm seeing a tall guy wearing an Americana which I perceived to be me in 3rd pov.
      Now I'm walking and I realized that I was just falling asleep a while ago. I did a nose plug RC and got lucid. It was hard to control the dream but I remembered to dream spin. I'm now dream spinning. After 3 seconds,it's getting harder to spin. I'm seeing now a kind of distorting picture of what I am seeing. The color is yellowish. I'm now underwater and I'm seeing shadows. When I got up,I'm seeing my classmates in my last school and I think it was years ago. All of this made me think of what my mind was trying to tell me. The scene was very vivid. I'm not sure but I think I was back st the water and when I barely got up I shouted "Show me Marika!" The dream did not respond that well. I'm coming out and when I stepped my foot,I felt that it was soft and sticky. Everything was bright by the way. I made my way and ran into this two people. The woman from the left introduced herself. With their reaction,they knew I was looking for Marika. The one from the right,which was a fat hideous lady introduced herself. "My name is Mari.." I shot her before she could even say it. I was filled with anger by this. She's holding her head and she's getting mad. Before she could attack me,I used the expectation effect and shot her with my finger. The gun sign. She's falling heavily on the ground. It looks like she's dead. The other woman dared to attack me but I'm warning her. "I am the one with the power of expectation." She got mad and she slammed the huge round steal door. I'm stepping back and forming a ball of fire. I'm shouting a mantra while doing it but it was not so effective. I am now summoning my green lantern ring to surely use my powers. I said ring on and ready to fight as she got out. I did not see a ring on my hand though. Suddenly everything turns 3 point of view and I'm at the left. Everything gets distorted in a bright yellowish color. I slowly woke up..
    9. Ice Surfing

      by , 01-22-2017 at 05:15 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      01/21/2017 WILD I had a lot of trouble being motivated to do a formal WILD with all the tricks. I tried normal wbtb WILDs and by morning had 3 fails. Wonderful H.I. like being a rainbow energy angel flying through a tunnel. They honestly were H.I. more than a true dream. Final attempt I decided to do all the stuff in my formal routine and finally hit one. I was suddenly standing in a park down town in a city with tall buildings. My goal: Fly out into space and then into a black hole. I took off flying like Superman. Bam, I go from ground to sky scraper top in a flat second. Now my control failed me a bit. Up, up and away, out into space. No, the scenery just keeps adding in taller sky scrapers. Eventually I stop and look around. I am not that high off the ground, perhaps 400'. Time for new tactics. I will teleport out into space and then fly from there. I tell myself that there is a space station up there, and it has a subway restaurant on the promenade. I picture being in front of that subway on the space station. The visuals shift and I am over the antarctic ocean. There are icebergs and huge cartoon penguin. I decide to earn some quick points. I summon a surfboard made of ice. I fly down to it very very fast and hit the board with my feet. I shoot off across the ocean on basically a jet powered ice surfboard. I decide to do some elemental control. I look back knowing a huge wave will be shooting off the wake of the board. There it is, a beautiful spray of sea water. I decide to freeze it. The wave stops moving and turns white. I decide I am not impressed, and focus more on it. It turns into a beautiful ice wave complete with the shine and wet look. Time to teleport out to the Space Station. Visuals blur and reform. I am in front of a subway restaurant in what looks like a very modern shiny city. Cars are going by. I refuse to accept this is not the space station. I know that if I cross the street and look over that guard rail I will see space. I cross the street. Dream becomes unstable and I try to save it. No, I am largely awake now. I have slept too many hours to sleep more.
    10. The justice of the sword and the yellow wii

      by , 01-22-2017 at 02:22 AM
      I'm currently with someone finding guy named that holds the sword that we need to defeat the enemy. We're able to meet him in a classic ship like plates that pirates use. He gives us this brown sword. It is said to be very strong! Our goal was to kill and defeat a very strong enemy and his force. Now I find myself in a 3rd point of view watching Izayoi slay the flying creatures. I almost can't believe it because the enemy's very strong and he only hit them once. Now I suddenly took control of Izayoi and I'm the one slashing the creatures. From what I know, we were successful.

      Now I find myself in a room. Maybe this was my current room. It slightly resembles it. I foun my white wii and what surprise me was yellow wii. I presume that all my items in province have been put here. I thought a yellow wii was what was missing an it turned out it was found. Yes! Almost everything I'm seeing are things that gone missing from when I was younger. This yelllow Nintendo wii has my nintendo gamecube memory inserted in it and another memory. I dont' remember having another memory but I thought it might be a lost one. There's also controllers here. Lots of 'em. I'm going to the front and I saw my white wii an it has the my controller which my friend gave me. It's weird cause I don't remember having this much controllers...
    11. Thieves for music and son of OD

      by , 01-22-2017 at 01:59 AM
      I'm inside chapel's office like place. I'm with EJ. We're seeing money in front of us in a popcorn like movie case. It's opened. We're hearing a good music so we decided to make one ourselves. How to do it? Well we'll steal the money. EJ's a bit hesitant to get the 1k because it might attract attention since it's big money. I think he gave me the 100 pesos. While this is happening, I noticed that a nun or two came in and was looking at us. I wanted to get out of here so I did some funny dancing motions. I'm standing up and doing some weir motions which the nuns found amusing. I stepped forward and continued the cycle til I got out. I'm now outside but I'm just standing near an establishment. Now I find myself meeting up with a classmate and the OD. The girl ismy current classmate and she's in her usual smiling expression. They got down the tricycle when I met them. Now I find myself with the tricycle with them. I noticed that we're in Dambana when I got out. When they went away with the tricycle,it made me think. She's my sister and the OD's my father?
    12. A man walking on a pool - non-lucid Spellbee's Splendid Comp Night #9, 2017 DJ #18

      by , 01-21-2017 at 11:33 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      Fragment about fighting a man in a world with no shading and no colour, only outlines


      I am sitting outside a large blue pool. Julius Caesar is also sitting outside the pool. A man jumps on the pool, and walks on it! I warn him he may be locked up, but he continues. Eventually, I take his arm and run with him to escape.
    13. January basic ii TOTM fail

      by , 01-21-2017 at 11:31 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I woke up and I could see my room through my closed eyelids. I got up and tried to jump through the floor into a void, but my body felt heavy and I was only able to jump halfway through the floor. A dog I live with, a Chihuahua mix, came into the room and dragged me out of the floor. I asked her to give me a massage and she asked me what that was. I said it was where rubbed my body to relax me. The dog took three long strokes with her head against my stomach and I woke up.
    14. 1/21/17-Forest with a Space Portal

      by , 01-21-2017 at 10:40 PM
      I was jogging down a path through a forest and listening to the birds and listening to the leaves and sticks crunch beneath my feet. The sun was shining bright and as I was running it reminded me of a strobe light because the sun was flashing through the thick trees. I felt such a sense of freedom. Then up ahead on a very wide path that reminded me of the tank trails near where I grew up and I saw a strange cylinder shaped dark spot that appeared to have stars inside it. Best I can describe is that it was a portal that connected to space but it actually was space inside the cylinder shape. I walked around it very aware. Curious to what this was. I put my hand inside and it was very cool and damp. I decided to step inside and as I put one foot in I felt nothing unusual but as I completely got my body inside it immediately pulled me up. I was not flying, it was more like I was in a huge glass tube elevator that was dark inside and I could see light outside. It was extremely fast and it is exactly as you can imagine if you were taking an elevator to space. You see the tops of the trees, the landscape, the aerial and then darkness of space with earth below. I was not flying but being sucked up then I was floating in deep space outside of the tube. Just a sense of peacefulness.
    15. Bathroom wizard / Dog talk / Maze / School clothing / ESR's blog / At church

      by , 01-21-2017 at 10:07 PM
      Bathroom wizard
      A guy is in a bathroom. A second guy enters and places a "magical chain" around the door. Smoke fills the bathroom, and an image of a "creator wizard" appears. The first guy is a fighter, and he gets ready to defend himself. The second guy is a thinker, and he reassures his brother that he's just there to talk. The wizard reminds them that the spell will end if either of them is injured. The brothers start to argue between themselves about what to do.

      Dog talk
      Two dogs (we'll call them A and B) enter a pet store. Dog C greets them and informs them that "the master" says they need to feed the fish; it used to be C's job, but he has a new assignment now. C asks A if A remembers him, and A says he doesn't. C says that he fed A a few years ago when A's master was on vacation, and A still says he doesn't remember C. C goes into an in-depth description of his old disguise, and A recognizes him. C admits that he wanted so badly to escape that he actually put A into a shelter for a couple of nights, and he's glad the master never found it. Getting back to discussing the fish, C tells them there's no written schedule (then asks as an aside if A & B's master writes out schedules), but it's very important not to over- or under-feed the fish, since it'll kill them.

      I'm wandering a maze-like place with someone else. We're looking for the guy who runs the maze. He keeps popping in and out, but we're never able to get to him. He's mastered both time and space, so the maze is nothing to him - in fact, he doesn't even realize it is a maze. We give up looking for him and try to find his assistant. We finally catch sight of him on a balcony, but it's going to be hard to get to him.

      School clothing
      It's school morning, and I'm helping out my wife by making sure that my kids find their outfits (and don't end up trying to wear each others' clothing). I'm in the entryway to the house, and two of my kids bring their clothes for inspection. I check over them, talking to the kids as I do so, and they look OK.

      ESR's blog
      I'm watching a video of ESR reading comments from his blog. He actually reads mine, so I'm pretty excited, especially since I've tried many times to get his attention but haven't ever managed before. However, I'm surprised by the name he reads off of my post, something like "NazraxWithLargeFamily." I can't believe I left out the bit about the beacons.

      At church
      I'm sitting in church in our usual spot. The service is starting, but none of our kids are here. AG starts to offer a prayer request, and our kids start to trickle in. Our pastor (who's standing in the back-left corner instead of centered as he should be) keeps telling them to walk down the side aisles instead of the center, but some of them forget and come down the center anyway. Bob B, sitting in front of me, turns around and asks me to repeat AG's request, since the kids distracted him; unfortunately, they distracted me too, so I don't remember much either, other than that it had something to do with sickness.

      Now the wall at the front-right reveals itself to be two huge doors. They swing open and reveal a giant (wall-sized) landscape puzzle hanging behind a giant (wall-sized) grandfather clock. The clock starts to ring half-past, but it goes on a lot longer than I expect it to. The hammer starts to miss the bell and instead repeatedly hits the puzzle behind. After a few strikes, the puzzle falls apart.

      Now the service is over and I'm talking to our pastor. I offer him suggestions, something about boom mics.

      Noisy horse-men.

      While driving along a road, I see something made from stone and know that it came from across the street; it's a parking lot now, but it used to be a quarry.

      I'm walking in a large house.
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