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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. 10th Lucid Dream

      by , 02-24-2013 at 01:56 AM
      February 23, 2013 - 6 hours in - 3 minutes - WBTB, SSILD, MILD, FA, RC

      Woke via alarm after 3.5 hours and did about 6 SSILD cycles of gradually increasing length, doing the cycles the same every 1.5 hours after that. Afterward I fell asleep to a mantra of "1, I'm dreaming, 2, I'm dreaming, 3..." while trying to visualize each digit. The mantra only was done on other natural awakenings.

      I wake up in bed. I plug my nose to see if I can breathe, but at first I can't tell. I try a little more and it seems like some air is getting through, so I try harder and I can definitely breathe. This is in fact a dream, only problem, there is no vision. I don't open my eyes right away so I don't open my real eyes and wake up. Somehow I eventually see, perhaps by opening my eyes slowly, and it is rather light in my bedroom. (This time, in reality, it is actually pretty dark.) I can feel the sheet on my body. I reach for my cellphone, to do some experiments which I had been hoping to try. The phone is pushed up against the headboard by a pillow, and grab it carefully so it doesn't fall down behind the bed. I pinch its (hard in reality) plastic skin somehow and hold the phone in my hand while I periodically rub my left hand on my wrist to stabilize.

      I turn it on and the background looks normal, but the two rows of apps are made of random colorful icons and names I have never seen. I look for one called "Gallery" and tap it. Like reality, there are three categories of pictures, but they have the names "MILK," "GREEN ONIONS," and something else along those lines. One of them shows a picture of a cartoon milk carton. I think I tap on one but forget what is in it.

      Then I go back to the home screen and look for an app called "Maps." I tap it, but it displays something like a game intro screen with a cartoon guy in a green shirt in a cartoon city. There is a message that pops up that I think had to do with setting it up. I give up on this and go back to the home screen, and I want to activate the Siri-like voice assistant, but before I can do that, the phone displays an error message with technical jargon and turns off.

      I think at this point lucidity also disappeared. Then I think outside the window some people I know are wanting me to come outside, so I tell them I'll be out soon. I wake up shortly after this.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. 9th Lucid Dream

      by , 02-24-2013 at 01:52 AM
      February 22, 2013 - 8.5 hours in - 30 seconds - WBTB, SSILD, MILD

      Woke via alarm after 3.5 hours and did about 6 SSILD cycles of gradually increasing length, doing the cycles the same every 1.5 hours after that. Afterward I fell asleep to a mantra of "1, I'm dreaming, 2, I'm dreaming, 3..." while trying to visualize each digit. The mantra only was done on other natural awakenings.

      Me and a friend are driving at night down a street with a traffic light ahead and I see a kid in a white jacket with hood who looks like he is running away from home. I suggest letting someone know about this, but then I notice 3 or 4 duplicates of this kid walking at regular intervals down the road away from us. I get out and see the kid is actually looking backward somehow, with a blank, lifeless expression.

      I find this creepy, but also then realize that this is all a dream. I plug my nose and breathe, then I run up to the next kid, who has the same expression. This creeps me out again, ending this dream scene and putting me in my dark bedroom in a false awakening.

      I plug my nose and know it is still a dream. I can see the low light from the window. I don't like how it is still dark, so I shout "Light!" but it does nothing. I try to reach over for my phone to try stuff on it, but the dream ends and I feel my right hand making a plugging motion, not on my nose, but on a pillow. I open my eyes and see that it is dark only because my head is under the blanket. I have woken up for real.
      lucid , false awakening
    3. 6th Lucid Dream

      by , 02-24-2013 at 01:36 AM
      February 11, 2013 - 9 hours in - 5 minutes - WBTB, SSILD, FA

      I wake up after 5 hours via alarm and do the full set of SSILD cycles, then I wake up earlier than the alarm, every 20 to 90 minutes, doing a few cycles each time as I fall asleep.

      I am in a preexisting dream that I find extremely undesirable, although I don't remember being scared per se.

      I realize on some level that it is not real, possibly because of the emotional reaction involved. I blink rapidly and shout, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

      I am laying in bed in my dark bedroom. (In reality at this time it should be rather bright.) I plug my nose and amazingly, I can breathe. Somehow this false awakening ends into another, with the same action performed by me. I get up out of bed quickly and try to feel the wall, and I feel my closet door and then the wall, and then I feel the light switch. It is already up, and I flip it down and there is still no light. I open the door and run down to another part of the house.

      J. is here and in front of her I plug my nose and breathe deeply. I say that is physically impossible and ask her how I did that. She says something like, "It only sounds like you did that." Then I look at my hand and start counting fingers out loud - "one, two, three" - but then I realize my hand actually looks normal. So I give up on showing her my hand and leave.

      Now it is light everywhere, sort of blue-ish. I explore the house at this point. Unlike the last lucid dream, this time I realize a lot of it looks different from reality, but I don't recall most specifics. I am able to run from place to place, which I do a lot since it is tireless and fast. I go in the basement and am surprised the door is open. Downstairs the walls and ceiling are finished, with them and the floor all having paint like the upstairs walls. The ceiling is mostly flat but slopes downward slightly near the long sides. The overall shape of the basement looks like reality. On the floor I see a black dead centipede broken in a few pieces that is about twice the size of reality. This make me apprehensive of what I might find down there, like spiders, but it looks clear and I proceed with the stairway to my left. On the right wall, some dirty insulation is strewn on the floor, with dirty water on the floor there. I look at my hands (this time there are extra fingers) and shout "Clarity now!" but this only seems to make everything blur temporarily, each time I tried it.

      Back upstairs, I see a white bookshelf with some of my books on it. I take one and start reading randomly. It talks about vaccines (which this particular book very well may have), in detailed technical jargon that I try to comprehend without focusing too much, but cannot. I glance at the rest of the pages open and various medical treatments are mentioned, with each one named in small caps. The book, font, and paper are very realistic.

      Next, my idea is to get my car keys and drive away.

      It seems at this point my bedroom and the dining room are arranged in the manner of the old house, but I don't notice this in the dream. In the dining room, I see the loop the keys are on hanging on a horizontal door handle. They look fake to me, but I figure they'll work anyway, so I try to take them. However, the door handle is attached on both ends, so it is impossible to get the keys off. I give up on these and head towards my closet in the other room (which is like the closet of the new house but in the position in the room of the old). I evidently feel the dream fading, as I plug my nose and breathe to try to keep it going, as I head towards the right door. Before I can, however, I wake up.

      Updated 02-24-2013 at 05:43 AM by 59987

      lucid , false awakening
    4. 2nd Lucid Dream

      by , 02-24-2013 at 01:01 AM
      January 15, 2013 - Less than 6.5 hours in - 20 seconds - WBTB, MILD, FA, RC

      Used MILD mantra, "Look at your hands, you are dreaming" every alarm awakening every 90 minutes or so.

      I 'wake up' in my dark bedroom in my bed and decide to look at my hands. In fact, they are distorted and I realize I am in a dream. I plug my nose and I can still breathe. However, I feel extremely sleepy and struggle to keep my 'eyes' open. Since I feel it may fade out soon, I decide to cut right to the goal of summoning B. I look into the darkness (which is sort of purple - like the patterns seen when you close your eyes) and try to visualize them there. It is difficult to remember them and I give up. I look again at my hand in front of the meager window light and it is still distorted. Despite feeling extremely lethargic, I try to get out of bed and head towards the light switch, since I don't like it being dark, although I know the switch may not work. With this effort, I wake up for real.

      Updated 02-24-2013 at 01:29 AM by 59987

      lucid , false awakening
    5. Losing My Grip

      by , 02-23-2013 at 10:32 PM
      I doubled up the menthol at WBTB and I think it definitely had a strong effect on the early dream content. Also, it was cool to finally bring a DV member into a lucid dream! Reading DV during WBTB was a huge help, I think.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #68: Losing My Grip

      I'm in a long bedroom, and immediately I realize that this is a dream. Wife is reclining on the bed in her winter pajamas, reading her Kindle. On the opposite side of the room is a large window with its curtains open. Sunlight pours into the room.

      "Hey," I tell Wife, "I'm having a lucid dream!"

      She looks up. "Good! Have fun." She returns to her reading. I know that I'd planned to go to Angel Falls for Task of the Year, but my head is buzzing with sexy thoughts. I look out the window for a moment. The sun's too bright to see outside and the window is consumed by a warm, yellow glow.

      When I turn my gaze back to Wife she has changed. The Kindle has vanished and she's gone from lounging in flannel pajama pants to laying over the bed in a negligee and booty shorts. My urges are going crazy. I decide that I'm not getting any of my goals done this dream. "What did you just do?" she says, looking amused.

      "It's the menthol," I tell her. "I had 6 bags of peppermint tea. I think it's making me frisky." She raises her eyebrows and tilts her head forward, looking skeptical. "It sounds like an excuse," I admit. "I make too much out of these drugs. Kind of like how I think galantamine gives me magical powers." For some reason, I turn and force-push a clock off of a nearby dresser and shout "Galantamine!!"
      (So embarrassing. What a dream-dork. )

      I join Wife on the bed and start to kiss her. The sensation is incredibly vivid and I start getting caught up in these really strong fantasies about what's going to happen. (These were crazy, cosmic fantasies that involved space, time, and dreams-within-dreams. Sadly, most of the details got scrambled up.) The fantasizing quickly runs away with me, and I'm close to losing lucidity. Before we can start doing anything, I hear the sound of little feet on the floor near our bed and a little voice say, "I see Mommy!" I freak when I realize that our two boys are here and lose lucidity. The sexytime mood leaves the room as quickly as it arrived. Wife is now back in her flannel pajamas and it looks like nothing was ever happening. I'm relieved that she's so good at acting normal.

      We go downstairs with the kids and start going through a semi-normal morning routine. After a very long time spent doing mundane morning stuff, the boys are helping me bake bread in the bread machine. As I'm taking the bread out out, R (my 1.5 year old) climbs up on the counter. Before I can stop him, he burns himself on the bread, bonks his head on the bread machine, and tumbles all the way to the kitchen floor. This scares me but the accident is so comically absurd that
      I regain lucidity.

      The boys run off and I see that Wife's looking at me. I tell her, "Don't worry, that whole thing with the fall was just part of this dream." She says okay and joins the boys in the den.

      I notice that the living room is filled with a strange darkness. I catch figures moving in the darkness but I can't make out who or what they are. They don't seem hostile, and I somehow decide that they're DV members and that I want to pull one of them into the scene. NewArtemis, Alyzarin, Xanous, and OpheliaBlue are in there. I catch little flashes where I sort of "see" their faces without seeing them. (It's a little hard to explain.) I choose to bring Xanous in. (Even though the sexytime mood from earlier is long gone, I feel like it's a really bad idea to bring a female DV buddy into a menthol dream.)

      I turn my head away from the darkness and extend my hand for a handshake. I expect Xanous to walk into the kitchen and shake my hand. After only a second or two, I'm gripped by a firm handshake... I turn to look, and hell yeah it's Xanous! He's in a gray t-shirt with some logo and he's laughing about something. Before I can say anything, he rapidly shrinks down until he's about a foot tall, but somehow I'm still shaking his hand.

      My vision goes black but I still have a hold on the handshake. I ask Xanous what he thinks I should do but he just says something unintelligible in a weird robot voice. The handshake slips away and I fall back to the gladius trick. This doesn't do anything, and I alternate between swinging a sword and slapping myself in the face. It doesn't seem to get me anywhere.

      After a bit,
      I wake up, staring straight at a wall. Wait, Wife should be where the wall is. Still dreaming. I try to move but I'm totally frozen. I start contemplating an OBE exit before I wake up for real.

      Updated 02-24-2013 at 05:03 PM by 57387

      lucid , false awakening
    6. the fly by with an fa. LD Fri 28 Dec, 2012

      by , 02-22-2013 at 10:25 PM (levi's lucid dream journal)
      i did some wild. all night and became lucid in this dream right from the start but it was short.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i found my self in some city and said this is a dream. i went flying right off the bat i was zooming passed trafic on a highway not against but with it. i could feel the wind wizzing past me it felt so real. i started with my arms by my side then did airplane style so i could steer better. then tried supperman style so i could go even faster but i was going so fast allready that it was hard to put my hands in front of me. i focused more and was able to do so but did not make much diff. i saw a semi and was going to hit it unless i went higher i tried but couldnt. i decided to stop and pull off to a field i thought it would be a perfecect spot to meet my sg for the fist time i called out to them but my heater turned on and put me into an fa. i got out of bed and smashed my heater mad that it woke me up. then i saw my girlfriend and started telling her about my dream. then i woke up for real talking in my sleep. haha.

      Updated 02-23-2013 at 06:54 AM by 61327

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    7. Dream Views Con later LD Con ★★★★☆

      by , 02-21-2013 at 07:25 PM (Zödra)
      Date: 2/21/2013
      Total sleep: 10 hours (probably a little less. I think it took an hour to get to sleep)
      Daytime Techniques: DDA, Meditation (20 minutes)
      Lucid Techniques: MILD (mantra)
      Fell Asleep: 1:00
      Dream Title: DV Convention Part 1
      I am driving a looooong time to try and get to the convention with DV. I am pretty excited, I brought my wife along. We are taking a really long time to get there. I finally get there and I wake up.
      Awake: 2:00
      Vividness: 10
      Awareness: 8
      Length: 45 minutes (very long drive)
      Emotions: excitement
      Dream Signs: DV, my wife

      Lucid Techniques: MILD (mantra)
      Fell Asleep: 2:00
      Dream Title: DV convention part 2
      Same as last. Just took me less time to get to the convention. When I get there I walk into a huge arena and then wake up.
      Awake: 2:30
      Vividness: 10
      Awareness: 9
      Length: 20 minutes
      Emotions: excitement
      Dream Signs: my wife, DV

      Lucid Techniques: MILD (mantra)
      Fell Asleep: 2:30
      Dream Title: DV Convention Part 3
      I am driving there... again. But this time I am aware that I am dreaming!! I get to a town in the middle of the night and don't know where to go. I take a left after a creepy house and go through a maze of houses. No DCs in sight. My Wife was gone as well.
      Awake: 3:00
      Vividness: 10
      Awareness: Lucid
      Length: 10 minutes
      Dream Signs: Dark outside,

      Lucid Techniques: DEILD
      Fell Asleep: 3:00
      Dream Title: Lucid Convention Part 4
      I get to the same town looking for the convention and then I am just copying what I did last time. I get to the creepy house and I stop. It was a dream last time, it is a dream this time! I turned right. There was light this way and lots of DCs. I was looking for one to go on an adventure with! (I need a lucid companion). There was a ton of girls on balconies looking at me and I realized that there is only girls DCs here.

      I wake up to the sound of a dog barking. My wife tells me to go check what is wrong. I tell her we don't have a dog and she said it was the neighbors dog and she heard something in our house. I try the lamp, and nothing. I get up and try the light. Nothing. Power must be out because of the ice storm. My wife tosses me my phone. I look in the hallway and don't see anything. I turn and check the bathroom. As I check it I think that someone could have gotten behind me while I went in there. I ran out and looked in the bedroom. A hooded figure stood over the bed and my wife didn't see it. She was looking at me. I ran over and tried to tackle the figure. It ducked and I landed on my back on the other side.
      Awake: 4:10
      Vividness: 10
      Awareness: lucid
      Length: 30 minutes
      Emotions: , fear
      Dream Signs: same as last

      Lucid Techniques: MILD
      Fell Asleep: 4:20
      Dream Title: Lucid Convention Part 5
      I am driving to the DV Convention and I look over and see a man in my passenger seat. I realize I have already driven to this and it is morning (in dream). I know that means I am dreaming. I look around. I am driving across a canyon. I am on what would seem to be a plateau that has a "kansas" vibe to the sunrise, but there are no trees, it is old fashioned kansas.
      "Do you like seeing what you made?" He asks
      I laugh and look in the canyon. (canyon on left, kansas on right) There is a river and trees down there, but the river is so blue, and the trees are every color (mostly green, purple, and blue, but there was some red and yellow thrown in). I stared down there for a while and then woke up.

      Awake: 4:45
      Vividness: 14!!
      Awareness: Lucid
      Length: 10 minutes
      Emotions: excitement
      Dream Signs: DV, sunrise

      Lucid Techniques: MILD (mantra
      Fell Asleep: 4:45
      Dream Title: Lucid Convention Part 1
      I drive to a convention... What was it about again? DV? no! You have to be lucid to go there! Then this must be A dream! I stop near a small house. This is it, of course it is in a small house. We don't want it in a huge city with tons of DCs. I wake my wife up and somehow all her clothes disappear. I freak out a bit, even if it is a dream, I don't think my wife would want to walk around naked with me and the people that got lucid tonight. That would be embarrassing. I start thinking of ways to get her some clothes.
      Awake: 5:15
      Vividness: 9
      Awareness: lucid
      Length: 10 minutes
      Dream Signs:

      Lucid Techniques: MILD (mantra)
      Fell Asleep: 5:30
      Dream Title: Lucid Convention Part 2
      I am exactly where I left off last time. I see some family members of mine pulling up and I wave. My wife is right next to me stirring. I tell her that she is dreaming and that she doesn't have clothes on. Awaken
      Awake: 6:00
      Vividness: 9
      Awareness: lucid
      Length: 5 minutes
      Dream Signs:
      I have a few more dreams I shall post later. These are all the lucids though.

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 12:02 PM by 58222

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , nightmare
    8. FA Fvcked Me

      by , 02-21-2013 at 02:17 AM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Nonlucid: I was having Josh issues again. I remember walking up to him and giving in to something we were discussing. I was about to resign to making out, when I suddenly woke up on the floor! Danny had just come to my rescue, and scooped me up and we started making out. I remember thinking that I hope Danny doesn't find out about Josh O_O. Then I remembered I needed to get something in the kitchen, but it was the kitchen at my parents' house. Then I woke up for real. (NOTE: Josh was from about 8 years ago, and I'm 100% faithful to Danny. That's dream logic for ya.)

      I blame Xanous for this FA because we were just discussing them yesterday. Everytime I talk to him about something, it seems to happen in my very next dream. DAMN YOU, PSYCHIC TWIN!!

      j/k <3

      Updated 02-21-2013 at 02:19 AM by 905

      non-lucid , false awakening
    9. February 20th 2013 Non-Lucid

      by , 02-20-2013 at 06:09 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      IRL I've been in show choir (singing and dancing group) for about 3 years now and I'm now a leader this year. In our show I have two solos which means a lot of pressure to not mess up, and this pressure makes me nervous every show.

      Last night I had a dream about show choir. Usually in my show choir dreams I'm on stage with my choir and I don't really know the moves or I'm forgetting them, but I don't actually care about messing up or get upset over it. This is why last night's dream was so different.

      The dream starts as we are running onto my school's stage to see that the entire place is filled with people that are screaming and cheering us on. The lights are very bright so I can't really make anybody out in the crowd but the people on stage are the people in my IRL choir. The show is going okay as people are doing random moves to a song I don't know and I'm looking at other people to see what moves they were because I clearly did not know them. When the chorus comes up IRL it's very quick and most people have trouble at first remembering the words and sometimes the moves. The chorus in my dream turns into a disaster. As it hits, no one knows the moves and they stop cold in their tracks along with me. This thought comes into my head that goes "no choir has ever had their entire show stop because people didn't know the moves, this is all my fault" and I run down the stage steps into the crowd crying. For probably 30 seconds I'm standing in dark matter by myself crying in my hands unaware that there is no world around me.

      I don't think I've cried this hard in a regular dream over something so stupid. It was like all the sadness that is in my mind went to this moment of just balling my eyes out for this absurd occurrence. Then I appear through a door into the chorus room where we have class to see our previous dance captain walking. I love this guy so much so I feel I ashamed him and this position. I walk over still crying into my hands and lean on his chest. I'm crying so hard I'm practically yelling my sobs.

      That dream ends and this morning I had a false awakening. IRL my phone plays a song and vibrates to wake me up, but in the dream my phone only vibrates. I get up and turn it off then immediately get out of me bed. I head for the shower and see there are clothes stacked up on the sink. Then I wake up for real.
    10. 19th Feb 2013 YouTube update, almost DILD, an Adventure game

      by , 02-19-2013 at 09:29 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Was pretty close to DILD.

      Dream 1:

      I was watching something on YouTube and it suddenly stopped working. I refreshed the page and there was an update notice, looking through the only change was the removal of mechanism that saves position in video on closing the tab, and the change was made for some really stupid reason(but i can't recall what exactly). Also for some reason it mentions that YouTube account with the name of one of my alternative internet nicknames is getting pretty popular.
      Suddenly i wake up in the bed, my body seems to be rather screwed up in weird way for some reason, so i start thinking that something's not right, but as soon as i try to do an RC, dream ends and i wake up.

      Looking that it's a bit too early i memorize recall and go back to sleep.

      Dream 2:

      This dream was pretty long, consisting of playing some adventuring video game with top-down view and searching for some 'mysterious information' as i called it in dream, i don't recall much else about first half of it. I recall wandering player character around some forest area, it was more of a forest maze than normal forest, also it looked more autumn-like. I found some of 'mysterious information' and it was saying something about Game Maker files and something else i don't remember.
      After that there was another area full of giant mantises and i had to move player character to avoid them. I was having hard time mostly because area had really bizarre collision detection problems up to possibility of moving character to the outside of area without actually leaving the area. Mantises were randomly spawning everywhere though, but after a few restarts i eventually found the right way.
      Suddenly i was in the game by myself and the game itself is now 3D as well. I was in some canyon with some military bunkers. Seems like i am being instead of player character and an actual player is giving me hints through some radio device. He says to look for a cave. I go around the canyon and notice that bunkers have stationary rocket launchers in them. I decide to play around a bit and use rocket launcher to blow up another bunker. The explosion sound reminds me of half-life. Shortly i get annoying by 'player' on why i am not searching for cave, so i say 'fine' and i shortly find the cave.
      It is very dark in there, but i have no problem navigating through. It gets very mazey from this point and there seems to be alot of 'walk through' walls, also it starts somewhat resembling a tomb of sorts. Soon i end up in an area where the only path through is to jump between masses of sand that float over the void. As i jump onto one of those masses, it starts slowly falling. I had no problems with jumping for a while, gone halfway through area, but there seems to be pretty long distance for the next jump. I almost fail it, but i notice another mass of sand that is a bit lower and i manage to change direction mid-jump right enough to grab onto that mass. I get onto it, and some jumps later i am on the other side of the area, dream ends shortly.

      Either way, my recall seems to be back once again!
    11. Wake up, Have Breakfast, go to Math..!

      by , 02-19-2013 at 11:28 AM
      In this dream, I woke up to my phone's alarm, went to the kitchen, put 2 bread slices in the toaster, and made cereal. Once I finished the cereal, I felt full, but noticed the two slices of toast, ready for Jelly, but I ignored them instead.

      I end up walking into Math Class, and in the corner of the class near Ms. Schilds desk was Miyuki and Vladimir, both talking about whatever they usually talk about. I pretend to not notice them as I walk to the place I thought I sat, somewhere in the back. As I walk, I look back at them a few times, and see Miyuki quietly talk to Vladimir about something, and her face didn't make it seem like it was anything positive.

      Before I knew it, the entire class was filled with kids. Jessica, Cat, Matt, Ashley, and Issac where the main characters in this dream. I Walked to the front to find out what we were doing today. On the board, it seemed like we were coping down answers from multiple Homework Assignments and Tests. When I passed Miyuki's Desk, she stopped me for a moment and said "Hey Chris? About yesterday..." and she whispered something, but the class was way too loud, and I told her to just text me, and walk back to my seat.

      Ashley Quickle asked out loud to the class if anyone had any wax, and I immediately remembered Matt Garcia asking me for wax the previous night, though the wax Ashley needed was for imprinting answers from the textbook (Silly Putty Style) and not for a Vape.

      I try to forget about Miyuki, and walked over to the front corner near the door, where Jessica King, Cat Kaiser and Matt Fowler all sat and hanged out. Cat had a math book open, while Jessica sat next to her, trying harder then anyone I knew to stay awake. I sat in front of Jessica and we basically had a conversation on how it was fucking incredible that Jessica goes to sleep every night at 4 a.m. and wakes up at 6 a.m. and manages to somehow stay 'awake' during the 8 hours of school we have, and she laughed a little bit, but it was apparent there was a very thin string between her awareness and knocking out into a deep sleep. I remember Jessica's eyes were very baggy, but her actual eyes were very fun to stare into! (Is that weird? Nah!)

      After awhile, I went to the front corner between the board and Ms. Schild's Computer Desk, to copy more notes, because I was talking and forgot to do them, seeing the rest of the class was far ahead. Some people talked to me, and a lot of it dealt with me musing to myself about the day so far, and what to expect next. Its funny actually a lot of my dream 'thinking' was all about remembering the 'dream' I thought I had (The Breakfast) but it turned out I was in a dream while I thought about remembering a dream! All of a sudden, my foot knocks down this large wooden board with answers on it, that everyone was copying down from. Issac Mills immediately starts yelling his clever, witty, 'disapproving of my everything' remarks, for all the class to hear, and I frantically struggled to get the board up right so people could copy it again, but the board was very long and unbalanced, so after many failed attempts, I woke up.
    12. Monkeying Around

      by , 02-18-2013 at 01:31 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      WBTB 4:00-4:20A

      1MG Melatonin @ 4:00
      50MG Caffeine, 200MB B6 @4:20

      I tried staying up longer but was really tired

      Slept from 4:20-5:08 recalled no dreams. I remember a fragment about everyone getting lay off at work. It was very realistic as far as the dream scene went. And highly possible IRL.

      Went back to sleep easily until 6:00

      Monkeying Around DILD interrupted - Caffeine

      I am on some play ground. I see some huge swings but walk past to monkey bars. I feel like this is be super easy (lucidity starting). I grip the bars and notice how numb I feel. I go back and forth on them and smile at how effortless it is. Some dude walks up and says something about walking it upside down. I don't know what he is talking about so I just start doing so chin-ups. They are super easy and effortless. I get it now. I see the young man watching me. I say to him, "This is only this easy because this is a dream."

      My son starts crying and wakes us up. My wife takes care of it because she is super awesome.

      I go back to sleep. I am not 100% sure but I think I hit a semi successful DEILD. I remember some OBE like sensations but I quickly lost it to FA. I think because I really wasn't trying.

      I do a nose plug. Did is pass or fail? I can't remember. I enter my dreams on my DJ. Post on DV. Then realize it is time to leave the house and I am late. I go brush me teeth. My wife crowds me and I get pissed at her and tell her, "I love you but I really need some space right now." She wonders off.

      I begin to look at myself in the mirror and notice how odd I look. I think that I look almost childish and like someone else. I get and odd feeling and wonder if I am dreaming. I focus on the mirror and now I look normal. I continue to repeat this several times. Then the tooth brush start feeling like it it fusing to my teeth and I forget all bout the mirror. I soon wake up just before the alarm.

      Updated 02-18-2013 at 01:33 PM by 5967

      lucid , false awakening
    13. Kill the Beast!

      by , 02-16-2013 at 05:56 PM (LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness)
      This dream is a little confusing, since it skipped scenes a lot... So.

      I am walking in this 'beast's' lair with some other people. To get to him we have to walk on these stones or something in the lair. But I have this ability where I can wake up before something gets creepy... So, I did. Except this was a FA. I end up in a bedroom, on the ground in a sleeping bag. There are other people there too. It looks like a combo of my and my sister's room from our old house.

      That didn't last long, and now I am back in the world with the beast. I am near some people, and this is where I become lucid. For some reason, I know that all of the DC's in this world do the same thing everyday, like it is programmed into them.

      Since I am lucid, I decide that I can help that. But I decide to take a box of raisins, and I ask something to this DC (which made me happy since I was getting him out of his rut...). Then, I see this little bit of deep water in the ground. Well, it is more like I am on a pier, so there is a square hole in the pier. The water is a dirty tan color,but I dunk my raisin box into the water anyway. It gills to the top of the box. Now the raisins can grow....

      So now, I think, I might as well make a DC army to help kill the beast. I certainly don't want to kill it myself .

      The few people I had just saw before are now following me. I am now walking down this large staircase. It is surrounded by glass walls.

      Without consciously thinking about it,a bunch of people, my army, are following me. Probably about fifty people. About halfway down the staircase, I am facing this cute guy, so I kiss him, but we are still walking. Now, for some reason, I am wearing my ugly red work polo shirt... And I decide to lift it up, and it is held in between my arms. This has nothing to do with my boobs, BTW (though I am not wearing a bra, I notice, since bras are stupid), I just wanted the cute guy to be interested in my back. It is rather curvy... (My back curves in). So, being that this is a lucid, he of course mentions it. He asks why I have my shirt up, I tell him,and then I know that he is admiring it xD.

      So, now the scene has skipped, and we are in the beast's lair. It is dark, of course. I know the room is rather big, but we are all only in one part of the lair. The beast is standing at the side, surrounded by my fighters. It is like he is in a section that no one can pass, even him... Like, it is a slightly darker color in the floor or something?

      Since I don't play video games, the beast looks very unimaginative. Instead of looking like a hairy beast or something, he is just a big man. Like, a linebacker or something.

      Someone tries to shoot awith gun at him, but misses. The 'bullet' i see on the ground on the point of no return. It has two parts to it, whcih I can't really desribe. But it doesnt look like a bullet xD. I 'know' that the bullet has already been shot so it wouldn't worm again. But, i give it to the man with the gun anyway. I told him that I know this usually wouldn't work again, but since I am dreaming, I will.

      Before anything ekse happens, I wake up but it is a FA. While I have been beginning to do Rc's again, I didn't. Which makes sense. I woke up in the lair, but I 'know' that it is a different place. My head had been resting on this table. It was a really long wooden table, kinda renascenceish looking. There were other people sitting on the table too. Like a dozen. I wanted to keep my eyes closed (which I obviosuly didn't do, but I thought I did), because I wanted to DEiLD. Yeah, I thought to DEIlD even in a dream xD.

      But I couldn't, because this annoying woman was pestering me that I owed her five dollars from an overdue rental video. I pay her, and I see the two black people that I did initially in my last dream (I think it was supposed to be a third world place. Blame sociology for making mw feel so bad for them..). Another woman said she was going to give them a job, bringing them ti her home or something. I said, you can't make them slaves! But apparently she was going to pay them good money. (There is my idealist self, I suppose!). And then I woke up.
    14. The Neighbor's House

      by , 02-15-2013 at 04:37 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Woke up at 4AM to WBTB Moved to recliner SSILD - No Aids

      #131 - The Neighbor's House -DEILD 5:01AM

      I wake up from a NLD. Have a really hard remembering the dream. A part of me thinks that I woke up here in a lucid FA. I am not sure. I move a little and get comfortable. The I decide to just forget the dream and DEILD. I get the vibrations almost immediately. It comes slow at first and then gains intensity. I have to admit and I am really excited at this point and I know this stage can make or break the LD. Instead of trying to visualize a place or scene, I go for a OBE style LD and hurriedly get out of the recliner and rush outside. I felt a little sluggish at first but the transition was pretty smooth.

      I go into the yard and for some reason look in the sky. I think its real life habit coming out. The sky is dimly lit and cloudy. The clouds look like gray and black marble. I find it really pretty and admire it for a while. The only problem is that I seem to look moving my head wildly back and forth and not able to hold still.

      I look at the ground to stabilize. I realize I didn't think of a goal before hand. (I was so unprepared for this LD) I had to really rack my brain to think of a TOTM. I remember flower and start searching the grass. I pluck a piece of grass and start to will it to be a flower. Then I remember that one is already done. I think really hard. I remember the clock but I am outside and don't feel like looking for a clock. Erase major element! I realize that I had wondered over towards the neighbor's yard so I started looking around for something to erase. I wasn't about to mess with my own stuff! I see his red car. Not enough. I see the houses across the street. Too much. I look back at the neighbors house. Ha! Ill erase his house! Then, I notice the dream world getting darker except for the house. The color seems way to bright and vivid like bad Technicolor. A car passes behind me and for a brief moment everything is lit up and normal. I don't want to fall to darkness so I ask the dream for light. I look and and yell "Lights! I need lights here please." I notice how strange my voice sounds hollow and echoes. Nothing happens so I try again. I clap at the sky and yell "LIGHTS!" The sensation on my hand is strange. Still nothing so I give up.I focus on my neighbors house once again. I put a hand up over my line of sight so that it looks like I have my hand above it. The idea was to just wipe the house away like and eraser on a chalkboard. At that moment the world goes completely dark. I think I am waking up. I forget all of my void/DEILD tricks and give up on the dream. After a few seconds I am fooled by a FA

      I wake up and notice thats its late morning and the light from the windows is bright. I notice how my dream clock is usually close to waking time. I guess I was off this time. (Doh! I missed that one!) I see a pile of cat vomit on the floor and it looks like cornbread stuffing. I see Stella, my cat, is next to it. I am so pissed that I slap her head. She is not phased by it. I backhand her in the head really hard but she just looks at me. I find this really odd but don't think it through (missed another one ) I see some familiar DC in the kitchen cleaning. I start bitching about the cats and go help clean. I wake up.

      Updated 02-15-2013 at 07:18 PM by 5967 (Typed on my phone.)

      Tags: deild, neighbors, obe
      lucid , false awakening , task of the month
    15. Moonstone (a semi-prescious lucid)

      by , 02-15-2013 at 02:30 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      This was a nonlucid. I was dreaming that I was watching a Lifetime movie about a gay guy on the football team that was getting bullied by the other football players. The one scene I remember involved a guy that looked like my friend Josh, and he was really antagonizing the gay player. But he was being SO mean and SO ruthless, that the other players began standing up for the little gay dude. They ended up all turning on "Josh." I think someone shot Josh because the movie ended with all the players standing around a body, who was spurting blood out of an artery wound in his neck with each heartbeat. Finally his eyes closed and the camera started to zoom out. Then Josh rolled over, as if to get into a more comfy position while dying, and I thought "This actor is baaaad. Die already goddamnit." Then, just when I expected the rolling credits, the guy gets up and starts walking around. At this point I deduce that it's the character's "spirit" getting up and getting ready to go to heaven/afterlife/whatever.

      I become quasi-lucid here, because I fly into the TV set. I decided I want to play an angel that escorts him to heaven. At this point is really IS Josh, and I fly down to him. He's on a beautiful bright beach, looks like Florida. I go up to him and say, "Welcome to heaven, Josh." He does a "teeheeeeeee" and turns into a little kid and runs off. I fly after him, then ahead of him and stop. Now it's my son, and we take eachother's hand and walk along the beach. The sand is covered with precious gems, it's really pretty. I bend over and pick up a really pretty white crystal, which has a rainbow like opalescence running through it. I hand it to Chris and tell him "This is a mooooonstone." I said it with an English accent for some reason lol. Then I woke up.

      I had a short FA later too, when Danny got up to get ready for work. As soon as he finished brushing his teeth, he opened the bathroom door and light spilled into the room. I covered my face with the blanket. Then I woke up, it was dark, Danny finished brushing his teeth, opened the door, light filled the room, I covered my face. I was really awake this time

      note: I say "quasi lucid" because I never really said "Whoopie!! I'm dreaming!!!" I just had control and knew it, but just kinda went with the already established setting and story.
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