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    Lucid Dreams

    1. of course im not emotional

      by , 10-05-2013 at 05:29 AM
      this is a lucid dream within a dream. it confuses me too. anyway:

      i'm on my bed with this chubby chick. she's telling me about her violent past. then i become lucid, and in a moment of clarity, i realize i dont have to listen to this. and then i realize that a dream is the perfect place to play out your sexual fantasies

      i start kissing the girl, and i can feel that i'm losing awareness. then there is a flash of someone eating me out, and then i completely lose lucidity

      because i 'wake up' and go to school, think about my dream and what it means, and get on my laptop

      and then i really wake up on my couch, feeling a bit of 'wtf'
    2. The Witch

      by , 10-04-2013 at 09:10 PM
      Got a Task of the Month on this one and tried to use it (unsuccessfully) for Task of the Year. Didn't manage to get them both but I'm glad I gave it a try though!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #152: The Witch

      I'm riding in a car (driven by my friend "Leroy"), along with two other unknown passengers who are in the back seat. We're all out together on a road trip, heading down a clear highway during what looks like mid-morning. The road is steeply banked like a race track and we pass by a speed limit sign that reads "50".

      Up ahead there's a section of the road that's pitted with giant potholes. In front of us, a pick-up truck is working its way gingerly around a huge pothole that's torn up most of our side of the highway. "Be careful here," I say, pointing ahead at the pothole. But as I say this, I realize that I'm sitting on the left side of the car, Leroy on the right. Yet he's got the steering wheel over on his side, as if we're driving around in the United Kingdom or New Zealand or someplace. I
      realize that I'm dreaming, even wondering whether it happened this way because I've been playing Dead Island lately.

      I decide that if this is a dream, phasing out through the car should be no problem. I look down at my lap and focus on moving my body left through the door and out onto the road. It takes a couple of seconds, but once the phase takes hold, I feel myself lurch to the left and I move through the door as if it wasn't there. My vision quickly dims and I find myself in a semi-void. I reach out for the road surface and grasp onto it. While I still can't see anything I feel like I'm physically still out on the roadway.

      I crawl forward for a bit until I feel confident enough with where I am. My vision is still very dark, but I decide not to worry about it until the next scene unfolds. I get to my feet and start walking forward, rubbing my hands together the whole way. I narrate to myself the fact that "I'm having a lucid dream" and keep moving forward until things clear up.

      The dimness lifts and I find myself in something that looks sort of like a college gymnasium. A lady in her mid-50s with a long gray ponytail is chatting with another woman that's sitting at a desk behind a window. I remember the task to have a witch cast a spell on you and I decide that this lady will be my witch.

      I interrupt them by announcing to the woman that "Okay, you can do that teleportation spell to the Colosseum on me now." She doesn't answer at first, seeming to want to finish up what she's saying.

      Once she gets the last of what she wanted to say out, she turns to me and matter-of-factly says, "Okay, teleportation spell... where was that to?"

      "The Colosseum," I repeat. As soon as I say that, the "witch" shoves me in the chest and I go tumbling through the air down the hallway, right toward a wall. I think that I sure hope I phase through that and sure enough, I pass right through the wall, kind of floating on my back. My vision rather crudely recenters itself and now I'm standing in a tall hallway with cinderblock walls. I can hear the noise of the crowd... this has to be the Colosseum! The cinderblock walls aren't historical but I think that I can make it work.

      I move to the end of the hallway, turn, and find myself in another hallway, this one with a much higher ceiling. I jump/fly up to find that the wall doesn't stretch all the way to the ceiling and I perch on top of the wall to survey the area. Below me I see a twisted, mazelike series of halls where male DCs that look like athletes or possibly gladiators are wandering around. Just past this maze stands a tall gate that I think must be the entrance to the Colosseum.

      As I'm planning to fly over the maze to the gate, I briefly wonder whether this dream will remain stable long enough for me to complete Europe Task of the Year item. In response to this thought, the dream almost immediately
      collapses and I'm awake.
    3. Scaring a Baby...10/2/13

      by , 10-04-2013 at 03:04 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Hey DV! I've broken my dry spell finally, which lasted exactly one month! Unfortunately, my recall is shot to shit in the recent weeks. I did however manage to remember a small portion of my lucid from last night in which I completed the basic task of the month. I would type more and in color but it'd real only be like a paragraph. But basically I became lucid by checking my watch twice, and then thought of what to do. Then I remembered the scare a little kid task. So I walked around and then saw a little boy and girl sitting with a baby. So what I did was I shouted "Blah!" like a monster or something. The baby immediately began crying and the two kids were somewhat shocked, then they left. Sadly, that's all I can really recall, so hopefully tonight I'll have better recall...and another lucid!!!
    4. Scaring a kid, receiving a spell and performing an odd banishing ritual

      by , 10-03-2013 at 04:48 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Scaring a kid, receiving a spell and performing an odd banishing ritual. (DILD)


      I was in an old building that apparently was some sort of school, but if felt very old school, about from the 1800.

      I realized I was in a dream, as there are no such buildings here in San Diego.

      I immediately recalled the basic task of the month, about scaring a kid. Since it was a creepy place, I decided that it would be an easy task, so I hided behind a wall and when a small kid was walking by I jumped and roared. The kid freaked out and started to run until he looked back and stop running. The kid approached at me and told me he thought I was one of the Cursed Ones. I felt a little curious about it so I asked more information to the kid.

      I got very involved in the story, which is was about cursed sous that lived underneath the school and sometimes they came as Ghouls to hunt other people (Ghouls is a mythological creature that is kind of like a Zombie, but instead of the classic zombie, they are possessed by evil spirits and they are very strong and evil, they just kill, not eating brains, etc) I did not believe as much the kid so I just decided to explore the school. I entered into a library that was full of dusted books and it was very creepy, I found it funny. Suddenly, I had four persons behind me. They were like over six feet tall and they were muscular. They were staring at me with a hostile purpose. The chased me and I tried to fight back without success, until one small kid appeared out of nowhere and threw something at the ground that was flashing, like a very bright spark and the ghouls banished. I thanked the kids and they explained to me that the library was cursed and that someone needed to lock it up, as people was in danger.

      While with the children around (three small kids, about 6-8 years old) I was thinking out loud, "I am a Psychic Medium and I have done banishings before, never saw something like this."
      (I am a Psychic Medium in waking life, so I was not 100% unconscious in the dream, but this part was not lucid for my impression) The kids smiled at me and grabbed my hands stating, "You will be the one that will lift the curse, you will help us." I started to think that it was dangerous to go without my partner who does banishing rituals with me (with she does in waking life) But I kind of went with the flow. I planned to call her until I realized that being in a dream I could not call her and I was safe of harms way. We approached a small house and there was a female ghoul standing next to them. She claimed to be a witch so I asked her to throw me a spell. She rose her hand and threw me like a big cloud of purple mist around me. The dream started to go blurry and I focused in embracing the spell to succeed the advanced task, and the dream started to go clear again, being successful at the advanced task.

      While I maybe decided to take of and fly away, one of the kids told me, "It is time to get started, we need to search for the portal."
      I lost lucidity right away, as I accepted and wanted to see where this dream took me. We entered this house and it was full of dust, without any lights and with very old school furniture laying around. I could both see and sense angry spirits, roaming around. I saw a creepy elevator


      and I knew I needed to take it. The kids wanted to stay back, but I asked them to stay with me, I told them that my Spirit Guides were protecting them. So we entered the elevator and it started to go down. A very demonic voice started to say stuff, I cannot recall what it was but it was menacing. The kids started to faint in a corner of the elevator, and I did feel that the pressure was going up, it was hard to breath, but I held the energy and protected the kids until the elevator opened to a garden of withered flowers. I could see several ghouls staring at us and wanting to attack, but if we stared at them, they would not move. We walked through the garden, the sky was very gray and like about to rain until we saw an even creepier house, such house was like in ruins, so we entered it.

      One of the kids said we needed to search for the inner portal, so I started to move stuff around, as I knew it was going to be hidden. Behind a stove, I saw a small hole in the wall, it was not bigger than a fist, and I could saw a door behind it, so upon moving the stove away, I started to kick the wall. It was a fake wall that fell apart and then, I could reach the door.

      After walking through the door, I was in a giant room. There were giant poker cards (about 7 feet tall, 4 feet wide) that were moving up and down, trying to drop on us to kill us, but we were able to avoid all of these. I then saw there was some sort of ghoul sorcerer controlling the cards.

      We were in another big room, and the end of the room, there was a house as well, but a smaller house. It could not be more creepy and I was able to even feel a dark mist around it. As we entered the house, I heard a very loud and menacing roar. I knew I was close to the source of this energy and started to trash the house. In a room, I saw in the floor a steel plate, it was locked by a chain and a lock. I looked for something sharp to break the chain, until I found an odd sharp tool (it did not look like anything real) but I was not able to break the chain. However, I pulled the chain altogether and the steel plate moved, revealing some sort of small carpet with a dark mist around. The carpet had the drawings on an altar, a ghost and some weird letters, not known in this planet. I placed my hands on the carpet and started to channel reiki and do intent to banish the energy
      (this is not even close to how it is in real life) and after a while, I opened my eyes. There was nothing around me, it all was a gray mist moving very fast, so I figured I needed to keep working on the vanishing, until I was back at the school. The kids were not around, but I wanted to inform someone of what happened and that the school was cleared. A bit after, I woke up.

      Updated 10-07-2013 at 04:39 PM by 31830

      lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
    5. 1st and 2nd lucid

      by , 10-03-2013 at 04:48 PM
      I was in a house. No one was there but me. I have a hard time remembering how, but I believe that I was near a lamp midst the darkness in a house. I got the feeling that I was dreaming, but I wasn't 100%. So I walked out of the house and onto the street and I made the sun come up so I could see my hands XD It worked and I did the nose plug as well. My whole body just filled with joy, like shaking, it was so awesome. After that I thought "Lets fly." I tried to jump in the air 4 or 5 times, holding my right arm out super man style. I didn't end up flying.

      I blacked out and woke up. Immediately I nose-plugged and caught the FA. Another wave of joy. I believe I fell out of REM and continued dreaming but I can't remember what. Man, what an experience. This just opens up a new world to me, its just amazing.

      I used the mantra "Next time I'm dreaming I will look at my hands and realize I'm dreaming." and I used RareCola's Night-Time routine guide to incubate the dream state. I'm still just exuberant from the whole ordeal 5 hours after waking up

      Updated 03-29-2014 at 06:15 PM by 65676

    6. 3rd Oct 2013 200th lucid and more

      by , 10-03-2013 at 03:42 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Yay for 200th lucid!

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was piloting some mecha and there was battle with more mechas.

      Dream 2:

      I was playing spiral knights and was chatting to SilentEternity, apparenty there has been an update that completely reworked the ingame market and changed the place, auction house has been removed and bazaar closed off 'for repairs'. I've been moving character around checking things and haven overall looked rather damaged and old, then i was chatting with SilentEternity about it.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      There was some story about two draconic characters defeating enemy army or something.

      Dream 4(fragment):

      I was on some cliffside.

      Dream 5:

      I was at home and i was watching some videos, there was some fraxy video that mentioned some old bosses and someone was playing them, but they looked different. There was one boss which was attacking through 'ceiling' but player's attacks broke the script somehow and it was not working correctly.
      Then i get up and think for a minute about those bosses and
      realize that it"s a dream. I almost immediately shift to quadruped stance and feel my wings, i fly and phase through ceiling and now i am outside, there's some weird loud noise like construction site or something and i start flying around. Then after a while dream fades out.
    7. 3 Oct: Crossing doors

      by , 10-03-2013 at 03:35 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I'm walking in Lisbon and it's a gorgeous day and the city is full of tourists. I become lucid and think about what I'll do. Fly away? Keep going ahead? I'm attracted to a grey alley which leads to a dead end. Someone, whom I feel as familiar, but in reality can be anybody, points to a door behind me. I look.
      "Yeah, so?"
      "Look again."
      Now the door is orange, fluffy and has some facial features. I'm incited to go through it and emerge on the other side. So, I'm like swallowed by the "mouth" of the door but I hesitate on coming out on the other side, so I get stuck in this intermediate area. I hear the voice of the other person telling me to rush up because the passage will close. And soon enough this place starts closing in around me and I only have time to break through a little opening between a wall in front of me and the ceiling above me. When I get out on the other side, the door behind me is the back cover of a comic book with the story of my childhood. I feel a deep sense of loss when I walk away from the door/cover and I start crying compulsively.
      But, aware of the emotions, they dissipate and I move forward. I find myself at some kind of giant warehouse with blocks and alleys between them. Each block is like a shop with something on display, but has no doors, we have to climb some small stairs on the side, like the stairs of a bunk bed, to get to the their top. There are other persons staring at them like me and a nice guy points to one block decorated with Dragon Ball characters and suggests we go to that one and play to a Kamehameha fight. I find it childish and irresistible, so I accept. But when we climb on top of the block, it's totally different. There's some ambient music and rows of hangers with women clothes.
      Am I supposed to choose an outfit? The clothes are all very feminine, I try one outfit and feel very sexy. At that moment the music changes and I hear latin and belly dancing musics. I recall the dance classes I had many eyears ago and I dance a bit to see how I manage. I'm ok, but soon enough there's a perv making indecent proposals so I climb down from there. I see another block which resembles a Starbuck's coffee house. I meet there a gay couple who start talking to me and say they are music managers. They know I can sing and invite me to work with them. Yeah, that sounds good, but when they offer to pay me some food, I start saying "no milk, no meat, no wheat" and there's nothing on the menu that I can eat and they look at me as if I'm a weirdo and puf, there goes a future musical contract to the garbage.
      Then I encounter a very "rough on the edges" block, made of solid wood and on it I meet some people I know from an alternative organization and they are working wood. They run a carpentry worskshop, they are currently recovering an old boat and as they show me what they do, I'm instantly seduced by it. "Woodwork, hum?" Never thought I'd consider this but... teach me! How zen my life would be...
    8. ET Base at Fiji Island (underwater)

      by , 10-02-2013 at 11:50 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      ET Base at Fiji Island (DILD)


      I was having a walk with my wife near the beach and it was day. I was not having a good time, as I was feeling that I wanted to Astral Project and get out from the physical realm (this is a reality in real life as well for me) and I was kind of out there, day dreaming about it. I question my reality at all times even awake (this physical life feels faker and faker to me) so I did a reality check. My pinkie was broken on the top and I told my self, "hold on!" and I looked at my hands again, the fingers had odd shapes and looked abnormal.

      Neat! I said, I am dreaming! Bye bye now... My wife looked at me saying, "What the heck you are talking about?" But I already was ignoring her. I check my hands again and they looked blurry, so to make sure I was dreaming I jumped. Gravity was not right as I levitated for a few moments and landed softly, so I decided to jump and to take off.

      I flew at high speed and deminded to port to a remote place in the planet, so I was taken to Fiji Islands
      (never been there) and I went to the most souther island of all.

      As I approached to the coast, the waves were very violent, like after some sort of monsoon or something and I thought that maybe the waves could drag me inner sea and ascend
      as from here I probably lost lucidity as I was not thinking straght.

      I loked at the sky and I was able to see plenty of stars.

      I was fascinated and just sat in meditation to gaze at the stars, not caring for the waves. I fell asleep within the dream and woke up in the morning (still dreaming.) There were a ton of starseeds around me and all were very excited. I looked into the water and saw a spacial base, underwater. Crafts from all shapes and colors were flying back and forth. It was an amazing experience.

      Amazingly, I described the islands to my dad, who has been at Fiji, including the type of the people, how the houses were made, how the roads were, etc. I also learned after the dream that is speculated to be a lot of ET activity around the area.

      Updated 10-07-2013 at 04:40 PM by 31830

      Tags: ets, fiji, lucid, space
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. WILD and Basic TOTM!!

      by , 10-02-2013 at 11:32 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Early this morning, I woke up at 5:30am, then again at some point and started getting some vibrations. They were being really really pokey about kicking over into a LD. Finally I got there, and I opened my dream eyes and found myself in my bed as usual. But when I tried to get up I woke up for real. Ok. So I repeated the process and same thing. I think I did it maybe one more time with no success. Not good hehe.

      Then my alarm went off at 6:50 to make sure Chris was on his way to school. Then I went back to bed and got the vibrations again, nice and strong. As I was waiting in those couple moments for the dream to start, I quickly thought up a Plan B because I didn't want to risk waking up again and losing all my chances for a lucid. I thought, well, I'll just start the dream IN the bed, and maybe even go for a task while staying in bed. I opened my dream eyes, and was in bed again, and it was pretty dark. I thought about the basic I task all I needed to do was eat a piece of Halloween candy. I can do that right here in bed haha. So I slowly reached over and imagined a piece of candy would be right there on my nightstand. Of course as I'm reaching over, that old childhood fear of something under my bed grabbing me popped in my head. Sure enough, some small animal or creature jumped up and locked its jaws on the side of my hand. It kinda hurt, but not enough to stop me. I continued to reach for the table, with this thing dangling off my hand. I felt on the table and there was a little piece of candy wrapped in cellophane. Yay! I brought both the candy and the creature into bed with me, and just shook the creature off my hand and it vanished. It was a bit lighter now, and before the creature vanished, I could see that it looked a little like a deranged prairie dog lol. Anyway, I opened the candy and it was a tiny square of blue gum. I popped it in my mouth and chewed, and it tasted like blueberry!

      I decided maybe now the dream was stable enough that I could get out of bed, and I did easily. I managed to go out of the room and down the hall a bit.
      At some point I woke up, can't recall exactly. Fortunately, I DEILDed right back into the dream, back in my bed. So I decided to do the same thing (because if I could convince my subC that the candy was poisoned, I'd get advanced wings too!). I reached over, got the same little attacker, and shook it away again. This time the candy was a little red square of gum and tasted like cherries. I got up, went down the hall and into the bathroom. I wanted to see in the mirror if the gum was poisoned and what it would do to me. I'm telling you, I willed the SHIT out of that gum to be poisoned, but nothing happened. I stuck my tongue out and the gum had stained it green. I thought to myself "I guess in dream land, blue and red candy makes green!" Then I woke up.

      A silly little basic task, but I'm mostly proud of the way I handled the issue of accidentally waking up. I'm seriously patting myself on the back for not only thinking up the solution, but thinking it up quick! It was mostly out of desperation for fear of losing lucid opportunity, but I'm telling you: once you're in the mind set to solve problems in a lucid, or just before the lucid, or while transitioning, you only need a few seconds of really rational thought. Then things will fall into place. Then you'll feel like a million bucks and a super lucid genius for the day!
      lucid , task of the month
    10. lucid food fight

      by , 10-02-2013 at 07:42 PM
      a signal came up for me in a dream that i was dreamin- it was this disgusting cyst on my head and for some reason that happens to me in dreams, i think it reflects my insecurity issues about my skin. anyway i saw it and was like shit i gotta check if im dreaming.

      FINGERS WERE MULTIPLIED yesssss im in a dream but i couldnt BELIEVE it so i kept checking and i just HAD to ask for confirmation from alex and megan that it was a dream- woooops even tho i knew it wasn't good to do that at the time, i did anyway. they were like uh ok it's not a dream.

      WHATEVER ok so basically i was like well it's a dream and for some reason i just felt like throwing this cous cous at alex in a playful way. then alex through some mustard or something at me and it was on. i walked out sayin "well it's a dream so i don't have to clean up but you guys do when i leave! haha!"

      then i went to greg starkovich's room. i was trying to steal pills left and right for some reason. then greg had Grand theft auto. THE UNFORTUNATE THING is that a lucid dream is you getta do whatever you want. Grand theft auto is ALSO a world where you getta do what you want. therefore, i chose to play gta in my lucid dream and lost the other advantages of exploring the lucid dream world.

      BUT WHATEVER I HAD A GREAT FUCKIN GTA GAME i was shooting those mofos left and right and picking up prostitutes and deciding whether to party in sf or santa clara, flying over those cities in an aerial view on the tv (which i dont think you can do in real gta).

      i had trouble BELIEVING it was a lucid dream bc i didnt want to do something stupid like actually throw food at alex in real life. gotta stabilize more.

      story short is that i did whateva the fuk i want- oh wait i can do that in real life with gta!!! SO DONT PLAY GTA WHEN U LUCID do something cooler k thnx bye love nat
    11. Mini-lds 17, 20 Sept

      by , 10-02-2013 at 06:12 PM
      Note: summary

      Date: 17 Sept

      Short ld: I go in the building where grandma lives, get in the elevator but it looks wider than usual. It turns into some sort of transportation cart and I move through the neighborhood. At some point I press the button for the floor and get out. There is a bear. I recognize this as a DS and become lucid. I take a turn and continue walking in this room full of DCs. There is also a half-lion half-man similar to the one from previous dreams walking around. I notice there is a green aura-like blur around him and another DC. I try tk on some cups but it doesn't work. Then I remember AF and decide to do it here and now but the dream fades and I wake up.

      Date: 20 Sept

      Short ld frag: I am in a house and now in a small room, wearing only a towel and next to this sports guy. I know this is a dream, but am not focused. I stare at the guy and wait for more clarity. Instead, the guy starts humping me with his clothes on. He makes these moves, it looks kind of weird and funny, especially his face. In the meantime, I am thinking about phasing, but the door just opens so I sneak out.

      I go down the stairs. Being semi-naked I decide I want to turn this into a show where everybody would be dancing naked. It's a dream after all, I remind myself. I try to organize the scene and gather the DCs but the dream fades and I wake up.
    12. Door Delivery

      by , 10-02-2013 at 04:36 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #151: Door Delivery

      I'm walking out through the front door of my childhood home, moving toward a bike that's parked next to the curb. I need to take the house's front door with me in order to deliver it somewhere, so I lift the door off of its hinges and clamp it in my right hand. I jump on the bike and start pedaling, my right hand still clamped onto the door, which drags alongside me as I go.

      I turn around through the cul-de-sac, question what I'm doing, and
      become lucid. The door feels light and hollow, like an incredibly flimsy interior door. I toss it aside, and it disappears soundlessly behind me.

      I pedal along for a bit, thinking over my goals for the dream. I remember wanting to summon a witch to cast a spell on me for Task of the Month, so I decide that I'll stop the bike in order to use a handshake summon. I stop my pedalling and imagine that the bike is no longer there. Its presence fades and I now feel like I'm doing some combination of walking and floating. It feels like my brain's still making up its mind as to what I'm doing.

      For no reason in particular, my vision swivels smoothly around behind me while I continue moving in the same direction. It's like I'm drifting backward now. For a moment this frustrates me but I let it go. It'll be fine.

      The movement stops and I decide to try for the handshake summon to pull in a witch. I feel out of practice and my confidence isn't where it should be. I don't feel so much as a tickle in my hand. I give the summon two or three tries, turning to get a different visual perspective each time but it doesn't seem to be happening. I'm not interested in getting too hung up on the summon, so I just continue walking down the street.

      The scene's very vivid and stable, so I take things slow, enjoying the detail of the environment. I keep having random jolts of fear that the dream will stabilize and become a little scared that this will screw up the dream. Luckily everything holds together fine and I walk slowly along to the next street.

      The righthand side of the street still has the suburban look of waking life but the left side of the street is lined with industrial-looking buildings. This makes me want to explore, so I fly up above these buildings and look out over the city. There's a tall glass office building nearby and I fly past it, now hoping to see the Colosseum somewhere in the cityscape.

      I'm flying over a construction site toward the sunrise. A very deep, neatly-carved hole has been dug into the dirt of the construction site and as I'm flying by looking at it,
      the dream ends.
    13. 2 Oct: Portal to 'wonderland' world

      by , 10-02-2013 at 12:25 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) With some friends, we're invited to enter a fabulous property of a colleague. with an old palace-house and abandoned gardens around. He explains this house belonged to a writer who created a novel like "Alice in Wonderland" and argued it was based on real experiences he had on the property. He describes to us the world that guy wrote about and it sounds awfully a lot with my plunging into the dream worlds and lucid dreaming experiences. So I do believe the guy really lived those things. And then I become lucid.
      Then our friend reveals that he had also encountered the actual place where the writer said was the passage to this other world. He takes us there and it is a stone paved patio, with columns around and when he touches something, the columns move and create this strange effect on the air, like a mirrored surface and we realize a portal is opened. A giant spider pulling a wagon appears, covered in ants on her back. The ants move to the ground and open a kind of hatch on the back of the spider, where they insert a hose. They are pumping organic matter to serve as food to the spider, just like fuel to a car. Then they close the hatch and hop on the spider again. We're invited to sit on the wagon and off we go through the portal. We pass by the most incredible landscapes and I try to absorb everything I see, but it's just too much. I can only recall a town where people were pink bunnies in suits and then as we approached what seemed like a worm hole, the landscape became completely geometric and abstract, like a patchwork, moving rapidly around us. We get sucked into a funel made of this patchwork and start free-falling. The others are freaking out, but I enjoy every minute of it.
      When it stops, we are back to the starting point, or so it seems. It is again the old palace, but I notice it has some differences. It is quiet as if time didn't pass over here. There is an eerie golden light all around. I enter a room whose walls are covered in beautiful and varied pieces of arts and crafts, from pottery, to fine ceramics, to glass and iron, to paintings. They are so different, yet form a very harmonious ensemble. I try to memorize every detail, but the one thing that strikes me, is a bege colored painting of what seems to be Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, but in which Mary and Joseph are grey aliens and baby Jesus is a radiant disk, which leaves me wondering if it is a sun or a flying saucer.
      We go outside and the golden light is shining over the trees, so beautifully. We head for the nearest town and I feel a bit disappointed because it looks pretty normal. It's like a 50's town with futuristic touch, but very chaotic and messy. The only thing I find appealing it is a public transportation system similar to a monorail, but with individual bumping cars in which people hop-in
      . I wake up...
    14. A Parallel Universe

      by , 10-01-2013 at 06:06 PM
      My love for lucid dreaming is strong as I cope with the loss of a friend, but I cannot stand seeing their home inside the dream and wanting to be able to do what I never did with them in person whenever I would walk her to school.

      It's happening on this street I currently live in. It's not a long street, as a matter of fact, it could take me about 10 minutes to walk across it in reality. It isn't like that in dreams. In dreams, the time it takes to walk down across this street is determined by how many memories I have within it, I assume. My father is driving me down this street in this blue car. He is going to take me near the other side of this street. As he does, I notice a few elements on the way.

      On our way down I saw one of my friends' home. Her name was Trinh. Me and Trinh lived on this same street(a little funny because she is the friend of the girl who I tried apologizing to for a year). Unlike her real home, which was a little bit trashy(okay, a lot trashy), this home is as clean as a rich, suburban home. But I'm still not convinced that this may be a dream.

      As we're driving on to the next houses, I see Trinh's house again. This made me to believe that I am in fact in a dream. After that my father turned at a corner and that was basically it for this scene. My dream was beginning to fade when I kept on emphasizing to my mind that I AM in a lucid dream.
    15. Lucid 10.1.13

      by , 10-01-2013 at 04:44 PM
      So I repeated my WBTB/mantra method. I woke up around 4 am and went back to sleep at 510. Before I went to bed, I remember being doubtful I would LD two nights in a row. I reassured myself I would and built up some expectations and excitement. It seems being expectant and excited is key to success.
      I had a full dream, but can't remember it, ugh. I think I might have been partially lucid. Slightly remember being mad I was losing the dream. Then I had a FA and caught it when I noticed that when i reached under my pillow with both hands, both of my hands grabbed a phone. I thought, 'I only have one phone!' and became lucid.
      The dream quickly faded as I tried to change the scenery.
      I entered a new dream
      I employed a new mantra method i read on a post yesterday to repeatedly write a mantra. Unsure if this worked or if it was my WBTB technique, but I had an LD!
      Going to try a shorter waking time in my WBTB tonight.
      I drank about 1.5+ bottles of water before bed. It was too much. (I drink water before bed to wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom so I can wake without an alarm)

      Updated 10-02-2013 at 12:30 AM by 49729

      lucid , false awakening