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    Lucid Dreams

    1. A Walmart Trip

      by , 02-08-2013 at 04:10 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      100Mg-5htp prebed
      Bedtime 10pm
      Wbtb 2:30a-3:00a
      400Mg L-theanine
      2 capsules Calea Z
      1 tablespoon Calea Z in tea form. The taste was not so bad compared to wormwood!

      I felt tired and mellow. I relaxed easily and attempt WILD. I took awhile to clear my mind. I tried the counting but it kept me too alert. I then focused more on a version of SSILD. Pretty much the same just more free flowing and less structured. I lose consciousness pretty quick.

      I am in Walmart. For some reason I take 3 large Styrofoam cups from a soda machine near Subway. A cashier says something snarky and the door greeter reprimands her for it. The cashier says, "Oh I just like to give her husband a hard time." The woman is older with gray hair and I assume its someone that works with my wife. I don't know what to say so I just smile politely and walk on by. I am heading to the back of the store when do my usual awareness stuff and notice that I feel really odd. I think, That Calea Z. is kicking and now I'm stoned." I stop walking now and begin hovering down the walkway. I pause to get my bearings and taking in the dream scene.

      For some reason I am instantly kicked back into vibrations. I don't feel myself in bed but I know I am about to have a OBE. I am not excited but really content because its been awhile. I feel my face turn into a huge smile.

      Then I hear a phantom alarm clock. I don't know if its real or not and worry that its time to get up. I reall want to look at the clock but I know I'll lose the dream if I do. I briefly debate with myself but all the worry cuts off the vibrations and I am fully awake.

      The time was 3:23am. I had just got back to bed from a WBTB ending at 3am. I practiced WILD for a good bit before losing consciousness this literally was the first dream.

      I took a good while to go back to sleep and I didnt think to WILD again or even SSILD. I remember no more dreams after this. Perhaps Calea Z. has a really short half life. Or maybe I need a higher dose. It definitely doesn't compare to Galantamine.

      Updated 02-08-2013 at 07:25 PM by 5967

    2. First Lucid

      by , 02-08-2013 at 07:21 AM
      I have a weird sleep scheduled due to opposite work schedules with me and my Fiance. I go to bed at 2ish, wake up at 6:30 and drive her to work. Get home at 7:15-7:20 and go to sleep around 7:40. I then sleep till 12.

      Anyway, this morning, which which was Friday the 1st. I was struggling to fall asleep that morning, By 9 in the morning I had been laying in bed for an hour and a half trying to sleep, with no luck. So figuring why not, I started trying to lucid dream. Focusing on what I thought was my second most known area, My work, I imagined it fully, every detail I could think of.

      Suddenly I was standing in the middle of My work, Every color as bright as could be. My eyes got wide and I said "Holy ******* **** Im ******* dreaming" All of a sudden the whole dream began to ripple as if a huge stone was thrown in to a small pond. I could feel a pulling as if I was waking. So i looked at my hands, and the ripples slowed to a halt. I began to look back up and start to walk around, but I woke up

      Opening my eyes I was like "**** I had it" Excited I had finally Entered a Lucid dream and it ended so quickly. So i Attempted again, picturing my work to full detail once again. I laid in bed and suddenly my whole body tingled and I felt myself go numb.

      I opened my left eye slowly, to peak in to my bedroom thinking I heard something, and I was standing in my work again. Just like that. Getting excited once again I got ripped out instantly.

      Shaking my head in agitation, I went at it again. This time just thinking about dreaming, and being conscious.

      I was standing in a stone room, sort of like the Flintstones houses. The tables and bookshelves were inside indents in the walls, built in sort of. I walked around the room slowly, Noticing a single post it note on the wall, I looked at it and it was just a pencil doodle. I looked away and looked back and it was a different doodle. I then woke up

      I tried once again but then failed at having a lucid dream, and slept the rest of the time. Remembering the next dream but it was quite boring.
    3. After the Storm

      by , 02-07-2013 at 04:27 PM
      This was a nice, very vivid LD where I was reunited with a long-gone childhood pet. It was more difficult than usual to connect to my tasks and goals. In fact, I could remember very little from waking life. I'm wondering whether this is because it was galantamine night, which required me to use an extremely short WBTB.

      And my ever-reliable nose pinch RC let me down!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #63: After the Storm

      I'm walking with my 3-year-old E in the back yard of what I think is our family home. The yard is vast, wild, and overgrown. As we walk, a Golden Retriever comes up to us and starts sniffing my hand. He looks almost exactly like the dog that I had when I was a kid, but I dismiss this as coincidence.

      I wonder how this dog got into our yard. E, the dog, and I walk to to edge of the property and I see that the entire fence is destroyed. Nothing but a couple of snapped fenceposts remain. Looking further out, I see that our next door neighbor's house has been utterly destroyed.
      I think that this must be a dream. I perform the nose pinch reality check and can't breathe. I try it again and still can't breathe. "Oh shit," I think. "This is really happening."

      The three of us walk further through town. Everywhere we look, houses are toppled and people sift dispiritedly through the rubble. I tell my son, "E, I think there's been a big tornado. Daddy's going to figure this out."

      We walk across an empty four-lane road. Some of the shops on this road are open, which strikes me as odd. I RC again, pushing my finger into my palm.
      My left hand stretches like stiff taffy and I know that this is a dream.

      I look down at the Golden Retriever and realize that he really is the same dog that I had when I was a boy! He's been gone almost fifteen years but now he's somehow standing right in front of me. I scratch him behind the ears. He just looks off into the distance with that big, goofy doggy grin. Even though I know that this is all a dream, it feels like a reunion.

      E pets the Golden and starts fiddling with his ears. The dog pants and stares contentedly up at the sky. I decide that now is the right time for me to break off on my own.

      I walk further along the road. I know that I had lots of plans for this lucid dream but I can't remember any of them. As I'm pondering this, a steady flow of traffic starts on the road and in a few seconds, cars are whizzing by in both directions. I remember a conversation with Xanous and Alyzarin about how they like to play in traffic during lucid dreams.

      I start walking across the road. I'm halfway across when I suddenly realize that the cars are driving on the left side of the road (like in Great Britain or New Zealand.) The next thing I know, a small, strange, open-topped car is barreling toward me. Suddenly I'm scared that this car is going to flatten me and I try to force-push it to the side. The little car swerves to the left and its brakes squeal. I float up into the air, drifting slightly away.

      The car has stopped and its driver, a woman of about 30, is leaned forward toward the steering wheel. Her eyes are squeezed shut as if she's in pain. I run or fly to the side of her little open-topped car, freaked that I've hurt her somehow when I did that force-push. "Are you okay? Are you okay?"

      She doesn't respond, but she's clutching at her stomach. There's something horribly wrong with her. Her stomach is badly distended, stretching all the way down so that it rests on the floorboard of her car. I pick up her enormous, stretched stomach off of the floor and start feeding it back into her body. It takes some effort, but in the end it spools smoothly back into her torso as if nothing had ever happened.

      She looks at me and smiles. I notice for the first time that she's incredibly attractive and I kiss her.
      (Guess I got over the stomach thing!) I pull away before I get myself totally distracted and she drives off, waving as she goes.

      Again I try to remember my goals and again they won't come. I finish crossing the road and leap about twelve feet into the air, perching on a crumbling arbor by the side of the road. I look out over the ruined city and see that the destruction stretches for miles. I can't even seem to find my house anymore. Is the destruction getting worse? What's happening to this place?

      I consider where to explore next but
      the dream soon ends.
    4. Scary Lucid and Others

      by , 02-06-2013 at 04:43 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Mother and Sister Arguing
      I'm in the Daisetta house. Mother and sister are arguing (as usual) in the kitchen. My mother calls my sister "stupid" and my sister is very sad and upset. For once, I defend my sister and call my mother stupid. I want to make her feel the same way my sister does so that see can feel empathy.

      I have three kids, a boy of about 10, a girl, and a younger boy. They are playing around the house. I keep calling the oldest boy "Superman" but then I don't know what to call the younger boy. I think "Little Superman" or "Superman's Sidekick" but he doesn't want to be called little. Also in the house is Lance. It seems we're acting out a shooting game. He is sneaking around the house trying to reach the living room. I shoot him to defend.

      Short Scary Lucid
      I'm laying on a couch. I'm looking at myself in a mirror. But I know I'm wearing a sleep mask so I must be dreaming. I stand up and stablize. The room is mostly dark. In front of me is a window and behind me is the kitchen, somewhat like my real house. I walk into the kitchen and begin to recall a goal. I start to visualize a new scene. But I hear a creepy whispering voice that sounds like my sister. She says "Look what we found..." I fall through the floor to the level below. I'm not in a big empty room. Ahead I see a spotlight shining on one point of the floor that is covered with blood. I'm pulled toward the scene through the air. Slightly behind the spot light I can make out bloody bodies hanging from hooks on the sleep. I wake myself up.

      It's after the Super Bowl and I go to Macy's alone. The streets and the store are almost deserted, just a few people. I'm looking for some novelty to decorate my living room but I'm not sure what I'm looking for. As I enter, there's a salesman holding a deck of playing cards that light up. I think it's some kind of cheap magic trick. I ignore him and wander around the store, looking for something by nothing in particular if you know what I mean. I think I take a magazine. I've made a full loop around the store and didn't find anything. I see a different saleswomen now with the lit playing cards. She approaches me. She has blonde hair. She asks for my ZIP code and email address. I dodge the conversation, asking what the playing cards are. She pushes to get my ZIP code. I walk away. She walks to a nearby register and commiserates with another salesperson that she's not having any success selling the cards and she's frustrated. I haven't found anything so I intend to leave.
    5. Winged Cupid Painted Blind

      by , 02-06-2013 at 04:02 PM
      This was a fun Valentine Task of the Month-themed LD. I managed to pull off the basic TotM ("Find a flower and give it to the next DC you see") and gave a valiant effort at the Advanced ("Find Cupid, and bribe him to shoot your favorite celebrity or DV member.")

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #62: Winged Cupid Painted Blind

      I'm talking dreams with my friend AL as we walk behind a row of townhouse garages. I tell him, "You know, I had a dream a few nights ago that Wife and I went out on a double date with you and ML." I feel something strange when I say that, then realize that it's all a dream. "And I'm having a dream right now... gotta go, man!"

      I'm disoriented and can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing. I assume I'm supposed to be flying somewhere. Without waiting for AL's response, I turn my face toward the gray, cloudy sky. "Up, up and awaaaay!!" I wail. Absolutely nothing happens.

      Then I remember the Task of the Month. I look down at a nearby patch of grass and see a bunch of small, yellow, weedy-looking flowers. I pull a handful of them up and turn to AL, who is now sitting on the ground, piddling with the grass. "Here you go, dude!" I announce, stuffing the flowers into his hand. He just stares at them.

      This dream still has some gas in the tank but I have no plan. After a moment I remember the "Cupid" advanced TotM, where I'm supposed to summon either a DV member or celebrity. Even though I'm hoping this task will stay G-rated, I play it safe. I remember that Kate Beckinsale is on my "freebie list" ("A list of 5 celebrities who, should the opportunity arise, one is allowed to sleep with without it being considered as cheating by your significant other.") Also known as "list of absolutely futile spouse-approved celebrity crushes".

      "Okay," I say, "Kate Beckinsale will be..." I whirl around. "...right behind me!" I'm staring at nothing but a chain-link fence.

      I relax and do it right this time. I think about how she is already standing there and I'll just need to turn around in order to find her.

      I whirl around again and this time find myself staring at an invisible woman dressed in a business suit. She has no hands, feet, or head. I watch for a moment and see that the suit is vaguely moving. The suit's right arm reaches across its chest, as if its wearer was scratching her shoulder.

      "That's not right," I say, and walk up to her. I place my right hand where her face should be and am surprised to feel nothing at all! I pantomime the motion of molding clay and after a couple seconds of work, her face fills in from top to bottom like liquid being poured into a glass. This is really close to the final result:

      Her eyes narrow shrewdly, like she's wondering how exactly I plan to pull off this next part. (I'm wondering the same thing.) I need to add Cupid to this whole scene. I don't want to turn around and potentially go through the hassle of re-summoning my celebrity, but I'm not sure how else to get Cupid into the scene. I think about putting my hand behind me and having him land on it, but then I'm a bit grossed out by the idea of Cupid sitting in my hand naked.

      Kate Beckinsale cocks an eyebrow as I stand there struggling with this question. In a few more seconds, the dream solves the problem for me
      by ending.
    6. Agent Smith and company

      by , 02-05-2013 at 09:01 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Recall is a bit bad because I tried to DEILD after the dream, and slept for another hour or so.

      Anyways, I'm in a bathroom, and suddenly a pipe bursts and water starts gushing through the wall. I try to turn off the water, and the faucet head breaks off, and then the shower head breaks off. I did a nose pinch, and it didn't totally fail, but I had to remind myself that I needed to focus on head pressure.

      The second one did the charm. I left the busted up bathroom, and quickly left the house. Ugh, being totally goalless I looked at my surroundings for a bit, and saw low hanging dark clouds. It kind of reminded me of a scene from the Matrix. I decide to think about Agent smith, and he came running from the distant wood line. I rushed towards him, and we both met in the middle of the empty field, punching each other. A light drizzle started and the fight went on. I can't really remember the fight itself other than how it felt. He wasn't too good, but it was cool to fight him.

      Things get more fuzzy, because I don't know how I got to this place I'm at. I remember knife fighting, and earning kinves if I won, and seeing Jenny McCarthy. I asked her to take off her shirt, and she did. I also remember having some profound conversation with a female DC. She was asking so many questions about herself, and I was explaining to her, that she's essentially me.
    7. Cupid and the Clock are Against Me! (2 failed TOTM WILDs)

      by , 02-05-2013 at 07:39 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Fun morning! Went to bed at 1am (I was baking bread late last night, bad Ophelia), and woke up at 5:30am when Danny went to work, then again at 6:45am when it was time to get Chris to school. I went back to sleep at about 8am, making myself think of the TOTMs (The cupid one and the clock one) so I could remember them later if I got lucid.

      I woke up maybe around 9am, and felt tired enough to try to WILD. I was able to initiate the vibrations again, which was bad ass. I gotta be the right level of tired though, because I tried a few times when I wasn't tired enough and it doesn't work. I forgot to incubate a new scene, so when I opened my dream eyes I was in my bed. I slowly sat up in my bed and saw a handsome man sitting on the edge of my bed. I said "Who are you?" He said some garbled things but I picked up the word "Lane," which was the middle name of my bf in college. "Michael!!" We hugged, and he wanted to make out (he looked goooooooOOOOD!), but I wanted to do the cupid task. I knew it wouldn't count because Michael isn't a celebrity or DV member, but I just wanted to see if we could find Cupid. So I grabbed Michael's hand and we left the bedroom. I tried calling Cupid, expecting to see him, but no Cupid. I told Michael to call him but he wouldn't. I even put my fingers on Michael's lips and made them move as if he was calling out "Cupid!", while I made the sound. Lol. Then I put my hands together, and imagined that Cupid was forming in my hands, then I threw them up in the air, as if to make Cupid manifest that way. Didn't fucking work. I suck at conjuring people I gave up and turned to Michael and we made out for a few seconds before I woke up.

      I half way rolled over, then rolled back and decided to try to initiate vibrations again. I was able to get them started, but it was like an engine that wouldn't turn over at first. So I tried to focus harder on the back of my eyelids and forehead, saying "focus focus" to myself again. It worked and I opened my dream eyes into an LD as usual. I forgot AGAIN to incubate a new scene, so I was in my bedroom AGAIN lol. That part is so new to me and has to happen super quick, so I need to add the word "incubate!" to my little mini "focus" mantra me thinks. Me, mantra? Haha, who woulda thunk? Anyway, I got out of bed and left my bedroom. RIGHT as I opened my bedroom dorr, I was trying to think of another task to try, and I thought "CLOCK." As soon as I walked out the door, I was outside in an alley behind a restaurant in Europe it looked like. And there was a little bench with a big wall clock laying on it! It was just a plain old round one with a white background, just like the ones they had at school when I was young. And yay it had a second hand. I don't remember what time it was, but I remember that the second hand was right on the 12, and it was ticking. It looked perfectly normal and vivid, so I picked it up and held it in front of my face, counting as it went along. It looked just fine, and 5 seconds had gone by when I thought to myself, "I so got this!" (fffuuu). As soon as the second hand ticked 7 times, the numbers started to flip. The 6 and 7 swapped places. Then the second hand would tick too far of a distance, then rewind a bit, and it would land inappropriately in between the tick marks. I watched for a few more seconds then woke up. Haha oh well.

      My subC: the Troll of Trolls.
    8. February 4th 2013 WILDs

      by , 02-05-2013 at 07:02 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Non-Lucid Lucid

      Yesterday I got home from school exhausted so I decided to take a nap. I woke up after about an hour in this really tired state ready to go back to bed. I was laying with my eyes open when I noticed I was falling back to sleep without any control. This transitioned into that dark matter state where my body is asleep but I can start building into the next dream. My entire body was very locked up with this feeling of being high/pleasure, so I started to think of what I wanted to do.

      I knew I wanted to lucid dream about something that wasn't sex because I always do that, so I start to imagine being in a bar or something. I lose track of what I was thinking but all of the sudden I appear into a bathroom stall in a bathroom. I open the door and suddenly am hit with this big realization that this is so real and scary and I thought that because I was scared I was gonna imagine creepy figures into my dreams. I turned on the sink and it was all too real to me. I decided I didn't want to do this so I jumped straight up and landed on my back as the scene faded. Again I was in this state of dark matter. My body was locked up with this feeling as I started imagining something else. I decided I wanted to go back to a previous dream I had in a inflatable bounce place. I started imagining and spinning around until something appeared.

      It was this room with a low ceiling but was filled with this bouncy material filled with air. I start walking up the steps to some slide when the dream starts to collapse. I yell "ILLUMINATE!" two or three times and the dream stabilizes. I round the corner with my body bent over as I jump down the slide. I land on my stomach and I bounce up about to the ceiling and fall back down onto this inflatable thing in the air. That's when the dream collapsed.

      It went into another dream where I was talking to this girl named Alex, but then I returned to dark matter and decided to start up a dream with Alex. Her and I had made out with each other in my bed irl so I started remembering that moment and soon enough I woke standing up on my dream bed. I look down and see myself and Alex laying face to face making out. I wanted to be the one making out with her, so I shoved my dream self over and started kissing her until the dream collapsed.
    9. Seth, family, animals, road

      by , 02-05-2013 at 04:04 PM
      I am with Seth at my family's sea house in Montenegro. Husband is not with me and in the dream I know he is away for his work and is supposed to arrive later that day. My aunt, uncle, cousin and her three kids and my grandma are present there aswell. The house looks exactly like it does in real life, the suroundings of it however do not. My bags are under the stairs. The actual dream begins with me waking up and going downstairs and finding my grandma carrying seth and giving him to me, then leaving. My aunt and uncle are there in the dinning room that is conjoined to the living room. I see a plate of bread fried in eggs, I ask Seth if he wants to eat that for breakfast and he says Yes so I grab one piece and start giving it to him, still carrying him. Upon nearly finishing it, he says he is thirsty so I ask my aunt do we have anything he could drink. She and uncle seem very nervous and angry, not liking the fact that I am there. She answers in an annoyed tone that there is milk. I ask her if she could take it out of the fridge for me, since I am carrying Seth and feeding him and she says Fine, quite rude. She opens the fridge and takes out a huge plastic canister of milk. But the milk does not look normal. There is a separation of milk and water, the white liquid that I am assuming is milk is at top while at the bottom there is clear water and the two are swirling a bit in the middle, overlaping each other. My aunt says that the milk is not good and turns to my uncle and they start whispering. In the meantime I go back to the bread plate to get more but all of the breads are suddenly gone.I shift my attention towards my aunt and uncle and I manage to hear that aunt is telling uncle to go and buy new milk, he is dressing a white shirt and yells out Why the hell can't she *** go and *** buy it? I felt really sad at that moment, a crying moment, because I did not even ask for a new milk, so I intruded their conversation and said "It's ok, I will go and buy it.", but they continued to argue. I turned around and exited to the balcony and I saw the sea, My granda was sitting there and I told her:"The sea is more calm today". The sea itself was in much commotion, with lots of waves. She responds with :"At least its calmer then yesterday". I think for myself I should just take Seth to the beach and we swim and play, move away from all this negativity, so I leave Seth with my grandma and I go back inside to search for my swimsuit. I crouch down under the stairs where my baggage was and I take my purple handbag that is pack full with stuff and start searchng for my swimsuit. There is lots of stuff inside, on the top there is a yellow bag with 2 packs of cigars, I think for myself Whoa, we had 2 packs, why the hell did I go out to buy cigars yesterday, I get lucid there, but I give up the control of the dream. I start sifting through the bag more and I take out a plastic square box inside which is a dead little turtle. I think for myself and get a kind of a memory inside the dream that me and my husband packed out turtles to bring them to vacation with us, but that I somehow forgot to take them out of the bag. I look at the turtle and I see there is a small white egg inside aswell , aswell as a smaller one exiting the turtle. Suddenly, the turtle moves her head and looks at me for a moment,then goes back to rpevious position. It was looking rotten, decomposing. I thought oh,she is alive, I better take her to the garden fast, my cousin approaches me and asks what am I looking for,I hide the turtle bag in the bag and say Ah, just my swimsuit,I wanted to take Seth to the beach. I am looking around the living room and I see her, my aunt, uncle all looking at me with so much hate, disgust.
      Next scene, I am walking with Seth down the road towards the village, to buy the milk. It is around 19h, the sun is dying. The road looks same as in real life, its just a road with bushes and trees and all sort of green plants on both sides, stretching into mini forests. While walking I think what if a snake comes right now straight at you? and at that moment the green plants from the sides merge and completely close the road. I get scared. I look to the road and there is a huge snake moving right towards me and Seth, so I turn around and start walking back slowly. I am looking down to the road that now looks like red bricked road, but the road does not look or feel as tho it is made from brick, but from bright red mud shapped to look like a brick and there are snakes everywhere. I decide to take control of the dream and I turn the snakes into little animated paintings of fruits: strawberries, lemons, oranges, cherries are the ones I noticed. I smile and I keep walking but my stupid mind suddenly thinks Doesn't fruit attracts bugs?, so I look down to the road once again and I see lots of little bugs crawling around, I say "Enough with this shit!" and I wake myself up.
      Tags: animals, family, sea, son
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    10. Mon Feb 4 (0:52-8:29) **

      by , 02-05-2013 at 02:54 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Holes in the Sky (LUCID)

      Wandering about New York at night with some buddies, we come across their old high school. It's closed now, but we're in the mood for an adventure, so we break in. I'm not totally comfortable with this, and even though there was no audible alarm when we opened the door, I suspect there might have been a silent one. No sooner do I voice this concern to my friends than the floodlights come on and the police catch us.

      Later, alone, irritated by the police and conscious of my lucid powers, I decide to walk around the perimeter of the school and telekinetically make writing appear on the chalkboards I can see through the windows. Let them try to explain that tomorrow morning!

      Soon I wake up, but on a whim I do an RC and find out it was an FA. It's pretty dark, so I try to shout and make it brighter. That doesn't work, so I stop a moment to think. What would be a natural way to alter the dream and make it lighter? Aha! I direct my arms at the ceiling, and a square portion dissolves away to let in some reddish light. A pretty good solution, if I do say so myself.

      Later, while I'm working on something, I see a couple of girls in bikinis off in the distance. I make a note of the location, but honestly what I'm doing now seems more important to me. Soon after, I wake up.

      Previous Sleep Hours:
      Sun Feb 3: 6:07-12:37

      Updated 02-05-2013 at 08:22 PM by 57256 (added rating)

      Tags: light, night, police
    11. My Wish for Today

      by , 02-05-2013 at 07:29 AM
      I hoped for a lucid dream early yesterday morning. I wasn't having a good night, so this helped turn things around.

      I can not remember much from it, only one part.

      I'm at a birthday party with a few strangers in the afternoon. Most of them were girls. I'm walking on a patio just outside the house and walked towards a table of unfamiliar materials. I was lucid already so I done a few reality checks to confirm it.

      I read some of the words on the materials. I couldn't understand most of them. Some of the lettering were just mixed letters in a sentence and other strange symbols. It's a great feeling knowing these words weren't written properly and knowing it was a dream.

      Spoiler for You're probably too young...:
    12. 4 Feb: Factory of dreams

      by , 02-05-2013 at 12:35 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am in Rome for a one day stop while travelling. I decide to go look for a strange place I'm not sure I have ever been or simply dreamt of. I enter a back alley and go through some L turns until I enter a dead end street and there it is: the red brick building with the tall windows on the 1st floor and the open arches on the ground floor. Sparks over my head, heavy machinery passing by on rails. I know it so well, yet I am not sure I have been here before. It's like Wonka's chocolate factory, but with no chocolate. Here it is created the structure of dreams. The entire factory is a puzzle of rooms connected to each other in no logical order of geometry. I'm welcomed here as an old visitor and taken on a tour through the new creations of the factory. Increbidle animals crawling up the walls, the colours of the rainbow, unspeakable wonders all over. I'm left alone to explore the levels. There is no end, no exit, I feel a hint of panic but I immediately put it away. I could dwell in this dream world forever.
      Then I'm in a room with a broken ceiling through which I climb outside. Then a road, which I follow, but an earthquake tears it open. A car is thrown at me. I duck at a ditch, but another car is thrown at me. I duck again. It passes over my head. Then increasingly bigger machines are thrown at me, a train, a helicopter, a plane which falls from the sky. They are being thrown at me, mercilessly. I wake up.
    13. A muddled one, with some FAs and a little lucid

      by , 02-04-2013 at 12:09 PM
      I went out to work in the morning and when I came back (only a couple of hours later), I decided I should go to bed. I didn't feel like it, but I knew I was super tired. So I did, and did SSILD for a little while. But I couldn't even fall asleep. Then, later on in the afternoon, I felt really tired, so I put the radio on and went to bed. After a little while, I had a feeling like I was coming out of something very deep, everything was dark and the radio sounded funny, but then I felt like I was rising up out of it and I came back again.

      Then I fell properly asleep. However, I wasn't aware that I'd fallen asleep (you know how when you have a nap and you feel kind of disoriented and you're never sure if you've slept or how much you've slept?). It was like that. I felt like for so long I just couldn't fall asleep, but I was half asleep for sure, and just day-dreaming. At one point, I lifted my head up and looked out of the window. I didn't know it then, but I was dreaming (unfortunately, I haven't been doing my RCs recently and so I never thought to do an RC after I'd 'woken up'). The other odd thing was, was that the sky outside was concurrent with how it should have looked in real life and there was all the condensation on the window that has been there today IRL. I'm just mentioning this, because I'm impressed at how very real the FA was. My vision was a little grainy and I couldn't hear the radio very well. This happened a couple of times.

      Then I was really dreaming. I was walking through my apartment and my housemate was in her room with one of her friends and I thought, "Ohhh, damn, she's back already." (Again, this is pretty much real life, except she's not back yet. And everything was so realistic, nothing really bizarre and random like most dreams). I ran to the fridge and then back to my room, still not aware I was dreaming. I was back in my room and up on the wall I saw a little cupboard with the door slid half way open. I thought, "Who opened that?!" (Except I don't have a cupboard). Then I realised it was my bookshelf. THEN, my bookshelf had changed shape and was in the middle of the room, but apart from that, everything was exactly as it should be, right down to how my room is lit. I was looking at the books on it and I saw five new books that were not there before and are not there IRL, because they're back home. They were some of my favourites and I got really excited. I was like, "Hmm, wait....what..? Mum...?" And then it clicked. I looked at my hand and I had all these fingers and I suddenly felt there and conscious. It was pretty cool, but I suddenly had the most bizarre reaction. I started panicking and saying, "Wake up! Wake up!" Then I thought, "What am I doing?" and started rubbing my hands together. That didn't work, everything went dark and drifted away and I woke up and realised that I'd had some FAs. So 2nd LD and I ballsed it up again. Well, gotta keep on trying!

      Lula x
    14. 2 Lucids in one night... what happened?!

      by , 02-04-2013 at 10:13 AM
      This came as a complete surprise to me, just was not expecting it.

      Dream 1. I was in some corridor and I realised I wasn't where I should have been so I became lucid. I dropped to the floor to stabilise and started feeling the carpet beneath me. It didn't feel like carpet, it felt like there was a cushion of air stopping me fron touching it. So this meant I couldn't stabilise much. I stood up and made to walk out of the corridor when I felt the dream wobble. "Damn this is a fragile dream" I thought as I lowered myself to the floor again for a second attempt at stabilising. Things didn't get much better and before long I was kicked into a False Awakening.

      Dream 2...ish. I was laid in my bed, I could feel it beneath me. I thought I'd woken up when suddenly lucidity strikes again when I notice I'm not the weight I should be. Unfortunately I can't remember now if I was lighter or heavier than I am usually. But I daren't open my eyes for fear I might wake up. So that one ended pretty quickly before I had to wake up via alarm clock.

      A good night after a month long dry spell
      false awakening , lucid
    15. Short Lucid Flight

      by , 02-04-2013 at 05:25 AM (Second Reality Experiences)
      My dad, sister and I are on the beach. The water is beautiful, and it’s clear and sunny outside.My dad goes for a swim but soon gets attacked by a shark. We rush him home but he doesn’t want to go to the doctor. And he dies later that evening from an infecton to the wound. The dream resets and we are back on the beach again. My dream-self interprets this as I had a dream and it predicted the future. So my dad gets attacked by a shark again. When we get him to the house I watch him like a hawk. I make him put antibiotics on his wound. He doesn’t listen to me about staying in bed. It’s like telling a child not to do something. He gets up. Says he is going out for a drive and gets in his car. I get in the car with him to make him stop. He drives through the house breaking through walls to get outside. While he is driving with me in the passenger side trying to stop the car, I realize I am dreaming – I guess because none of this made any sense.

      I jump through the windowshield and fly high into the sky. It’s difficult to stabilize the dream because I haven’t been lucid in quite some time. The constant flow and feeling of the wind against my skin helps. Whenever I try to slow to a stop the dream starts fading away so I keep flying fast. I see a church that resembles the Duomo of Florence, except its next to the ocean. I decide I want to land on it…but again as I try to the dream fades and I am back in bed.