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    Lucid Dreams

    1. 3/22/13 - Fences/Impaled by rake/Alien landing

      by , 03-22-2013 at 11:55 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      The orange bit is when I became lucid.

      I'm in a backyard that I've never been, I'm climbing on them and looking on the tops of the fence and every once in awhile I find a stack of money. Then my friend and some boy I don't recognize walks into the backyard and they ask me what I'm doing. I tell them that finding money on fences is how I make a living, they're are shocked by this, so I show them, I pick a spot on the long fence and I climb up a little and find a small stack of money and show them, they're intrigued but still shocked, we start walking away from the fence, and suddenly the boy has a pitchfork in his hands and is walking towards me, he first goes towards my friend but I jump in front of her, and it goes into my stomach but doesn't puncture me yet, I say to him "what the hell are you doing!" and then he say's "I'm sorry, I can't control it!", so me and my friend say it's okay, but then I run out of room to back up in and then the pitchfork impales my torso and goes all the way through, my friend gasps but I tell her it's okay, for some reason I don't feel any pain, but it feels like a sensation. We are interrupted by some man and he says we must go to the hill and watch the aliens arrive, the boy has disappeared, but me and my friend panic and go to the hill so we don't stick out for any reason and get in trouble. When we go to the hill there is so many people laying and sitting on blankets or just on the grass, me and my friend lay together really close anticipating a bad thing, (then everything, the wind the grass the people just get very vivid) and I hear something loud and horrible coming i think its the ship but before I see anything I become aware that I'm in a dream, and I think i prevented the ship from coming because I can just hear the awful noise and shaking sensation, then I turn to see my friend but she's gone so I realize I can get the heck outta here and I look at the grass then when I look back up I'm still at the hill and I get annoyed but all the people and noise are gone, I try it again and when I look to the light I'm in this really really small room with just a rug and Then I feel as though my lucidity is slipping so I look at my hands and my fingers go out like smoke and I rub my hands together and I guess I stabilized, I make a door appear for some reason, I don't even use it, then I remember I need to brake something (that's the only part of the totm I could remember for some reason) but there is nothing to brake, no window nothing, when I turn looking I see a small table that a lamp would go on and I try to touch it but it sort of acts like two magnets deflecting from each other every time my hand got near, so I sloppily swing my foot at it and it explodes with one touch and wood chips go in the air in almost slow motion and I think why is it less wood then was in the form of it being a table. then I want to try to fly, but when I try it's like I'm doggy paddling in water but I stay in the air where I doggy paddled instead of going back down.]and then my cat woke me up quite alarmed because he had to take a dump and the litter box is in the hallway.
    2. Almighty Power

      by , 03-22-2013 at 10:27 PM
      My journey began at Pacific High School. It's the school I'm always dreaming about. I'm standing at the quad waiting for a few friends to showing up during the day. There was a lot of people walking around so I'm assuming school was out. I met up with a few friends a met from another school I'm taking right now. Well, I really just met Natalie. When she shows up, I was lucid. I was lucid before this, I just forgot where I was and what I was doing.

      There were times when I just wanted people to die. That's when I used my powers to have them killed off easily. That's when I start to notice differences in how I can control my powers. I felt that the more I thought about killing someone, the harder it'll be or it may not happen. I tried not to think about it and look away and strangely, it worked. I raised my right hand and formed it in a shape of a pistol and killed almost everyone I saw. Even as me and Natalie were walking home, I was killing people.

      I remember telling Natalie something. I told her that I had some kind of friendly love for her. She didn't show too much sympathy but when we reached the quieter part of the school, she showed some interest in walking very close next to me. I also saw a man walking in the direction we were walking in. At first, I thought he was going to kill us, but I walked in to a factory just half the mile from the school. I didn't take to much time there. That place was a ghost town. I'm not sure what was standing beyond the road, there was a big wall surrounding the area I was walking next to.

      This is the part where I ditch Natalie and enter the factory. There's a few people I met in the factory, but nothing special happened. I only noticed a few women standing in front a set of clothing while some of them were nagging about it.

      I also do remember another part. I was back at my house with the power of lucidity. I was standing in front yard with two other people on the ground, injured. I looked up at the sky and felt it was a perfect time to end the world off with a meteor. I paused and stared at the school for a few seconds and raised my right hand. I tried my best to destroy the world but it just wouldn't work. Again.
    3. Obe

      by , 03-22-2013 at 08:16 PM
      I don't remember much of last night. Again, I was distracted and not focused on dreaming lucidly, although I did ponder it as I fell asleep.

      I had one of my out of body experience type things. Sometimes, while asleep, even though I am not dreaming I will instinctively "sit up" out of my body and begin an OBE.

      I was not able to easily fully free myself from my body, this time - for whatever reason. But I WAS able to see - in the past, I've always been blind - although I wasn't able to fully open my eyes. I was quite aware that this was a form of dream, although I was unable to control its course. I stumbled around my dream-room, half-blind and unable to control my limbs very well at all or free myself from my blanket, which I felt like I was entangled in.

      I realized that this wasn't working well and lay back down, attempting to visualize and possibly break out of the OBE into a regular lucid dream. I also attempted to do a scene change to sky, which didn't work.
      Unfortunately, I lost lucidity.

      I know that this wasn't a misadventure with sleep paralysis because I've gotten very good at differentiating. When I woke up, my bed and bedroom were unmussed despite the fact that in my OBE/dream, I had completely wrecked my bedroom and knocked/thrown stuff everywhere. Unless I then cleaned them up in my sleep... lol.

      I was woken up by my smoke alarm chirping. I had to get up and change the battery. While I did so, I tried to ponder the dreams I had, but I couldn't recall any of them. It was frustrating. My dream recall seriously hinges on how stressed and distracted I am.
    4. Snooze DILD, managed to defy alarm clock

      by , 03-22-2013 at 06:59 PM
      Before sleep: felt like listening to relaxing music when falling asleep but decided to turn it off. Big mistake, was way too awake and my mind decided it was time to torture me with worries about an incoming situation irl. I managed to convince myself I am not interested in its worries tonight, and started day dreaming more pleasant situations instead. 2 hours went by before I felt asleep…

      Total sleep time: 7+hrs

      Dream recall techniques: tired and lazy tonight, so none

      First Regular Dream: No DJ entry. Woke up around 3 hrs after falling asleep, went to toilet and repeated two times the key word which was supposed to unravel the dream. Was really sleepy and did not turn on tablet to write down, which I should have done, because I couldn’t remember anything from this dream when waking up 4 hrs later.

      Snooze dreams: I wanted to sleep, felt really tired, but I also wanted to lucid, so I switched between setting the alarm clock for 20 more minutes or just pressing the snooze button.

      Snooze dream1: Me and some classmates were in a building, which later feels more like a mall. I remember in the dream that there is a place in the mall, where they sell really attractive cupcakes/brownies, etc. I am interacting with my friends and I dream some toilets as per dream tradition.

      Snooze dream2: The building I am in feels like some kind of hospital in space, maybe spaceship. The atmosphere is very dynamic because it is part of the “Aliens” game that I am playing in the dream. This is very similar to previous dreams I had. [I haven’t played “aliens” for years and after so many paranoid dreams I am surely not buying the new one!] The room door in front of me will open any minute, somebody is counting down, and there are lots of aliens waiting to jump on me. Just great! I try running away from them, rushing to a room, closing the door. They are coming! I try to open the window and jump from it. It is very high and I fall, I fail to hold on to any branches of a nearby tree and keep on falling. But I guess, my attention is not programmed to hit the ground, so it happens as if I really managed to grab some branches and am hanging in the air. I feel gravity in a really strange way as I am completely disoriented as to in which direction the ground is. The aliens are probably climbing the building so they will reach me soon.

      I wake up putting the alarm for some 20 mins later and think I want to WILD. I feel very sleepy but I try to keep myself awake, staring at the blackness in front of me, keeping the intention to have a lucid. I didn’t notice when I fell asleep.

      Snooze dream3 - DILD: The scenario where the aliens are coming continues, but this time I am at my old place, in my room. A transparent guy, I can only see the contours of his body, walks in the room. At first I think he will chase me, but then he turns into a friend from school. I have the urge to kiss him, and well, I do. The paranoia returns and I feel the presence of aliens or whatever is after me behind the room door. There is only one way out now – the balcony. I head for the balcony, and as I cross and have the view of the balcony in front of me, I become aware that I am dreaming. I repeat that I am dreaming in my mind, to be sure that I don’t reintegrate in the dream and lose awareness. Ok, great, but there is this thing that I still feel is coming. Would it stop doing that? I kind of know that I am causing its behaviour with my thoughts, so I try to make it disappear. Does not work. I continue down the balcony, which is really long. I think that if I ignore it, it may not be there, but then I turn my back and there it is. The chaser is now an old rasta man that feels somewhat ominous to me. I mumble that I want him to go away, no effect again. I am reaching the end of the balcony, the corner of the building. I try to think of alternatives of how to deal with the situation. At that very moment the damn alarm clock starts ringing. I am extremely annoyed at this, I really don’t want to wake up now, argh! Perhaps my anger turned to determination not to wake up and I managed to hold the dream and me there as I heard the alarm clock resonating everywhere. No idea how long that was, but it eventually stopped. [I have never attempted to ignore an alarm clock before, neither have I noticed that it stops because I always wake up and turn it off]
      Still on the edge of the balcony, thinking what to do, I see the old rasta advancing, and consider the option of jumping off the building. I know that I will be fine, but when I think about down, I don’t turn my head, just think, I see blackness and I am concerned that I will probably lose it, because the scene will change. “Try to think of a scene to land in”, I think but this is way too complicated. I decide to jump anyways. I am standing at the edge of the balcony and the soles of my bare feet are half way through the air. I do not feel stable enough underneath to be able to perform a jump movement and to launch myself.
      The dream slips away and I wake up.

      Comments: Chasers can be really annoying when you LD. I had some tasks in mind but I really can’t do anything when I feel compelled to run away. Is there any reliable and efficient way to get rid those cheeky entities that prevent you from doing other planned LD actions? Fighting them is way too distracting and making them disappear does not always work. Any tips?

      Updated 03-22-2013 at 08:34 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    5. Accidental WILD

      by , 03-22-2013 at 01:33 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      I had so many dreams that they're all jumbled up in my head. I feel like I'm forgetting something important about an ancient temple and a quest I had to go on....

      A "Wild" Roll (WILD)


      I wake up breifly because my roommate is up doing homework. I roll from my side to my back (my eyes are forced closed because of the sleep mask I'm wearing.) I'm wondering how much time I have left to sleep, when I realize that I'm suddenly caught up in Sleep Paralysis.

      "This will be the first WILD I've had in ages," I think to myself. I ignore the almost painful vibrations tearing through my head and focus on trying to roll off the side of the bed. After a few moments, I accomplish this. My roommate is staring at me in concern. "Did you just fall out of the bed?" she asks.

      "Don't worry about that," I say happily, doing a reality check just to be sure. "I've got tons of stuff to do and not much time to do it." Without answering her questions, I run out of the room.

      I am expecting to see the hallway, so it surprises me when I'm suddenly in my Grandma's house. Doesn't really matter where I am, I decide, just as long as I get... whatever it is I'm supposed to do, done. What am I supposed to do again?

      I notice that it's dark outside, and I figure that I'll be able to think more clearly if it's lighter.

      Before I can even attempt any of this, I wake up again. I lie motionless and try to turn it into a DEILD. I am successful, but I remember absolutely nothing about the following dream, other than it was lighter than the first.

      Too Many Fleas (Non-lucid)


      I am sitting in my old back yard when I notice that my cat (who is supposed to be living with my friend now) is accross the yard. She comes running when I call to her. I am kind of irritated that my friend would just let her wander off like this, when she is supposed to stay inside.

      I pet her and THOUSANDS of fleas begin leaping around through her fur. I am alarmed and disgusted. "Don't worry, I'm going to fix this," I tell her.

      My mom refuses to let her in the house, but she tells me where I can buy some good flea medicine for "only" $50. I look out the window and see Sadie playing with two of my cat's who have been dead for years. I think that my old cats will look after her and she'll be safe.

      Mighty Yell (Non-lucid)


      I am in my closet, looking for something specific. In the background, I can hear my mom calling me. "What is it?" I call out. She just calls my name again. This repeats several times, much to my irritation. Why does she insist on yelling to me from another room if she can't hear my response. I shout "WHAT!?" so loud that I end up screaming it in real life. My roommate is looking at me like I'm insane.
    6. My first long lucid dream.

      by , 03-22-2013 at 10:57 AM
      One of my first long lucid dreams. I had this dream where I was on a street in a big city, mabyee New York, when someone started chasing me. As I was running the person came closer and closer no matter how fast I ran. In a last resort effort I ran down an ally and climbed up a wall as if I was Spider-Man. When I got to the top of the building I realized I had climbed up a skyscraper without using anything. I still hadn't realized that I was in a dream but I was puzzled. I began trying to explain to myself how I just did that. Then I tried to jump in the air. And I jumped probably 10 times higher than I ever had before and when I landed on the roof it did not hurt my legs. It seamed to me that the gravity of earth had been greatly reduced. "OMG"! "This can't be real", I said to myself. "I should not be able to do this". Then I decided to try to jump to the next building over, (kind of like Morpheus in the movie the matrix) and I landed with ease. I began to jump for joy, each time jumping higher and higher. "I must have been abducted by aliens" I thought to myself. "We'll if that's the case F these aliens" I said and jumped off this building and when I hit the ground I felt no pain. It was strange that I was in a huge city in the middle of the day and there was no one around. I began to run and run and run. I was getting faster and faster then I would run on the walls of the building sideways. Then jump on tops of cars crushing them on impact. Everything was so real. I saw everything in color. I could feel the wind on my face and I could here the crushing of the cars. Then it hit me, "I must be dreaming"! I started thinking, "if this is a dream then I should be able to do anything". So I concentrated on trying to levitate a car with my mind and sure enough it worked. I then crushed it into a ball just by thinking about it. "We'll let's try flying", I said to myself and sure enough I was flying around this city. After landing I realized how I had no limits and did not want to wake up. Then I suddenly woke up.
      lucid , memorable
    7. Pharaoh?

      by , 03-21-2013 at 09:41 PM
      I haven't watched any documentaries on ancient Egypt lately, so I have no idea why I dreamed about a Pharaoh. But anyway.

      I remember the bald headed Pharaoh, the apparent "wife" wearing dreadlocks down to the shoulder, skin much darker than portrayed in movies. Appeared a little greasy, but this was the norm. I saw a maiden, servant girl and a very young heir (little boy wearing a loin cloth/skirt), who I was chasing after. The servants wore dark red/burgundy with leather belts for clothing. The royals wore white trimmed in a edge of blue, with gold everywhere manageable. Pharaoh spoke to me and made eye contact, which for some reason did not seem strange, even though I was not a royal. He was very cordial, pleasant, not the prick I would expect. I remember something about a mosaic, tile, wall-sized "painting" that Pharaoh was giving his directions on what he wanted, and a floor rug that was rolled up and carried to another room, and the walls were teal blue. OK, so.... the king was decorating.
      lucid , memorable
    8. super heroes

      by , 03-21-2013 at 02:50 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Mannnnnn...there's soo much that went on in the following two dreams that I don't know where to begin at, and how it all went together due to limited recall.

      I remember helping R fight some super human woman. Well we all had super powers, but I think she was strong as both of us. The fight started out as just a verbal argument...then it went to rapping....and then an all out romp through the city. I think I ended up drowning her.

      Then the skies turned black and this woman I referred to as the "White Queen" arrived. Ronnie was no where in sight, so it was a fair fight. Well it was supposed to be. I ended up getting really powerful (or lucid, still not sure) and going to town on her. I had the power of earth/gravity so everything I was doing hit harder. I got her in a pile driver from two thousand feet, and reversed gravity right when I felt her trying to fly up, so in essence she ended up hurting herself worse. At one point I was sort of just playing with her...we both knew that she was going to lose, but this chick could take some damage. I woke up, and went back into the dream, and we caused a little chaos on the people in the city we were in for a bit.

      So I get out of bed, totally lucid, and I decided to look for Kaomea. I opened the door, and I thought i saw her....but she was really old. She said she needed help with something, and we teleported (I think) and ended up some place in China. I can't really recall what happened, but it was like a kung-fu flick, with a cartoon thrown in at the end. I know I ended up losing lucidity by the end of the dream though.
    9. thd art of life isnt to think artificially but to be real real lucid

      by , 03-21-2013 at 04:25 AM
      so there a smoke cloud a artifical human walk through it his image gets clearer and brighter the image intensify what am i looking at is it real is it surreal or is it a dream a very lucid dream so the puffing sensation returns there that image goes again but now its blurry im half dose off falling into the sleep realms the voice i heard was that of a machine but yet it was so human like idk if im sleep or awake the cartoony image starts to refresh into an actual pixle of real skin then the story begins from here now im dreaming the world is so life like the mental stability of this notion was so surreal it cant be it been like ive been dreaming this for years the smoke cloud my judgement the real life 17 im an artifical life form that mere human fathom about the story prolongs i was once known as Avan then the dream turn into a subverse reality now this lucid dream im consciously in the astral plane that face it seen by more dreamers with there own point of view now the vibrationally state kicks in
    10. Lucid habits in non-LD; flowing dreams

      by , 03-20-2013 at 07:04 PM
      Before sleep: no dream yoga white “a” this time, just gently following breath

      First dream: about 5 hrs after falling asleep

      Total sleep time: 8 hrs

      Dream recall techniques today: Dr1&Dr2 – played dream 2 times in mind to remember; Dr3-Dr6 – woke up and tried to commit to memory by intending [risky for dream recall but worked today]

      WILD attempt: nope, just wanted to watch dream TV

      Dream1: Scientists are discussing some chemical which is dangerous to the human health. I am in a dark closed space with a scientist, or is he me? At any rate, the tube that was supposed to hold this chemical in place is getting loose, so the chemical escapes and starts to mix with the air. I know what that means, soon he will die, so nasty side effects begin on his body. While this chemical element is quite dangerous it has wide applications. Actually, it is pretty common on the planet of interest. I am looking at a habitable planet, which I feel is much bigger than Earth. So this planet has potential to be populated by humans, and this chemical can produce huge quantities of energy. I see a small moon, which has water and clouds on the surface. I also see some kind of transparent strings with magnetic pull as the moon moves through space. The habitable planet is a really beautiful place, although there are no humans in it, (or probably because of it the nature is very beautiful. I almost zoom in, to look at the trees. Next thing I know:

      Dream2 [Behaving Lucid]: Next thing I know, I am staring at the trees in front of the window of my first home. It is snowing outside. I look outside the balcony and find myself on the street. I walk down the street, which I perceive as if I am lucid. Basically, I feel awake, I know I am watching this, and I am not really there, so I continue the tour of the neighbourhood. I look around as much as possible, and I go back in front of my old place. I have the desire to explore people’s apartments around so I look for an apartment to go to. I think I might explore my old place, but decide against it. I clearly see the whole building and the apartments of neighbours, I ponder whether I should visit my neighbours’s place, but the old woman that lived there died a few years ago irl, so I am afraid I might encounter her inside. I continue looking around. It is an early morning and people are still sleeping, few lights are on. I decide I want to go to a place where the lights are on and find a suitable apartment. I open a window to see if I can go inside. Everything is really solid, and I must enter with my entire body, I realize I cannot squeeze in, or imagine myself there. I wonder how to get in, but I start to feel my bladder getting really full and I cannot concentrate anymore, so I just wake up.

      Lucid or not lucid? I decide to classify this as a non-lucid, because I lack the official initial realization of aha, I am dreaming. However, my behaviour is exactly what I would do if I were lucid, explore around and try to hold the dream. Another notable feature of this dream is that it was free of any DCs, what I really like in some LDs.

      Woke up after the dream rather happy, re-lived the whole thing two times, no notes this time. Had some trouble falling asleep , but was too lazy to try to WILD.

      Dream3: I am in the suburbs, noticing the houses and remembering how the DCs there had some trouble there some dream time ago. Suddenly, there is a loud noise, energy, burning sensation as something passes by and explodes in the sky. I decide it is a meteorite. I have mild burns/scars on my body. I go to a house and find a politician there. I tell him about the meteorite and look at my hands (!that was close), purple scars are still there. It’s nothing too serious or unpleasant looking though. At this point the politician turns into Santa, he even has a beard! There is elation in the air and I throw fake snow above our heads which I really enjoy doing. He even gives me a present, a tea set, which has some flowers instead of tea to be drank. I happily play with it.

      Dream4: Almost like a continuation from dream3, as I am sitting, exploring the tea set, the scene around me changes. We are waiting to select a menu. There are some snobbish older women around and my mom as well as this happens. So, there is some kind of event tomorrow, and every guest can pre-select what exquisite meal he/she likes, and I am waiting my turn to do so. Before I do that the older women also select spa procedures, going for a special moisture mask. I don’t want to do it, so my mom starts giving me advice, selecting for me. This annoys me and I behave in a way that is inappropriate in front of these high individuals (I was just being annoyed and rude, nothing much really). This disappoints my father who then enters one of his special disapproval moods. We go back home (unknown one) with my parents where the story continues.

      Dream5: As I am thinking how to prepare for the event, I would bring my own shampoo, do my hair, and not use the spa offered to the other special guests, a friend of mine appears in the house. I decide to tell him some secrets about dreaming? or meditation, which I don’t recall at all, and tell him not to tell my bf I told him this.

      Dream6: Still in the house, I face my mom and tell her I don’t like her selecting things for me, there is tension in the air. I want to call my bf to complain. As I am calling, I find myself on the streets of some western looking city. As I talk on the phone a famous artist passes by. I can’t believe it, it’s “A”. The name of the artist is “A”, which people around her repeat like “eah”. This is really funny, they sing it, introducing her. I take my camera and take pics of her. I then call my bf and tell him that I saw her, watching the video record. A second of doubt there, a famous person, maybe a dream, but that can’t be there really is an artist “A” [Oh, come on!]

      Dream7 [snooze]: I watch something like age of empires/civilization game, my people being the blue ones, and the opponent is red. Time moves really fast and I see how my guys and buildings become fewer. As I look around, I see that the opponent has the whole map, and has entered modern era, there is no chance for me to win. [Boring stuff, I know]. What really happens is that I zoom out and the modern era is really a real world street and there are some military trucks, and just trucks. I am sure the enemy notices me and that is the end, so I just tease him to act and push those trucks on me and get it over with. He finally does so, and to my content, I feel the heavy pressure of trucks on top of me, and wake up.

      Final notes: When I was younger, I had the impression that a lot of my dreams would just flow one after the other, with some weak connection in the storyline (like above). Nowadays, my dreams are usually separate scenarios. Perhaps my desire to remember each after shortly awakening resulted in DEI N LD?

      Updated 03-20-2013 at 07:18 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    11. Lucid: My reflection pulls me in!

      by , 03-19-2013 at 09:49 PM
      I am in some sort of bathroom and I look into the mirror. I see a woman. Curious, I look closer wondering what is happening. Then I see another reflection walk into view. At this point I realize that I am dreaming and declare lucidity. I look closer to the mirror and I feel a force pull me inside the mirror. I lose my lucidity in the process and I end up underwater. As I breathe I feel the water entering my lungs. It was a very vivid feeling. Despite this sensation I can breathe just fine. Next thing I know I am talking to a guy about plundering a dungeon in search of ancient artifacts. but I must pay 7,000 gold. I then try to look into the guys computer but for what I don't know. I remember that I had trouble shutting down the computer. No matter how many times I clicked shut down it just would not do so but finally it did. I also remember being outside playing catch with people across the street. After playing, this black man comes up and says something about how we should not play around the street. Then everyone started to have asthma attacks. For me mine wasn't as bad as what the others have had. I coughed a little bit

      Note: First lucid in a long time. After combining ADA with critical questioning. Hopefully my next lucid won't be far away.
    12. One of my earliest Lucid dreams

      , 03-19-2013 at 08:55 PM (Pog's Dream Journal)
      My dream was a strange and silly miss-mash of stuff from life and my past, the usual stuff, until I exited a mansion and looked over the mountainous landscape of 'China'. Instantly the realisation hit me, "I'm dreaming."

      As soon as I said it I felt a rush of energy and happiness, the vividness of my dreamscape seemed to increase, and I flew into the air instantaneously with the desire to fly. I flew into some trees exulting in my new power and liberty, feeling great. I turned and headed back to the mansion and began looking in through the windows.

      I wanted to explore and push the boundaries, see what I could do in the dream. I opened a window and climbed into what appeared to be a little storeroom. I noticed a bottle of drink, some non-specific alcoholic beverage by the look on the bottle, inside a mini-fridge. Possibly a sherry or wine. I became quite thirsty, and thought to myself, "I wonder if it is possible to drink in a dream?"

      I opened the fridge, took the bottle, and began to take off the plastic wrapper on the outside of the screw top. It was strangely sticky and wouldn't come off my fingers. "Odd," I thought. It took a great deal of concentration and effort to get the plastic to fall off my fingers.

      I unscrewed the top, but then I woke suddenly. It is still a very vivid memory to me, although I'm disappointed by the brevity.
    13. The DreamViews Drive

      by , 03-19-2013 at 03:43 PM
      This was a fun little WILD and attempt at Advanced Task of the Month. It's been a while since I've had to navigate my house and I'd forgotten how challenging it can be. Darkness seems to lurk around every corner and I'm always trying to just get out. Couldn't do that for this Task of the Month -- had to head further in.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #78: The DreamViews Drive

      I'm getting consistent hypnagogic imagery of the den of our house, so I feel like I'm getting close. I focus on staying aware, and after a few more flashes of the den, a fully three-dimensional picture emerges. I will myself to roll off of the couch, and my dream body complies. I check my hands and feet and everything looks normal. No extra fingers or troll feet. The carpet feels very realistic as well and I mentally confirm that there's no reason I would have fallen asleep downstairs.

      I give the coffee table a little shove with my foot and it glides over the carpet. Okay, now I'm really sure it's a dream. I walk through the den past my computer, stepping on a bunch of the kids' toys as I go. Strangely, there's a laundry basket in the middle of the floor. I give the laundry basket a hefty kick and it goes sailing into the air and flies straight out the window. I'm quite amused with myself.

      Outside there's just a hint of light, like it's the early morning. I don't think it's possible that the sun's up yet, but it makes me feel more urgent and focused. Since I'm in the house, I want to find the note that I left for myself for Advanced Task of the Month. I have to get back up to our bedroom. I wonder whether I'll find myself there. The thought of my sleeping body makes me feel a little wobbly, so I imagine instead that Wife is lying in the bed by herself. I wonder whether Wife's DC will be interested in "victory celebrations" if I can complete Advanced Task of the Month.
      (Menthol, is that you?)

      I walk through the kitchen, dining room, and den, past the pool table to the stairs. For a moment I think about trying a pool shot, but decide that I'd better stay focused. I'm pleased that the baby gate is missing from the bottom of the stairs. Halfway up, though, I see that this dream house has the baby gate installed in the middle of the stairs. "That's not real," I think, and phase through it.

      The upstairs looks really, really dark. I notice a light switch on the wall next to me. I try both of the switches several times, but each of them just controls the air conditioner instead of the lights! Every time I flip one of them, the air conditioning rumbles to life and I feel a light stir of wind.

      I'm not sure what to do, so I just charge ahead. The darkness starts to get really bad, and I realize that I'm about to lose the dream. I grab onto the banister as darkness sweeps over me. I produce a gladius in my right hand and start swinging it around in the void, still clutching the banister. I stay like this for quite some time, not losing the dream but also not going anywhere. It feels like at least 30 seconds. I fail to formulate a good transition to a new scene (or a way back into the existing scene), and I either fade to black or lose lucidity...

      It's a clear morning. Wife and I are in a car, pulling up to a two-story brick house to pick up my best friend F. F greets us at the door and comes out to inspect the car we're driving, an amazing classic car that looks a bit like a '55 Chevy Belair. Wife goes inside the house and I tell F that he and I should go for a ride. I hand him the keys and he drives.

      As we start down the street, I tell F, "Man, I just had a lucid dream before we came over here. I've got to enter it into DreamViews." He says cool. There's something like an old-style typewriter embedded in the car's console. I know that if I type the dream into this typewriter it'll automatically get posted to DreamViews. I marvel at how convenient this is. I congratulate myself for renting such a wonderful car.

      While I peck randomly at the keys, I ask F whether he's had any lucid dreams lately when he's commuting on the train. He says no, and we talk dreaming for a bit. I say something about dream signs and I mention that one of mine is "really bad driving." He laughs and says, "You mean like this?" He hits a quick 3-point turn and floors the accelerator, sending us streaking back toward the house.

      "It's a rental!" I whine. "Be careful, man!" It's a residential street and he's doing 60 mph, easy. We're almost back to the house now and he hasn't slowed down one bit. I'm distracted, too, because I'm still trying to type my DJ entry into the car's typewriter-thing. Now I realize that I don't have a seat belt. I alternate between blubbering "It's a rental!!" and "There's no seat belt!!" As we hit the driveway, I throw in, "I don't want to die!!"

      F cuts the wheel hard to the left. There's a squeal of rubber and the car stops a few feet from the house. I'm relieved to be alive. I'm not angry because I assume that he just didn't hear my complaints. "I was trying to tell you, man. I don't think my side has a seat belt!"

      He laughts. "Nothing's going to happen to you, man!" I get out of the car and see that it's turned into a convertible.
      I get it now. "F! This is a dream, isn't it?" He's walking inside the house and I hurry after him, the dream growing dark. Fade to black...

      Updated 03-19-2013 at 07:08 PM by 57387

      lucid , false awakening
    14. experamenting with time travel Astral or dream?

      by , 03-19-2013 at 01:50 AM
      I went to sleep for a nap around 4:30 I'm only 32 but I have a bad back so I take frequent naps during the day. I know it was after that when I finally got to sleep my guess would be 4:45-50 awoke 5:30

      felt like astral travel but sometimes charactors were aware of my presents they didn't seem shocked that I was there. experianced time travel things rewinding around me. saw things that I know never happened in true life that makes me thing it wasn't a OBE. I've done obe before. Before this experiance I was trying to project and don't know if I succeeded or not but I had vibrations and was unable to go thru my floor which is usually no problem or my wall but it was easy to get thru my door (closed) but it felt like I got stuck half way thru. my body lay on my bed tho when I started to feel vibrations I could sence that I was by the door so that was the first place I tried to get out. I forced myself awake and tried again. I think I felt vibrations so instead I decided to teleport myself out so I did. It seemed like time was rewinding around me and I said stop and at that point I was with my girlfriend and a friend of mine. They were aware of me because I said something to them and they responded. I than said my girlfriends name and I wanted to go back to the present nothing happened. So I was just like whatever and I asked myself to take me back to world war 2 so I could watch it from a spectators point of view things were rewinding around me and when it stopped I was in a house. It was during the war times but it was america and not europe/asia/hawaii so I wondered around for a while to check stuff out and it was pretty cool. nobody seemed to be aware of me. This may have been an astral experiance. After a while living those days "I was born in the 80's" I decided I want to see myself as a baby so I told myself show me as a child so I was fast forwarded to me at I seemed like 3 years old. It looked just like me as a child from what pictures of me looked like. I watched my first Christmas after that than I went to view my highschool days. I relived alot of the moments that were special in my life as tho they were happening to me again. I wanted to wake up so I said awaken. and I couldn't wake up I tried closing my eyes and nothing. So I'm like what am I stuck here laughing. So I closed my eyes as tight as I could and forced myself awake. I was curious how long I had been asleep and I look at the clock because it seems like I was asleep for several hours (7-8 or even days) It was less than an hour later I know it was after 4:30 when I went to sleep and it was 5:30 when I looked at the clock. I was shocked I know time works differant in the Astral, but my experiance seemed more dreamy
    15. 18/03/13 - CD Telly

      by , 03-18-2013 at 08:23 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Like my last post I'll start off with saying it's been ages ago since I last posted a dream. Have had a few short LD's which I couldn't be arsed to write down. Had many weird dreams last night but I didn't write any of them down. Will try to this week though because I'm up for "DJ Watch", here goes my LD though.

      22.00: Sleep

      05.20: Telekinesis MILD
      I'm in a house and an old friend of mine is there. I know I'm dreaming so I ignore him when he's trying to talk to me. I make a CD levitate and hit him in the head with the flat end. I look away to see if I can still do telekinesis without looking. I can see the disc moving exactly like I want it to over his head and annoying the crap out of him, I do this without even moving my hands. "Hey Matte let's get out of here, I want to see how strong you've gotten" he says and I agree, it's time to show him I'm stronger for once. We head out on the lawn.

      05.20: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 7˝ hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 04-23-2013 at 04:20 PM by 36346

      Tags: telekinesis