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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Wednesday 20th June 2012

      by , 06-22-2012 at 11:27 PM
      Last Nights Dreams

      Dream 1

      I am at a swimming pool with some other men and woman. We are all in the big swimming pool and I look down at the water and it looks murky, I can't see what's in it because it's so manky and I don't like it because I can't see the bottom to see where I'm treading. I'm dating a half-cast man and he is here with us at the pool. The half-cast man asks me to get engaged to him and I'm over the moon about it. I go and tell everyone and we just sit and talk for a while. I look across to the pool side and see the man that I'm now engaged to,I go across to him and he's not looking very happy. I look up to him and he says "it's off!!!" he now walks off out of the baths. I'm now upset. I see my Mom and go over to her and say "I was going to marry him aswell, I was making wedding plans".
      I go back to the pool and act upset. I don't feel as upset as I should be considering I've just been dumped so I have to act like I am. I try to cry but I can't so I just make myself look sad . There is another man here that I fancy and I want him to notice that I'm upset and come over to me but he's busy talking with the others. They are all sitting on big metal pipes that are just above the pool. I walk across the pipes and pass those who are talking and I go and sit on my own and act really upset again. No one asks me why I'm upset but then the man I fancy says "what's wrong?" I say "nothing" I still act upset and just sit there as I watch someone who is swimming in the pool. One of the men in the group now takes us to a second pool, we are all standing in it and he says "look it's only slabs in this one. Suddenly all the water is gone ((for a split second I think "huh!!!")) he now lifts up some blue plastic that is covering the bottom of the pool and I can now see all the slabs, he now picks up a slab and it's just dirt and grass underneath, I think "god damn I couldn't swim in this pool, there would be bugs etc floating about in it, I couldn't bare to tread on that with my bare feet. I'm now wondering what bugs etc might be in the other pool I was in!!!

      Dream 2

      I'm downstairs and my Daughter P is being arsy with me and she storms off upstairs. I go up after her and when I reach the top of the stairs I grab her on the top of her arms. While I'm holding her I lean back as I balance on the top step. I now feel weird and think "this must be a dream!!" I decide to scare her into behaving and I keep leaning her back and fourth, she is smiling smugly and then starts to cry and then screams loudly. My hearing now goes very dull ((like when your ears are full of water)) I'm now thinking "ive never experienced this in a dream before. ((although I'm lucid I'm not 100% in controll)). My 2 dogs now belt up the stairs towards us and knock us, I now wake up.
    2. Inception, lucid in one layer, stupid in rest :D

      by , 06-22-2012 at 01:53 PM
      I woke up in a couch bed at my dads, the hall way near the cearial
      closet and the staircase, it was literally crammed into it, I was
      frusterated that my WILD technique didn't work again, followed by
      some stuff I can't remember, then I had the funniest though.
      "What if I was dreaming?" I did a reality check, and everything
      started to collapse again, and fade. I grinned and tried to yell
      "CLAIRTY NOW" but it only came out as a squeak, so I sang, I can
      see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstials in my
      way.." and everything was clear. A few seconds later, my dad woke
      me up and I told him about my second long lucid dream, I didn't
      do a reality check or anything so that didn't make me lucid again.
      that was a 3-4 layered dream.

      I just write everything down in a notepad doc, then copy and paste it here. This was my second lucid dream if it counts, but atleast my second sucessful reality check, and a unique dream for me.
    3. My first lucid dream

      by , 06-22-2012 at 12:43 PM
      Didn't try any methods, it just happened.

      I was doing a combat operation inside a hospital, not sure why, when I realized that it didn't make any sense. This snapped me into lucidity. I then proceeded to fly out the window, and down to a nearby baseball field. Knowing that the people in my dreams weren't real, I decided to attack them. I attacked the pitcher in the baseball game, and then got swarmed with players attacking me, which woke me up.

      Good 40 seconds of lucidity I guess, not bad for my first time.
    4. First Lucid Dream!

      by , 06-22-2012 at 07:14 AM
      The dream started when I was on a mw3 map, zoomed into a missile type thing. When I realised this must be a dream. I zoomed out of it and looked at my hands, my 2 fingers in the middle of each hand were curled, funny that happened because I saw a teacher at school who had fingers like that just yesterday. I then tried to stabilize my dream but got distracted and forgot to do a nose pinch rc, I then thought of what to do and I tried to spawn someone I wanted to see they where there but disappeared when I turned around. I tried a few times but it didn't work. I looked at my hands and tried to visualize a beach but ended up in blackness, then im not too sure what happened but I think I lost lucidity around here, but somehow the dream turned into modern warfare 3 and I was shooting people and it was coming up on the feed. After a while I saw a nice car and I thought I hope my dream don't end because I want to drive this, I done a nose pinch rc too at that moment, so I got in the car and I was there for a few seconds then the dream ended. Im a bit confused to whether I was lucid when I saw that car.

      My 2nd dream/ It all started off weirdly where there was a camera looking somewere outside my house and there were people and my mum said it was happening again and she got up the news on tv so I thought lets call the police, it didn't work.

      Im not sure if this was the same dream but this is when the good part comes im with this girl and im introducing her to my family, we planned to go out to dinner but there was lots of family there and I got shy, so I told them im not going and I was going somewhere else with her, so I went to find her and my dad came with me, when he told her she looked sorta surprised but then my dad started to get forceful and he said u better go then im not sure what happened but he started to sort of push her away and I told him to stop it then after a while I didn't know where she was and the dream ended.
      Tags: lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Special VGA Dream

      by , 06-22-2012 at 07:10 AM
      When I was sleeping I had a dream that I was at a special event at the video game awards or some gaming event and we were watching the games play and we got to get free DLCs for the games being played and there were some cool 2-3 disced games, I know this because we got a big bag full of video games of our chosing limit 10 or something, I remember me trying to get specific games and almost comming short but I got the best wat better than anything out now.
    6. Lots of entries...all in one!

      by , 06-22-2012 at 02:55 AM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      Unknown Date
      Spoiler for Click Here:

      June 6, 2012. Nap.
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 6, 2012. Bedtime: 3:15 AM; Time of awakening: 9:35 AM. No WBTB.
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 8, 2012. Bedtime: Midnight. Time of awakening: ??? WBTB: ???
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 13, 2012. Bedtime: 12:30 AM. Time of awakening: 7:30 AM WBTB: N/A
      Spoiler for Click here:

      Unknown Date
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 19, 2012
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 20, 2012
      Spoiler for Click here:

      June 21, 2012 Nap
      Spoiler for Click here:

      Oh yes, before I forget: one more dream. I didn't write it down because it scared the shit out of me and I think I just wanted to forget it at the time.
      Spoiler for Click here:
    7. Second Lucid Dream!

      by , 06-21-2012 at 03:26 PM
      While this dream may of been just as good as my first one I can't remember it as well for some reason. Anyways, here is what happened. I remember I was going for my morning jog. As I went over this little hill I just kind of... became lucid... I have no idea how but I was just running and instantly knew I was dreaming out of the blue. The goals I had set for myself in the dream were to work on spinning for stabalizing the dream as well as to change locations quickly. Thats exactly what I did. I began spinning, for longer this time than my last dream, and just closed my eyes for a few seconds. I opened them while I was still spinning and the dream became very vivid. I then decided I would try to spin myself to a new place and continue on with my quest form the first dream. I began spinning and just focused on where I was going. It actually seemed to be pretty easy and the landscape started to change. Right before it had completely changed though I remembered that I wanted to see if I could run faster this time than my first dream. I stopped spinning and the dream went back to the original scene. I then started running. I remember conciously hoping in the dream that no one would appear like last time and interfere with my explorations. I didn't get very far before someone came along though. I remember thinking "Oh great, now what am I gonna do? I still don't know how to make people go away in my dreams!" I stopped running and just told myself that they would keep driving down the road and dissappear. Well whaddaya know?? They decide they just HAVE to stop and talk to me. grrr... So I went and talked to them. They asked what I was doing and I said I was jogging. I then asked them why they stopped and they said thier car ran out of gas. Then I remember thinking "Oh this is just wonderful. Now I have this dumb guy with me that I don't know how to get rid of him." I didn't know what to do. However, I happened to have my cell phone with me and told him where the gas station was and he could call for a tow. I just let him have my phone and started running again. Finally free from annoying DC's I could continue on with my expiriments and then go on with my adventure from the first dream. Right when I started running really fast though I either woke up or stopped dreaming or something because that is all I remember.

      Updated 06-21-2012 at 03:43 PM by 55858

      lucid , memorable
    8. The Alien Chase...

      by , 06-21-2012 at 03:33 AM (My brain and I)
      dream : comments : lucid
      21st of June, 2012

      My recall's been really bad lately, for some reason. This is a tiny almost lucid I had this morning.

      I was with Nooks and some other people in a forested hill area. It was winter and the trees had mostly lost their leaves. I realised that there was a UFO following the people, who began to run away together. I said to Nooks that it would make much more sense if they split up; that way it couldn't follow them both... but it'd be gay as Hell to be the one that it DID follow.

      Somehow it came to pass that Nooks and I were the ones that were being followed so we began running through the trees trying to avoid this thing and its spotlight. It was really quite horrifying. We ran for a while trying to lose it and find cover before coming across a river with huge frozen walls.

      Click image for larger version. 

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      Like that, but without the glacier on top-just more hill.

      Anyway, we tried to hide in the crevices and hoped that the cold water would lower our body temperatures so they couldn't detect us. Nooks started singing at that point though, so I put my hand over her mouth to shut her up. Too late.

      Aliens began to abseil out of this thing (it was basically a helicopter, apparently) so we bolted while we had the chance, swimming as hard as we could to reach the bank. We ran like that for some time and eventually found ourselves near people in a large...complex of some sort. Kind of like a school/outdoor shopping mall. I looked back to see the 'alien' (read: random dude) chasing us at like 50km/h so we stepped up the pace and were running absurdly quickly. At that point we were on an indoor oval and began jumping really far to try and escape. I turned to Nooks and said "Don't worry Nooks, this is obviously just a dream now!" and kept jumping, wondering what to do next.

      I'd been asleep for a while though so as soon as I realised I was dreaming I woke up.
      Should've stabilised or something. Ah well, still appears my dream recognition is improving.
    9. Ma… Where are you?

      by , 06-20-2012 at 07:07 PM (Sleep as a Hobby)
      new here-tree_sunset.jpg

      Over there,
      Where a vacant lot densely filled with tall weeds,
      Stood a tall tree for decades.
      Villagers nearby had a strange story of a lost child, strolling;

      “Ma… where are you?”

      “Ma… I miss you.”

      A motherless child blankly cries for its mother.
      People tentatively speculate
      An abandoned corpse lies beneath the tree,
      Waiting and wandering


      A small tree at the time of a child’s death
      Burgeons into a luxuriant tree.
      The taller it grows,
      Higher and farther a child visions.


      Avoiding and whispering
      Supposedly about the damned tree.
      Villagers feel the eerie note to a child’s voice;
      Enamoring adroitly.
      A warning goes into one ear out the other,
      I look up for this infamous tree.

      At the top its companion
      There is a child wearing a raggedy straw hat,
      Incessantly gazing at one place;


      A pitiful child with
      Lingering attachment and memories
      Still has eyes full of tears

      Updated 07-04-2012 at 10:03 PM by 54881

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , task of the month , task of the year
    10. the fading lucid

      by , 06-20-2012 at 05:11 PM
      (i wake up and i try to recall, however i did not remember anything do i go back to sleep and begin to dream) i am at my Dads place with a bunch of family and i remember spending the night there and i couldn't sleep because i was in the same room with an evil plant that slowly warped around peoples neck and strangled them. i do a RC and and count my fingers, 5, it doesn't feel right so i do it again, as i recount i see six fingers, i now know i'm dreaming and my goal is to fly. the dream fades out into a moment of nothingness and fades back in where it left off just before fading out again, it repeats this several times not giving me enough time to even try to fly. (i eventually wake up and remember my dream instantly)
    11. 20th June 2012 - Seventh Lucid Dream [Partial WILD & Advanced Task of the Month]

      by , 06-20-2012 at 04:10 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Light Purple Text = Partially Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      I woke up 4hr30m after originally going to sleep to attempt a WILD as per the current homework task in Sageous' WILD class. I stayed up for approximately 30 minutes writing down my dreams and generally walking about as suggested.

      I laid back down to attempt a WILD and repeated my mantra while focusing as much on self-awareness as possible. I think my main issue was that I got a bit too focused on the HI and what I guess was the beginning sensations of sleep paralysis because each time I noticed it I woke myself up too much.

      I probably could have gone a bit longer, but I was laying there for about 35 minutes and decided I'd roll over onto my side to try another attempt. At some point I guess I must have just gone to sleep, but it must have somewhat worked because I was partially aware of the fact that I was dreaming when I got into the dream, I didn't even perform any reality checks.

      I was back in this test lab style location, the same place I was at in my previous dream of the night, only this time instead of being a test subject for the experiments of this lab I was in a quarantine prison. I was somewhat aware of the fact I was dreaming at this point but the dream is also somewhat hazy. I remember breaking out of the quarantine prison with another person who was with me, and from this point we avoided the guards and made our way to the exit of the test lab.

      Upon getting outside, the dream world was somewhat restricted, there was a small patch of grass outside and then the world just cut off in a perfect line and disappeared into a void of many, swirling colours.

      I decided I would jump off the edge and as I was falling I repeated to myself "I will fall into a lucid dream"

      After a few moments of conscious blackness I open my eyes and see I'm in this room and lucid, there are no ends to the room and it seems to stretch on forever, but it's quite narrow. Both walls are different colours and there are doors on each wall, in more colours. There are lots of objects, kids toys mainly, scattered over the floor in assorted colours also.

      I look at the wall and for some reason decide it'd be a good idea to try and "pull" a rainbow from the picture of swirled colour on the wall, but then I stop myself. I remember that I need to do the Task of the Month which is a revelation for me as I never remember to do anything in my lucid dreams.

      I remember what Sageous said about forming your dreams, using schemas to build a world around you. I notice one of the kids toys on the floor is a train and I focus on that and try to build a scene around it. I put my hands together (though unsure why, I guess I thought it would help) and close my eyes.

      When I open my eyes I'm in another small box area, there are brick walls all around me but there is no roof, I can see the sky above me. There are inactive trains, train carts and coaches on multiple tracks in this around and running through the middle of the area was another track extending into dark tunnels on each end.

      I looked into one of the tunnels and a train just kind of "appeared", I move out the way and it speeds by out of the tunnel and quickly disappears into the tunnel at the other end. It seems my subconscious mind had created the most convenient location possible for me to do the Task of the Month, because every 15 seconds or so another train would appear and speed by before disappearing into the tunnel.

      I spend a moment and try to figure out how I'm going to jump on top of this train, I focus my mind above the entrance tunnel and try to pull out a ledge from the brick wall that I could stand on, but I couldn't seem to make anything budge. I decide that I could make a jump from one of the nearby stationary trains and onto the speeding train, if I jumped far enough. For some reason just flying up never crossed my mind, which is strange because flying is usually one of the first things I remember to do in my lucid dreams.

      Just as I'm preparing to jump I notice the exit tunnel isn't that large and I would probably go smashing into it if I jump on top of the train. I make an attempt at expanding the area so I could fit through, but just like the wall previously it wouldn't budge. I figure that this is a lucid dream and I would just chance it, hoping my subconscious would follow my will to not be smashed to death by a brick wall and expand as I approached it on top of the speeding train.

      A few more trains pass and I prepare myself, eventually I leap and just manage to latch on to the train. I climb up and the train appears to be quite thin so I'm laying on top of it clutching on for dear life, as I approach the tunnel I feel the top of the roof scrape my head and my back and then it seemingly disappears, no troll subconscious for today!

      I assume I get too excited riding on top of the train as I pass through the tunnel, because next thing I know I'm back in my bed.

      I open my eyes and start recalling my lucid, excited that I completed the Task of the Month and couldn't wait to get on the computer and write on DreamViews about it. I look at the time briefly and then pick up my dream journal and read over the dream I had previously that night and as I pick up my pen and begin to write down my lucid, my vision becomes really blurred. I couldn't quite figure out what was going on. I rub my eyes and when I open them again I've seamlessly transferred back into my bed, laying down again.

      I'm obviously completely blown away now, I had never experienced such a realistic False Awakening before, I even checked the time and read over my previous dream! When I sat up I had to perform multiple reality checks just to make sure I still wasn't dreaming because I no longer trusted my reality. I even specifically recall reading what was in my dream journal, and when I picked up my actual dream journal the previous dream in there was different to the one in my dream and I wasn't sure which one was real and which wasn't.

      All in all, an amazing lucid and I guess a half-successful WILD, maybe.
    12. My Dream Life

      by , 06-20-2012 at 04:08 PM
      I am recording every dream I can remember, from Wednesday 20th June 2012. I hope I can carry this for a long time and eventually be able to fully control lucid dreams.

      Tues 19th June 2012

      Dream 1;
      scene setting/thoughts non-lucid lucid

      I can't remember how I got here, but I'm rushing into the entrance of a large food store, perhaps a Tesco, due to the large amounts of white and blue I saw. Behind me there's a large black bus, like one of the fancy ones that celebrities use to tour on, I can't remember any other scenery, except the fact there's many table and chairs outside the large store.
      I was running inside the store, I was with my family and there were many strangers along with us. It seemed we were in a battle, to do the usual amount of food shopping in the quickest time. I can remember being shunted and pushed as we first entered. My family and I ran for the crisp section, I noticed the prices were very very cheap, and everything was in bulk. Nothing was sold separately. We ran around the store with unlimited amount of money. Picking up food and throwing it at the other families which were competing with us. I can't remember what happened next

      Dream 2;
      scene setting/thoughts non-lucid lucid

      I am in the car park of a large Temple, the temple was filled with Blues and Greens, it had big yellow doors and to the left hand side there was a huge wall, and opposite was a large forest. The car park was exactly same layout as my old High School. My friends, mum and dad were here, not with me but they were inside the Temple/Castle. The temple was filled with strangers whom I've never met before. [COLOR="black"]Drinking something in the car park, I saw my dad (influenced by alcohol possibly) getting in an argument with some hard looking men, they had bald heads with red face paint. He got into a fight and I ran across the Car Park, the faster I ran the longer the area would become, so I ran at super speed, as if I was traveling countries and got to the fight. Punching the first man in the face, with all my might, I felt as though I didn't barely hit him, and that it didn't hurt. But he fell to the floor, in agony. I then turned and punched the second man, with exactly the same sensation and he did the same thing. Their body's disappeared to another place, I don't know how, but I could feel their presence, it was evil. I ran into the large temple, It was split into 4-6 sections, each section contained some sort of boss and a selection of weapons just before the main boss rooms. I turned back and ran over to my friends from school, I remember yelling at them that my dad was getting beaten up and I needed their help, they followed me outside, getting outside was fairly easy, as though I just had to get across a bar filled with people. I don't remember any rooms or pathways but I was outside very quickly. When we got outside there was about 4-5 men, they looked half-serpent and mermaid, a bit like these Characters from World of Warcraft;

      They were dark blue/black and had bald heads, with red facepaint going down their whole body. A bit like the men I was fighting with earlier. Everyone hushed as we got outside, I saw the serpent-men coming closer, they forced me to sit down, as well as my father so they could investigate us and the whole fighting scenario. I noticed they didn't speak, they traced their hands over our heads, poked and squeezed a little. As if examining our brains. Behind me was a female, and she walked around infront of me and stared into my eyes, she was an attractive lady, even though she was half-serpent. She had very very long fingers, with large red finger nails, they were very long, almost a yard long. She started to trace her fingers around my face and neck, examining. She then put her finger inside my mouth, I couldn't feel her fingernails at all, as though they disappeared as she touched my mouth. I can still specifically remember the taste of her fingers, they were sweaty, slightly salty as well. They had a damp feel and I could taste the skin. It tasted just like a human finger except from certain things, her skin was wrinkly but had a very smooth texture. I think there was some blood on her fingers aswell, I could taste blood.
      I can't remember how, but
      my dad and I were suddenly in a green bubble, I couldn't see out of it and I didn't struggle to get out. Instead I just let it ride, I looked around and was in a mountainous region, but I could still see the sea about 200 meters away, I couldn't see the Temple, I looked to my left and noticed a large lake, it seemed very deep and the water was quite clear. I couldn't see the bottom, as I went closer to examine the water, a human, with blue skin and a very large body jumped out of the water. Just like a dolphin, it swam towards me the same way a dolphin would. I panicked and couldn't find my dad behind me, I was alone. I looked in the palm of my hands and I imagined a sword, a large scimitar suddenly appeared in my grip, I imagined armour on me, sure enough I tried walking and I was much heavier, I looked at my feet and saw chainmail. I was waiting for the Dolphin-Man to come attack me, but it just turned around and swam peacefully. I then saw my dad behind me, as though he disappeared when danger was near, he was back. He also had a scimitar, shorter then mine, and chainmail on. Suddenly I turned around again, and there was a large boss, I can't remember how it looked or how big it was, but I knew it was a boss. It swiped at us with something, then I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    13. The Family Gathering

      by , 06-20-2012 at 06:16 AM
      My extended family was together at my grandparents' house, which in waking life was sold shortly after their passing nearly ten years ago. The atmosphere was very casual, and felt as though it was Christmas. My grandparents were there, and their being present is a common dream sign, so as I stood in their kitchen, I became lucid.

      I can't remember very much about this dream, I think because my recall wasn't very good that night and my ad-hoc self-prompt to remember it only covered the dream very generally, which was much longer than my last lucid. I recall thinking that it had been ten minutes. I also don't think the dream was very vivid to begin with. It seemed to vague in retrospect that I questioned whether I had been truly lucid.

      After becoming lucid, all that I remember of the dream was communing with my imagined family and at one point gathering in close in conversation, all facing in one general direction as if posing for a picture that was not being taken. That is literally all the detail I can recall, other than the layout of the house, which I know by heart. I couldn't even tell you who else was there or what they said to me, only that they were family.

      I tried to recall some kind of information from the waking world after basking in the atmosphere for a while, thinking, "Now this is really nice." and the connection I made with the waking world destabilized the dream. All I can remember recalling from the waking world involves an isolated vision of a piece of paper with a coloured in cartoon drawing of a piece of bacon.

      I really don't know what to make of this one, to be honest.

      Updated 06-20-2012 at 06:22 AM by 54672

      lucid , dream fragment
    14. Recurring Dream help

      by , 06-20-2012 at 04:16 AM
      Hi There,

      So for the last 3 days, I keep having this recurring dream. Some parts I can't remember, but these distinct few keep coming back, and I am trying to gain some insight into what they mean. I will try break it down into parts (that I remember in what order) :

      Part 1: I find myself at this place where there is all these people i use to go to school with (going back to 2005 I'm surprised how clear I can remember them), and we have to pair into groups to do something (I don't know what) and I can't find any of my friends and get left with a guy and a girl i use to know (we weren't friends). I seem to get angry and storm off from everyone.

      Part 2: I find myself talking to my mother near a river, and she show's me these underground hot springs in a cave. I find myself venturing through this cave & hot springs, and it turns into a nightclub, and someone (i don't recognise him) comes in. I walk through these springs.

      Part 3: I exit through this door with some of the people that I mentioned in Part 1, and It is like this cave explodes and there is a massive Tsunami which I take cover under what is almost like a Patio roof covering. (NOTE: I don't feel scared or anxious when this Tsunami hits, but everyone else seem's to be frantic). I can almost feel the water from this Tsunami hitting me through cracks in the roof. There is this lady, and she is smiling and giggling and she always says "your going to be late", and smiles and when I try to go looking for her I wake up.

      This has been a recurring dream for the past 3 nights now. I am hoping someone could shed some insight into the meaning of this dream (I only say this, because it has been happening for 3 nights now). Any Tips, Opinions, are greatly appreciated.

    15. Decent recall

      by , 06-19-2012 at 08:55 PM
      Four dreams last night.

      Zyzz Dancing (Non-lucid)


      I had stumbled across a video of Zyzz dancing, naked. I was extremely disturbed.

      Meeting CeeY (Non-lucid)


      I had met up with my internet friend CeeY in some house. I know my girlfriend was there. I asked her if this was the first time she had seen him, and she said, "No, I saw him the one time we were all walking together." I then remembered when that happened(which never happened in real life, it was like a dream memory). CeeY was tall as fuark. In real life he is 5' 11". In this dream he was probably about 6' 5". I asked him if he wanted to take a picture with me and he would say, "Nahh, no... I'm good." etc. That was about it though.

      Brief Lucid (DILD)


      I was dreaming and I suddenly did a reality check, I believe it was to show somebody that I was dreaming. I looked at my hands and my fingers and hand looked normal, but my fingers were elongated somewhat. It took me awhile to realize and I started to say, "ohh... my hands are normal, see?" But then I realized my fingers were elongated and I became lucid, but I woke up shortly after.

      First Day At Tech (Non-lucid)


      In real life, this upcoming school year I am going to the Tech Center for the whole day to study to be an electrician.

      It was the first day, and for some reason my girlfriend(who also goes to tech with me), was no where to be seen. My friend Nathan was there, who in real life goes to a school that I used to attend in Pittsburgh. We were sitting in what seemed to be my first period class. It resembled my 7th grade math teacher's classroom, and in fact, the teacher was my 7th grade math teacher. My friend Nate started tapping his fingers on his desk and a piano sound was heard every time he hit his finger on the desk. It sounded like a messed up version of "Clocks" by Coldplay. I started doing it and I was playing it right(I play piano in real life), I then started playing other songs and changing the sound. I started playing the Mortal Kombat theme and there was a loud synth sound being played. The teacher was staring at me and she soon FLIPPED shit on me. So I stopped. There were a few kids there that I remembered from the high school, not the tech. It was really dumb, but that was about it, other than some other little bits that I remember of me wandering the halls at the tech.
      lucid , non-lucid