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    Lucid Dreams

    1. I dance with strangers in my basement

      by , 01-26-2013 at 09:18 PM
      I’m in my basement at home. I go down the stairs. All the furniture is gone and the whole thing is just empty. There are a bunch of people there … people I don’t know from real life. We all start dancing in a circle. It kind of dimly occurs to me that I’m dreaming, but I think at that point I wake up. That’s all I can remember.
    2. The Demon Bar and Fighting Monsters

      by , 01-26-2013 at 06:48 PM
      01-26-2013 -- [Bad night of sleeping, nothing but fragments.] I am staying at some sort of hotel or something, just a block or so from some place with a pool, and decide to go swimming. Walk over to the place and reach the locker room, only to find I have forgotten my towel and swim trunks, so I have to walk back to the hotel to get them.

      I return to the place with the pool, and go back to the locker room, and get dressed for swimming, but when I get back to the pool I find out there are massive amounts of people around, hundreds and hundreds. There are so many people that they have to wait in line for a couple of hours to get in the water long enough to swim maybe a single lap. It just isn't worth it to bother waiting around. So I head back to the locker room.

      The two locker rooms are very close, and while entering the door of one, you can see people standing there changing in the other, but I don't quite manage to catch on to the fact I am dreaming. I start to change back into my regular clothes, but somehow I have tons of money with me. It's all in small bills like it is tips or something, but still, huge amounts. I'm stuffing the stuff in my pockets, and it will all just barely fit, and two very tough looking guys seem to be talking about rolling me when I leave the place, so I'm trying to take my time.

      By the time I exit the locker room, the place seems to be changing from a gym or a YMCA to something like a rather seedy looking bowling alley (albeit still one with a pool), and I spot a woman wearing a bikini that looks like the Princess Leia number from Jedi, and unlike many, I still don't really find it an attractive design. I slowly make my way to the door of the place, and out into the parking lot, really keeping an eye out for the toughs. I don't see them at first. Instead I see girls that work for the place directing traffic as it exits the parking lot, and I am beginning to feel safe.

      Then I notice that those 'girls' seem awfully tall, and rather grim, and all seem to have very deep voices, and I begin to suspect they aren't girls at all, but the toughs waiting for me, and I decide I better go back inside and wait for a while. Somehow I have been resting my hands in my pockets, and when I take them out, one of the bills I had been carrying is stuck to one of my hands. It drifts to the ground, and I am thinking of picking it up, but somebody is following me, and I decide to ignore it. Too bad, I think it was a tenner. I hope the person who was following me is a good guy, and will pick up the money and give it back to me, but it doesn't happen.

      I stumble back inside, and find the place is getting darker and darker as it gets later and later. And all the people are starting to look less and less like bikers and toughs, and more and more like demons and creatures and monsters. A couple of hours later, while I have sat there munching on some fries or something, and more and more people, including the staff have been muttering more and more about me under my breath, and it is now almost completely black, I decide I probably have to go, no matter what.

      Some troll-like creature seems to want to pick a fight with me because I try to compliment his son, who he is carrying, but I manage to smooth it over. But as I am approaching the door, another three or four creatures (mostly tall, demonic sorts of things) start to loom threateningly over me. Finally I seem to realize I am dreaming, though I don't quite get there 100%. [I know it isn't real, and I can do anything, but I don't actually think to do anything much.] I try to warn them, something like "I don't suppose you can just leave me alone, and we can avoid trouble? No? Well, I tried to warn you."

      I grab the first one, and a rough twist and I snap its neck, then I start grabbing its arms and legs one at a time and wrenching them so violently that I break those and disjoint them, as well. I grab the second, and squeeze it until it's head pops like a pimple, before I toss it aside, and grab for the third one. By the time I have destroyed the third one, the fourth one is backing away, and all kinds of monsters are muttering about how mean I am.

      About this point, I wake up for a few seconds, try to set the dream in my mind for writing down later, and drift back to sleep, and back into almost the exact same dream. I am still walking through the same bowling alley, with demons and things cringing away from me, but there also seems to be a clown convention or something, and a woman I don't know is talking about my friend Petey, and how great she is, and how she has like 10,000 Facebook friends, and must be the most amazing person ever.

      And Petey herself walks up and explains she just friends everybody she meets while doing gigs, so most of them are just bare acquaintances, and it doesn't really mean much of anything. Then I walk up and say something like "Though she does have a few friends on Facebook who really are friends, friends. Hi, Petey!" and she greets me. She then asks "What are you doing here?" and I start to tell her about the monsters, and the other lady starts to talk about the convention, and I realize she wasn't talking to me, so I turn around and start to exit the place again.

      As I make it out to the parking lot, most of the demons and creatures are still cringing away from me, but one (looks like one of the Rune blood creatures from the Runespan in Runescape) is trying to start a conversation with me, and is saying something about it is too bad I didn't get together with a cute girl I'd met inside. I look at him and say "But when I was talking to her, there were only two magical signatures around, mine and yours. And since I know I wasn't her, since I was talking to her ...." and I kind of glare at him. "Uh ... well ...." and he slinks off, abashed. Weird.
    3. Women in a Store

      by , 01-26-2013 at 04:33 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Women in a Store

      I was in a dorm room, but I think it was also a restaurant. It was very crowded. I had a football in my hand, and I pretended like I was going to throw it. Then a pretty, long, straight, dark-haired waitress type held up her hands for me to throw it.

      I was happy to throw it. There were lots of people in front of her but I made a perfect throw over their hands and she caught it. Then she threw it back to me. I caught it, but so did someone else. I fought for sole possession of the ball, but couldn't get it. I told the girl that I did catch it though, meaning I didn't miss the ball.

      I was going down the street in a car that you propel with your feet like in the Flintstones...or something. I never saw the vehicle, but that's the best I can imagine it. The only thing is that I didn't propel it like Fred in the Flintstones. I moved it along more like a scooter or a bike, but it wasn't like that either. It was more awkward.

      Anyway, I passed a store with an open front. There was a man on a cell phone tossing a large, foamy, red football up in the air the way I toss a ball to myself when nobody is there to throw it to. I had passed him and stopped to check out the ball. I wanted it, but realized that it wasn't a quality ball, so I'd rather not have it at all.

      Then I payed more attention to the store. I saw jerseys hanging from the ceiling. The store was packed with hanging clothes, but that was just the opening to get people's attention.

      I decided to check it out, and once I started to go in, I was already in the store. It looked like Hobby Lobby the way the aisles and light looked.

      There were about 4 or 5 older ladies talking. One mentioned something about weather this was a dream. I thought about that myself and decided to RC. One of my fingers looked a little funny, but I had five fingers. This always happens to me, so I always count them until I have six, which I did.

      I walked up to one of the ladies and told her it was a dream alright, and started copping a feel. Her breasts were wrinkly, so I said, "Hold on." I wanted to be polite (to my DC ) and not let on that I wanted younger breasts. I left and found some people in a line waiting for service.

      There were three attractive ladies. I turned their faces to me for a better look and only one was really that attractive, so I took her out of line.

      I took her to a room with a table and lay her on it, then I started making out with her. It was a great kiss, but unfortunately it was the best part of the dream.

      I decided to take off her clothes. I looked down where her pants or dress would be and she was in some kind of plastic case. I lifted up these latches all along the case and opened the lid like a plastic, top loading file box, but there was just more plastic under the lid. I was pissed.

      I tried to take it off but was just wasting my time. I took my pants down instead and sat up near her face and made her give me a hummer, but that didn't last long. Someone peeked in the door and the DC didn't want to cooperate.

      Then a man and some lady came in. I didn't want to get in trouble, so I was going to kick their ass. I went up to the lady and said, "I'll get to you later." Then I went up to the guy, but then I was outside the room and didn't need to fight him; I was still in fight mode.

      I ran up to a table focusing on belief, jumped onto it, and jumped off it and started flying. I became heavy, but kept flying until I went up just a bit. I started fighting some short black guy, though it wasn't really fighting. It was more showing dominance. I asked, "How can you fight me when I can do this?" I was flying all around him, though I was so heavy, he could grab a-hold of me. Not my finest lucid hour, but it was still fun.

      Then I was outside. A lady came running up and screaming. Something was wrong with her little boy, so I lay her down and tried to make her give me a hummer. She didn't fight, but I didn't really get a hummer either.

      I did first consider helping the woman and her boy, but it was a dream, so I decided against it. I wonder if the dream would have been more interesting if I had helped her. Maybe next time.

      Anyway, now my friend J. F. is with me giving me advice on such occasions. I asked him if he'd been looking in on my dreams. He said, "I've been paying attention." The point was, he thought I shouldn't be making people give me hummers, or at least not when they are in need of help. I was offended that he would and could spy on my dreams, but I thought it was interesting also.

      I wondered how he did it. He said you take a diaphragm-and he held up some little something between his fingers. It had cartoony sparkly lines coming out from it like it was glowing. This scene repeated once or twice. I don't remember what he said he did with this "diaphragm."

      Anyway, it was time for us to fly off and help the lady. We all went in that direction, but the lady had to run. J.F. and I flew. I was still heavy, so we pulled me up a bit, though I saw him pull me up from third person as I was flying. He grabbed onto the flying person by a coat, probably a coat I've been thinking about lately.

      Then my dream ended.

      This dream was full of inspiration of what I've been thinking about lately, including inspiration from CanisLucidus. I should track my lucids inspired by intention after talking to my DV friends. There have already been several instances, mostly, if not all by MoJoe and MrDreamsX.

    4. School shooting

      by , 01-26-2013 at 04:26 PM
      it was awhile sense I had this dream so I might have forgotten a lot of details but in this dream there was a supposed shooting at my community college. One thing I want to note is the fact that my college in my dream looked nothing like the real community college I attended but anyways I was sitting somewhere, I'm not exactly shore but all of a sudden we heard rapid gun fire. I was the first to get allerted but then everyone else seemed to get the idea and started to move out of the building. I went through a couple halls then came out side. I remember thinking wow this is actually happing where I'm at. I'm suddenly outside and I see a guy who was wearing what looked to be a tan, pink and orange colored camo outfit telling people to move. Later some guy goes to this corner and says he found where the gunfire was coming from. Apparently it was just making noise and no real gun shooting occured. I go over there and I see some black object but I can't make out what it is. I'm not sure if I even remember it correctly but a little later, I'm not exactly sure what happend next but I remember becoming lucid at this point. I'm talking to a few dream characters and then suddenly I say, "wait, a minute this is a dream right". the dream characters just look at me but they also seemed to have loss their facial detail a bit. I'm standing next to some ledge where the grass is and then I fly out in the open. I looked at something, I'm not sure what it is but then I see some clock for mation on my hands. little words circles around along the outside lines and I kapt looking away and back to see them change. I fly for a bit and then nia, a girl from my old church appeared out of nowhere, I don't remember exactly where she came in at but I remember her appearing in the dream and I try to kiss her before the dream ended but I couldn't do it for some reason. apparently dream lag was the culprit like it is all the other times I tried to kiss a dream character.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. I am loving my techniques ★★☆☆☆

      by , 01-26-2013 at 02:59 PM (Zödra)
      Day 3 of multiple lucids in a row.

      A little scary

      I became lucid in my parents back yard, there was no one there, but there was a bunch of cars. I looked in this jacked up F-150 and then a kid appeared in it before my eyes. I thought for a second No one should be in my dreams!. Then I walked up there and opened the door, poked him in the face, my hand went through it like he was a ghost, and I woke up.

      Dream time: 1 minute
      Time 10:45-1:30
      vivid: 8

      A little forgetful

      I am in a locker room and I become lucid I forget a little bit of what infinity looks like, so I start searching in there. I started going through the rooms and found a friend of mine. He told me he wanted to be my dream guide. I politely refused, and he got mad at me. He kept telling me what it would be like and how fun it would be, but I told him that I was looking for my DG right now. After arguing, I woke up.
      Dream time: 15 minutes
      Time 1:30-2:45
      vivid: 9

      They see me rolling, they hating, patrolling they try to catch me riding lucid

      I woke up, RCed and laid in bed SSILDing. After a while my mind trails off and I am all of the sudden looking around this house. I catch myself as the story is coming around me. I am dreaming! I start walking around looking for something to do... Can't remember my major goal, I need to teleport, better wait till I know where I want to go. My friend that wants to be my DG comes around and starts telling me what to do. I ignore him and think I should get in a car! I always have fun in cars! I start getting in and he tells me that if I get in it I will regret it. As he does, the dream starts losing stability. I rub my hands together and shout "Stability!" Everything gets clearer and stable. I jump in the car and it is not moving very fast, when I hit the peddle, it just barely goes. A car swerves out of the way from hitting me. I don't remember how this one ended completely because I am in a car in the next one as well.
      Dream time: 10 minutes
      Time 2:45-3:45
      vivid: 10


      I am running around looking for cars to break into and I realize I was just doing this in a lucid dream. That means! I am dreaming! I walk up to a car that is locked and I just pull on the handle and open it (Like a Boss). I start losing stability. I rub my hands together and yell "stability!" works like a charm again. I get in the car and holy crap there is someone next to me. She starts to say something, but I just ignore her. I need to get to infinity! I start driving around. Noticing that all the cars are avoiding me. I hit the gas pedal and it just barely goes not good enough! I touch the pedal lightly and imagine it revving up like it did when I slammed on it. As I press harder it really gets going and I start flying through traffic. What to do, what to do. Oh! I can go at oncoming traffic! They are all dodging me anyways. Every single one of them dodge me, and I am going fast. I pull on the steering wheel and start to fly. I do a U turn in air and drop onto another street. This street will take me to infinity. I keep going, and the street ends at a graveyard. How did this happen to infinity?! I wonder. I get out of the car and start walking around. I can't think of anything fun to do, my whole plan was get to infinity. I keep losing stability and regaining it by rubbing my hands together and shouting. Nothing comes to mind of what to do until I see a car drive by, I always have fun in cars. I stop it by jumping in front and then open the door. As I sit down I start losing the dream. I try to regain it, but I am too late.
      Dream time: 30 minutes
      Time 3:45-5:00
      vivid 10 (11 sometimes)

      Just a strange place

      Me and my wife are at this strange apartment complex and we keep going in and out of our room. There is a drawing, and this man comes up to me and says something in Spanish. I grab my wife since she speaks Spanish and I don't. The man waves her off and she just leaves. He says it in Spanish again and I tell him I can't understand.
      He said "it is fine to reply in English, I understand you."
      "I don't understand you though." I reply
      "Well I don't know english, if the drawing comes up your name will you give it to me? My name has already been drawn."
      "I don't think so."
      "Makes sense to me." My wife replied.

      Our name was drawn and she gave it to the man that pretended he didn't know English.
      time 5:00-7:15
      vivid: 7

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 11:43 AM by 58222

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. 01/25/13 Gunslingers and Templars

      by , 01-26-2013 at 01:50 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Note: I have shifted my nighttime hypnosis program from one to help with my depression to one that is supposed to develop ESP abilities in the hope that it will allow for some passive defense against constant psychic / astral attacks I have been getting lately. This has a different opening image, but it should still lead to easy WILD's as I fall asleep.

      Suicide by Gunslinger
      I am in the sky and flying over the Nile River. I look around to see the area, the area right around the river is lush and green, though the area a bit farther away is desert. This isn't where I want to be, I know I want to have a Dark Tower dream. So I open a portal and fly right through it into a different forest… where I promptly crash into a tree. Ow… I now find I am up a tree that is standing over a clearing. Down below I can see some small robotic machines wandering aimlessly around. I remember that scene from the Dark Tower books. I know Eddie is about to show up and start shooting them. An arrow flies by my left ear. Someone is shooting at me! I wonder what that could be, and I turn around to see a couple of Templar archers on the ground taking aim at me with more arrows. I see Eddie emerge from the bushes down below and take aim at the first of the machines. The Templars apparently see him as well, one of them aims at Eddie. I don't want to let them interfere with the Dark Tower progression, so I form Witchblade into a hidden blade on each arm and do an air double assassinate before they can shoot at Eddie. As I land on the pair of Templars I hear Eddie's gun roaring as he shoots the radar dishes off of each of the robots. I see movement in the trees as I am crouched over two dead Templars. Is there more chance of Eddie being attacked? I wonder why Templars would want to attack Eddie. There is a pause, then there is another explosive gunshot. Now I hear Eddie yelling at Roland, telling him he would shoot him if he had one more shot left in the gun. This is followed by Roland yelling for Eddie to get down, and another gunshot. Then there is silence. I see there has been more movement in the trees. I am surrounded by Templars. I tell them to butt out of my Dark Tower dream. One of them asks if I really think they would mind turning this place into one big paradox. Three archers are aiming arrows at Roland. That was a mistake. It seems some light has reflected off of their arrows, or maybe it was just Roland's keen instinct… but in a blur Roland has his gun out and shoots all three of them right out of the trees. I tell them that committing suicide by gunslinger won't create any paradoxes. Someone else is trying to shoot Roland in the back. I manage to jump on top of that Templar, hidden blade first, just in time to cause his arrow to go wild. And now Roland is under cover, as are Eddie and Susanna. Four more archers have arrows pointed at me now. But now they have Roland, Eddie, and Susanna hunting them. The four of them are taken out in several quick shots. One of the last Templars standing says they will have their treasure back, and there's nothing I can do to stop them. The last two disappear. Roland emerges into the area, holstering his gun. He asks who my friends were. I say they weren't friends… they were Templars… and then I wake up.

      New Confidence
      I wake up in bed. The first thing I notice is that I am not wearing my dream mask… which triggers me to do a reality check. Before I can do the reality check, however, I see something standing over me. Two somethings, actually. One on each side of my bed. Both of them are cloaked figures, so I can't see any details of them. One of them is draining positive energy out, the other is putting negative energy in. I can feel the energy drain as they are doing it, my mind being filled with negative thoughts. I also have the clear thought that if I return the treasure I stole from the Templars that they will leave me alone. I don't believe that one. The thought adjusts itself to if I return the treasure and stop interfering with their business then they will leave me alone. I try to get myself out of bed, but I can't find the strength to move much. Then a big black cat enters the room. A black cat the size of a panther. The cat pounces on one of the two creatures. It is Shadow! She pounces on the one draining my positive energy and tears into it with teeth and claws. With one of them off of me I am able to form Witchblade into a hidden blade and drive it into the face of the remaining figure. The thing lets out a scream of rage and then both of them have disappeared. I feel a bit drained, but ok. I know I need to do something to create protection around here. I lie down in bed to rest for a bit. Shadow has transformed back to a kitty cat, and she is now curled up beside me. I don't feel like sleeping, though I have completely forgotten the idea I might be dreaming. I get out of bed and load up my computer. I feel particularly motivated to work on making a game right now. I think I will make a game from scratch instead of using an existing engine. I feel amazingly confidence regarding making the game, and I can't wait to get started. When I wake up I still have this feeling lingering.
    7. 25th January 2013 - 2nd Lucid Dream

      by , 01-26-2013 at 12:26 AM
      Sleep – 11:05am
      Wake Ups – 3:40am
      Finial Wake up – 5:44am
      WBTB – N/A

      First Dream

      I was walking home from school. The sky was cloudy and dark, like it was going to rain soon. I walked past 2 girls talking. I recognised one that goes to my school. The one I recognised told the other girl that she could clear the sky by blowing lightly. She started to blow lightly but nothing happened. Black smoke started coming out of all the houses nearby through their chimneys. I tried to do it I started blow lightly and the sky cleared up and the black smoke disappeared. It was now a sunny day. When I stopped blowing, the clouds and the black smoke returned.

      The girl I recognised noticed that I was doing it and walked up to me. She asked me how I was doing that and I told her that I was just blowing lightly and it just happened. I did it again and once again that sky cleared up and the black smoke disappeared. I tried to blow as hard as I could but it didn’t make a difference. I stopped because I was beginning to become light headed. I felt really light like gravity wasn’t affecting me but it was.

      She started talking about someone called Jane. I had no idea who she was talking about so I kind of stopped listening to her. We started walking back towards the school. From what I heard her say, I apparently really like this person called Jane. I don’t even know anyone called Jane so I had no idea what she was talking about. Then she said “You could be with her right now. This could all be a dream”

      This got me all confused and I stopped walking. She walked on for about 5 steps further and then stopped when she noticed I wasn’t following anymore. I looked at her confused and then said “Hang on let me check”. I tried to push me fingers through my palm but that failed. I then pinched my nose shut and tried to breathe. To my amazement I could. I instantly knew I was dreaming. I got really excited by this and woke up.

      Second Dream

      I was watching a video on my laptop.

      There was a small metal shelter shaped like a cube. It wasn’t very big. It was just taller than a person. It was painted blue. It was surrounded by metal walls about 50ft from the cube. They were also painted blue. Inside the cube there was a single bed and some broken furniture. The entrance to the cube was a sliding metal door that was made of thick metal. It had the feel of a bomb shelter only it was above ground.

      Suddenly a man came into the scene being chased by zombies. He ran towards the shelter. As he got closer to it the zombies started to speed up. He managed to get inside and close the door before the zombies got there. He was out of breath and he collapsed onto the bed. He then fell asleep. When he woke up all the broken furniture had disappeared. He opened the door to see if the zombies were still out there. All of the broken furniture was now acting as a blockade. One of the zombies was trying to break it down. So the guy ran up to it, picked up a piece of wood and jabbed it in the face. He then ran back inside and slammed shut the door. He then shut 3 more doors that blocked the first door.

      Next I was seeing the shelter from the outside on a helicopter. Flying the helicopter was a woman with blonde hair. She was alone and flying towards the shelter. There was about 5 zombies still surrounding the shelter but she seemed determined to get there. She landed on top of the shelter and the guy climbed onto the roof through a small gap in the corner. He got onto the helicopter and they flew off.

      They were then hovering over a crowd of people in the helicopter. They were both hanging out the side. They kissed each other and the crowd cheered.
      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    8. A bad night for Galantamine

      by , 01-25-2013 at 07:38 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Bedtime - shoot for 9:30PM
      Pre-Bed 5MG Melatonin
      WBTB 1:15AM
      Took supplements set out on bed side table. I wanted to avoid getting out of bed but I had to pee. Then back to bed.
      4MG Galantamine
      500MG Choline
      600MG GPC
      approx. .375MG melatonin

      I fall straight back to sleep.
      *many interruptions*
      At about 3:00AM I begrudgingly take 1MG melatonin. That seems to get my drowsy enough. But unfortunately the visual quality was poor and the dreams fragmented. I think it was probably because of the melatonin. Still, I enjoyed some nice but short lucids but the joy was sucked away from all the trouble I had. Maybe, I was expecting too much and maybe I was just thoughtfully pissed off by now.

      Gladiator - TOTY (fail)- WILD - around 4AM

      I am laying still for a WILD. I begin to 'ohm' meditate but the sound is internal. I experience strong HH/HI. My head is buzzing. There is something in my mouth. It feels like a flat disc that is vibrating. Then, I see I am bitting onto a pink tab on the end of a womans white bath robe. The woman who is wearing the robe is busy doing something. She is sitting on the edge of a tub, starting her bath. She does not seem to notice me and pulls my head along this way and that. I realize what is happening and I come to slightly more awake.

      That was unpleasant so I try something else. I go back to "ooooooohm". It quieting my internal chatter. I begin to visualize my own right hand holding a Gladius. Soon it becomes very vivid. I repeat a sideway slash over and over. Soon it becomes more natural to swing up and down in a tomahawk chopping action. I am in the dark void and I can vividly see the hilt of the sword with a brass ball at the end. It is not shiny and smooth but pock marked and dull from heavy use. I can't see the blade because it is more above my head. (Thank you, CanisLucidus for the sword idea!)

      I begin to hear things. A solider shouts something in another language. It sounds like he is gruffly barking orders. Then I hear a pounding noise. It sounds a deep drum beat and people stomping all in unison to my over-head-chopping. Each downward slice is a beat. Boom... Boom... Boom... I remain calm and relax more.

      Again I vividly hear the solider shouting orders. I am reminded of soldiers in formation for battle but I think, "No. I am in a Colosseum. I am fighting one man." I think maybe those in charge are just getting things ready and that's who I hear.

      Now, along with the drum beat and foot stopping, I hear a very large crowd get excited and cheer. It sounds like thousands of people.

      I don't over think things here but I just expect to see a Colosseum now. I had prepared before hand how I was going to visualize this. I thought of a simple geometric shape as a building block for the dream scene. I visualize this now. It was a simple curved line to form a wall in front of me like a half circle. Like looking across to the other end of a stadium.

      What is your global footprint?-images.jpeg

      The darkness parts in the middle of my vision like a curtain. My vision is very blurry but I can see enough. The sun is high in mid day. There ground is brown dirt and scattered gravel. Still the crowd is in an uproar. The booming may have stopped I am not sure. I continue my chopping action.

      Soon a a figure materializes before me. Still blurry but I see a man that looks a lot like The Prince of Persia.

      He wastes no time. He jumps in the air does a downward diagonal slash with his Scimitar. I reflexively put my Gladius up and deftly parry the blow. The impact sends a shock up my arm and startles me. I feel my entire physical body jerk and the scene colapses.

      I try to go back in oooohming and chopping but I just can manage. I feel wakeful once more.

      Eventually I give up on it all.

      OBE DEILD Chains. Time unknown

      I barely remember feeling vibrations but I am fooled by a false awakening. I am lying on the floor next to the recliner. There is someone in the recliner who looks a lot like me but I pay no attention. The room and floor is bright white light. It was a lot like the loading area on the Matrix. I feel pissed that I missed the vibrations and think that I did not try. "I really should have tried." I relax and do an in dream WILD. I mantra, "I am dreaming."

      In a few seconds I am in the recliner with Vibrations. I float of of my chair. The room is dark (as in RL) and the dream feels really unstable. I feel wobbly and drunk. I try something that I read about. I imagine my feet becoming roots deep into the floor. I can feel my feet fusing down solid. Then I realized there was something I was supposed to do with my hands. I forget so I start rubbing them. I can vivid see the detail of the hard wood floor and the window to the front porch. There is a blue light coming in from a street lamp. I focus visually on this (Actually the visuals was really nice here now that I think about) I start to feel like a tree. I feel like I am growing and stretching. My feet come off the floor. I begin to destabilize. I feel like I was trying too hard or was thinking too much.
      I go back to SP.

      This time wait but I try to open my eyes. My real eyes pop open. I DEILD with mantra, "I am dreaming."

      Back to SP in the recliner. This time I am scared to open my eyes. I feel my way outside onto the front porch. I realize now that the sound from the central unit was completely gone. This made me briefly wonder if I was sleep walking. I realize that I am just really deeply dreaming and feel content with that. I feel along the exterior wall of the house. I brush the screen of a window and realize that was my sons room. I withdraw my hand and tense up thinking I woke him up. I quickly realize this was silly. I turn toward the road and try to open my eyes to see. I open my real eyes and wake up.

      I am able to dose off a bit before the alarm clock but I don't recall any more dreams. The clock got me.

      Updated 01-25-2013 at 11:22 PM by 5967

    9. Nothing is Solid. ★★★☆☆

      by , 01-25-2013 at 04:45 PM (Zödra)
      I forgot a dream I had yesterday:


      I was on a place that reminded me of the island in Jurassic Park (the second island they go to) on the landing strip. Except everyone was wearing space gear and bouncing around like we were on the moon. Really fun! One dude fell over though and his oxygen tank exploded and killed him. kind of sad.

      The mall again!

      I was at the same mall I have been lucid in before and had lots of normal LDs there. became lucid. A little weird because I had a bunch of control I normally struggle with, I just wasn't worried about it. I didn't remember my goal and I just flew around and walked around for like 10 minutes. The flying was awesome because I normally don't, and I saw a frozen lake and started flying in and out of it without breaking the top. It was so fun!

      midwife Brandon

      I had a dream that my sisters were both midwives and we were all invited to a birth . I really wanted to help , and when we got there, there was a huge party just waiting around. Some dude invited me to help in the kitchen. I decided that that would be fine. He was really nice and started talking about LDing. He then proceeded to show me his lucid dreams. They were amazing and awe inspiring. It was like I lived through ten LDs. Impossible to explain them really. I left the kitchen realizing that I was dreaming. not knowing that everyone was fake though, just knew it was a dream. I was helping with the plates and someone asked for a clean plate. I flipped the plate over and flipped it upright. It was clean then. She asked if I could get her some food. I tried flipping it again, but all I managed to do was make it dirty like it was before.

      If I make it to that mall again I am going to buy a nerve gear. .

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 11:42 AM by 58222

    10. ask the number

      , 01-25-2013 at 11:39 AM
      I met my sister in the forest, it can't be, so i made RC and flew from that place. I flew with problems, a bit crash in buildings and then i landed i lost awareness. After that i went somewhere with a groop of people, remembered again that its a dream, and ask girl near me that i thought about the number from 1 to 100. What was it? My number was 22 - its the number of my school. The girl was thinking 5 -7 seconds and said - 22))i tried to remember other tasks but couldn't. a bit later complittely lost awareness.
      lucid , task of the month
    11. Lions and Zebras Try to Take Over the World; I Steal Sunglasses and Have a Nose Piercing Problem

      by , 01-25-2013 at 05:39 AM
      Uh … OOPS it’s been months since I last wrote an entry in this thing. That would explain why lately I’ve been having so much trouble remembering my dreams. I really need to get back into the habit of doing this so that I can have cool dreams again. Yeah.

      Well, I recently had a pretty cool/weird dream. It went something like this:

      It starts off as kind of a third-person thing, where I’m not really a part of the action, I’m just observing the story.

      There are a bunch of lions and zebras living together in a giant palace. There’s one lion who’s the king of them all. And he decides that he and the other lions and the zebras are going to destroy humanity. He sends one of the zebras to warn the humans of their oncoming doom.

      So, the zebra walks up to a house. It’s night-time. The back door opens and Will Smith walks out. The zebra is like, “We’re going to destroy humanity, bwahaha.” And if I recall correctly, he has some gruesome thing with him like a head on a stick or something which I guess is part of the warning sign or whatever. Will Smith is like, “Oh no!” And that’s the only part he plays in the dream and I’m not sure why he was there at all. Oh well.

      This is where I finally become a part of the dream, although I’m a random character and not really myself. I’m riding on a white horse to the palace along with some other people––I don’t know who they are. I think I’m leading everyone there. I have a sword and I start swinging it around and thinking about how I’m going to cut off the king lion’s head.

      We’re galloping over this beautiful landscape with rolling green hills and everything. I think we go over a bridge at some point. Then in the distance, I finally see the palace. It’s huge and gleaming and white, and there’s a rainbow coming out of the top of it and stretching up into the sky. I’m like, “Whoaaa … that’s pretty.”

      At this point I have a somewhat lucid moment, in which I’m suddenly aware that I’m in the dream and that I’m simultaneously asleep in my bed. I know I’m about to wake up, but I try not to because I really want to get to the palace and kill the lion. Alas, I wake up before we get there. Oh well.

      As for dreams I had last night (or maybe it was this morning):

      I vaguely remember a dream in which I was at a beach, and I acquired a pair of fancy sunglasses. Somehow, I know that I stole these sunglasses, although I don’t remember exactly how that happened. I feel guilty about stealing them, but I keep trying to justify it to myself, like, “Oh, everyone steals sometimes!”

      Anyway, I can’t remember much about what the sunglasses look like besides that they have a brown tint to them, and I also realize that I can see through the lenses (and I’m super near-sighted, so this is weird). So, they basically function like regular glasses except they’re tinted. But for some reason I think this is like, the best thing since sliced bread.

      Not sure if it was part of the same dream, but I recall a brief fragment of a dream in which I am standing in front of a mirror and I take out my nose piercing. My nose instantly begins gushing blood everywhere and I panic … but I think I manage to get it back in again.

      … So yeah. Now I should start remembering to write these lovely gems down. I want to keep having cool/lucid dreams.
    12. Another Lucid Dream!

      by , 01-24-2013 at 03:59 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      Unfortunately, I don't remember much of it now, but I did finally get lucid again. I do remember, after performing an RC and becoming lucid, I exclaimed that I was dreaming and could prove it by flying. I couldn't fly, but then my brother threw a snowball at me, and we got into a snowball fight.

      I soon "woke up", and it was the stupidest kind of false awakening not to catch - I didn't wake up in bed or anything, I was in the exact same place (but the "next morning") but with different people. I mean, I didn't even "wake up"; I just "knew" that I did.
    13. loooong night! ★★★★☆

      by , 01-24-2013 at 03:02 PM (Zödra)
      I went to bed at 10. Woke up at 230 and decided to do SSILD.

      10-230 dreams.

      My family and I were going on vacation... kind of boring until we get to the huge hotel that was stocked with free candy everywhere. Alltl the guys were going to the pool, and when we got back the gals were missing. I found a place that was filled with about 50 girls, my wife wasn't there though. I kept looking after releasing all the gals there. I went to the top floor and found her drugged and with 5 men in suits. After talking to the guy I got him to release her to me. One of then stood up and started talking about how it wasn't fair and how we should. Just let them take us away. I got mad and said "all we did was check into a hotel, why do we have to be punished?" He replied "it is enough"

      I don't remember how, but I woke up in a car. While there I remembered a dream that was lucid that told me about how my wife was gonna die (I think this was a fake dream because of the way I remember it now) I was in the passenger seat and my "wife" was driving. She was nothing like my wife, but I started rembering the dream and told he to get off the highway because the glass in the car was all breaking and I wanted to save her. When she got off the highway a car went up the off ramp and hit our car, just a fender bender, but three guys came out of the car and I was trying to tell her to drive away, but my throat caught and I heard a voice commentating inside my head that was supposed to be me remembering my dream that had talked all about this.

      Wake up, get up and go to the bathroom. Lay down and SSILD.

      I am walking outside the hotel. I start thinking of how I got there and realize I had to be dreaming. I walked across the street and started waking up. I looked up and blinked. Every time I blinked the scenery changed. I started seeing lesss and less of each until I tried to keep my eyes open and woke up.

      Laid still and started walking on the street again. Realized again that I was dreaming. Spun like crazy because I didn't have time to do anything else. Could feel myself spinning, and a dream formed around me. Lost lucidity and forgot what I did after that.

      Woke up laid still. Started going through cycles of SSILD. I then noticed a beautiful girl leaning over me EDIT: added because I wrote this quickly years ago knew I wouldn't forget this I was in the void and she was the only thing with me, she was an ageless being, I couldn't tell if she was 16 or 35, she was just the prime example of a human. Light seemed to emanate around her and when she reached down and touched my arm, electricity shot through my body and I was hoping that I didn't jolt myself awake. Color exploded around me and I was now downtown on one of my routes. I forgot to stabilize, but I started looking for infinity. I turned around, and that changed the scenery behind me. Not to infinity though. Started tripping and decided to walk around the corner where infinity would be at. After about 2 minutes into the dream I woke up.

      The rest of the night was just me trying to get into a used tire store and telling everyone about my dreams..

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 11:36 AM by 58222

      false awakening , lucid , nightmare
    14. New Found Control over WILDing

      by , 01-23-2013 at 10:50 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I had me a bad ass experience early this morning. In a nutshell, I was able to purposefully induce WILD vibrations, instead of just happening upon them like I normally do. Then I incubated a scene (super quickly during those few seconds of vibrations), that was something OTHER than me in my bed in my bedroom. I remember what I did and I believe I can repeat it *fingers crossed* But first, the DILD I had prior to this WILD:

      It started out nonlucid, and all I remember is that I was jumping up and down in this really fancy pool at night time. There were some odd reliefs just behind the pool, carved out of a giant rock hill. They looked a bit like something off of Easter Island. Beautiful, well maintained gardens surrounded the pool. Anyway, everytime I jumped, I would come clean out of the water, then hover for a moment, then splash back down. The pool was only maybe 3 feet deep. Like the kind for doing laps. I must have become somewhat semi-lucid because I started wondering if I could create fireworks each time I jumped, like in the TOTM. I was able to do it, but they weren't really bright. I even said to myself, "This is a dream, so light and dark is just in your mind. Your eyes aren't real right now, so the fireworks will be brighter" Not much happened there, but the carved reliefs were becoming more and more sinister looking. I plopped back into the water, and fully realized "Hey I'm dreaming!" and then I woke up.

      I was lying on my right side, and felt the urge to roll over. I did partially, then decided to keep in the same position and try for a WILD. I did this indescribable thing that I always do to concentrate the vibrations once they start. But they hadn't started yet, I just kinda mentally went "fishing" for them, if that makes any sense. They came, but the first round was really weak. I tried again, and they flooded over me just like they normally do. Then I decided that in those few seconds, where I normally wait to "open my dream eyes" and start out the LD in my room, I tried to imagine another place. ANY other place. And I waited for it to form on my eyelids, and skip the whole "open eyes" thing, because I believe that's just a schema I created for myself, unintentionally. I saw some bright sunlight and a sparkly blue sky appear, and a window. A huge window, like the whole wall was window. With a little cushion seat. I was still lying on a bed in the same position though lol. But it was most definitely not my room, and I didn't recognize anything outside of the window. I got up slowly, and things were so vivid. I could hear the sound of me moving in the bed, moving the blankets, my skin scraping across the sheets. I wondered if I was hearing residual sounds of my real body moving around in the bed irl. So I proceeded slowly. I got to the window and looked outside: it was a sparkly day, with snow melting away from buildings and trees that were not familiar. Christmas lights hung loosely from some of the trees and bushes. I pressed my head to the window and moved through it. When I got outside, things changed It got darker (ffuu), but I just plodded along down the block. I walked past that SAME pool, which made me mad for some reason. "Really?!" I didn't want to revisit it. Those carvings still looked icky to me. I wish I had thought of the basic ski task though, since at least that water was shallow and I had already been in it. Oh well. I couldn't really think of much to do, and I was getting a bit randy anyway. I found a clothing shop with some women inside, so I went in...

      I'll regale the rest of that tale later, Chris is having a fucking melt down over the xbox right now. Stay tuned for part II: sex in the dressing room.

      So I'm walking past the dressing rooms in the shop, and I have successfully transgendered. I see a pretty woman in one dressing room, chatting with her mom. I ask the mom permission to have fun with her daughter. I'm feeling suddenly awkward, because I have my thing out, and I'm just holding it lol. No one seems to care, and I know it's just a dream anyway. I still couldn't help but feel a little weird about that haha. Anyway, I start taking her clothes off, when the store manager says we can't do it in the dressing rooms, so he directs us to the bathrooms. He said "Don't worry, they're right around the corner." I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into the bathroom. I plopped her on the long sink counter, and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked like me, but more college age. I was even wearing one of those stupid flannel shirts that I used to wear, and my hair and make-up were all done up nicely. Then I glanced down and there was my hand, holding my dick lol. I'll never unremember that image. I got her pants off, and got half-way through one thrust then woke up. Damn. Sex in front of a mirror would have been cool to watch. Haha oh well.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    15. Giant Crabs!

      by , 01-23-2013 at 07:48 PM
      I get out of bed and go outside. I'm completely convinced I'm awake until I step out into the yard. Everything is vivid, the grass is green like it's turned to spring, and it's warm outside. A storm is building overhead but it doesn't feel like a threat, I prefer the rain. I go over to investigate the giant hole in the neighbor's yard, there's a pile of dirt like a mole trail. When I get closer I realize there's a huge crab, two feet wide at least, in the dirt. It's dead.
      I see another pile of dirt by the mailbox, along with another dead crab. I frown.
      "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"
      I decide I can do whatever I want, so I go exploring. In the dream (unlike real life) in place of the house next to mine is what looks like a barn, all dark weathered wood, almost looked burnt. I go inside and look around. I take advantage of my unusual clarity. Usually in lucid dreams it's hard for me to hold on to a scene, almost like if I move it starts to break apart. I feel rooted in this dream and I'm full of energy. I spin in a circle, taking in my surroundings.
      There are shelves on the far wall, all painted white and full of interesting objects. There are 3 tiered circular racks (almost like 3 round tables stacked atop each other), also full of things. There are freestanding shelves with more random objects. I lean close to a shelf, looking at everything on it. The only thing that makes any sense is a green glass puff perfume bottle.
      (http://image0-rubylane.s3.amazonaws....RL-2846.1L.jpg kind of like that only oval shaped)
      I hear noises from outside, of the family that owns the barn coming home. I hear the door open and I move quickly over to a small window with a piece of mdf over it. Written on the front are the words "Check the trap below before using." I wonder what kind of trap is below the window, but I don't want them to see me.
      At the same time, I'm not worried if they'll see me. My lucidity is tenuous but I know I am in plain sight and they are not reacting. I kick out the mdf board and crawl through the window and drop down to the grass. I see the trap the sign warned about, but there's nothing in it. A huge badger (about the size of a collie) glances at me and then at the trap, then leaves. (I am a lot of dreams where I exit a building through a window...)

      There's a racing track outside, the whole family is riding bikes. Kind of. The father is riding this big vehicle...bike thing that has a standing platform on the side for the little kids.

      Updated 01-25-2013 at 05:26 PM by 54746 (I hate typos.)

      lucid , non-lucid