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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. July 28

      by , 07-28-2011 at 03:49 PM (Dreams of Hash)
      6:20 Rem my sister asking me somethign and me rudely saying no.

      8:33 I rem being in the backyard with my sister and brother, we are playing some kind of game where the buildings back there are supposed to be houses or like forts we own. I rem my bro being in some kind of building in the middle of the yard, i go up to lissa and she says she owns two houses, when im talking to her my bro throws something at us, its kind of heavy, he does this randomly during the dream like its part of the house game.

      I walk over to the shed planning to use that as my base. I walk around the corner of it out of sight hoping that i can surprise them and get some throws in. I turn around though and my bro, i think he changes to random dcs at times, runs up behind me. Next i rem being in the center of the yard and just throwing something back and forth, i think at this point it is a red dodgeball, i am like jumping and falling to the ground in order to doge throws and throw it back, i rem once my bro catching it in the air, i wonder if this counts as a point for him, he throws it back and i try to do the same but miss it.

      9:23 i rem being on vacation at some hotel, and i want to go swimming. I rem asking my family if anyone wants to go but no one does, my sister starts pulling out this old school game twister, i try to get her to go but she doesnt want to, i say that game is lame, im going swimming as i leave. Outside i notice we are not on the bottom floor, there are two soccerballs on the ground, a dude runs up the stairs and goes straight down another set, another dude runs up, he has a muscle shirt and red hair, he stops and turns around, in the dream i think hes going to get one of the soccer balls but instead he starts talking. He says something about his clothes.

      Next thing i know im down in the pool. The pool area is huge and there are two large pools. One of them is on a balcony looking out over the other. Im in the one on the balcony, there are a bunch of little kids playing and i rem a dad with his kids. Down in the lower pool they are playing catch, the ball edns up on the balccony on the far side of the pool, i swim over to get it, i do just as a little kid runs up the stairs in dark blue, i toss him the ball, the ball is dark blue with some rips in it.

      The dad starts to play catch with his kids, when i am looking away i get hit by the ball, it bounces and floats behind me towards the group of little kids on the balcony. I jump backwards splashing into the water and trying to grab it at the same time. When i splash all of the kids start screaming playfully. I get the ball and throw it back to the dad, i rem him being a really big black dude. Dont rem much else

      *Just rem getting ready to watch a music video, i cant rem what the music was but in the dream it was like it was a song i had heard before, Im watching my comp screen, it says xbox 360 and then the name of the song. The video starts and now im in the video. I rem the song completely blowing me away. In the video i am on one side of a bridge and there are woods everywhere. When i look around i see various buildings and structures from xbox games, the only one i rem though is a large castle in the middle of the woods, looked like something out of oblivion.

      *Had a dream that my dad had made some food, he had made sausage and stuff like that. I just rem starting to eat it and then like halfway through i realize im eating meat. I quickly put it up when i realize this and then start to think about it. I rem wondering if i will get sick after not eating meat for so long, i rem just feeling kind of bad that after so long i accidently ate something
    2. Summon Battles

      by , 07-28-2011 at 02:27 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in school. There's a fight. There's also an interview about the paranormal, from 9 am to 11 am. I was supposed to be there. I asked a friend to wake me up to remind me.

      I was a in a room. Summoning stuff, creatures, etc. Various fascinating creatures. There's one that reminds me of Frankenstein's monster.

      I was on the streets. Crossing the streets. Japan came to mind. Midday. I was with a couple of people, but there were no others. There was a lady carrying a baby. The baby woke up. I made a comment about it. We walked, and then after some time, she left the baby on the street, as she rode a jeep. I tried to get her attention.

      I was inside the jeep. Some acquaintances arrived, and there were two guys I was familiar with. Then some girls. I moved to make room for them. One girl accidentally sat on me, thinking there was enough space. I complained.

      I, or some guy, is in a building. There was an Asian girl with a white dress (she looks Anime-ish). She holds a powerful summon creature. She sleeps in a cage. I, or some guy/girl, then went to steal some summons (hers?).

      They tried escaping. A summon was released, in the form of an actor LM. He ran away out of the building to escape. The one chasing him (this time, it's not me; it's some girl). The girl said she won't let him get away.

      We were near the river of what looked like Iloilo. LM summon jumped on the water, and he showed his true form; some sort of a huge water-tornado, with yellow cloth floating around, and very feminine face. The girl jumped on the boat and captured him.

      I was in the marketplace, near the sea. I was talking to my other person, Chad. Or I was Chad, talking to my other person, Gab. I talked about how I want to capture new summons. I jumped around.

      Updated 07-28-2011 at 02:41 PM by 47454 (update)

    3. One Short Dream Fragment

      by , 07-28-2011 at 02:11 PM
      I was in my parents backyard during the evening and it started to get stormy and I was laying a basketball goal on the ground so the wind wouldn't blow it away. There was also a picnic table blowing away. My mom says to get a gun, but I don't have one. I ask her why and she says there is a man on the loose and was spotted around there. I am afraid.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Demolished house

      by , 07-28-2011 at 01:31 PM
      I had heard that a house near me had burnt to the ground. I ran through my driveway, over the hill, along the road, until I went past the forest corner and saw the house. There was only the floor and black coal-ish crumbles of the pillars left. In the middle was an intact chair. I walked down towards it, and noticed I had a backpack on. I ran the whole way to the house without one, so I tried to imagine it wasn't there. Then it hit me - that must have been a dream. I did the clenching nose and breathing reality check, and I could breathe just fine. Everything went black now. I tried voice commands to make it stop, but no use.
      Then I woke up at 6AM.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Jult 28, 2011

      by , 07-28-2011 at 01:20 PM (Zelkova's Dream Jounral: Part Two)
      Fragment 1: Pokemon Yellow beta...I was playing it and getting all kind of glitches.

      Fragment 2: Used to be a dream but I waited too long to write it down. It remind me of Mother 3...Then again that may be because I been playing that game.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. masquerade dream to the north.

      by , 07-28-2011 at 01:02 PM (The book of mars)
      i typed up my entire dream and didn't log in. fuck it.

      from a 3rd person pov, i am inside a merry go round on a track. i dream of dreaming, that is my dream is a masquerade ball. like this:

      3rd person pov again, i see that the merry go round i am in and another one are about to collide. when they do, mine softly pulverizes the other which turns to flames.

      i get out and a figure tells me to go north, which means to the highest point. i do.

      in the forests and fields in which i run, i see things i never have: lime green birds, strange trees. the figure laughs at me.

      finally outside of the fields i am now in portland, maine on the coast. the dream seems to shift.
    7. Thailand, Pyramids and Nazis

      by , 07-28-2011 at 11:38 AM
      28-07-11 I am wearing a blue suit and I am talking to a couple of my friends, Thomas H. being one of them and I am in Thailand. Well I am technically still in Denmark, but they are in Thailand and we are talking together. I tell them that I am going to go there as well.

      My family is going so I end buying a last minute ticket to go with them. I am flying with a company called (something) Airlines, could be Scandinavian. I arrive late, and I have to supply a code to the check in lady, who then herself guides me towards the next step. Here I get asked if I have my ticket printed and I tell her I don't. She starts a process of printing it and then she need me to tell me the code name I have assigned to the passport I have already given her.

      I tell her I don't remember that (gee, maybe because it doesn't exist ^^), but the first lady helps me by supplying the prompting word “bottom”. I quickly remember that my password is “Rock” and when I say it the woman proceeds to printing my ticket.

      When we get to Thailand the first thing we do is to go deliver our bags and then go visit some people. My dad and I are with the man of the house, while my mom is with the lady. As we are walking down some stairs I hear my mom explain why she didn't like her the first time we met and I can hear that she is getting drunk.

      The next dream also centered around being in Thailand. Here Janni T. becomes relevant as she is actually supplying one of the rooms that we have to stay in. This room is in the middle of a lake and you have to go through an underground tunnel in order to get there. I am happy that we are staying with her and by the way she smiles so is she.

      My grandparents ask me at one point if I would like to switch rooms with them to the room closest to the foyer, because it gets filled with dust and their health isn't too good to deal with that. I off course tell them it is ok, though I am a bit sad that I won't be bonking close to Janni.

      I am talking to someone with Eliot L. We are just talking to a woman and each other and I start adding small intellectual insults after each sentence when speaking to Eliot. He laughs and the woman sort of looks at us in surprise.

      I explain that it is how we speak and joke with each other, and Eliot keeps laughing while agreeing to that.

      I am at the pyramids, captured and working for the Nazis, I don't particularly recall what we are supposed to do, but some of it involves going up and down big scaffolding on both sides of the cleft we are in.

      As we are doing this, when approaching the top there is a long rope that is carrying up bricks. When inspected closer it isn't actually “one” rope, but many smaller connected to each other. There is a mechanism that tells when an individual has pulled enough (the full length of the little rope) and it doesn't take that long to take your share. The Nazis are working on the parole that while we are there we might as well help getting some materials up that we can later use in the work we are supposed to carry out.

      After I have taken my share of rope pulling I actually take a bit more for the people coming behind me, because I am unsure as to how I am supposed to let go of the rope to the next in line. So a couple of workers get a free ride that time.

      My next assignment is to go through a small narrow passage way towards the top floor of a house. In fact before I enter the small passage way I believe I am already on the top floor. The assignment isn't specifically for me but there is a sign on the door in there that the door is very narrow and I am very slim so I end up just doing it.

      There is an emergency exit just on the other side of the small door, and it is these that I am supposed to close. When I look around I see a ladder up to my right. I decide to go up and take a look, the good Nazi worker I am ^(>.<)^. I find myself in a room, like a teenagers room, though more grown up.

      I go around and I close all the windows and doors I can find, when I all of a sudden have a conversation with Thomas H. and it becomes apparent that I am in his sister's room. He tells me that he has never even dared setting his foot in there.

      When I come to myself she is standing in the room and I slowly walk over and explain to her that I am just there to shut the emergency doors as per instructions. She reacts calmly and accepts the explanation before she tells me to just get out. I do so as my job is done and it would all have been great except if I hadn't become naked as I walk out the next door and she looks at me.

      I think I have an explanation for it, but I blush and I question myself if the reason I have given is factual and if I actually believe it myself.
    8. artist's portfolio at a cafe

      by , 07-28-2011 at 11:34 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a cafe. The place was big and new-feeling, with white-tile floors and white tables. The ceiling was high and had kind of watery, fluorescent lights, like in a club warehouse. There was a big window wall off to the side, showing the blue light of early evening.

      A young woman sat a couple of tables away from me. She may have been working on something. An older woman walked up to the table and talked to the younger woman about something. It may have been to ask the woman if she would move something of hers off the table.

      Later, the young woman was gone, and the older woman had a bunch of friends with her. I may have had a better view of the woman now. She may have been kind of short, a little overweight, with pale red hair and pale skin. She may have been wearing a pale-beige beret and dark glasses.

      The woman's friends, and possibly the woman herself, all spoke with some kind of accent, maybe Spanish or Portugese. I stood near the people. The people were all complaining about something about the young woman, something about her having left or moved something of hers.

      I explained to the people that the young woman had simply moved her artist's portfolio off the table and over to an unused corner of the cafe. To prove this, I ran over to the corner of the cafe that was slightly cluttered with some unused furniture and household items. The portfolio was on top of a record player with a smoky-clear plastic lid. The portfolio itself was really big and made of a greenish-brown leather.

      I don't think I picked up the portfolio. I was now back at the table with the older woman. Her old friends were now kind of stepped back from the table, maybe involved in some kind of casual conversation amongst themselves in their own language. The older woman sat at the table while I stood.

      The older woman told me she knew that the young woman had put her artist's portfolio over there. The younger woman had asked her to do so. The older woman then said something like, "And thank goodness I didn't have to ask her friend to move her artworks over there as well!"

      I knew that the young woman had a female friend who was a sculptor. So I knew the friend's works would be really big and hefty. I imagined a sculpture like the Venus de Milo, life-size, standing atop the woman's portfolio as it rested on the record player. I told the older woman, "No kidding! Imagine what would have happened to the record player's lid! It would have been crushed!"
    9. Buses

      by , 07-28-2011 at 10:18 AM (The Epic Adventures Of Emma in Her Own Mind.)
      I'm walking down the street, back home from school (which is strange enough, since it's the school holidays) and it seems like it's taking for ever. I know my dad's car is parked just around the corner, but it's dark and cold and I don't feel like walking. Then a large bus pulls up. I stop, and so does the bus. I look up. The driver is oldish and gives the impression of being mad. There's a skeleton in the back of the bus.
      "Don't worry, he's just the driver." The man says. Yes, I think, he's definately mad. I get in never the less, and as soon as the door shuts, I begin to wonder if I shouldn't have got in. I wonder if this man and his skeleton are going let me off. But then he asks "Where to?"
      "Just round the corner, on the left, then stop." We round the corner and the bus stops. I jump out and get in the car with my dad, and he drives me to someone's house. It begins to get lighter. I hop out the car and my dad passes me my suitcase. I know I've never been to this house before. The walls are white and there are fancy lights on the walls. The stairs are to my left. Then the dream ends.

      My second dream could be part of my third dream, but these are dream fragments:
      There is a lake. I am on one side, one friend on the other. The lake is green. There are trees either side, and mud directly next to it.

      Something is floating in the lake. A duck? It's grey. My friend on the other side reaches for it.

      We walk under a bridge. The bridge is familiar... it's a brown rope bridge.

      My third dream takes place on the lake. We are supposed to be going canoeing, but my friends are puzzeled when we are asked to get into a bus.
      "Don't worry, I know what's going on. I've been on one of these before. Put a helmet on, strap yourself in and they hold the bus high over the lake" (that's happened in a previous dream) We all wear grey helmets, and everyone on the bus takes ropes and straps themselves in. There isn't enough left for me, so I grab on to a small piece just in time. The driver is having some fun. He bounces the bus up and down, and I bounce loads because I'm not strapped in. It's dead fun though.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse at School Camp

      by , 07-28-2011 at 09:22 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      Late at night, we gather in an empty clearing. The grass is dry and dead, we're somewhere in the wilderness, on a school camp. The moon is out in the sky, bright and full, illuminating the clouds around it and shining just enough light for us to see where we are going, and what we are aiming at.

      We're some of the last left, who knows how many others are alive, but the population is dwindling. We walk up to the wall of guns, I grab a pocket sized shotgun and some ammo, Jeremy grabs a gun off the rack and we walk off and join the group. We walk along the path with the small group we're with - just a few of us who knew each other from primary school. We're walking against the crowd, everyone else is running away.

      Further up the road we find a shack to the side of the road, one of the sides has a giant hole blown in it. Jeremy and I go in first, scouting out the various floors of the house. There are small crates and doors everywhere, with glowing edges. Most of them are blue, but we see one door which has red lights instead. We break through the door and find a robot mounted on the wall to out right, on what seems to be a hallway. There were boxes of guns and ammo on the ground, I wanted more.
      "Come closer, closer" the robot said. Jeremy and I instantaneously decided "Fuck this!" and got the hell out of that room. When we returned to the group I fired my weapon at one of the girls, Brianna accidentally. The shotgun was loaded with buckshot, but she wasn't harmed at all, thank god.

      We turn around as the farmer who owns this land walks out holding a crate. He's tall, wearing overalls and with a big white beard. He drops the crate down and it's full of more weapons. Everyone immediately starts grabbing at the weapons. I see the SMG lying at the top of the crate, tempting but I hold out for more. Eventually, most of the weapons are gone and I'm left with a large cardboard cardboard knife, hammer, shovel, and a giant pair of garden shears. I should have picked the shears, but I grab the stanley knife for mobility.

      We start to walk off, back down the path. Everyone is running to the left, but we see the wave of zombies coming at us. FUCK They're heading left in the direction of the group - what if we just go right? We walk around the edge of the fence line, keeping low and avoiding making noise. The zombies were clever to chase the rest of the people, but we out smarted them by heading right. I black out.

      My memory picks back up with the group I was with, but in my school hall. There's loud music playing and everyone's dancing, oh shit it's a competition! I join in, trying to subtly hit on one of the girls. She keeps looking away and shutting me down coldly, what a bitch. I keep dancing, but I get hungry and want to show off to everyone. I pull a cold, hard boiled egg out of my pocket and take a massive bite. Everyone's impressed.
    11. Doctor Matrix

      by , 07-28-2011 at 09:18 AM
      Returning from Switzerland, my mom left me with my younger brother momentarily at the airport (actually, for quite a while). Responsible brother that I am, I noticed some people I know at a restaurant, and walked over to talk to them. It turned out one of them was having a birthday, and was going to a club to get drunk and whatnot. I then remembered I have a 9 year-old brother sitting alone at the airport. I returned. He was not there.

      I looked around frantically, but he was nowhere to be found. I yelled at somebody who worked there, "Did his dad already pick him up?" I was told that yes, he had. Well Christ, that meant he'd likely been kidnapped (since his dad wasn't expected to be there). I bounded up, and started ascending flights of stairs. It was about this point where the goal of the dream changed from "Get my damn brother." to action-movie-sequence; my brother no longer appeared in the dream (not even in thought) after this point.

      Behind me, I noticed that more and more armed gunmen appeared, the further I ascended. They were letting me through to negotiate with the guy at the top (I knew this was likely expected to end in my death). I also noticed a girl I'd flirted with a little at the restaurant was following me. I put two and two together and realized that, since she didn't have anything to do with this (to them), she was going to be killed. I turned around briefly to see her pass by the first gunman, and he began to draw his pistol. I continued running forward, but heard the shot behind me.

      I felt no remorse, nor dread, nor even sympathy or pity for this girl. In fact, my only two thoughts were "Well, if she's was a keeper, she would've not walked into a room with armed gunmen without a plan." and "This is SO cool!" I made it to one of the top levels, where another woman was being held hostage, with two or three men were in the room. Nope, not this time.

      I stopped in the middle of the room, turned to one of the gunmen. "Shoot me." I said, tapping myself on the forehead. He shot, but missed (a hostage struggling in your arms will do that). I turned to another, "Come on", again, tapping my forehead. He shot, and I swiped my hand through the air, feeling something thud into my palm. He looked frightened, then put his gun up to his temple. Again, I felt little emotion, but more of a man-to-man respect: "If he wants it that way, I'm not going to stop him." (That being said, I wasn't intending to kill anybody). By the time the shot was heard, I was already diving towards the girl, who would definitely be the next target if they realized I couldn't be killed.

      I ended up saving her, and we ascended to the last level, where I found a doctor (who had become the new goal of this dream), dead by gunshot to the head, lying on the floor beside a gurney, a pool of blood, a diameter roughly three times that of his skull, lay around his head. They'd likely killed him before I'd even started ascending - they'd just wanted to kill me too.

      And now, I was brought back to the beginning, before it all happened. I was walking by my high school, listening to a broadcast by that doctor on the radio (he was talking about how spermicide is the most cost-effective option to keep from getting pregnant, because it lasts 9 years). Anyway, I got back to the airport, rushed upstairs, and managed to get him out of the building in time.
    12. Enemy Allies

      by , 07-28-2011 at 04:09 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      There was a fight. Vampires. In School? Then an escape. There are enemies. Also, there are some old enemies (reminds me of the manga Beelzebub) that became allies.

      Then I have a bearded dad (looks so Viking). Fiction. There's a huge eagle. I transformed into a huge eagle?

      We were fixing electrical stuff on the street. It's raining, and there are huge leaves. We used some for cover, like umbrellas. We used the wire to power up... something. Then someone saw us, a local actress (forgot her name). We were with Jim Carey. She said she's ashamed of what we're doing.
    13. Cool School

      by , 07-28-2011 at 04:03 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in our college, Lasalle, but it looks a bit different. Actually, it looks a whole lot better. We're supposed to be in front of the coliseum, but there are covers everywhere, and it looks cooler.

      There are Amway and N21 stuff there. I ran to them and wanted to buy, but I didn't have enough money. I felt depressed.

      I was going to Bacolod from Manapla (1 to 1 and a half hour travel distance). I was going to take a test.
      Tags: amway, college, n21
    14. Wasteland

      by , 07-28-2011 at 01:31 AM
      Wasteland (Non-lucid)


      We were in my old neighborhood from Fayetteville. For once, it actually showed it as it is -- post tornado.

      (not from google images)

      It was night time. There were still no street lights on the road pictured above. Some of them that were still up were broken on other streets, or slanted. Houses were messed up left and right.

      I was riding my bike back from my ex's house to my old house to go get guns, because Rick and I had none (see previous DJ. Rick from Falling Skies),

      At an intersection, a guy in a blue minivan came up and drove up to me, miraculously avoiding the overturned SUV. He pulled out a gun with his right hand while still in the driver's seat, casually showing it to me.

      (not from google images)

      I said, "Come on man.. you got a gun. You mean I can't even fight to attempt to get out?"
      He laughed and said "hah.. yeah. Pretty fucked up ain't it?"
      "Man this is bullshit." I replied. I dropped my bike and got in his van. He never noticed Rick.
      "This place is a wasteland. The world's severely fucked." he said.


      I had gotten free of him by breaking the rope around my hands and killing his henchman with my fists. I ran back into my old house and grabbed the only pistol there and one hunting knife. I had one more I took from the cellar I was trapped in earlier. The pistol had seven bullets in the chamber. It was a Baretta.

      I ran back to the ex's house. Her house was elevated by a stucco staircase, and another house was directly across from this staircase (as if the front doors were on the adjacent sides). Rick and I got to the top of the staircase and saw three kids and a man. I looked at Rick and we both tried to hug the wall and get out of view. All three kids saw us and I put my hands over my lips to say "shhhhh..."

      They didn't speak, but as the staircase curved toward the door, the man saw me. He drew his weapon. I aimed down my sights and shot him in the lower stomach to my right. He slowly fell to the ground, and tried to shoot as he was going down. He aimed directly at me. I started strafing and jumping as if it were a video game, scared out of my mind. Rick stood there staring.

      *click* *click* *click*

      The man's pistol wasn't even loaded.

      The children continued inside the house. I went over to the man's body and found 13 rounds, preloaded in 7 and 6-bullet magazines. I took the empty mag just in case.

    15. Rebecca Black (again...), Staging Murders

      by , 07-28-2011 at 01:08 AM
      Staging Murders (Non-lucid)


      We were in an old-fashioned two-story house. It was me, my friend Jerome, and, again, Rebecca Black, who was again my girlfriend. (seriously, it's getting old.)

      So, again, here's a picture.

      There isn't really much way to describe it. Rebecca and I went upstairs into a room and locked the door after having Jerome lure Hunter out, as we had staged a murder.

      We did this again with another murder.


      And there were no doors.. lol

      Updated 08-02-2011 at 07:30 AM by 29747
