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    1. A Complicated Birth

      by , 07-20-2014 at 12:13 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at my old apartment, and a younger guy was living there. He looked to be about 20 or so, and had long, very curly dirty blonde hair. He was talking about how small the beds were at the apartment, and I agreed with him, telling him that I had to sleep on a pull-out couch, and Courtney C. had to scoot two beds together. I also told him that I got my own room to sleep in, while she had to sleep elsewhere in the apartment, even though she had her own room.

      I then remember having to work. It was supposed to be at where I'm currently working, but I was having to greet people as they were entering this bungee jump ride. It was kind of like a video game at this point; it makes me think of Animal Crossing. Some of the people looked like they were made in that art style. Anyway, to greet them, I had to "click"on them, and they would say "Thank you!" in a little voice. It took me awhile to figure out how to greet them. Being greeted made them happy, and gave me points.

      I then went back to my old apartment to sleep. I had to get up again in 4 hours to go back to work and work another 4 hours doing something else. When I walked in, the curly guy was in the living room fixing something. I thought that he was lucky that he didn't have to work a split shift. I went and took my Ambien to go to sleep, and laid down in the bed.

      Then, I woke up for work again. I couldn't remember what my task that night was. I was thinking customer service, but that didn't seem right. I got there, and then remembered: I needed to go to the hospital. It was my due date for my baby. So I went there, which it just so happened to be where work was, and went into this room that had a hospital exam table, a hospital bed, a TV that had the news turned on, and 3 or so other pregnant women sitting in it. It was a kind of holding area for pregnant women who may go into labor. My mom was there with me. Apparently, I wasn't actually due for another two weeks and was having signs of early labor, so they wanted to monitor me. If I showed signs of labor, they would have to do an emergency C-section.

      Then, it was just me and the pregnant women in the room. I was wondering if it would be alright for them to give me pain medicine even though I'd already had an ambien 4 hours prior. I laid down on the bed and watched the TV a little bit. I also remember seeing my reflection in something at some point, and thinking to myself that I didn't look pregnant, and I hadn't looked it when I had my daughter a few years ago either. I wondered what happened to her; my mom had adopted her, but I hadn't heard about her in awhile. I figured my mom had adopted her out to another family. I thought to myself that I should remember what happened to my daughter.

      Then, I started to feel something dripping down my leg. I looked and saw a bit of blood. I then had the urge to lay down on my back and start pushing; I felt a twinge in my belly urging me to do so. So I started to lay on my back, and thought to myself
      I was so glad that she shared her pain pills with me.
      It sounded like I was narrating what was happening to me. I'm not sure who gave me pain pills or when, I just know it was one of the expectant mothers in the room.
      I then felt the pain pills; I felt woozy and high, but no pain. The nurses rushed in and said they were going to put me under for the C-section. I said something back, but I don't remember what. They said it wouldn't matter because I wouldn't remember. They put the mask to my face to put me out, and I breathed it in a few times. I was then out like a light.

      The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the room again, but things had calmed down. I got up out of the bed, even though I knew I probably wasn't supposed to. I was careful not to exert myself too much since I had just had a C-section. I held the area on my tummy where the stitches were. The room was empty now; I was alone in it. I wanted to know where my baby was, if it was a boy or girl, if it was even alive...

      The doctor eventually came in to talk to me. They said that the baby was alive, it was a boy, but they had to amputate one of his legs.
      "Was the cord wrapped around it?" I asked, thinking for sure that was what it had to be.
      "No, it was because of a birth factor," said the doctor.
      He then explained birth factors to me, and they run on a sliding scale back and forth, and whatever the factor is on when the birth happens determines if the baby has anything wrong with them or not. My birth factor had been high, while a low one would have also been bad. It was ideally supposed to be in the middle.

      The fact that my child had a severed leg made me remember all the dreams I've had about having to get a leg or foot amputated, or about seeing people with prosthetic limbs (IWL this actually is a very common dream theme for me, though it hasn't been lately until last night). I then wondered if it was the Ambien that I had taken all throughout my pregnancy that caused this.

      Anyway, I was so glad that my baby was alive, despite the leg. I knew I would love him just the same, and raise him like he did not have a defect. I walked into the nursery to see him. He was in a chamber at the very end of the room that had caution tape taped around the inside of it. Below the chamber was a bucket with two severed legs in it, although my child had only had one amputated. They almost looked like baby doll legs. There was a little blood. I wondered if that was just the holding chamber for severed legs.

      I then was back in the holding area, and my husband came in. He was excited that I had had the baby! He asked if it was a boy or girl, and I said boy. His face lit up, and he got really excited. I had never seen him so excited about anything! I then told him about the leg. It seemed to slightly temper his excitement, but he was, like me, just glad the baby was ok. I imagined holding the baby, and putting him on my shoulders to play with him. I wondered if it would be different to do so because he had one leg.

      I was then shopping with my mom at Kohl's for some baby supplies. I knew I needed bottles, so I went and found a package of three colored bottles that had Disney character head cut-outs at the nipple. I saw Mickey and Donald, but noticed that the third bottle was missing. I then picked up the package, and noticed that the Donald bottle had water in it. I told my mom that I had wanted to get those, but not if they had been used and were missing a bottle. I didn't see any more, either; it appeared to be the last one.

      Wow, this dream was so vivid. Again, barely any sleep, but when I did sleep, holy crap. Definitely a memorable dream.

      Updated 07-20-2014 at 12:30 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Lucid in an ordinary day

      by , 07-20-2014 at 12:00 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      ·Non-lucid, lucid

      .../I'm pushing a cart in an apparently ordinary working day when I attempt a different way to move fast, by riding the cart, which is impossible to do in WL because of weight. I remember that I used to do that during dreams, I RC by looking at my hand. The tattoo is not there, it must be a dream but I don't find any other sign to confirm it. Everything feels too real that I cannot believe it, although the RC confirmed it. I'm wondering if this world is not my waking life, How is my real job? I cannot remember any difference although I know this is not my work. I'm getting into some sort of galleries and I'm still pushing the cart. I realize I'm losing lucidity when I see in front of me 3 grown teenage girls. I command them to stay quiet while I think in stabilizing the dream somehow. My sex drive is starting to take control and I don't find any better idea than perform a "pussy check" to stabilize the dream, that way I can let my sex drive flow and at the same time I get a little bit more into the dream and perhaps while I do that I can remember something about my waking life. I see that everything is in order down there. As I supposed, my sex drive is fading out, however the more I try to remember something about my real job, the more I see there's nothing. Not a single thing comes to my mind. I stand up thinking. One of the girls stands in front of me and turns her back on me. I cannot resist the temptation. And we start having some fun while I still try to remember something about my waking life/...

      Updated 07-21-2014 at 06:28 PM by 18736

      lucid , dream fragment
    3. If unnecessary, section of house invisible

      by , 07-20-2014 at 10:53 AM
      I dreamed that a house included an if statement in its design: If unnecessary, make a section of this house invisible

      Updated 07-21-2014 at 07:11 PM by 61501

    4. creepy music teacher and prostitute

      by , 07-20-2014 at 10:38 AM
      Fragment: There was a prostitute at my grandma's house, whose services I gladly used. She was a petite, blonde, flat chested girl.

      Main dream: My old music teacher, who I recall to have been extremely creepy in this dream, asked me to go to room in my old secondary school, whose design I can't remember, but I think it had a circular something in the center. What he asked me to do there, I also can't remember, though I believe it involved decorating. There were other people in the room, including the prostitute from earlier. At some point, the room grew vacant and I left. As I was leaving school, the music teacher demanded I return to the room, though in the next breath he calmly said it was a choice. Despite noticing this contradiction, I didn't become lucid. Finally, I recall the music teacher getting incredibly jealous over something I had apparently done or not done, and, therefore, forming a group whose sole purpose was taking revenge on me. The group consisted of people I had met in the past (mostly, women), along with a bunch of fictional characters, most notably Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean, who took the appearance of a wanted poster, with his animated likeness on it.

      Interestingly, I had been brainstorming ideas for a potential story, which would have involved a man seeking ultimate power for the purpose of using it to eternally torture someone who had previously wronged him.
    5. Boxing lesson into mythical beast defense

      by , 07-20-2014 at 09:38 AM
      Driving to local gym for my boxing lessons. We're all wearing red shirts with some kind in white text/logo on it. We get into the room and dream changes. 2 red dragons and a yeti is summoned. There is some sort of time machine inside this cave. Me and my friend enter this cave and there are balls of ice in them. We have to use the balls of ice to defend this cave against the yeti and 1 dragon (no idea where the other one went). Some time goes by and the friend who I was with manages to get on the dragons back. He is flying off to get power-ups at the top of the mountain in front of us. At this point the yeti gets up and comes running for the cave. He drives me into a corner and start throwing ice boulders at me. I notice the "round" is almost over and I have to man up and take everything he is gonna throw at me. Instead of throwing more ice he comes charging towards me and start yelling into my ear. It was so loud and I was scared to death at this point. I had my eye on the timer and it was only 40 more seconds. I manage to handle the yelling and the time machine thingy shoots back to day 00 month 00 year 0000. Me and my friend meet up and talk about the round. I remember being mad at him because he didn't come back with the dragon.
    6. 7/19/14 - Presence

      by , 07-20-2014 at 07:49 AM
      I'm sitting in the passenger seat of a car. There is someone sitting next to me. A male. I feel like it's definitely Stiles that's next to me. But there are no details. It's like we are just souls, like light without bodies.
    7. processing dream.

      by , 07-20-2014 at 06:54 AM

      Before bed.
      Four shots of cheap light rum. Smoked. Ate Nutter Butters with milk.

      I finally recalled a dream (barely).
      I know smoking affects my dream recall greatly,
      but I'm going to start experimenting with that.
      It wasn't much a dream.

      It was actually a process dream, which I have just read about.
      I was at work, in uniform and all. I had a lot of free time.
      [ I've been ahead at work lately, so I'm guessing that's where that translated from. ]
      So I started folding a bunch of these little pink pastry boxes.
      [ I work at a bakery. ]
      And that's all I did in my dream. Fold box after box after box.

      Sort of annoying. But, I'm just happy to have recalled anything at all.
      Blame on the alcohol?

    8. Captain Picard the Zoo Curator

      by , 07-20-2014 at 03:20 AM
      So I volunteer at the zoo.

      I don't remember much, but the other night I dreamed that:

      I leave the indoor elephant area to find Captain Picard (who I know to be the zoo curator) and the elephants' zookeeper sitting on lawn chairs facing the outside area of the elephant exhibit. There's an empty lawn chair between them, but Picard tells me to feed the elephants instead of sitting. Obliging, I pick up a basket of eggs and throw them one by one at a basketball hoop that's high up on the outside of the gate. However, I miss all that I try to throw (and hit an elephant once), so I turn back to Picard and say something like, "Can we just not? 'Cause all I'm really doing is egging the elephants." Picard nods, stands, and says something that I don't remember, then we all leave together.

      Updated 07-23-2014 at 04:18 AM by 55779

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Flat As A Tack (20.7.14)

      by , 07-20-2014 at 01:48 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Recorded at 9:00am

      I meet some guy on a bike. He's an older man and is extremely friendly.

      I'm with Daz and a couple other guys when we decide to go surfing. I see a commercial or TV show, showing surfing in New Zealand. The waves look massive. They're barreling and look think as. Looks similar to teahupoo waves.

      We reach the beach and make our way out into the water. It's extremely flat at the moment. I see a couple larger females in the water and they're gazing our way. My board seems to feel oversized.

      I'm waiting for waves next to one of the blokes and we're getting along quite well. We seem to have similar personalities. He asks if he can push me off the board. I seem to be at a greater height then if I was normally on the surfboard.

      Daryl and the other guy are chatting amongst each other. The other guy seems to feel awkward talking to Daryl.

      After the surf we head back to the house and the sun glasses I borrowed seem to have gone missing. I'm feeling pretty bad as they were not mine In the first place. I think they were Daryl's ex girlfriends or his sisters.

      We're outside and I see the man on the bike again. I walk over to him and have a quick chat.

      There's a fence that we all have to squeeze under and I seem to think that I wouldn't be able to fit. The man on the bike burns or blows up the fence to widen it a little.

      Before we knew about the widening of the hole, one of us got a massive run up and got slingshotted into the fence to try and widen it. But because of the fence already being widened, he slammed right into the fence and went splat.. Not knowing what had just happened earlier. It was as if it was straight out of a cartoon the way he hit the fence.

      I'm now in a house with the guy I surfed with and he was telling me about how he would get a ball thrown at him, not knowing what was inside of if. He would get a bit freaked out by it. He tells me that I don't have that fear if I was in the same situation.

      I notice the windows and think of them as great ways to capture pure water through the dew that sits on the window. I wonder how much I could capture off of the window.

      I'm now watching the TV which is a poker show, staring Robbo from the newspapers.

      I'm now in the game myself and i get dealt pocket 2's. I end up with 5 of a kind, which is impossible. I knew this was odd but didn't think too much into it. Once the hand is finished I soon realise that I must have misread my hand and only had 4 of a kind.

      As we're starting to get the next hand ready, i see that there's some weird looking cards in the deck. They are oversized and have random stuff written on them.

      I see a clear plastic bag, and I look to see what's in there. It's a pair of pink pair of goggles. I wonder if this is what I was looking for earlier.

      Updated 07-20-2014 at 01:51 AM by 24939

    10. Riding Dragons (Non-Lucid)

      by , 07-20-2014 at 01:03 AM
      First part of the dream, I was notified about school clubs, I don't ever remember them being read out but I ended up choosing child care at first.

      I was in this floating oval field with dirt and there were kids everywhere. My brother was there and started having a grudge towards my choice for clubs, telling me "you just chose it because you think its easy, it's really not." Eventually I realized I didn't want to do this and quit and began thinking about other clubs.

      I was then having an online chat with one of my friends from school (who we'l call Bryan), he was talking about getting his own sword for the sword club and was checking the law of Australia to see if it was okay to own a sword, apparently it was. Then it clicked, I wanted to join the sword club.

      I then had a flashback of the clubs being read out, specifically sword fighting, it was a club you couldn't back out of and only the strongest and bravest could join. I was having second thoughts but I finally came to the decision to do it.

      Next thing I know I'm in some kind of dojo, Bryan was there along with someone else from school who we'll call Jeremy. Jeremy could turn into the hulk and I thought it suited him.

      I'm suddenly on the edge of the cliff, I see myself in third person on top of a golden orange dragon about the size of Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon. My friend Bryan was there and told me that mounting the dragon was a good first step for that day and we should probably head back. I looked at him with disappointment, but I wanted to fly. Then I started walking my dragon closer to the cliffs edge, down below was the ocean, waves hit the sharp rocks below, but I knew I could do this. Bryan started protesting, telling me I better not do what he thinks I'm doing. Without a thought, I ordered my dragon to fly off. At first I had no control, I was going really fast, I tried going down and just before we could hit the water, my dragon swooped up and I was in control of him.

      Soon I flew into a city and spotted a puppy falling from a skyscraper. I had my dragon swoop down and catch it just before it hit the ground. I got to the ground safely and returned the dog to its owner. Bryan came flying next to me on his dragon with a scowl at first, but realized my actions and smiled, he patted my back and told us to get out of there.

      I was back into first person, and I was some sort of shopping centre with two of my other friends, one of them popped a massive balloon and I don't remember anything exciting happening there.
    11. Moving out of hotel room

      by , 07-20-2014 at 12:20 AM
      In hotel room but had moved in there with bookshelves and lots of stuff. Needed to check out of hotel, but had to move out first, and too much stuff and tired. There were also rotting oranges there. At first this was a daunting task and I was all alone. Then got a young man to help pack.

      Updated 07-20-2014 at 12:22 AM by 61501

    12. Art! [19/07/14]

      by , 07-19-2014 at 10:13 PM (My lucid comeback!)
      Last night was so hot I actually decided to make my T-shirt wet and sleep on towels, however after 1 hour it did get quiet cold so I decided to go shirtless instead. Then it was too hot again, in the end I managed to fall asleep around 03:00.

      1. This is art!

      I'm in some art/cultural class and it's the end of the year, our last task is to make a self portret... out of the VOMIT FROM OTHER PEOPLE! Really she showed us a small bottle of brown vomit and told us it was excellent for painting. I exit the class without much trouble and start asking around for people to vomit into a bottle I'm holding. I end up driving past a game shop and stopping to pick up a public Phone, I ask in English if the person would like to meet up with me and 'donate' some of his vomit. It actually goes really smooth and I can't believe I spoke English so fast and clear, then I drove away.

      2. Mac Donald?

      I'm rapidly riding around on a motorcycle somewhere in an indoor chinese town almost, the Streets are extremely narrow. I drive past a Mac Donalds and see my mother on another motorcycle falling, not hard but I expected her to break her arm or something. Later I'm suddenly in her bedroom and she tells me her foot hurts a lot, I help her sitting on the bed and inspect the damage, her foot looks a bit red but I don't notice anything else.

      Anyway, I really hope on lucidity soon as I think I have yet to experience a serious LD with a purpose.
    13. Top-Down RPG Dream

      by , 07-19-2014 at 06:01 PM
      This dream was in a top down view with an old JRPG/Medieval style setting, non-lucid. I had just entered into the attic, my movement was restricted to: up, down, left or right and "use object". I started in the lower left corner of the room and since there were plenty of bad flooring I had to navigate around those spots to continue, by the mid right wall I found a book which I then selected, there was a message mid-screen saying "Spell Book: Duplicate Money. YES/NO", I did not see a problem with this and picked -YES, another message popped up "Warning, this spell is illegal to use and and a bounty will be placed on you if you continue. Do you wish to continue? YES/NO". -YES, a new message "A bounty of 200 Gold has been placed on your head by (City name)". I went over to a chest by the mid left wall where I got the message "Place money? YES/NO", I remembered how the family of the mansion I were in needed of money because the daughter was sick or something along those lines, -YES. By the top wall I found a large pile of stuff and after the 'Use object' command I was prompted to choose between three events and their only real explanation was a single picture for each. I only remember the second picture, it was of me being chased by guards out of the town. I must have spent at least half a minute trying to decide which one to pick and their prospective consequences, I didn't even consider I might be dreaming -_- . I picked the second option, I was then prompted to select between another two pictures that would determine my actions during the event, the first picture was of me running down the street holding unto many large pieces of bread-rolls while chased by guards, the second was of me running down the street carrying lots of money also while being chased by guards. I picked the bread. "Warning: You have not yet met (name of a woman), this will affect your future game. Continue? YES/NO" -NO, I then went back down into the mansion and started searching for the woman, I wanted a good ending after all. I found her in the kitchen making out with the husband of the family and I concluded they were having an affair, they threw bread at me and sent me out the front door, I was spotted by guards who probably thought that I was stealing the bread and started chasing me down the street, I managed to escape through the gate towards the forest without being caught. The scene ended and went dark, then I woke up. My first thought after waking up was "But I selected -No!!"

      Updated 07-19-2014 at 06:07 PM by 70078

    14. "Mafia"

      by , 07-19-2014 at 05:57 PM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid # 62-63 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
      Background: I Meditated before going to sleep. WBTB

      Lucid Dream # 62, day: 07/13/14, time: 8:56-2:50am Am"":
      This dream was very short because I started to realize it was a dream, but the realism made me question again. I was in a school and I didn't want to look like an idiot. So, I went back to a non-lucid dream.

      Lucid Dream # 63, day: 07/18/14, time: 2:57-6:26am Am" Mafia":
      I was being chased by the mafia. They had the old classical Tommy gun. They were fat. I am just trying to run away. I got trapped in a dead end. I then realized it was a dream

      I used TK to launch them in the air and they stopped bothering me. I was about to walk away but then I thought I could go back and see where that door would have led me. When I went back and opened it. I woke up.
    15. Another Apocalypse, Nightmare, False Awakening, 1 or 2 Lucids, Swimming,

      by , 07-19-2014 at 05:46 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I had come to a large pool area from somewhere else, and it was as big as a water park. There were many rides. First I went with friends and family to one specific ride. It was a slide and was also an inflatable. I slid down it and once I did I immediately tried to climb back up. There was a clone of one specific person that would continually come down from each section of the slide. There were 3 sections on this slide. I climbed back up and held on to the edge of the slide where the drop was, kinda like a cliff. Another clone flew over me and eventually I lost my grip and fell. This time I went all the way down the slide and just got off. This is where I went to the huge pool. When I got there, everyone was either swimming, playing badminton, volleyball, or just chilling. I myself tried to play some badminton but couldnt because there wasnt enough room. I then just went to the middle of the pool and swimmed. Soon I realized that I had an inflatable tube wrapped around me and that I wasnt really swimming, I was just floating the entire time. Great, I wondered how I looked to other people. I floated my way towards this girl I thought I knew, but it turned out, I was just mistaken. I talked to this girl and asked her what she was doing, but I dont remember her reply. My friend Darius passed me and he too was in an inflatable tube. I grabbed onto his tube to get a free ride and he floated towards where I wanted to go. Darius never knew that I did this until I let go. When I let go of his tube He turned around and asked me "Who do you think you are?". I told him I just wanted to get over here fast. He said he was going to push me underwater, but I told him not too. He came over to me and was about to do it, but midway he just stopped for some reason and left me. I got out of the pool and walked over to this robot fighter arena. I went over and activated the robot. Turns out, you dont use robots, you just fight one super big strong one by yourself. I grabbed a gun and started the match. The way my gun would work is that you have to charge up each shot for about 10 seconds and then shoot. I did this for a while and almost killed the robot, but I was getting low on ammo and needed a new gun. I went to the corner of this arena and there was just a pile of guns laying on a platform. I grabbed one and as I did, some random dude decided to jump in to my arena and help me out. I got my gun and we both started firing down on the robot. But something was weird, he was getting stronger. The dude that was helping me out told me to back up cause, "its about to get messy", so I did. I watched the random dude. He was apparently super charging his gun to the point where it would completely obliterate the robot in one shot. He finished super charging his gun, then He jumped in front of the robot. All of a sudden the robot let out a huge blast of energy from his chest and immediately the dude that was helping me out flew and slammed against the back wall. He had just died. I decided it was getting too crazy inside the arena and left. But before I did, I went back to that gun platform and saw some papers that the dude had brought with him. I read the papers only to find that they were MY notes that I had taken about the brain earlier that night. I knew that he stole them, so I took them back. I also saw some past DJ entries on purple paper from a while back. I then walked down a road and oddly enough, all my friends were there. We walked to a point in the road where it was covered in barbed wire. There was an opening in the wire and we went through. This led to another road and halfway down the road, my friends car was parked. We got to the car and Ryan(it was his car) opened the door and told me and my other friend to get in because we were leaving. I asked why and he said because his feet hurt. So we got in and thats where it ended. (god that took me 30 minutes to type up)

      2. I was in my house, laying on the carpet in front of my door. It was daytime. My sister was next to me. Out of no where, a random mole climbed onto my body and started rubbing his nose on my head. He was hairy, and he put ALOT of pressure to the point where I freaked out, threw him off, and got on my way. I looked around my house and noticed this was the Dream version of my house which had always interested me because it was really different from my real life house. At this point I became lucid and explored the house. I walked into my sisters room where a huge part of the house was. Her room led to the other 90% of the house. It filled me with curiosity and I made my way into her room. My dad went in front of me because I said something like, "I think this part of the house is haunted". (I always get that feeling when Im in that part of my house in dreams, its weird). So my dad walked down the next hallway into the other part of the house. I took off my glasses because they were messed up for some reason, and continued to follow my dad. At the end of the hallway it opened up into a huge foyer room. I looked down and past the stairway and saw a huge room with tons of candles lit in what looked like a religious way. This is where I got spooked. (by the way I lost my lucidity during this part because I wasnt really focused on what I wanted to do) The flames on the candles started flickering in an odd manner, and some even went out. I turned around and my dad disappeared. I was pretty scared because of the fact that every time I come back to this house it changes and gets bigger. INSANELY bigger. I decided to jump over the edge of the staircase and fly over to the other side. I made it.(I think this is where I lost my lucidity for sure). I came over to an elevator and a little girl was standing there. I walked to her and she had a snake in her hands. It bit her and she said something like, "Fine, if you're going to bite me over nothing then Im going to punish you." At this point I became the girl and choked the snake. I put it on the ground while choking it and stepped on it. Its fangs fell out and they were like crystals of a rainbow. I do not remember any more.

      3. This was earlier in the first half of the night. I had "woken up" from a dream and decided to write down the dreams I just had. I got my dream journal and started writing down the two dreams I remembered. I then woke up for real and noticed that entire thing was a false awakening. It made me kinda upset because in the FA I had just recorded two dreams. I decided to go back to sleep and not record them.

      4. I was in my bed in a dream. I was awakened by the sound of whispering in the corner of my room. The whispering got closer and louder and I thought it was a ghost or demon or something. I got my bible and tried to speak to rebuke the demon but when I did I found that my speech was impaired. I couldnt talk right. So I just got the bible and held it in my hand, as I viewed it as a weapon. Whatever it was never touched me.(btw Im not a religous person anymore so I dont know why this happened).

      5. I was in my house AGAIN and I was with my family and two other people. The two other people were one dude, and one girl. They were surviving along with us. They werent a couple in the beginning of the dream, but by the end they started going out and disappeared. Anyways, in the beginning we were driving on the freeway, and a blizzard was basically happening. The freeway was covered completely in snow. It was also very dark and gloomy in the dream. As we continued driving, huge globs of mud started falling from the sky onto the earth, everywhere. I was terrified and thought that the world was ending(Usually I become lucid during nightmares like this, but this time I didnt). I thought it was real and prayed to God to save me(even though im agnostic, so idk why). Some how we ended up making it back to our house in one piece. When we made it back it was night time. As I walked into our driveway after I got out of the car, I noticed I was shirtless, and also that my friends were 2 yards away from me. I said "Whats up guys, come on in." They came in and we chilled and talked. I also talked to that couple alot. We talked about how we were going to survive. I hadnt seen the couple in a while so I decided to get up and look around for them. I went into my China room in my house(where all the chinese glassware and every valuable chines thing is) and found them cuddling in a corner. I talked to them for a sec to make sure everything was cool and left them. (btw they were about my age, I think one year older.) I returned to find that all my friends were gone. Thats all I remember, even though there was ALOT more to this dream.

      Dream recall has really improved, and Im remembering dreams from early in the night.