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    1. Owner of the Heat

      by , 09-07-2013 at 10:58 AM
      NBA season was on it the lock out was happening. I was the owner of the Miami Heat and i knew Dwight howard.
      He was making up his mind whether or not he would sign with the chicago bulls as they needed a centre.
      I told him to wait until 10 games in and then sign with the Heat.
      I was then down at the Miami heat first game of the season and everyone was rusty as always when its the first game.
      For some reason a security guard was playing on the court and he was messing it up.
      Then shaq walks in the building and i was like your hired done.
      I should of said I AM DREAMING as shaq is already retired but it didn't click.
      Source always throws little hints to see how alert you are for you 2 work out your in a dream i'm getting better at it.
      I was hanging out with Pat riley in the end organising stuff.
      It was just a cool bball dream.

    2. poker table

      by , 09-07-2013 at 10:57 AM
      I was in Perth at the Burswood casino.
      If i bothered to remember it i was probably blazed the night before since it kills your dreams.

      That was it and that was all i can remember i didn't write this one down when i should of a few weeks ago because only the other
      day guess what i was in the Burswood. I lost $70 on the poker table from chips which my mate had kept like a few years ago.
      Some of this stuff is starting to trip me out a little because when im at certain locations in my dreams they come true. Even if it was just one line sentence that i find on my voice recorder.
      Im going to go full detox now im over everything. My dreams are more important then what there making out to be.
      If i could remember the whole dream i probably would of lost my money at the poker table and not of played poker the other day because i knew i would of lost.


      Updated 09-07-2013 at 11:12 AM by 62327

    3. Brad pitt offered me hash

      by , 09-07-2013 at 10:55 AM
      So i was in some supermarket and i saw all these celebrity's they were all dressed up in weird shit. I looked at them and said who gives a fuck.
      I got invited back to there house so i was like fuk it ok because i know they tend to have wild party's all the time. I was walking outside around the house.
      Next i found i was inside sitting at a table opposite Brad pitt, he looked at me smiled and threw a brick of hash on the table. I should of just smoked but i didn't.
      I should of said I AM DREAMING but you can't always get it all the time.


      Updated 09-07-2013 at 11:13 AM by 62327

    4. Feel the I AM Source Massive Dream

      by , 09-07-2013 at 10:54 AM
      I had a dream about the first I AM or Source and i asked Peter what it is like to feel the I AM source as light it was too much a powerful energy
      to feel i must of got 2 excited and i woke up i couldn't get back to sleep as i was buzzing.
      It doesn't get more pure then that.
      Make the intention of wanting to meet source in the dreamscape and you will be blown away.


      Updated 09-07-2013 at 11:14 AM by 62327

    5. cops dealing

      by , 09-07-2013 at 10:50 AM
      So i was in this country town it must of been in Australia i was hanging out with some cop and we were just doing stupid stuff.
      We were in a swimming pool jumping off a diving board. I was pulling off reverse pikes and other dives but it just kept going on and on and on
      but i nailed the dives.
      I don't know why i didn't say I AM DREAMING.
      Then i found myself talking to the cop about how they come in and buy up all the land before a town is build then sell it off to the people its how you
      make all the money. Then we started talking about drugs and he said the police brought them all into each town and i was trying to find out
      how he brought them in.
      Some dude rocked up in a minivan wanted to know he could get weed. I just walked away i never have smoked a joint in my dreamscape yet.
      I then walked over to the town square and there were Muslim peoples there, (nothing against Muslims but this is just how my dream played out)
      They were baking all these cakes, and i thought they were bringing in all the weed through the cakes. "spacecakes" LOL
      There were also shouting out bless jesus, and all that other religious bullshit which didn't make sense because there were claiming to be muslims.
      When they cooked the cake and when you cut the cake there is a coin in the bottom of the cake. They gave the cake to the cop and there was a note wrapped
      around the coin saying "HELP" they were being pressured into dealing and making space cakes. I looked behind the muslims and there was a mexican cartel
      behind them so looks like they were slinging for them. Then the cartel come over and put the pressure on me to find out what was going on and the cop was just looking for drugs to see if it was cutting in on his slice in the money flow coming into the town. LOL
      I just asked are there any jobs going i need to make some money.


      Updated 09-07-2013 at 11:26 AM by 62327

    6. Hunting Zombies

      by , 09-07-2013 at 10:44 AM
      So i was on DMT hard last night in Perth i expected things to get wild in the dreamscape and it did a little.
      I was in a scape where we where hunting zombies or getting ready for it.
      Pretty cool scape there was no one there i knew.
      It was weird we were arguing amongst ourselfs when we should of be been getting ready for what was coming.
      almost got close to saying i am dreaming. I did see 2 zombies attack someone i just sat back and watched because i dont think i could
      of done anything because i had no weapons on me.
      I should of manifested a big gun.


      Updated 09-07-2013 at 11:27 AM by 62327

    7. Bondi Beach

      by , 09-07-2013 at 10:41 AM

      So i was down at beautiful Bondi Beach Sydney Australia.
      I was hustling making money.
      Laura was done there with me.
      I was playing dice with some gang members.
      Laura must of had a kid with one of them as she was collecting baby payments off em so basically we were draining them in a nice way because they were bad people. LOL Baby payments plus the rest of there money haha funny stuff
      They were pissed after i took everything off them and one of them pulled out a gun i laughed and took off they chased after me and the dream ended.
      Why i was out not out for a surf i don't know or doing energy and merging with the trees is beyond me.

      Updated 09-07-2013 at 11:34 AM by 62327

    8. Monsanto

      by , 09-07-2013 at 10:40 AM
      So i was in Perth with Sue and Matthew and we were catching up with my old man i was getting well wasted smoking on the beach and other old style habits well at least i know i was. I was down the beach walking around then the beach scene changed to the Canningvale markets where i use to work.
      I told my Old man you got one option and that is 2 stop selling GMO Fruit & vege's and he didn't want to talk so i said it one more time stop selling GMO fruit & Veges. He didn't listen. So i got all my hacking friends to hack the fuck out of his company. I shut down the power, hacked all his files so he had no data.
      I called him up on his cell phone and said do i have you attention now?
      I kept telling him Monsanto, Monsanto, Monsanto, No GMO, No GMO No GMO.
      Then i was outside the warehouse and i sent matthew in and apparently and he pulled out a pallet load of beer. My old man was outside talking with me and i was distracted him as matthew was taking the beer. lol
      He would go to turn around and i said no focus on me i started to tell him we have been eating shit all our lives and i had to try to explain to him that monsanto has been poisoning all our food source. Coco pops, Corn flakes, KFC all that crap is fake. He didn't want to listen but even though i don't drink beer we got it out. Funny beer is poison also. So i said to my old man what are you going to do about it he said nothing
      So me and matthew jumped in the car and by then the security was after us we were at the gate 2 get out and i spat the code out to the security officers that were at the gate and they let us out funny stuff.
      I think it might be time to hack my old man and start some shit.


      Updated 09-08-2013 at 06:25 AM by 62327

    9. Fight Prison

      by , 09-07-2013 at 09:22 AM
      So i woke up recorded my first dream at about 5am it was nothing major i was going to stay up and talk the other Avatars but i decided i drank 2 much carrot juice to not to try and go back to sleep. I thought i recorded and it didn't save to my phone, battery ran out.
      Second dream i was in some Nazi style prison with some other girl and we were trying to escape basically i found a way out and i took it but the girl i was with got captured. Messed up and the dream ended i should of saved her, it funny in real life i would of.
      Third Dream
      I was in some prison and it seemed like it was fighting style prison which most are anyway but this was one where you knew everyone could fight.
      Anyway everyone was in the showers and i was trying to get through some door to my own shower and this wanker was pissing on the door, i swear to god i smashed the shit out of him.
      I know i did because i was in having a shower and 2 guards come running in asking what i did i told them he pissed on the door and wouldn't let me in to my shower so i guess he found out the hard way of not opening the door for me. lol
      Anyway i think there was like the best fighter being released from solitary confinement today and everyone knew he could fight. My roomie was shitting bricks and when he walked in he jumped up into fighting position and i just walked up to him and shook his hand and said hello and laughed.
      Don't let fear scare you there is always another way, well most of the time.


      Updated 09-08-2013 at 06:27 AM by 62327

    10. Casino

      by , 09-07-2013 at 08:53 AM
      I was on my fb page posting about "I AM DREAMING" dream posts and i was sharing the hell out of it lol why it didn't click for if i said I AM DREAMING i would of woke up and went Lucid.
      Next i was in the Burswood Casino and Sue was there and Annie was there we were playing a Tennis tournament on the courts, we had just bought $10 tennis rackets. Pretty funny. Next we were in a room doing a big drug deal with the Chinese government, about a 1kg of cocaine nothing big lol Sue looked at me and she had some kind of a device in her hand which was beeping showing the police were coming or someone was listening in so we all got out of there quick.

      Updated 09-08-2013 at 06:28 AM by 62327

    11. Hotel floating

      by , 09-07-2013 at 06:31 AM
      I was in some Hotel and we were hotel jumping like what i use to do when i lived in Mexico and i floated from Hotel to Hotel teaching Scuba diving.
      I think i was staying in 3 different hotels and we were a billionaire hotel/ exclusive hotel with Wayne was there Paul was there and other Avatars were there. You could tell who had money and who didn't give a shit about money which was us of course.
      We were all hanging out around the pool laughing because some of us were not rich just using the rich people for what there worth lol.
      There was some party there and a pack of idiots rocked up and the dream finished when the band went crap.

      Updated 09-08-2013 at 06:32 AM by 62327

    12. My 2nd Successful DEILD

      by , 09-07-2013 at 05:21 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Time Lucid - 10 seconds
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      I woke up and tried to focus on the scene in front of me. The scene was as if I was only peaking through to the seen. I felt as if I needed to force it open. I tried to force it open but I'm not sure if this bought more imagery on. I willed my dream body to get up, and I got half way up from the bed, then flouted back down. I tried again, and this time I completely got out of bed. I did a RC (Checked Hands) and knew I was dreaming.

      I was now lucid. The scene felt hazzy/not vivid enough. I did not stabilise the dream, instead rushed over to the bed room light switch and tried to turn it on, which failed. I saw a shadowy figure get up off of my bed and ran towards me. I flung my hand out and felt a a bit of a thud sensation. It definitely didn't feel normal. I felt no pain. I woke up.

      The shadowy figure surprised/scared me which ended my lucid dream and woke me up.

      I need to focus myself on stabilising the dream. Both DEILD's have ended with me getting up out of bed in my bed room. I will attempt to imagine another location as I walk through a door next time.
    13. A Trick Gone Wrong (6.9.2013)

      by , 09-07-2013 at 04:45 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I was at my old house in blacksland, and I was with a few friends from high school.

      I was talking to Danielle R, about her mum. Her Mum dad won a choice between $30,000 or a chance to be on the show The Biggest Loser. I was telling her a white lie, about someone I knew that was in the same boat as her Mum, and that they had stuffed up with there choice. They chose to take the money and built their own home gym, as well as hire a personal trainer. I think they had failed to stick at staying fit.

      Jade A, was getting her dick sucked by her friend Alana. I was watching someone get a trick played on them.

      We were in my backyard
      and It was my turn to give this thing a go. I walked over to the spot where Jade was earlier. I saw that there was two dogs, both pugs. I sat in the spot where the girls were earlier (It was like a coffin shape, but both ends were cut out). I had half my body in and half out. Danielle's father was apart of the joke. I was getting my dick sucked by someone inside the coffin. I had to stay calm and act as if nothing was happening. The name of the game was to try and convince Danielle's father that I wasn't getting my dick sucked. I acted as if nothing was happening and started asking the father questions so that I could not look suspect. I asked what's going on? why are you guys trying to make me laugh?

      I was eating the meringue (lemon meringue pie) off of the coffin. It was now had meringue on the top of it.

      Someone must have been picking their ass. They were smudging poo on the sides of my mouth. I was saying it smelt like shit (No shit captain lol)

      I saw Alisha (Called her Daryl), and she was with her sister. Alisha looked a bit different, more attractive. Her sister looked very similar but was more attractive. I got introduced to the sister, but I don't think she acknowledged me.

      Danielle's Father was now in the coffin with me. He looked like an attractive man, very similar to a younger Rod Stewart. I was telling him that he was one attractive bloke. We had to swap our clothes while still in the coffin, and I was struggling to take them off. I think we had to take off our clothes in one transition. I tried it, but I think I cheated and took clothes off one by one. Her Father did it the proper way and successfully did it in one transition.

      We were now in a see through square box. We were both jumping around in cage naked. I was holding my nuts as I was jumping around. The Father was jumping around with his hands flailing in the air, not giving a care in the world. We were having a lot of fun and were hugging and each other. The scene looked darkish.

      Dream Fragments:

      Saw girls on the couch around the backyard (Jade and some others)

      Scene 2
      There was a spelling bee, and I had to spell Taharn and got it correct. Xavier (Big brother contestant) also was in the spelling bee but spelt name wrong.
    14. Taxi (5.9.2013)

      by , 09-07-2013 at 03:46 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I was on a train with some people I knew. I think one of them was Eddy. I was at the on the platform at my C-town station.

      I was now in a taxi. We were driving into a driveway, next to my friends house (Lachlan S). The driver was having trouble parking. He was able to make the car move from side to side without moving forwards or backwards. I was searching for something under the seats. I look at the driver and he was Indian (No surprise there lol). He asked if I could find a coin under the seats, so he could use it for something? so he could trace it?. I found a fifty cent coin and a ten cent coin, but I think I needed the coins to be in perfect condition. I saw a lot of junk under the seats. I told the driver, that you could find some interesting things under here.
      I looked out the window of the taxi and saw a man (looked pretty mentro, good looking). I think he had a girl with him?
      Lachlan came outside and I tried to hide quickly. I turned my back to the window to try and avoid him from seeing me. He knocked on the window and I acted surprised to see him. I gave him the bro shake. I said we were hitting the city later on to the nightclubs, and that he should come out with us. He was very keen to come out with us. I said I would come back with the rest of the people I was with, and go from there.

      The driver drove me back to where I thought my friends were, but I couldn't seem to spot any of them.
      Tags: taxi, train
    15. Avatar community

      by , 09-07-2013 at 03:34 AM
      Got a little baked last night on the cake i mixed weed with my shaman lucid dreaming tea that got real interesting.
      So we were in the school and i remember Martin growing his red beetroot and joshua was there growing other veggies in the community of Avatars that we will
      make. Short but sweet.

      Updated 09-08-2013 at 06:34 AM by 62327
