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    1. LD--First time in Outer Space

      by , 12-14-2011 at 11:50 PM
      Old LD from 5-9-07

      I had a lucid dream last night!

      I actually woke up this morning about an hour and a half before I had to get up. I thought back and was frustrated when I couldn’t remember a single dream. I wasn’t feeling very tired, but I made myself go back to sleep so I could squeeze out just one dream. I usually can do that, even if it is just a short dream—and that’s all I wanted—just something that I could write down in my dream journal. It didn’t even matter to me at that time if it were lucid or not.

      I did go back to sleep. And I did dream. I even had a lucid dream. The problem was that it was a very long complex dream. When I woke up, I thought, “Oh my gosh…how am I going to be able to figure that all out.

      So I started by writing down all the things I remembered doing in the dream, lucid or not. Then I tried to sort them into the “before I became lucid”, “while I was lucid” and “after I was lucid” parts.

      Then—I sorted through each section and put it together the way I best remembered and the way it seemed to make the most sense. And I actually think I did a pretty accurate job considering how mixed up I felt when I first awakened.

      So after all that, here is the dream:


      It started non-lucid. I was following Jeff. He was walking toward the back of a building and was about to go in a side door. I remember passing a large sand castle that was by the door. I had no idea where Jeff was going, but I felt I needed to go too.

      We went into the building. I believe we were separated at this point. I remember sitting in what looked like a waiting area. I remember this boy (about 12 years old) showing me some of his drawings. I then was watching something on a TV screen.

      I’m not sure of the transition here. It may be that I was watching something on TV and then I was suddenly there. But next thing I remember was standing next to a large ferris wheel. People were climbing on it. There were ladder-like things to get to the seats.

      Suddenly the ferris wheel starts spinning. I start seeing people falling off of it to the concrete below. I felt horrified. I thought that surely it was killing them. I didn’t want to be seeing this.

      So—I decided in my mind that the people wouldn’t die. One by one, they picked themselves up off the ground and brushed themselves off and walked away. I felt much better.

      Then I remember I was climbing the ladders on the ferris wheel. I was thinking, "If I were dreaming I could climb this with just my hands." --(that is something I have always liked to do in dreams—use my upper body strength and pull myself up things without using my legs). So I start climbing the ladder with just my arms. I remember it actually felt good. I could feel my muscles working but it had the satisfation of a good stretch.

      Then it hits me—finally—that I actually am dreaming. Then I thought, “Of course I am—duh—it takes me long enough to figure this out.”

      So I did the first thing that came to mind. I started to fly. For some reason I didn’t think about doing the Tasks at all. Instead I thought about how I really wanted to make this dream into a complex story line. I wanted to make it my story. But I decided it might be easier to start with something like Star Wars. I have always wanted to have a Star Wars LD anyway.

      So as I flew I decided that I needed to be in space. And without any effort I was suddenly soaring though the stars. It was so beautiful and incredible.

      I thought about how I had always wanted to do that, and I had never been able to do it before. I had read about others doing it and wondered how they managed to do it because it seemed to be a difficult thing to do. And I was so amazed how this just happened naturally for me in this dream.

      I also thought about how everything was just too quiet. I wanted to hear a soundtrack. But I wasn’t able to get music going.

      I noticed as I flew though the stars, that the stars seemed to be more concentrated above me. It started looking more to me like a flat ceiling. But I decided not to let that bother me too much. This was my first time creating a flight through space, and it was pretty darn good.

      I realized that my next goal was to find a space ship. I really wanted to find Darth Vader and confront him. I looked below me and I now saw a white medium sized space craft. It was a dirty white with yellow and black trim. I knew Darth Vader was on that ship.

      I flew to it. I knew that it I flew into it fast enough that I would fly right through the sides and end up inside. And it did.

      Unfortunately (and this kills me), this is the part of the dream I remember the least. Something happened on that ship, but I have no memory what it was. But I do remember the dream suddenly fading.

      I was suddenly back in a house. There was a hallway with a mirror at the end in front of me. I knew I was still in the dream. I also knew that if I ran straight at the mirror, that it would transport me back to space.

      So I ran toward the mirror and was again back in space. I saw the same ship in front of me. I flew right at it. But instead of slipping back inside, I hit the outside. This time it was too solid for me to get it. I was very disappointed. Again the dream faded.

      I was back in the hallway with the mirror. I ran at the mirror again. But this time, instead of going through it I bumped right into it. The mirror was very real feeling. I touched it, and the glass felt smooth and cool.

      I decided that I would just run in to the wall. So I tried again. But I hit the wall. I thought, “No…no….now I am doubting and it’s not working. I have to believe. I have to believe…..”

      So I took a dive and tried to go through the floor. But again my head just hit the carpet. Everything felt so real and so solid. Disappointed, I stood up. I made myself float and started doing back flips and the air. It felt really good to do those.

      Suddenly I heard Jeff’s voice talking to me. I closed my eyes and then thought, “oh no, closing eyes in a lucid dream makes you wake up!”

      I open them. Jeff was standing next to me. We were back in that original building. I had fallen asleep in the chair in the waiting room.

      I said, “Jeff, you just woke me up from a lucid dream.” When I saw that he looked sorry, I added, “But I guess you had no way of knowing. It’s okay.”

      He said, “If it helps, I brought you some ice cream.” He handed me a square container that had some cookies and cream flavored ice cream in it. It was fairly melted.

      I took a few bites and was amazed at how good that tasted to me. Then I thought, “Isn’t there a reason that I’m not supposed to be eating this?” I didn’t want there to be any reasons, so I kept eating it.

      Then I thought, “It’s the sugar. I’m not supposed to be eating sugar. And that’s right—I’m Raw Vegan now! I’m really not supposed to be eating this. How could I have forgotten?”

      It then comes to me—I’m still in the dream! I never did wake up. I looked back in the bowl. All that is left is the melted ice cream at the bottom that is completely runny. I put a corner of the bowl to my mouth and drink the rest of the ice cream. I thought, “This is great. I ate all this ice cream and I didn’t mess anything up!”

      At that point I woke up for real.
    2. LD--Moonlit Mountains

      by , 12-14-2011 at 11:43 PM
      Old LD from 4-29-07

      Mini Lucid:

      I was walking at night with a group of people (no one I know from real life). We came to a place where I looked to our left, and I was the full moon shining down on this snow covered mountain range. It was so absolutely fantastically beautiful. I just stopped and looked at it for a few moments.

      I then realized that I had my camera with me. I didn't know if my camera would be able to capture the beauty of this. But I wanted to try. I took a picture and saw that it seemed to take okay. I then wanted to take more pictures, but the people from my group were now all in the way. They were spread out all over in front of me and there was no way I could get a picture without them in it. I knew I had to wait. I noticed another lady with a much nicer camera was taking pictures of it too. I wished I had a nicer camera.

      Finally, they had all moved out of the way. I lifted my camera to take a picture, but I was surprised to find that there was now a big hill in the way covering up most of the snow covered mountains. Where had that hill come from? I knew it wasn't there before when I took my first picture.

      I stood there for a moment trying to understand this, when it suddenly hit me--I'm Dreaming!

      I remember feeling proud of myself for figuring that out. And not just accepting that the hill was suddenly there.

      I decided to fly over the hill so I could get a better view of the mountain. In fact, I wanted to fly to the mountains. The moonlight was still shining so magically on them. I just had to be there.

      So I took off flying toward the full moon over the mountains.

      But not long into the flight toward the moonlit mountains, I could feel my dream fading.
    3. Mini LD

      by , 12-14-2011 at 11:39 PM
      Old Dream from 4-27-07

      Dream 4 (very mini lucid):

      I was in the gym with Barb. She got a black notebook out and started to show me something.

      BLAM...I was suddenly lucid. I knew the gym hadn't looked right. But before I could actually do anything I woke up.
    4. Patchwork Hills and Watching a Guy Fall off a Cliff.

      by , 12-14-2011 at 11:16 PM
      Last night's dream:

      I was standing with a friend that reminded me a little of Marsha. We were at what was supposed to be her house. We were looking out at the hills and canyon behind her house. One of the hills was tall and rolling and had stone walls dividing it into squares. In each square someone had planted a diffferent crop making the hill full of different colors. I commented how it looked like a patchwork quilt. And I reminded my friend how different that looked from hills back home which were all made of smooth rock.

      Then we looked across the canyon and saw a guy who was jumping on what looked like a very large pogo stick. The friend commented on how this guy annoyed her and how he was always showing off. Then before our eyes his pogo stick (with him on it) went over the edge of the cliff. We saw him fall 70 feet or so to the bottom. I was horrified. I knew there was no way someone could take a fall like that and live. But then to my surprise he got up and came our way. He started talking to us. He seemed giddy and disoriented. I knew we should take him to the hospital. But my friend didn't seem to want to. Finally she gave in saying that we had to be at the hospital later for a meeting (or party?).
      Tags: canyon
    5. another dream

      by , 12-14-2011 at 08:46 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Note: I am recalling at least one dream oper night now. I've decided to just log them as often as I can.


      I remember walking in a town at night time holding hands with J. The next thing I know we are driving down a hoghway of some sort. I look and I notice that both of us are in the backseat. She has a steering wheel in the back seat and the front seats are empty. She keeps swerving to avoid oncomming vehicles. I am having memoeries of her driving me on this road before... for a while she was gone and I was getting a ride with someone else but now I am happy that she is able to give me a ride again. She suddenly hits the brakes and we stop just before falling off a cliff.

      Me: Wow, you are a good driver.

      Her: Not really, I got in a fight here once.

      then my memory ends.
    6. car jacked (long)

      by , 12-14-2011 at 08:40 PM (Dreams of all types (but mostly war))
      here is last night's dream for you

      So I'm in this store here in town, at the mall. I think i was at The Bay. It's a big department store that sells a little bit of everything. I was waiting in line to pay for my stuff when this guy comes up to me and strikes up a conversation. I thought he was a decent enough guy and he was tellin me about his life, saying he was going to leave town and just leave it all behind. Then he asks me if I want to keep his car, and of course, I say "sure", being the gullable idiot that I am sometimes (in real).

      So we leave the store after I pay for my goods and he takes me to this car. It's a white car that is the same make and model as mine but it was a little messy on the inside. So I get in this car and he gives me the key. I try to start it but it was having some issues. "It needs some gas" he said. "I just ran out on my way here". So he thanks me for taking his car off his hands and "I'm happy to see it's in the hands of a good owner". 'OK great' I think, thinking of what I"m going to do with this thing. Do I sell it? Do I keep it? I figured it was a good car for parts for my own car, not that it's falling apart or anything, but it does have a pretty bad dent in one of the quarters.

      "One thing though," he said. "Do you mind if I have a look at your car?"

      "Sure" I say. So I take him over to my car and show him that it's the same make and model as his, but it's in much better condition.

      "Wow what an awesome car this is!" he exclaims. I thought, 'It's nothing special.. same thing u got..'

      "OK great!" he said. He leaves. I went back in the mall as I had a few more hours of browsing/shopping to do. It's late by the time I'm done and i come out of the mall. It's close to closing time and there is hardly anyone in the parking lot. So I walk over to his car and try to start it. I look at the gas guage in his car and see that it still has a little gas in it. 'Funny I didn't notice that' I think to myself. Then I start searching his car for any treasures he might have left behind, and that's when I start to find drugs. 'Uh oh'. My first thought turns to.. this is a hot car.

      So I pull the drugs out of his car, as it was just some weed, and I walk over to my car. 'Well there's a problem with that car, but maybe I can have it towed and use it for parts to replace the panel on my car' I think. Then as i walk to my car I start to imagine what I could replace in my own car to make it better. I imagine the panel being on my car and being dent free. I've had the dent in my car for quite some time in real, and in my dream I thought it would be so awesome to have my car nice looking again. The only problem with his car is that it was white and mine is green. 'oh well, I'll get it painted' I think. So I get into my car and hmmm.. for some reason the key won't work on the door. I get quite confused about this and I don't know what's going on. I decide to get in through the passenger side and unlock the driver side door, which worked.

      I get in my car and insert the key and turn it. Now MY car was having problems starting. I couldn't figure out what was going on, till I notice the gas guage. It was dead empty. 'Oh god, what the hell?' I think to myself.

      INSERT: In a previous dream fragment I had last night, at the very end of my dream, i remember putting a bunch of gas in my car.

      So here I am wondering why I'm out of gas. 'I just put some gas in it! I should have a quarter tank at least!' I thought. Thankfully there is a gas station that is in the same parking lot as the mall and it was only 20 or 30 feet away from where I was parked. Great I think, as I pull into the gas station. I go inside the station and talk to the addendant there. "I need to put in $10" I say. We had a short chat, and I asked her how does gas just suddenly disappear from the gas tank like that?

      "Maybe someone siphoned your gas out" she says.

      "nah that's impossible, who would do that in a parking lot outside a busy mall" I say. But I go back to my car and put the gas in. As I'm pouring the gas, I think, damn I think she's actually right. I couldn't think of any other possibility. There was definitely not a leak in my gas tank. Then my thoughts go back to the guy who gave me his car. 'Something very fishy is going on here' I think. Then I started looking at my own car. It was a mess. I could see in through the window that someone had been inside my car and threw a bunch of garbage in there. My thoughts immediately turn to my guns, which are usually stored in the trunk of my car. Ohhhh shit.

      I finished putting fuel in my car and was about to get in, when I hear "HEY" from a few feet away. I turn to look, and there was the guy that gave me his car, with a possey of friends with him. Ohhhh double shit.

      "I want my car back" he said.

      "Yeah, about that," I retorted. "Your car won't start, it's fucked. I don't know what's up with it." I started adding everything up. The guy had obviously stolen the car and left it there in the parking lot as it had died. These guys were obviously drug dealers and they needed to get rid of some sort of.. "evidence".. pawning it off to me.. some innocent guy.

      "Yeah," he said "That's why we're here. We're taking your car. Give me the keys" My thoughts turned back to my guns. What do I do? Give him the car? But if I do my guns are in the trunk, and I could be in BIG shit for that. Also, do I get my gun out of the trunk of my car and defend myself? I can feel an attack coming on.

      "You're not getting my keys" I said. "This is my car. you can have yours back.. i don't want it"

      "Oh it's too late for that, you've seen what's in there. We need your car now"

      "No" I said. I tried to get into my car. My adrenaline was pumping and my hands were shaking.. I couldn't get the key into the door lock. I always lock my doors when I fill up my car. Bad habit, I guess. No sooner did my attempt to get in my car fail, one of his buddies started heading towards me. He was a fairly stalky dude and I knew I would have a hard time defending myself. I'm not the strongest guy in the world and I hate fighting.. I freeze up and I generally get my ass kicked in every fight. 'Oh what I would give to have my sword with me right now' i think. In real, I bought a very nice sword, 36'' blade. It is a replica of a 14th century military sword used by soldiers in the english army. I bought it specifically for home defense.

      So the guy comes up to me and grabs me. I was wishing I had just told the guy to fuck off to begin with, but wishing wasn't going to change the situation I was in now. The guy was punching my chest and tried to tackle me from behind. During this I managed to pull my phone out. I got it unlocked and got the dialer open. I was trying to dial 911 when the guy put his leg around my mid section. A moment of brilliance hit me and I pulled my legs up and kicked his knee out. I was now on top of him, and we were both falling to the ground. I remember the fall being in slow motion, the whole way down i thought, 'this is going to be really bad for him'. My head was directly in front of his face. We hit the ground and I made a strong point of smashing the back of my head right into his face as his head slammed against the pavement.

      Sure enough I knocked him out cold. I had enough time to dial 911. Then one of the other guys came up to me and slapped my phone out of my hand. It landed on the ground but it was too late, it was already dialed, and the line was open. Now all I had to do was wait for the cops to show up and I would be OK. I pushed the guy away and tried to talk to my attackers, especially the guy I was originally dealing with. He was standing in the background. I yelled out "why are you doing this to me? what did I ever do to you? I'm just some stranger to you!"

      "You were in the wrong place at the wrong time" he said. At this point they managed to get my car keys away from me. They all walked up to my car. I was still talking to them. The guy that I had faceplanted into the ground got up and went to the car as well. "You're a fucking idiot man" he said. "What kind of retard accepts a car from a perfect stranger".

      "I felt bad for you man.. I took the car off your hands because I thought you needed to get rid of it and had no where else to go"

      "Well, sucks to be you right? Let this be a lesson for next time"

      I looked at his buddies. I looked at the guy that just attacked me. I gave him the motion that I was pumping a pretend shell into a pretend shotgun, and pretended to point my pretend gun at his head. I pulled the pretend trigger. I wanted to let him know that if I were armed, I would have blasted his face off where he stood. Of course I wouldn't do this in real, as it's just a car, and even tho they attacked me, I believe in trying to turn a person around first, but still I was pissed, and dreams are a little less controllable than real.

      I looked at the group of them again, thinking, I had just put gas in my car, and then had to put more in. "I just filled my car too.. and one of you fuckin assholes siphoned the gas out didn't you?" One of his buddies looked at me. He was a total white G wannabe. Crooked hat with the flat brim, the half pulled down pants, a total idiot.

      "heheh.. hehehe.. i guess I did eh?" he said "thanks for filling it again asshole. Heheh.. hehehe.." They all piled into my car. 'Oh god my guns..' I thought. Then the magic happened. He tried to start my car but the key wouldn't turn. I could hear him inside trying to jiggle my key but it just would not turn. 'What the hell?' I thought. I looked at the key I had in my hand. It was my own car key, on the old chain he had given me. The key he thought belonged to my car was actually the key to the car he had stolen. You see, I have what they call a master key for my car. I can open the door and turn the ignition to 33% of all the cars in north america that are the same make as mine. I realized this in my dream. "Oh, shit".. I thought.

      The guy got out of my car. "Ok, why won't this fucking thing turn!" he said. "You still got the key to your car asshole!" I had a smile on my face. I ran back to his old car hoping I would be able to start it. I had quite the head start on him and by the time I got to his old car, sure as SHIT the key opened the door. I got in and locked the door. I knew it would only be a matter of seconds before his buddies surrounded the car and smashed the windows to get in and get at me.

      Just as they surrounded the car, suddenly a huge force of police showed up. Apparently the gas station attendant had been on the phone with them, and my cell phone recorded the whole mess to the guys at the 911 call centre. These guys were fugatives and there was quite the police force there. Swat, police, canadian secret service, the whole 9 yards. 'Thank the Lord' i thought, smiling.

      "YOU GUYS ARE FUCKED NOW!" I yelled out from inside the car. I could see the look on buddies face that tried to screw me over. I could see the one thought in his mind, 'Oh shit'. The police took them down hard. They were all laying on the ground, with shotguns and pistols pointed at them. They had gotten themselves into a lot of trouble, and I guess by fucking with me they fucked with the wrong guy.

      So I started talking to one of the officers and I was so happy I was almost in tears. I wanted to hug the guy and and just take a few moments relishing in the fact that they had showed up. These fuckers were taken down. Then came the 9 degree grilling you would get from so many different enforcement services.

      "Do you have guns in your car?" he asked. Funny for that being a first question, but I am an honest guy, and I have nothing to hide. My guns are registered to me and I obtained them legally.

      "Yes, yes i do" I said. I showed him my firearms license. He looked at me and nodded, gave me back my license. We went to the trunk of my car and I pulled out my guns. I nooded and patted me on the back when he saw they had trigger locks on them.

      "I commend you for your self restraint son" he said. The mess was over. My car was mine again. Somehow it was parked again close to where the white car was. Dreams are dreams, afterall. So I was delusional and walked up to what I thought was my car. I opened the trunk to get at my guns and I started pulling out all kinds of garbage and sheets upon sheets of plastic. 'WTF' I thought. After a while, I realized it wasn't my car i was digging through. There was garbage all over the ground and all around the car after I spent a fair amount of time digging through it. 'Holy shit look at all this crap. these guys were fucking slobs' I thought. I stopped digging and wondered what I actually could have salvaged off the car. I looked at the wheels. They seemed way to small to fit my wheels. then I started looking at the car's body. It was covered in rust and had little dents and scratches all over. This car was in really bad shape, much worse shape than my car is in. So I thought 'better not mess with any evidence', and walked back to my car. I started it up and drove home.

      On my way home I started thinking of what might have happened if those guys hadn't been caught. I imagined myself half way home and being stopped by the guy I pretended to shoot with my pretend shotgun. I imagined his buddies grabbing me and beating me up and shooting me. Druggies like that don't like to be messed with. 'Well I'm glad they were caught' I thought to myself..
    7. Bowser Jr. Trolling His Father, Me going for some Snow cones, In Hotel watching preview of XXX Movie

      by , 12-14-2011 at 07:09 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)


      Dream 1:

      Bowser Jr. was trying to lure his father into some half dome shaped area where there was an entrance gap that would prevent him from escaping. He’s like “I show you’ll” something something….

      He lures Bowser closer to the half-dome, and then a does a back-flip before his father could do anything to him, and now Bowser is stuck.

      I think Bowser Jr. started trolling at how stupid his father was for falling for that trick and I think he even asked “You Mad?”

      Dream 2:

      I believe I was riding my bicycle in an unfamiliar city. It was probably early afternoon at the time of the dream, and it seemed pretty hot, but I didn’t feel any senses to verify that. I see those random mini-trailer stores, and it was offering snow cones.

      The way the person made them looked like they would actually make some decent snow cones where the ice is shredded up just right and you can put a straw to enjoy the sweetness, instead of the half-assed attempt you see occasionally.


      But instead of going there, I go to some random store on the left that looks like it sells snow cones. Apparently I had this huge bag of ice, and one of the employees said that I would have to go back to the store to get some snow cone cups in order for the m to start
      (why not get it yourself if I’m going to pay for it? SLACKERS…but I didn’t pick that up).

      Couldn’t remember much after that, but I think I saw on T.V. in the dream that some person died sliding all the way down an icy chamber in the same store I was in.

      Dream 3:

      It was very dark and I’m resting on a bed in a motel or hotel trying to pick a movie to watch.

      I see the typical categories, except that the adult section surprised me a bit. I chose it and was scrolling down random movies that I couldn’t remember.

      Then there’s a movie where women are in red latex suits I believe, and I watched the preview to see if it would be interesting, but that’s all I remember.

      Updated 12-15-2011 at 05:56 AM by 47756

    8. Family, motel,hooters and tornadoes

      by , 12-14-2011 at 05:44 PM
      This is the first time in almost four nights without a recall.

      The scene I was in was dark and gloomy outside. The clouds where bumpy, this reminds me of another dream which I will record after this. I remember going to see my aunt and she was making plans. When she was explaining I kept getting this view of these bones below the sea of a giant monster. No flesh just bones here and there. There ended up being a tornado threat and the clouds started to spin. No actual tornado formed though.

      Our family got a big get together and we where driving down town and passed a hooters restraint. Someone made a joke about them of some sort. When we actually got to the motel we all had to pick our rooms. My mom said I had to choose another one because there was a cat in there. I went to the actual room and there was a black cat. Next door was little willy wonka (the movie staring johnny deep and those flash backs) With his Dad standing there looking and smiling.

      Then when my aunt was talking about the map again, I remember actually going into the water and there was a cartoon sea serpent. He was blue and looked very much much like a dragon. He was sleeping and there where two feathers. One he was holding and the other was on the sea bed floor. I picked the one off the sea floor. Each time I tried to grab the other one he would try to wake up. I had to wait until he fell asleep completely and dropped the feather. I grabbed it and the dream was over and I woke up.

      (Bonus: When I went to check my email and got some spam about hootersvile.info. I found that weird considering how I just dreamed about hooters.)
    9. Meeting Santa Claus

      by , 12-14-2011 at 05:30 PM
      The Dream started with me walking through this sort of tunnel, but what was weird was that the colors were all out of wack. The floor which probably should have been black and white was black and some shade of purplish blue that I am sure only exists in outer space. The hall is seemingly endless and is lined on both sides by doors that I guess are supposed to be white but all the colors are messed up so it is that same purplish blue that is on the floor tiles.
      I walked up to a random one and opened it and there was Santa and his sleigh (although because the colors in this dream were all out of wack his outfit was blue along with the sleigh). He was sitting there looking at the Sleigh puzzled and then he sees me and asks if I can help. Apparently one of the runners on the sled have an issue and he is too fat to slide underneath it to fix it. At this point I use lucid powers to give myself my trusty tool box and set it down next to the sled. The next thing I did was I changed the color of everything to normal (because i can't take a blue and green Santa Claus seriously) and go underneath the sled. What makes the sled weird though is that it looks more like the underside of a car. It has an exhaust pipe/jet thingy that apparently propels it although I will note that it looked very much like the underside of my old car. I found the runner in question that was loose and asked Santa to pass me a socket driver with a 14mm socket on it (which was a guess) and i tightened the bolts on the bottom and asked if it had any other problems. He then told me it also needed an oil change and told me it took the same socket I had used to tighten the sleigh. I asked him for my 3/8th ratchet and the 1/2-3/8 adapter for it (in real life my socket driver is 1/2 inch and the ratchet that i found worked best for getting the oil pan bolt off the car was a 3/8). The oil pan was easy to find because it was basically like my old car underneath the sleigh. I asked if he had a pan or something to let the oil into and he said no just let it run on the floor.
      When I undid the oil pan bolt this hot liquid came out of it that smelled sweet. Almost like some kind of syrup (although it LOOKED like drain oil). Because I figured it was a dream and the worst that could happen is I die and wake up in my bed, I tasted the stuff and it was about the consistency and temperature of hot fudge like you put on ice cream only it tasted like marzipan. After all of it seemed to drain out I put the bolt back on and got out from under the sleigh. I noticed then that santa had this old looking oil can....like the ones they had in the 50s that were the size of a can of coffee, and was pouring it into the engine. I was about to ask him what it was but at that point I heard the sound of the alarm and no matter how much I tried to stabilize the dream to ask Santa what on earth he was pouring into the engine and to see if he needed any more help nothing worked. Pretty soon the dream faded to white and I woke up.
    10. In Korea

      by , 12-14-2011 at 03:26 PM (Dream Journal)
      I am in Korea with a friend (unidentifiable), and we are in a bar/restaurant/bowling alley. A pretty korean girl from another group comes to hang out with us. There is a language barrier, so my friend acts as a translator. We are communicating and getting along well. I try to say something to her in Korean. I have a strong attraction to this girl.

      The restaurant closes at around 1am. I try to offer her girl a ride home, but she declines and goes with her friends. We then go to another area where it is a shopping mall, it is now daytime. While still in the car, I notice that this girl is in this area with her friends doing some shopping. I tell my friend to park the car so we can follow her. This is when I realize that I am in a dream. I do the nose plug reality check and confirm. I thought to myself, and even told my friend, I am not going to get overly excited. My friend tries to park the car in an empty parking lot (looked like a parking lot of an asian super market) but continuously fails, he keeps going out of the lines and then keeps whirling around in circles. I felt like it was slowing me down and I had to go meet this girl. So I tell him to stop the car and I get out. I go to look for her. I go into a department store like Sak's and go on the escalator. after going up and down several floors on the escalator my dream ends.

      Updated 12-15-2011 at 05:54 AM by 51288

    11. El Clasico Fragment

      by , 12-14-2011 at 03:20 PM
      I was watching Real Madrid vs Barcelona on Sky Sports. Messi got the ball from midfield ran close to Madrid's defense, entered the box and slotted the ball home into the bottom right corner.
    12. dog streets; dark restaurant; light restaurant; mcdonald's

      by , 12-14-2011 at 03:01 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      It was a bright, warm, sunny day. I was in some kind of suburban neighborhood with a group of people. We all stood out in the middle of the road, in a wide intersection, near the crest of a shallow hill. The other side of the hill felt very airy, possibly like the seashore was nearby.

      Somehow I knew -- I may actually have been explaining it to a business woman -- that either a plague or a flood had hit this area. The place had been ravaged for a while: either overwhelmed by waters or distraught by disease.

      The calamity had subsided. But things weren't back to normal. The town's population was now extremely low.

      On top of that, there were certain streets that were now run by dogs. It was easy to tell the streets apart. The streets that had nice, new, black asphalt were streets where humans lived. But the streets with older, pale asphalt were run by dogs. The streets with old asphalt, I knew, had been so ravaged by the calamity that the new asphalt had been stripped off of them.

      It was known that the dogs would guard their streets. If humans came down the streets, the dogs, which were like German Shepherds, would group together along the street and growl the human away, back out of the street.

      But new asphalt was now also being laid through the dog streets as well. The group of people and I were following one new strip of asphalt that had been laid, coming out of a dog street and heading toward the front of this neighborhood (which now, apparently, was a gated community).

      There were two or three mail delivery men up ahead of us, pushing their bag-carts full of mail. Walking near the men were two or three big, black dobermans. I feel like they were acting as an escort for the mailmen, who, now that the new asphalt was being laid, were again having to go into the dog streets to deliver mail to the houses.

      I was now outside the community's gates and a few blocks down. I was talking with somebody, probably a black man in his mid twenties, maybe a little skinny, with reddish hair, wearing a red shirt.

      The man and I were out here on a job. The man may have been gossipping to me or complaining about the work, trying to find a way for the two of us to get out of it, even though I wasn't interested in finding a way out of the work.

      I was now walking back up toward the gated community. The gate, I could see, was a kind of cheap-looking, chain-link fence, with a tiny post-structure for a security guard to stand inside of. After the fence, the street went up a hill that was covered in the deep shade of heavy-canopied trees.

      There were a couple of people behind me and beside me to my right, but just out of my view. A black woman said to her friend, "I don't wanna have to see them showing off their lust for each other again. It makes me sick."

      I wondered who the woman could have been talking about. I now saw that the community's gate was open, and that two black, female security guards were walking back and forth in the open space.

      The women were both overweight, and their security uniforms were really tight on them. One woman was darker. She had hair about to her shoulders, brown, with blonde streaks in it. The other woman was lighter and had blondish hair, long, in tight braids that pulled up in a fountain-shape and then flowed down.

      The long-haired woman was following the short-haired woman around closely, almost flopping over her. I could see now that these two women were lesbian lovers. The woman who had been complaining a moment ago had been complaining about these two women.

      Dream #2

      I was in a really nice restaurant. I sat along the back wall, with my right side against the wall, at a table for two. The restaurant was one big room, full of tables for two or four people. The tables and chairs were all of heavy, dark wood. The walls may also have been of heavy, dark wood.

      It must have been daytime. The restaurant's lighting was dim, and most of the light seemed to be coming from a window at the front of the restaurant.

      The chairs at my table, and at all the tables along the back wall, had tall backs, maybe two meters tall, carved in a Gothic style. The chairs were so tall and solid, they made me feel like it was sitting in a booth rather than at a table.

      A wealthy-looking white man, maybe in his forties, sat at the table directly in front of mine. I was probably waiting for my food. I was reading a book, scribbling some figures with a pencil onto a pad of pink paper, and listening to music with my headphones.

      But I now noticed I'd been singing along to the music I'd been listening to. I didn't know if my singing had been any good. I hoped I hadn't been singing too loud.

      I thought it would have been rude to be singing like that here, in such a nice restaurant, with such a serious guy sitting in front of me. But I may also have thought that the guy could possibly have been a talent scout. I may have thought that if he'd heard me singing, he'd want to sign a record contract with me.

      But I was more embarrassed by my bad singing and my impertinence for singing in such a place. I took out my earphones and put them away.

      Dream #3

      I walked into a restaurant in the downtown area of some big city. The restaurant was part of some big building, possibly a big hotel. The restaurant was huge, with windows for all its walls, letting in streams of bright morning light.

      The restaurant was like one big room, but divided into a number of areas, mainly by means of setting some parts of the room up on higher platforms, maybe 30cm to 60cm in height, and arranging these platforms at odd angles from the rest of the restaurant. Some areas may also have been divided off by glass walls or waist-high divider-walls.

      There was one little alcove with a couple tables in it just off to the left of the entrance. I was thinking of sitting there. There were a few big, beautiful, white business men sitting at a table. One man had a tanned, but reddened face and wiry, brown-red hair. He was laughing with the other men.

      I still wanted to sit in that room. I wanted to sit near those men. But I also wanted to avoid them. I didn't want them to think I was trying to intrude in their business.

      I looked throughout the rest of the restaurant. It was all empty. There may have been a waitress walking through some of the seating areas, doing something. But that was it.

      I was now (I don't know why) so embarrassed with having wanted to sit at a table near the business men that I left the restaurant. I walked around the corner, but then came back in through a different door. This way, I thought, the business men would think I'd left. That way they wouldn't think I was trying to intrude on their business.

      I was back in the restaurant. I walked up onto one of the platform levels and took a seat just a couple tables away from the glass wall dividing this area from the room the business men sat in. Apparently I still wanted to be close to the business men. One of the business men did take notice of me. I felt kind of stupid.

      Dream #4

      It was night. I was sitting with my family at a McDonald's. The McDonald's was packed with people. The place felt hot and greasy and steamy.

      My family and I sat at a very low, long table. My mom, my siblings, my nephews and niece, and I all sat packed together. But there was another whole group of people at the table, too. So we were all pretty crammed together.

      We had all our belongings heaped up on the table as well. I had a backpack or a book bag in front of me, amid a heap of other stuff.

      Someone brought out our food. I had fries, possibly something with chicken in it, and a soda. I had to reach around all the stuff on the tables to get to the drink-tray with the sodas in it. The sodas were all smalls, in white cups.

      But when I looked at my drink in the drink tray, I realized that, while I'd ordered a Coke, I'd been given a Sprite. I was really mad. I'd been here a number of times, and every time I'd asked for a Coke, I'd gotten a Sprite.

      I blurted out, "Christ, I hate these people. They did it to me again!"

      But I noticed that there was an extra drink in the drink tray. It was a watery-looking orange drink in the drink tray. It looked like a mix of orange Hi-C and carbonated water. I like Hi-C, so I thought I would just be satisfied with that drink instead.

      But my brother, who was sitting just to my right, said, "Did they give you the wrong thing? Don't take it. I'll complain to them."

      I didn't want anybody to complain, as, in my experience, complaining just made things worse. But my brother had already complained and was now back in his seat.

      Now one of the workers came up, a fat, white woman, dressed in blue slacks, a dark maroon polo shirt with blue sleeves and collar, and a visor-hat with a maroon visor. The woman asked, "Did someone here have a complaint about their drink?"

      I stood up to face the woman. I didn't want to. But since she was here, I thought, I should just be honest with her. But I hid my face behind the top half of a big styrofome meal-container that was holding a bunch of ripple-cut french fries. I was even shoving french fries and catsup in my mouth as I stood there.

      But the woman knew it was me. She either poked her head around the container or forced me to lower the container so she could see my face.

      The woman said something like, "Oh, so it's you again!" as if she knew me for a constant trouble maker in the store.

      It was obvious that the woman wasn't going to change my drink. She walked away, back behind the front counter. But she sent out another worker, either a black man or a black woman, to kind of pace back and forth around the table and make sure I wasn't trying to start any more trouble.

      My family had all finished their meal and were ready to go. We were in a hurry to get somewhere -- maybe to the airport, so I could catch a flight back to New York.

      Everybody else in the family was now outside, and I was sitting at the table by myself. It also felt like a large part of the people in the restaurant were gone, too. The place felt kind of empty.

      I was trying to pick up all my stuff to get going. But for some reason I couldn't find my book bag.

      A new family was coming into the store. There were a mom, a dad, a daughter, and some other people. The dad was tall, white, with a huge belly, barely held in by a thin t-shirt. He wore dark-tinted eyeglasses and had short, blonde-grey, curly hair.

      The daughter was young, maybe twelve or thirteen years old. She wasn't very pretty. She had kind of frizzy hair and a nerdy look. But I was probably really attracted to her sexually.

      The father obviously thought of me as "below" him, and he didn't even want me around his family while they ate. He was bustling around near me, huffing and puffing and trying to intimidate me. Finally he walked over to my table and stepped on my book bag (which was now on the floor?) a couple times.

      I was really angry that the father stepped on my book bag. I had my computer in there. He could have broken it. I was probably going to stand up to him.

      But suddenly I was outside, walking with my family to the car. We got in the car as I was telling my mom about the guy who had been bullying me inside. My mom may have asked if I wanted to take care of it in any way. But I didn't think it was any use.

      I told my mom, though, that I probably should go back into the store. I'd been looking for my book bag in there, and I hadn't found it yet.

      My mom said, "Oh, we just took your book bag with us when we headed out of the restaurant. It's in the back." (The back was like a hatchback, rather than a trunk.) "Did you want me to get it for you before we started driving?"

      I kind of did. I wanted to make sure my computer was okay. I remembered the man stepping on my bag. But I didn't know if that was a real memory, now. If my mom had taken the bag out with her, it couldn't have been there for the man to step on.

      I figured I'd just take a chance, then, and look at my computer once we got to wherever we were going. I told my mom, "No, that's fine. As long as my book bag's in the car with us, that's all I care about."

      Updated 12-14-2011 at 03:33 PM by 37466 (changed "in through a different restaurant" to "in through a different door")

    13. 12/14/11 Fragment, The Counsel

      by , 12-14-2011 at 01:12 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I was in my school's computer room, but my math teacher was there to teach us. She was walking around the room, talking to every kid, and teaching them to do this weird fist pump thing.

      I was side by side with a woman I hardly knew. But supposedly, she was my leader, or something like that. We walked down a huge flight of royal stairs, still side by side, and faced a large group of people. There was someone sitting on a throne/judge-like seat (I'm guessing this was the king, or someone held in high authority). While my leader was telling the "king" something, I looked at what she was wearing and what I was wearing, too. It looked like a long green, silken dress down to the floor, with some of it trailing behind her. She had long, flowing hair; which reached down to her hips. She was very beautiful.

      I now looked at what I was wearing. A light pink, silken dress, that went down to the floor as well. The sides of my light blonde hair were held back into two small braids (mainly like Legolas' hair in Lord of the Rings) and the rest went down to about my hips also. I seriously felt like Zelda.

      I can't remember what all my leader said, but after that, there was blackness. Now we were outside. There were men around, supposedly preparing for battle, because some were dressed in armor. I can't remember what I was doing here, or if my leader was with me or not.

      But someone was following me. Later, I found out it was a little creature, a hobbit possibly. He was short, and he looked like Sam (LOTR, not my sister). He held this dark blue stick. It looked like a small tube filled with dark blue powder. I didn't know what it was until he used it on me.

      Now both of us were back in the room I started in in the dream. My leader and I, also the hobbit. I had taken it back into the room. It struggled the whole way. I was seriously thinking it was Sam, but it was not friendly.

      He took out his blue stick again, and this time, pointed it at my foot. I tried to hit his hand away but for a hobbit, he was pretty strong. We struggled on the floor and my leader was reading something calmly in the corner. The hobbit pointed the blue stick at my foot again, and squeezed. Instantly, my foot starting numming, and it was painful. I smelled metal. Tasted awful. Simultaneously, I heard my leader say, "That is a freezing stick. If he keeps that up for a couple more seconds, the limb could freeze off." I slapped the stick out of his hand, and warmth started coming back into my foot. I stood up, and the hobbit ran away I think.

      I walked (limped) over to the beginning of the flight of stairs we walked down in the beginning of the dream. I looked around. Tons of people were there, waiting for a report. I walked awkwardly back inside the room. My leader did a facepalm.

      We walked back down the stairs to report something to the people as well as the king. I can't remember what, though.
    14. Mall adventure

      by , 12-14-2011 at 12:34 PM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was in a room with some kind of club. They told me to go look for someone named O-something, I can't remember. I went next door and there was another club. They had no idea where he was. One of the members suggested detention, so i went off to look for the detention room.

      But when I left their clubroom I was in a mall. It was reall busy, everyone rushing around. I wandered aimlessly, looking for the o-something-or-other person. I walked along the halways looking at all of the items in the store windows. I got to a desk that was like a store, but more like a stand or booth. There was a long line, but I stayed. When I got to the counter I asked the lady working there where I could find the guy I was looking for, but in the dream at that point I had forgotten his name. She said detention was on the floor below, which is why I couldn't find it.

      I decided to stay here for a bit, so I asked the lady what she was selling. Most of it was junk, but there was a really cute turtwig plush pokemon. I asked her how much it was, and she said she got it for ¥500. She only charged me $3 for 3 of them. I picked a groudon and kyogre and left. I saw an escalator, so I walked onto it without even noticing the sign next to it. I looked back and saw that it was out of order, and it began moving very fast. Then I woke up.

      Updated 12-15-2011 at 12:40 AM by 32129

      Tags: club, mall, pokemon
    15. floatinghead - 14/12/11

      by , 12-14-2011 at 12:14 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      My Dream recall has been real bad lately, just not remembering anything!

      Somebody new

      I am walking with my wife and she is explaining to me that she has met someone else. She still loves me, but, she loves this other guy as well so she won't be seeing me as much. It's such a casual conversation that until she leaves I don't fully realize what this means. And then it hits me, DAMN!

      A walk into the past

      I'm walking along an old street I walked when I was a kid, in an old town I used to live in. I Start to think about how a few years ago I new so many people down this street, how it was impossible for me to go down this busy street without catching up with someone I knew. But I'm older now (I just hit 30) and everybody I knew here has grown up and moved on, things have changed, I've changed; I feel old. I start to think of how it was so unfair that I couldn't just transport myself back in time, just to say hi, because I missed some friends. Oh the irony, if only I knew I was dreaming I could have done exactly that!


      Dream fragment: I am a robot, waiting in line with two other robots in front of me.