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    1. Unison

      by , 10-04-2018 at 04:07 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      The dream starts out with a scenario very much like the waking one I must have just left: having trouble getting to sleep. I’m initially on a thin mat on the floor of a room in a house, in a sleeping bag, but I give up and move the sleeping bag to the couch, where I do finally manage to fall asleep.

      The dream I subsequently find myself in is a lucid one. It went on for long enough to where entire segments of it have faded from memory, and I’m no longer entirely sure whether I have the order of the things right. But here goes.

      The earliest parts, probably, were of flying over a city at night. I’m just looking around, observing my surroundings. I spot a brightly lit area—tennis courts—and fly down. But as I’m getting close, the lights suddenly turn off, leaving me in the dark. I imagine my wings—which I’ve been doing without until now—and use them to propel myself up from just above the ground. But not long after that, I figure that it might be better to walk—there are people I’m looking for here, and it might be easier to find them down there. So I land and continue going that way.

      This city seems to be a modern one, and the area I'm in is well lit. To my right, I spot a large building that looks like a hotel, and further on is another one. No people around, though. I pause to examine some graffiti carved into the gray paint of a metal pillar, possibly supporting an overpass. Most of it is illegible scribbles, but I distinctly read the name “Joseph”.

      Nobody else seems to be walking around. I do eventually spot some people (specifically, four guys and a ferret) through the glass-walled corner of a building and have a brief conversation with them, but it seems to cut off partway through, and I find myself as a disembodied point of view, looking at a bunch of grapes. They’re hanging on a vine that’s grown around a tree in a forest. I remember reading something on Dreamviews about being able to play with the perspective of visual imagery—and there’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to visualize that well while awake, so I figure I’ll try it now. I find I can change the angle just by intending to, can zoom in and have a closer look. Even close, it looks incredibly realistic.

      But before I can get even closer, there’s another transition, and I find myself in a house. I’m near a large window—I can’t see anything outside since it’s light inside and dark outside, and it just looks black, but I figure I’ll jump through it and see what happens.

      I jump straight through the glass as if it wasn’t there and find that what I saw before was actually accurate—there really is nothing here but featureless darkness. I don’t even seem to have a body anymore. I consider the situation. I’m not worried about waking up: I recall that I spent quite a while lying awake before this—having correctly remembered my waking life circumstances rather than mistaking the dream I fell asleep in for real, which isn't always what happens in these situations—and so I’ll still be catching up on sleep.

      The idea occurs to me to sing a song, one I remember singing in choir when I was a kid. I then think that it’s kind of a silly song—why would I want to do that? But no, it’s better to go with my first thought. It’s probably the right one—it’s better not to second-guess this kind of thing. And so I sing it there.

      Long ago, in a far off land,
      Lived a child who loved to sing.
      She opens up her fragile heart,
      And the song, it takes wing…

      Although it’s not exactly like I’m singing it, since I still seem to be somewhat disembodied. I’m surprised by how good my voice sounds here, though. It resonates in a way I wasn’t expecting in a space that appears to be a complete void.

      At some point after that, after some unknown transition, I seem to be in the same house as before, just looking around. It has multiple floors, and above one staircase, I find what appears to be a clock playing a waltz-like melody. It sounds a bit like a calliope.

      As I listen, it occurs to me to try another experiment. I clear my mind, getting everything else out of the way, then wordlessly sing, improvising a melody that might come after what I've already heard. And I find that what I'm singing exactly matches the tune the calliope clock is playing. It's as if, one way or another, we’re drawing from the same source, which is fascinating. So it is just me after all.

      There’s quite a bit that happened after that, most of it involving the man who lived in the house—but, unfortunately, I can only remember the very end, as he was walking out. Shortly after that, I wake up.

    2. Mowing to the Clock or Mausoleum

      by , 08-29-2016 at 12:30 PM
      Morning of August 29, 2016. Monday.

      My dream curiously starts out at the King Street boarding house (where I have not been since the early 1990s). I do have some memories of my present life status but it is distorted and also changes before my dream ends. I start mowing the lawn, but oddly, for whatever indeterminable reason, continue to mow all the way to the north side of La Crosse via the causeway through the marsh (though which is more like normal land in my dream). I may in fact be working for the street department as I did in real life, though that was mostly for Onalaska.

      I feel very happy and satisfied as I somehow walk all that way, while mowing yet, without getting tired, even somehow casually mowing over some rather large bushes with thick trunks. I feel a bit helpful for others in the area in doing this. Strangely, without even considering it odd or impossible, I end up at the corner of Hamilton Road and Stadcor Street in Wavell Heights (Brisbane, Australia), instead of where I should be, that is, George Street and Sill Street (Wisconsin, America).

      On this composite corner of the two locations, where we never lived in reality (though we did live on Stadcor Street farther down from Hamilton Road), there is another version of my family, though I am somewhat confused about it as I am also there (rather - “another me”). My “other” son Lorenzo, a child of the “other” us, is playing near the street. About four police officers are near our front entrance talking with the “other” us. Our house resembles a composite of our present home, the Stadcor Street house, and the Barolin Street house. They apparently had brought Lorenzo home after he had unknowingly wandered off. I start to mow “our” front yard, but the officers remind me that my job is to only mow the public areas.

      From here, I mow along what is either Stadcor Street or Sill Street but which ends in an area similar in appearance to where it would have begun near the George Street turn off, not at the end of the street on the other side. The particular corner lot also seems rotated ninety degrees north to east as well as duplicated to the north. This puzzles me quite a bit even though my memory of the composite could not be right anyway (due to the fact it is a composite and not a real layout). I am not sure where I should continue from here, though it is not quite a dead-end, as there may be an intersection that would imply either Corowa Street or Wood Street (though which would imply Loomis Street is “missing”).

      As I continue to try to only now work out where I am, I notice a large unlikely feature in the center of the empty lot which now seems to be a park. It looks just like an old mausoleum. This gives me a very eerie sense of mortality and I am soon wary about where I am. Still, I consider that it may not actually be a mausoleum, as why would there only be one in the center of a public park?

      Looking more closely, I see a large clock face over what would otherwise be the entrance, which seems like a miniature version of Big Ben. This slowly convinces me that it may not be a mausoleum (as why would a large clock face block a mausoleum entrance) but perhaps meant as a city tribute of some kind. I am still in awe over the very eerie and ancient-looking feature and I do not go any farther. (I do not recall the time that was on the clock as I did not note it while in my dream. It may have indicated the real time, though this is not certain).
    3. Of Thumb Drives, Fingernail Wipers, and Time

      by , 07-05-2016 at 09:33 AM
      Morning of July 5, 2016. Tuesday.

      This dream starts off with quite honestly the worst visual pun I have seen in ages. I am looking into a parking lot and see that something is not quite right. Instead of the cars having a windshield and upper section, it is a thumb in such a manner as the thumbnail implies the car’s windshield. Still, the scene does not really seem that bizarre to me and in fact, eventually triggers otherwise unrelated sequences.

      Next, there is a thumb with windshield wipers moving over the thumbnail. This image is greatly magnified though the closeup perspective is not realistic. The windshield wipers have too much mechanical detail and exaggerated distance from each other (relative to one over the other and seeming farther out than it should). Eventually these “windshield wipers” become more like a minute hand and an hour hand reading fifteen minutes to three (or two forty-five). During this time, there are also glimpses of watching the slightly twitching needle of a pressure gauge. Sometimes when going back to the “fingernail wipers” they seem more like black hairs that just fall off the surface.

      The perspective of my dream shifts, similar to when one jumps from visual sequences into a more corporeal state. A car has been abandoned at the top of a hill with all of its doors left open. It is raining. The windshield wipers are the minute hand and hour hand of a clock, again suggesting two forty-five or a quarter to three. They move slightly but fall back, and the position remains at about a quarter to three. It seems at first to be some sort of sign relating to mortality. However, it is more likely a circadian rhythms feature as it relates to the nature of time. I begin to walk towards the car and instead become the car which is also a clock.

      Upon seeing the above image, Zsuzsanna caught the play on “thumb drive” instantly, with no other hint.
    4. [04-02-2016]

      by , 02-04-2016 at 06:55 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I woke up in my bed and looked at the clock. It was 2A0B hour. I looked at my bed, and then at the clock again. It was A12G this time. I took another look at the clock, and it was 12:12. Then I turned over so from my bed I could see clock in another room. It showed 02:26, and I quickly checked a few times. This was a momet when I realised that I just woke up from a false awakening dream.
    5. Deactivating a Tower |Dreamed Using Restroom -> Real Wet Dream | MIC Makes $$$ Off of Runescape

      by , 11-17-2015 at 11:38 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Deactivating a Tower (DILD)


      All I remember is that I'm in the desert sector related to Code Lyoko, but I don't feel I'm actively participating in the mission of deactivating the active tower. I see, in first person perspective, some Tarantulas that eventually give up, and see that as soon as they pass a certain point near the tower, they disappear.

      It feels as if someone is destroying the desert sector.


      I Wet Myself IRL Because DC Stalls Me Using a Restroom In a Dream (DILD)


      I’m with some of the Code Lyoko: Evolution members in a classroom. It seems the setting is in a late afternoon where the sunset is slowly dissipating. The floor is white, and made of some kind of hard-surfaced tiling, and the rest of the room is white.

      I’m sitting in a dark-colored chair, and resting on a light-brown table that’s fit for at least 6 individuals. The teacher looks a bit familiar, and has a light complexion. He seemed to be a mélange of one of my boss’s bosses at a retail store, and then one of the principals from the Code Lyoko: Evolution show, and such.

      He’s doing something to stall time so students won’t be convinced to leave early until the bell rings. I’m wondering why he’s doing this, as I felt I had a good judgment of when the bell would ring. I looked at the clock at some point that’s white in the background, and has black tick marks and numerical fonts as well.

      It seems to be somewhere around 1:20-1:35PM or so; the equivocations with time just made things more obvious. When the teacher was counting down when the bell would ring, the moment he reached 0, he wouldn’t let everyone leave at once. He asked us if anyone of us wants to go to jail, in which we quickly said, or made a gesture of “No.”

      He eventually allows us to leave in this false imprisonment nonsense. I go out to the door, to my right, and we’re having a quick conversation over how the teacher was acting weird. I turn to the left, and I see a Hispanic female that I presumed to be in the class we were in as well. She looks like one of my co-workers; short ponytail, red shirt, tight blue jeans, and we’ll just nickname her An.

      I asked her why the teacher was so peculiar, and she shook her head in confusion as her retort. I get the strong urge to utilize the restroom, and immediately went into the closest one. Brown walls, white tiled floor, and a really clean restroom. I open one of the doors, sat down for some reason instead of standing up, and started to urinate.

      I was feeling a virtual experience of urinating that ended up translating into real life, and mid-way piss, I feel myself urinating IRL while still in the dream, and eventually woke up to take care of the issue.

      My first recalled lucid wet dream. Good thing it wasn’t #2.


      Manager In Charge Makes $$$ From Runescape (DILD)


      I’m inside a room that has a Wall Street vibe to it where others are congregating for some big event in stocks, or something like that. It doesn’t feel like that at first, but it seems so secretive, cozy, and there’s a gargantuan wide screen in front of us emitting some blue light.

      I see a Manager in charge at a retail store I used to work at which we’ll nickname “J.” He seems really enthusiastic, and is wearing a light gray dress shirt tucked in under a black dress pants. His sleeves are folded up to the top of his elbows, and is wearing black glasses as well.

      He’s holding some paper, and starts bragging about the success of whatever workflow he, and his affiliates utilized to make money off of Runescape, and maybe other MMORPGs. He eventually shows us the paper, and I quickly glance over without much interest; I could see some golden stars, and a quantity of at least $1 Million.

      Then, at some point in the dream that I can’t sequence into a timeline, I was going go into the Bandos section in the God Wars Dungeon in Runescape. I was setting up some overloads, brews, and things of that nature. I was choosing whether or not to use a Legends Cape, or the Bandos cape that seems fairly new. The latter seemed more advantageous stat wise for the Chaotic Rapier I had in my inventory, but there was still skepticism on my end.

      I forget what I do next, and felt I spent most of my time fixating on the ideal inventory set up.

      Updated 11-17-2015 at 11:46 AM by 47756

      lucid , memorable
    6. Dreaming of Dreaming

      by , 09-18-2015 at 08:41 PM
      Well this may seem very confusing but I'll try to explain it, I was in my actual dream and then I remembered something that I read on the forums, if you close your eyes in a dream you'll wake up? So then not being lucid in this dream I entered into the dream's dream and I cannot remember what this dream was like.

      All I know about this dream in my dream was that I somewhat had control over it not like my real life dreams. I then closed my eyes and it was black for about half a second and then it went white for about 2 seconds and then I woke up in a FA at school staring at a clock that said 5:55pm.
    7. Odd Clock

      by , 09-01-2015 at 03:01 PM
      Morning of September 1, 2015. Tuesday.

      I seem to be focused on Loomis Street yet again. However, there are also emotions and realizations associated with our present bedroom on W Street (though it does not quite seem like a typical composite, and yet the setting is limited to the one room, though).

      My attention is mostly on an unusual “clock”. It does not apparently serve as a clock though, but some sort of answering machine (though I do not recall having this type of concept appearing in any previous dream).

      Only the hour hand is implemented but it does not serve as time-keeping in any way. There is seemingly no minute hand or second hand and the number six, in its proper location, is the only number on the face of the clock.

      I move the hour hand to the left (from where it was near the number six), to around where the number eight would be expected to be, and start to hear pleasant music. As I put it in different positions, I hear a lot of very nice music, a lot of it tribal, but with no voices at any point. The audio is very clear (though I do not become lucid).

      After spending seemingly at least fifteen minutes listening to very nice music (which apparently is related to being connected to our telephone and plays when we are not home to answer it), I move the hour hand over to the right around where the number four would be expected to be. From around where the number two would be expected to be to that location, there are recordings of my wife or me telling the caller to leave a message, and some of the messages are meant to be in-jokes. I listen to these recordings for a short time (much shorter than when I was enjoying the music) and my dream fades.
    8. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 08-27-2015 at 06:42 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Yeah, here's another. First time trying to convey multi-threaded perspective dreams. Let me know how I did. =P


      Google has selected me for a special interview session at one of their local facilities. I'm not thrilled about it, but I show up anyways. As I arrive at the facility, I notice the huge analog clock on the face of the building. Except, the clock doesn't tell the time. Instead, it's keeping track of the number of people in the building with IQs over 124. I raise an eyebrow at the misplaced elitism, half-wondering why they chose something so low as 124. I enter the building anyways.

      A bunch of other candidates and myself are directed to an open-floor-plan classroom on the second floor. A lecture begins. The lecturer starts going over some hex string maths and methodologies that don't make any sense. Everyone else in the class seems to understand it, but I can't be bothered to try and wrap my head around what I'm sure is nonsensical. Instead, I leave the classroom and head downstairs. However, I leave a perspective thread to follow the lecture.

      While the lecture continues in the parallel thread--and I dread being called on to answer a question--I make a stop at HR to get the benefits spiel. I figure there's no way they'll be able to match everything I enjoy at my current gig, so it'll be amusing getting the sale's pitch. They start off with the badge they had given all selectees. At this point, another thread flashes back to my research into the interview after I had received the invite. The Defcon-esque badge I'd receive for attending would be proof of my qualification, and allegedly a rather impressive resume builder. As the thread where I'm in the HR benefits pitch continues, the guy starts talking about their EEO initiatives, and I can't help wonder if the only reason I got an invite was because of affirmative action silliness.

      Eventually, the threads all re-converge on the lecture. I overhear one of the staff, the HR guy, talking about some data loss or something, and the need to track down the people who took it and bring them to justice. That sounds more interesting, so I volunteer, stepping out of the window onto the ledge. I'm quite high up, and as I lean over the concrete, the fall into the forest below looked a bit too real. My fear of heights kicks in and I start to have some doubts. Stomach fluttering, I take a breath, and calm my nerves. No way this isn't a dream, I remind myself. And if it isn't? I silently consider. Well, this'll suck then. I jump off, taking to the air, shouting back to the HR dude, "Just don't tell your boss on me, kay?" I shoot off at crazy speeds.

      Flying so fast is exhilaration, but the archetypes necessary to enable it make the control a little wonky. Nothing I can't compensate for, as I tear through the sky, over the miles of forest below.

      I spot a clearing and descend, locating the culprits. I charge up some energy in my hands, and blast them with it. The intent was fire, but due to the archetypes used to form the little globules, I end up hurling a sort of chemical foam at them. Intrigued, I made some more foam energy globules and tossed them at the crooks for the sake of experimentation. The foam burned them more aggressively than any fire could have, which honestly was a bit hard to watch as the three of them writhed in pain, screaming as the foam dissipated, sinking into their skin and leaving discolored blotch-marks. I let them run past me, not caring to continue the experiment.

      Unfortunately, I notice a T-Rex in my peripherals and teleport into forest-cover as the crooks are summarily eaten by the T-Rex...who's supposedly my teacher. Weird.

      Updated 08-27-2015 at 06:52 AM by 25167

    9. Compatability Problems, Can't wake up (LD #240ish)

      by , 08-12-2015 at 02:21 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was thinking about/visualizing a story that I have been working on lately and running through some plot elements. I was thinking about a part where the characters fly to space on a special spaceplane. I then decided that had best wake up, since I have to teach Taekwondo on Wednesdays. I brought myself out of the visualization but felt odd accelerations.

      I opened my eyes and saw that I was on the special spaceplane, and we were landing. I did a nose pinch and sure enough I was still dreaming. I sat up in my chair and looked around. I told myself I would regret this at some point, but that It was important that I wake up. All that managed to do at first was make the plane phase away and drop me on the runway.

      The runway morphed into a road and became narrower. I was now standing to one side of it, in a wheat feild. Across the road were several large industrial buildings. There was a stand selling bananas on my side of the road. I noted that what few cars there were were driving on the opposite sides of the road that I am used to.

      I went over to the guy at the banana stand because he was kind of blurry and I wanted to get a closer look. He turned out to be this huge hulk of a man with a balding head. He smiled and said:

      "Im the Supervisor, Can I get a taxi number?"

      (A cookie to anyone who can tell me what that DC referencing without having to look it up.)

      I saw the word 'Taxi' was printed on the side of one of his bananas.

      Second false awakening. This time I was in my backyard. I thought it was waking life for awhile. I looked around and all around me were digital clocks. But of course they all read weird times like 12:338 was one that I remember. This caused me to reality check. I became lucid and realized that this had happened twice now, clearly I wasn't getting out of this dream.

      I remember at this point in the dream I looked at my hands. People always talk about how your hands look so weird in dreams. Mine seem to look completely normal most of the time. I look at them. The skin tone is darker than I am used to but they look completely normal. I'm not wearing my bracelets, but I didn't make a note of that. I try to poke my finger through my hand. I'm simply met with the usual resistance and I can't do it. Just like a waking life hand.

      I guess I figured there was no point to continue to try to wake up, so I figured I would just see what the dream had to offer. I looked around the backyard. All of the plants/trees were gone. Not just the ones in my yard, but everywhere. Just the grass was left. I looked inside my house through a window and saw that all the furniture was gone.

      I tried to fly by jumping off the table on my back patio but I just floated back down to the ground. I also noticed that I could see my reflection in the window of my house. For some reason I had really long hair, like down to my knees long hair.

      "Hello?" I yelled and my voice echoed though the neighborhood. I became worried that this would be like one of my early lucid dreams where I was alone somewhere and no dream characters would show up. I was relieved to see. A group of identical people in the distance talking to one another.

      Out of the group came Marcus. Except he had a huge distracting beer belly. He walked over and I asked him something. I remember his voice very clearly when he replied but I can't remember anything having to do with what he said. Then Manei appeared as well. She was pulling a wagon and she looked to be about 10. Except she also had a mustache. (Okay, so not her funniest appearance mess-up to date.)

      She said she was excited because she was taking to see me a music show. She said something about it being a group from her tribe and their traditional performance. I didn't see any show, but I saw some people putting towels over a fence. I thought this was kind of weird until I figured out that it was a puppet music show. So the people were putting towels over the fence so you wouldn't pay attention to them, only the puppets then they had large puppets, too big for even a hand. They actually turned out to be costumes.

      Okay. So what are the towels for? So that the actors have privacy while they change. Pointless since we can see them from where we are sitting; and they're just putting the costumes on over their clothes.

      It was at this point that I took into question the reason my usual DCs looked different. In particular, I wanted to know why Manei was so small all of the sudden. I asked her and she replied, but I don't recall what she said.

      I then notice that once they put on the costume, their appearance seems to morph some. One of the actors changes into Manei, and the one sitting next to me goes away. Only this version of her is super vivid, and the correct age, except she was wearing beige/brown instead of the usual red, and had two braids. I remember the same kind of thing happened to Marcus only he didn't have a beer gut and he was wearing gray instead of blue. I remember both of these DCs really seemed to 'pop' from the dreamworld.

      Then, I felt myself getting pulled twoard the third actor. My 'soul' was forcibly pulled from my body, but I just let it happen, curious as to what would happen when I was absorbed by the costumed actor. I was then distracted when I noticed there was a fourth actor. But he/she wasn't turning into anybody.

      A computer error appeared.

      "Compatibility Error.
      Dream [1] character has incompatible drivers.
      Dream [4] character not found.

      Would you like to exit the dream or check online for a solution?"

      I lost the dream and woke up laughing.

      Updated 08-12-2015 at 02:28 PM by 53527

      lucid , false awakening
    10. Parkour in School

      by , 04-22-2015 at 04:55 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a school of sorts, but outside. We were practicing parkour. There's a yellowish building/clock tower, with a blue sky as a backdrop. The kind of blue that seems unnatural though. Jem was there. I was training with beginners but I moved to the advanced training.


      - Slept at around 2 am, woke up at around 8:30 due to alarm, slept again till 10:46 a.m.
    11. Clock Gears

      by , 03-25-2015 at 09:25 AM
      Morning of March 25, 2015. Wednesday.

      My family and I are living at our present address on W street though it is somewhat different. The area east of us is more like a rural area with less buildings and includes at least one large empty lot. There is a wall clock featured that either is - or is designed to look like - an antique wall clock. The top section is octagonal (same shape as a stop sign - may be an association here with “stopping time” in a “wishful thinking” sort of way) and the bottom section primarily vertically rectangular.

      The clock is the main focus of my dream though we also have a garden where the shed is in reality, covering about half of the backyard on the far side. I notice that there are very tall healthy plants, not sure of the variety, that are taller than a person. I briefly contemplate whether or not other people will be annoyed by this in their not being able to casually “spy” on us.

      There is also a scene where a very old lady (unknown and unfamiliar) with a seeming cheerful disposition is smoking a cigarette in the (fictional) empty lot east of our house. I notice another cigarette (long, but with no filter) in a shallow narrow ditch (running east and west) in the ground and actually smoke it (even though there is no act of lighting it other than with my in-dream thoughts though I am not lucid). Although I am not a smoker in real life and rarely smoke in my dreams, the usual occurs. Small pieces of tobacco annoyingly fill my mouth from the tip each time I inhale from it. At one point, I exhale, and an amount of smoke far more than would be possible flows from my mouth as I sit on the ground. The old lady seems to be looking for the rest of her cigarettes which she had apparently dropped but continues walking east. There is also at least one unknown older male (about forty) standing around at the time on the north side of the ditch. (There is a very subtle geometrical redundancy as dreams tend to have at times. The cigarette lying longways in the small ditch is similar to the elongated drill-bit-like cog fitting in the semi-circular recess of the clock’s door in the next scene.)

      The scene with the clock is fairly long and complex. The only character other than my wife and children at this point is a black-haired young female “servant” (though implied to be divine or angelic, though without the typical mirror-like eyes in this case). She is the one that starts the idea of the work on the clock involving the refurbishing of three different gears. Other than that, the clock seems mostly hollow of working parts but is still implied to work well again when repaired. Her intent to “restore” me (via the clock) seems devotional and selfless (though my wife unknowingly triggered a Blue Pearl event - brighter than usual - when I was in a health-affirming state the other night, just with her mental state at the time from a different room - thus the girl may also represent a young version of my wife - also yet again supplying evidence that the Blue Pearl is related to either direct communication between real soul mates or an entity or mechanism that acts on their behalf).

      Paying close attention, I note that one gear, a slightly elongated cog that almost reminds me of a piece of a drill bit, is quite small and goes into the top edge of the clock’s “door” into a long semi-circular recess closest to the hinged side, though still has something to do with the timing mechanism rather than just the door uniformity and latching. Another cog is fairly large, about one-sixth the size of the clock and goes in the lower left side of the back of the clock’s hollow area. It has the typical inward-pointing rounded triangular hollows of radial symmetry, I believe five of them (likely representing the five fingers). The last cog is about half the size of the previous and goes between the door and the rest of the clock somehow, near the center of the back of the clock’s face. Apparently this work is metaphorical of restoring a certain level of well-being, which did have an effect on my real body after waking in a positive sense.

      This dream was partially a result of generic health-affirming work. Although it is possible to script, write, and incubate a dream exactly as wanted (at any level of in-dream awareness) in every detail with my own lifelong methods, I often use very general terms (such as “thank you for restoring me to maximum well-being” or “thank you for returning me to my healthiest state” and thousands of others) and no plot-based constructs in this case. It is also important to understand the continuity of these phrases (most people get them wrong or use incorrectly worded ones - as most commercial products have incorrect methods implemented which is something I have noted for nearly thirty years - though in some cases a placebo-based event may result with certain people). Supplements of the phrases here should be “thank you for my restoration to maximum well-being” and “thank you for my return to my healthiest state”. This is because other levels of consciousness process word forms in a different manner than the wakeful conscious mind, especially gerunds; for example, as mentioned in another entry, “healing” can have many meanings, including an “infinite now” of NOT ever healing (since ”-ing" implies ongoing and never actually completing).

      The smoking scene in my dream is likely related to a product I was aware of years ago and often joked about. It was a cassette which I read about, supposedly designed to help people quit smoking. The approach used in affirmation was completely wrong and ludicrous. It was typical of invalid dream-work-based or self-hypnosis-based commercial products of the time where negative terms were used and the focus on what was NOT wanted was implemented (for example, saying “I will quit smoking” is pointless at several levels).

      Updated 12-10-2015 at 08:52 AM by 1390

      Tags: clock, gears
      memorable , non-lucid
    12. Short False Awakening

      by , 01-24-2015 at 05:46 AM
      Not really a whole lot of dreaming. My back hurt slightly and there were multiple disturbances while I was trying to sleep. Let's hope the competition will provoke another lucid dream!


      I got out of bed and fumbled around in the dark for a while before finding a torch and taking a clock off of the wall because it was annoying me. I then went back to bed before waking up for real.

      Like I said, not a huge deal of content which kinda sucks. I'll probably get a better sleep tonight and try WBTB again.
      - Have a third lucid dream.
      - Have a conversation with a DC.
      - Fly.
      - Find my Dream Guide.
    13. "Elaborate"?

      by , 10-11-2014 at 04:11 PM
      Morning of October 11, 2014. Saturday.

      This is a soothing dream at first. I am in an unknown location, seemingly inside the large room of a mansion. Sparkling dust motes “swim” in the air.

      There is a rather odd setup. A very large and complex dollhouse, I believe of three storeys, is in one corner of the room, almost as if it is a part of the design of the house (and big enough for a person to go into). It has a sort of combined Grecian and Victorian appearance. Sunlight is coming in through large windows. On the roof of the dollhouse, in front, is a large complex clock. There are white monotone angel statues built into the clock. Their subtle wing movements somehow relate to the clock.

      An unknown darker-haired younger girl appears. She says “elaborate”. In fact, that is all she does say, several times. No attempt at any form of communication results in anything but “elaborate”. She pronounces it as an adjective (not the verbal pronunciation). I think perhaps she is saying it to describe the environment. I am fairly sure she may live here somewhere. No actual communication ensues. It is rather amusing, probably more amusing than frustrating.

      “What is your name?”

      No response.

      Long pause.

      “Elaborate." (Over time, she says "elaborate” at least six times.)

      The feathers on the wings of the angels on the clock seem to flutter at times, but that may be an optical illusion caused by subtle motion of the rays of sun. I think the wings themselves move up and down (over time) with the minute hand.

      Updated 10-22-2015 at 07:55 PM by 1390

      Tags: clock, dollhouse
    14. Time Travel and the Injured Cat

      by , 09-12-2014 at 11:15 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I woke up in a bed, though looking back, it was unfamiliar. It was supposed to be at the house I grew up in. I got up to get a shower. I looked at a clock, and one said it was 9:__am (can't remember the minutes). I then looked at another clock and it said 10:___am. I was confused. I then knew what happened: The clocks had sprang forward, which I had thought that the clocks had just changed a couple of months before, and I had gone back in time. I wasn't sure what made me realize I had gone back in time, but I just knew I had; something was off.

      Something about my younger brother needing a shower first for some reason. My mom and him were both there. He was much younger, probably 11 or so.

      I then saw an orange tabby cat somewhere. He had actually appeared before in the dream, but I can't recall when. He had a hurt front leg. I wanted to help him, but I didn't want to injure him further. I went somewhere else and saw my dad. My dad said something about the cat. I told my dad that I didn't know what to do since you aren't supposed to move an injured animal. He agreed with me that that was correct.


      Only got a few hours of sleep last night. Super early morning this morning for work. Really looking forward to sleeping in this weekend! I need it!
    15. Manipulative Pregnancy, and Art and Music

      by , 08-13-2014 at 01:06 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was living in some strange society that very much so valued pregnancy. Everyone was still human, but there were these weird dolls that looked like small, humanoid potatoes whose bellies would pop out if you were pregnant. It's like you'd set it, it would tick like an egg timer for a few seconds, and then, either the belly would pop out or it wouldn't. The dolls were sitting on a small side cabinet type thing. The people in charge kept them. They were checked daily.

      I was pregnant, but only a week into it. I was still married to Dallas, but for some reason, I wanted to bring Cherie' into our relationship. I did something to where it "set" her to being my wife too. I saw a diagram of her laying in the middle of my bed. I then somehow "set" her to be pregnant too. She did not know about any of this.

      I then changed my mind, however, and changed her "settings" back to how they were before, not with Dallas and I and not pregnant. I then went to check my doll, and its belly did pop out. Cherie' was right behind me, and went to do the same when I was finished. I watched her from behind. She said, before anything happened with the doll,
      "There's no way I'm pregnant."
      The doll's timer clicked a few times, and then its belly then popped out. She was quite surprised. I knew that she would soon have a miscarriage, however, since I "set" her back to not being pregnant. I did not say anything to her as this all was happening.

      Then, I was thinking about being pregnant. I then thought about how some people just gave birth to photographs, not babies. I wondered if I was going to be one of those people.

      Dream skip. I was inside some building. Others were there as well. I was watching a blue octopus "walk" on the land. He was quite close to me, and I was quite taken by the creature. A man then crushed the octopus against a wall to kill it. It then looked like it had deflated. I was so pissed that someone would do something like that! The poor creature! The man carried off the deflated body of the octopus.

      I was then with someone, and we were looking for the guy. We were walking around in some hotel/apartment type building. We found him in a room, and it was a man I work with, Barry. I then couldn't be too mad at him, because Barry is a nice guy.

      Then, this other person and I were outside watching this guy delivering a pizza to a couple of people on the other side of a barbed-wire fence. The pizza was in its box and the box was inside of a white plastic bag. There may have been other food in there as well. He tossed it into the fence, and it got stuck towards the top. The people on the other side couldn't get it, but the pizza guy started to walk away like he didn't care. The person I was with and I went to go dislodge the bag for the people on the other side of the fence. We started to do so, trying not to get pricked by the barbed wire, and then,
      I woke up to the sound of my cat playing with a plastic bag.


      I was at a school/job, taking some art course. I, IWL, do not draw or paint. I was learning in the dream, and had to take over for someone for awhile whose normal job was to keep up with all the artwork by doing the art and then keeping up with and maintaining it. There was a lady who then came in to make sure I was doing everything correctly. She commented on these shelves that had lots of paintings on them, and how they needed to be straightened up. I looked at the shelves, and they were indeed covered in paintings. I told her I was getting to it and that I had just gotten there. She then handed me a paper that showed how I had scored. I did great in everything; it showed 100s next to many explanations, but there was one that had a 7. It meant a 7/10. I was pretty sure it had to do with maintaining the shelves.

      I then was in the art room drawing and looking at the classic-looking analog clock on the wall. I noticed it was almost time for me to take my lunch; I was going from noon-1. I was drawing the silhouette of a woman with long, flowing hair holding a rose.

      I then told someone I was going to lunch. I then went into a band room. The chairs were set up in an arch, as you usually see in a band room. I saw my old friend from high school band, Alex S., sitting on the far right side in the front with his trombone. Other people were in there as well. He asked something about bass trombones, and who played. I raised my hand, and he said
      "You play?" He seemed excited. I then said
      "No, but you play both, don't you?"
      He said yes, he did. He then got up to let me have his seat. I walked up to the seat, and took the trombone. I hit it against something on accident, and it made a "dong" noise a couple of times. I was a little embarrassed. I then was not holding a trombone, but a violin, I believe. I then noticed my old cat, Ziggy, sitting close by. He was watching me. I looked into his eyes, and asked him with my mind
      "How am I doing? Am I doing alright?"
      I was referring to the art now. It was like he had been there for the review that the lady gave, or he was somehow also the lady who gave it.
      He started at me, looking into my eyes as if to acknowledge that I was communicating with him. I noticed how big his eyes were. I "remembered" how he always sat in that spot by the low brass section. I then saw his tail flick the ground. His tail looked fluffy and brown, in contrast to his orange and white fur, though, in the dream, I cannot remember what color his fur was. I knew it was Ziggy, but his fur looked different, though I could't tell you exactly how.

      My husband's alarm then woke me up.


      IWL, Ziggy was my best buddy growing up. He was, to me, a guardian. He watched over me and was always there when I was sad or sick. He made sure I was alright at all times. We had to put him down when I was 14 years old because he was very old (18) and very sick. I miss him still, even now that 12 years have passed since then.
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